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        몽골의 축산과 정책

        김형호,요든삼바훈데브,라구아밧슈리 한국국제농업개발학회 1998 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.10 No.3

        가축사육은 草生狀態에 따라 이동하는 遊牧形 사육시스템이 발달되어 있고, 축산이 농업 총 생산의 82.8%를 차지하고 있다. 가축사육은 수도 울란바드로를 중심으로 북서산간 지역과 남동의 초원 지대에서 대부분이 사육되고 있다. 주요 畜種은 낙타, 소, 말, 면양, 산양으로 草食家畜이 주종을 이루고 있으며 돼지, 닭 그리고 ㅈ소는 매우 적다. 1990년 계획경제에서 시장경제로의 전환에 따라 목장 사유화가 24%에서 93%로 크게 높아졌고, 가축 사육두수도 10.6%가 증가하였다. 축종별 사육두수(1995년기준)는 낙타 368,000두, 면양 13,718,000두, 산양이 8,520,000두, 소 3,316,000두 그리고 말은 2,648,000두인데 이는 1990년과 비교시 낙타는 32%, 면양은 9%가 감소된 반면에 산양 66%, 소 16%와 말 17%가 각각 증가하였다. 특히 이 기간중에 돼지는 135,000두에서 23,500두로 감소되였고 닭은 326,000수에서 99,300수로 감소되여 개량가축의 사육상 문제가 대두 되고있다. 畜産物 생산은 육류부분에서는 13.3%가 감소된 반면에, 우유와 양모는 큰 변화가 없고, 돼지고기와 닭고기는 크게 감소되였다. 가축 생산성을 향상시키기위한 과제로서 협동농장의 관리체계 재정립, 집약사육관리 기술자 육성과 전문 축산기술인 양성, 유목민에 대한 체계적인 지원으로 생산성 제고, 오지에서 생산된 축산물의 수집 체계 정립으로 손실방지와 품질확보, 축산물의 안정적인 도시공급 체계 등 기초기반 확립이 해결되어야 한다. The topography of country is roughly divided into a mountainous region in the northwest and the steppes in the southeast, more than 80% of the country is composed of the steppes 1,000 to 1,500 meters above sea level. Most of the land in the country consists of the gently sloped grassland. Traditionally, Mongolia is a nomadic country. Its livestock industry sector occupies an important position in the Mongolia economy accounts for 86% of the total value of agriculture. The total livestock population reached 28.570,000 heads at the end of 1995. The number of livestock is camel 368,000, sheep 13,718,000, goat 8,520,000, cattle 3,316,000 and horse 2,648,000 heads, respectively. The number of camel and sheep decreased 32% and 9%, respectively while the number of goat, cattle and horse increased 66%, 16% and 17%, respectively from 1990 to 1995. The number of pigs reached a record high of 135,000 heads while the number of chickens also reached a record high of 326,000 in 1990, the former decreased to 23,500 and the latter to 99,300 in 1995 as both of them were affected by the economic system change. An output of meat started to decrease after 1991 when it reached 218,2000 tons(dressed carcass), and totalled to 215,800tons in 1995, which represents a 23.3% decrease over the 1991 level. The output of milk and wool remained almost unchanged for the past 5 years, while pork and chicken sharply decreased. The principal problems facing Mongolia in the livestock production were 1) deteriorating management at corporate farms and reduction of the scale of their operations, 2) shortage of technology and technical experts in intensive animal husbandry. 3) no systems to support the nomadic herders. 4) insufficient raw materials are collected, and reduction in the volume of animal husbandry products supplied to the cities.

