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      • KCI등재

        21세기 중국의 ‘천하’ 재해석과 신보편 탐색

        인재(Song, In-Jae) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        중국의 부상에 따라 중국 지식계에는 중국의 가치가 한 나라를 뛰어넘어 현 시기 세계체제의 대안이 되어 새로운 보편으로 자리 잡기를 희망하는 경향이 등장했다. 이 때 과거 중국의 세계질서와 중국인의 세계의식을 표상하는 ‘천하’가 새로운 보편을 구상하는 사상자원으로 호출된다. 오늘날 중국 ‘천하’ 담론의 대표주자인 자오팅양은 주대의 천하질서를 호혜와 공리(公利)의 원칙이 구현된 이상적 질서로 해석하고 이 질서를 새롭게 구현하는 천하체제가 이익충돌과 대립으로 점철된 현대세계질서의 대안이 되어야 한다고 주장한다. 쉬지린은 중국만의 특수성을 내세우는 중국 내 일련의 경향을 경계하며 새로운 보편과 문명대국을 지향하는 ‘신천하주의’를 표방한다. 간춘쑹은 이익충돌과 민족국가 중심의 세계질서를 문제 삼고 ‘왕도’와 ‘천하’라는 전통적 유교사상에 입각해서 도덕과 인류성을 담보한 새로운 세계질서를 수립해야 한다고 주장한다. 아울러 이들은 보편과 비판의식에 무게중심을 두며 외부 관찰자들이 제시하는 중국 중심주의나 신제국주의의 의혹에도 나름의 이론적 대처를 하면서 내성을 갖는다. 그러나 다른 한편으로 곤경도 뒤따른다. 유구한 역사적 전통이 반드시 현대에 양질의 문명이나 체제 창출로 이어지리라는 기대는 논리적 비약이다. 또한 이들이 미덕으로 삼는 체제의 관용과 문화적 공감은 이미 과거 제국 질서에서도 내세웠지만, 실질적으로는 전체질서를 중앙에서 관리하는 체제에 대한 인정을 전제로한 것이므로 한계를 내포한다. 따라서 중국의 역사적 기억을 되살리고 해석하는 것만으로는 보편적 공감을 불러일으키는 체제를 창출할 수 없다. 오늘날 세계에 필요한 보편은 세계체제 속에서 중국이 직면한 문제를 직시하고 동일한 구조적 문제에 직면한 타국의 주체들과 인지적 실천적 공감대를 형성할 때 그 가능성이 높아진다. After China rose up as global great power, many chinese intellectuals try to theorize Chinese way, furthermore search for new universality made in China. The long historic legacy and memory provide Chinese intellectuals inspiration to imagine the new universality. Some of them call up Tianxia(天下, All-under-heaven) to design alternative universal world system and values. Xu Jilin criticizes the discourse of Chinese speciality and suggests New Idea of Tianxia,(新天下主義), which is oriented to new universality and civilizational great power. Zhao Tingyang idealizes the Tianxia System of Zhou(周) Dynasty, which practiced reciprocity and the public interest, suggests that Tianxia System must be realized as alternative system in current world, then problems caused by conflict of profit can be solved. Gan Chunsong also brings current world order into problem, especially conflict caused by the Hobbism and the profit of nation-state. His alternative argument is also based the traditional values, Wangdao(王道) and Tianxia, which imply morality and the universal humanity. The discourses of new universality, calling up Tianxia and interpretate it as tolerance, reciprocity, the universal humanity. Then Tianxia is proposed as the basis of the new universality. However historical tradition is not sufficient to construct the alternative universality and cannot gain global consensus. Furthermore there is a jump in the logic in the argument that long historical tradition must construct new good values. Excessive idealism can be also pointed out as problem. In the theme of tolerance, Chinese intellectuals have not yet remove the premise that all members of imperial oder must acknowledge current order, it can be regarded as the limitation of that discourses. If China whish to make alternative universality, it cannot be realized through rediscovering historical legacy and memory. It can be possible when China face a matter squarely and form consensus with another that face same circumstance and problem.

