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      • KCI등재

        지방 독점백화점 고객들의 전환행동에 관한 연구

        강희숙(Kang Hee Suk) 한국마케팅과학회 2003 마케팅과학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Customers of local monopolistic department store can switch their store more easily than ever due to the rapidly changing environment in distribution system represented by multi-store-strategy of large department stores, increase in discount store and growing non-store retailing system. consequently, local department stores which enjoyed their business with little competition are forced to study and understand the customer switching behavior. This work is intended to understand the switching behavior characteristics of monopolistic local department store users. for the end, previous researches are reviewed firstly, then characteristics of store-switching behavior o customers amid rapidly changing distribution environment are studied in view of the relations of dissatisfaction factor, switching barrier, switch intention and customer characteristics such as shopping orientation, variety-seeking behavior, degree of openess to competition and sociodemographics. Study shows that; 1) dissatisfaction factor is related to customer characteristics (shopping orientation and degree of openess to competition), 2) switching barrier recognition is related to customer characteristics (degree of openess to competition and sociodemographics) and dissatisfaction factor, 3) intention to switch to expected competitor is related to customer characteristics (shopping orientation, degree of openess to competition and sociodemographics) and switching barrier recognition. Accordingly, switch control strategy of the monopolistic local department store facing competitors' entry into market, must be made, specifically, in a way to understand customer characteristics and to make deliberate effort to reduce customer dissatisfaction. 대형 백화점들의 다점포화전략, 할인점의 증가, 무점포업태의 성장 등으로 지방 백화점 고객들이 점포전환을 용이하게 할 수 있는 유통환경이 조성되고 있다. 따라서 그동안 제한된 경쟁상황에서 영업활동을 해 온 지방 백화점들은 고객전환행동에 대한 폭넓은 이해를 필요로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 지방 독점백화점 고객들의 전환행동 특성파악을 위해 선행연구를 검토한 후 유통환경의 급격한 변화속에서 고객들의 전환행동 특성을 불만족요인, 전환장벽, 전환의도, 고객특성(쇼핑향유성향, 다양성추구성향, 경쟁에의 노출정도, 인구통계특성)의 관계를 중심으로 파악해 보았다. 그 결과 불만족요인 평가는 고객의 특성(쇼핑향유성향, 경쟁에서의 노출정도)에 따라 차이가 있으며, 전환장벽 인식은 고객의 특성(경쟁에의 노출정도, 인구통계특성) 및 불만족요인 평가에 따라 차이가 있고, 예상경쟁자로의 전환의도는 고객의 특성(쇼핑향유성향, 경쟁에의 노출정도, 인구통계특성) 및 전환장벽 인식에 따라 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 경쟁자의 시장진입을 눈앞에 두고 있는 지방 독점백화점의 전환관리는 고객특성 파악과 고객불만족을 감소시키려는 노력을 중심으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        소비자 성격, 제품관여도 및 보상이 온라인 잠복관찰행위에 미치는 영향

        강희숙(Hee-Suk Kang),김공수(Kong-Soo Kim) 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.6

        This paper studied the influence of Personality, Product Involvement and Reward on Online Lurking Behavior (OLB) through the PLS analysis with 197 samples collected from college students. The result showd that: First, Each of the Consciousness, Agreeableness and Neuroticism did not appear to give influence to the OLB directly, but Consciousness did through Indifference to posting. Second, Product Involvement showed direct influence to the OLB and indirect influence as well via Indifference to posting. Third, Reward from the company appeared to give negative influence to the OLB, which assures the possibility of a company inducing posting from online lurkers by providing Rewards. Fourth, Indifference to posting showed positive influence to OLB. This study is exploratory, and has a limit in throughly measuring OLB. Despite the limits, this study is meaningful in that it considered both the direct and indirect influence in the analysis of Influencing factors on the OLB. More meaningful suggestions can be expected on the OLB in future study if various parameters discouraging posting, and Extraversion and Openness out from the Five-Factor are added to the study model.

