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      • 전남지역 고등학교 교사들의 생물학적 소양에 관한 연구

        정경,유형빈,조정일 全南大學校 師範大學 附設 科學敎育硏究所 2002 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.26 No.1

        The Purpose of this study is (1) to assess biological literacy of high school teachers in Chonnam area, (2) to describe the patterns of biological literacy with respect to several variables. The participants in this study were 263 high school teachers in Chonnam area. Their biological literacy was measured by a renewed the Test of Biological Literacy. Most high school teachers in Chonnam area were biologically literate. Teachers undertaking mathematics or science have higher biological literacy than those in the art and physical education department. Teachers being in the graduate students obtained higher grade in evaluation than those graduating a university or a grduate school. There was no significant difference statistically according gender for whole question of biological literacy test. There was no significant difference considering the variants of education career. When the major of university wasc assified into the education college and non-education college, there was no difference in the biological literacy between both. In addition, the difference according the age was negligible. In this respect, all the high school teachers regardless of their major should try to improve their biological literacy in order to teach students living in the 21st century the century of information.

      • 당뇨병과 Teaching program

        정경 김천과학대학 1993 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        The elevation in the standard of living in the modern society brought about the increase of adult disease, above all the Number of patients with diabetes mellitus is world-widely increasing every year. Such a disease is possible to control one's illness or to extend one's life by the steady self-care, however, the lack of the steady self-care is able to result in dangerous complications such as visual disorder, nephropathy, Neuropathy, skin infection, and cardiovascular disease and so on Therefore, the role of nurses that must be knowledge of the diabes Mellitus, select the reasonable methods to the patients and that simultaneously excute a group education and a individual education is very important. Accordingly, this study is intended to develop the effective teaching program for nurses and patients that should continuously execute the self-control for one's life. The effective teaching program of patients with diabetes mellitus is presented as follows: 1. Nurses should instruct the knowledge of the diabetes Mellitus. such as etiology of the diabetes mellitus, pathophysiology, Clinical manifestation, insulin and complications ete. 2. Self-monitoring-Nurses explain the purpose of the urine and blood test, and the exact test method of them to the patients. The regular test is always reguired in the trip and illness, and ketone test are reguired in a glucose plethora. Nurses need to teach the patients as follows:All the tests should be recorded and presented in the hospital:and a reagent should be stored in the place without heat, light, and moisture. 3. Nurses should instruct so that the blood sugar test practice before the meal and bed, and reduce some times a week according to the amount adiustment of insulin, and to the number of the test according to one's stress, level of activities, and illness. 4. The type and the amount of the insulin in planning and praticing the patient's diet shoulf be carefully considered. 5. insulin injection-The nurse need to show the right technique of the injection, the type of insulin, onset, peak, duration, and regular time-that is, injecting at 30∼60 minutes before the meal. It is necessary cloudy insulins are Well-mixed, and It must be emphasized that patients might represent hypoglycemia when injecting the excessive amount and the symptom should be informed to patients. In addition, The nurse need to instruct he rotates the injection sites by the plan. 6. It is necessary to build the regular exercise planning. It is effecient to do walking, cycling and swimming around 3∼4 times a week. It must be taught that the severe exercise might bring about hypoglycemia, and lead to dangerous circumstances. 7. Complication-in order to prevent hypoglycemia, it is important to teach so that have orange juice or candy and take urine test when the first symptom, increase the intake of glucose When long-time exercise, have a snack before bed, know the problems of nausea, vomiting and insulin intake in a situations of ketoacidosis. In order to prevent diabetic coma, It is necessary to teach so that take a insulin injecion and a urine and blood sugar monitoring, visit the hospital in the case of the change of test results and weight, and be careful for an injection and skin disease.

      • 독거노인의 생활체험에 관한 현상학적 연구

        정경 김천과학대학 1999 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.25 No.-

        Department Of Nursing School Kim Cheon Science College The research is strdied for the experience of life of solitary old man, provided basic matters of nursing intervention program for them. The subject of investigation is selected a solitary old man lived in K-city, the matter is selected from 2000. 8 to 2000. 11. The question is used unstructured and open one, recorded, the matter is analyzed by Colaizzi(1978) method. By study is confirmed. The experience of life of Solitary old man is classified by 6-kinds of "Consciousness of force lose", "Solitude", "Self-respect", "Love for family", "Inspiration", "Accommodation of life". To be concrete, "Consciousness of force lose" is consist of pain of disablement, economical difficulty, obstacle of life on disablement, "Solitude" is consist of pain of disease, Solitude, fear of crisis is occured at light and longing of family, "Love of family" is consist of pain of undutifulness and death of family. "Self-respect" is consist of dislike to sympathy result from self-respect, "Accommodation of life" is consist of peace to prayer, earnest prayer for maintain one's livelihood and health, of accommodation of life. By result of study, solitary old man is adapted to lack of human resources and material resources in spite of various restriction state. But various health problem and want of solitary old man have to be filling up by definite nursing intervention.

