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        한반도 통일에서 종교의 역할

        정용길 한독사회과학회 2004 한독사회과학논총 Vol.14 No.2

        북한은 이념상 종교를 허용할 수 없는 나라이다. 그러나 통일되기 전 월맹이 남베트남의 공산화를 위해서 종교에 대해 포용정책을 취하며 적절히 이용하였던 것처럼 북한정권도 1980년대 이후 종교에 대해 관대해 졌다. 또한 독일 통일과정에서 독일교회의 역할이 컸다고 한다. 그러나 동독의 교회는 동독체제에 대한 개혁이나 저항운동을 한 것이지, 통일과정에는 직접적으로 기능을 하지 않았다는 분석도 있다. 즉 독일통일은 베를린 장벽의 붕괴, 동독자유총선거의 결과 그리고 독일통일에 책임과 권한을 갖고 있던 4대 연합국들과의 합의를 이끌어 낸 “2+4 회담” 등 여러 과정의 결과라는 것이다. 그러나 동독의 교회가 동독의 변화에 기여를 한 것은 사실이고, 그 변화는 어느 정도 통일과도 연관이 있다고 평가할 수 있다. 동서독과 남북한의 종교교류에서 세 가지 큰 차이점을 발견할 수 있다. 하나는, 동서독 교회들은 ‘교회의 날’ 행사를 함께 하면서도, 그것을 반전․반핵․평화운동이라고 했지, ‘통일운동’이라고 표현하지 않았다. 그러나 한반도의 남북한 종교 지도자들은 종교교류를 하면서 ‘통일운동’이라고 부르는 것이다. 또 다른 하나는 동독의 개혁. 저항운동의 주도세력은 기독교인들이었다. 그러나 북한에는 동독에서처럼 개혁․저항운동을 수행할 만한 종교조직과 종교인이 아직 없다는 것이다. 또한 북한은 대남 종교교류의 창구가 사실상 하나인 단일 창구인데 반하여, 남한의 대북창구는 불교, 기독교, 천주교 등 각 종교, 종파, 조직 그리고 기구 별로 다양하다. 그러므로 남한 내 각 종교, 종파들간의 경쟁과 분파주의도 극복되어야 한다.남북한간의 종교교류가 더 활성화되면 북한 주민들의 종교에 대한 부정적 인식도 차츰 바뀌게 되어 남북화해와 협력에 도움이 될 것이다. 그런 의미에서 통일에 기여도 할 것이다. 그리고 분명한 것은 통일된 한반도는 종교의 자유가 있는 곳이어야 한다. 종교의 자유가 있는 곳은 다원주의 사회이다. 한반도 통일과정에서도 종교의 역할이 있다면, 그것은 다원주의적인 사회로 통일이 될 때 가능한 것이다. 그러므로 남북한간의 종교교류는 더욱 활성화되어야 한다. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse meiner Studie über die Grundzüge der Rolle der Religion bei dem Vereinigungsprozess bestehen aus folgenden wesentlichen Punkten: Nordkorea ist ein Staat, der aus ideologischen Gründen die Religion in seinem Land nicht erlauben kann. Trotzdem strebt die nordkoreanische Regierung seit 1980 an, die Religion strategisch zu verwenden, so wie das kommunistische Nordvietnam die Religion beim Vereinigungsprozess als Versöhnungspolitik benutzt hat.Man glaubt, dass die evangelische Kirche bei der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands eine große Rolle gespielt hat. Aber die Kirche in der ehemaligen DDR trug nicht direkt zu der deutschen Wiedervereinigung bei, sondern eher durch ihre Beihilfe zu der Reformations- und Protestbewegung gegen das System der DDR. Das heißt, die deutsche Wiedervereinigung ergibt sich durch den Fall der Berliner Mauer, die freie Wahl im März 1990 in der DDR und den “2+4 Vertrag”, der von den Außenministern der beiden deutschen Staaten und den vier Siegermächten unterschrieben wurde. Besonders darf die Dynamik des deutschen Vereinigungsprozesses nicht darüber hinweg täuschen, dass die Frage der nationalen Einheit nicht ohne Zustimmung des Auslandes und hier vor allem der Siegermächte des 2. Weltkrieges, die nach wie vor die Verantwortung für Deutschland als Ganzes trugen, möglich gewesen wäre. Aber der Beitrag der evangelischen Kirche in der DDR zu der dortigen Reformbewegung bereitete trotzdem die deutsche Wiedervereinigung mit vor. Aber wenn man die Rolle der Religion, besonders der evangelischen Kirche in der ehemaligen DDR, auf die koreanische Situation bezieht, findet man folgende Unterschiede: Erstens bezeichnen die Vertretern der koreanischen Religion die Annährungs- und Aussöhnungsprozesse von süd- und nordkoreanischen Religiösen als “Bewegung für die Wiedervereinigung Koreas,” während der deutsche evangelische Kirchenbund, EKD und BEK gemeinsam die Kirchentage veranstalteten, sie aber nicht “Bewegung zur Wiedervereinigung” Deutschlands, sondern “Friedensbewegung” nannten. Zweitens ist heute Nordkorea im Gegensatz zur ehemaligen DDR noch unfähig und unreif, so dass die gesellschaftliche Reformation oder die Protestbewegung innerhalb des Staates von selbständigen religiösen Gruppen oder Einzelkämpfern nicht durchgeführt werden kann. Außerdem kontrolliert die nordkoreanische Regierung die nordkoreanischen Delegierten, während die verschiedenen religiösen Institutionen in Südkorea nach Religionen, Sekten und Organisationen unterschiedlich gegliedert sind. Dadurch verursacht die diffuse Verschiedenheit der Institutionen in Südkorea eine ineffiziente Konkurrenz und Aufsplitterung untereinander und gegeneinander im Annährungsversuch mit Nordkorea. Die zukünftige Aktivierung der Zusammenarbeit im religiösen Bereich von Süd- und Nordkorea kann das negative Verständnis der Religion der Nordkoreaner sukzessiv verändern. Und darüber hinaus kann sie doch zur Kommunikation und zur Versöhnung Koreas führen. In diesem Sinne spielt die Religion eine wichtige Rolle für die koreanische Wiedervereinigung.Was nicht vergessen werden darf ist, dass das vereinigte Korea eine “Freiheit der Religion” haben muss. Die Annährung an das Konzept der pluralistischen Demokratie ist der Anfang auf dem Weg zur Wiedervereinigung in Korea. Deswegen müssen die Annährungs- und Aussöhnungsprozesse im religiösen Bereich auch in Korea aktiviert werden.

