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      • KCI등재

        한의사와 의사의 업무 범위와 관련된 법령 고찰

        박유리,강연석,백경희,라세환,Park, Yu Lee,Kang, Yeonseok,Baek, Kyung Hee,Ra, Sewhan 대한예방한의학회 2014 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Objective : This study aims to compare the scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors and western medicine doctors based on laws related to medical practice Method : We searched for laws related to medical practice using terminologies such as "Korean Medical practice", "Korean Medicine", "Principles of Korean Medicine", "western medicine", "Korean Medicine doctor", "western medicine doctor" at the national law information center(http://law.go.kr/main.html). Results : We categorized the laws we found into four categories: diagnosis, treatment, prescription, and all the other areas including public health. In diagnosis, both Korean Medicine doctors and western medicine doctors have a right to issue medical certificates including birth and death. However, diagnosis of a few specific diseases is allowed only to western medicine doctors. In treatment, laws related to emergency medicine and nursing at home were searched. Korean Medicine doctors and western medicine doctors are emergency care providers; however, most of emergency medicine can be done by western medicine doctors. In prescription, the scope of practice is divided by herbal medicine and western medicine. Finally, as public health professionals, both of them need to do lots of public health works. However, in some area such as vaccination, maternal and child health care, and industrial health, only western medicine doctors can practice. Conclusion : This study suggests that, in diagnosis, treatment, prescription, and all the other areas including public health, the scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors and western medicine doctors has huge difference. There is also lack of consistency in current law, and some laws do not reflect current health care system and health care services.

      • KCI등재

        전통적인 길이 척도 환산에 대한 역사 · 문화적 재고

        김재효(Kim JaeHyo),강연석(Kang YeonSeok),고호경(Ko HoKyoung) 한국의사학회 2010 한국의사학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Currently, in Korea, all lengths are written in “meter” unit, and the non-statutory measuring units are banned for use. However, in some fields, traditional measuring units are widely used with necessary modifications, and people in such fields raise varying arguments on conversion to “meter” unit. This research examines traditional measuring units from historical and cultural viewpoints, and provides suggestions on how to improve consistency and standardization for more accurate and effective exchange of scientific opinions.

      • 프랑스의 동아시아 전통의학 현황

        갸바향미(Hyangmi Gavart),강연석(Yeonseok Kang),안성훈(Sunghun An),김재효(Jaehyo Kim),손인철(Inchul Sohn) 한국한의학연구원 2009 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        Understanding the present condition of Oriental traditional medicine in different country is demanded for the Korean Traditional Medicine to prepare his orientation in future. Also it is not possible to separate the present condition of OTM from history of oriental medicine as a whole. This is valid for the introduction of TCM in the west. The first information have arrived in Europe by the terrestrial and maritime travelers accounts. The diplomatic way, with special reference to Jesuit fathers, has brought cultural and theoretical precise data. The physicians of East India Company and, later, of expeditionary forces, have supplied with practical data. Five periods follow one another: 1) Period when the source reached and are used in Europe. This first step is intimately involved with the use and comparaison of similar factor between the two medical systems ; 2) “Discovery” and use of needles ; 3) latent period when tehniques coming from acupuncture source were developed ; 4) “Chinese Acupunture” correctly speaking ; 5) modern period or investigating period, when Eastern and Western people are trying to correlate data of traditional medicine with those of western science. In particular the actual situation from 2000.