      • 자살에 관한 연구

        정경 김천과학대학 1987 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        We must face the changing environment in our lives. When we can't meet it, our safety can collapse. He who aenies all the existing systems of value and accepts his own way of life, wonders if the existing life is valuable. When this man has a heavy stress given in the complex environment about him, he may attempt to kill himself. Suicide is the problem that all the members of the community, especially the nurses who helf the patients confront and are interested in. There-fore the nurse's aim of health - care is to see to it that man should live as long as possible. This study of suicide is to examine the problems on suicide - attempt, to help all the patients from the side of the science of nursing, and to find the method to prevent this situation. This method of study is based on 146 patients who are at emergency room in two general hospitals with more than 300 beds, on the records about this subject, on the analysis of existing study, on night - duty diaries, on the patient charts and on the direct question with patients for a year from Jan. I to Dec. 31, 1987. The conclusion is as following : 1. Distribution of the age and sex of suicide-attempt. According to the distribution of sex the number of suiciding female is 96 persons (65.7%) while the number of male is 50 (34.24%), and according to the distribution of age, the number of female from 20 to 29 age shows 28.8%, 30 to 39 age 17.80%, 40 to 49 age 8.9%, and 70 to 79 age 0.72% 2. Distribation of Jobs on the suicide - attempt the occupational distribution of suicide - attemps is divided into 8 Jobs, and the hiest suiciding rate of Jobs shows 34.94% in the house wife, 23.97% in the Jobless, 18.48% in the company employee, 12.33% in the student in order and farmers, workers, soldiers and cleaners show the low rate of suicide. 3. The cause of suicide - attempt shows 37.00% about household affairs, 22.61% about private affairs and love affairs in order and the low rate about mental diseases and various affairs. 4. The places of suicide - attempt are divided into 6 places. Among these places, this study shows 133 persons(91.11%) in the house, 2.74% in the toilet room and hotel, 2.05% on the road. and 0.68% in the field and mountain in order. 5. The kinds of drugs used in suicide - attempt are divided into 13 drugs. and this study shows that the most use of amount is pesticides (32.88%), Rodenticides (17.82%) barbiturates (12.65%), and sedatives(10.96%) in order, and tranguilizers, Acid, drug unknown, Acetone, analgesics, cleaning soap, Alcohol and Antibiotics are used in the small amount. 6. The hour of suicide - attempt shows 52.74% in the evening (3PM∼10PM), 29.45% at night (10PM∼7AM) and 17.81% in the day (7AM∼3PM) in order. 7. Distribution of seasonal suicide - attempt shows that the suicide rate of man and woman is 31.55% in spring, 25.34% in summer, 24.65% in winter and 18.50% in autumn in order. 8. The conscionsness state of the patients when they arrive at the hospital shows 67.81% in the clear state, 16.44% in Drowsy state, 22.33% in stuporous state and 16.44% comatose state in order. 9. The patient's condition when they have the hospital shows 84.93% in recovery, 10.28% in death and 4.79% in hopeless discharge in order.

