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      • 국제학술회의 참관기 - 제88차 미국 축산학회

        맹원재,Maeng, Won-Jae 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1996 과학과 기술 Vol.29 No.10

        지난 7월23일부터 3일간 미국 남다코타주의 래피드시에서 열린 '제88차 미국 축산학회'는 각국에서 1천7백여명의 회원과 대학원생들이 참석해 성황을 이루었다. 이번 학회에 참석하고 돌아온 건국대 맹원재교수의 참관기를 싣는다.

      • Urea 와 Extruded Urea 가 반추위미생물(反芻胃微生物)의 단백질합성 효율과 질소축적율(窒素蓄積率) 그리고 Starch 와 Cellulose 이용률에 미치는 영향

        맹원재,조홍래,장문백 한국낙농학회 1989 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.11 No.3

        Urea와 extruded urea가 窒素利用率, 徵生物 純蛋白質 合成率과 炭水化物 代謝에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 위하여 in vitro 實驗과 緬羊代謝實驗을 實施하였다. Urea와 extruded urea를 窒素源으로 하여 培養시키면 徵生物의 純蛋白質 生成量은 에너지源으로 starch를 添加한 것보다 cellulose에서 더 높았고, extruded urea의 效果는 starch에서는 없었으나 cellulose에서는 뚜렷이 나타났다. 可消化 炭水化物 100㎎ 當 徵生物 純蛋白質生成量도 cellulose에서는 urea와 extruded urea에서 各各 8.59와 12.02㎎이었는데 비해 starch에서는 各各 5.90과 4.81㎎로 比較的 낮았다. 培養時間當 徵生物 總蛋白質의 增加率은 starch가 에너지源이었을 때, urea가 16.59%/h 그리고 extruded urea에서 時間當 15.87%/h이고 mean doubling time은 各各 4.18과 6.38時間으로 urea가 窒素源이었을 때 더 높았다. 그러나 cellulose를 에너지源으로 했을 때 徵生物 純蛋白質 增加率이 urea에서 16.70%/h 그리고 extruded urea에서 16.98%/h 그리고 mean doubling time은 各各 4.15와 4.08時間으로 오히려 extruded urea가 窒素源이었을 때 더 높았다. 培養液중의 암모니아 濃度는 urea가 extruded urea에서 보다 더 높았다. 한편 starch의 fermentation rate는 urea에서 9.61%/h 그리고 extruded urea에서는 8.49%/h로서 urea에서 더 높았으나 cellulose의 fermentation rate는 urea에서 2.51%/h 그리고 extruded urea에서 2.91%/h로서 extruded urea에서 더 높았다. 緬羊 代謝試驗에 의한 各種 營養素의 消化率은 urea와 extruded urea에서 差異가 없었다. urea와 extruded urea가 添加된 飼料를 給與한 緬羊에서 蛋白質의 消化率에는 差異가 없었으나 尿中 窒素 排泄量이 urea에서 extruded urea에서 보다 높았고, 따라서 窒素蓄積率이 extruded urea에서 urea보다 높았다. 可消化 에너지 含量도 urea 飼料에서 보다는 extruded urea 사료에서 多少 높았다. 反芻胃內 암모니아 濃度와 pH는 urea 飼料를 給與했을 때 extruded urea 사료보다 높았고, 總 VFA 生成量은 extruded urea에서 높았으나 VFA 組成은 서로 差異가 없었다. Effects of urea and extruded urea on the nitrogen utilization, microbial true protein synthesis, and fermentation rate of starch and cellulose were studied in vitro method and sheep metabolism trials were also conducted to measure the digestibilities of nitrogen, nitrogen retention, and ammonia and volatile fatty acid production patterns in sheep rumen fed purified diet containing urea and extruded urea as sole nitrogen sources. Rumen microbial true protein yields were higher Rumen microbial true protein yields were higher in cellulose than starch as an energy source when urea and extruded urea were adoas sole sources of nitrogen, and extruded urea were stimulated microbial true protein yield in-cellulose but not in starch. Rumen microbial true protein yield was 5.90㎎ in urea and 4.81㎎ in extruded urea per 100㎎ digested starch, but it was 8.59㎎ and 12.02㎎, respectively per 100㎎ digested cellulose, which were much higher in cellulose as compared with starch. Rates of rumen microbial true protein yield in urea and extruded urea were 16.59%/h and 15.87%/h and mean doubling times were 4.18 and 6.38 hr. with starch as an energy source, and these values were 16.70 and 16.98%/h, and 4.15 and 4.08hr, respectively with cellulose as an energy source. Ammonia concentration in incubation media were much higher in urea as compared with extruded urea with both starch and cellulose as an energy sources. Fermentation rates of starch in urea and extruded urea were 9.61 and 8.49%/h and fermentation rates of cellulose in urea and extruded urea were 2.51 and 2.91%/h which were lower in extruded urea with starch and higher in extruded urea with cellulose as an energy source. In sheep metabolism trials, digestibilities of all nutrients were not different from feeds containing urea and extruded urea as sole sources of nitrogen. Nitrogen digestibility was not different between urea and extruded urea feeds, but there were much higher urinary nitrogen excretion in urea feed than in extruded urea feed, and thus nitrogen retention was higher in feed containing extruded urea. Digestible energy content was slightly higher in extruded urea diet. Ruminal ammonia concentration and pH were higher in urea feed and total volatile fatty acid(VFA) concentration was higher in extruded urea diet, but VFA concentrations were not different between urea and extruded urea diets.

