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        개화기 한국어 문법 연구사의 고리 맞추기 : Grammaire Coréenne (육필본) 분석을 통하여

        윤애선 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2013 코기토 Vol.- No.73

        To the French missionaries who entered Korea in the early 19th century, Korean was an exotic language of which the morphological and syntactic structures were far from those of European languages familiar to them. Their missionary work and zeal encouraged them to publish Grammaire Coréenne in 1881, the first qualified Korean Grammar Book describing systematically Korean compared to French or Latin. However, it has been underestimated in the history of Korean grammar, for a couple of reasons. The first generation of Korean grammarians and researchers who did not have enough proficiency in French led some misunderstanding and underestimation. This phenomenon was aggravated in the later generations who could not understand French, thus had to cite the previous work. without consulting the original references. Besides, French researchers did not have good enough knowledge in the history of Korean grammar, and could not correct that phenomenon. An article in 2005 briefly mentioned the existence of a manuscript and inedited version of Grammaire Coréenne, which was supposed to be written in before 1867, but any examination of that version has not yet been made. This article attempts to investigate thoroughly the contents and organization of the manuscript version. Answering to the doubts expressed by some Korean grammarians, our work could reveal the unknown interrelationship between Grammaire Coréenne(1881) and Dallet(1877), and make a new assumption on that interrelationship. 1881년에 발간된 Grammaire Coréenne(인쇄본)은 이질적인 외국어인 한국어를 접하고, 이를 통해 말과 글로 의사소통을 해야 하는 개화기 프랑스 선교사들이 오랫동안 한국어를 관찰하고, 자신들이 알고 있는 프랑스어와 라틴어를 기준으로 하여 비교한 결과를 매우 체계적으로 기술한 완성도 높은 최초의 한국어 문법서이다. 특성이 아주 다른 외국어에 기대어 한국어를 기술하였다는 초기 문법서에 공통으로 나타난 전제적인 오류는 있으나, 그 장점에 비해 한국어 문법사에서 이 책에 관한 평가는 부당할 정도로 부정적인 편이었다. 더욱이, 최근 한국어 연구자들의 프랑스어 해독력이 떨어지고 분과 학문 간 연구물이 소통되지 않은 결과로, 이 책에 관한 평가가 더욱 부정적으로 편향되거나, 1차 자료로서의 중요성이 잊혀, 사실관계가 왜곡되기도 했다. 본고에서는 Grammaire Coréenne(인쇄본)의 초고라고 추정되었으나 지금까지 검토된 적 없는 Grammaire Coréenne(육필본)의 내용과 체제를 상세히 분석함으로써, 그동안 알려지지 않은 Grammaire Coréenne(인쇄본) 및 Dallet(1874)와의 상호 관계를 규명하고 새로운 추정을 할 수 있었다. 또한, 한국어학계에서 제기했던 Grammaire Coréenne(인쇄본)에 대한 몇 가지 의문점을 해결할 수 있었다

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • Factors influencing nurses’ performance regarding care at COVID-19 ward

        YOON SUN KIM,MI-Ae KIM,YOON SUN KIM 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of fear of COVID-19, ethical sensitivity, nursing professionalism, and social support on nurses’ performance with respect to care at COVID-19 wards. Methods: Nurses (N=132) who work at COVID-19 wards at three hospitals were recruited from April 1 to May 31, 2021. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. Results: Nursing performance was found to have significant positive correlations with ethical sensitivity (r=.75, p<.001), nursing professionalism (r=.67, p<.001), and social support (r=.67, p<.001. There was a positive correlation between ethical sensitivity and nursing professionalism (r=.64, p<.001), nursing professionalism and social support (r=.64, p<.001). Multiple regression analysis for nursing performance revealed that the most powerful predictor was perception of ethical situation(β=.29, p<.001) in the sub-area of ethical sensitivity. Perception of ethical situation, support from colleague, professional ethics, the role of nursing service, and originality of nursing explained 70.0% of the variance in nursing performance. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, intervention programs can be tailored to help nurses’ performance directed at improving ethical sensitivity, bolstering support from colleague, and nursing professionalism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정보학, 인문학의 숨겨진 서고를 여는 또 하나의 열쇠

        윤애선(Yoon, Ae-Sun) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2016 코기토 Vol.- No.80

