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      • KCI등재

        4세 이후에 구개성형술을 시행받은 환자의 발음개선

        강철욱,배용찬,남수봉,강영석,권순복 대한성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.33 No.3

        Time to time, we face patients who missed the proper time for primary palatal repair. Although we do not have enough available documents, it is important to establish efficacy of palatal repair in patients more than 4 years old. From May 1995 to March 2005, we selected 14 patients who underwent palatal repair in more than 4 years old patients and they are able to tolerate speech articulation tests. Out of 14 patients 5 males an 9 females in sex, aged form 4 to 50 years old. 6 patients with incomplete cleft palate and 8 patients with submucous cleft palate. Double reversing Z-plasty(n=5), pushback palatoplasty(n=4), two flap palatoplasty(n=2), von Langenbeck palatoplasty(n=2), and intravelar veloplasty(n=1) were performed. Preoperative and postoperative speech articulation test, “Simple method of speech evaluation in Korean patients with cleft palate”, were conducted. Satisfaction rate was sorted into 5 levels. There is no significant statistical correlation in the speech improvement, satisfaction rate, patients sex, cleft type and operative method. But there is significant statistical correlation between the speech improvement and patienet's age. There were better result in younger patient group than aged patients group.

      • KCI등재

        육안상 구개열이 없는 구개인두기능부전 환자의 술후 발음 개선

        배용찬,강철욱,남수봉,허재영,강영석 대한성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.33 No.2

        The velopharyngeal dysfunction usually occurs in patients with previous operation of the cleft palate or with submucosal cleft palate. In case of velopharyngeal dysfunction without cleft palate, no study has been made when it comes to operative method and postoperative results. Here, we would like to present the operative methods and the postoperative results with the cases we've experienced. This study is based on seven cases of velopharyngeal dysfunction without cleft palate from 1999 to 2004. Analysis of age, sex, etiology, operative methods, satisfaction rate and speech evaluation was done. The patients were 3 males and 4 females, with an age ranged from 10 to 28 at the time of surgery. The follow-up period was more than six months. One case had bifid uvula, another had atypical anomaly in palate, and five cases had no anatomical abnormality. The palatal lengthening was done on one patient, the levator muscle repositioning on another patient and to the rest of them, the superiorly based posterior pharyngeal flap was done. It was difficult to determine the etiology of the velopharyngeal dysfunction without cleft palate. The speech improvement and the satisfaction rate of the patients and parents were diverse. Although the authors had a problem with statistical analysis between the operative age and the speech improvement, it was reasonable to perform a surgical operation because postoperative speech improvement was observed in most cases regardless of age. There is little statistical correlation, but significantly higher outcomes were observed in palatal lengthening and levator muscle repositioning than in pharyngeal flap.

      • KCI등재후보

        안와 격막내 자가지방이식술과 절개식 중검술을 이용한 함몰된 상안검의 교정

        윤동주,강철욱,배용찬 대한미용성형외과학회 2008 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.14 No.2

        Sunken upper eyelids are one of the common and complicated problems that occur with an aging process or after double eyelidplasty. Autologous microfat grafting is a technique that has frequently been used for sunken eyelids. The traditional blind method of microfat grafting has a some complications. Therefore, we performed the open method with incisional double eyelidplasty. Between June, 2005 and February, 2008, we performed incisional double eyelidplasty and autologous microfat grafting into orbital septum in 63 patients(124 cases) with sunken upper eyelids. The fat was harvested from periumbilical regionand centrifuged at 3000rpm for 3 minutes. After the middle fat layer was obtained by 1cc syringe, we made skin incision and separated orbital septum(inner layer) and levator aponeurosis. And then, we injected the microfat into orbital septum with 0.9mm blunt cannula. At this time, one of the important things was to make the patient gaze upward during the fat injection. All the patients were satisfied, except 5 cases which were 3 cases of undercorrection and 2 cases of asymmetry. Surgical revision was required for only the above 5 cases(4%). Patients with some transient complications of ptosis (13 cases), overcorrection(4 cases) and nodular appearance(2 cases) were self-improved. We found that the method using incisional double eyelidplasty and autologous microfat grafting into orbital septum has many advantages which include less traumatic, less complication rate, less absorption rate of fat. and less burden of patients.

