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        대규모 환경재난에 대한 국가개입의 의미와 한계, 조정적 보상모델에 관한 논의

        재선(Kim, Jae-Sun) 한국토지공법학회 2013 土地公法硏究 Vol.62 No.-

        사인간의 분쟁에 대한 국가의 개입은 어느 정도로 인정되어야 할까. 국가가 당사자가 아닌 사건에서 피해 당사자의 의지와 상관없이 사법부에 소송이 제기되기 전에 정부에서 적극적으로 보상협의를 하는 것이 가능할까. 오늘날 기술의 발전에 동반되는 기술의 불안전성으로 인하여 국민의 기본권 침해에 대한 안정적 보호체계를 요구하는 법치국가의 원리는 보다 규범적인 보호를 필요로 하는 차선책으로 발전하였다. 하지만 대형 재난상황에서 국민의 요구에 대처하는 국가의 방식은 다각화된 이해관계, 위험의 불확실성(uncertainty), 국제법적 요구 등으로 인하여 아직까지 정형화된 방식으로 발전하기 못한 것으로 보인다. 위험에 대한 국가의 개입은 규범적 기준에 관한 논의보다는 이미 발생한 사안에 대한 대화(조정)를 통한 사후관리의 형태로 나타났다. 본고는 국가의 개입이 가장 광범위하게 나타난 영역 중 하나인 대규모 환경재난(유류오염사고) 보상에 대한 국가의 역할에 관한 비교법적 연구를 시도하였다. 미국 멕시코만 유류유출 사건(2010년, BP Oil Spill)과 우리나라의 태안 유류유출 사건(2007년, 허베이 스피리트호 사건)은 1) 대형 유류유출 사건으로 주변 해안과 주민들에게 심각한 경제적ㆍ환경적 피해를 유발하였다는 점 2) 사건 이후 양국 정부 모두 특별재난지역임을 선포하고 보상절차에 적극적으로 개입하였다는 점 3) 정형화된 보상절차(미국 연방환경청 갈등예방ㆍ해결센터, 우리나라 환경분쟁조정위원회)을 따르지 않고 특별법을 제정하는 등 새로운 유형의 정부개입이 이루어졌다는 점에서 공통적이다. 사건 이후 양국 정부는 정치적 결단과 사법적 결단의 경계에서 대화(조정) 역할을 자처하였으며 이러한 노력은 상당한 진전을 이루었다. 아직 보상절차는 진행 중이지만 과거 알레스카만 유류유출 사건(1989년, 엑슨 발데즈호 사건)이 보상에 20여년(1989년-2008년)이 소요되었다는 점을 고려하면 긴급보상을 실시한 후 3년여만에 본격 보상절차를 시작한 미국 정부와 6년여만에 특별법 제정을 통하여 본격적 보상에 나선 한국 정부는 ‘상대적으로’ 빠른 절차로 보인다. 그럼에도 불구하고 과연 이러한 노정(process)가 최선이었던가, 혹은 이러한 국가의 개입이 근본적으로 원고와 피고의 이익을 증대시켰는가에 관한 의문이 든다. 미국과 한국 양 정부는 보상절차 집행이라는 법적 절차에 정치적 결단을 개입시켜 법적 미비를 보완하였다는 점에서는 의미가 있다. 하지만 차후 유사한 사례에서는 국민들이 예측가능한 보상을 기대할 수 있도록 보다 제도화된 보상절차를 도입하여야 할 것이다. 따라서 우리나라에서도 국제기금에 의존할 것이 아니라 우리만의 유류유출 재난보상관련 법률을 제정하여 1) 독자적 보상펀드 2) 긴급 생활보상 절차 3) 조정적 보상절차의 도입가능성 등 필수적 사항을 명시하여야 할 것이다. 또한 허베이 스피리트호 특별법의 집행을 앞두고 1) 조정적 보상절차와 같은 새로운 권리구제방안 2) 보상금액 산정과 집행에서 국제적 기준 3) 사건에 관한 다각적 의견 반영 등을 고려하여 국가개입의 긍정적 보상사례가 되도록 노력하여야 할 것이다. How much government should interfere regarding the private disputes? If it is about the mass environmental disaster, government should act more actively to recover damages of individuals and corporations? This article studies two oil spill cases in U.S.A. and South Korea. Both cases incurred serious economic and environmental damages for the people around the shore by oil spills. After the accident, U.S. government made a new mediative compensation system and Korea government created a new law to recover the people. Although there were legislations for the unexpected accidents, the recovery in the legal process takes a lot of time which might make useless for the victims. In this situation, governments' action to force the recovery worked to facilitate the process. However, it also accompanied of uncertainty because it was in the middle of a political and legal action. In USA, mediative compensation system was created to recover 9.11 victims. The new system which added court’s overseeing and multiple administrative venders put more emphasis on justice in the process. This efforts made quite advanced process than the former oil spill case(Exxon Valdez case) which took 20 years to compensate for the victims. Therefore, we need to consider more systemetic approach to make a legal system for the oil spills which compromise mediative compensation system etc.

