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        편광 민감 광결맞음 단층 촬영 장치를 이용한 자궁경부의 조기 진단(A Preliminary Study)

        강진호,이상원,유지영,강문식,김법민,윤보성,김영태,조남훈,Kang, Jin-Ho,Lee, Sang-Won,Yoo, Ji-Yeong,Kang, Moon-Sik,Kim, Beop-Min,Yoon, Bo-Sung,Kim, Young-Tae,Cho, Nam-Hoon 한국광학회 2007 한국광학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        자궁경부 상피이형성증(cervical dysplasia)은 세포핵/세포질(nuclear/cytoplasmic, N/C) 면적비의 변화를 포함하는 자궁경부 상피에서의 형태학적 변화를 일으킨다. 세포핵은 중요한 산란 원인중에 하나이기 때문에 N/C 면적비의 변화는 깊이에 따른 원형 편광장도를 반영한다. 따라서 우리는 편광 민감 광결맞음 단층촬영장치(polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography, PS-OCT)를 이용하여 산란에 의해 발생하는 편광의 변화를 측정하였다. 자궁 경부 조직 샘플은 고등급 상피내종양(high-grade squamous intraepithelial, H-SIL)을 가진 한 명의 환자와 정상인 네 명의 환자에게서 얻어졌다. 우리는 자궁경부의 깊이에 따른 원형 편광의 유지 정도(degree of circular polarization, DOCP) 평균을 구하였고, 상피층의 깊이에서 최소 제곱 1차 선형 함수(least-square linear fit)를 사용하여 기울기를 획득하였다. 획득된 기울기를 가지고 DOCP의 변화율을 정량화 하였다. 그 결과 H-SIL에서의 DOCP의 감쇄가 정상 조직에서 보다 빠르게 나타남을 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 PS-OCT를 이용하여 산란 변화에 따른 DOCP의 변화율을 측정하는 것이 자궁경부상피 이형성증의 진단을 하는데 있어서 유용한 진단법이 될 수 있음을 의미한다. Cervical dysplasia induces morphologic changes in the cervical epithelium which involve changes in the nuclear/cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio. Since the nucleus is one of the significant scattering sources, the N/C ratio change reflects the degree of circular polarization (DOCP) with the depth of signals. Therefore, we used the polarization-sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) technique to measure the polarization changes caused by scattering. Cervical tissues were obtained from a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (H-SIL) of one woman and from low normal women. We obtained the mean of the DOCP as a function of depth in the cervix and quantified the change ratio of the DOCP using slopes that were determined by linear fits in the epithelium layer. We found that DOCP of H-SIL decayed faster than that of normal tissue because of the higher scattering in H-SIL as expected. This result indicates that the PS-OCT system might be useful in measurements of change ratio of DOCP with depth for screening of cervical dysplasia.

      • KCI등재

        「댈러웨이 부인 」에 나타난 전쟁 트라우마

        강진호,Jin-Ho Kang 한국영미어문학회 2015 영미어문학 Vol.- No.117

        This paper tries to elicit and explicate war trauma in Mrs. D alloway in relation to Freud’s theory on traumatic neurosis. S eptimus, one of main characters in the novel, suffers from war trauma after he returns home, having witnessed the bomb-shelled death of his officer and close comrade, Evans, on the frontline during World War I . The typical symptoms of his illness such as hallucinations, nightmares, terror, dissociation, depression, rage, and denial reveal the existence of unassimilated, unintegrated and hurtful experience of the past. Freud argues that traumatic experience attempts to come to the surface through the compulsion to repeat and to be recognized; however it is destined to fail. I n the novel, S eptimus is victimized by war trauma and commits suicide because nobody gives him understanding and sympathy. D espite being a stranger, only Clarissa shows a moment of communication and sympathizes with his suffering and death at the end of the novel. Through the emotional connection of both characters Woolf suggests that trauma can be accessed and treated by sympathetic engagement among people; and the narrative construction of a work of literature can contribute to the reality of historical truth.

