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        최명우 ( Myung Woo Choi ) 한국성경적상담학회 2016 성경과 상담 Vol.15 No.-

        사람을 변화시키기 위해서는 반드시 성령의 역사하심과 하나님의 말씀의 가르침이 있어야 하고, 피상담자가 중생과 성화를 통해서 변화를 체험하게 되어야 한다. 본 연구는 이러한 성경적 상담이론을 바탕으로 교회성장을 탐구하는데 순 복음강남교회를 사례로 연구한다. 상담사역을 통하여 교회성장을 어떻게 도모할 것인가는 목회의 중요한 과제이다. 목회는 그 성질상 교회 성장 핵심으로 한다. 질적 성장이든 양적 성장이든 성장이 없는 목회는 그 본질적 사명에 충실치 못한 것을 의미한다. 이러한 목회적 교회성장에서 평신도의 역할이 크게 기여하므로 오늘날 한국교회는 평신도 기능화를 위하여 전력을 다해야 한다. 그러나 한국 교회의 평신도 운동이 질서와 방향을 바로 잡지 못하고 있고 평신도들의 기동력이 잠제된 상태에서는 활성화 되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 한국교회의 평신도 활용이 정상화 된다면 개교회의 성장은 물론 한국 사회와 세계교회에 크게 공헌할 풍부한 가능성을 갖고 있다. 이와 같은 가능성의 개발을 위하여 개 교회는 전교인을 성경적인 목회상담 요원으로 훈련하여 교회내외의 질적 변화를 도모해야 하며 이것은 곧 교회의 질적 성장과 함께 양적 성장도 연결될 것이다. Current Christian counseling practiced in many Korean churches has deviated from biblical principles and has been oriented towards a psychological approach affected by prosperity theology. The biblical counseling should be back on track. The definition and the purpose of the biblical counseling vary according to scholars. Professor Chungsook Chung defined the biblical counseling as not only giving clients advice on how to solve their problems but also re-educating them so that they can be equipped with a biblical outlook on life, which affects their mind-set, emotion, behavior and personality. She also defined the purpose of counseling as “presenting everyone perfect in Christ”(Col 1:28). A true change in a person takes place only by the work of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Word of God as the client experiences regeneration and sanctification. The research will be conducted on church growth based on the biblical counseling theory and the case of Full Gospel Gangnam Church will be studied. How to promote church growth through counseling is an important assignment in a church ministry. The core of the church ministry is on Church growth by nature. Whether it is qualitative or quantitative, the growth is what determines whether or not the church is faithfully carrying out its mission. The organized system of lay members within a church makes huge contributions to church growth, and therefore further effort should be put into organizing lay members of the church. However, the participation of lay people in church activities is constantly decreasing nowadays in most Korean churches. There is great potential for church growth in Korea and worldwide as well if Korean lay people`s activity is revitalized. To achieve that potential, every church needs to train all its members to become biblical counselors so that changes can happen from within the church, which will eventually lead to both qualitative and quantitative church growth.

