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        대학생의 대인관계유능성과 자기통제력이 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향

        강현임,이영란,황주희 한국중독범죄학회 2017 한국중독범죄학회보 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 스마트폰 이용률이 높은 대학생들을 대상으로 대인관계유능성과 자기통제력이스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위한 연구이다. 연구대상자는 전북, 경북, 경기, 강원도 지역 대학생 271명의 설문지를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 스마트폰 중독은 여학생이 남학생보다, 저학년보다 고학년으로 올라갈수록, 학교생활만족도가 낮을수록 높은 것으로 나타났다. 자기통제력은 여학생이 남학생보다, 저학년보다 고학년으로 올라갈수록, 학교생활만족도가 높을수록 높게 나타났다. 대인관계유능성은 남학생이 여학생보다, 학교생활만족도가 높을수록, 가족관계 친밀도가 높을수록 높은 것으로 나타났다. 스마트폰중독이 낮은 군일수록 자기통제력과 대인관계유능성이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 대인관계유능성이 높을수록 자기통제를 잘하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 대학생들의 스마트폰 중독을 예방하기위해 자기통제력과 대인관계유능성이 낮은 대학생을 선별하여 자기통제력과 대인관계유능성을 높일 수 있는 프로그램 개발 및 학생 지도가 필요하다. 연구결과는 효과적인 스마트폰 중독 예방 및 절제 방안에 대한 모색과 스마트폰 중독 예방 교육에 필요한 기초자료로 활용될것이다. This research was carried out with the university students whose rate of use of the smartphone was high as the subjects in order to confirm the influences of the interpersonal relationship capability and the self-controlling ability on the smartphone addiction. The survey questionnaire answers by 271 university students in Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk, Gyeonggi, and Gangwondo, who were the research subjects, were analyzed. It appeared that, according to the general, special characteristics, the smartphone addiction was higher among the female students than the male students, the higher the grades the students went up, and the lower the level of the satisfaction was regarding the school life. Regarding the self-controlling ability, it was higher among the female students than the male students, the higher the grades the students went up from the low grades, and the higher the level of the satisfaction regarding the school life. Regarding the interpersonal relationship capability, it appeared that it was higher among the male students than the female students, the higher the level of the satisfaction regarding the school life, and the higher the level of the intimacy with the family members. The lower the smartphone addiction, the self-controlling ability was higher, and the interpersonal relationship capability, too, appeared higher. And it appeared that the higher the interpersonal relationship capability, the better the self-control was. The development of a program and the student guidance that can heighten the self-controlling ability and the interpersonal relationship capability by sorting out the university students whose self-controlling abilities and interpersonal relationship capabilities are low for preventing the smartphone addiction on the part of the university students based on such results are needed. Also, they will be utilized as the basic materials needed for seeking after a coping plan regarding the effective prevention of the addiction to the smartphone and regarding the effective restraint in relation to the use of the smartphone, and they will be utilized as the basic materials needed for the education for the prevention of smartphone addiction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 상황에서 간호대학생의 기본간호실습 경험

        강현임,김승주,이봉숙 한국재활간호학회 2023 재활간호학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to investigate the experiences of face-to-face fundamental nursing practice during the COVID-19 pandemic among nursing students. Methods: Eleven nursing students participated in interviews conducted over a three-month period, from December 2020 to March 2021. With subjects' consent, interviews were tape-recorded, and focus groups were utilized. Colaizzi's (1978) phenomenological method guided the analysis of transcripts. Results: The analysis revealed 22 themes, organized into 10 clusters and 5 categories. Identified categories encompassed 'Ambivalence towards face-to-face classes,' 'Trying their best to maintain practice,' 'A task that needs to be practically learned,' 'Time to fill an empty space,' and 'Becoming a pre-nurse through hardships.' Conclusion: This study provides foundational data for the development of practical fundamental nursing practice education and a corresponding system tailored to the challenges faced by nursing students in the era of new infectious diseases. The insights gained contribute to the enhancement of fundamental nursing practice education, better preparing nursing students for real-world scenarios, particularly in the context of ongoing and future pandemics.