      • KCI등재

        대학 입학고사 성적과 교사양성 교육 및 교직 성취도와의 상관에 관한 종단적 연구(1)

        김형호 한국초등교육학회 1993 초등교육연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구는 교사교육의 중요성을 높이기 위해 전주교육대학의 입시성적, 대학학업성적 및 현직교육(교원연수, 교육신념, 직무만족도)간의 예언타당도를 종단적으로 조사, 분석하였다. 1962년∼1992년까지의 입학 및 졸업생 중 451명의 현직교사를 조사한 결과, 1. 대학입시성적과 대학학업성적과의 상관은 매우 낮았으며 (r=.13), 2. 대학학업성적의 현직연수성적 예언타당도는 상관이 있으나 낮았고(r=.37), 3. 교사들의 교육신념은 높았으나 대학학업성적이나 연수성적과는 상관이 거의 없었고(r=-.02∼.06). 4. 교직의 만족도는 대체로 높은 편이었으며 여교사일수록, 교직경력이 많을수록 더 만족하고있었으나 대학학업성적과는 상관이 거의 없었다(r=-.01∼-.13). 결국 획일적인 대학 입시제도에서 벗어나 교육대학에 맞는 입시제도의 고안과 교육 현장에 직결되는 교육대학 운영의 필요성을 발견할 수 있었다. This study was to research and analyze the relationship between the effectiveness of pre-service education and in-service education. The purpose of this study were, 1) To clarify the predictive power of the college entrance test score on the achievement at college. 2) To clarify the predictive power of the achievement at college on the in-service training, educational belief and job satisfaction. For this study, the subjects were the matriculate(N=2.087) and the graduate (N=556) of Chonju Teachers College(C.T.C). The major findings of the research were as follows. 1. The college entrance test scores of 4-year school system were superior to those of 2-year school system, and female students were superior to male students and the difference of the score was gradually severe. 2. The coefficient of correlation between college entrance test scores and achievement scores at college was so low(r=.13) that the former had not the former had not the predictive power on the latter. 3. The coefficient of correlation between achievement score at college and in-service training score was .37. 4. Educational beliefs of teachers were high and there were no significant difference in sex, age, school system and career of job(P>.05). Behavioral belief was highest and cognitive belief was lowest. There were no significant difference between achievement score at college and in-service training score and educational belief (P>.05). 5. In job satisfaction of teachers, the factor of motivation(3.23) was superior to the factor of hygine(2.45), so generally, teachers satisfied the job. There were no significant difference in sex, age and school system(P>.05), but there was significant difference in teachers of 20 years and upward and 19 years and under of career of job(P>.05). The coefficients of correlation between job satisfaction and achievement score at college(r=-.06), in-service training(r=-.04), educational belief(r=.09∼.20) were very low.

      • KCI등재

        일시적 함구증으로 나타난 카페시타빈항암제 유발 급성 독성백질뇌병증

        김형호,김현지,김수민,김수현,김건하 대한신경과학회 2022 대한신경과학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        Capecitabine, a precursor of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), is a well-tolerated and safe chemotherapy that has been used to treat breast, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers. Albeit rare, both 5-FU and capecitbine have been reported to be associated with acute central nervous system toxicity, including cerebellar dysfunction, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, and transient leukoencephalopathies. Here we present a case of 32-year-old female, demonstrating transient mutism related to capecitabine induced acute toxic leukoencephalopathy.

