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      • KCI등재

        국가이미지와 브랜드개성이 중국 소비자들의 한국 자동차 선택에 미치는 영향

        진학 慶熙大學校 社會科學硏究院 2006 社會科學硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 국가이미지와 브랜드개성이 중국 소비자들의 한국 자동차 선택에 있어 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 분석하는데 그 목적이 있으며, 이러한 분석결과를 토대로 한국기업들의 대중국 마케팅 전략을 도출하고자 한다. 분석결과 두 요인은 모두 중국 소비자들의 한국 자동차 선택에 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 국가이미지 뿐만 아니라, 브랜드개성 역시 상징적 속성으로 중국 소비자들의 한국 자동차 선택에 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구가 시사하는 바는 한구기업들이 중국시장에 진출함에 있어 국가이미지 요인 뿐만 아니라 독특한 브랜드 개발의 필요성을 암시하는데 이러한 브랜드 이미지가 한국의 국가이미지를 잘 나타낼 수 있을 때 중국 소비자들의 한국 브랜드에 대한 충성도는 더 높아질 것이다. This thesis researches directly and indirectly how country image and functional attributes as well as brand personality, influence the Chinese consumer`s Korean automobiles selection-preference and purchase intention- and reports the strategic implications of its findings. From the viewpoints of the Chinese consumers, the researcher seeks to determine how country image, functional attributes and brand personality influence Korean automobiles selection. The strategic implications of this research is as follows: functional attributes above all else were revealed as the most powerful variable. Next, brand personality presents as a symbolic aspect that accounts for a significant amount of differences in the Chinese consumer`s Korean automobiles selection. Throughout this study, it can be acutely recognized that brand personality in relation to its symbolic aspect has an important influence on the Chinese consumer`s Korean automobiles selection. This study suggests the necessity of effort to develop representative brands with a unique personality in connection with a country image. That is, brand personality adds brand identity to reliability and makes for a stronger brand in Chinese markets.

      • 疲勞限度에 영향을 미치는 表面거칠기의 정량적 평가

        진학,민건 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1997 産業技術硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Fatigue tests were performed to investigate how much vary the fatigue limit under the different surface conditions on Carbon Steel(SM55C). Four types of specimen which have different surface roughness each other, Series A by turning, Series B by grinding, Series C by polishing and Series D by roller finishing showed the fatigue limit of 265, 320, 335 and 365MPa, respectively. Series D show 36% higher than Series A, which is caused by compressive residential stress on the surface. Therefore, roller finishing machining is helpful not only increase the fatigue limit but also improve the surface roughness. Moreover, to predict the fatigue limit under the conditions of knowing surface roughness and hardness of specimen, √area parameter method is very useful.

      • EU의 統合擴大와 韓國의 對應課題

        진학,조용득 建國大學校 經濟經營硏究所 1998 商經硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance of EU in the world trade, and the confrontation strategy on Korea about the Expansion of EU and the appearance of EURO currency. EU established Germany, France, Italy, and Benelux(Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg) in 1952, UK, Ireland, Denmark joined the EU ion 1973, Greece in 1981, and Spain and Portugal in 1986. The EU include 15 countries after Austria, Sweden, and Finland joined the EU. Since I January 1995 the European Union(EU) have been enlarged to include most of the EFTA group. More European states can be expected to become members of the EU before the end of the millennium. The EU is the most powerful economic grouping within the new Europe. It is, despite differences in culture, language and emphasis on nationalism, both socially and economically more integrated than the rest of Europe. It has been in a position to negotiate and operate as a whole in its external economic relations. The EU's pattern of trade illustrates both the importance of trade within the EU(internal trade) and the magnitude of the trade flows (export plus imports) between Europe and the rest of the world (external trade). In 1955, the volume of the EU trade accounted for 39.6% in the world trade. But while internal trade is clearly more significant for the EU than its external trade. In order to obtain a global view of the EU's trading position in the world economy it is useful to look at its shares in world merchandise. In 1995, the EU's share in total world merchandise exports amounted to 43 percent including internal trade. The EU contributed as much as 40 percent to world exports. Even after ignoring intra-EU trade, exports from the EU accounted for 25 percent of world merchandise exports. The EU also plays a significantly larger role in exporting services than the USA which contributed 11.5 percent to world exports in commercial services. In 1995, 48 percent of the EU's export went to Western industrialised countries. Exports to the Third World, on the other hand, grew much less rapidly. In 1995, 46 percent of all the EU's exports were destined for developing market economics. The EU is the third largest trade parter for Korea. Also, the appearance of EURO currency increases the EU' importance for Korea's trade strategy. Korea must open its domestic market on liberalization of capital movement and trade transactions for mutual benefits with the EU. Korean government must recognize the role of the EU in the world trade. In order to cooperate with EU and increase the trade volume with EU, Korea must reinforce adjustment of industrial structure, promotion of Korea's competitive position in EU market, and economic operation based on private enterprises. Korea must reinforce a multilateral trade order system because the EU is based on the idea of reinforcement through multilateral regulation provision. Korea must cope with the EU actively through adjustment of industrial structure, improvement of the quality, reinforcement of the price competitive power, and the development of new technology. Also, Korea must lessen the economic regulations for strengthening Korea's competitive position in the EU market. To restrain exclusive regionalism from EU, Korea needs to construct an opening towards a regional cooperation system. For example, APEC is a crucial regional trade cooperation for Korea depend the bilateral for EU.