      • KCI등재

        4학년 간호학생의 10주간 말초정맥주사 프로그램 경험

        강현임,이영란 질적연구학회 2019 질적연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate the experience of 10-week peripheral intravenous injection program operated as part of the NCS-based none-curriculum Job Skill Improvement Program for 4th grade nursing students. Methods: This is a qualitative study based on phenomenological analysis of Colaizzi(1978) through focus group interviews. Results: The following five categories appeared: 'Feeling insufficient', 'learning skills necessary for clinical practice', 'Learning the mindset of medical practitioners', 'Becoming proficient', 'Having what can be relied'. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop practical training strategy and programs so that intensive education and repeated practice of peripheral intravenous injection can be given to nursing students who will graduate soon

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농촌여성노인의 여가체험

        강현임 韓國老年學會 2010 한국노년학 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구는 농촌여성노인들이 체험하는 여가생활의 의미와 본질이 무엇인지 이해하고, 그들의 삶의 과정에 있어서 여가생활이 어떤 영향과 의미를 주는지 밝혀내어 건강과 관련된 간호중재 개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구방법은 질적연구방법으로 van Manen의 해석학적 현상학적 분석방법을 사용하였다. 그 결과 농촌여성노인이 체험하는 여가생활은 '어울림을 통해 외로움 극복하기', '몸을 활용해 심신(心身)의 조화 이루기', '내 힘으로 자식(子息)의 짐 덜어주기', '무료한 세월보내기', '소소한 즐거움 찾기', '새로운 것을 익히며 뿌듯함 얻기', '세상과 소통하며 살아가기' 등의 7개의 본질적 주제를 도출하였다. 농촌여성노인이 체험하는 여가생활은 자연과 동화되면서, 건강과 사회관계를 유지하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 농촌의 사회·경제적 특성으로 인한 외로움과 소외감 등을 연배노인들과 어울리며, 이를 극복하기 위한 시간임을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning and essence of leisure activities experienced by older females in rural communities and, in reference to that, to provide basic data to help develop health-promoting nursing intervention programs by investigating the indications of leisure and its effects on older individuals' life process. The qualitative research method of van Manen's Hermeneutical analysis and Phenomenological research are useful to study the true meaning and nature of experiences inherited from their language, belief, culture and social traditions. Consequently, the leisure that the women from the rural community were found to have experienced came down to a total of seven themes or activities: (a) to overcome loneliness through social interaction and get-togethers; (b) to achieve balance between body and mind by engaging in physical activities; (c) to try and help ease the burden on one's children; (d) to simply kill time; (e) to find oneself small pleasures; (f) to learn something new and feel proud; and (g) to live one's life as maintaining communication with the outside world. The study herein confirmed that the female elderly in rural area spend their free time on appreciating the nature, maintaining health and social interaction and hanging around with the peers of similar age to overcome economic woes and the feeling of estrangement unique in the social and economic context of rural communities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        4학년 간호학생의 119구급대원 인턴십 경험