      • KCI등재

        甘陽의 전통재구축과 체제구상 유가사회주의공화국 담론의 구성 원리와 함의-

        인재 ( In Jae Song ) 동양철학연구회 2009 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        This article is a study on the idea of Gan-yang(甘陽) shown until recently from the middle stage in 1980`s and its problem and future possibility. In the middle of 1908s, Gan-yang defined tradition as the value that is always created at the present while intending the future, and to advance, not as the value which is stream down from the past for inheritance or exclusion. This is the alternative approach logic for tradition. In 1990s, Gan-yang supported the mass democracy which makes a citizen`s individual the subject and pointed out conservative and aristocratic character of Chinese liberalism in 1990s. Trough that Gan-yang supplied the critical moment to the discuss space in China. In about 2005, he asserted socialism must be soft power of China, and prevent and solve the problem on capitalism. In about 2005, Gan-yang connected the logic of alternative approach to tradition and critical thought on social system, and in an extension suggested show where China must go. Gan-yang asserted that the tradition symbolized by Kongzi·Mao-zedong·Deng-xiaoping helped the economical development of China and named the combination of that three traditon as Tongsantong(通三統) of new time. In this discussion Gan-yang assert that economical decentralization of Mao`s time became the social base of success of economical development on Deng`s time and emphasized the continuance between Mao`s time and Deng`s time. And see the fact that overseas Chinese contributed to the China`s economical development as the presentation of Tradition of Kongzi. After this Gan-yang defining the future way of china as Confucian socialist repubilc, suggest that construct the democratic republic based on socialism. Herewith he give `Confucian socialist repubilc` the phase of substantial implication of The People`s Republic of China. In this discussion We can find out Gan-yang`s unique conception of tradition. In the discussion of Tongsantong of new time and Confucian socialist repubilc, tradition can be defined as the essential value of contemporary society and elaborating a plan by the progressive future, not the thing that stream down from the past for inheritance. Also, confucianism is not the thoughts in Chinese classics but the concept that symbolize China. However, We can discover the duality in the system recognition and view on tradition of Gan-yang. In Tongsantong of new time discussion, Gan-yang only have positive view on overseas Chinese capital and Chinese economical development, but don`t criticize the problem of those. So Gan-yang thought lost the critical moment of 1980s. And Gan-yang more emphasize the continuance of Chinese traditional culture and contemporary culture than past time. It is so far from the alternative approach logic for tradition in 1980s. Recently such a tendency strongly appears in Gan-yang`s thought. Based on this, I expect that in future Gan-yang`s thought will go to a direction of civilization construction strengthen Chinese originality and the critical view on social system will also be weaken.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        체제전환기 중국의 “문화자각” 담론

        인재 ( In Jae Song ) 한국철학사상연구회 2015 시대와 철학 Vol.26 No.4

        Culture consciousness is proposed for the purpose of accomplishing self-initiated retrieval existence in the era of transition through constructing Chinese identity. The term of Culture Consciousness is still stranger in the academic world of Korea, could be regard as common noun not as proper noun. However, it was proved that Culture Consciousness is proper noun clearly, which represent mental behavior to search Chinese way in the situation of economic reform and globalization. The idea of Cultural consciousness was proposed by Fei, Xiaotong, grandmaster anthropologist in China, at first in 1997. Fei argued that Cultural consciousness acknowledge diversity furthermore provide human community the basis for establishing self-identity and self-initiative. It is the result of field survey on the ethnic minorities of China. Since since the beginning of the 21st century Cultural consciousness was reinterpreted as the idea of peaceful coexistence of multi civilization counteracting the clash of civilization, represented by the 911 terror. After China raised as economic great power, cultural consciousness developed in two path. One represents the official view of Chinese government, it emphasize that cultural consciousness must be main momentum of next stage after economic development. The other is the voice of intellectuals. Through their discourse on cultural consciousness, connotation of culture, diverse imagination of alternative social system was discussed. The idea of cultural consciousness of intellectuals succeeded and reinterpreted Fei`s intention, that represents through the thinking on clear awareness of self-identity in the era of transition and seeking the way of survive in world system. The common and main idea of these views is the aim of making difference between Western modernity. Rapid economic development is present reality and experience, Cultural consciousness has been subjective reaction to that. In brief, the discourses of Culture consciousness represent the present situation of current Chinese thoughts and the key point to prospect of Chinese path in future.