      • 통신방송위성 중계기 탑재체의 원격검침데이터 획득 및 모니터링 시스템의 설계

        정용길,조영호,최은정,정주용,김춘삼,Jeong, Yong-Gil,Jo, Yeong-Ho,Choe, Eun-Jeong,Jeong, Ju-Yong,Kim, Chun-Sam 통신위성우주산업연구회 2002 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications Vol.2002 No.-

        한국항공우주산업(주)는 ETRI 주관사업인 통신방송위성 Ka/Ku 대역 중계기의 EQM 모델 개발사업에 참여하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 중계기의 지상시험 기간동안에 사용하기 위한 원격검침데이터의 획득과 모니터링 시스템의 설계 내용을 다루고 있으며, 원격검침데이터의 획득 하드웨어, 포맷팅 및 디코딩 관련 기법이 기술되고 있다. 본 시스템은 원격검침데이터의 모니터링 통제 및 시현을 담당하는 버스컨트롤러(Bus Controller, BC)와 원격검침 원시데이터의 획득을 담당하는 리모트 터미널(Remote Terminal, RT)등의 두 파트로 구성된다. 그리고, 두 파트사이의 원격검침 데이터의 전송은 MIL-STD-1553B 인터페이스를 적용하고 있다. 이러한 BC와 RT는 중계기 시험기간 동안에 중계기 내의 장비에 전기적 손상을 방지하도록 통신방송위성 중계기의 기능규격서와 접속규격서를 만족하도록 설계되어진다. KAI has been participated in ETRI program of EQM (Electrical Qualification Model) development in the communication and broadcasting satellite Ku and Ka bands payload system. This paper describes the design overview of the telemetry acquisition and monitoring system for the transponder of Communication & Broadcasting Satellite (CBS) Payload System at the ground test period. Also, the telemetry acquisition hardware, telemetry formatting and decoding techniques are specified in the paper. The system is divided into two parts that are the Bus Controller (BC) Station for monitoring control and display of telemetry data, and the Remote Terminal (RT) Unit for telemetry raw data acquisition. And, the system adapts the MIL-ST1553B interface for telemetry data transfer between BC Station and RT Unit. Both parts are designed appropriately to meet the functional and interface requirements, which is to avoid damaging the EQM equipment during test.