      • KCI등재

        가정교회(House Church) 사역을 통한 평신도 성경적 상담사역의 활성화 방안 연구: 길벗교회를 중심으로

        김영민 ( Young Min Kim ) 한국복음주의 기독교상담학회 2010 복음과 상담 Vol.14 No.-

        가정교회는 원래 하나님이 의도하신 교회의 모습이라고 말할 수 있다. 신약 성경에 나오는 교회에 관한 개념 가운데 중요한 개념은 그리스도의 몸과 하나님의 가족이라는 개념이다. 그런데 가정교회는 이론적으로만이 아니라 실제적으로 교회로 하여금 그리스도의 몸으로서와 하나님의 가족으로서의 기능을 하게 한다. 가정교회 안에서, 그리고 가정교회를 통해 성도들은 한 몸을 구성하는 지체들과 영적 가족으로서 서로가 긴밀하게 연결된, 깊은 의존의 관계를 가지고 있다. 가정교회 구성원들 상호 간에는 그 어떤 상담보다 활발하고 효과적인 평신도 상담이 이루어지고 있다. 가정교회 사역은 평신도 성경적 상담사역의 활성화에 크나큰 도움을 주기에 가정교회 리더들이 성경적인 상담의 원리와 방법으로 무장된다면 거기서부터 나타나는 긍정적인 영향력은 놀라울 것이다. 이 시대는 특별히 소그룹과 셀과 가정교회에 대한 관심이 점증하고 있기에 가정교회 사역을 통해서 평신도 성경적 상담사역이 활성화되면 가정교회 사역에도 긍정적인 역할을 하게 될 것이고, 성경적 상담과 평신도 상담사역에도 긍정적인 영향을 끼치게 될 것이다. 결국 가정교회 사역과 성경적 상담과 평신도 상담사역이 서로 상승작용을 일으켜서 교회를 건강하게 만들며 이 세상에도 강력한 영향력을 끼쳐서 복음을 힘 있게 증거하게 될 것이다. The house church is the church God intended to build. Important concepts of church in the New Testament are the body of Christ and the family of God. The house church functions as the body of Christ not just theoretically but also practically. In the house church and through the house church the saints. as parts of one body, are closely connected to each other and depend on each other. Because the house churches made the local church function as the body of Christ and the family of God, dynamic and effective lay counseling occurs between the house church members. Thus, it can be said that house church ministry greatly contributes to the vitalization of the lay biblical counseling ministry. If the house church leaders are trained with the principles and method of biblical counseling, its positive impacts will be amazing. These days especially, there has been increasing interest in small groups and house churches. Thus, if the lay biblical counseling ministry is vitalized through house church ministry, it would also play a positive role in the house church ministry. This means that the house church ministry would also be improved through the vitalized lay biblical counseling ministry. Ultimately, the house church ministry, biblical counseling, and the lay counseling ministry will produce a virtuous cycle, which would make the church healthy and God’s people mature. In addition, they will witness, bring strong evangelism to the world and change people.

