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      • KCI등재
      • 인플레이션에 있어서 期待의 役割

        金銀埰 釜山水産大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        Inflation can be defined as a process of continually rising prices and is therefore equivalent by definition to a continually falling value of money. Monetarist argue that monetary expansion is the primary cause of inflation, whereas Neo-Keynesian insist that monetary expansion is merely the response to an inflationary process caused by wages. Neo-Keynesian approach is that wages are an important component of the total cost of growth of productivity, then inflation will result. In the absence of monetary expansion, Inflation will reduce value of money supply and result in higher unemployment. In order to maintain full employment, the gov't will increase the money supply. on the other hand, monetarist insist that the origins of inflation are always excessive monetary expansion by the authorities and that this leads to excess demand in the labor and product markets, thus initiatng an inflationary process. Monetarists would accept the dictum put forward by Friedman that: 'Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.' The traditional quantity theory, which postulated a purely monetary explanation of the determination of the general price level, and traditional quantity theory assume that the demand for money and supply of money are determined independently of each other. On the other hand, modern are interdependent. They explain that the interdepence of the demand for money and supply of money is explained by the introduction of the expected rate of inflation into demand for money function. That is, an increase in the rate of monetary expansion will lead to an increare in the actual rate of inflation. This actual rate of inflation would cause individual to revise upwards their expectation of future rates of inflation, which would reduce the real quantity of money demanded. Modern theories of wage inflation derive from the late 1950s, which commence with the examination by Phillips(1958) of the statistical relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of money wages over the period, 1861-1957. This approach assume that money wages and costs are generally inflexible downwards and that the adjustments to real wages thought necessarily to secure full employment can be achieved-indirectly via increases in the price level. Phillips curve hypothesis, which argue that wage inflation rate are essentially determined by the unemployment, and which is originally seen as stable long-run relationship providing those combinations of unemployment and inflation rates among which policy-makers can choose in accord with their preference. But Milton Friedman and Edmund S. Phelps point to the implausilility of being able to fool all the workers all the time. workers and firms, will wish to bargain about real wages, aware of inflation. Accordingly, the natural rate of unemplayment, like the real rate of interest, can be inflation proof. One important consequence of these criticism of the Phillips curve is that expectations and their formation can no longer be easily ignored. Theorists have attempted to rehabilitate t- he Phillips curve by allowing for expectation. The expectation explicit in the "expectation augmented" phillips curve models of wages, prices, and employment are adaptive expectations of prices, which is attempted by Phillips Cagan(1956). Phillips Cagan are assumed to be weighted average of past level or rates of change of prices. Given such assumptions, it is still possible for prices to rise unexpectedly rapidly and for the unanticipated reduction in real wages to stimulate output and employment. Accordingly, it appeared as if the authorities still had the opportunity to trade off extra inflation for employment. Neo-Keynesian economics and policy prescription are assailed by a n alternative theory of expectations, rational expectations, that is conistent with the natural rate of unemployment hypothesis, Rational expectations is the invention of John F.Muth(1960, 1961) and the earliest application of the idea to stabilisation policy issues are made some ten years later by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. Rational expectation hypothesis expresses as the ecomonomic agents use all available and relevant information in forming expectations and that process this information in an intelligent fashion. It is important to recognize that this does not imply that economic agents have 'perfect foresight' or that their expections are always "correct." They reflect upon past errors and, if necessary, revise their expectational behavior as to eliminate regularities in these errors This hypothesis suggest that agents succeed in eliminating regularities in these errors, involving expectational errors, so that the errors will an average be unrelated to available information. In statistical terms, the errors are assumed to be uncorrelated with known values of all relevant variables, this, expectational errors, may often be large, but will not be systematically related to variables observable at the time of expectation formation. Although the rational expectation hypothesis has become rather widely accepted among leading economic theorists, many economists have failed to embrace the notion. The most common critics of R. E. H are: (1) it is unrealistic to assume that people or firms process information as intelligently as the hypothesis presume; (2) it is unrealistic to assume that agents use information on all relevant variables in forming expectations. (3) it is also problem that there is room for research on the economics of the period of transition to rational expectation.

      • KCI등재

        IUU어업과 조직범죄 집단에 의한 노동학대에 관한 연구

        김은채,이진우 한국해양비즈니스학회 2019 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.44

        This paper first of all investigates Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated(IUU) fishing has profits from using forced labors which are illegal migrants supplied by international organized crimes, And they are also profits from engaging human trafficking to make use of their illegal status, which are accused worldwide them of these illegal activities. Secondly we have shown the example, especially in Thailand's fisheries industries. Thirdly to combat labor abuse or IUU fishing we have also shown that Port State Measures are through the examples more effective instruments than those of Trade and Market Measures. Finally we notifies the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations are more important roles anything else, and the weaknesses of Port State Measures at which can be solved forward researches.

      • KCI등재

        EEZ 확대의 정치경제 : 렌트 추구의 경제적효과 Economic Effect of Rent-seeking

        김은채,박명섭 한국국제통상학회 2004 국제통상연구 Vol.9 No.2

        연안국의 EEZ의 확대는 연안국의 어장이 사유화됨을 의미한다. 원양어업국은 연안국수역에서 조업을 함에 있어 입어료부과, 어획쿼터 배정 등 제한을 받게 된다. 그 결과 원양어업국의 이윤의 일부가 연안국으로 이전되며 따라서 연안국은 EEZ를 더욱 확대하려는 인센티브(incentive)를 갖는다. 만약 연안국의 EEZ확대가 이해집단이 정치적 과정(political process)을 통해 렌트 추구가 이루어지면, 다시 말하면 이해집단이 그들의 의도를 관철시키는데 소요된 비용(rent seeking cost)을 보상받기 위해 과도한 어업자원을 채취하는 경우 이로 인한 사회적 비용(social cost)이 원양 어업국으로부터 벌어들일 수 있는 이윤(rent shift gains)을 능가하면 EEZ의 확대는 연안국후생을 오히려 감소시킬 수 있다. 미국의 알래스카 어장의 경우 EEZ시행이후 당해 수산업체의 과잉진입(over entry)을 초래하여 심각한 자원고갈현상을 보여주었다. Since 1970, as fishing technology has been developed, the living marine animals that have lived in the high seas have largely depleted. To manage effective marine resource conservation and management, the coastal countries proclaimed the Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) must be expanded and they have become the center of expanded EEZ. As consequence, UNCLOS have been effected since 1995. Thus these countries often perceive themselves as being in competition with each distant-water country for profitable for the expansion of the vested EEZ. In such a situation, EEZ expansion can appear as attractive policy tools in a coastal fishing firms in a noncooperative rivalries with a distant-water countries, enable them to expand their fishing share and earn more profits. In reality, the coastal countries' strategic EEZ expansion changes the initial condition of the game that both countries' fishing firms play. In this case, the coastal countries on the one hand have played as leader, the distant-water countries played as followers on the other hand. Thus it becomes so called stackel-berger leader-followers game. As a result, the coastal countries' welfare is improved due to the profits(=rents) shift from distant-water countries. The paper shows that coastal countries' strategic expansion of the EEZ that involved the interested group may not improved their welfare or rather result in resource depletion if the shifting profits or rent from distant-water countries are dominated by the coastal countries' direct lobby costs and related resource depletion.

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