      • KCI등재

        마음챙김 명상을 활용한 고등학생의 심리적 안녕감 증진 프로그램 개발

        강진호 ( Jin Ho Kang ),유형근 ( Hyeong Keun Yu ),손현동 ( Hyun Dong Son ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2009 중등교육연구 Vol.57 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 안녕감 수준이 상대적으로 취약한 고등학생들의 주관적 안녕감과 심리적 안녕감 증진을 위해 마음챙김 명상을 활용한 심리적 안녕감 증진 프로그램을 구안하고 그 효과를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 선행연구 고찰과 요구조사 결과를 바탕으로 프로그램을 구안한 후 전문가 검증과 예비프로그램 실행을 통해 밝혀진 문제점들을 수정·보완하였다. 강원도 지역 소재의 전문계고등학교에서 참가를 신청한 학생들을 대상으로 실험집단, 비교집단(심리적 안녕감 프로그램 실시), 그리고 통제집단에 각각 10명씩 배치하여 주관적 안녕감과 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 그 결과 실험집단은 비교집단과 통제집단의 주관적 안녕감과 심리적 안녕감 모두에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 결국 개발된 프로그램이 고등학생들의 심리적 안녕감을 증진시키고 그들의 긍정적인 성장과 발달을 돕는데 실질적인 기여를 하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to develope a psychological well-being improvement program applying mindfulness meditation for the high school students. The process of this study was as follows: First, after reviewing the literature on mindfulness meditation, psychological well-being, and psychological well-being improvement programs and surveying the needs of high school students and teachers, the factors of the program were extracted. And then the program was constructed. Lastly, the program was corrected according to professionals` consultation and the results of pilot administration. The program consist of ten sessions including a psychological well-being improvement activities and mindfulness meditation training. Thirty students were randomly assigned into an experimental group, a comparative group, and a control group consisting of 10 students each. The results showed that the scores of subjective well-bing and psychological well-being were increased significantly in the experimental group comparing with the comparative group and the control group.