      • KCI등재

        교회 헌법은 젠더 평등한가? : 성경적 페미니즘 관점에서의 교회 헌법 재고

        강호숙 21세기기독교사회문화아카데미 2022 신학과 사회 Vol.36 No.2

        This essay proposes revision guidelines and practical alternatives for a gender-equal church constitution by examining the patriarchal doctrines and creeds, church office, and church political theories of the church constitution within evangelicalism in the light of women's human rights and gender sensitivities from a biblical feminist perspective. In chapter 2, the author reviews the formation, development, major issues, and achievements of feminist and gender jurisprudence. In chapter 3, I diagnose the problems and directionality of the church constitutions with three cognitive frameworks taken from a biblical feminist perspective: 'Bible and gender', 'church and gender', and 'church law and gender'. In chapter 4, I examine the three books of 『the Church Constitution』 published by the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in Korea from a biblical feminist point of view. And it reconsiders church office and creeds derived from patriarchal interpretations of the Bible and some part in the order of discipline. It then compares the treatment of sexual assault cases by church courts with that of the cases by secular courts based on gender sensitivity . In conclusion, the author suggests the revision of and practical guidelines for the law toward gender equality as follows: First, gender equality, legal theory and practice should be guaranteed by giving women equal representation, the right to take part in the amendment process of the church's constitution, and specified 'women's quota system.' Second, the men-centered titles in creeds, confessions, and catechisms should be modified to gender-inclusive terms such as ‘brothers and sisters’ and ‘being children.’ Third, doctrinal statements on gender issues should reflect the experiences and perspectives of women theologians. Fourth, the 'Special Law on the Prevention of Sexual Violence’ should be enacted and include the grounds for disciplinary action against sexual violence. Fifth, the 'one strike-out' system at all the denomination levels for sexual assault ministers should be specified. Sixth, a manual for dealing with sexual violence in local churches and guidelines for preventing sexual violence should be provided. Seventh, the "Church Constitutional System and Committee" should be formed as independent organizations of the church constitution and gender equal practical law theories, including the gender ratio of members, should be stipulated. 본 논문은 성경적 페미니즘 관점으로 복음주의 내 교회 헌법의 가부장적인 교리와 신조, 교회 직분과 교회 정치 이론을 여성의 인권과 성 인지 감수성에 비춰 재고함으 로써, 젠더 평등한 교회 헌법을 위한 개정 지침과 실무적 대안을 마련해보려는 연구이다. 2 장에서는 여성주의 법학과 젠더 법학의 형성과 전개, 주요쟁점과 성과를 살피면서, 젠더와 무관해 온 교회 헌법개정의 역사와 교회법 연구의 현주소를 간략히 살펴보았 다. 3 장에서는 성경적 페미니즘 관점이 취하는 ‘성경과 젠더’, ‘교회와 젠더’, 교회법 과 젠더‘라는 세 가지 인식적 틀로서 교회 헌법의 문제점과 방향성을 진단해보았다. 4 장에서는 성경적 페미니즘 관점으로 대한예수교장로회 합동총회와 통합총회, 고신총회 가 발행한 세 권의 『교회 헌법』 책을 중심으로 가부장적 성경해석으로 연유된 신조와 교회 직분, 그리고 권징 조례 가운데 일부 내용을 재고하였으며, 법원의 성 인지 감수 성에 기반한 성추행 판결과 교단의 성추행 처리 과정을 비교해보았다. 결론으로, 젠더 공정성과 성 인지 감수성이 담긴 젠더 평등한 법 개정과 실무지침을 다음과 같이 마련하였다. 첫째, 교회법에 여성에게 동등 대표직과 교회 헌법개정 권한, 그리고 ‘여성 할당제’ 비율을 명시함으로써, 직분의 젠더 공평과 여성 대표자의 법 이 론과 법 실행의 적극적인 참여가 이뤄지도록 교회법을 개정해야 한다. 둘째, 신조와 신앙고백, 그리고 요리문답에 나오는 남성성을 상징하는 ‘형제’, ‘양자 됨’과 같은 가부 장적 호칭을 ‘형제자매’, ‘자녀 됨’, ‘형제자매를 향한 사랑’이라는 젠더 포괄적 용어로 수정해야 한다. 셋째, 젠더 이슈에 대한 교리적 진술은 여성 신학자들의 경험과 관점을 반영해야 하며, 여성 사역자의 임신과 출산에 대한 배려와 근로조건을 명시해야 한다. 넷째, ‘교회 내 성폭력 방지 특별법’ 제정과 권징 조항에 ‘성폭력 범죄’를 반드시 첨가 해야 하며, 성범죄 조사위원회 설치 및 성비 구성요건 조항 및 성폭력 종류에 대한 각 각의 명시와 징계 수위가 명시되어야 한다. 다섯째, 교단들은 성폭력 목사에 대한 범 교단 차원의 ‘원스트라이크 아웃’ 제도를 교회법에 명시해야 한다. 여섯째, 교회 내 성 폭력 대응 매뉴얼과 성폭력 예방지침서를 마련하여 피해자 보호 조항과 사후 조치 등 에 관한 구체적인 실무 조항들을 명시해야 하며, 성 인지 감수성 교육 의무화를 시행 령으로 마련해야 한다. 일곱째, 교단들은 교회 헌법의 독립기구로서 ‘교회 헌법 소헌 제도’와 ‘소헌 위원회’를 구성해야 하며, 위원의 성비 비율을 포함한 젠더 평등한 실무 법 이론을 마련해야 한다. 본 연구를 계기로 복음주의 내 교회법뿐 아니라, 한국 개신 교의 인권 정책과 성 인지 감수성을 갖춘 젠더 교회법의 실천신학적 연구의 기반이 마 련되기를 기대해본다.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회를 향해 제시하는 성경적 통일: 기독교통일학회의 활동을 중심으로

