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      • 리스(Lease)契約의 法理에 관한 硏究

        정우상 檀國大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        近來에 있어서 리스의 意味는 傳統的인 賃貸借(民法 第618條 以下) 槪念과는 달리 金融的 性格을 강하게 띠면서 새로운 合理的인 設備調達手段으로 認纖·評價되고 인는 바, 리스契約이란 리스利用者가 選定한 物件을 리스會社가 새로이 取得하거나 貸與받아, 그 물건에 대한 직접적인 維持·管理의 責任을 지지 아니하면서 리스利用者에게 一定期間 使用·收益하게 하고 그 期間에 걸쳐 일정한 對價를 定期的으로 分割, 支給받으며 그 期間이 終了한 뒤에 物件의 處分에 관하여는 當事者의 約定으로 정하는 契約을 말하며 그 法律的 性質은 「物的金融」을 본질로 하는 物的金融契約이다. 따라서 리스會社와 利用者間의 法律關孫에대한 解釋은 從來의 賃貸借關係를 基準으로 할 것이 아니고, 리스利用者가 리스會社로부터 資金을 融資받아 필요한 設備나 機械를 구입한 경우 그 融資元利金에 대한 償還을 리스料의 形式으로 長期間에 걸쳐 分割하여 행하는 것으로 그本質을 파악하고서(物融), 이를 바탕으로 리스契約上의 諸問題들을 해결하여 나아가는 것이 리스의 實體에 合當하다고 할 것이다. 생각컨대, 리스는 리스利用者가 設備 購入을 위한 資金을 調達하는 手段으로 이용되고 있는데 이는 리스會社, 리스利用者 및 리스物件의 供給者의 3者가 그 當事者로서 관여하게 되어 있고 이들 3者 중 어느 한 當事者라도 缺如되어서는 去來가 成立될 수 없으며, 去來가 원찰하게 이루어지기 위하여는 3者의 利益 모두를 적절하게 보호하여야 한다고 생각된다. 그런데 리스契約上 法律關係를 정함에 있어 物的金融이라는 本質的 要素를 窮極的 基準으로 하여 설정할 수 있으나 그 槪念의 抽象性으로 인해 恣意性을 排除하기에는 역부족일 뿐더러 具體的 事項에 관하여 어떤 規定을 適用할 것이지에 관하여 解釋者의 恣意的인 選別適用으로 인해 法的 安定性을 기할 수 없는 問題點이 있다. 그러므로 이러한 問題點을 해결하기 위해서는 리스契約은 體系的·統一的으로 해석할 수 있도록 통일된 체계를 가진 法律의 制定이 필요하다고 생각된다. 그런 즉 私法的 側面에서 리스契約을 規律할 리스에 관한 立法의 基本方向을 제시하고 있다. 여기서 주의할 것은 이와 같은 立法으로 인하여 리스산업 을 위축시키는 결과를 초래해서는안되도록 힘써야 한다는 것이다. 本 論文은 다음과 같이 構成하였다. 우선 根本的으로 리스契約이 보기 드문 特殊한 새로운 契約類型임을 인식하고서. 먼저 第二章에서 리스契約의 一般法理, 즉 리스의 法的 槪念및 特質을 定義하고, 리스의 分類를 考寮한 후 그 中 金融리스와 흔히 비교되는 運用리스를 함께 살펴본다. 그리고 리스에 관한 各國의 立法例를 살펴본다. 第三章에서는 리스契約의 法律的 特性을 살퍼보는데 먼저 리스契約의 意義를 살펴본 후, 學說과 判例를 중심으로 리스契約의 法的性質을 고찰하고 리스契約의 本質을 명확히 규명하기 위해서 그와 類似한 契約形態를 살펴볼 것이다. 그런후 리스契約의 內容上 法的 特性을 간추려 본다. 第四章에서는 리스契約 當事者 및 리스關係者의 法的 地位를 살펴본 후 리스契約의 當事者를 리스會社와 리스利用者만으로 예정하여 이들의 法律關係에 관한 것으로서 리스會社의 權利義務와 리스利用者의 權利義務를 살펴보고자 한다. 그리고 結論的으로 第五章에서 私法的 側面에서 이루어질 立法의 方向을 제시해 보고자 한다. Generally, lease is divided into two classes. One, the operating lease is the contract that the owner of personal estate or real estate is the lessor and is confirmed the lessee to the use or the possession of the personal estate or real estate in return for rent, The lease of this sense is the nearly same as the lease which our civil code following article 618 prescribes and has been operated hitherto in Korea. The other, the finacial lease, is the contract that when a certain one(leasee) is in need of personal estate or real estate of machine equipments and so on, the leassor purchase and lease it directly, In this case, the lessor intends to recover nearly all of the invented capital for the lease term and the middle termination of the contract can't be permitted. That is the system that the owner lease the goods for the purpose of economic use of them. On the other hand, this is the system that the lessor purchase the goods and leasses them to the leasee instead of loaning of purchase money and it that aims at financing in economy. The subject of this theses is to study on the financial lease contract. Today, legal problems of financial lease contract has not been sufficiently solved due to the lack of legal regulations for the financial lease contract in reference to the aspects of private and there are only a few studies on legal theory in Korea. In general, the study on finacial lease contract is concentrated on the legal realation between the lesssor and the lessee, it results from the fact that the lessor and the lessee lie in the direct privity on lease contract. So does this thesis. This thesis is composed of 5 chapters. Chapter I : Introduction. Chapter II : The General legal theory of Lease. This chapter helps understanding of concepts and principles of lease contract based on its fundamantal theory. Chapter III : The legal characteristics of Lease contract. This chapter discusses legal characteristics of the lease contract and the legal nature of lease contract. Chapter IV : The legal relationship of the contracting parties. This chapter provides the standarized guidlines of legal interpretation of provisions in the cases of disputing with lease contract Chapter V : Conclusion. This chapter provides necessity of the enactment of the new special act which shall regulate the legal relationship of the Lease contract, because the existing law can't solve this problem.