        강현임,김지현 한국취업진로학회 2016 취업진로연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 4학년 간호학과 학생의 119구급대원 인턴십 경험의 의미와 구조를 탐색하고 심층적으로 이해하기 위함이다. 방법: 참여자는 W대학교 4학년에 재학 중인 간호학과 학생으로 2주간의 119구급대원 인터십 경험이 있는 학생 8명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료 수집기간은 2012년 9월부터 12월까지 였으며 자료 수집을 위해 참여자와 심층면담을 하였다. 면담은 개방형 질문으로 시작하여 모두 녹취 되었으며 시간은 30분에서 1시간 소요되었다. 질적 연구방법인 Colaizzi(1978)의 현상학적 연구방법을 통해 119구급대원 인턴십 경험의 본질을 탐색하고자한다. 결과: 119구급대원 인턴십 경험의 의미를 분석한 결과 51개의 주제, 23개의 주제모음, 10개의 범주가 확인 되었다. 10개의 범주는 ‘임상 외에 새로운 직업을 탐색함’, ‘다양한 응급상황을 경험함’, ‘간호인으로서 마음가짐을 새로이 함’, ‘심신의 긴장으로 힘이 듦’, ‘응급상황에서 다양한 대처방법을 배움’, ‘응급처치시 스스로 부족함을 느낌’, ‘상황적 한계에 아쉬운 마음이 생김’, ‘동료로서 정을 느낌’, ‘구급대 직업에 대해 양가감정을 느낌’, ‘도전할 만한 직업임을 확인함’ 등이 도출되었다. 결론: 인턴십을 통해 119구급대의 간호사 업무를 확인하고 응급상황에 노출된 여러 가지 다양한 경험을 하게 되며 응급상황에 대처하는 방법, 미래의 간호인으로서의 새로운 마음가짐을 다지게 된다. 그러나 현장에서의 경험을 통해 스스로 부족함을 느끼고, 상황적 한계에 아쉬운 마음이 생긴다. 다양한 응급상황이 발생하는 어려운 현장 상황 속에서 동료애를 느끼고 무척 힘이 드는 직업이지만 도전해 볼만한 직업이라고 생각하면서 119구급대 직업에 대해 양가감정을 가지게 된다. 본 연구의 의의는 119구급대원 인턴십 경험에 대한 보다 심도 있는 이해를 바탕으로 간호사직군으로 취업 가능한 119구급대 직업에 대한 이해의 기초자료로 제공하는데 있으며, 졸업을 앞둔 간호학생의 향후 취업 지도에 도움을 주기 위함이다. 또한 실습지 부족으로 임상실습에 어려움이 있는 현 상황에서 의료 기관 외에 다양한 기관의 실습운영의 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. Having a job is primarily in order to realize the self and their livelihoods. Internship provides learning opportunities for college students who are planning to build their future careers. College period is the exploratory stage in the life long career. development stand point. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore how interns learn from their internship participation, and how their experience lead them to plan their careers. Purpose: Comprehending the meaning of fourth year nursing students’ 119 paramedic internship experiences, and to understand it in depth. Method: The participants of this study were 8 Nursing Students who Internship at the 119 Paramedic for two weeks. The semi-structured questionnaire used for data collection was reconstructed using the questions used in Colaizzi’s(1978) study. They were asked to record and describe diverse aspects of their 119 Paramedic Internship Experiences in the facilities. Collected data included the participants’ feelings and thoughts about their 119 Paramedic Internship Experiences. Data were collected from September, 2012 to December, 2012. With Colaizzi’s(1978) phenomenological method which is a qualitative research method, this study intends to explore the essence of the 119 paramedic internship experience. Result: By carefully reading the in-depth interview data several times, 238 significant sentences and phrases were selected according to Colaizzi’s analytic method. By analyzing the meaning of 119 paramedic internship experience, 51 subjects, 23 subject collections, 10categories were confirmed. The summary of the results discovered are as the following. For 10categories, `Searching for a new job in addition to clinical’, ‘Experiencing diverse emergency situations’, ‘Renewing in mental attitude as care givers’, ‘Laboriousness due to mental and physical tension’, ‘Learning various response measures in an emergency’, ‘Feeling inadequate in giving emergency treatment’, ‘Feeling sorry for situational limitations’, ‘Feeling affection as colleagues’, ‘Feeling ambivalence towards jobs’ and ‘Assuring the job is worth challenging’ were derived. Conclusion: Through internship, nursing students understand nurses works, have several different experiences exposed in the event of an emergency, and learn the ways how to deal with emergencies, which gives a new mind set as future care-givers. However, they feel inadequate themselves through the experience in the field and also feel sorry about situational limitations. In difficult situations which a variety of on-site emergency occurs in, they feel fellowship as a nurse and think it worth challenging work even though it is back-breaking job, and feel ambivalence towards paramedic jobs. Based on the in-depth understanding of 119 paramedic internship experience, this study provides preliminary data for vocational guidance and intends to help the future employment guidance. Furthermore, this study provides a basic information for the practical operation of the various agencies in difficult situations of clinical practice due to the lack of field practice agencies. Based on the in-depth understanding of 119 paramedic internship experience, this study was to introduce occupational diversity as a nurse and to provide preliminary data for vocational guidance.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 중독 간호대학생의 경험

