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      • 現代中立主義 小考 : Its Relation to the Reunification of Korea 韓國의 統一과 關聯하여

        高文錫 漢陽大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Neutralism, newly formed and manifested phenomenon after the World War Ⅱ, was nothing but a sort of political expedient to assume a neutral sttitude allying neither in the cold war between two Super Powers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and it has been mainly sponsored and carried out by India, Indonesia, Egypt and Yugolavia. It is not a passive desposition like traditional neutrality, which aimed at application in the war time, but a policy of non-alignment with the positive purpose of maintaining peace by preventing the collision of the two Blocs in peace time. The policy was gradually adopted by newly born countries in the South East Asia, the Middle Ease and Africa. Since the U.S. was enthuastic about the collective defence systemat at the time, this neutralism, characterized by nor alliance to any of military bloc, was encouraged by Soviet Union and Red China. In the 1960's, the international atmosphere of the peaceful coexistence prevailing, the rapid expansion of Red China's influence and the struggle between the Red China and the Soviet Union made this neutralism losing its direction for a while. However, the number of these non-alignment nations steadily increased and, thus, they have been exercising a great influence in the international politics. The peaceful coexistence between the United States and the Soviet Union was achieved by the balance of power based on their monopoly of predominant atomic weapons. But, the possession of atomic weapons by the United Kingdom, and France, and Itately by Red China altered the international politics into a multipolar system from the previous bipolar system, And it brought about a change in characteristics of the neutralism. In spite of such an international political appearance, the two Super Powers and their allies of the West and the East still hold the key to the international order and their balance of power is the main factor for the world peace which is the ultimate goal of the neutralism. These neutral nations are cautiously making their efforts to maintain the balance of power and they are eager th ashieve their economic and social development on a peaceful earth. Moreover, as relation between the U.S. and Red China was improved on the basis of agreement on the status quo in the1970's and current of alleviation of tense come to prevail all around the world, these neutral powers had to rearrange their courses appopriately with this situation and in the direction of accelerating this tendency. It might be apparent that the neutralism has nothing to do with the Republic of Korea who chose a collective defence system in an alliance with the U.S., by which she has successfully been preventing the attack from the aggressive North Korean Communists. Inspiring the neutralimn to the Republic of Korea would almost mean the plotting the subversion. However, its attitude toward the neutral powers shoud be reconsidered, and its passive approach to them should be changed to a positive approach so that friendship can be maintained with them. Therefore, one can reach the conclusion that the Korean people should make a great effort to maintain the peace in the Far East and the balance of power among the four Powers of the U.S., U.S.S.R., China and Japan as well as the East and the West, regardless to their domestic political system and structure, for their security and reunfication, and should also realize that a neutrally uni/fed Korea might be in due course.

      • 중등화학 영재교육 교재 분석

        고문석,이상권,이종백 全南大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 2010 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.34 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to analyze materials for middle school chemistry gifted, used at Chonnam National University Science Education Center for Gifted. The analysis framework designed consisted of 4 factors: educational objective domains, contents of the program, emphasis of scientific thinking, and steps of inquiry process between basic course andenriched course. The results showed that all chemistry contents and concepts were not covered by the activities, and the contents of the materials contained advanced learning of the subject. The most activities were basic inquiry type, and required convergent thinking rather than divergent thinking. Therefore higher inquiry experiments and creative activities should be contained and the contents for divergent thinking should be reflected more on the materials. Regarding the openness of inquiry, 94.1 % of activities were classified to lower openness , level 1. Regarding the level of activities, only 10.4% of activities classified to creative activities, most of them came under a category of inquiry activities. The study suggests that activities need to be more student-centered to have students to think and do creatively, that we should develop the materials contained the contents required the divergent thinking and the various creativity-activities for middle school chemistry gifted. 학적 사고력, 탐구단계에 따른 과학 탐구과정 요소 등을 분석하였다 프로그램의 내용 분석은 프로그램의 단원별, 활동형태, 활동 수준, 활동의 특징, 활동의 개방도 등으로 나누어 분석하였으며, 과학적 사고력 분석은 발산적 사고, 수렴적 사고, 연관적 사고, 비 관습적 사고 등으로 나누어 분석하였다. 또, 과학 탐구과정 요소 분석에서는 탐구주제 선정, 탐구 설계, 탐구 수행, 자료 해석, 결론 도출 등으로 나누어 분석하였다.

