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        모델기반 탐구(MBI)에서 Straw Spinner 회전 현상에 대한 예비 물리교사의 실험설계 및 모델

        강은주(Eunju Kang),김지나(Jina Kim) 한국물리학회 2022 새물리 Vol.72 No.5

        실험설계, 모델링과 관련된 예비교사의 탐구 능력은 탐구 수업 실행에 있어 중요 요인이 될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 여러 가지 변인에 따라 다양한 구조로 제작가능한 straw spinner를 주제로 모델기반 탐구 수업을 진행하여 예비 물리교사가 수행한 실험설계와 모델의 특징을 분석하였다. 예비 물리교사들은 다양한 변인을 포함하여 실험을 설계하였으나 변인 조작에 대한 구체적인 내용과 일관된 데이터를 획득하기 위한 방안을 제시하지 않았다. 예비 물리교사들이 생성한 초기 모델은 최종 모델까지 유지되거나 실험 및 동료검토 후에 수정되었다. 그러나 실험설계에서의 누락된 부분과 이상화에 대한 부분을 간과하고, 자신이 알고 있는 물리 이론을 적용하여 현상을 해석하고 있었다. 따라서 모델기반 탐구에서 실험설계방법에 대한 이해와 증거기반 및 정당화의 과정을 통한 모델 생성에 초점을 두어 교사교육이 이루어질 필요가 있다.<br/> Experimental design and modeling ability are important factors in the inquiry class execution of preservice teachers. This study conducted a model-based inquiry class on the theme of straw spinner, which can be tested according to various variables, and analyzed the experimental design and model characteristics of preservice physics teachers. The preservice physics teachers designed experiments that included various variables, but did not suggest specific details about variable manipulation and methods to obtain consistent data. The initial model of the preservice physics teachers was maintained until the final model or revised after experimentation and peer review. However, the missing part and idealization were overlooked in the experimental design, and the phenomenon was analyzed by applying existing scientific knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to educate teachers by focusing on the understanding of the experimental design method and the creation of models through the process of evidence-based and justification.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자기주도적 개별 탐구 활동에서 하이브리드 멘토링(Hybrid Mentoring)을 실행한 교사들의 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

        강은주 ( Kang Eunju ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2023 초등과학교육 Vol.42 No.2

        This study aimed to examine the experiences of teachers who practiced hybrid mentoring in self-directed individual inquiry activities through phenomenological research. The participants were five teachers with more than 10 years of experience in guiding inquiry activities among students. The results indicated that the mentor teachers form rapport with students, establish a mentoring direction, specify the subject of inquiry, confirm and supplement prior scientific knowledge, specify the design of the inquiry, confirm and advise on the result of the inquiry, suggest additional tasks and inquiry activities, and check and advise on writing an inquiry report. They performed various roles such as trustee, guide, facilitator, helper, and mind trainer. During the mentoring process, the teachers encountered difficulties such as the lack of inquiry ability and knowledge of students, and the lack of understanding of parents about self-directed science inquiry activities. However, the teachers solved these problems through customized guidance for each student and by sharing the mentoring process. Finally, the teachers recognized that mentoring helped them improve their ability to guide self-directed scientific inquiry activities. Furthermore, they also experienced a sense of worth and achievement through the growth and positive responses of the students. The results are meaningful in that they provide specific information on the implementation method of hybrid mentoring and the role of mentor teachers in self-directed individual inquiry activities.

      • 임상빈, 무언극 1막 1장에 담긴 시대유감(時代遺憾)