      • Ethrel과 CaNO_3의 處理가 포도 Campbell Early의 熟期에 미치는 影響

        金熒鎬 안성산업대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        本 調査는 Ethrel 單用 및 硝酸칼슘加用 Ethrel 處理가 葡萄 Campbell Early 果實의 熟期 및 品種向上 等에 미치는 影響을 調査하기 위하여 實施하였던 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. Ethrel과 CaNo_3의 處理가 葡萄 Campbell Early의 時期別 完熟果 收量에 미친 效科를 比較한 바 無處理區에 比하여 熟期促進의 效果가 認定되었고, 特히 熟期促進의 效果가 있었던 것은 Ethrel 500×CaNo_3와 E. 1000×CaNo_3加用이 葡萄의 熟期促進에 有效한 것으로 나타났다. 2. Ethrel과 CaNo_3가 葡萄의 糖度에 미친 影響을 比較한 바 無處理區에 比하여 糖含量이 높으나 着色度에 比하여 顯著하게 糖含量이 뒤 따르지 못하였다. 3. Ethrel과 CaNo_3가 葡萄 pH에 미친 影響을 調査한 바 無處理區에 比하여 酸度가 增加하여 5% 水準의 有意性이 있게 增加했고, 藥劑撒布한 區間의 差는 大同少異하게 나타났다. 4. Ethrel과 CaNo_3가 葡萄 着色度에 미친 效果를 比較한 바 Hormone加用區가 單用區보다 脫粒이 크게 防止되었다. 5. Hormone類別에 種類가 時期別 송이數에 미친 影響을 보면 無處理區에 比하여 顯著히 송이 數에 增加를 보였는데 이는 熟期促進과 收量增加에 기인한 것으로 생각된다. These experiments were carried out to clarity the effects of Ethrel and CaNO₃on the ripening time and the quality improvement of grape. The results are as follows. 1. We camparing the effect that the treatment of Ethrel and CaNO₃had an effect on the ripened grape quanitity, it was admitted that there is effect promoting ripening time. Specially it was appeared that to add Ethrel and CaNO₃and E. 1,000 x CaNO₃was very effective. 2. We camparing the effect that Ethrel and CaNO₃had on influenced upon the sugar degree of grape, sugar content was very high in camparision with being not reated, but apparently sugar content could not be followed in comparision with color degree. 3. We investigating the effect that Ethrel and CaNO₃had an effect on pH of graph, acidity was increased to 5% degree and the difference of sprinkled section was practically the same in camparision with being not treated. 4. We investigating the effect that Ethrel and CaNO₃had ad effect on color degree it was appeared that the section of E. 1,000 x CaNO₃and E. 500 x CaNO₃was effective. 5. We investigating the effect that a kind of hormone had an effect on falling of grape grains, adding the hormone was more effective than simple in preventing it. 6. We investigating the effect that each kind of hormone had an effect on grape bunch numbers, and it is considered that this resulted in promoting grape ripening time and increasing grape bunch numbers.

      • 靑少年의 學校暴力 被害 經驗이 學校生活 適應에 미치는 影響要因 分析 硏究

        김형호 한국복지상담실천학회 2020 한국복지상담실천학회지 Vol.1 No.-

        본 연구에서는 학교폭력 피해 경험이 학교적응과 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 탄력성 모델에 근거하여 학교폭력 피해 학생들의 학교 적응 과정에서 학교폭력 피해와 개인내적 보호요인과 대인외적 보호요인, 그리고 탄력성은 학교폭력피해 청소년들의 학교적응에 어떤 과정을 거쳐 어떻게 영향을 미치는 지를 살펴보고 이를 통해 학교폭력 피해 청소년들의 학교적응향상을 위한 개입 시 도움이 될 수 있는지를 실증적인 지식을 얻고자 하는 목적으로 이루어졌다. 학교폭력이 개인내적보호요인과 대인외적보호요인 그리고 탄력성에 영향을 미치고, 궁극적으로 학교적응에 영향을 미치는 경로모형에 대한 경로분석 결과 개인적 요인 중 내적통제소재가 탄력성에 유의하게 영향을 미쳤으며, 가정환경요인, 학교와 교사 요인, 또래친구 요인 모두 탄력성에 유의하게 영향을 미쳐서 그 요인의 정도가 커질수록 탄력성의 정도가 증가됨을 알 수 있었다. The study has investigated the relationship between school violence damage and students' adaptation to school based on flexibility model. The study researched how school violence damage, individual's internal protective factors, external protective factors and flexibility give effects to students' adaptation to school through which process. The purpose of this study is to get the empirical knowledge that can help damaged students adapt themselves to school when there is an intervention to help them through the process. The result of course analysis on the course model where school violence influences on individual's internal protective factor, external factor, flexibility and ultimately school adaptation revealed that internal control element out of individual factors influenced most on flexibility and all of other factors such as household environment, school and teacher factor, same age group factor influenced on flexibility significantly, meaning that the bigger is the factor, the bigger gets the level of flexibility.

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