      • KCI등재후보

        시설 생활노인의 ‘묶이지 않을 권리’옹호 방안 : 사회복지사의 “공중옹호(public advocacy)”활동을 중심으로

        강희숙(Kang, Hee Suk) 한국비영리학회 2020 한국비영리연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 노인 요양시설에서 생활하는 노인의 신체구속의 현황을 살펴보고, 시설 생활 노인의 ‘묶이지 않을 권리’ 옹호를 위해 Andreasen & Kotler(2007)가 사회변화를 위한 21세기 비영리 마케팅의 핵심 전략으로 제시한 “공중옹호(public advocacy)”의 도구와 전술을 활용하는 방안에 대해 고찰해 보았다. 시설 생활노인의 ‘묶이지 않을 권리’는 시설 종사자 개인의 인식과 배려의 차원을 넘어 신체구속과 관련한 구체적인 법규와 시설 노인의 인권에 관한 사회구성원의 가치의 변화가 이루어질 때 비로소 실체적 권리가 될 수 있다. 하지만 우리나라는 아직 돌봄 현장에서의 신체구속과 관련한 구체적인 법규가 마련되어 있지 않으며, 돌봄 현장에서의 신체구속의 문제를 주로 노인복지의 영역 안에서 다루고 있는 실정이다. 그래서 노인의 묶이지 않을 권리 보장을 위한 사회복지사의 활동으로 ‘공중옹호(public advocacy)’가 필요하다고 보았다. 이는 사회복지사윤리강령에 나타난 사회복지사의 역할이 공중옹호(public advocacy)와 유사하다는 점에 착안하였다. 공공교육캠페인, 이슈 형성하기, 미디어에 참여하기, 유사 이벤트 만들기, 책을 출판하거나 기획 기사나 칼럼 쓰기, 유명 연예인 참여시키기, 로비하기, 교육 시스템 활용하기, 인터넷을 활용한 풀뿌리 조직하기, 그리고 연차보고서 활용하기 등 총 10가지의 공중옹호(public advocacy)의 도구와 전술을 사회복지사의 활동에 적용하여 보고, 향후 사회복지사의 역할이 공중옹호(public advocacy) 활동으로 확장되어야 함을 제시하였다. This study examines the status of physical restraint of the elderly living in nursing homes and in order to the right to be untied of the elderly, makes use the tools and tactics of public advocacy” that Andreasen and Kotler (2007) were proposed as the core strategies of 21st century non-profit marketing for social change. The right to be untied of the elderly in nursing home can be substantive rights only when the specific laws and regulations related to physical restraint are established and the value of the human rights of the elderly is changed. However, Korea does not have specific laws yet and physical restraint of the elderly living in nursing homes is dealt with in the area of welfare. Because of this, as social worker’s activity, public advocacy is necessary. And it is noted that public advocacy is similar to the role of social workers in the Code of Ethics of Social Workers. This study utilizes a total of 10 public advocacy tools and tactics; public education campaigns, framing the issue, engaging in media advocacy, creating pseudo-events, producting influential books and op-ed pieces, enlisting the help of the entertainment media, lobbying, working through the education system, marshalling the grassroots, and using the annual report. And this study suggests that the role of social workers should be expanded to public advocacy.

      • KCI등재후보

        사이코드라마전문가의 디렉팅 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구

        강희숙 ( Hee Sook Kang ),조성희 ( Sung Hee Cho ),김희숙 ( Hui Suk Kim ),김은영 ( Eun Yoyng Kim ),이순섭 ( Soon Seob Lee ),이옥진 ( Ok Jin Lee ),성은옥 ( Eun Ok Sung ) 한국사이코드라마.소시오드라마학회 2013 한국사이코드라마학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 사이코드라마를 진행하는 전문가의 디렉팅 경험의 의미와 본질이 무엇인지를 연구함으로써, 사이코드라마전문가와 사이코드라마전문가 수련생의 발전에 기여하고자 한다. 이를 위해 한국사이코드라마·소시오드라마 학회 소속 사이코드라마 전문가 15명을 대상으로 2013년 2월부터 4월까지 디랙팅 경험에 대한 심층면접을 실시한 후, Giorgi의 현상학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 그 결과 7개의 구성요소, 28개의 하위구성요소, 그리고 177개의 의미단위가 도출되었다. 7개의 구성요소는 ‘현실의 나에서 디렉터로 들어감’, ‘주인공 선정에 대한 조바심을 버리고 진행해 감’, ‘핵심을 놓치거나 집단원의 간섭으로 자발성이 저하됨’, ‘디렉팅 도중긍정적 힘을 받아 극복해 나감’, ‘디렉팅 후 자기 분석을 통해 성장해 나감’, ‘피드백에 대한 수용을 통해 새로운 시각을 가짐’, ‘디렉팅이 주는 행복이 밀려옴’ 등이었다. 이러한 디렉터의 경험은 수행과정중인 디렉터의 성장은 물론 사이코드라마 디렉터 수련생에게는 소중한 가이드가 될 수 있으며, 수련감독자를 위한 교육과정지침서를 제공하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the meaning and the essence of directing experiences of psychodramatists, and to contribute for the development of those who practice psychodrama and those who are trainees of psychodrama. Methods: Data were collected through in-depth interviews with fifteen psychodramatists from February to April of 2013, who are certified by the Korean Association for Psychodrama and Sociodrama(KAPS). Data were analyzed using Giorgi`s phenomenological data analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in seven essential components, 28 sub-components and 177 meaningful units. Seven essential components are ‘Becoming a director out of present self,’ ‘Getting rid of anxiety about protagonist selection to proceed,’ ‘Becoming out of focus or less spontaneous due to interruption by group members,’ ‘Overcoming by help of positive input in the process of psychodrama,’ ‘Growing by help of self analysis after psychodrama,’ ‘Attaining a new view point by accepting feedback,’ ‘Becoming overwhelmed with happiness from directing psychodrama’. Conclusion: The findings could be used as a valuable guide for trainees of psychodrama as well as for helping directors who practice psychodrama grow.