      • KCI등재

        韓醫學用語의 發音과 讀音에 對하여

        박영환(Park YungHwan),강연석(Kang YeonSeok),맹웅재(Maeng WoongJae) 한국의사학회 2010 한국의사학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        In this paper, this writer looked into the initial law and fortification, which are two of the most important phonetic changes of Sino-Korean words. Pronunciation and inscription rules of Oriental Medical terminologies have also been studied. Moreover, several problems of meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean have been looked into. As a result, the following conclusions could be drawn. 1. The initial law only applies to Sino-Korean words that consist of more than one syllable. It does not apply to words borrowed from foreign languages. Especially, compound words like Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong(張氏類經) or Im-sin-yuk-hyeol(姙娠衄血) consist of already existing words such as Jang-ssi(張氏), Yu-gyeong(類經), Im-sin(姙娠), and Yuk-hyeol(衄血), and thus the initial law applies to these words. They are inscribed and pronounced ‘Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong’ and ‘Im-sin-yuk-hyeol’. 2. Fortification of Sino-Korean words can be applied variously according to the structure and meaning of the words. Words such as ‘科’, ‘格’, ‘氣’, ‘法’, ‘病’, ‘症’, and ‘證’ are often fortified and at the same time used frequently in Oriental Medicine. Also, many other words are derived from these words. However, there has not been a scholastic consent among the Oriental Medical society as to in which circumstances these words will be fortified. Therefore, a standardization process to stipulate the pronunciation of Oriental Medical terminologies is necessary. 3. Meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean also needs scholastic investigation. Especially, the word 兪should be meaningfully rendered and pronounced ‘su’ just like the words 輸and 腧, but is wrongly pronounced ‘yu’. Other than this, the words 井滎兪經合, 秦艽, 膻中, 共振丹, 成無已, and 麗澤通氣湯should respectively be pronounced ‘jeong-hyeong-su-gyeong-hap’, ‘jin-gyo’, ‘dan-jung’, ‘gong-sin-dan’, ‘Seong-mu-yi’, and ‘Yi-taek-tong-gi-tang’. Moreover, there are four pronunciations to the word 梴 of 李梴. This should also be standardized. This writer proposes that in the future, correct meaningful rendering of Chinese terminologies into Korean and phonetic signs be inscribed in dictionaries regarding Oriental Medical terminologies.

      • KCI등재

        證으로 分類한 傷寒書에 引用된 《傷寒雜病論》과 《金匱要略》의 頭痛, 項强 條文에 대한 硏究

        박영환(Yung-Hwan Park),강연석(Yeonseok KANG) 한국의사학회 2011 한국의사학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The headache has various causes and symptoms in clinic, Therefore The headache and the stiff neck also can found in many articles of Shanghanlun(傷寒論) On Cold Damage, In the past, many doctors classified the headache and the stiff neck according to their own theories, and published some Shanghan books(傷寒書), In this study, I select ten Shanghan books which classified the headache and the stiff neck in table of contents, and compared with the articles of 〈Shanhanjabingrun : 傷寒雜病論 and 〈Jinkaeyauruo : 金匱要略, the first books of Shanghanlun(傷寒論) to found meanings of them. As a result, the Osuyutang(吳茱萸湯) was the most quoted herb medicine of 〈Shanhanjabingrun: 傷寒雜病論 The second was Jowisunggitang(調胃承氣湯 and Sosunggitang(小承氣湯), the group of Sunggitang(承氣湯類), Mahwangtang(麻黃湯) and Gyejitang(桂枝湯) are substituted as Ganghwalchunghwatang(羌活沖和湯) in 〈shanbanlanlae : 湯寒捷訣〉 for simply prescribe medicine, or even not mentioned as in 〈shanhanliusu : 湯寒六書〉, This can be understand as a result of copy the previous generation doctor’s writings, not as a study of 〈Shanhanjabingrun : 傷寒雜病論> and 〈Jinkaeyauruo : 金匱要略〉. The articles of the headache in 〈Jinkaeyauruo : 金匱要略〉 was not quoted in that ten books, But the stiff neck was frequently quoted that Gyejigualutang(桂枝加括蔞湯), Dehamhyungtanghwan(大陷胸湯丸) articles includes chibyong(痓病) The Opisthotonos, gyongbyong(痙病) The Convulsions, Yuchi(柔痓) Opisthotonos With Sweat And Fever.

      • KCI등재후보

        생약제제의 의미 변천과 정책적 문제 검토

        김윤경,조선영,김지연,강연석,Kim, Yun-Kyung,Cho, Sunyoung,Kim, Jiyeon,Kang, Yeonseok 대한한의학방제학회 2013 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        Objectives : The aim of this study is reviewing the past legal definition and regulations, to provide basis for the future desirable direction of Korean herbal pharmaceutical industry and national herbal drug policies. Methods : We reviewed how concept of herbal medicinal preparation has been utilized and changed along with various national laws and regulations. And this study also reviewed problems related herbal medicinal preparation policies. Results : Since 1990s, especially inauguration of Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA) at 1998, the concept of crude drug preparation has constantly expanded and distorted the scope of herbal medicinal preparations. This resulted in decline of herbal medicinal preparation industry. Conclusions : It means policies related herbal medicinal preparation which was driven steadily during this decade have lost their consistency. Also, it restricted the various medical options which can guarantee people's health rights.