      • KCI등재

        『개벽』의 `문화` 관련 기사를 통해 본 천도교의 문화관

        인재 ( Song In Jae ) 한국철학사상연구회 2017 시대와 철학 Vol.28 No.3

        The basic method of this article is corpus analysis on the articles related to keyword `culture` in GaeByeok, the Cheondokyo journal. The main values is the frequency of keyword and co-occurrence, purpose is understanding meanings of culture and context, observing the inside of cultural movement of Cheondokyo in 1920s. Corpus analysis presented that the most co-occurred with `culture` were East, West, Movement. It means that the relation with culture and movement was stronger than another times. At that time members of Chendokyo accepted reformism, personalism and culturalism from Japan and constructed the linage that is from Gaebyeok to reforming, the thought of human is heaven to personalism. The concept of culture was the mediation of the linage. Culture is understood to represent man`s attributes as an active act and achievement of man who reconfigures nature. Furthermore, culture was understood as a concept representing the orientation toward a new society along with flowering and civilization. This has served as a concept to realize the historical task beyond the understanding of culture in the dictionary meaning. In the specific discourse, the theory of East and West culture influenced by China`s New Cultural Movement and the discourse of old and new culture which led to intense criticism of Confucianism led the discussion. The object of the reconstruction was the old Eastern culture which was led by Confucianism. Koreans was described as practician. A young man who learned new learning from abroad was noted as the protagonist of the reconstruction Lee Don-hwa, who led the New Culture Movement, presented a rough idea for constructing the New Culture of Korea. On the other hand, it did not leave a gaze to Donghak, a religious root, behind pursuing a new culture. Cultural articles in GaeByeok show the efforts of the Cheondokyo community to fulfill its social mission through the culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        20세기 전반기 중국의 인권과 국가

        인재 ( In Jae Song ) 한국철학사상연구회 2012 시대와 철학 Vol.23 No.4

        Human rights rose as the new idea of new age after modern civil revolution, and it is the core idea of modern democracy. Nowadays China is criticized as ``the blind spot of human rights`` or ``the state of the vulnerable human rights``, because social control is too tight and the system of the party-state remains yet in China. So there is a conflict between Human rights and state in China. If avert our eyes to early 20C, we can find that Human rights was put before state universally. For example, Chen Duxiu regarded Human rights as one of the main power of modern western civilization. Furthermore, many thinkers thought that the power of the state is not absolute but constructed from a little part of the rights of the individual and Human rights is the foundation of the national sovereignty. Like this, some of modern chinese thought that human rights must be enhanced not be abandoned for the survival and development of the state. In 1930 Hu Shi and some of the Chinese liberalists published Human Rights Debates(人權論集). It was the means for resist to the social control of Nanjing Government. In this Luo Longji proposed that the law must be the mechanism for the safeguard for human rights. The thoughts of Human rights of early 20C China is contrast to the policy on Human rights in China. It says to us that Human right cannot be put off for the reason of the survival of state.

      • KCI등재

        1920, 30년대 한국 지식인의 중국 신문화운동 수용 -양건식, 정래동, 김태준의 경우-

        인재 ( In Jae Song ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2015 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.63 No.-

        1915년에 시작되어 중국 사상과 언어의 개혁을 이끈 신문화운동은 중국 문제에 관심을 가진 1920,30년대 한국의 지식인들에게 주목의 대상이 되었다. 특히 문학 영역에서 새로운 문학 형식의 탄생, 문학을 통한 현실 자각, 계몽 등은 1920,30년대 한국의 문학과 문화 그리고 사상혁명을 고민하는 지식인들의 참조점이 되었다. 양건식은 1920년대 초 중국 신문화운동에 깊이 공감하며 중국의 신문학작품을 열성적으로 번역했다. 이를 통해 조선문학의 성장과 사상혁명에 기여하기를 희망했다. 정래동은 신문화운동이 퇴조된 1923년 중국 유학길에 올라 중국전문가로 성장했다. 따라서 1920, 30년대에 걸쳐 중국신문화운동의 의미를 인정하는 한 편사후적으로 거리를 두고 평가함으로써 신문화운동을 객관적으로 인식하는 데 기여했다. 김태준은 1930년의 짧은 중국 체류를 통해 문예운동이 사상운동의 기반임을 목도하면서 신문화운동의 의미에 공감했다. 그러나 프로문학이 성행하던 당시 한-중 프로문학의 관점에 공감하면서 신문화운동을 극복해야 할 과거로 간주했다. 중국신문화운동은 수용자의 환경과 사상에 따라 각자 다른 편차를 띠고 인식되고 소개되었다. 1920,30년대 한국의 중국 신문화운동 수용은 당시 한국의 시대적 과제에 부응하기 위한 하나의 매개였다. 특히 이 네트워크 안에서 중국의 문학 담론과 창작물이 근대 한국의 시대적 과제에 대처하는 계기로 작동하고 있었다. 동시에 이 시기 한국의 중국신문화운동 담론은 당시 존재하던 한중 지식네트워크 안에서 형성된것이다. 더 나아가 단절이나 무기력으로 인식되던 한일합병 이후 한중 지식네트워크의 존재양상을 탐색할 수 있는 유력한 실마리가 된다. The New Culture Movement, which started in China at 1915, leaded the reform of idea, language and literature. Yang, Geon-sik, Jung, Nae-dong and Kim, Tae-jun, who can be called as 1st generation sinologist in modern Korea, had interest in it during 1920s~30s. Especially, the birth of new writing style, perceptions of realitythrough literature, enlightenment in thoughts became the main references for them to seek the way the Korean revolution of literature, culture and thoughts. Yang, Geon-sik expressed sympathy with New Culture Movement of China deeply therefore translated several volumes of novels and plays of modern China and hoped Chinese literature can be helpful to the growth of literature and the revolution of ideas in modern Korea. Jung, Nae-dong went to China to study after New Culture Movement declined, it made him evaluate New Culture Movement more objectively, although he also hoped to learn from Chinese literature. Kim, Tae-jun on the one hand witnessed literature movement played the role of useful means in social and ideological movement, but on the other hand regarded New Culture Movement as the past of current proletarian literature, all his views is bases on socialist idea. These three types of view constructs the multi images of New Culture Movement of China in 1920s~30s Korea. All of these views are relevant to the effort of Korean intellectuals to accomplish the reconstruction of Korean literature. It can be important historica resources for describing the knowledge communication and network of Korea and China between 1910s and 1930s.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 21세기 중국 "정치유학"의 이념과 쟁점

