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      • KCI등재

        1980년대 중국문학사 서술의 맹점 ― 路遙의 사례를 중심으로

        성근제 ( Seong Geunje ) 한국중국현대문학학회 2017 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.81

        The ‘Theory of 20th Century Chinese Literature,' which is the history of literature stated from the view of the so-called New Era that emerged after Deng Xiao Ping seized power in the 1980s, is showing the limitation of its historical validity from the contemporary views. These historical discourses that are clearly centered on the intellectuals cannot reflect the contradiction of the Chinese ruling class and the contradiction of urban-rural relations, which were the major contradictions of the Chinese society after the reformation. For this reason, these contradictions remain as the blind spots of the history of contemporary history that describes China since the 1980s. In this respect, Lu Yao, the realist writer who represents the 1980s, is one of the most critical blind spots. Although he has been welcomed by many readers since the 1980s and is a writer with significant value in the history of literature who completed the contradiction of urban-rural relations with a novel-like epic, which is one of the major contradictions of the Chinese society after the reformation, Lu Yao is strictly excluded from the major publications on the history of literature. This study recognized this issue and intended to re-examine the value of Lu Yao in the history of literature and discuss how Lu Yao is described in The History of Contemporary Chinese Literature of Hong Zi Cheng, the most recognized author of the history of literature. Through this case study, this study pointed out the epic limitation of ‘belletrism' of the Theory of 20th Century Chinese Literature, which is represented by the history of literature written by Hong Zi Cheng. Moreover, it suggests the needs for the epic of alternative history for the comprehensive view of the development of Chinese literature since the 1980s and the needs to set new study topics for that purpose.

      • KCI등재

        신해혁명 온양기 廣東 개혁파 지식인의 신중국 상상

        성근제(Seong Geunje) 한국중국현대문학학회 2010 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.54

        This article has a purpose to check an aspect of the concept on New China among Guangdong area’s pro-reform intellectuals in early 1900s, when the atmosphere for the Xinhai Revolution was ripening, based on analysis and study of New Canton(新廣東) by Ou Ju-jia(歐?甲), a pro-reform intellectual from Guangdong, and to sound out the necessity and possibility of setting a research theme of ‘local study’ based on recognition of particularity of Guangdong. New Canton(新廣東), published in 1902 with a subtitle ‘Canton by Cantonese’, was pioneering and influential material that clearly demanded local autonomy before the Xinhai Revolution, and a text that vividly contains perspective and critical mind of the intellectuals of Canton (Guangdong), which was the actual birthplace of revolutionary forces toward the Xinhai Revolution, on China and Guangdong ‘area’. Ou Ju-jia explains the reason that Guangdong must be autonomous, and it can be autonomous, and goes on to point out the specific plan for autonomy and factors that obstruct it. His perspective and prospect, revealed through the book, is differentiated from not only that of conventional Chinese intellectuals, but also that of revolutionary intellectuals after the Xinhai Revolution. If China’s modern history is shed new light with Canton centered, based on the view of Ou Ju-jia, we will embody the critical mind on the limit of writing modern history of China by focusing on Beijing, Shanghai and Chinese Communist Party’s revolutionary activity. Moreover, we will gain an advanced perspective on the necessity of deeper research and investigation on ‘region’ to find internal energies that penetrate the entire history of China in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century.

      • KCI등재

        문화대혁명, 진보인가 반동인가? - 베이징 초기 홍위병 운동의 쟁점에 대한 재검토를 중심으로 -

        成謹濟(Seong, Geunje) 역사교육연구회 2022 역사교육 Vol.161 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to create a comprehensive survey of the modernity and universality that the issues and conflicts from the Cultural Revolutionary period hold from a new perspective through political keywords that are central and widespread in modern society. To achieve this, the paper puts its focus primarily on subjects regarding the Red Guard movement in the early days of the Cultural Revolution and at the same time, limits the area of study to Beijing to provide as much context as possible on the social conflicts of the time. The study especially focuses on the “fairness-justice” and “discrimination-hate” discourse-a core social discussion in Korean society today-as a medium to reinterpret the string of specific contexts. I consider these discussions as a form of “post-revolution discourse” encompassing the democratization process its outcome. “Post-revolution discourse” has been adopted as a means to readdress the Cultural Revolution because discussions concerning the Cultural Revolution can also be understood as a form of “post-revolution discourse” regarding the achievements of the 1949 Socialist Revolution. The objectives of social activism in the 20th century are relatively clear. It aimed to establish a just policy that would allow for a fair distribution of resources and the abolition of all discriminatory practices. China took the path of socialist revolution and Korea took that of democratic movements. While both countries’ movements bore fruit, both also had clear limitations. The question is: how should the social responses to the shortcomings be compared and evaluated? This is not, by any means, an attempt to equate China in 1966 and Korea in 2021, nor is it a bid to force ideological standards that distinguish revolutions and reactions upon each party. What this paper strives to accomplish is to investigate the possibility of utilizing different historical experiences as a cross-reference for pioneering interpretations, despite uncertainties as to what is truly revolutionary and what is reactionary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        루야오의 `도농 교차지대`와 은폐된 서사

