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        The Prismatic Effect on Stereoacuity in Intermittent Exotropia

        최경섭,정승아,이규성,이종복 연세대학교의과대학 2010 Yonsei medical journal Vol.51 No.1

        Purpose: To evaluate the effect of acrylic refractive prism and Fresnel membrane prism on stereoacuity in intermittent exotropia. Materials and Methods: Stereoacuities of fifty-two patients (mean age, 12.4 years; range 6to 45 years) with intermittent exotropia were measured using the Titmus and TNO stereotests, while they wore prisms of varying power on nonfixating eye or evenly on each eye. Results: Stereoacuities were significantly reduced with increasing prism power for both prisms, ranging from 8 to 25 prism dipotres. The effects on stereoacuity in single acrylic prism and single Fresnel prism were similar, whereas spilt Fresnel prisms reduced stereoacuity more than spilt acrylic prisms. Spilt prisms were found to have much less effect on stereoacuity than single prisms for both acrylic and Fresnel prisms. Conclusion: The use of acrylic refractive prism shared evenly on each eye would be optimal method to minimize the reduction of stereoacuity during the prismatic therapy for intermittent exotropia.

      • KCI등재

        현상학적 법 이론의 의의와 방법 ― 에드문트 후설과 게하르트 후설의 현상학을 중심으로 ―

        최경섭 한국법철학회 2009 법철학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        It is not a bloated exaggeration to say that 20th century’s thought lives under the influence of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. Husserl’s powerful argument to return to the Sachen selbst, not to work with abstract theories and void metaphysics, has ignited various types of phenomenological philosophizing as we can see in those big names like Scheler, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, etc. No doubt, phenomenology had influence on legal theories and now we have it as ‘phenomenological theory of law’. We can think of Adolf Reinach as the first legal phenomenologist. However, his phenomenological theory of law is considered to be a theory of ontological phenomenology inspired by Husserl’s Logical Investigations and, as Husserl himself acknowledges his early ontological phenomenology as untenable and takes a transcendental turn, phenomenological theory of law should also be a transcendental-philosophical one, not ontological. And Gerhart Husserl takes up the task of developing a transcendentalphenomenological theory of law following his father Edmund Husserl. Phenomenological theory of law can be distinguished, first of all, from the theory of natural rights. Theory of natural rights tends to work with unexamined, dogmatic concepts such as ‘human nature’, ‘human essence’, etc. Classical examples of theory of natural rights could be the legal theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. They set up a dogmatic hypothesis of the ‘state of nature’ and try to draw some legal legitimacy(Geltung) out of it in a way or another. Therefore, depending on different shapes of their dogmatic hypothesis, they come to draw totally different kinds of legal legitimacy. Phenomenological theory of law, on the other hand, does not presuppose a hypothesis for its research but tries to get at the pre-given phenomena, i. e. Sachen selbst of law. Transcendental-phenomenological reduction is the methodological way into the Sachen selbst of law. We literally ‘reduce’ the existence of the world and obtain the world as a cluster of mere ‘phenomena’ incessantly constituted by our own transcendental consciousness. Then, we come to see that basically two domains of the world are constituted before us, the world of material reality and that of personal/cultural reality. And the immediately pre-given, fundamental phenomenon (Sachen selbst) of law is none other than the ‘phenomenal’ world of personal/cultural reality in which the phenomena of possession interlock, intertwine and interweave in struggle. Finally, in contradistinction to theory of natural rights that seeks the ground of law somewhere outside of law itself, we can presume that phenomenological theory of law tends towards legal positivism in the sense that it tries to find out the ground of law within the law itself. However, we leave this as an open question for a future legal-philosophical research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리가 사는 ‘지역’의 현상학적 실체 - 계량적 방법론에 대항하는 현상학적 연구방법론의 모색 -

        최경섭 한국철학회 2016 철학 Vol.0 No.126

        Qualitative research in modern social sciences has been regarded as ‘fuzzy’ in its method and scope. It is often regarded as a preparatory step to brood variables and hypotheses for quantitative, econometric research. However, to speak of ‘phenomenological’ qualitative research, the ontology of ‘lived experience’ that Husserl and Heidegger carved out, that cannot be quantified, would be the research scope for it. We undertook in-depth interviews with two international students living in Korea and performed a phenomenological research into the life-world, i.e. the ‘region’ they are living in. In line with the model of Heidegger’s existential ‘temporality,’ we tried to interpret how each of them makes-present one’s ‘Korea’ out of the dynamics of one’s future expectation and having-been. As a result, we discovered that they were experiencing ‘Korea’ as ‘a model for modernization of one’s own country’ and ‘a place opening up eyes for free individualist life.’ After all, it is evident that quantitative-econometric research can never reach at such profound multiple pictures of ‘Korea.’ 현대의 사회과학에서 질적 연구는 양적(계량적) 연구에 비해 그 영역과 방법이 상당히 모호한 것으로 여겨져 왔다. 질적 연구는 양적 연구의 변수나가설을 구축하기 위한 전(前)계량적 준비의 단계로 간주되기도 한다. 하지만‘현상학적인’ 질적 연구에 대해 말하자면, 후설과 하이데거가 열어놓은, 계량화할 수 없는 ‘생생한 체험’의 영역을 탐구한다는 고유한 위상을 가질 수 있다. 한국에 거주하는 외국인 학생 두 명을 심층 인터뷰해서, 그들이 사는 ‘지역’인‘한국’을 현상학적인 방법으로 탐구해보았다. ‘생생한 체험’의 논리로서 하이데거의 ‘시간성’을 적용해서, 그들 각각의 시간성의 지평에서 어떤 미래투사와 어떤 과거회수 사이에 어떤 의미로서 ‘한국’을 현전화하고 있는지 해석하였다. 그결과, ‘한국’을 ‘조국의 근대화를 위한 모델’과, ‘자유로운 삶에 눈뜨게 해주는곳’으로 체험하고 있다는 것이 드러났다. ‘한국’의 이런 다채로운 의미모습은계량적인 방법으로는 결코 발굴될 수 없는 것이다.

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