        안인섭 기독교통일학회 2023 기독교와 통일 Vol.14 No.3

        독일과 예멘이 통일된 1990년대 이후 보수적인 교회의 유일한 연합체였던 한기총은 “북한교회재건위원회”를 결성하고(1995.6.12.), 연합, 단일교단, 독립이라는 북한교회 재건 3원칙을 세웠다. 그러나 당시는 국제적인 정세가 북한의 붕괴에 대비해야 한다는 긴박성이 있었지만 현재의 한반도는 전혀 다른 상황 속에 존재한다. 이런 맥락에서 2006년에 창립된 기독교통일학회가 주창하는 통일관이 중요한데, 그것은 곧 “성경적 통일론”으로서 기독교 통일운동의 한 획을 긋게 되었다. 기독교통일학회의 성경적 통일론은 정부의 통일 정책에 의해서 통일관이 좌우되거나 정치적 이념에 의해서 흔들리는 것이 아니라, 일관된 기독교적 통일의 방향이라고 할 수 있다. 기독교통일학회는 2006년 6월 3일부터 지금까지 17년 동안 통일과 관련해서 주어진 긴박한 시대적 질문과 도전에 대해서 “성경”의 정신에 분명하게 서서 답변하고 응전했다. 향후 기독교통일학회는 한국교회 현장과 함께 가야 하며, 성경적 통일관에 입각한 전문적인 연구 도서 출판으로 국가 정책을 위한 방향을 제시해야 하고, 성경적 통일관 교육을 실시해야 할 것이다. 성경적 통일이란 통일을 위한 절대적 가치를 성경에 두는 것이다. 성경은 민족 구원에 높은 가치를 두고 있으며, 최고의 권위를 갖는 성경은 정치 이데올로기를 상대화한다. 성경적 통일관은 하나님 나라의 시각으로 통일을 바라보는 것이며, 따라서 그리스도인을 하나님과 화해된 화해의 직분자로 초청한다. 그러므로 교회는 북한을 향한 디아코니아의 사역을 감당해야 하며, 교회는 창조 세계의 중심이 되는 인간의 존엄성과 인권을 위한 중재자가 되어야 하고, 통일의 청지기가 되어야 할 것이다. 성경적 통일론은 죄 때문에 죽어 마땅한 인간을 하나님과 화해하도록 하시는 중보자이시며, 교회의 머리로서 성도들에게 화목하도록 하는 사명을 부여해 주신 그리스도의 삼중직을 토대로 한다고 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 그러므로 성경적 통일관이란 선지자적인 통일관이며, 그리스도의 왕적 통치의 통일관이고, 제사장적 통일관이며, 성경적인 통일관은 성경 말씀을 한반도의 역사의 현장과 매개하는 것이다. 성경적인 통일의 길을 모색하기 위해서 한반도의 분단의 이유와 과정에 대한 연구와 현재 한반도 주변의 정세에 대한 명확하고 객관적인 역사적 고찰이 있어야 할 것이다. After the reunification of Germany and Yemen in the 1990s, North and South Korean Churches began to develop the relationships. The Christian Council of Korea, the only union of the conservative churches, formed the “North Korean Church Reconstruction Committee”(June 12, 1995) and established three principles for the reconstruction of North Korean churches: Union, Single denomination, and Independence. However, although there was an urgency in the international situation at the time to prepare for the collapse of North Korea, the Korean Peninsula currently exists in a completely different situation. In this context, the view of reunification advocated by the “Christian Society for National Reunification” founded in 2006, is significant. It is called a “Biblical Thoughts for the Reunification,” which is worth following for almost all the communities in the Christian Reunification movement. The Biblical Reunification theory of the “Christian Society for National Reunification” can be said to be the direction of consistent Christian thoughts on the Reunification, rather than the view of the Reunification being influenced by the government’s policy or shaken by political ideology. For the seventeen years since June 3, 2006, the “Christian Society for National Reunification” has clearly answered and responded to the urgent questions and challenges of the times related to the Reunification in the spirit of the Bible. For the further step in the future, the “Christian Society for National Reunification” should go together with the Korean church, publish professional research books based on the Biblical view of the Reunification, provide a direction for national policy, and offer education on the Biblical view of the Reunification. Therefore, Biblical Thoughts on the Reunification mean placing the absolute value for Reunification in the Bible. The Bible places a high value on the salvation of the people in the country, and the Bible, which has the highest authority, relativizes political ideology. The Biblical view of the Reunification is to view the Reunification from the perspective of the kingdom of God. Therefore, Christians are invited to become ministers of reconciliation who have been reconciled with God. Thus, the church must carry out the ministry of diakonia toward North Korea, and the church must become a mediator for human dignity and human rights, which are the center of the created world, and a steward of the Reunification. It can be concluded that Biblical Thoughts on the Reunification is based on the threefold office of Christ, who is the mediator and reconciler between God and human beings. Therefore, the Biblical view of the Reunification has the prophetic, royal and priestly ministry. In order to seek a Biblical path to the Reunification, there must be research into the reasons and process of division of the Korean Peninsula and a clear and objective historical review of the current situation around the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        성경 해석에 있어서 교회와 성경과 비평의 역할 : 성경 해석 역사에 비추어서