      • The Effect of Off-Balance-Sheet Disclosure of Operating Lease on Firm’s Investment Efficiency through Deviated Financial Ratio

        WANG JIABIN 고려대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        본 연구의 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국상장회사를 대상으로 운용리스의 장부 외 공시로 인한 재무비율의 편의가 기업의 투자효율성에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 둘째, 재무비율의 편의와 투자효율성 간의 관계가 새 회계기준(K-IFRS 1116호: 리스)으로부터 어떠한 영향을 받는지를 살펴본다. 이를 위하여 선행연구에서 제시된 Constructive Capitalisation 방법에 따라 운용리스에 대해 수정된 재무비율을 계산하고 전통적 재무비율에서 내재된 편의를 측정하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 첫째, 전통적 재무비율이 운용리스를 무시함으로 인하여 기업의 재무건전성을 과대평가(과소평가) 할수록 과잉투자기업의 과잉투자가 악화(완화)된다. 이는 경영자가 자신의 제한적 주의력 (limited attention) 때문에 전통적 재무비율이 나타내는 신호만 단순히 따라 투자결정을 한 결과라고 본 연구가 주장한다. 둘째, 전통적 재무비율이 재무건전성을 과대평가(과소평가)할수록, 과소투자기업의 과소투자가 악화(완화)된다. 그러나 과잉투자기업의 경우와 달리, 이 결과는 재무위험을 제대로 통제하기 위해 재무비율의 변동을 추적함과 분석함을 경영진이 중요시하는 과소투자기업에서 기업재무건전성 현황을 평가하는 데 있어서 이해가능성과 신뢰성이 보다 부족한 운용리스-수정 재무비율을 수용하는 가에 대한 경영진 내부의 의견불일치 때문일 가능성이 있다. 구체적으로 전통적 재무비율이 재무건전성을 과대평가(과소평가)할수록, 투자제안(투자철수제안)에 관련한 내부의 의견불일치가 발생하여 투자(투자철수)활동이 미루어질 가능성이 증가한다. 이러한 투자(투자철수)의 지연이 기업의 과소투자를 악화(완화)시킨다. 셋째, 전통적 재무비율이 과소투자기업의 과소투자수준에 미치는 영향은 K-IFRS 1116호 적용을 위한 사전적 준비기간에 약화된다. 그 이유는 새 기준 적용을 위해 기업 내부에서 이루어진 추가 정보수집과 처리가 운용리스-수정 재무비율의 직접적이고 쉬운 계산을 가능하게 하고, 재무건전성 평가와 관련한 의견불일치가 해소되어 투자(투자철수)의 의사결정이 가속화되기 때문이라고 주장한다. <주제어> 운용리스, 재무비율, 투자효율성, 내부정보의 질, K-IFRS 1116 This research, based on a sample of South Korean listed firms, investigates how off-balance-sheet (OBS) disclosure of operating leases could influence firms’ investment efficiency through deviated financial ratios, and how new lease accounting standard (K-IFRS 1116) changes the association between financial ratio deviation caused by the OBS disclosure and investment efficiency. Using the constructive capitalisation technique, we calculated financial ratios adjusted for operating leases. We posit that managers with limited attention are prone to invest simply following the indications of the conventional (unadjusted) financial ratios. Managers of overinvesting firms overinvest more (less), when conventional financial ratios that neglected operating leases over-estimate (under-estimate) firms’ financial soundness. However, in underinvesting firms, where internal decision makers have more incentive to trace firms’ financial ratios and control financial risk level, the deviations between adjusted and unadjusted ratios are more likely to cause internal disagreements. Because the adjustment for operating lease depends on complex assumptions and calculations, the obscurity hampers understanding and increases the uneasiness to resolve the disagreements. We predict that in underinvesting firms, when the degree of the unadjusted ratio to over-estimate (under-estimate) the firm’s financial strength is larger, it is more likely for a disagreement and a delay to occur on an investment (divestment) proposal. The delays in investment (divestment) thus worsen (mitigate) firms’ underinvestment. But the effect to worsen (mitigate) underinvestment declines, during the preparation to comply with K–IFRS1116, because internal information collection and processing help generate more straightforward estimates of financial ratios, narrow the disagreements and accelerate investment (divestment) decision making. Our empirical results support the predictions. Key words: operating lease, financial ratio, investment efficiency, internal information quality, K-IFRS 1116