      • KCI등재후보

        유방확대술 후 발생한 보형물 누출의 처치에 대한 경험과 분석

        윤동주,배용찬,강철욱,남수봉,최수종,이민우,정성훈,송인수,김현옥 대한미용성형외과학회 2008 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.14 No.1

        With the rising of augmentation mammaplasty, deflation of implant is increasing. So authors investigated and analyzed on patients who were treated due to deflation. Subjects were 15 patients(16 breasts) from September 1995 to March 2006. Authors had been investigated and analyzed the method of augmentation mammaplasty, types of breast implant, duration until deflation occurred, duration to reoperation, reoperation method and patient satisfaction. The follow-up period after reoperation was 33 months. The methods of augmentation mammaplasty were 13 patients(13 breasts) for transaxillary approach, 1 patient(1 breast) for inframammary approach and 1 patient(2 breasts) for periareolar approach. Location of implants was subpectoral plane. 2 patients(2 breasts) had silicone bag and 13 patients(14 breasts) had saline bag. The average time elapsed to deflation was 36 months. The elapsed time to reoperation were within 1 month(12 breasts), 4 months(1 breast), 6 months(1 breast), 7 months(1 breast) and 10 months(1 breast). The removal of mammary bag was performed only for 3 patients(3 breasts) and reaugmentation was performed for the rest of them, 12 patients(13 breasts). In reaugmentation, most of patients received the previous approach again. In case of reoperation, partial capsulectomy was performed. There were no patients of deflation. The patients had found good satisfaction in our management.

      • KCI등재후보

        안와내벽파열골절의 내시경적 사골동내 충전에 따른 안와용적 변화

        김경훈,최수종,배용찬,남수봉,강철욱 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.10 No.1

        Purpose: Endoscopic transnasal correction of the medial orbital fractures cannot be enable to confirm the reduction degree of orbital volume without imaging modalities. We have intended through this study to make a quantative analysis of preoperative orbital volume increment and the reduction degree of that after ethmoidal sinus packing by using CT scan. Methods: In this retrospective study, 22 patients were selected to evaluate the postoperative volume reduction, who took 2 CT scans which are pre- and postoperative under the same protocol. The postoperative CT scan was carried out in about 5 days after the operation with the packing inserted into ethmoidal sinus. The length of bony defect on each section was measured by PACS program and the area of defect was calculated by summing lengths on each section multiplied by the thickness of the section. When the outline of orbit on the slice is drawn manually with a cursor, PACS program measures the area automatically. Orbital volume was calculated from the sum of the area multiplied by the section thickness. Results: The mean dimension of fractured walls was 2.86 ± 0.99 ㎠. The mean orbital volume of the unaffected orbits was 22.89 ± 2.15 ㎤ and that of the affected orbits was 25.62 ± 2.82 ㎤. The mean orbital volume increment of the affected orbits was 2.73 ± 1.13 ㎤. After surgery, the mean orbital volume of the unaffected orbits was 22.46 ± 2.73 ㎤ and the mean orbital volume decrease on the surgical side was 2.98 ± 1.07 ㎤. The estimated correction rate was 118.30%.

      • KCI등재후보

        지그재그모양의 유륜주위절개를 통한 피하유방절제술과 지방흡인술을 함께 이용한 여성형유방의 교정

        배용찬,남수봉,최수종,이재우,강철욱,최치원 대한미용성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.15 No.3

        Nowadays, several surgical options are available for correction of gynecomastia. The present authors combined subcutaneous mastectomy with liposuction and analyzed the postoperative results to find out an effective surgical method with few complications and good cosmetic result. From January, 2000 to October, 2008, 22 patients(41 breasts) underwent subcutaneous mastectomy through "Zigzag" wavy-line periareolar incision, and liposuction was done on peripheral region through the same approach site. The results were evaluated in terms of postoperative complications, character of the scar on periareolar region and subjective satisfaction of patients. Three patients(7.3%) experienced complicated with hematoma, however, all of them were healed by simple removal and compressive dressing without leaving any problem. Most of the patients were tolerable with operative scar on periareolar region, however, hypertrophic scar developed in 1 patient(2.4%) and regular follow-up with intralesional triamcinolone injection is now in progress. On the period of over 6 months, all of the patients were satisfied with postoperative contour of their breasts. By subcutaneous mastectomy with peripheral liposuction through "Zigzag" wavy-line periareolar incision for correction of gynecomastia, it was possible to excise sufficient volume of breast tissue with minimum postoperative scar and complications.