        심상법 한국복음주의신약학회 2007 신약연구 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this article is to understand the roles of the Bible, the church and the criticism in reference to biblical interpretation through the history of the interpretation of the Bible. First and foremost one must take on the interpretative task of gaining an understanding of the nature of the Bible as God's Word in addition to the nature of its interpreter as Dasein. With such fundamental understanding as the basis of my argument, I will discuss by dividing the history of biblical interpretation into four periods, together with the method of interpretation that represents each period and each method's governing authority. Briefly speaking, the four periods can be divided into the period from the early church to the Medieval, the period of Reformation to German pietism, the period of modernism, and lastly the period of post-modernism. The period from the early church up to the Medieval mainly deals with allegorical interpretation as the standard interpretation where as the second period uses grammatical-historical interpretation as the standard interpretation. Thirdly, the modernism period, historical criticism is used as the standard interpretation and post-modern interpretation is the standard interpretation method for the fourth period. Additionally the church or dogma can be seen as the first period's governing authority where as the Bible is the governing authority of the second period. The third and fourth period have both reason as it's governing authority, except that the fourth period has post-modern reason as it's governing authority. Ultimately the Bible has the absolute and final authority in biblical interpretation, however as seen throughout the Reformation, church as well as criticism also plays an important role for fair biblical interpretation, when it is used in a proper way. The Bible and church have a helical relationship in which a genuine church protects and defends our faith and biblical truth, and God's word, the Bible, contributes continuously to the reformation of church. Sound dogma not only guides a believer to true faith but also serves as a measuring stick that distinguishes heresy and orthodox as well as becoming a 'hermeneutical fence' that defends, protects and maintains biblical truth. In understanding the roles of the church and the reason or criticism in biblical hermeneutics, understanding the interpretative presupposition of the interpreter(interpreter as Dasein) is inevitable (Bultmann and post-modernism). Therefore, criticism or reason in biblical interpretation should be practiced strictly on the basis of sound theology, ethic, and spirituality.