      • KCI등재

        특집 논문: 문학사회학의 현단계(제52차 전국학술대회) : 근대 국어 교과서와 민간 독본의 탄생 -『초등소학(初等小學)』(1906)을 중심으로-

        강진호 ( Jin Ho Kang ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        이 논문은 1906년에 간행된 국민교육회의 『초등소학』에 대한 연구이다. 이 책은 최초의 민간(民間) 교과서이다. 1905년 이전이 학부(學部)에 의해 교과서가 편집·간행된정부 주도의 시기라면, 1905년 이후는 그 중심이 민간으로 넘어가 각종 단체나 선각들에 의해 교과서 간행이 이루어진 때이다. 당시 많은 수의 민간 교재가 간행된 것은 교과서를 ‘애국심을 격발하고 인재를 양성하는 도구’로 보았기 때문이다. 그런 시대적 배경을 갖고 편찬된 관계로 『초등소학』에는 정부 간행의 교과서와 달리 민족주의와 애국의 열정으로 채워져 있다. 그런 사실은 이 책을 간행한 국민교육회의 설립 취지와도 관계가 있다. 국민교육회는 국민교육을 주된 목적으로 해서 설립되었고, ‘학교 설립,서적 편찬 혹 번역, 애국심 고취와 원기 배양’을 목표로 하였다. 그런 취지대로 『초등소학』은 민권의 신장과 인민의 역량 배양에 초점을 맞춘 내용들로 채워져 있다. 학습자에게 친근하고 익숙한 단어나 문장을 그림과 함께 제시하였고, ‘복습’ 단원을 설정하여 반복학습을 효과적으로 활용하였으며, 내용과 서술에서 아동들의 일상 현실을 적극적으로 활용해서 아동 중심의 서술을 보여주었다. 여기다가 한국사의 계통을 중화 중심에서 벗어나 자주적이고 주체적인 시각에서 서술하여, 단군 왕조를 분명히 함으로써청, 일본, 서양 등과 병립하는 독립된 역사상을 제시하고 민족의 자부심을 불러일으키고자 하였다. 그런 점에서 이 책은 일제의 본격적인 개입으로 만들어진 학부 간행의『국어독본』과는 확연한 차이를 갖는다. 『국어독본』은 일제 식민사관에 의거해서우리의 역사를 분열과 쟁탈, 당쟁과 전란으로 점철된 지리멸렬한 망국사로 서술하였다.『초등소학』이 출간과 함께 큰 호응을 얻었던 것은 교재가 지닌 이런 민족적이고 진보적인 특성들 때문이다. 『초등소학』은 통감부의 교육 침략이 본격화되고 그로 인해민족교육이 크게 억압받는 상황에서, 새롭게 국어 교과서의 위상을 정립하려는 노력을 경주한 것이다. 『초등소학』을 계기로 여러 민간단체들이 교과서를 연이어 간행하면서 이른바 민간 교과서의 전성시대가 열렸고, 이들 교과서로 인해 꺼져가던 민족주의와 우국충정의 불씨는 다시 한 번 살아날 수 있었다. This research paper is about 『Elementary Basic Study(초등소학)』of the National Education Committee published in 1906. 『Elementary Basic Study』 is the first private educational textbook of the history. Textbook editing and publishing had been directed by the Department of Education before 1905, but the power was transferred into private organizations after this year. The reason why there were so many textbooks published by private organizations was because textbooks seemed as a tool for inspiring patriotism and cultivating people of talent. For that reason of its periodical background, 『Elementary Basic Study』 was fully contented with nationalism and the passion of patriotism, whereas governmental textbooks were not. This point is also related to the purpose of the establishment of the National Education Committee who published the book. The National Education Committee was founded under a mission of national education. ``To establish schools``, ``To publish Reading Materials``, and ``To instill patriotic spirits and power`` were also their other purposes. As the committee has these objectives, 『Elementary Basic Study』 carries the contents focused on developing the civil rights and the talent level of the people. The contents had commonly known words and expressions with illustrations, utilized repetition efficiently through putting ``repeat`` section, and met the standard of young children using kid-familiar situations as their story examples. The book kept its independent and autonomous view, taking Korean history out of Sinocentrism. In addition, using Dangoon History, it tried to lay the unbiased history of Korea out-portraying korea strong as the Qing, Japan,and the West-and inspire self-esteem in the Korean people. In that point, this book stands itself out from the Department Education``s 『Korean Language Reading Textbook』 which was published under the strong-arm direction of the Japanese Empire. 『Korean Language Reading Textbook』 described Korean history as a miserable perishment of a country caused by disunity, deprivation, party strives, and wars. One of the main reasons that the publishment of ..Elementary Basic Study.. got a huge applause is its national and progressive qualities. ..Elementary Basic Study.. resultingly gave a try to create a new feature of Korean reading book in the period of invasion and oppression about Korean national education by Japanese Residency-General. From the lead of ..Elementary Basic Study.., a lot of private organizations started to press new textbooks, opening up a golden era of private textbooks. These textbooks rekindled the patriotic sentiment of Korea once again.

      • KCI등재

        한국 반공주의의 소설ㆍ사회학적 기능

        강진호(Kang Jin ho) 한국언어문학회 2004 한국언어문학 Vol.52 No.-

        This is an article written to analyze the Novel-Sociological function of the Korean Anti-Communism. Anti-Communism means the exclusive logic and distorted emotion against Communism, specially the North Korean Communist and the leftist' action and tendency in the South Korea. The main concept of this article is firstly the sociological function of the Korean Anti-Communism, secondly the relation of novels and Anti-Communism which through Seonwoo-hwee, Nam-Junghyun, Park-wanseo' novels. By this article' analysis, the Anti-Communism' novel-sociological function is an oppressed element of novelist' creative activity. For instance, Seonwoo-hwee can not recognize the truth of the Chinese Communists' independence movement against Japanese imperialist so far as the Korean' that. Nam-Junghyun can not writes a subject matter such as anti-American and anti-imperialism. In addition to Park-wanseo can not describe realistically about the figure of her's older brother' death killed by the South & North Korean's army. She distorted her older brother' figure in novels because of the anti-communist's oppression anr self-inspection. In this way, Anti-Communism compelled novelist to distort novel' contents, a subject matter and characters.