        성근제 ( Seong Geun-je ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2017 도시인문학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        루야오(路遙)는 1980년대 중국에서 가장 많이 팔리고 가장 널리 읽혔던 작품을 창작한 현실주의 작가이다. 때문에 그는 분명히 1980년대 중국문학계를 대표하는 작가 가운데 하나이다. 그러나 놀랍게도 루야오는 1980년에 관한 중국의 문학사 서술 속에서 철저히 `변방화`되어 있다. 이 흥미로운 현상은 개혁개방 이후 중국의 문학계와 학술계의 관점이 루야오가 그의 작품을 통해 제출하고자 했던 문제의식이나 루야오의 작품에 폭넓게 공감했던 독자 대중들의 관점 사이에 모종의 불일치가 존재함을 강력하게 암시해 준다. 이 글은 이 불일치가 개혁개방 이후 중국의 이른바 신시기 담론 내부에 존재하는 중대한 모순과 균열을 드러내기 위한 중요한 실마리가 될 수 있다는 문제의식 위에서 작성되었다. 이 문제의식으로부터 출발하여 이 글은 루야오의 성공작인 「인생(人生)」과 이 작품의 창작을 전후하여 루야오가 제출한 `교차지대`라는 개념을 주요한 고찰 대상으로 설정하고 있다. 소설 「인생」과 `교차지대`라는 개념은 중국 사회가 문화대혁명을 거쳐 개혁개방 시기로 나아가던 격동기에 교육을 받은 농촌의 청년 지식인들이 직면했던 현실과 그 현실 속에서 그들이 느꼈던 고뇌의 사회적·역사적 의의를 단적으로 드러내 보여주고 있다. 그러나 이 문제의식은 개혁개방 시기의 주류 담론들에 의해 배제되고 은폐되었다. 이 배제되고 은폐된 문제의식과 이야기들의 역사적 의의를 적절하게 복원하고 재조명할 수 있다면 우리는 개혁개방 시기 중국 사회 구조 내부의 모순과 그 모순의 역사적 맥락을 좀 더 풍부하게 이해하고, 나아가 개혁개방 시기 주류 담론의 강력한 영향 하에서 작성된 1980년대 중국문학사를 보완하기 위한 유용한 참조체계들을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. Lu Yao (路遙) is a realist who created best selling and best read works in 1980`s in China. Therefore, he is definitely one of the authors representing the literary world in China in 1980`s. However, to our surprise, Lu Yao just existed on the periphery of descriptions about Chinese literary history of 1980. Such an interesting phenomenon strongly implies existence of a certain inconsistency between the viewpoint of the literary world and the academia in China since the Reform and Opening and the viewpoint of readers who widely empathized with Lu Yao`s critical mind suggested through his works and with his works. This writing was prepared on the critical mind that the inconsistency can be an important clue to reveal substantial contradictions and cracks exiting inside so-called New-era discourse in China since the Reform and Opening. Beginning with the critical mind, this work establishes the concept of `The Urban-Rural Cross areas` raised by Lu Yao and 「RenSheng」 in which he first made his mark as an object of consideration. Novel 「RenSheng」 and concept of the `The Urban-Rural Cross areas` simply showed reality faced by young rural intellectuals(Huixiang Zhiqing) who got education in turbulent period when Chinese society went to the Reform and Opening and social·historical meaning of agony felt by them in the reality. However, the critical mind was excluded and concealed by major discourses in the Reform and Opening period. If we can properly restore the excluded and concealed critical mind and historical meaning of the stories and also can shed new light thereon, we may obtain useful reference system to more abundantly understand contradictions inside the Chinese internal structure in the Reform and Opening period and then, to supplement the Chinese literary history of 1980`s prepared by a strong influence of major discourses in the Reform and Opening period.