      • KCI등재후보

        교회 조직행정과 교회 성장의 상관관계 분석

        양영태 한국교회법학회 2022 교회와 법 Vol.9 No.1

        Correlation Analysis between Church Organization Administration and Church Growth Yang, young tae * This article is relationship of how the administration of church organization affects the quantitative growth of the church. It is Jesus Christ himself who founded the church. The church is a place where there is no choice but to grow. Because God is the one who builds and leads the church. Of course, growth here does not mean only quantitative growth. However, since it is difficult to measure qualitative growth or spiritual growth, this paper focused on quantitative growth. An important fact in the quantitative growth of the church is that the administration of the church organization is closely related. As an example, the Yeouido Full Gospel Church, the most representative of the quantitative growth of the church, is the most representative church that has grown by effectively utilizing the administration of district organization. Second, the rapid growth of global churches in a short period of time is ranch organization administration. In addition, Gwacheon Church is a church that has grown through regional organizational administration and evangelism. As such, it shows that the church is growing according to how to manage organizational administration. At the moment when the growth of the church has stopped, the need for more management of the church organization administration is raised. However, it should not be forgotten that pursuing only this quantitative growth can lead to damage to the nature and spirit of the church. In addition to quantitative growth through administration, the church should have a mission of church organization administration to restore the true nature of Jesus Christ, the spiritual essence of the church. True church growth can be achieved when administration is carried out by the center of God's sovereignty, which is a true church organization administration. The administration of church organization is God-centered, and it is hoped that the church will grow more quantitatively through more strategic church organization administration. ■ 초록 “교회 조직행정과 교회 성장의 상관관계 분석” 본 논문은 교회 조직행정이 교회의 양적 성장에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는지에 대한 관계성에 대해 살펴보고 있다. 교회를 세우신 분은 예수 그리스도 자신이시다. 교회는 성장할 수밖에 없는 곳이다. 왜냐하면 교회를 세우시고 이끌어 가시는 분이 하나님이시기 때문이다. 물론, 여기서 성장은 양적 성장만을 의미하는 것은 아니다. 다만, 질적 성장 혹은 영적 성장은 측정하기 어려움이 있기 때문에 본 논문은 양적 성장에 초점을 맞추어 연구하였다. 교회의 양적 성장에 있어서 중요한 사실은 교회 조직행정과 밀접한 관련이 있다는 것이다. 그 사례로, 교회의 양적 성장의 가장 대표적인 여의도 순복음교회는 구역조직행정을 효과적으로 활용하여 성장한 가장 대표적인 교회라 하겠다. 두 번째로, 짧은 시간에 급성장한 지구촌교회의 양적 성장은 목장 조직행정이라 하겠다. 또한, 과천교회는 구역조직행정과 전도를 통하여 성장한 교회라 하겠다. 이렇듯이 교회는 조직행정을 어떻게 운용하느냐에 따라 성장하고 있음을 보여준다. 교회의 성장이 멈춰진 현시점에서 교회 조직행정을 좀 더 어떻게 운영할지에 대한 필요성이 제기된다. 다만, 이러한 양적 성장만을 추구한다면 교회의 본질과 영적인 훼손으로 이어질 수 있음을 잊어서는 안 된다. 교회는 행정을 통한 양적 성장과 더불어 교회의 영적인 본질인 예수그리스도의 본 모습을 회복해야 하는 교회 조직행정의 사명을 가져야 한다. 진정한 교회 조직행정인 하나님 주권 중심에 의한 행정이 이루어질 때 진정한 교회 성장을 이룰 수 있다. 교회 조직행정은 하나님 중심적이며, 좀 더 전략적인 교회 조직행정을 통하여 교회가 더욱 양적으로 성장하기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재후보