      • KCI등재

        융기성 피부섬유육종의 심부 침습정도에 대한 고찰

        김경훈,배용찬,남수봉,최수종,강철욱 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.4

        Purpose: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP) is a moderate-degree malignant tumor of soft tissue from dermis to fat layer with high recurrences(11% to 73%) due to its local infiltrative characteristic. Many debates and controversies in deciding accurate surgical margin were presented before, but references about depth of invasion and appropriate surgical excision level were not properly made out. Therefore, we tried to identify the degree of tissue invasion of DFSP. Methods: Twenty patients, including 8 patients with recurrent lesions, over last 10 years were reviewed retrospectively. Different surgical margins were applied according to the location and based on histopathologic result, we have defined as a ‘deep tissue invasion’ if there were infiltration of tumor cell into fascia or underlying muscle layer was present. All invaded tissue including dermis, fat, fascia and muscle were excised until no tumor cell was found during intraoperative frozen section biopsy. And comparative analysis of deep tissue invasion according to age, primary site, duration of disease and recurrence was done. Results: Thirteen patients(65%) showed deep tissue invasion and incidence was found to be increasing with age (over 30 years old). All patients with DFSP on head and neck region revealed deep tissue invasion followed by trunk(54%) and lower extremities(50%). There was no relationship between duration of disease and deep tissue invasion. Conclusion: It is clear that many cases of DFSP had a deep tissue invasion. And high prevalence of deep tissue invasion with age, primary site was intimately associated. So, underlying deep tissue must be completely examined and excised sufficiently throughout the operation for clear resection of DFSP with no recurrences, especially when the age is over 30s and on head and neck region.

      • KCI등재

        피부제거 없이 시행한 높은 쌍꺼풀의 교정

        오흥찬,윤동주,최수종,배용찬,강철욱,최치원 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.5

        Purpose: Double - eyelid operation is one of the most common cosmetic operations among Korean patients. In such operations, however, the complexity of and individual differences in the patients' anatomical structures may cause various complications, such as asymmetry, retraction of the eyelid, and the occurrence of a high fold. A high fold occurs frequently, and its correction is not very simple. Many methods have been developed to correct it, and among these, the operation involving the excision of the skin between the previous double - eyelid line and the new double - eyelid line is usually selected by plastic surgeons. In many cases, however, patients have insufficient eyelid skins for this operation. In this study, the authors introduce an operation procedure for high - fold correction that does not involve skin excision Methods: From June 2005 to June 2009, 246 cases were treated with this procedure. After the incision of the new double - eyelid line, dissection was done between the previous scar tissue and the levator aponeurosis. Then the orbital septum, orbital fat or the retro - orbicularis oculi fat was slid down and sutured with a tarsal plate. Such sutures were repeated at four to five points, including the lateral and medial limbus, to prevent the reattachment of the previous scar and to create a new double - eyelid line at the end of the orbital septum. Results: Most of the high - fold patients were satisfied with the procedure described above. Their previous scar was hidden under the new double - eyelid line after the operation. In the six cases, the scar was visible in the patients who had a very high and deep inner line. As such, scar revision was undertaken three months after the operation. It is known that scar revision is also required after an operation involving skin excision in the case of a very high inner - eyelid line. Conclusion: This method is an appropriative procedure for high - fold correction for patients who have insufficient upper - eyelid skin.

      • KCI등재

        안와파열골절의 비강내 내시경적 접근을 통한 교정에서 수술 전후 안와 용적 변화

        이재우,남수봉,최수종,배용찬,강철욱 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.5

        Purpose: Endoscopic transnasal correction of the blowout fractures has many advantages over other techniques. But after removal of packing material, there were some patients with recurrence of preoperative symptoms. Authors tried to make a quantitative anterograde analysis of orbital volume change over whole perioperative period which might be related with recurrence of preoperative symptoms. Methods: 10 patients with pure medial wall fracture(Group I) and 10 patients with medial wall fracture combined with fracture of orbital floor(Group II) were selected to evaluate the final orbital volume change, who took 3 CT scans, pre-, postoperative and 4 months after packing removal. By multiplying cross - section area of orbit in coronal view with section thickness, orbital volume were calculated. Then, mean orbital volume increment after trauma, mean orbital volume decrement after endoscopic correction and volume increment after packing removal were found out. And we tried to find correlations between type of fracture, initial correction rate and final correction rate. Results: The mean orbital volume increment of the fractured orbits were 7.23% in group I and 13.69% in group II. After endoscopic surgery, mean orbital volume decrement were 11.0% in group I and 12.46% in group II. Mean volume increment after packing removal showed 3.10% in group I and 6.50% in group II. The initial correction rate(%) showed linear correlation with final correction rate(%) after packing removal. And there were negative linear correlation between increment percentage of orbital volume by fracture and final correction rate(%). Conclusion: Orbital volume was proved to be increasing after removal of packing or foley catheter and it was dependent upon type of fracture. Overcorrection should be done to improve the final result of orbital blowout fracture especially when there are severe fracture is present.

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