      • KCI우수등재

        사료향미소의 첨가가 송아지의 사료섭취량 및 증체율에 미치는 영향

        맹원재,신형태,김창원 ( Won Jai Maeng,Hyung Tai Shin,Chang Won Kim ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.7

        Feed flavor was added to whole milk and to calf starter to determine the effect of feed flavor on the starter consumption and growth of calves. Twenty four calves aged 4 days old were arranged randomized completely to 4 treatments and 6 calves per treatment. Calves received whole milk from birth to weaning at 46 days. Starter was offered ad libitum from day 12 to 46. Feed flavor was added to whole milk ar 120㎎/㎏ and starter at 0.1% Cowmilk Feednectar, 0.05% Sugarmate Feednectar and 0.05% Cowmilk Feednectar + 0.05% Sugamate Feednectar, and the results were summarized as follow: 1. Average birth weight of 24 calves was 42.77㎏ and the growth rate from birth to 46 days old was 0.353㎏ in average. 2. Average daily starter consumption from day 12 to 46 after birth was 310g in control group, 320g in Cowmilk Feednectar, 306g in Sugarmate Feednectar and 319g in Cowmilk Feednectar + Sugarmate Feednectar, respectively. 3. Average dally growth rate of calves from 12 to 46 days old was 417g in control group, 4918 in Cowmilk Feednectar, 4348 in Sugarmate Feednectar and 4378 in Cowmillc Feednectar + Sugamate Feednectar, respectively. Calves received feed flavor in starter gained more weight than those not fed feed flavor. 4. Addition of feed flavor in whole milk encouraged slightly to eat more starter which also contained same feed flavor.

      • KCI우수등재

        사료자원 개발에 관한 연구 1 . 보리짚의 사료가치개선

        맹원재,윤광로,신형태 ( Won J . Maeng,Kwang R . Yun,Hyung T . Shin ) 한국축산학회 1979 한국축산학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The most effective chemicals on a weight basis in increasing in vitro dry matter digestibility of barley straw were NaOH followed by KOH and N₂CO₃, and Ca(OH)₂ or NH₄OH was least effective. The in vitro dry matter digestibility of barley straw increased with increasing concentration of chemicals, but the response of Ca(OH)₂ and NH₄OH treatment were very small extent. Increasing temperature increased significantly the digestibility of barley straw except Ca(OH)₂ which slightly decreased the digestibility of barley straw. The solubility of barley straw increased and cell wall constituent of barley straw decreased by increasing concentration of NaOH, but acid detergent fiber, cellulose and lignin content of barley straw were not changed The moisture content of barley straw which was treated with 5 % NaOH markedly influenced on the solubility and digestibility of barley straw. The solubility and in vitro dry matter digestibility of barley straw increased by increasing moisture content.

      • KCI우수등재

        2000년대 한국인의 식품 소비구조

        맹원재 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        At the year of 2000, average GNP per capita year will exceed 45,000 and comsumptions of rice, barley and potatoes which expect to self-sufficiency in Korea will be on the decrease, and consumptions of wheat and beans which rely upon importation will be on the increase, thus the total food self-sufficiency will turn serious in future. Average consumption of rice per capita/year was 129.8㎏ in 1984 and will decrease in 104.6㎏ which is 19.4% less in 2000, but average consumption of wheat and beans were 43.0㎏ and 24.7㎏ in 1984 and will increase 38.4% and 149.5%, respectively in 2000. A rapid increases of animal product consumption will give rise to increase importation of feed grains which are heavily dependant upon from foreign supply. Meat consumption per capita/year was 13.9㎏ in 1984 and will be 30.0㎏ in 2000 which is 2.2 times higher than that of 1984. Egg and market milk consumption were 6.7㎏ and 20.5㎏ at present and expect to increase in 11.4㎏ and 134.0㎏ respectively, in 2000. Vegetables and fruit consumption per capita/year were 102.8㎏ and 22.5㎏ in 1984 and expect to increase in 377.9㎏ and 63.4㎏, respectively in 2000. Of the proper energy supply of 2,680Kcal per capita/day, 61% will be supplied with food grains and 18.4% with animal products, and of the proper protein supply of 82g per capita/day, 48.8% will be supplied with food grains and 34.1% with animal products in 2000 year. It is strongly suggested that maximum utilization of our own domestic food resources and development of our own food consumption patterns are important.

      • KCI우수등재

        조사료의 발효율 및 발효속도 측정 3 . 옥수수대와 옥수수 속대

        맹원재,정태영 ( Won J . Maeng,Tae Y . Chung ) 한국축산학회 1981 한국축산학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        Chemical composition, amount of potentially digestible dry matter (DM), cell wall constituents (CWC), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and cellulose, and fermentation rates of corn stover and corn cob were estimated in in vitro methods. Corn cob had higher CWC but lower lignin content than corn stover. Both potentially digestible fractions and fermentation rates were much higher in corn cob than in corn stover. Potentially digestible dry matter, CWC, ADF and cellulose of corn stover were 68.8%, 57.1 %, 48.1 % and 63.8% and that of corn cob were 80.5%, 72.6%, 59.4% and 80.1%, respectively. Fermentation rate (0 - 72 hours) of dry matter, CWC, ADF and cellulose of corn stover were 0.3267, 0.02695, 0.01715 and 0.03842 hr^(-1) and that of corn cob were 0.03134, 0.03167, 0.04413 and 0.03848 hr^(-1), respectively, but the fermentation rate of potentially digestible fractions were not much difference between two roughages.

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