      • KCI등재

        탄생 100주년 월북문인 집중 조명 자기성찰과 주체 정립의 도정 -허준의 삶과 문학-

        강진호 ( Jin Ho Kang ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2010 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.32

        Heo Jun(許俊, 1910~?) was known as a novelist, but was a writer who showed talent even in poem and criticism. He entered the literary world while publishing 5 articles of poems such as 「Silsol(실솔)」, etc. in addition to 「Candle」 in October 7, 1934, and afterward, he legitimately entered the road to a novelist while publishes a short story named 「Muddy Stream」 with the encouragement of friend, Baek-seok. By the way, as he was strict to himself, he left only 12 articles of poems and 11 articles of novels during his activities period ranged for 13 years, and showed deep suffering on literature and life in works like saying such a fact. The writing noticed the introspective shape appeared his works in a standpoint of securing of self-identity. Self-identify is to regulate oneself about who oneself is and what kind of person is, as an individual distinguished from other people, and it can be understood that the novels of Heo Jun are such an establishment process of self-identity. The novels of Heo Jun under the Colonial Rule show the shape of so-called imaginary identification that identifies the subject oneself to a target that oneself aims to imagine or imitate, while continuously wandering about without adapting oneself to the reality, but the novels of Heo Jun show the shape of more mature imaginary identification by deviating from the bark of subjectivity oneself, while accepting external other people after the Liberation. The imaginary identification is to regard that the image of oneself, which is made by imagination and an idea, is the same as oneself, and means a condition before going out as the social subject. The imaginary identification is to think oneself as `me` of the objective and objectify, namely, is to mean that I is formed through it after passing other people. Compared to this, although the subject and other person appear in the novels of Heo Jun under the Colonial Rule, the works appear like a form of monologue or a soliloquy in a point that other person is a character produced by imagination and an idea of the subject. After the Liberation, other person is suggested as alien presence different from the subject, and the subject shows more mature shape establishing oneself, while accepting the other person. In conclusion, it can be arranged that the subject is changed to the open subject gradually accepting the reality actively by deviating from the previous closed self-consciousness with the Liberation, and it changed the trend of his works realistically.

      • 판형열교환기 내부에서 R32 응축열전달 현상에 관한 실험적 연구

        강진호(JIn ho Kang),김덕규(deokgyu Kim),문지훈(Ji hoon Moon),박창용(Chang Yong Park) 대한설비공학회 2019 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.11

        This experimental study was performed to measure the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in a brazed plate heat exchanger. R32 were used for the experiment. The tested heat exchanger was operated as an condenser. The two phase condition at the condenser inlet was controlled by a pre-heater powered by electricity. A test facility was built up to measure the two phase flow heat transfer coefficient at the conditions that were mass flux rate of 35, 40 ㎏/㎡s, saturation temperature of 35℃, and heat flux of from 3 ㎾/m². The inlet vapor quality was varied from 0.1 to 0.7 at the saturated inlet condition. The refrigerant outlet quality was calculated by difference of water temperature. This experiment showed that heat transfer coefficient increased usually with vapor quality.

      • 비트겐슈타인의 철학

        강진호(Kang Jin-Ho) 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.42

        I develop an interpretation of Wittgenstein's philosophy where I emphasize the crucial role played by his anti theoretical view of philosophy. I suggest that the early Wittgenstein in the Tractatus attempts to denounce all philosophical sentences, including those in the Tractatus, as nonsensical by showing that philosophical terms are pseudo-expressions which can be completely eliminated in a logically perspicuous notation. I then argue that, according to the later Wittgenstein in the Investigations, the very idea of such an elimination is itself a philosophical illusion based on the dogmatic assumption that philosophical terms must be nonsensical in all possible contexts. I argue that the later Wittgenstein finds the assumption dogmatic because he comes to embrace the open-ended structure of linguistic contexts.

      • KCI등재

        트라우마 연구: 프로이트의 죽음 본능과 부친살해를 중심으로

        강진호(Kang, Jin-Ho) 신영어영문학회 2021 신영어영문학 Vol.78 No.-

        In his transitional work, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud tries to investigate the traumatic neurosis from an individual and ontogenetical point of view and finds out that it manifests itself in the various distorted forms, for example, nightmares, hallucinations, dissociations, etc. of the repressed unconscious by the compulsion to repetition of death drive. In his last work, Moses and Monotheism, Freud delves into the origin and development of the monotheism of Judaism from a collective and phylogenetical point of view and asserts that the collective trauma of Jewish people by the murder of an Egyptian Moses, a Jewish displacement of primordial parricide, was sublimated to the worship of Jahve God and the establishment of Judaic law. Looking into two major works on trauma of Freud intensively, this article draws out the crucial leitmotifs of trauma theory such as the compulsion to repeat of the repressed unconscious and its displacement and sublimation through symptoms in the individual and religious enactments in the community.

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