      • KCI등재

        『민주수업』과 `저층문학`의 새로운 가능성

        성근제 ( Seong Geun-je ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2017 감성연구 Vol.0 No.15

        曹征路는 최초의 `저층문학(底層文學)` 작품인 「그곳(那兒)」의 작가로 널리 알려져 있다. `저층`이라는 개념에는 확실히 개혁개방 이후 중국 사회의 주요한 고민 가운데 하나가 담겨 있다. 1990년대 중반 대규모 실업 노동자와 농민공의 출현의 출현으로 이른바 사회주의 사회의 주도계급이었던 `무산계급`이 실제로는 사회적 생산 과정과 분배 구조에서 철저하게 소외된 하층 계급이라는 사실이 도시의 일상을 통해 그대로 드러나기 시작했다. 90년대 중국의 도시에 출현한 이 새로운 사회적 존재들은 더 이상 사회주의 국가의 주인, 혹은 사회주의 사회의 주도계급이라는 관념으로 단단히 포장되어 있는 `무산계급`, `노동자(工人)`라는 개념을 통해 표상해내는 것이 불가능해졌다. `저층`이라는 개념은 사회주의 이데올로기에 의해 분식되어 있던 노동자들의 실제 사회적 지위와 현실을 있는 그대로 드러내 보여준다. 흥미로운 지점은 「그곳」 이후로 조정로의 관심과 사고가 오늘날 중국 사회가 안고 있는 핵심적 문제(곤혹)의 역사적 뿌리를 더듬어 나아가는 방향으로 심화되어 가고 있다는 점이다. 문화대혁명 시기 조반의 경험과 기억을 다루고 있는 『민주수업(民主課)』은 바로 이러한 맥락 속에서 나온 작품이다. 『민주수업』의 가치는 우선 장편 소설로서는 유일하게 문화대혁명의 실제적 전개 과정과 조반의 `진상`을 묘사해 낸 작품이라는 데에 있다. 그러나 이 작품이 지니고 있는 더 중요한 가치는 바로 이 작품이 문화대혁명의 역사를 `현재` 중국 사회의 문제 및 과제와 연결시켜 내고 있다는 데에 있다. 이 작품은 문화대혁명에 대한 단순한 회고담이 아니다. 적어도 이 작품 속에서 조반의 문제의식은 여전히 살아있는 중국사회의 현재적인 정치적 과제임이 작중 인물들의 발화를 통해 지속적으로 환기되고 있다. 이 농후한 `현재성`은 『민주수업』이 단순한 과거 역사에 대한 증언이나 기록의 차원을 넘어 새로운 `민중문학`의 가능성을 제시해주고 있는 작품으로 새롭게 조명되어야 할 이유 가운데 하나라 할 수 있다. 『민주수업』은 이제까지 어떤 작품도 그려낸 바 없는 문화대혁명 시기 조반파들의 구체적인 모습을 드러내 보여준다. 때문에 우리는 이 작품을 통해 조반의 내면과 동기, 조반이 진압되는 과정, 나아가 개혁개방 이후 이들이 중국 사회의 거대한 변화 속에서 어떻게 살아왔는지를 어렴풋이나마 이해할 수 있다. 이것은 이 작품을 개혁개방 이후의 주류 서사와 구별시켜 주는 가장 큰 차이점이다. 이 작품이 그려내고 있는 조반자들의 현재적 시각을 통해 우리는 개혁개방 이후 중국 사회를 바라보는 중국 사회 `저층` 인민의 시선과 날카로운 문제의식을 비로소 접할 수 있다. 어쩌면 이 시선과 문제의식이야말로 문화대혁명 시기로부터 현재에 이르기까지 줄곧 억압받고 소외되어 온 중국 사회 `민중`의 시선을 대표하는 것일지도 모른다. 이런 의미에서 본다면 「그곳』 이후 『問蒼茫』에 이르는 일련의 `저층문학` 작품들을 통해 조정로가 개혁개방 이후 중국 사회 `저층` 인민의 투쟁과 그 내면을 집요하게 추적하고 있는 것은 어쩌면 『민주수업』 제시하고 있는 역사관에 대한 구체적인 해설과 주석에 해당하는 것이라고도 할 수 있다. 우리가 『민주수업』과 「그곳」에서 『問蒼茫』에 이르는 일련의 작품들을 겹쳐 읽어낼 수 있다면 오늘날 중국의 `저층문학`이 새로운 민중문학으로 발전해 나가기 위한 돌파구에 대한 중요한 힌트를 얻을 수 있을지도 모른다. Cao Zhenglu (曹征路) is well known as the writer of the “There(那兒)”, which is the first work in underclass literature (底層文學). The concept of `underclass` certainly contains one of the major concerns of Chinese society after the reform and opening. In the mid-1990s, with the emergence of huge numbers of unemployed and rural exodus workers, the fact that the so-called `proletarian class`, which was the leading class in the socialist society, is in fact a lower class completely excluded from social production processes and distribution structures, was plainly revealed in urban everyday life. These new social beings that emerged in the cities of China in the 1990s could no longer be represented by the concept of `proletarian class` or `workers`. This concept was defined by the notion that they are the masters of the socialist state or the leading class in the socialist society. The concept of `underclass` plainly reveals the actual social status and reality of the workers, which has been window-dressed by the socialist ideology. An interesting point is that since publishing “There”, the interest and thinking of Cao Zhenglu focused into the direction to trace the historical roots of the core problem (embarrassment) held by Chinese society today. The book A Lesson on Democracy, which deals with the experiences and memories of the insurrection during the period of the Cultural Revolution, is a work that stemmed from this context. The value and impact of A Lesson on Democracy is first in the fact that it is the only feature-length novel that depicts the actual developmental process of the Cultural Revolution and the `truth` of the insurrection. The more important value of this work, however, is secondly that it links the history of the Cultural Revolution with the problems and tasks of the `present` Chinese society. Thus, this work is not only a simple reminiscence of the Cultural Revolution. The fact that the critical mind of insurrection is a still necessary current political task of Chinese society is constantly present through the utterances of the characters in this work. This rich `currentness` is one of the reasons why A Lesson on Democracy should be newly illuminated as a work that suggests the possibility of new `People`s Literature` beyond the level of a simple testimony or the records of the past. A Lesson on Democracy reveals and shows a concrete picture of the insurrectionists during the Cultural Revolution, which has never been drawn in such a way by any work so far. Therefore, we can understand, though dimly, the inner side and motive of the insurrection, the process with which the insurrection was suppressed, and how the insurrectionists have lived in the great changes of Chinese society since the reform and opening. This is the biggest difference that distinguishes this work from mainstream narratives published after the reform and opening. Only through the current perspectives of the insurrectionists presented in this work, we can face the view and sharp critical mind of the `underclass` people of China society to really see the Chinese society after the reform and opening. Perhaps this view and critical mind represents the view of the `people` of Chinese society, who have been continuously oppressed and alienated from the time of the Cultural Revolution until to the present. When seen in this sense, the persistent trace of the struggles of the `underclass` people of the Chinese society and the inner side of these struggles visualized by Cao Zhenglu through a series of `underclass literature` works ranging from “There” to WenCangMang(問蒼茫) perhaps corresponds to concrete commentaries and comments about the historical view presented in A Lesson on Democracy. If we read through the series of works ranging from A Lesson on Democracy and “There” to WenCangMang, one after the other, we may be able to get an important hint of the breakthrough for the `lower class literature` of China today to develop into `new people`s literature`.