      • 우리나라 리스會計와 리스稅務에 관한 硏究

        박만호 慶星大學校 敎育大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        The lease which was developed recently as the way of gainning facilities in the enterprise is growing differently according to the law system, the economic environment and the customs of each country. With the rapid development and growth of the lease industry, therefore. the appropriate accounting treatment of the lease transactions and the importance of financial information related with them are to be considered to be divided into various chapters in this paper. The first chapter is about the goal, and method and range of this study. The second one is about the meaning and the developing process of the lease and the economic advantnges of the lease, and surveyed about the analysis of the lease with the comparision between the Korean standard and the American one. The third one analyses and explains the accounting treatment about the lease accounting and the lease taxation of our country and develops the journalizing form, and descriptions the situatuon about the lease accounting treatment of each country. The fourth one suggests the difference about the lease accounting and the lease taxation of our country and the each of questions and the method of development. Finallly, the fifth one writes the summary about the result of the studying of this thesis. The following is the summary about the improvable method of the lease accounting and the lease taxation suggested in this thesis. 1. The improving method of the lease accounting . 1) The classifing method of the lease. It is desirable to adopt the standard of full pay out or to change on standard of the lease period into 75 - 80 % of economic useful life. 2) The deprecition method of recognizing the assets of the operating lease. We have to remove the space of criticism practically by providing the sinking fund method or withdrawal capital method in the law. 3) The lease transation after selling. We have to lighten the restriction of the facilities lending law according to the guility of the transation. 4) The parenthetical disclosure of the cancellable contact lease assets. 2. The improving method of the lease taxation. 1) It's desirable to recognize the dealing loss appropriation money of the assets of the operating lease. 2) It's desirable to consider the establishment problem of the lending loss appropriation money in the view point of the tax policy. 3) The carry forward treatment of cancellable contact withdrawal capital. 4) It's also desirable to give the investment tax credit benifit. In case of the operating lease described above, the lease transaction makes a great influence to the policy for the economic activation and is activated through the tax policy. So the active studying of the lease transation parties or policy maker to the lease transation is to be continued.