      • 中國經濟의 現況과 展望

        金陣鶴 慶熙大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Chinese economy has been developing very rapidly since her Reform and Open-door policy in 1978. China will become a very important export market to Asian countries and will play a very important role in Asian and World economy. Economic cooperation between Korea and China, close in their distance and complement in their industrial structures, resources, and technology is important between two countries. Economic relationship between two countries have been increased mainly by the role of business enterprises in points of trade and foreign investment since the 1980's. But this type of cooperation through business enterprises has revealed many problems adverse to mutual benefit. Therefore, there is need for systematic and efficient approaches to them. I suggest to establish an organization in which private enterprises and government offices take parts, and to adjust the interest between them in this organization.

      • KCI등재

        A Missional challenge to Pre-exilic faith community for the practice of Idolatry

        진학 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.28 No.-

        하나님께서는 창세기 12장에서 아브라함에게 복을 주시며 축복하신다. 그러나 이 복은 그 자신에게만 제한된 것이 아니라 열방을 향한 선교적 복이었다. 이러한 하나님의 선교는 하나님 백성의 선교로 출애굽기 19장 5-6절에 모든 민족 중에 하나님에 대하여 제사장 나라가 되며 거룩한 백성이 되리라는 축복으로 구체화된다. 그러나 이러한 온 세상을 향한 하나님의 선교는 이스라엘 백성들이 우상숭배를 행함으로써 점점 그 빛을 잃고 열방의 빛의 사명을 감당하기보다는 하나님의 심판의 자리에 놓이게 된다. 빌 (Beale)이 강하게 주장하는 것처럼, 우리는 우리가 믿고 따르른 것, 곧 그 우상을 닮고 우상처럼 행한다. 우리가 섬기는 것을 우리는 본받게 되며, 더 나아가 우리가 그것처럼 변하는 것이다. 그래서 이스라엘 백성들이 우상숭배를 할 때, 하나님 섬기는 것을 소홀히 하거나 버리는 것은 자연스럽게 이루어지는 현상이다. 이러한 주장을 보여주기 위해 포로전 이스라엘의 정치-경제적 상황을 살펴보았다. 이사야 선지자 시대, 특별히 아하스 왕 시대에 에브라임-시리아 동맹군이 유다와 전쟁을 일으켰고, 아하스 왕은 이제 신흥세력으로 떠오르는 앗수르에 도움을 구한다. 북이스라엘이 멸망을 당하고, 많은 피난민들이 예루살렘으로 피난 오는 현상을 통해 예루살렘에 급속한 인구증가를 가져온다. 이것은 남유다에 많은 정치-경제적 도전을 주었는데, 특별히 사회적 갈등과 고아와 과부, 그리고 나그네 등 가난한 사람들을 착취하는 모습으로 나타난다. 그런데 이것은 표면적으로 나타나는 현상이고, 깊은 내면에 문제가 도사리고 있는데, 그것이 바로 그들이 섬기는 우상에 그 기원을 두고 있다는 것이다. 그들이 섬기는 우상처럼, 그들은 탐욕스러워지고, 약하고 가난한 사람들을 착취하는 것이다. 하나님의 속성인 공의와 정의를 통해 세상의 빛과 소금의 사명을 감당하는 선교적 사명을 망각하고 그가 섬기는 탐욕의 우상을 따르는 것이다. 이것은 동시에 현대를 살아가는 한국교회에도 많은 도전과 고민을 던져준다. 자기중심적 세계관과 그것을 채우고 만족과 평안을 구하는 세상의 우상숭배와 그곳에서 파생되는 탐욕과 사회적 아픔은, 21세기에 선교적 사명을 감당해야 할 한국교회가 반드시 기도하며 극복해야 하는 과제이다.

      • 韓國의 勞動運動과 全國 및 地域勞動組合 聯合團體에 관한 硏究

        金振學 수원대학교 1990 地域社會開發 Vol.2 No.-

        The findings in this research reveal that ; Labor movement should be based on democratic systems, not on radical and political movement and struggle, and maintain business unionism. So Korean nationwide lagor center, Federation of Korean labor is urged to develop the policies, adjust their roles, and reorganize the whole organization including regional Federation of Labor for the working conditions and the welfare of members of union.

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