      • KCI등재

        통일이후 총선이슈를 통해 본 독일사회의 변화 연구

        정용길 평화문제연구소 2005 統一問題硏究 Vol.44 No.2

        After the German Unification was realized, the Assembly General election(Bundestagswahl) took place four times until 2004. The issues and results from each general election are as follow. In a word, the most important issue of general election in 1990 was on unfication. During the election campaign, Helmult Kohl continued stressing on the importance of prime minister after the unification (“Kanzler der Einheit”). As a result of that, he won. The issues of general election in 1994 were unification expenses, the aftermath of unification and the discrimination among German people. CDU/CSU won the election through the coalition with FDP. The general election in 1998 was very important because CDU/CSU went out of power. New government was formed at the basis of the coalition between SPD and Grünen. At that time, the issue was economic stagnation. Gerhard Schöder, who belonged to SPD, was against dispatching troops to Iraq and carried out the campaign(Die Kriegsangst-Kampagne). He also provided a great of materials to restore the area which the East Germany ruled in the past when a big flood happened. As a result of that, he succeeded in coming into power again through the general election in 2002. The most important issue was economic stagnation and unemployment whenever the general election took place in Germany after the German unification. And it is found that the German elections have been affected with unification expenses, the aftermath of unification and the discrimination among German people.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일의 정치교육과 한국의 통일교육 비교

        정용길 평화문제연구소 2003 統一問題硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to compare unification education in Korea and political education in West Germany, analysis the differences between them and grope alternatives applicable to unification education in Korea. Political education in West Germany took the place of unification education in Korea. The basic goals of unification education in Korea are to unify the Korean Peninsula on the basis of its own way and develop it after unification. Political education has various meanings. One is to define education by political parties as a part of political activity. The another is to meant education for bring up a democratic citizen. Third is to make people proud of their own society through education. In West Germany, political education brought up the Germans to the democratic citizenry. As a result of that, when the Germans caught the chance to unify between West and East Germany, they took the leading role in integrating East Germany into West Germany. In conclusion, we have to follow lessons from the German Unification to prepare the Korean unification. First of all, we have to grope the alternatives capable of promoting the unification and overcoming the outbreak of difficulties after the unification through the improvement of unification education. And we have to learn patience and tolerance from the Germans.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일의 정치교육과 한국의 통일교육 비교

        정용길 平和問題硏究所 2003 統一問題硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to compare unification education 10 Korea and polmcal education in West Germany, analysis the differences between them and grope alternatives applicable to unification education in Korea. Political education in West Germany took the place of unification education in Korea. The basic goals of unification education in Korea are to unify the Korean Peninsula on the basis of its own way and develop it after unification. Political education has various meanings. One is to define education by political parties as a part of political activity. The another is to meant education for bring up a democratic citizen. Third is to make people proud of their own society through education. In West Germany, political education brought up the Germans to the democratic citizenry. As a result of that, when the Germans caught the chance to unify between West and East Germany, they took the leading role in integrating East Germany into West Germany. In conclusion, we have to follow lessons from the German Unification to prepare the Korean unification. First of all, we have to grope the alternatives capable of promoting the unification and overcoming the outbreak of difficulties after the unification through the improvement of unification education. And we have to learn patience and tolerance from the Germans.

      • KCI등재

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