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        콩도르세의 교육안에 보이는 평등

        정동준 한국세계문화사학회 2007 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.17

        This article considers the proposal to establish an equal and ideal society in future ages, a project conceived by Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain of Marquis de Condorcet Marie-Jean-Antoines-Nicolas Caritat : To prevent attempts of small number of society to monopolize political power advantage of another's ignorance, all of members in that society must be well educated; Educated men know how they exercise their own political rights; they can have jobs and be well off. All these merits which they enjoy are based on free and equal education. For that reason, Condorcet proposed many different levels of education for all members of the society. Women have to enjoy equal rights for both sexes in politics and in public office. Because women are equal with men. This idea of Condorcet made possible to the coeducation and highest stage of instruction (if possible) for women. Condorcet raised an objection to the slavery. He entered La Société des Amis des Noirs with Lafayette and Brissot. His logical necessity of the emancipation of colored slaves is supported by two ideas : 1) equal rights among human beings, 2) money saving. The latter idea is based on his particular economic view : Free men are superior to slaves in labor productivities; For that reason, he persuades masters of colored slaves to liberate their slaves and to hire them with a contract of employment. He thinks that equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men are indispensible to establish an equal and ideal society. And this ideal society shall be realize in the tenth and final stage of Condorcet's Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain. So his Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain has relation to his educational projects. His ideas of equality, equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men,can take concrete shape with the assistance of an international intelligence networks, like the American Philosophical Society and the Parent English Society. The Société des Amis des Noirs(France), American Philosophical Society (U.S.A.) and Parent English Society(England) are co-workers for the emancipation of slaves and for theirs' rights.(Daejin University) This article considers the proposal to establish an equal and ideal society in future ages, a project conceived by Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain of Marquis de Condorcet Marie-Jean-Antoines-Nicolas Caritat : To prevent attempts of small number of society to monopolize political power advantage of another's ignorance, all of members in that society must be well educated; Educated men know how they exercise their own political rights; they can have jobs and be well off. All these merits which they enjoy are based on free and equal education. For that reason, Condorcet proposed many different levels of education for all members of the society. Women have to enjoy equal rights for both sexes in politics and in public office. Because women are equal with men. This idea of Condorcet made possible to the coeducation and highest stage of instruction (if possible) for women. Condorcet raised an objection to the slavery. He entered La Société des Amis des Noirs with Lafayette and Brissot. His logical necessity of the emancipation of colored slaves is supported by two ideas : 1) equal rights among human beings, 2) money saving. The latter idea is based on his particular economic view : Free men are superior to slaves in labor productivities; For that reason, he persuades masters of colored slaves to liberate their slaves and to hire them with a contract of employment. He thinks that equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men are indispensible to establish an equal and ideal society. And this ideal society shall be realize in the tenth and final stage of Condorcet's Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain. So his Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l'Esprit Humain has relation to his educational projects. His ideas of equality, equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men,can take concrete shape with the assistance of an international intelligence networks, like the American Philosophical Society and the Parent English Society. The Société des Amis des Noirs(France), American Philosophical Society (U.S.A.) and Parent English Society(England) are co-workers for the emancipation of slaves and for theirs' rights.(Daejin University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        17세기 런던 커피하우스의 발전 요인

        정동준 한국세계문화사학회 2013 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.29

        The marketing strategy of the first coffeehouse in London(1652) is the good medicinal effect of coffee in the pamphlet. Pasqua Rosée who runs that coffeehouse, introduced this arabian drink to the Londoners as a superb antidote to consumption, dropsy, gout, scurvy etc. As a all-healing-berry, coffee is so warmly welcomed. It’s another outstanding merit is sobriety. This advantage ended the hangover, disturbance and violence caused by drinking. The first London coffeehouses, like Paris and Vienna, have experienced the coffee culture of Levantine region. European traders in that region employed the natives who know much of the local world. They are all skilled coffee Baristas, for that reason some of them cross into european cities and open coffeehouses. In the process of spreading coffee beverages, they also delivered levantine coffee culture to the customs : open and social space, unrestricted talk. In addition to levantine property, London one of the largest ports and markets in the world, has many distinctive conditions which give different functions to coffeehouses. Newspaper culture, contracts in business, products sales,stock trading, insurance business, academic discussions, postal services are fostered by Garraway’s Coffeehouse, Pasqua Rosée’s Coffeehouse, Grecian Coffeehouse, Jonathan Coffeehouse and the Turk’s Head Coffeehouse.

