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      • KCI등재

        대한제국기 일본인 기술자 이노우에 요시후미(井上宜文) 연구

        김명수 ( Kim Myungsoo ) 대구사학회 2018 대구사학 Vol.131 No.-

        This paper is intended to examine the political significance of the activities of a Japanese engineer during the Korean Empire era. The main data is a photo album of Inoue YoshihumI(井上宜文), which was recently discovered in Osaka. Inoue kept records of his life with many photographs as an engineer and entrepreneur. Inoue first came to Korea in 1899 to supply tram vehicles ordered from the Hansung Electric Company(漢城電氣會社). He was hired as an engineer at Pyeongsikwon(平式院) under the Imperial Household Agency in 1902, and produced and verified weights and measures until he was dismissed in 1906. Around the time of the Russo-Japanese War, Inoue constructed a military arsenal(軍器廠) and built temporary barracks for the Japanese army. In 1910, he was sent to the Japan-British Exhibition in London to promote Japan's technological prowess, colonial management, and the abundant resources of Japanese colonies. It was an active cooperation in national policy. After fulfilling his mission in the colonization process, Inoue turned into an entrepreneur. His entrepreneurial fields during Japanese occupation of Korea were pharmaceutical distribution business, mining and oil and fat manufacturing industry, land management etc, but Inoue didn’t achieve a big success in them. Masana Maeda(前田正名), who was called an uncrowned Minister of Agriculture, had an influence on Inoue's activities. In 1907, Inoue was considered a follower of Maeda. In conclusion, the activities of Japanese engineer Inoue, which took place in Korea during the Korean Empire era, are concerned with the expansion of Japanese imperialism, while partially accepting the Korean government's demands of producing electric rail vehicles or unification and reform of weights and measures.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 미구락부(米俱樂部)와 연시장(延市場)에 관한 연구 - 소위 ‘인취문제’와의 관련성을 중심으로 -

        김명수 ( Kim Myungsoo ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2021 日本硏究 Vol.- No.88

        この論文では1920年代を通じて京仁地域を揺るがせた所謂「仁取問題」との関連性を念頭に置きながら、これまで注目しなかった米倶楽部と延市場について検討した。米倶楽部は京城に生活基盤を持っていた取引員が京城の顧客の清算取引注文を受けるため京取の周辺にあたる明治町付近に出張所のような形で設けた末端店舗を意味する。延市場は延取引が行われる穀物市場を指す。延取引は一種の掛け売りで、最長60日まで決済を延期することができた。 1920年に市場規則が改正されることによって、全国9個所に穀物現物市場が許可され、延取引が公認された。しかし、禁止された差金決済と転売及び買戻しが行われ、延取引は類似清算取引となってしまった。1921年4月に施行された朝鮮取引所税令は仁取のみに適用され、延市場には適用されなかった。仁取が各地の延市場に比べて差別待遇を受けていると主張した所以である。さらに群山延市場が京城進出を試みると、仁取取引員組合が「仁取差別待遇撤廃運動」を展開していった。 朝鮮総督府の対策は2つの方向から行われた。一つは、1930年5月に市場規則を改正して事実上の仁取仲買店の出張所であった米倶楽部を廃止した。群山延市場も支店設置を通じた京城進出をあきらめた。もう一つは、1931年5月の朝鮮取引所令の公布と延市場の取引所への昇格であった。それまで延市場が行ってきた現物取引は新しく設置された正米市場が担当することになった。 This paper reviewed rice clubs and deferred markets, which had not been noticed so far, keeping in mind the connection with the so-called “Incheon Rice Exchange(IRE) Problem” which made the Gyeongin area noisy throughout the 1920s. Gyeongin means Seoul and Incheon. A rice club means a terminal store placed near Meijicho, near Keijo Stock Market, which is like a branch office established by a broker to receive orders for futures transaction of Seoul customers. A deferred market was a kind of grain market in which deferred transactions performed, which allowed payments to be postponed for up to 60 days. With the revised market rules in 1920, spot grain markets were licensed in nine regions nationwide, and deferred transaction was approved officially. However, with the forbidden net settlement, resale, and redemption, the deferred transaction changed to a similar futures transaction. The increase in the volume of deferred transactions posed a threat to the IRE. The Choseon Exchange Tax Act, enforced in April 1921, was applied only to the Incheon Rice Exchange, not to the deferred markets. This is the background for claiming that the Incheon Rice Exchange is treated discriminatingly. In addition, as the Gunsan Deferred Market attempted to enter Gyeongseong, the IRE authorized brokers’ Association moved. A movement to abolish discriminative treatment was developed. The Government-General of Korea’s countermeasures were taken in two directions. One revised the market rules in May 1930 and abolished rice clubs, which served as a branch office for IRE brokerage firm. The other was the promulgation of Choseon Exchange Act in May 1931 and the promotion of deferred markets’ to grain exchanges.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 한성은행의 정리와 조선인 CEO 한상룡의 몰락

