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      • KCI등재

        밤의 양면성과 유유상종의 시학

        강찬모(Kang, Chan-Mo) 숭실대학교 한국문학과예술연구소 2011 한국문학과 예술 Vol.7 No.-

        시인 신경림은 『農舞』에서 『낙타』까지 각 시집마다 지향한 시적 관심이 다소 편차를 보이고 있긴 하지만, 시종일관 관심을 갖은 것은 이 땅의 필부필부의 야사(野史)적 삶이다. 신경림의 시사적 평가도 이를 근거로 한다. 특히 초기시집 『農舞』는 70년대 격동의 정치 상황과 맞물려 민중이라는 소외된 집단에 대한 시적 관심을 증폭시켰고, 후생 시인들의 창작의 도식성에 신선한 자극제가 됨으로써 한국현대시의 새로운 방향을 제시했다. 따라서 초기시집 『農舞』를 살펴본다는 것은 그의 삶과 문학 전반을 이해할 수 있는 지평이 될 것이며, 『農舞』의 주요 배경으로 등장하는 ‘밤’은 이 같은 이해의 폭을 넓혀 주는 역할을 한다. 『農舞』에서 밤은 ‘사회 역사적 맥락의 현실적인 밤(상징적 밤)’과 ‘물리적 밤’으로 구분된다. 상징적 밤은 화자와 ‘못난이’들을 현실에 그대로 노출시키는 좌절의 밤이다. 물리적인 밤은 화자와 못난이들이 연대하고 유유상종하며, 고단한 현실을 위로하는 이른바 ‘보호고치(protective cocoon)’로서 기능을 하는 공간이다. 못난이는 신경림의 초기시집 『農舞』를 관통하는 복수의 공동체의 화자를 지칭하는 말로서 자조적 삶에 대한 냉소적 호칭이며, 신경림의 대부분의 시집에 등장하는 역사적 잠재태로서 활성화 될 수 있는 개연성으로서의 ‘민중’이다. Poet Shim, Kyung-Lim shows differences of poetic interest on each collection of poems from “Farmer Dance” to “Camel,” but he has a constant interest in common people’s life of unofficial history. His suggestive evaulation also supports this idea. Along with 70’s turbulent politic situation, especially his early collection of poems “Farmer Dance” increases a poetic interest on the mass of the people, as known as the neglected group. Also becoming a fresh stimulant of work’s schematism of future generation’s poets, “Farmer Dance” showed a new direction of Korean modern poetry. Therefore, studying “Farmer Dance” can help understanding his life and literature at large, and “night”, which is a main background of “Farmer Dance”, widens the understanding. “Night” in “Farmer Dance” is divided into a “realistic night” (symbolic night) in a socio-historical context and a “physical night.” Symbolic night is a night of frustration that exposes a narrater and “fools” to reality as it is. In “physical night, the narrater and fools get along and console each other in an exhausting reality, and it is a functional place so called “protective cocoon.” “Fools” mean a narrater of plural communities that penetrate Shin, Kyung-Lim’s early collection of poems “Farmer Dance,” and it is a cynical name on a self-mocking life. It is also “the mass of the people” as a plausibility that can be revitalized as a historical potentiality in most of Jyung Lim Shim’s collection of poems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조정래의 대하소설 『아리랑』에 나타난 한민족 디아스포라 연구 : 미국 이주 韓人 디아스포라를 중심으로

        강찬모(Kang Chan-mo) 韓國批評文學會 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.33

        『Arirang』 that is the epic novel written by Jo, Jung-rae is called as one of the three representative novels of Jo, Jung-rae and it addresses the transition period of history of Korean-race between premodern and modern times. Arirang represents Korean-race’s history of sufferings in the position of another person and it demonstrates the history of ‘Diaspora’ in which the collapse of community and dispersion are well condensed among Korean modern epic novels. The original meaning of diaspora can be translated into race dispersion or race separation by designating the jews and its community left Palestine and dispersed in the world. It can be said that Korean race diaspora was the core of literature to Jo, Jung-rae. The diaspora focused in the thesis comparatively is the diaspora of Korean emigrants to US. Looking into their life is important in that the researcher try to identify the origin of globalization and standardization of life scope of Korean-race community. Diaspora of Korean emigrants to US was mainly indicated through the story of ‘Gamgoldaek’ family and Bang, Young-keun, Gamgoldaek’s oldest son and early emigrants to Hawaii come to have awakened reality awareness gradually. In addition, they come to have a relation with ‘DongHak’ and soothe their pain of tired reality and the reality of dispersion by singing a song of 「Arirang」.