      • 金融리스 去來에 관한 硏究

        이영숙 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 2940

        In our country lease system, inspite of having not a long history, has been developed by the most prosperous steps. But it is very important that legal protection of lease user-the person concerned lease dealings-compared with the developed progress, has been relatively not enough. Considering the problem concern ed the lease dealings an this study, all of items which will be illustracted as the rights and obligations on lease dealings range from the conceptions, types and legal properties about lease system to those who would be able to supply lease goods, lease companies and lease user-the person concerned lease dealings in the finance lease contracts. It requires consideration that the legal problems of the finance lease contracts should be able to extract from the above result's basis. All of problems in the finance lease contracts are to be exempted from the responsibility of damages security and not to be canceled by lease users in the course of lease dealings. The risk-bearing about lease goods which were applicated after lease contracts would force lease user to share in the expenses. All of problems on the above results will be going to take justification such lease dealing's demand as follows: First, by selecting of lease user on lease dealings and lease goods. Second, by issuing the finance properties of lease dealings. Third, by transfering the claim for damages in the contracts into lease user. But the above three problems have ignored the lease-valued charateristics of lease dealings completely. It is also important problem that the cooperative relation between lease dealer and lease good's supplyer in the lease dealings does not take into consideration, and it will be verified that the above problems are handled by the contract regulation laws. As one method of keepkng step pace on EC' s monetary combination and the openness of the monetary to be introduced on 1992 into our nation, we would have to abandon all of profits of only lease dealer. And also, the faulted lease's contracts and technique will be corrected or improved by protecting the interest s of many more lease users.

      • 우리나라의 리스去來 稅務處理에 관한 硏究

        이상기 釜山産業大學校 貿易大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 2940

        The meaning of Lease is the contract between a lessor and lessee which conveys the right of using the specific property owned by the lessor to lessee in retern for the periodic cash payments. The lease industry appeared in America from 1950s and thus had apread to the Europe and Japan from 1960s and now it is enhenced as new future industry. The lease industry in Korea is rapidly growing annually from 1973 not only as one of the method which ameliorate the international payments and introduce new investment but also in the view of industrial policy of pushings of domestic machinery industry. Therefore the Lease Accounting Treatment Standard was legislated by Securities and Exchange Commission and the general rule of lease accounting was made from corporate tax Jan. 1. 1985. But it is very difficult to apply these standards and general rules. Because there is a wide difference between them and all the other general accounting treatment in the fact that the lease transaction is substantially real financing with the characteristic of medium-long term equipment financing while it is formally letting and hiring of equipment, and because these standards and general rules are very inclusive. The aim of this study is to grope the reasonable way of taxation treatment through the comparison, analysis and examination of the contents of the above issued Standards and general rules. The method of this study is based partly on theoretical study by the opinions of APB in AICPA, and by the report No. 13 of FASB and its supplementary report and by the papers and many books availed in domestic and partly on empirical study by the materials of demestic lease specialized company and comprehensive financing company. This paper consists of six chapters and each is as follows. In chapter Ⅰ, the aim, the method and the scope of this study are described, In chapter Ⅱ, as the essence of this study of lease, the development process, the classification and the funcfion of lease are described. In chapter Ⅲ and Ⅳ, the taxation treatment of Lessee and Lessor is described through the comparison with lease accounting standards and corporate taxation. In chapter Ⅴ, the problem derived from this study and the way of improvement for these problems are described. In chapiter Ⅵ, I describe the summary and conclusion of this study. The problems and the way of improvement for them in summary are as follows. 1. While the lease accounting standards prescribe the depreciation period as "lease period", The Corporation Tax prescribe it as economic durable years of lease assets. 2. The amounts of lease assets and liability can be induced from lease fare minus the interest of lease period. But lease accounting treatment standards and the general rules of corporation tax doesn't allude to the rules of interest which is necessary to deduce the interest of lease period. Therefore it is proper for lessee to accept the incremental borrowing rate, but for the lessor to accept the interest rate implicit in the lease. 3. The lease accounting treatment standards doesn't refer to foreign assessment balance. But it is rational to be classified as operating profit and loss. 4. The classifiction of coordinated lease rate is not regulated in the above standards. But it is profer to devide it as capital and interest only for the case that the sum of coordinated lease rate exceeds 5/100 of capital concerning. 5. The time of receipt from lesse and guarantor when lease contract is cancelled. The above general rules regulate that the profit be accounted in the year of withdrawal. But it is rational to withdraw for the lease period by the flat sum system. 6. The existing above standards and general rules should be amended aid complemented according to the actual circumstance of corporation and its accounting in Korea.