        김명수 ( Kim Myungsoo ) 역사문제연구소 2012 역사문제연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Examined in this article, is the “Hanseong Bank” which was opened in colonized Joseon and then liquified(dismantled) in the 1920s during a lengthy depression, as well as a CEO of that bank named Han Sang-ryong, who served in the capacity of generally managing the bank for a long time. The examination is to determine the process in which colony authorities altered the nature of financial entities in Korea. Also examined are Han Sang-ryong`s letters sent to certain influential people in Japan, who served in political and economic areas, as they reveal how an entrepreneur in a colonized country could survive, thrive, and fall. Hanseong Bank was in Korea, and then one or two branches were opened inside Japan. The Tokyo Branch office(東京支店) was opened in 1918, while the Osaka Branch office(大阪支店) was opened in 1922. The foundation of the Tokyo Branch office was primarily by the encouragement of Prime Minister Tera`uchi(寺內), who intended to present the bank and its branches as a prime example of the “Domestic[Japan] & Foreign[Joseon] Alike Law(內外地共通法)”, yet Hanseong Bank itself needed to absorb all the money floating inside the Japanese market, which was generated by the booming economy at the time of the 1st World war. For several years Hanseong Bank`s Branch offices in Japan managed to contribute to the growth of the Hanseong Bank, yet in the process these Branch offices in Japan ironically turned the nature of the Hanseong Bank in Korea into something that would be heavily influenced by the economic shifts which were periodically occurring in Japan. Such concern was vividly realized in 1923, when an earthquake disaster led to a panic and depression(“震災恐慌”). Hanseong Bank was able to overcome its management crisis, as the “Dong`yang Cheokshik Hwe`sa”(the Eastern Land Ownership/Financing Group), with the support of the Joseon Governor General office, agreed to undertake Hanseong Bank`s invalidated(肩替) security real estates, yet the prospect for future business was still grim. The Governor General office was concerned that the deteriorating business of the Hanseong Bank might affect the entire Joseon economy, and decided to begin the process of dismantling it. In February 1926, Tsutsumi Aei`ichi(堤永市) was dispatched from the Joseon Bank to lead the job, and the dismantling was financially aided by the Governor General office which provided 1,200,000 Yen without interest. Yet in March 1927 a financial depression broke out, and the dismantlement process was temporarily halted. Special loaning from the Bank of Japan had to arrive, and after that the Hanseong Bank entered the final phase of liquidation. In February 1928, Director Gusama(草間) of the Governor General office discussed the situation with the Bank of Japan and the Japanese Ministry of Finance(大藏省), and presented a liquidation plan, which included cutting the capital fund in half, eliciting private properties from the bank officials, shutting down branch offices in Japan, and lowering the interest rate for the money specially loaned from the Bank of Japan. Hanseong Bank, presented with such plan, decided to accept it after having an Extraordinary assembly of stockholders. With the liquidation, Hanseong Bank, which had been under Korean management for quite some time, was finally placed under the jurisdiction and monitoring of the Joseon Shiksan bank, under the influence of the Japanese. Han Sang-ryong declared the responsibility as his own. Yet it was rather the Tokyo Branch office that brought down the Hanseong Bank, and not him. After that, Han Sang-ryong established a Joseon Trust Fund, and intended to return to the Joseon business as president of that company, yet his scenario for return had problems and eventually failed. Han Sang-ryong`s plan to bring funding from Japan and establish a civilian company in Joseon, was blocked at the final stage of the company foundation by the Bankers and existing trust managers, and as a result, the Joseon Bank and the Joseon Shiksan Bank ended up becoming the biggest stockholders, making the new company half-civilian, half-government in nature. Han Sang-ryong had been most cooperative to Japan`s ruling of Joseon, in fact more so than anyone else, yet in the end he too was merely used and ridiculed and abandoned by the Japanese, as well as by changes in their colonial policies. All the letters Han Sang-ryong sent to `friends in Japan` from the mid-1920s and through the early 1930s, reveal the above-mentioned chain of events in great details, described vividly by Han Sang-ryong`s own words.