      • KCI등재

        태양왕의 유토피아, 베르사유

        정동준 한국세계문화사학회 2015 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The Utopia of Sun King, Versailles Dong-Jun Jeong The aim of this article is to explain how Louis XIV attain a sure footing for an absolute royal authority. During 3 decades from 1559, three french kings were murdered in Paris or the vicinity of the city. The death of the kings was without fail caused the Queens’ Regency, preceded by her young son in the throne. The Regency was backed up by prime ministers, like Concini, Richelieu and Mazarin. For this reason Louis XIV was left in negligence for a long time, without attendance and education, in a precarious situation under 18 years’ Regency. Another factor threatening the royal throne was Paris, Parisian Nobleman and Parisian people. According to New Town Planning of the late kings, mansions of the noblemen besieged King’s Palais des Tuileries. During the Frondes, Parisian noblemen stirred up a mob or mobilized the armed force, to menace the throne. The king, through the experience of Frondes, made a firm determination on his direct governance. When Premier Mazarin died in 1661, Louis XIV He did not elect a prime minister, and announced his own direct governance. His first act as the governor was to purge Nicolas Fouquet, the most powerful nobleman, with the help of Colbert. Then he wanted to build up a new space for politics, culture and Arts outside Paris, with himself as the center. The king summoned local Construction Participants in Fouquet’s Vaux le Vicomte Chateau and garden(Le Notre, Le Vau and Le Brun) to Versailles. With them, Louis reared an architectural Utopia at this place, reflecting Italian Baroque style. Construction of this Utopia, Versailles Palace and Garden was the manifestation of king’s strong will to differentiate himself from his noblemen. Louis XIV also made a plan for an uncomfortable cohabitation at Versailles with noblemen as the consumer class. The menacing noblemen were called to the royal palace and they became “courtisans” with lower nobles, clergies and bourgeois. The new courtisans did not belong to a single hierarchy, so they were divided, conflicting with each other. Furthermore, they were induced to luxury and excess spending for boasting of their social status and rank. Consequently, they became dependent on the financial support from their lord, Louis XIV. And the king prepared a <court etiquette>, creating the guide manuals for court society. The courtisans’ daily routine was controled according to regulations and timetable fixed by this <etiquette>. So it was highly useful system for the domination over the courtisans by the King. This system comprised several manuals such as <wake-up ceremony>, <diner ceremony>, working perfectly anywhere and at anytime like an accurate mesh in Versailles. Whether Louis XIV was an absolute monarch or not, is actively debated these days. Whether the bureaucracy operated will become the assessment criteria on the contrasting assessments on him. Nevertheless, from the dimension of strengthening the royal power, Louis XIV was a successful king. He build up Europe’s best palace and garden. By operating the software named <etiquette>, he made the noblemen as his meek followers. And he was on the peak of the utopia, established by the <etiquette>.(Daejin University) 태양왕의 유토피아, 베르사유 정 동 준 본 논문의 목적은 루이 14세가 어떻게 절대군주정을 위한 발판을 마련하였는가를 설명하는 것이다. 1559년부터 30년 동안 3명의 프랑스 군주들이 파리 또는 파리 인근에서 살해당하였다. 국왕의 사망 뒤에는 어김없이 왕좌에 오른 어린 아들을 앞세운 황후의 섭정이 뒤따랐다. 섭정은 콘치니, 리슐리외, 마자랭과 같은 재상들의 지원 아래에 ㅇ유지되었다. 이런 이유로 루이 14세는 오랫동안 존재감 없는 국왕으로 남아 있었으며, 18년 동안 관심이나 교육을 받지 못하였다. 왕권을 위협하는 또 다른 요소는 파리, 파리의 귀족들 그리고 파리 시민들이었다. 과거 국왕들의 새로운 도시계획에 따라, 국왕이 머무는 튈르리 왕궁은 귀족들의 저택들로 포위되었다. 프롱드 난 사이에 파리의 귀족들은 폭동을 부추기거나 군대를 동원하여 왕권을 위협하였다. 프롱드 난을 겪으면서 국왕은 자신이 직접 통치를 하겠다는 친정(親政)의 의지를 굳혔다. 1661년 마자랭 재상이 사망하자, 루이 16세는 재상을 임명하지 않았고, 친정을 선언하였다. 그가 통치자로서 한 첫 번째 행동은 콜베르의 도움을 받아 가장 강력한 권력을 가진 귀족인 니콜라 푸케(Nicolas Fouquet)를 숙청하는 것이었다. 그런 다음 국왕은 파리를 벗어난 곳에 정치, 문화, 예술을 위한 새로운 공간 - 그 공간의 중심에 국왕 자신이 위치하는 –을 건설하고자 하였다. 그는 푸케의 보르비콩트 성(城)과 정원을 건설하는 데에 참석한 르 노트르, 르 보, 르 브룅을 소환하여, 베르사유의 건설에 투입하였다. 루이 14세는 이탈리아의 바로크 건축양식을 반영하여, 베르사유에 자신의 유토피아를 수립하였다. 베르사유의 왕궁과 정원의 건설은 자신과 귀족들을 차별화시키려는 그의 강력한 의지의 표현이었다. 또한 루이 14세는 베르사유에서 순수 소비계층인 귀족들과의 불편한 동거를 하려는 계획을 세웠다. 위협적인 대귀족들은 하급귀족들 성직자들 그리고 부르즈와들과 함께 왕궁으로 초대되어, 궁정인이 되었다. 새롭게 구성된 이 궁정인들은 하나의 단일 계급으로 정리될 수 없었고, 그래서 그들은 분열되고 서로 갈등하였다. 더욱이 그들은 자신들의 사회적인 서열과 지위를 과시하기 위하여 사치와 낭비를 하여야 하였다. 결국 이들은 자신들의 군주인 루이 14세로부터의 금전적인 지원에 매달려야 하는 예속적인 처지에 놓이게 되었다. 그리고 국왕은 베르사유를 위한 매뉴얼인 <궁정예법>을 마련하였다. 궁정인들의 하루 일과는 이 <궁정예법>에 의하여 마련된 규정, 일정에 따라 통제되었다. 그러므로 <궁정예법>은 국왕이 궁정인들을 제압하는 시스템으로서 매우 효과적이었다. <궁정예법> 시스템은 <기상의식> <식사의식> 등과 같은 여러 매뉴얼로 구성되어, 어디에서건 어느 때이건 정교한 그물처럼 베르사유에서 작동하였다. 루이 14세가 절대군주였는지 아닌지는 요즈음 논란거리이다. 또한 국왕이 관료제를 꿰뚫고 있었는지 아닌지도 확실치 않다. 그럼에도 불구하고 왕권강화의 측면에서 본다면, 루이 14세는 성공한 왕이었다. 그는 유럽 최고의 왕궁과 정원을 건설하였다. <궁정예법>이라는 소프트웨어를 작동시킴으로써, 국왕은 귀족들을 자신의 온순한 순종자들로 만들었다. 그리고 <궁정예법>에 의해 확립된 유토피아의 정점엔 루이 14세가 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        수관사진법을 이용한 소나무-굴참나무 천연림에 있어서의 광 조건 연구