      • KCI등재

        중국 도시 직장인들의 관계별 선물행위 특성

        강희숙(Kang Hee Suk) 한국소비문화학회 2005 소비문화연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 선물증여의 대상을 가족, 아주 친밀한 사람, 적당히 가까운 사람, 직장이나 사회생활에서 알게된 공적 또는 형식적인 관계의 사람으로 구분하여 중국 도시 직장인들의 관계별 선물행위의 특성을 파악하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 관계가 가까울수록 선물빈도가 더 높고 특히 의례적인 상황때 선물을 더 많이 하며, 도움을 받았을 때나 부탁할 때는 적게 하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 관계가 가까울수록 선물선택 관여도가 더 높고, 좋은 품질, 실용적인 것, 개인적인 것이 중요한 선물선택기준이지만, 가격범위의 제한은 덜 받았다. 셋째, 관계가 가까울수록 선물증여행위를 더 즐겁게 느끼고, 선물이 관계에 미치는 영향은 더 낮다고 생각하며, 선물증여시 선물수령자가 좋아하는 것을 가장 크게 기대하되, 감사함의 표현, 되받음, 필요시 도움을 받는 것, 위신ㆍ평판에 대한 기대는 낮았다. 따라서 중국 도시 직장인들은 관계에 따라 선물행위의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. In this study, characteristics of gift giving behavior of workers in chinese urban area has been investigated depending on the closeness of gift giver and receiver, classifying the object of the study as family, very close, good, and hi-byes acquainted in social activities like working in the same place. Study revealed that as the relations between giver and receiver was closer, they exchanged gifts more often in ritual situations and less when they were being helped or asking for some help each other. In closer relations, involvement in gift was higher and personal items and items of good quality and usefulness were chosen, and being less restricted by price. Also, in closer relations, it turned out that they felt pleasant about gift giving itself, thinking the impact of gift giving on their relations to be small, and were expecting receiver’s delightedness strongly, while expectation for receiver’s expression of gratitude, help in time of need and improved reputation were relatively low. In conclusion, differences in gift giving behavior of chinese urban workers were found to be exist depending on the closeness of their relations.