        인재 ( In Jae Song ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2015 儒學硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        오늘날 중국 유학계에서는 유학의 정치적 전변을 통해 유학의 현실 개입성을 강화하려는 움직임이 형성되고 있다. ‘정치유학’으로 지칭되는 이 경향은 단순한 학술의 혁신을 넘어 ‘중국 굴기’ 시대에 중국식 정치모델을 구축하고자 하는 욕망을 발산하고 있다. 정치유학을 주창하는 장칭, 야오중추, 간춘쑹은 기존의 현대 신유학이 현실과 괴리되어 있다고 비판하고 이를 ‘심성유학’, ‘박물관화/철학사’, ‘관념사’ 등으로 규정한다. 그 대안으로 ‘정치유학’, ‘인민유학’, ‘제도유학’ 등을 제시한다. 이들은 ‘정치유학’을 서양 근대성을 극복하는 동시에 홍콩/대만의 현대 신유학과 구별 정립되는 이념으로 위치 지운다. 2015년에는 현대 신유학의 계승자인 리밍후이가 정치유학을 비판하면서 정치유학 논쟁이 일어났다. 이 논쟁은 현대 신유학에 대한 양자의 인식 차이와 양자가 처한 정치사회적 환경의 차이를 드러낸다. 더 나아가 서양의 근대 정치이론과 그것의 영향력 하에 진행된 신문화운동, 그 이후 중국근대사에 대한 인식에까지 연루된다. 여기서 대륙의 유학자들은 리밍후이의 비판이 대륙의 현실을 제대로 이해하지 못하기 때문에 발생한 것이라 비판하고, 대륙의 신유학이 중국의 현실에 대응한 산물임을 강변한다. 정치유학의 등장과 논쟁은 개혁개방 이후 중국의 유학이 현실 개입성 강화를 꾀하면서 자기발전을 수행한 결과물이다. 현실개입이라는 목적의식 하에 정치유학은 향후 중국의 행보를 논하는 중요한 담론으로 자리 잡고 있다. In the times of ‘The rise of China’, ‘Political Confucianism’ has raised as the new Ideal type for reinforcing the influence of Confucian values. Through persisting Political Confucianism, Chinese Neo-confucianists intend to construct the unique political model of China, beyond the scientific innovation. Jiang Qing(蔣慶), Yao Zhongqiu(姚中秋), Gan Chunsong(干春松), the representative exponents of Political Confucianism, criticize that Neo-confucianism, producted by Taiwan Neo-confucianists, do not concern the reality of China, just concentrates on the academic research, so call them ‘Mind Confucianism’, ‘the exhibit of museum’, ‘the history of philosophy’, ‘Ideal history’. Their alternative type to existing Confucianism, proposed by them, is so called ‘Political Confucianism’, ‘People’s Confucianism’, ‘Institutional Confucianism’. Their argument is connected to the idea of searching for Chinese model in the times of ‘The rise of China’. Neo-Confucianists in Chinese continent orient their Confucianism as the idea to overcome Western modernity and have difference to the Neo-Confucianism in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In January of 2015 Li Minghuei(李明輝), the successor of Neo-Confucianism in Taiwan, criticized the argument of Political Confucianism. His criticism cause the debate between the Confucianists of Chinese continent and Taiwan. Their debate revealed the difference of the view on the Neo-Confucianism and social context of both sides. Furthermore it is relevant to the view on modern Western political theories, Chinese modern history since New Culture Movement, based on pursuing Western modernity. The main point in criticizing Li Minghuei is that Li cannot understand the situation of China, insist that their Confucianism is the result of dealing with the Chinese situation. The hole process of argument and debates on Political Confucianism reveal that Chinese Confucianism have continued to develop, through searching for reinforcing its influence on Chinese reality.