      • KCI등재

        박경리의 소설 『토지』에 나타난 간도의 이주와 디아스포라의 귀소성 연구

        강찬모(Chan-mo, Kang) 어문연구학회 2009 어문연구 Vol.59 No.-

        In Land by Park, Kyung-Ri, the tragic and sad story of sufferings on the migration into Gando of Seo-hee in the Vice Minister, Choi's house and people of Pyoungsa-ri was described well. These people tried to drown their sorrow in Gando where there was no one to talk to and their long-cherished desire was to return to Pyoungsa-ri, hometown. What this thesis focused on was that people of Pyoungsa-ri formed the Diaspora based on community culture and tradition in other country and endured the period of colonies. The meaning of 'Diaspora' meant the dispersed Jews and its community who left the original Palestine area and were living worldwide, and it can be interpreted as a national breakup or a national dispersion. Though the concept of the Diaspora showed a rather different scope of definition depending on each scholar, all scholars showed the common opinion of 'Dispersion' and this thesis was based on the Diaspora by Prof. Kyoung-Sik Seo who was the fine arts scholar residing in Japan. The core of Diaspora by Prof. Kyoung-Sik Seo was focused on 'dispersion forced by violence'. Gando was the place where symbolized this Diaspora typically and the root cause why the people of Pyoungsa-ri retained their own culture in the place of sufferings and could return to their hometown was explained as the horizontal human relationship for the vital principles of Confucianism. Park, Kyoung-Ri emphasized the weak responsive ability of Confucianism possessed by the learned man vertically to the reality through the village schoolmaster Kim's migration into Gando and revealed through value system of Han-Bok, Young-Pal and rustic parents of Lee Yong, Sunyoung Bongsa that Confucianism as the vital principles among the public people became the foundation for the return to hometown as for the people of Pyoungsa-ri. In addition, people of Pyungsa-ri returned to hometown from Gando but, the second generation of Gil-Sang and people of Pyoungsa-ri did not return, remained in Gando and developed the Diaspora there. Especially, Gando directivity of Lee Hong who returned to hometown with his father was the point where the strategic intention over Gando of the writer was well revealed. Gando directivity of Le Hong recognized Gando as the land of mother whereas people of Pyoungsa-ri recognized it as the strange land. The writer demonstrated well that the ultimate purpose of the Diaspora was associated with the return to the place where they left and at the same time, it showed the tough vitality of the Diaspora which took root in the strange country and was expanded through the localization of their culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 현대 대하소설에 나타난 반동인물의 욕망 해부

        강찬모(Kang, Chan-mo) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.52

        박경리의 대하소설 『토지』와 조정래의 소위 3대 대하소설인 『아리랑』과 『태백산맥』 『한강』은 한국 현대 대하소설의 이정표를 새롭게 세운 역작으로 평가받는다. 이 소설들은 대하소설답게 많은 인물들이 등장하지만, 특히 반동인물들이 보여 주는 욕망 실현의 집념과 방법 등은 소설 전개의 중요한 요소로 작용한다. 본고가 주목한 것은 욕망이란 인간의 근원적 욕구의 지향성을 도덕 . 윤리적 차원에서 분석한 것이 아니라, 라캉의 ‘구조주의 욕망이론’에 바탕을 두고 자연적이며 생래적인 인간조건의 차원에서 분석했다. 동서고금을 막론하고 욕망은 인간이 가지는 자연스러운 본능이며 단지 이것의 과도한 추구가 도덕. 윤리적 비행으로 흐를 개연성이 있다고 봤다. 최소한 필요의 범위 안에서 욕망의 추구를 인간의 자연스러운 본능으로 여겼다는 것이다. 본고가 세목화한 것은 ‘삶에 대한 강한 집착과 생명력’, ‘차별과 멸시에서 파생된 원한과 증오’, ‘물질과 富를 위한 욕망’의 축적 등이다. 소설 속에서 반동인물의 욕망의 확대는 그 사회가 안고 있는 모순과 부조리에 의해 증폭되는 측면이 강하기 때문에 당대 대중이 삶에 반응하는 모습들을 다양하게 바라볼 수 있는 기회를 제공해 준다. Park Kyung-ni"s 『The Land』 and Jo Jungrae"s three epic novels, 『Arirang』, 『The Taebaek Mountains』, 『Han River』 recognized as new landmarks in Korean modern epic novels. These novels have a lot of characters in them as they are epic novels, but anti-protagonists, in particular, served as important factors in terms of their obsessions to realize their desires and the ways they adopted. This study analyzed human desires not on the basis of humans" primitive desires from the dimension of morality and ethics, but on the theory of Lacan"s Constructivism from the dimension of natural and inherent human conditions. That is, whether ancient times and modern times or whether in Western and in Asian societies, desire is seem as a natural instinct humans have, and only when it is overly pursued, it may lead to moral and ethical misdeeds. Thus, the pursuit of desire in the minimal scope of necessity is considered a natural human instinct. This study examined the novels with the categories of "strong obsessions with life and vital forces," "spite and hatred originated from discrimination and contempts," and "accumulated desired for materials and riches" etc. As the expansion of the anti-protagonists" desires in the novels tend to be strengthened by conflicts and absurdity inherent in the society, the portrayal of their desires renders an opportunity to look at how the general public respond to their life from a variety of perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        한국현대 대하소설에 나타난 인물들의 현실에 대한 소극적 대응 양상 연구 : 박경리의 『토지』와 조정래의 ‘2대 대하소설’을 중심으로