      • KCI등재

        자기선물(Self-gift)의 탐색적 연구

        강희숙(Kang, Hee Suk) 한국소비문화학회 2012 소비문화연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 서구에서 이루어진 자기선물(self-gift)에 관한 선행연구를 토대로 우리나라의 자기선물(self-gift)현황을 파악한 후 물질주의와 자기선물(self-gift)의 관계를 분석하였다. 우리나라의 자기선물(self-gift) 현황에서는 첫째, 여유돈이 생기거나 그냥 자신을 위해 자기선물(self-gift)을 가장 많이 하며, 그 다음은 기념, 축하, 위로의 상황으로 나타났다. 또 결과가 좋고 그 결과가 내적 통제상황에서 발생했을 때 자기선물(self-gift) 의도가 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 자기선물(self-gift) 상황에 따라 선호되는 선물종류의 차이가 있고, 셋째, 자기선물(self-gift)후에 호의적 감정을 경험하는 경향이 있었다. 넷째, 인구통계특성중 성별에 따라 자기선물(self-gift) 구매빈도와 구매후 감정의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 물질주의와 자기선물(self-gift)의 관계 분석에서는 첫째, 물질주의를 구성하는 네 요인의 자기선물(selfgift) 구매빈도 설명력이 높지 않은 것으로 나타났고, 이중 물질쾌락요인만이 통계적으로 유의하였다. 둘째, 자기선물(self-gift)후의 감정에 대해서도 역시 물질주의 네 요인의 설명력이 높지 않았고, 물질쾌락요인만이 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 우리나라에서 자기선물(self-gift)현상의 존재를 확인했다는 점에서 의의가 있으며, 실무적으로 유통업체들이 고객들을 대상으로 한 자기선물(self-gift) 상황의 인식이나 제안을 통해 자기선물(self-gift)을 동기유발시키고, 자기선물(self-gift) 상황별 적절한 촉진전략과 고객들의 자기선물(self-gift) 상황에 조언해 줄 수 있도록 종업원들의 교육훈련을 통해 더 나은 재무적 성과를 거둘 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 하지만 본 연구에서 물질주의의 자기선물(self-gift)빈도에 대한 설명력이 낮게 나타나 자기선물(self-gift)과 관련된 다른 변수들에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다. In this paper, self-gift trend in Korea was studied based on the researches in western countries, then, the relation between materialism and self-gift was analysed. Firstly, it was found that most of the self-gift were being made when people have extra money to spend or just wanted to be nice to themselves, and celebration, congratulation and consolation were found to be the following reason for the self-gift in Korea. Also, intension to self-gift was found strong in a situation when the result of ones' work was good and the result was made under internally controllable circumstances. Secondly, the kind of gift was found to be different depending on the situation of the selfgift. Thirdly, it was found that people experienced good mood after self-gift. Lastly, the mood after selfgift and purchase frequency for self-gift were found to be different depending on the sexuality among demographic characteristics of people. The analysis on the relation between materialism and self-gift showed the followings. Firslty, the four factors of materialism were not as influential in the purchase frequency for self-gift as expected while 'pleasure from material' was the only statistically significant factor. Secondly, the four factors of materialism were not as influential in the mood after the self-gift as expected. The 'pleasure from material' was the only statistically meaningful factor to the mood after the self-gift. The significance of this study is that it revealed the established existence of self-gift among Korean consumers, which means in practice, retailers could expect better financial result by triggering the customers' intention to self-gift through the understanding of the self-gift situation or the recommendation of self-gift to customers, by training employees enabling them to give self-gifting advise to customers, and by taking tailor-made promotion strategies for different sef-gifting situations. Further research to find factors other than the materialism affecting self-gift is needed since the relation between materialism and self-gift was not found to be significant enough in this study.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 욕설 사용의 심리적 기제 및 순화 방안

        강희숙(Kang Hui-suk),양명희(Yang Myung-hee) 한국언어문학회 2011 한국언어문학 Vol.79 No.-

        This study identified the conditions of adolescents’ use of abusive language and the psychological mechanism, and based on the results, it presented measures to refine their language. The results of the study are summarized as follows: First, the study focused on identifying the degree of using abusive language, activities where it is used and objects to which it is used and discovered that 94.6% of the subjects used abuses related with sex, physical and emotional defects targeting their friends(70.3%) when they played with them. In respect to psychological mechanisms of using abusive languages, it was discovered that they used abuses habitually or followed others. It indicates that there are no specific motives to use common abuses. However, as psychological mechanisms of using habitual or common abuses, they used them to relieve stress, to increase friendship, and not to be disregarded, or because they are easy and communicative. In this context, as it was discovered that the right function of abuses worked rather than the reverse function, use of abuses was justified. Finally, in considering that students showed doubtful attitudes toward school education on refinement of abuses and answered they have to try to speak less abuses, it is more desirable to present intentional education which induces their voluntary efforts to refine their language and it is suggested that the students should check their own attitudes and recognition themselves.