      • KCI등재

        문화대혁명은 어떻게 재현되는가

        성근제(Seong, Geun-je) 한국중어중문학회 2014 中語中文學 Vol.57 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore prototype and its political meaning based on analysis of consumption method of popular image and representative narrative on the Cultural Revolution_ the prototype exists in general form where the Cultural Revolution is represented. To do this, the study noticed large Gap between existing study performances about true nature of the Cultural Revolution and popular image about the Cultural Revolution. And then, the author intended to analyze a cause to form Gap and its political effect. As a result, the study pointed out that there is very close relationship between formation of such Gap and popular representative narrative on the Cultural Revolution, accordingly, representation and narrative in a new method about the Cultural Revolution, which recently began to be published can affect reform of future Chinese politic to a certain extent.

      • KCI등재후보

        만주국과 중국관

        성근제 ( Seong Geunje ) 성균관대학교 성균중국연구소 2020 중국사회과학논총 Vol.2 No.1

        이 글은 20세기 전반기 일본 제국주의의 아시아 대륙 침략 과정과 그 논리를 일본의 ‘중국관(中國觀)’이라는 틀을 통해 재조명해보고, 일본의 중국관이 한국의 중국관 형성에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 초보적으로 고찰해 보고자 하는 데에 목적을 두고 있다. 일본은 한반도와 아시아대륙에 대한 제국주의적 진출을 정당화하기 위해 다양한 이데올로기들을 제출한 바 있다. 후쿠자와 유키치의 ‘탈아입구론’으로부터 제국 말기 대동아공영론에 이르는 일련의 이데올로기들은 아시아 내에서 일본의 지위를 특권화하기 위한 것이었다. 그런데 이를 위해서는 필연적으로 아시아에서 중국이 전통적으로 차지하고 있었던 지위와 위상에 대한 재조정이 요구되었다. 때문에 20세기 초반 일본의 아시아론의 이면에는 고유의 ‘중국관’이 숨겨져 있다. 만주국의 수립 과정은 이 일본의 ‘중국관’이 다양한 형태로 구체화될 계기를 제공하였다. 그리고 이 과정에서 일본의 ‘중국관’은 그 고유한 논리와 모순, 한계들을 모두 드러내게 된다. 그러나 그 모순과 한계에도 불구하고, 15년에 걸친 만주국 경험은 아시아 여러 나라들의 전후 냉전 시기에까지 의외로 많은 영향을 미쳤는데, ‘중국관’의 문제는 그 중요한 사례 가운데 하나로 꼽을 수 있다. 이 글은 이 일련의 과정에 대한 검토를 통해 오늘날 일본의 식민지 경험을 가지고 있는 아시아 여러 나라들의 중국관에 대한 역사적 재검토가 탈식민적 과제로서의 의의를 지닐 수 있음을 드러내 보고자 하였다. This article aims to re-examine the process and logic of Japanese imperialism’s invasion of the Asian continent in the first half of the 20th century through the framework of Japan’s ‘View of China’ and to give a rudimentary look at how Japan’s view of China influenced the formation of Korea’s view of China. Japan has submitted various ideologies to justify its imperialistic advance into the Korean Peninsula and the Asian continent. From Yukichi Fukuzawa’s “The Departure from Asia for Europe” to ‘The Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere theory’ at the end of the empire, Japanese Ideologies were aimed at prerogating Japan’s status within Asia. However, this inevitably required readjustment of the status traditionally occupied by China in Asia. Thus, behind Japan’s Asian theory in the early 20th century, a unique View of China is hidden. The Manchukuo process provided an opportunity for this Japanese ‘View of China’ to be expressed in various forms. And in the process, Japanese “View of China” reveals all its own logic, contradictions and limitations. Despite the contradictions and limitations, however, the 15-year experience of Manchuria has had an unexpected impact until the Post-War era in many Asian countries, and the issue of the View of China is one of the key examples. Through a review of this series of processes, This article attempted to reveal that historical reexamination of View of China in various Asian countries with Japanese colonial experience today could have significance as a decolonial task.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초기 《문예보》와 1950년대 중국 문학장

        성근제 ( Seong Geunje ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.107 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to shed a new light on an aspect of the Chinese literary field during the 1950’s through a multilateral analysis of the early 1950’s WenYiBao. WenYiBao is an official organ of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Arts Circles first published in 1949 and is one of the central publications of the Chinese Communist Party designated as a ‘national publication’. A majority of debates and arguments regarding important issues unfolded on the pages of WenYiBao, making WenYiBao a greatly suitable text subject of study for examining prominent issues and characteristics of the formation of China’s literary field. This essay, through an analysis of WenYiBao, calls attention to the fact that one of the systemic causes that aggravated the conflicts within China’s literary field is the rank-based policy of their literary publications and organization and its byproducts. Those who were the most harshly criticized in the 1950’s literary field ―Feng Xuefeng, Hu Feng, Ding Ling, Chen Qixia ―being individuals either directly or indirectly associated with WenYiBao is a significant exemplification of the effect a national publication policy had on China’s literary field of the time.

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