        강찬모(Kang Chan-mo) 韓國批評文學會 2010 批評文學 Vol.- No.37

        The study portrayed the Korean people’s plights and history in transitory ages in terms of characters’ passive responses to reality with a focus on Park Kyung ni’s 『Toji』 and Cho Jungrae’s two feature novels, 『Arirang』 and 『Taeback Mountains』. Their passive responses to reality have significance as the most active responses in the restricted conditions of each character’s society, history and reality. Up to know the studies on characters in Korean modern novels have been conducted mainly based on characters who make active responses to reality, but passive responses to reality, in fact, help overcome the times of constant crises wisely to some degree. The passive responses to reality in the novels can be found in the forms of ‘play with words and sarcastic attitudes’ and ‘self-abusive behaviors and self-pity.’ In terms of ‘play with words and sarcastic attitudes,’ ‘word mockery,’ the message Chung Han jo and Yoon Bo sent to Cho Jun gu and Kim Pyung san, is distinguished. In 『Arirang』, Cha deuk bo and his sister Okn yu along with the old beggar spread work play and sarcastic attitudes to others around them by intentionally using the strong infectious power songs and chants have. In the same vein, Juk san Daek, wife of Yeom Sang jin and the shaman Soh wa’s behaviors in 『Taebaek Mountains』 have meanings that go beyond simple women. The characters who show ‘self-abusive attitudes and self-pity’ include Shin Se ho in 『Arirang』 and Kim Sa yong in 『Taebaek Mountains』. Especially, Shn Se ho’s passive responses to reality evokes sad empathy in readers.

      • KCI등재

        이문구와 이문열 소설의 유교의 휴머니즘 연구

        강찬모(Kang Chan-mo) 한국비평문학회 2008 批評文學 Vol.- No.30

        This thesis is aimed at studying on ‘Confucian Humanism’ demonstrated in 『Kwanchon Essay』written by Lee Moon-ku and 『You might not go to your hometown again』written by Lee Moon-yeol. Lee Moon-ku and Lee Moon-yeol are the writers who attracted a lot of attention with unique literary style and peculiar subject among 1970’s and 1980’s Korean novels. Especially, two writers showed the same features of strong homesick and revival mood toward Confucian humanism in their novels above but, the distinction was noted between two writers in the way of the realization of Confucian humanism Lee Moon-ku focused on the humanity of a community based on familial love whereas Lee Moon-yeol focused on aristocratic familism, which requires our attention in that this difference implies the gap in literary identity and the aim between two writers. The concrete distinction was revealed at the part where characters recalled the two upper classes of old Korea and pursued the self-identity and concrete examples were shown through ‘Giant Pine Tree(왕소나무)’and ‘Eorimdae(御臨臺)’imaged as objective correlative. Lee Moon-ku correlated the damage of giant pine tree with absence of hometown whereas Lee Moon-yael correlated the Eorimdae with glory and pride of a relative by blood and emphasized it as the present objective for the continued pride until so far. In terms of the show-up of main characters, both writers tended to reproduce the traditional characters. Lee Moon-ku recollected community characters but, Lee Moon-yeol recalled the strong collateral relation by blood of Confucian scholars based on familism. In addition, they showed the outstanding difference in the attitude toward actual life. Lee Moon-ku focused on the realization of Confucian humanism through ‘review of Confucianism’ whereas Lee Moon-years Confucian humanism was individualized by private romanticism on glorious honor of a family.