        강현임,차진경,오희 한국중독범죄학회 2020 한국중독범죄학회보 Vol.10 No.1

        최근 인터넷이 급속도로 빨라지고 스마트폰 보급이 급증하여 스마트폰 중독은 나날이 늘어 가고 있다. 특히 대학생은 스마트폰과 매우 밀접한 관계이기 때문에 대학생들에게 스마트폰 의 영향력은 상상할 수 없을 정도로 거대해졌다. 그에 따른 중독의 비율도 급증할 수밖에 없 는 것이 현실이다. 대학생들은 말 그대로 스마트폰 없이 하루도 살 수 없는 상태가 되어버렸 고 스마트폰으로 모든 것을 한다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 본 연구는 간호대학생의 스마트폰 중 독의 본질을 확인하기 위한 질적연구이다. 포커스그룹(Focus Group)인터뷰 한 내용을 Colaizzi(1978)의 현상학적 방법으로 분석한 질적연구이다. 자료 수집은 스마트폰중독 척도 설문지를 통해 스마트폰 게임에 고위험군에 해당하는 학생 11명을 대상으로 2017년 11월부터 2018년 2월 까지 포커스 그룹 인터뷰방법과 심층면담을 통해 이루어졌다. 스마트폰 중독의 본질을 확인한 결과 33개의 주제, 14개의 주제모음, 5개의 범주가 확인되었다. ‘나의 또 다른 세계’, ‘새로운 소유욕’, ‘편리한 일상생활 도우미’, ‘문제라고 인식함’, ‘멀리하려고 애쓰나 절 제가 안 됨’ 등 5개의 범주로 나타났다. 대학생의 스마트폰 중독을 미리 확인할 수 있는 프로 그램 운영의 제도적 필요성 및 중독예방 교육이 필요하다. 연구결과는 효과적인 스마트폰 중 독 예방 및 절제방안에 대한 모색과 스마트폰 중독 예방 교육에 필요한 기초자료로 활용될 것이다. In this age where the Internet is rapidly accelerating and the spread of Smartphone is soaring, Smartphone addiction may be a natural result at this time. Especially since college students are closely related to Smartphone, the influence of Smartphone has become enormous to college student. The proportion of addictions resulting from it have been increasing in number. college students are literally in a state where they can not afford a day without a Smartphone, and it is no exaggeration to say that they do everything with a Smartphone. This study is a qualitative study to identify the nature of smartphone addiction in nursing students. This qualitative study compared and analyzed the internal meaning of experienced by college students addicted to Smartphone. Data were collected between November 1, 2017, and February 26, 2018, via self-administered questionnaires, focus group interviews, and in-depth interviews targeting eleven students deemed as having high-risk Smartphone addiction. A qualitative study of Colaizzi's (1978) phenomenological analysis of interviews with Focus Group. By analyzing the meaning of Smartphone Addiction experience in Nursing Student, 33subjects, 14 subject collections, 5categories are confirmed. The study found six categories: 'Another My World', 'A new possessive desire', 'Convenient Daily Life', 'Recognized as a Problem', 'Trying to stay Away but no control'. The results of this study show that the institutional necessity of program operation and the prevention of addiction education are necessary to confirm the smartphone addiction of college students. education for the prevention of smartphone addiction.. Also, they will be utilized as the basic materials needed for seeking after a coping plan regarding the effective prevention of the addiction to the smartphone and regarding the effective restraint in relation to the use of the smartphone, and they will be utilized as the basic materials needed for the education for the prevention of smartphone addiction.

      • 전기차 충전시스템을 위한 도시철도 DC 전력의 활용방안 연구

        강현일(Kang Hyun-il),김윤식(Kim Youn-sik),심재석(Sim Jae-suk),임형길(Im Hyeong-gil),유기선(Ryu Ki-seon),이기승(Lee Gi-seung) 한국철도학회 2010 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        Electric vehicles have reached a new level of development with introductions by Chrysler, Ford, Honda and Toyota. Today's charging technology includes conductive and inductive charging systems. There are three standardized charging levels: Level 1: charging can be done from a standard, grounded AC 120V, 3-prong outlet available in all homes Level 2: charging is at AC 240V, 40 amp charging station with special consumer features to make it easy and convenient to plug in and charge EVs at home or at an EV charging station Level 3: a high-powered charging "fast charge" technology currently under development that will provide a charge in less than 15 minutes. The incoming AC power is converted to DC and stored in the vehicle's batteries. In this paper, we investigated the application of urban railway DC electric power for electric car charging system.

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