      • KCI등재

        재조일본인(在朝日本人)의 신탁회사 설립과 경영에 관한 연구

        김명수(Kim, Myungsoo) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2015 인천학연구 Vol.23 No.-

        한국에서 근대적 의미의 신탁업은, 1906년에 藤井寬太郞의 藤本合資會社가 한국에 진출한 일본인 지주들의 토지를 위탁관리하기 시작한 것에서 비롯된다. 1908년 3월에는 남선상사신탁주식회사가 설립되었고, 1910년 12월에는 인천에서 조선신탁합명회사가 출현하였다. 1921년 11월에 설립된 조선신탁주식회사는 조선신탁합명의 신탁업무를 승계하여 설립되었다. 인천재계의 주요 인물들이 조선신탁의 설립에 참여하였으며, 조선인은 감사역 장석우를 비롯하여 극히 소수에 불과했다. 조선신탁의 예에서 알 수 있듯이, 일제 강점기 한국에 설립된 신탁회사들은 주로 일본인들에 의해 경영되었다. 따라서 조선신탁의 사례는 재조일본인의 신탁회사 경영에 관한 사례연구로서 연구사적 의의가 있다. 1920년대는 장기불황이 계속된 ‘공황의 시대’로, 이때 설립된 조선신탁의 영업이 부진한 것은 당연했다. 조선신탁은 은행으로부터 차입한 자금과 일반에서 흡수한 신탁금을 토대로 주로 대부업을 통한 이자수입에 의존했다. 불안한 대출은 정리하여 영업의 건전화를 꾀했다. 1928년 12월 이후 조선상업은행 출신 금융전문가 池邊竹次를 영입하여 사장에 추대했고, 1930년 2월에도 역시 關滿登을 영입하여 전무 겸 지배인에 선임했다. 그러나 1930년 11월에 발생한 배임횡령에 관한 고소사건으로 조선신탁은 영업상 큰 타격을 받게 된다. 1930년 이후 조선신탁이 ‘반휴업상태’에 빠지고 무배당을 기록하였다. 조선신탁의 중역인 堆浩가 조선산업의 토지를 인수하면서 동원한 자금이 배임과 횡령으로 마련되었다 하여 ‘토지부정취득사건’으로 규정되었다. 결국 당기순손금이 발생하고 말았다. 조선신탁의 경영권을 둘러싸고 堆浩一派와 桑野健治一派가 대립하였다. 이 두 세력간의 대립이 장기불황과 맞물리면서 조선신탁의 경영을 어렵게 만들었다. 경영권 다툼이 치열했던 것은 조선신탁의 신탁금을 사금고처럼 이용할 수 있었기 때문이었다. 경영부진에 빠져있던 조선신탁은 1932년 1월 신탁업을 포기하고 금융회사로 전환되었다. 1931년 6월 9일에 제정된 조선신탁업령이 동년 12월에 실행되었기 때문이다. 조선신탁업령의 최소자본금 규정인 200만원은 충족할 수 있었으나, 조선신탁의 內訌, 연이은 不祥事件, 대부업 중심의 후진적 신탁업 경영은 엄격한 통제를 표방한 조선신탁업령 하에서는 유지되기 어려웠던 것이다. Modern trust industry in Korea started from the management in Japanese landowner’s land by Fujii Kantaro(藤井寬太郞)’s Fujimoto joint-stock company(藤本合資會社) in 1906. After that, Namseon Sangsa Trust Company(南鮮商事信託會社) was established in March 1908 and Choseon Trust Unlimited Partnership(朝鮮信託合名會社) in December 1910. Choseon Trust Company(朝鮮信託株式會社, a stock company), which was established in November 1921, succeeded to trust work from Choseon Trust Unlimited Partnership. Leading lights in Incheon business society participated in the establishment of Choseon Trust Company, and only a few Koreans like an inspector Jang, Seok-woo(張錫佑) took part in it. As you know from the case of Choseon Trust Company, trust companies established during the colonial period were managed by Japanese settlers in colonial Korea(JSCK). Therefore, the case of Choseon Trust Company has importance as a case study on a trust company management by JSCKBecause of the long recession of 1920s in Japan and Korea, little wonder Choseon Trust Company was in business depression. Choseon Trust Company depended on the interest income through lending under mortgage with financed money from banks and money in trust from investing publics. Choseon Trust Company tried to improve the management performance by collecting non performing loans. For trust business, Choseon Trust Company scouted Ikebe Takeji(池邊竹次) and Seki Manto(關滿登) as professional managers from Choseon Commercial Bank(朝鮮商業銀行) and selected Ikebe as president in December 1928 and Seki as manager. However, management of Choseon Trust Company was charged with dereliction of duty, and which made Choseon Trust Company suffer heavily, and no dividend was paid to stockholders since 1930. Moreover, the biggest shareholder and central figure of Choseon Trust Company Akutsu Hiroshi and three other directors were arrested for jumping a claim of company funds. Akutsu’s group had locked horns with Kuwano Kenji’s group over the management rights, which made Choseon Trust Company’s management bad under long recession during 1920s. Fierce competition between two groups was caused by intention to use Choseon Trust Company as a private bank. Choseon Trust Company had no choice but to give up its trust business and be turned over to a financial Company in January 1932 because Choseon Trust Act had been enforced since December 1931. Choseon Trust Company was able to satisfy minimum capital regulation 2,000,000Yen, but internal disturbance, successive scandals and backward trust management centering on moneylending business were impossible under Choseon Trust Act which claimed to control Choseon’s trust companies strictly.

      • KCI등재

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