      • 항공사 재무특성과 항공기 운용리스의 관련성에 관한 연구

        박찬현 고려대학교 정책대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2940

        Global passenger traffic is forecast to grow 4.7 percent annually over the next 20 years due to the growth of China's domestic passenger market and the rise of middle-class income in Asian countries. In order to meet the growing demand for the passenger traffic during the same period, aircraft fleets are estimated to grow at an annual rate of 3.5 percent, delivering more than 42,000 new aircraft by 2037, with the value of aircraft financial markets reaching about $6.3 trillion. Commercial jets are generally considered very expensive across all types of models, ranged from $90 million to $450 million. For airlines that need to operate a large number of expensive commercial jets, they are required to form fleets optimised for routes on which they operate by comparing many different financial structures and the way that they finance aircrafts are largely divided into direct purchase and aircraft lease, which in turn is classified as a finance lease and an operating lease. A finance lease has the characteristics of transferring most of risks and rewards of ownership of an aircraft to an airline for the purpose of securing funds for the ownership of an aircraft, whereas an operating lease has the primary purpose of securing the right to use an aircraft and does not transfer risks and rewards of ownership to the airline. A particular type of leases will be determined considering various circumstances faced by an airline. For larger airlines, the ability to maintain an appropriate proportion of a finance lease or operating lease is sufficient, whereas for newly established airlines or low cost carriers, the operating lease rate is highly significant due to the advantages of the operating lease. An airline who chooses an operating lease can benefit from an off-the-balance sheet financing effect, as it does not recognise an asset or liability on its own book and therefore the effect has a positive impact on its financial ratios. Also, an airline who leases an aircraft under an operating lease can have advantage of generating immediate revenue from the day that the lease commences over small initial capital expenditures, allowing itself to increase asset efficiency. In addition, pre-delivery payments are not required for a new order of an aircraft under an operating lease and therefore lower initial capital expenditure is required and it is easier for an airline to add or modify its fleet in accordance with demand changes in aviation market. As opposed to financial and operational benefits