        강은주(Kang, Eunju) 한국예술종합학교 미술원 조형연구소 2012 Visual Vol.9 No.-

        임상빈의 작품은 일견 유머러스한 하나의 연극 장면처럼 보인다. 최소한의 선과 색채를 사용하고 넓은 여백을 배경으로 둔 간결한 화면은, 대규모의 스펙터클한 작품이 주목받는 오늘날의 미술계에서 역으로 선택한 작가의 방식이다. 그러한 방식 아래 구현된 일상적 풍경은 우리 시대의 감춰진 부조리와 인간들의 욕망이 투사된 풍속화로부터 부도덕한 사회의 일면을 고발하는 르포르타쥬reportage로까지 변환한다. 작가 임상빈은 시대를 투명하게 응시하고자 하는 젊은 시각을 가졌다. 그의 눈은 우리가 매일 알거나 체험하면서도 대충 넘겨버리는 일상을 섬세한 비판적 언어로 들추어냄으로써 우리로 하여금 이 사회의 주변에 대해 관심을 기울이게 한다. 작품을 통해 권력과 욕망에 가려진 시대의 부조리를 읽어내고 참된 인간성을 회복하고자 하는 것이 바로 그가 추구하는 예술이 아닌가 싶다. At a glance, Im, Sang Bin's works look like scenes taken from a play. His screen is filled with the minimal use of lines and colors backed up by large blank space. Im chooses to adapt the minimalistic way of description which goes against the current flow of art world characterized by many large-scaled spectacular pieces. The scenery of daily life created by Im transforms from the genre subjects which reflect human desire or social irregularities into the tools for a reportage which uncovers the immorality of our society. Im has the young and penetrating eyes to look into this epoch of ours in a transparent way. His look sheds a new lights on the everyday life to which we have not paid much attention. He probes into it with a meticulous and critical language. To be short, Im's true intention is to read the irrationality of the current society which are hidden under the cover of power and desire. Furthermore, what he pursues through the whole process is to recover the forgotten human nature.

      • KCI등재

        알고리즘 표현의 실험 안내 자료 개발 - 자석의 성질 실험을 중심으로 -

        강은주 ( Kang¸ Eunju ),김지나 ( Kim¸ Jina ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2021 초등과학교육 Vol.40 No.3

        In this study, experimental guide materials for teachers were developed so that algorithm expression, the core of computational thinking, can be applied to experimental activities. The experimental manuals presented in text was converted into an algorithmic form with a linear, branched, and repetitive structure according to the information visualization process using flowchart symbols. As an example, an experiment guide materials was developed by applying an algorithm expression to an experiment to find out the properties of a magnet. The developed experiment guide materials is different from the existing experiment guide materials expressed only sequentially in that it has an algorithmic structure of branching and repetition in which the suitability and judgment of information are expressed, and that the experiment process is visualized and expressed. It is expected that the experimental guide materials developed in this study will help teachers to understand algorithmic thinking and to implement experiments using it.

      • KCI등재

        초등교사들의 과학철학교육에 대한 인식 조사

        강은주 ( Kang¸ Eunju ),김지나 ( Kim¸ Jina ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2021 초등과학교육 Vol.40 No.3

        This study investigated the perception of science philosophy education targeting 150 elementary school teachers in metropolitan cities and provinces. The questionnaire survey on the perception of the philosophy of science education was composed of a 5-point Likert scale based on the interest and experience of the philosophy of science, the reason for difficulty in using it, and the introduction method, the expected effect. As a result of the survey, elementary school teachers’ awareness of the interest and necessity of the philosophy of science was generally high, while the experience of learning and teaching the philosophy of science was low. In addition, to the reason why it was difficult to utilize the philosophy of science, teachers answered that there was insufficient teacher training and development of teaching and learning methods. As a way to introduce the philosophy of science in science education, it was thought that it was necessary to combine the concept learning and inquiry method, and elementary school teachers’ perception of the expected effect of using the philosophy of science was generally high. The results of this study are meaningful in that they provide basic data on the direction of the introduction of the philosophy of science in elementary science education.