        2002년은 이른바 ‘디지털 시대’가 열린 해로 평가된다. 생산량에서 디지털 데이터가 아날로그 데이터를 앞선 해이다. 그 이후로 디지털 데이터는 기하급수적으로 증가하고 있다. 따라서 이러한 ‘빅데이터’에 대한 능률적이고 효과적인 분석은 점점 중요해지고, 그 결과 다양한 연구 분야에서 패러다임의 변환을 겪을 것으로 예상한다. 정보학은 연구자들에게 그들의 빅데이터를 분석하는 다양한 도구를 제공할 수 있다. 이와 같은 상황은 ‘롱데이터’와 밀접한 관계를 갖는 인문학에서도 예외는 아니다. 롱데이터란 아날로그 방식의 소규모 데이터이지만 오랜 기간 축적되어, 빅데이터에 못지않은 중요성을 갖는 자료를 뜻한다. 이러한 상황에서, 지금까지 출판된 서적 전부를 디지털 형태로 바꾸고자 하는 ‘구글북스 프로젝트’는 인문학에서 의미가 있다. 롱데이터를 디지털화하고 나면, 중요하나 그동안 눈에 띄지 않은 사실들이 발견될 수 있다는 점에서 그렇다. 부산대학교 ‘인문정보학센터’는 19세기 중엽부터 20세기 초까지의 한국 근대 개항기를 인문학의 다른 하위 분야들과 함께 연구해 왔다. 그 시대 서구선교사나 외교관이 만든 ‘한국어 이개어 사전’이 주요 연구 대상의 하나이다. 언어의 장벽 때문에 심화연구가 이루어지지 않았던 영역인 것이다. 이때, 숨겨져 있던 고문서에 접근하여 알려지지 않은 사실을 발견하도록 도와준 것이 바로 정보학이다. 인문정보학센터는 한국어 이개어 사전 여섯 개를 디지털화 한 바 있고, 그 가운데 세 개는 지식베이스화하였으며, 일반인들에게 공개하였다. 인문정보학센터가 제공하는 디지털 버전은 현재 구체적이고 믿을 수 있는 지식베이스로, 본 센터뿐만 아니라 다른 한국의 학자들에게도 제공되고 있는 것이다. 그렇지만 인문정보학센터의 과제가 완수된 것은 아니다. 위에서 언급한 개항기의 더 많은 텍스트를 디지털화해야 하는 작업이 남아있다. 좀 더 개방적이고 효율적인 인문학 연구를 위해, 다수의 인문한국 연구단이 각자의 관련 텍스트를 디지털화하고 공유하는 공동연구 체제인 ‘클라우드 방식’을 제안한다. The year 2002 is estimated as the beginning of ‘Digital Era’ when digital data began to exceed analog ones in term of production quantity. Since then, digital data increases exponentially. Efficient and effective analysis of such ‘big data’ becomes more and more important, and a variety of research fields undergo a paradigm shift in approaches. Informatics provides researchers with numerous tools analyzing their big data. Humanities, of which research texts constitute ‘long data’ (i.e. tiny quantity during very long periods) written on papers (i.e. in analog format), seemed to stand out of such changes. ‘Google Books Project’, which aims to transform all books ever published into digitalized format, is significant in Humanities, in a sense that meaningful but unseen facts can be found through processing digitalized long data. The ‘Center for the Study of Humanities Informatics’ (hereafter, CSHI) at Pusan National University has been investigating the first era of modernity in Korea (from the mid 19th to the early 20th centuries) with other fields of Humanities. The Korean bilingual dictionaries formulated in that period by Western missionaries or diplomats were one of important research materials. Elaborate observations had not been conducted due to language barriers and the micro-structure of those dictionaries. Informatics could help us to open those hidden archives and to find unseen facts : CSHI digitalized six Korean bilingual dictionaries, transformed three of them into knowledgebases, and opened them to the public on the web. The digitalized versions provided by CSHI are now used as concrete and reliable resources not only by CSHI’s affiliates but also other Korean scholars. However, CSHI’s works are far from being sufficient : much more texts in that period need to be digitalized. We suggest ‘Cloud Digitalization’ : a large number of Korean Humanities scholars will join in digitalizing their concerned texts and in sharing them.

      • KCI등재후보

        프랑스어 시간개체 표현의 정규화를 위한 기초연구

        윤애선 ( Ae Sun Yoon ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2008 언어연구 Vol.25 No.3

        The primary purpose of this study is to examine some characteristics of temporal expressions in French to normalize their annotation with the framework of ISO-TimeML (2008). Little work has been done on the automatic searching of such expressions and their semantic annotation other than recent work related to ISO-TimeML (2008) and its precursor TimeML (2006). Gross (2002) proposes automata-based searching methods for two types of TIME and DATE referring expressions in French, while its successor Bittar (2008) treats two more types, DURATION and SET, but with little description of their components. This paper examines each component of these four types and proposes the templates that describe searching automata for a variety of temporal expressions associated with their possible attribute-values properly specified. (Pusan National University)

      • KCI등재

        Carotenoids and total phenolic contents in plant foods commonly consumed in Korea

        Gun-Ae Yoon,Kyung-Jin Yeum,Yoon-Suk Cho,C-Y. Oliver Chen,Guangwen Tang,Jeffrey B. Blumberg,Robert M. Russell,Sun Yoon,Yang Cha Lee-Kim 한국영양학회 2012 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.6 No.6

        Phytochemicals are reported to provide various biological functions leading to the promotion of health as well as the reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fat-soluble plant pigments, carotenoids, are extensively studied micronutrient phytochemicals for their potential health benefits. It is noteworthy that specific carotenoids may be responsible for different protective effects against certain diseases. In addition, each carotenoid can be obtained from different types of plant foods. Considering the fact that the phytochemical content in foods can vary according to, but not limited to, the varieties and culture conditions, it is important to establish a database of phytochemicals in locally produced plant foods. Currently, information on individual carotenoid content in plant foods commonly consumed in Korea is lacking. As the first step to support the production and consumption of sustainable local plant foods, carotenoids and total phenolic contents of plant foods commonly consumed in Korea are presented and their potential biological functions are discussed in this review.

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