      • 교통관리 및 정보제공시스템 평가를 위한 모의실험모형에 관한 연구

        정경 대한교통학회 2003 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.43 No.-

        본 논문은 ATMS와 ATIS에서 요구되는 교통관리 및 정보제공의 효과분석을 위해, 운전자의 주행 및 경로선택 의사결정과 교통제어에 대한 반응등 운전자 행태를 모의실험에 반영함으로써 교통시스템의 실시간 특성을 모사할 수 있는 모형을 구축하고 이를 기반으로 하는 미시적 교통모의실험기를 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 본 연구에서는 운전자, 차량, 교통망, 검지 및 신호시스템, 교통정보제공시스템 등을 교통시스템의 주요 구성요소로 설정하였으며 운전자 및 차량특성, 차두시간분포와 차량발생모형, 차량주행모형, 차로변경 및 간격수락모형, 경로선택모형을 주모의실험모형을 구성하는 부모형으로 결정하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 각각의 부모형들에 대한 최근의 연구결과들을 검토하고, 현실모사 능력과 함께 다른 부모형들과의 연계, 모의실험기의 구현상에서의 적합성 등을 고려하여 적정모형의 선정 및 수정, 새로운 부모형의 구축을 수행하였다. 구축된 부모형을 통합하여 교통모의실험기를 개발하였으며 구축된 모형의 타당성 및 적용성 검토를 위해 현장자료 및 가상자료를 이용한 검증을 수행하였다. 검증결과 모형의 목적인 교통제어 및 정보제공등의 시스템 대안의 평가에 이용 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 본 논문의 연구결과는 교통제어 및 정보제공전략 대안의 평가뿐만 아니라 차량추종 및 차로변경 등의 미시적 교통모형 연구, 동적기종점 통행량 추정, 동적통행배정의 연구에도 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 논문의 연구모형은 현단계에서는 현실의 모사 및 분석을 위한 도구보다는 새로운 대안들 간의 비교평가를 위한 도구로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이에 따라 현실모사의 정확도를 확보하기 위한 검증 및 개선이 필요할 것이며, 각 부모형들에 대한 계속적인 연구와 새롭게 발표되는 연구결과를 수용한 지속적인 개발이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제부문 교통산업서비스지수 산정과 분석

        정경,이장호 한국교통연구원 2010 交通硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        The Transportation Service Index(TSI) is a monthly(quarterly) measures of the volume of services performed by the for-hire transportation sectors; road, railroad, air and maritime mode. In Korea the TSI for domestic transportation modes(except road side transportation modes) is estimated and published quarterly since April, 2006. The objective of this study is to develop and analyze TSI for cross border transportation to extend current TSI. Cross border transport is classified into four sectors: air passenger, maritime passenger, air freight and maritime freight. For each sector, a data collection system was established and a seasonal adjustment model was developed using collected data(traffic volume data from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2008). Using seasonally adjusted data, the index for each sector was calculated. Passenger index and freight index were calculated by employing the Fisher's ideal index method. The cross border TSI is not likely to be useful in forecasting economic activity in future because the monthly TSI proved to be a lagging index. But the cross border TSI is still useful for transportation planning and decision making: monitoring of transportation service changes, analyzing the effect of the execution of transportation policy and introduction of new transportation system and so on. 교통산업서비스지수는 운임을 받고 수송서비스를 제공하는 교통산업부문의 수송실적을 지수화한 것으로, 타산업부문 및 국가경제활동에 직‧간접적으로 큰 영향을 끼치고 있는 교통산업부문의 활동수준을 대표할 만한 지수가 없다는 인식에서 산정이 시작되었다. 국외에서는 미국과 프랑스, 일본 등에서 지수를 산정․발표하고 있으며, 국내에서는 2005년과 2006년에 수행된 연구를 바탕으로 2006년부터 매 분기별로 교통산업서비스지수가 산정․발표되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 교통산업서비스지수 산정 대상 분야를 국제부문으로 확대하기 위해 국제항공여객, 국제해운여객, 국제항공화물, 국제해운화물의 네 가지 세부부문을 지수 산정 대상으로 설정하였다. 각 부문에 대한 기초자료와 계절변동모형의 구축을 통해 세부부문별 지수를 산정하고 가중치의 적용을 통해 국제여객과 국제화물 분야의 지수를 산정하였다. 또한 산정된 국제부문의 교통산업서비스지수에 대해 주요 시계열 변화와 그 원인을 분석하였으며, 통계청의 국내 경기 기준순환일과의 비교를 통해 경기변동과의 연관성 분석을 시행하였다. 분석결과 국제부문 교통산업서비스지수는 전반적으로 국내 경기 변화에 대해 후행성을 갖는 것으로 나타나 경기예측 변수로는 적절하지 않은 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구를 통해 구축된 국제부문의 지수산정체계와 산정방법은 매 분기별 국내 교통산업서비스지수의 산정에 활용되고 있으며, 국제부문의 교통산업서비스지수는 기존의 국내부문 지수와 함께 국내 교통부문의 단기 변화를 보다 시의성 있고 과학적으로 분석할 수 있는 기초자료가 될 것이다.

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