      • KCI등재

        국제표준은행관행(ISBP 745)상 보험서류 요건의 개정내용에 관한 연구

        박석재(Suk-Jae Park),강희숙(Hee-Suk Kang) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.6

        This paper intends to study the revision of insurance documents under ISBP 745 relative to the following aspects: issuer, signing and original of an insurance document, dates, an insured party and endorsement. Main revised contents of insurance documents under ISBP 745 are as follows: First, an insurance document is to appear to have been issued and signed by an insurance company or underwriter or their agent or proxy. Second, an insurance document that indicates that cover is provided by more than one insurer may be signed by a single agent or proxy on behalf of all insurers or be signed by an insurer for [or on behalf of] all co-insurers. Third, when a credit requires the insurance document to be issued in more than one original, or when the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original, all originals are to be presented and are to appear to have been signed. Fourth, an insurance document that indicates coverage has been effected from ‘warehouse-to-warehouse’ or words of similar effect, and is dated after the date of shipment, does not indicate that coverage was effective from a date not later than the date of shipment. Fifth, a credit should not require an insurance document to be issued ‘to bearer’, or ‘to order’. A credit should indicate the name of an insurance party. Sixth, when a credit is silent as to the insured party, an insurance document is not to evidence that claims are payable to the order of, or in favour of, the beneficiary or any entity other than the issuing bank or applicant, unless it is endorsed by the beneficiary or that entity in blank or in favour of the issuing bank or applicant.

      • KCI등재

        흡연 청소년의 신념, 친구교제, 통제력, 흡연 의도 및 자기효능에 대한 비교연구

        김희경(Hee-Kyung Kim),최은숙(Eun-Sook Choi),문선순(Sun-Soon Moon),강현숙(Hyun-Sook Kang),강희숙(Hee-Sook Kang),박연숙(Yoen-Suk Park),신연순(Yeon-Soon Shin),안정선(Jung-Sun Ann),조순자(Soon-Ja Cho) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2004 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare beliefs about social rule, differential peer association, perceived behavioral control, intention of smoking, and self efficacy for rejecting smoking among smokers, reformed smokers, and non smokers in adolescence. The subjects were 576 adolescents in middle and high school, living in K city. The data was collected through questionnaires from December 1st to 18th, 2002 was analyzed using descriptive statistics, x2-test, and ANOVA. 1) The general characteristics and characteristics related to smoking among smokers, reformed smokers, and non smokers in adolescence showed differences as follows: sex, mother's education, monthly allowance, thinking about teacher's smoking, feelings about the smoking scene, thinking about father's smoking, drinking, satisfaction of school, and sexual experience. 2) Belief about social rule, differential peer association, perceived behavioral control, intention of smoking, and self efficacy for rejecting smoking among the three groups showed differences as follows: smokers have a lower belief about social rule, lower perceived behavioral control, lower self-efficacy for rejecting smoking, but higher differential peer association and higher intention of smoking than those of reformed smokers and non smokers. We recommend the development of a nursing program for anti-smoking behavior including the research factors affecting attitudes of smoking adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        한국 어린이와 청소년의 요중 크레아티닌 농도와 영향요인에 대한 연구

        이진헌,안령미,강희숙,최석남,홍춘표,김진경,Lee, Jin-Heon,Ahn, Ryeong-Mi,Kang, Hee-Sook,Choi, Suk-Nam,Hong, Chun-Pyo,Kim, Jin-Gyong 한국환경보건학회 2012 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Creatinine-adjustment is an important process in the urinary monitoring of the environmental exposure of children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentrations of urinary creatinine and factors associated with them among Korean children and adolescents. We recruited 1,025 persons from 128 extracted schools. They were from three to 18 years old and supplied urine samples for measuring creatinine. The concentrations of urinary creatinine were 98.18 mg/dl (SD, 67.67) in arithmetic mean and 72.05 mg/dl (GSD 2.49) in geometric mean, were significantly higher among male children/adolescents than females in all age groups, and higher values appeared following increasing ages, heights and BMIs. The rates of the number who were below the lowest limit recommended by WHO (<30 mg/dl) were 25.57% among three to four year olds, 21.77% among five to six year olds, 20.0% among seven to eight year olds and 14.69% among nine to ten year olds, respectively. The rates of those above the highest limit (>300 mg/dl) were 0.0% among three to twelve year olds. The coefficient of determination R-square of the fitted regression model for urinary creatinine was 27.4% with general characteristic variables of sex, age, BMI and height. The significant variables among these were height (standardized beta = 0.372) and age (standardized beta = 0.129). Another coefficient of determination R-square was 15.3% with dietary habit variables of smoking, drinking, dining area, number of meals and snacks, and intake of milk food, cup-noodles, canned foods, popcorn, nachos, and hamburgers. In conclusion, the concentration of urinary creatinine was significantly lower in children than in adults, and was very significantly associated with the height of children. Therefore, children need the recommended concentrations for urinary creatinine, as distinguished from adults.

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