        성전건축을 위한 성경적 자본조달원리와 교회의 차입건축

        박정윤(Park Jung Yoon) 한국로고스경영학회 2010 로고스경영연구 Vol.8 No.2

        이에 본 논문의 목적은 성전건축과 관련하여 성경적 자본조달원리를 제시하고, 한국교회의 차입건축추세를 확인하여 이것이 한국교회와 사회에 미칠 영향을 분석하는 데 있다. 먼저 성경의 건축사례를 직접 살피면서 어떤 건축 프로젝트에서도 외부로부터 차입해서 건축한 예를 찾아볼 수 없다는 사실을 확인하였다. 모든 건축 프로젝트에서 성전건축을 위한 자원을 사전에 철저하게 준비하여 착공했기 때문에 성전건축으로 인한 어려운 문제는 전혀 없었다. 한국은 과다한 차입경제를 통해 IMF 외환위기를 겪은 바 있다. 외환위기를 경험하면서 기업은 부채의 위험을 충분히 인식하여 과다한 차입경영을 피하고, 오히려 무차입경영을 기업경영에 잘 적용하고 있다. 그러나 한국교회는 빚에 대한 성경의 탁월한 지식과 지혜를 제대로 활용하지 못하고 반대로 금융기관으로부터 막대한 금액을 차입하여 교회건물을 건축함으로써 차입금의 상환압박과 함께 이자지급으로 인해 헌금을 낭비하고 있다. 한국 교회의 성전건축을 위한 차입이 교회와 사회에 미칠 영향을 알아보기 위해 대학생들을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 결과에 의하면, 교회의 차입을 통한 성전건축은 교회와 사회에 부정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 예상된다. 우선 대학생들은 차입을 통한 성전건축을 ‘잘못하고 있는 일’로 인식하고 있었다. 그리고 교회의 차입경영은 교인의 헌금생활에도 부정적인 영향을 줄뿐만 아니라 출석교회의 변경에도 영향을 줄 것으로 조사되었다. 성전건축을 위한 차입경영은 모든 교회가 힘쓰는 전도에도 부정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 조사되었다. Recently, many churches including S Community Church in Seoul have borrowed from financial institutions in order to build their buildings. This borrowing phenomenon might negatively affect Korean churches and society. Therefore, the objective of this research is to present biblical financing principles for temple construction, to ascertain church's borrowing trend, and to analyze its effects on Korean churches and society. First, the author confirms that the Bible mentions three major building programs, but each witsfinanced directly by up-front giving, not by borrowing. Korea experienced IMF economic crisis in 1997 due to excessive borrowing by business firms and financial institutions. Business firms recognized risk of excessive leverage during the crisis and took no-debt policy in financing. Korean churches, however, have been borrowing construction funds from financial institutions although the Bible states that borrowing is a sign of God's curses(Deuteronomy 28:44) and that the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender(Proverbs 22:7). According to a survey by the author, church's borrowing for building construction will affect negatively Korean churches and society. College students recognized church's borrowing as 'things done wrong'. Also, it was surveyed that church's borrowing will influence negatively offerings, attendance, and mission works by church members.

      • KCI등재

        교회의 교사교육 실태와 성서적 대안

        한미라(Meerha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2008 기독교교육정보 Vol.21 No.-

        This article has three points to make. First, is to address some of obstacles that have long hindered teacher education in the protestant church of Korea. Second, the image and the roles of teacher in the Bible were sought and reinterpreted in light of the current situation of the Korean church's teacher training. And the last point is to suggest some of recommendations for the sake of improving the current issues in the biblical perspectives. There are three factors explaining the social influences on the declining the church school: the student population decline seems a natural phenomenon due to the low birth rate. Second factor is the emergence of the internet, globalization, and multi-cultural family and third, the new policy-implementation of five-days per week working system and no-school on Saturdays. These surely affected on the attendance of the church's Sunday service. From the church perspective, two problems can be addressed. First, the church school adopts the public school system in many ways. Second, the church is indifferent to the development of its educational environment. As for the teacher's respect, he or she has his or her own problems. They are such as lack of calling or qualification and efforts to understand their clients and the absence of systemic and continuous teacher training program. The second point of this paper is to seek the cases in the O.T. and N.T. that refer to the ideal image of teacher to modem church teachers. Five types of teacher were found and reinterpreted in light of the current situation: the teacher who teaches the knowledge of God, the teacher who takes not authority but responsibility, the teacher who keeps the balance like the keel of a ship, the teacher who heals the wounded, and the teacher who makes the student to bear a dream. In conclusion, some of directions and suggestions are recommended for improving the current situation of teacher education. First, the church's teacher training must be developed at the three dimensions; spirituality, knowledge, and discipleship. Also the term of the teacher training can be suggested to the three steps, 1) pre-service, 2) on the job, and 3) advanced training. It can also alter to a short-middle-long term training format. Various classes of teacher with a license are introduced, for instance, assistant to the teacher, intern teacher, senior teacher. Lastly, methods and contents for training the church teacher are proposed based on the biblical texts. A teacher without a deep experience of God can only give a poor answer to students asking who God is and how God use them. So a teacher always seeks for the God's guidance before teaching. For God is the source of all teaching.