      • KCI등재

        시진핑 시대 중국의 보편화 전략으로서의 ‘중국담론’

        宋寅在 ( Song In Jae ) 현대중국학회 2021 現代中國硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        이 논문에서는 시진핑 집권기 중국의 이론 및 선전 활동의 새로운 화제로 부상한 ‘중국담론’의 의미와 맥락, 지향을 고찰한다. ‘중국담론’은 경제성장을 토대로 강국으로 부상한 중국이 자신의 경험과 진로, 체제에 대한 자신감을 강화하는 상황에서 형성되었다. 또한 ‘중국의 이야기를 잘 말하고, 중국의 목소리를 제대로 전파하자’는 집권 초기 시진핑의 메시지에 대한 응답이다. ‘중국담론’은 중국 경험의 이론적 승화이자 표현이라고 정의된다. ‘중국담론’은 소재는 중국 경험이고, 담론의 매개는 중국 경험을 해석하고 체계화한 중국 이론이다. ‘중국담론’은 중국 소프트파워 형성의 기반이자 글로벌 사회에서 중국의 담론권력을 강화하는 핵심역량으로 규정된다. 담론의 결실은 중국의 강화된 소프트파워를 표상하는 ‘담론중국’이고, 담론의 주체는 중국이다. 중국담론은 중국 자신의 형상을 바로 세우고 중국의 목소리를 강화하는 역할을 함과 동시에 근대성의 비서양 버전이라는 위상도 지닌다. 이 과정에서 서양이 주도한 근대성 담론, 세계체제, 서양이 묘사한 중국형상 등이 비판받는다. 더 나아가 서양이 주도한 세계질서를 비판하고 중국의 아이디어가 대안으로 제시되며 새로운 보편으로 자리잡고자 하는 지향이 드러난다. 이처럼 중국을 진지하게 대면하자는 중국담론의 이론적 시도는 중국적 보편의 확산으로 이어진다. 이 과정에서 시진핑의 이름으로 발표된 중국정부의 공식입장이 중국담론의 논거를 형성한다. 또한 서양 근대성을 비판하는 과정에서는 과잉된 자의식과 중국과 서양을 선과 악으로 대조하는 과도한 도식적 가치판단이 등장한다. 이는 자국의 부상을 대하는 중국적 인식의 특징을 드러낸다. 동시에 담론 제시 당사자의 의도와는 달리 보편화 가능성을 가로막는 함정이 될 수도 있다. This article examined the meaning, context, and orientation of ‘Chinese discourse’, which has emerged as a new topic in China’s theory and propaganda activities during the Xi Jinping administration. The ‘Chinese discourse’ was formed in a situation where China, which has emerged as a new power based on economic growth, has increased confidence in its own experience, career path, and system. It is also a response to Xi Jinping’s message in the early days of his administration to “tell the Chinese story well and spread the Chinese voice properly.” ‘Chinese discourse’ is defined as the theoretical sublimation and expression of the Chinese experience. The subject of ‘Chinese discourse’ is Chinese experience, the medium of discourse is a Chinese theory that interprets and systematizes the Chinese experience, and the fruit of the discourse is ‘Discourse China’, which represents China’s strengthened soft power, and the subject of the discourse is China. ‘Chinese discourse’ is defined as the basis for forming China’s soft power and as a core competency for strengthening China’s discourse right in the global society. Chinese discourse plays a role in correcting China’s self-image and reinforcing China’s voice, and at the same time has a status as a model of non-Western modernity. In this process, the discourse of modernity led by the West, the world system, and the Chinese figure described by the West are criticized. Furthermore, it criticizes the world order led by the West, and China’s ideas are presented as alternatives, revealing its intention to establish itself as a new universal. The theoretical attempt of Chinese discourse to face China seriously like this leads to the spread of Chinese universals. In this process, the official position of the Chinese government, represented by Xi Jinping, forms the context of the emergence of Chinese discourse and the rationale for the argument. Also, in the process of criticizing Western modernity, excessive self-consciousness and excessive schematic value judgments about China and the West appear. This reveals the characteristics of China’s perception of its rise. At the same time, contrary to the intention of the person presenting the discourse, it can act as a trap that blocks the possibility of universalization.

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