      • 한국산 초롱꽃과 내 금강초롱꽃의 분류학적 위치: 형태 형질을 이용한 계통학적 분석

        박기룡,고문석 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        한국산 초롱꽃과(Campanulaceae) 7속 11분류군에 대해 외부형태 형질을 이용한 분계분석을 통해 Hanabusaya의 유연관계를 밝히고 Hanabusaya가 독립된 속으로 인정될 수 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 최소 가정의 원리를 이용하여 11개의 두단계 혹은 다단계의 형질을 분석하였다. Codonopsis에 속하는 두 개의 분류룬을 군외군으로 선택하여 분계도의 뿌리로 설정하였다. 가장 짧은 분계도는 일치도 0.706에 계통수 길이가 17단계였다. 위 분석을 통해 볼 때, Campanula glomerata var, dahurica가 Campanula에 속하는 다른 종들과 가장 가까운 유연관계를 나타내지 않고 Asyneuma와 Adenophora와 가까운 유연관계를 나타내므로 Campanula 속의 분류학적 한계에 대한 재검토가 필요하다. Hanabusaya는 Campanula 속안에 포함되지 않고 Campanula punctata와 C. takesimana와 자매군으로 가장 가까운 유연관계로 나타나기 때문에 Hanabusaya를 독립된 속으로 보는 것이 더 타당 하다고 추정된다. Reevaluating the taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationship of Hanabusaya asiatica within Korean Campanulaceae, the cladistic analysis of Korean Campanulaceae was conducted using morphological characters from seven genera and 11 species. Codonopsis lanceolata and C. ussuriensis were used as outgroups for rooting the resulting trees. Cladistic analysis of the 11 characters resulted in a single most parsimonious tree of 17 steps with a consistency idex of 0.706. The topology did not support the monophyly of genus Campanula because C. glomerata var, dahurica nested within the Asyneuma and Adenophora clade instead of Campanula clade. The Korean endemic Hanabusaya asiatica formed a sister group of C. punctata plus C. takesimana, and was supported as an independant genus.

      • 美國의 極東政策과 韓美關係 : 舊韓末 韓美修交前後를 中心으로 American Relations in t`e bdginning of 20th century

        高文錫 漢陽大學校 行政問題硏究所 1983 行政問題論集 Vol.4 No.-

        Hisotrically, the foreign policy of U.S. had been based on the traditional tendencies, namely the principles of isolationism, the Monroe doctrine and Pan-Americanism. However, the United States that emerged from the war of 1898 which ended with the acquisition of the Philippine had manifested an interest in the Far East Perhaps the interest in China stemmed from somewhat romantic ideas as to the vast market that the China offered to the trade of the West, and John Hay tried to commit the powers to freedom of commercial opportunity in china and to respect for the territorial integrity of this state. And then in the fifties of nineteenth century a new phase of U.S. relations began with Japan. It was the American government which had opened Japan to the trade of the world for the first time, and it was also the United States which came to the first western power that opened official relationship with korea in 1882. American policy in korea began with economic interest and politically it pursued neutral and non-intervention policy. This means that though the U.S. insisted on the independence of korea and opposed Chinese sovereignty in korea, American-korea policy was political neutrality. Therefor the U.S. did not respond to korea's request for the American intervention in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars recognized Japanese control over korea in 1905. America's national interest then was to get security of the Philippines, to maintain a balance of power for peace and stability in Asia, and to increase its economic interest to the U.S., and the two nations did not have political and economic interests. We may say that it was quite natural that the United States who believed its involvement in korea would be embarassing rather than helpful, recognized Japanese control over Korea in the Taft-Katsura Agreement and abandoned Korea for good.

      • KCI등재

        세팍타크로 토-킥 서비스 동작의 운동학적 분석

        고문석,이순호 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2000 체육과학연구 Vol.11 No.4

        본 연구는 세팍타크로 국가대표 선수 3명을 대상으로, 킥 서비스 기술동작에 대한 3차원 운동학적 변인들을 분석하고 기술의 특성을 규명하여 체계적인 기술지도와 경기력 향상에 기여할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 영상분석 장비는 비디오 카메라(WV-D5100) 두 대를 사용하였고, 카메라의 촬영속도는 60field/s로 하였다. 서비스 기술동작은 상대 코트의 일정한 지역에 공격을 성공시킨 동작을 3회 실시했으며, 연구자가 판단한 적절한 동작을 선택하여 분석하였다. 운동학적 변인은 DLT방법에 의한 3차원 영상분석법을 사용하였고, 기술동작의 소요시간, 신체중심의 변위와 속도, 하지관절의 각 등을 분석하였다. 이에 운동학적 변인의 분석과 논의를 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 1. 기술수행 소요시간은 평균 1.94초로 나타났으며, 가장 짧게 나타난 국면의 구간은 3국면으로서 평균 0.08초로서 전체 소요시간의 4%의 비율을 보였다. 2. 하지분절의 질량중심 속도변화는 초기구간에서 유사하게 변화하였고, 제 2국면에서 상체, 대퇴, 하퇴, 발 순서의 빠른 속도로 나타났다. 분절 별 질량중심의 평균 속도는 상체가 1.25m/s(E4), 대퇴가 3.3m/s(E4), 하퇴가 8.0m/s(E3), 발이 12.4m/s(E3)로 나타났다. 3. 이벤트 별 하지관절의 신전 및 굴곡의 최대 각은 고관절의 신전이 168.4도(E1), 굴곡이 41.0도(E4)로 나타났으며, 무릎관절의 신전이 171.2도(E4), 굴곡이 143.6도(E1)로 나타났고, 발목관절의 신전이 147.9도(E1), 굴곡이 39.4도(E3)로 나타났다. 그리고 각속도의 최대값은 고관절이 E4에서 73.9deg/s, 무릎관절이 E4에서 68.8deg/s, 발목관절이 E3에서 59.23deg/s로 나타났다. 4. 임펙트 시 발 끝의 높이는 평균 176.9cm로서 신장에 100.5%, 넷트에 114%, 하지장에 185%의 비율로 나타났다.

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