      • KCI등재

        선교적 목회 리더십

        장훈태 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.27 No.-

        A recent issue of the Korean church is calling that “Let’s the church become one through repentance and forgiveness”. It means that the stagnant churches and the short of ethical pastors in Korea, The poor reliability from Christians to non-Christians due to the loss of the spiritual authority of pastors and the lack of missionary consciousness can be called a tragedy brought. Recently, the church of God became the absence of faith in the church was condemned. On the other hand, the culture of penetration in the church was to shake the church’s traditional faith and identity. It is shown that declining of the church according to the point from Darrell L. Guder. The heard of clamoring that the church is made of becoming real church is caused that many theologians and scholars are discussed what missional church means, Therefore, in order to make a healthy missional churches, what '​Missional Ministry Leadership' makes to be left. The core of the missional ministry leadership begins in the thinking of that visible church how to evangelize people in the world through gospel. Darrell L. Guder mentions that the gospel is always transmitted through the medium of culture, however, it is the people of God had sent to the world through the Church because of the incarnation identified as lost and the good news is said to be the upper limit of human. In order to call the faithful, the church must be culturally appropriate in certain circumstances should be on-site ever. The church dynamically and continuously connects the reality of the gospel and the field. Despite the discussion of theologically various theories in scholars and theologians, this will considerate the base of leadership, the faithful basics of leadership, and the kind of leadership as the understanding of missional leadership. In Chapter 2, it stated to distinguish between world and church leadership meaning and identify(establish) missional church leadership and biblical ecclesiology. Chapter 3 described the practices of missional ministry leadership that when the calling of God's mission, who bears a vision, and what techniques are examined for missional ministry leadership. Being Missional Ministry Leadership requires to be the leader of making responsibility thorough repentance, a response to the call of God, and the remembrance of the grace of God. A person who conducts Missional Ministry Leadership should make effort to find the point of connection with congregation with remembering the grace of God based on established in biblical foundation and what the foundation and essence of Missional ministry means.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국교회의 설교비평

        Ryoo,Eung-Yul 개혁신학회 2008 개혁논총 Vol.9 No.-

        This writer tries to examine the current situation regarding the sermon criticism of Korean churches and propose a few things to establish the foundation of biblical preaching in Korean churches through this paper. In fact, the word, sermon criticism is being used very rarely not only in the Korean churches but also in the Western churches. And it can not be easily found in the western homiletic world as far as books or papers regarding the sermon criticism are concerned. In the midst of this current situation, Korean churches begin to have a great interest in a sermon criticism.But the sermon criticism based on the wrong theology might be cause for wrong preaching and a great danger to impede wholesome words. On the other hand, the interest regarding the right sermon criticism based on biblical theology will play a far bigger part in making the pulpit as the word of truth. For this purpose, I will take a look at the history of sermon criticism in Korean churches. Then secondly, I would like to analyze the contents of the sermon criticism and evaluate its validity. Finally, I try to make five suggestions in order to make right sermon criticism settled in Korean churches. First, the biblical homiletic theology should be in a triangular position for the right sermon criticism of the pulpit of Korean churches. Second, for the balanced criticism, preachers and their sermon must be studied simultaneously. Third, sublation of criticism with a critic's viewpoint to his heart's content and a hermeneutical critique attitude toward analyzing the sermon with respect of preachers’intention must be provided. Fourth, the same interest not only in the preachers’body of sermon but also in the delivery of sermon must be needed as well. Fifth, a sermon must be comprehended under the live worship circumstance on account of a sermon being dynamic in the background of every service. The word of God through preaching is not an object of a critique but the object of obedience. But preaching can be developed by the creative criticism. I hope that the pulpit experiences the holy change in every sermon in accordance with sermon criticism positioning as a constructive academic field, and with the sermon of Korean churches putting down new roots in the Bible drastically, and permeating into auditors’lives accurately.

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