mentioned above, an airline as a lessee should comply with return conditions stipulated in the documents and an lessor is entitled to limiting the use of aircraft lease to the lessee by the lessor. Although pros and cons of an operating lease may vary subject to different circumstances in which each airlines is, it is generally said that its advantages outstrips disadvantages. For this reason, many domestic airlines have actively taken the operating lease, resulting in the operating lease rate being exceeded 90% on average and the aircraft operating lease rate is expected to gradually increase across all over the world. The result of this analysis shows that debt ratios and turnover ratios are positively correlated with an operating lease rate, which is in line with general recognition and prior studies and that liquidity ratios and profitability ratios are not precisely measured. Also, this analysis may provide an airline a criteria that can be considered in determining a type of lease for an aircraft that it operates. 전 세계 여객 교통량은 BRIC(Brazil, Russia, India and China) 국가들의 경제 성장과 이들 국가의 중산층 소득 증가 등에 기인하여 향후 20년 동안 연평균 4.7% 성장할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 같은 기간 동안의 항공 수요 증가에 부응하기 위하여 전 세계 항공기 운항대수는 연평균 3.5%씩 성장하여 2037년까지 약 42,000대 이상이 신규로 인도되며 항공기 금융시장 가치는 약 6조 3,000억 달러에 이를 것으로 추정된다. 상업용 항공기의 평균 가격은 대당 약 9천만 달러(약 1,000억 원)부터 대당 약 4억 5천만 달러(약 5,175억 원)까지 크기에 따라 다양하나, 매우 고가라는 공통점이 있다. 고가의 항공기를 다수 운영해야하는 항공사 입장에서는 항공기를 도입함에 있어 각 금융기법을 비교하여 항공사가 운항하는 노선에 최적화된 기단을 구성해야 하는데, 항공기를 구매하는 방법은 크게 직접구매와 항공기 리스로 구분되고 이는 다시 금융리스와 운용리스로 나뉜다. 금융리스는 항공기 보유 자금 확보를 목적으로 항공기의 소유에 따른 대부분의 위험과 보상이 항공사에게 이전되는 특성이 있는 반면, 운용리스는 항공기 사용권 확보에 주된 목적이 있고 항공기 소유에 따른 위험과 보상이 항공사에게 이전되지 않는 특성을 보인다. 각 항공사는 처해 있는 상황에 따라 금융리스 또는 운용리스를 선택하게 되는데 규모가 큰 항공사의 경우, 금융리스 또는 운용리스의 적절한 비율을 선택할 수 있는 재정력 능력이 있다. 반면에 신규 설립된 항공사 또는 저비용항공사(Low Cost Carrier, LCC)는 운용리스의 다양한 장점으로 인하여 운용리스 비율이 높은 특성을 보이는데 이러한 장점의 예로는 운용리스를 선택하는 항공사는 장부상의 자산이나 부채로 기록되지 않는 부외금융효과(off-the-balance sheet financing effect)로 인하여 재무비율에 긍정적인 효과를 누릴 수 있음과 동시에 적은 초기 자본 지출에 비해 즉각적인 매출 창출이 가능하여 자산 효율성 증대가 가능하다는 장점이 있다. 또한 금융리스와 비교할 때에도 항공기 신규 발주 시 필요한 인도 전 지급금(pre-delivery payments)이 필요 없어 초기 자본 지출이 더 적고 시장의 수요변화와 항공사의 상황에 따라 항공기를 비교적 쉽게 추가하거나 변경할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 하지만 까다로운 항공기 반환조건을 준수해야하며 임대인에 의해 항공기 사용이 제한되는 등의 단점도 존재한다. 그러나 운용리스의 많은 장점에 기인하여 국내 항공사 운용리스 비율은 평균 약 90%를 상회할 정도로 적극적으로 활용하고 있고, 해외 또한 항공기 운용리스 비중은 점차 확대될 전망이다. 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 그 중요성이 점차 확대될 것으로 예상되는 운용리스 비율에 대하여 본 연구를 통하여 일반적인 인식과 관련 선행 연구의 결과와 같이 각 항공사의 재무특성 중 부채비율 및 활동성 지표와 상관성이 있다는 것을 검증함으로써 항공기 도입 시 리스형태결정 시 참고할 수 있는 기준을 제시하였다.