      • KCI등재

        『本草綱目 』을 통해 본 『周易』 의 物象에 대한 고찰

        김민정(Minjeong Kim),강연석(Yeonseok Kang) 한국의사학회 2018 한국의사학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Analyzing the Book of Changes, researchers noted that animals and plants utilized as symbols in the Book of Changes were later used as medicinal in East Asian medicine. They found 24 animals and plants utilized as symbols in the Book of Changes; specifically in six statements on the hexagrams and 53 statements on the lines. The animal and plant symbols in 59 statements are more clearly interpreted with the descriptions in the Compendium of Materia Medica. Eleven plantsreferenced intheBook o fChanges were written with the irnicknames, causing confusion to the researchers of latertimes. Usingthe Compendium of Materia Medica however,these plantscan be identified. Livestock were mentioned 34 times among the 59 statements, with horse and cattle being the most often at eight times,each. They are subdivided according to their sex and color. The writers of the Book of Changes constructed an elaborate symbol system with the animals that are familiar to people, and which, throught his research, has been decoded through cross references to the Compendium of Material Medica.

      • KCI등재

        동의보감・내경편 독활(獨活)의 용법을 통해 본 한의학 기초와 임상의 연계 교육 방안

        홍지성(Jiseong Hong),강인혜(Inhye Kang),이영미(Youngmi Lee),이훈연(Hoon-Yeon Lee),강연석(Yeonseok Kang) 한국의사학회 2020 한국의사학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        독활은 거풍제습(祛風除濕), 해표지통(解表止痛)의 두 가지 효능을 통해 하지부 근골격 질환, 가려움증, 외감(外感), 그리고 종기 등의 치료에 활용한다. 동의보감의 질병 파트에는 모두 121건의 독활 사용례가 있는데, 근골격 질환, 가려움증은 외형편에, 외감과 종기는 잡병편에 주로 나타난다. 내경편에는 꿈[夢] 2건, 성음(聲音) 1건, 포(胞) 4건, 충(蟲) 1건, 대변(大便) 2건 등 10건의 처방에 활용되었다. 꿈에서는 허번으로 잠들지 못할 때와 가위눌리고 잠을 못잘 때, 성음에서는 외감으로 목소리가 나오지 않을 때, 포에서는 붕루가 나올 때, 충에서는 노채증에, 그리고 대변에서는 설사와 변비에 모두 활용하였다. 임상교육을 막 시작하는 학생들에게 위 두 가지 독활의 효능과 인체 내부의 질병을 다루는 내경편에서의 활용을 연결지어 공부하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 동의보감의 독활 활용례를 전수 조사해보면 독활에 대한 기초학 지식만으로 확장하기 어려웠던 다양한 임상의 활용례를 확인할 수 있다. 향후 이와 같은 방법을 활용한다면 본초 지식을 활용한 다양한 제품의 개발, 기초와 임상이 연결되는 직무역량 중심의 한의학교육 개선에 활용될 수 있으므로 본 논문을 통해 보고하였다. Pubescent Angelica is generally used in musculoskeletal diseases of lower extremity, itching, external contraction (外感) and furuncle, with the effect of dispelling wind, draining dampness, dispersing the external (解表) and stopping pain. The disease parts of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑) contain 121 examples of the usage of Pubescent Angelica. Cases of musculoskeletal diseases and itching are mainly in the External Bodily Elements section (外形篇), and those of external contraction and furuncle are mainly in the Miscellaneous Disorder section (雜病篇). Internal Bodily Elements section (內景篇) has 10 prescriptions that involve Pubescent Angelica, in Dreams (2), Voice (1), Uterus (4), Parasites (1), and Feces (2) chapters. Their specific symptoms are insomnia and sleep paralysis (Dreams), loss of voice due to external contraction (Voice), uterine hemorrhage (Uterus), phthisis (Parasites), and constipation and diarrhea (Feces). It is not easy for students beginning their clinical training to link the effects of Pubescent Angelica and its actual usage, especially in the area of internal medicine. By Analyzing the whole cases of Pubescent Angelica in the Treasured Mirror, we found various usages out of reach of basic knowledge of the herb. Such method can be utilized not only in developing herbal knowledge-based products, but also in improving Korean medicine education, by enhancing the occupational competency bridging basic and clinical knowledge.

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