      • KCI우수등재

        행정입법제정절차 통제방안에 관한 미국 행정법학계의 논쟁과 시사점 ― 미국 행정절차법 제553조 공고 및 의견제출 절차 논의를 중심으로 ―

        재선 한국공법학회 2023 공법연구 Vol.51 No.3

        The United States Administrative Conference, an independent committee under the US Administrative Procedure Act in 2019, proposed a recommendation that the procedures for enacting administrative legislation should be strengthened. The recommendation focuses on Article 553 of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act, which has been the subject of continuous debate since its enactment in 1946. Article 553 of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act stipulates that administrative legislation must go through a legislative notice and comment procedure for interested parties, while the procedure may be omitted if “an interpretation rule, policy explanation, or administrative agency deems it impossible, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.” However, it has been criticized that the public's procedural participation in the administrative legislation process under the Federal Administrative Procedure Act has not been practically achieved as each federal agencies prefers to omit the procedures rather than comply with the federal administrative law. After the economic depression in 1929, the expansion of administrative legislation by the federal government served as an opportunity for the enactment of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act. Initially, procedures equivalent to hearing procedures were stipulated, but they were not approved by the Congress, and in the case of summary procedures as a result of compromise, they were stipulated to go through public notice and opinion procedures. However, the notice and comment procedures, which were more unstringent than the hearing procedures under the Administrative Procedure Act, raised skepticism about the effectiveness of procedural control, and legislation was submitted to strengthen procedures in the 1960s. Since then, health, safety, and environmental regulations have increased rapidly, and procedural control over the administration's disposition has been emphasized through the Information Disclosure Act in 1966 and the Goldberg case in 1976. However, regulations on new areas strengthened the court's administrative delegation through the Chevron case and since the 1980s, administrative legislation has emerged as a regulatory area that affects basic rights of the people, such as property rights. As a result, discussions on re-evaluation of administrative legislation procedures emerged in the 1990s, mainly through relaxed administrative legislation procedures, and discussions calling for effective control of administrative legislation procedures have been held since the 2000s. In particular, since 2010, it has been argued that at least the procedure should be more clearly defined, and discussions are being held at the 2015 United States Administrative Conference. The recent discussion has emerged as a way to supplement the current administrative legislation enactment procedure. It is argued that the necessity of public notice and opinion submission procedures should be recognized, but the public notice and opinion submission procedures that are operated or exceptionally omitted should be operated in a more effective direction. For example, a minimum disclosure deadline of 60 days, a plan to reach stakeholders more actively, a plan to submit opinions online, and a plan to write down the administration's response to the submission of opinions. However, this measure can still be criticized in that it complicates the administrative legislation process of the administration and limits its practical content control. The administrative legislative procedure under the Administrative Procedure Act of Korea is quite similar to the United States administrative legislative procedure in that it is difficult to strictly interpret the administrative legislative procedure due to unclear exceptions and relatively wide regulations. However, as the U.S. administrative law is still a subject of controversy, more discussions will be held in Korea on how to evaluate the normative stric...

      • KCI등재

        구성원 신뢰, 소속감, 성과기대가 팀 협력의지에 미치는 영향

        재선(Jae Seon Kim),공수(Kong Soo Kim),이국용(Kook Yong Lee) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        In this study, we wished to examine structurally the relationships between team collaboration intention and members trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation. For this purpose, we collected data from 161 participants experiences collaborative behavior using survey by questionnaires, to confirm the influential relationships between these constructs due to relative literature reviews such as Knowledge Sharing and Team Collaboration. PLS modelling techniques to verify the hypotheses was performed. Empirical results show that members s trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation significantly influenced the team collaboration intention except of 3 hypotheses(members trust and similarity, familiarity and sense of belonging, sense of belonging and members trust). From these results, we reaffirmed that higher attributes such as the members s trust, sense of belonging, performance expectation, opportunistic behavior, similarity, familiarity, usefulness influence team collaboration intention.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        만주족 살만과 소도

        재선 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2006 新羅文化 Vol.28 No.-

        現今有關蘇塗的硏究雖然不少, 但對此尙未有具體的明確答案, 故本文擬就現存薩滿神詞一名祝辭的內容考察祭天儀式的目的來了解蘇塗.分析滿族擧行還愿跳神儀式時所唱的神詞結果, 得知滿族神詞內容不超出人間諸事. 生老病死.喜怒哀樂之事的範圍. 就其滿族的還愿 跳神與馬韓蘇塗比較之結果, 深知在別邑蘇塗發生的各種事情皆與日常生活有 密切的關係, 而且就是百姓他們的生活. 在第三章, 與同所考察的分析內容相同, 人們所祈求的雖然是極其平凡庸俗的, 什樣的, 是不可抵禦的事情. 這純僕的百姓所祈求的.2 新羅文化 第 28輯[주제어] 마한(馬韓, mahan), 소도(蘇塗, sodo), 환원(還愿, 滿語 metembi), 도신(跳神, 滿語 wecembi), 신사(神詞, sinsa) 신간(神竿, singan), 색막간자(索摩杆子, suomo gani)

      • KCI등재

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