      • 住宅賃貸借 保證金 保護에 關한 硏究

        김재훈 경상대학교 대학원 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 2939

        주택임대차보호법이 시행되면서 주택임차인이 대항요건인 주택의 인도와 주민등록을 갖추면 그 다음날에 대항력이 발생하며, 임차주택의 양수인에게 임대인의 지위를 승계하도록 규정하여 대항력있는 임차인은 양수인에게 임대차를 주장할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 현행 주민등록제도는 타인의 열람을 제한하고 있어 공시기능을 다하지 못하고 있으며, 주택의 인도와 관계없이 주민등록이 가능하고 확정일자를 받을 수 있는 점, 귀책사유가 없는 미등기주택임차인의 대항력을 판례는 부정하는 점, 가장임차인이 타인의 권리를 침해하는 점, 주민등록에 의한 대항력 발생일을 저당권보다 늦게 규정한 것이 문제로 부각된다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제점에 입각하여 주택임대차의 현실을 바탕으로 주민등록과 주택임대차의 관계를 판례를 바탕으로 분석하고, 주택임차보증금 보호에 관한 법적대안을 제시한다. Before the housing lease protection act being enforced, the person with a residential lease deposit used to have a difficult time in recovering the deposit. With the right to residential lease, which is an obligatory right, he was not able to oppose the right of ownership, which is a real right. As the housing lease protection act is enforced, housing delivery and resident registration of the house become available for the person with a residential lease deposit. Thus, he has opposing power occur the very next day in order to succeed the status of the leaseholder, and the person with opposing power is able to assert a lease to the assignee. When the leaseholder is given a fixed date in the lease contract, he acquires the right to a repayment of the lease deposit prior to those who are ranked below him. Before auction entry registration, he gets delivered a house. When he received his resident registration, he has the right to a prime repayment of small sums of the lease deposit, prior to other people with the right to a privileged order. This is the way the person with a lease of small sum is protected. As such, the housing lease protection act protects the lease deposit with opposing power, right to a prime repayment, right to a supreme repayment. For which the resident registration is commonly demanded, which indicates that the residence registration has a specifically important gravity under the housing lease protection act. As the current resident registration system, however, restricts reviewing of the other people's documents, it cannot secure the function of a public notification. The resident registration is possible without relation to the delivery of a house, as well as the possibility of receiving a fixed date. The judicial precedents negate the opposing power of the person with a non-registered residential lease who bears no retrospective responsibility. The person with a disguised lease infringes the right of the others. The date of the opposing power occurrence by resident registration is defined later than mortgage right. All of these aforementioned matters come up as problems. In this research, based on those problems and the reality of residential lease, are analysed some judicial precedents so as to come up with some lawful suggestions about the protection of residential lease deposit. Firstly, since one is not able to read a resident registration freely under the current resident registration system, there is a problem when one cannot confirm the possibility of safely recovering the lease deposit before contracting a lease. In this case, on the condition that the resident's national registration number is not being exposed, the lot number of the leased building, as well as the leaseholder, the lease deposit, the rent, the lease period, etc, should be recorded in the lease statement in order for anyone to read. Secondly, as the resident registration is possible without relation to delivery of the house and the fixed date is given, there is a possibility that the opposing power will be unclear, and the date of repayment occurrence persist. In this case, it should be possible to confirm whether the leaseholder has moved in, in order to control the resident registration; Otherwise, when the total amount of deposit is provided, one moves in, which is the usual case in which a fixed date shall be given to make the resident registration possible. Thirdly, in case the registered number of a leased house with many households is not decided, the resident registration is done, and the leaseholder who acquires an opposing power becomes the one with the right of ownership to protected registration in the building afterwards, judicial precedents negate the opposing power. In this case, in order to protect the lease deposit of the leaseholder with no retrospective responsibility, the judicial precedents should be revised so as to recognize his opposing power. Otherwise, before registering the ownership of a leased house with many households, the resident registration transcript and the indication of building location should be lawfully checked out to make sure that they are in accordance with the attached drawing plan. Fourth, in case the prime repayment right of a disguised person with a small sum lease gets the house delivered and registers his residence before registering auction application, he has a privileged right over others higher in order, which makes it difficult for the real person with the lease and the creditor to get back the obligatory rights. In this case, a public corporation should contract a lease directly, sublease it, make a loan at a low interest rate after securing the safety of the lease mortgage, or increase the supply of the rental housing whose rent is low. Fifth, as there is a dual public notification system by resident registration and register book, it is difficult to decide the ranking of the rights, which makes it necessary to grasp the relationship of a right in compliance with the resident registration and the register book. In this case, the occurrence time of prime repayment right and opposing power should be on a given day. A definite date should be replaced by the date of resident registration transfer. The public should be allowed to review the current statement. If the aforementioned problems and legal measures for them are reflexed in the housing lease protection act, its shortcomings will be complemented, and the protection of residential lease mortgage better secured. In addition, the leaseholders with no retrospective responsibility should not find themselves struggling to get back their lease mortgage, which will contribute to the protection of obligatory rights for those who are higher ranked in terms of order in the auction process.

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