      • KCI등재

        영국 인디펜던트 그룹의 전시에 나타난 사회적 소통의식

        강은주(Kang, Eunju) 한국미술사교육학회 2016 美術史學 Vol.- No.32

        영국의 인디펜던트 그룹(Independent Group, IG)은 1950년대 대중소비사회의 변화에 민감하게 반응하여 시대적 변화에 적합한 새로운 미술의 향방을 논의함으로써 이후 팝 아트가 등장하는데 중요한 토대를 마련하였다. 인디펜던트 그룹이 매스미디어를 포함한 대중문화의 확장에 대해 이전의 그 어떤 미술 동향보다 열린 태도를 취할 수 있었던 것은, 산업혁명 이후로 사회과 예술의 관계를 긴밀하게 논의하고 실용적인 미술을 실천해 온 영국의 문화적 전통에서 그 영향을 찾을 수 있다. 영국의 미술은 미술공예운동 이후 공동체를 통한 예술의 실천을 강조하고 미술 장르 간의 협업을 시도하여 미학적 실천이 실질적 삶에 이바지하도록 하는데 주목해 왔다. 이러한 흐름은 인디펜던트 그룹이 사회적 소통에 관심을 갖는데 중요한 배경이 되었다. 이와 같은 배경 하에 인디펜던트 그룹은 순수미술과 대중문화의 관계에 관하여 다양한 이론적 논의를 나누었으며, 이를 바탕으로 《삶과 예술의 평행(Parallel of Life and Art)》(1953), 《인간, 기계 그리고 운동(Man, Machine and Motion)》(1955), 《이것이 내일이다(This is Tomorrow)》(1956), 《전시(An Exhibit)》(1957)와 같은 전시를 통해 자신들이 추구한 새로운 미학을 선보였다. 이들이 주도한 전시는 기본적으로 순수미술가 뿐 아니라 건축가, 디자이너, 심지어 기술자의 참여로 이루어졌다. 이는 모든 형태의 문화가 수평적 선상에서 공존하며 소통할 것을 주장하는 것이었다. 그룹의 멤버들이 전시를 통해서 다룬 내용 역시 미술 뿐 아니라, 과학, 건축, 자동차, 영화, 광고로부터 인류학에 이르는 동시대의 다양한 사회적 영역을 포괄하였다. 이를 통해 예술이 본질주의적인 자기 세계에서 벗어나 주변의 리얼리티를 받아들이고 소통함으로써 사회에 공헌할 수 있다고 여긴 것이다. 또한 전시들은 순수 미술 작품을 최소화하고 복제된 이미지를 대거 제시함으로써, 시각 자료의 장르 간에 존재하는 위계를 허물고 새로운 시각적 미학의 영역을 확장하였다. 전시 연출에 있어서도 전시 공간을 자유롭고 가변적으로 활용하거나 독창적인 건축 구조물을 제시하였다. 이로써 전시물들은 고유의 맥락을 벗어나 새로운 환경에서 새로운 의미를 획득할 수 있었다. 관람객 역시 이러한 전시 환경 속에서 이미지를 능동적으로 인식하고 해석하도록 유도됨으로써, 예술가와 관람자 사이의 위계 역시 사라질 수 있었다. 이처럼 인디펜던트 그룹은 전시 속에 자신들이 지향하는 소통적 태도를 반영함으로써, 모든 관계가 높고 낮음의 경계없이 상호 교류하는 가운데 그들이 추구하는 새로운 사회적 미술이 실현될 수 있음을 보여주었다. The changes experienced by the mass consumption society of the 1950’s prompted a sensitive response by England’s Independent Group(IG) in the form of discussion regarding the direction of new art suitable to this change, establishing the important foundation for the following appearance of Pop Art. In comparison to prior art movements the IG was able to have a more open attitude towards the expansion of popular culture, including mass media, due to the existence of a British cultural tradition that had closely discussed the relations between society and the arts as well as engaged in the practical arts since the Industrial Revolution. British art emphasized the practice of art through communities since the Arts and Crafts Movement and aimed for cooperation between art genres to focus on making aesthetic practices contribute to real life. Such trends were the main forces to stimulate the Independent Group’s interest in social communication. Due to this newfound interest, the Independent Group held a variety of theoretical discussions on the relations between fine art and popular culture, which incited encounters with newly pursued esthetics through several exhibitions such as “Parallel of Life and Art”(1953), “Man, Machine and Motion”(1955), “This is Tomorrow”(1956) and “An Exhibit”(1957). Their exhibitions were accomplished by the participation of fine artists, architects, designers, and even technicians, which stressed the idea that a variety of cultures coexist horizontally and communicate with each other. The group"s members also dealt with diverse social fields of the time from art to science, architecture, vehicles, movies, advertisements, and even anthropology. They believed that art would contribute to society by embracing the surrounding reality, discarding the intrinsic aspect and communicating with each other. In addition, the exhibitions minimized fine art works while presenting a large number of reproduced images to break down the existing hierarchy in types of visual materials and expand the scope of new visual esthetics. Even in the case of exhibition direction, unique building structures were presented as exhibition spaces to be utilized in free and flexible ways. Therefore, it was possible to take the exhibits out of their inherent contexts and supply a different meaning in a new environment. Viewers were also introduced to the processes of actively recognizing and interpreting images in an exhibition environment, which resulted in the elimination of the existing hierarchy between artists and viewers. In this way, the Independent Group reflected their own communication attitudes through various exhibitions to show that, through relations with mutual exchange free of hierarchy a new type of social art could be conceived.

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