      • KCI등재

        정지용 시와 시론에 나타난 사단칠정(四端七情) 고찰 - 이이의 기발이승일도설(氣發理乘一途說)을 중심으로

        강찬모(Chan-mo Kang) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.51 No.-

          Sadan (four virtues) are four kinds of feelings-such as compassion, shame and dislike for evil, modesty and deference, sense of approval and disapproval of right and wrong-which were classified by Mencius. They are the beginning of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom, and feelings expressing human nature. Sadan-benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom-were identified as i (principle), absolute good, and chiljeong-joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and lust- was viewed as gi (material force) with mobile disposition of evil. Therefore, i has been regarded as noble thing while gi viewed as ignoble one. Depending on whether i has working ability, Toegye Lee Hwang claimed i-gi-ho-bal theory (the release of both i and gi) while Yi I argued gibal-iseung-ildo theory (the release of gi and the ride of i). If gi is thought to have working ability as defined by Lee Hwang, i becomes the absolute good. However, Yi I‘s gibal-iseung-ildo theory maintains that though i is a univeral principle governing the movement of all creation, it does not work for itself but regulates and controls gi preventing it from leaning toward evil by riding on gi only when gi releases.<BR>  This study pays more attention to Yi I‘s gibal-iseung-ildo theory than Lee Hwang‘s i-gi-ho-bal theory. The latter recognizes the working ability of i and it can be justified in terms of securing human morality. However, the former is more appropriate given that the ugliness of the human world provides the themes and subject matters of literature. This is why this study focuses on Yi I‘s gibal-iseung-ildo theory.<BR>  The characteristic of Jeong Ji Yong‘s poems is he was very cautious of indiscreet release of emotions and extremely spared words. Such philosophy of poetry can be seen in his poetics. Therefore, this paper reviews literary expressions of chiljeong in his poems, based on his poetics, focusing on Yi I‘s gibal-iseung-ildo theory.<BR>  1. In "The release of compassion: in (benevolence)," this study examines the pains of one‘s child and an ache of despair from death expressed in his poems. The speaker gives flexibility to poems through intelligent, almost cold-hearted, moderation. This can not be reached without regulation of gi by i.<BR>  2. ‘In "The release of shame and dislike for evil: ui (righteousness),"’this study looks into "nature poems", where the author reported the limping reality only through literary methods by relying on the nature under realities not allowing direct resistance. While observing the nature, the speaker never emit his real gi but only captures the truth of the moment like a flash by closely looking at the nature. This is the emotion that can be maintained because the speaker secures an objective distance of i stoically regulating the released gi.<BR>  3. In "The release of modesty and deference: ye (propriety),’this study gives attention to poems for children. Poems for children are pure mind it self, can not be made without modesty and humility and comes from minds lowering oneself. In addition, there are some cases when they are written to back to basics shaking off fine dust of realities. What is distinct is that, unlike other poems, intervention of i is minimized and dynamics of gi is kept alive which is physiologically emitted.<BR>  4. In "The release of sense of approval and disapproval of right and wrong: ji (wisdom),’poems about mountains are reviewed. One of subject characteristics of Jeong Ji Yong‘s poems is that, in his early poems, he used many images of the "sea" while those of "mountains" in his later poems. This study centers on the images of mountains. When the discrimination of right and wrong is not functioning because of the logic in real life, one way the speaker can take is to obtain wisdom of human nature by securing objectiveness through entrusting his or her body to the nature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대하소설에 등장하는 여성의 인물 유형 연구

        강찬모(Chan Mo Kang) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.34

        This thesis investigates the female characters of Contemporary Roman Fleuve from the scholarly perspective. In the confucianism society, Sunbi(Classical scholar) was the male dominated title because in this society, Sunbi was considered to be equal with social position and class. However, In the<Daeah(大雅).Saengminjiship(生民之什>that belongs to ≪Sikyeong(The Book of Odes)≫the words ``Yeosa(Female scholar or Female Sunbi)`` appears. It proves the contrary evidence on the fact that the title Sunbi was not confined to the male dominated name. Accordingly, this thesis classifies female characters, appearing in the Roman Fleuve into 1) family based female scholar, 2) popular based female scholar, 3) ideological female scholar, 4) poetical female scholar in the aspect of manly man in order to discuss. Family based female scholars were the women of noble family origin who hold the heavy responsibility in recovering the collapsed family. Popular based female scholars were women who experienced ordinary life and played a role of historic witness based on the humanistic morality and justice. Ideological female scholars were developed from popular based female scholars as women who independently appeared in the front of history. Poetical female scholars were women who chose the independent life based on their endowed artistic talent, and beautiful figure and shape. This thesis investigates female characters, appearing in Contemporary Roman Fleuve of Korea, focusing on the independent choice of life, regardless of consequence of it.

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