        정동준,김영채 한국농림기상학회 1999 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        This study was performed to obtain the basic data to present rational silvicultural tending plan. It makes these widely distributed pine-oak mixed stand and each of pure stand in middle province on object of this study and do comparative analysis of light condition about stand parameter and natural regeneration according to each slope(north, west and south) conditions of location in central part of South Korea. Sample plots for pine-oak mixed stand and pine and oak pure stand were established on each of southern, northern and western slopes based upon site and growth conditions of the slope. Sample plot was a circle of 0.05ha with a diameter of 25.24m. A sample plot has between 30 and 40 tree in it. Total 23 sample plots were established; 9 pure pine stands, 8 pine-oak mixed stands, and 6 pure oak stands across lower, middle, upper parts of slopes. Relative light intensity within a stand was measured by crown- photo(fish-eye lens; 180˚) system through fish-eye lens and by comparing each plot with the denuded through PAR-sensor. The crown closure ratio of pure pine stand (75%) shows much lower than that of mixed stand (90.9%) and pure oak stand (93%). The relative light intensity within a stand showed an opposite result. The crown closure of mixed stands tended to become gradually low as the slope moves from the north to the south, but the relative light intensity within a stand and stand parameter, light intensity within a stand tended to decrease as the diameter and N/ha increase. Number of oak seedlings and light intensity within a stand is in a straight-line regression relation. In particular, the number of oak seedlings was the highest in mixed stands on the southern slope. But no single pine seedling was found. The unfavorable conditions of 10cm thick litter layer and low relative light intensity in a stand(ranging between 4% and 8%) is considered to prevent pine seeds from germinating.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        6佐平-18部體制와 唐制

        정동준 충남대학교 백제연구소 2009 百濟硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        This study aims to examine the influence relation of six-Jwapyeong(六佐平 : six minister) and Shangshu-liubu(尙書六部), the transformation process of Tang(唐 : 618~907)'s institutionin in the formation of ‘6 Jwapyeong-18 offices(部)’, the administration organization of ‘6 Jwapyeong-18 offices system’. Six-Jwapyeong was deeply influenced by Sanxing-liubu(三省六部), but 18 offices was hardly influenced by Jiuxi-wujian(九寺五監). Six-Jwapyeong accepted Zhouli(『周禮』)'s Liuguan-system(六官制) and Sui-tang's Shangshu-liubu together, and was deeply influenced by the latter. The peculiarity of Tang's bureaucracy, that the administration and the practical office divided the similar duty, was partly watched from ‘six-Jwapyeong and 18 offices’. About the acceptance of Tang's government organization, judging from the formation of the official, it was most possible to accept the government organization during Tang Taizong(太宗)'s period, especially since Zhenguan(貞觀) 2nd-year(628). Naegwan(內官) was almost composed of the practical office(實務官司), and Oegwan(外官) was mainly composed of the administration(行政官司). 이 글에서는 六佐平과 尙書六部制의 영향관계, 6佐平-18部의 성립에 唐制가 변용되는 과정을 파악하고, 唐制와의 비교를 통하여 6佐平-18部體制의 행정체계를 검토하였다. 唐(618~907)의 尙書六部는 漢代(B.C.202~A.D.220)에 少府 내의 尙書 조직에서 기원하여, 隋代(581~618)부터 唐代의 것과 같은 구성을 가지게 되었다. 三省六部과 六佐平, 九寺五監과 18部의 직무 일치도를 검토해 보면, 전자는 일치도가 높은 반면 후자는 상대적으로 낮아서 전자의 영향관계가 컸음을 알 수 있었다. 六佐平은 『周禮』의 六官制와 隋唐의 尙書六部를 함께 수용한 것으로, 특히 후자의 영향이 강하였다. 문서행정 중심의 관사와 실무 중심의 관사가 비슷한 직무를 분담하는 唐 관료체제의 특징은 6좌평-18부에서도 일부나마 찾을 수 있었다. 그러한 관료체제의 수용시기는 관제의 유사성이라는 측면에서 唐代일 가능성이 더 높았다. 對隋ㆍ對唐外交의 꾸준함과 그 내용, 백제의 국내상황, 隋唐律令의 국제성 등으로 볼 때 백제가 隋唐律令, 그 중에서도 官制를 수용했을 가능성은 충분하였다. 唐制의 수용과 관련하여 官員 構成을 기준으로 판단해 보면 唐 太宗代(626~649)의 관제가 수용되었을 가능성이 가장 높았다. 다만 貞觀 2年(628)에 관원 구성을 변화시키는 관제 개편이 있었기 때문에 수용시기는 그 이후로 판단되었다. ‘6佐平-18部’ 실무 行政의 執行過程을 통해 의사결정구조에 접근해 볼 때, 22부 단계에는 內官은 實務官司 外官은 行政官司 중심이었다가 18부 단계에 모두 실무관사 중심으로 개편되었다.

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