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        대학 쓰기교육의 이해와 발전 전략

        노명완(Noh Myeong-Wan) 한국리터러시학회 2013 리터러시 연구 Vol.- No.7

        대학작문 교육은 여러 갈등적 요인들을 안고 있다. 이 글에서는 대학작문교육이 안고 있는 어려움을 가능한 한 이론적 측면에서 분석해 보고, 동시에 그런 이론적 갈등 속에서도 대학작문 교육이 취하여야 할 기본적인 방향을 찾아보고 있다. 대학작문 그리고 작문이 갖고 있는 큰 어려움은 두 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 하나는 작문이 필자와 독자 사이의 소통의 수단인데, 필자와 독자가 같지 않다는 점이다. 그래서 작문이 어려운 것이다. 그리고 다른 하나는 작문의 과정이 내용을 다루는 과정과 이 내용의 언어적 표현을 다루는 매우 상이한 두 과정으로 되어 있다는 점이다. 그래서 작문은 본래부터 어려운 일이다. ‘대학작문 교육’에는 최소한 세 가지의 개념들이 들어 있다. 작문교육의 대상이 ‘대학생’이라는 점, 대학생을 대상으로 하는 교육의 내용이 ‘작문’이라는 점, 그리고 대학생에게 작문을 ‘교육’하여야 한다는 점이다. 그런데 이 세 내용들은 이론적, 실제적으로 매우 복잡하고 때로는 상호 갈등적인 측면도 포함하고 있다. 첫째, 작문교육의 대상이 대학에 새로 입학한 1학년 학생이다. 대학 1학년은 고등학교 교육의 뒤에 이어지며 대학 교육의 처음이라는 위치에 있다. 그런데 고등학교에서의 교육과 대학에서의 교육은 추구하는 이상이나 구체적인 방법에서 큰 차이를 보인다. 이 점이 대학작문 교육을 어렵게 만드는 한 요인이 된다. 뿐만 아니라, 대학은 4학년까지 있고, 대학 공부에서 작문이 더 필요한 것은 고학년에서인데, 대학에서 실제 작문을 가르치는 대상은 신입생인 1학년 학생들이다. 그래서 현재의 대학작문 교육이 대학이라는 전체 기간 속에서 제 위치를 잡지 못하고 있는 것이다. 또한, 대학교육은 대학 졸업 후 사회에서의 생활과 직장에서의 직무수행과도 긴밀히 이어져야 한다. 그런데 오직 1학년 학생만을 대상으로 하는 대학작문 교육은 대학교육 후에 이어지는 이런 사회나 직장의 요구에 맞출 수 없는 실정이다. 둘째, 작문 이론이 수사학에 기초한 종래의 선조적(linear) 모형에서 인지심리학에 기초한 최근의 회귀적(recursive) 모형으로 바뀌었다. 선조적 모형은 글을 중심으로 하는 모형이며, 회귀적 모형은 글을 쓰는 사람의 정신 과정을 모형화한 것이다. 회귀적 모형의 대표적 학자인 Flower는 작문 과정에서 필자가 하는 작문의 계획, 내용의 생성, 글 및 내용의 구조와 조직, 그리고 고쳐쓰기 및 편집, 이 네 가지가 포착할 수 없을 정도로 회귀적으로 일어난다는 보고 있다. 이는 작문 과정이 근본적으로 시간과 공간의 제약을 받지 않는 정신적 과정이기 때문이다. 따라서 회귀적 모형이 얘기할 수 있는 내용은 작문 과정이 구체성을 잡을 수 없을 정도로 ‘불확정적’이라는 말 한 마디뿐이다. 그런 점에서 회귀적 모형은 모형화할 수 없는 것을 모형화한 모형이다. 바로 이점이 작문교육을 어렵게 만드는 근본 원인이 되는 것이다. 셋째, 작문의 정신 과정을 포착할 수 없다고 하더라도, 그래서 교육하기 어렵다고 하더라도, 그럼에도 불구하고 작문은 교육되어야 한다. 그런데 교육의 과정이나 절차는 작문의 정신 과정과는 판이하게 시간과 공간 속에서 진행된다. 강좌라는 이름으로 구체적인 학기 내에 구체적인 프로그램이나 교재로, 매주 수업 시간에 강사의 지도하에 교육이 이루어지는 매우 실제적인 것이 바로 교육이다. 이 같은 구체적 시간성과 공간성의 교육 이론은 비시간적이고 비공간적인 정신 이론과는 질적으로 다른 것이다. 이 점이 또한 대학작문 교육을 어렵게 만들어 주고 있다. 대학작문 교육이 갖고 있는 ‘대학’과 ‘작문’과 ‘교육’은 서로 각기 이질적이다. 이 세 가지 중에서 대학작문 교육이 취하여야 할 구체적인 방안은 ‘교육’측면이라 생각한다. 구체적인 시간과 공간 속에서 교사와 학생의 상호작용으로 이루어지는 구체적인 프로그램의 개발이 대학작문 교육의 발전적 지향점이라 생각한다. Teaching writing at college undertakes many complex and theoretically disagreeable components in itself. The purpose of this article is to attempt to find some theoretical factors that make the teaching writing at college level so difficult in actuality. Teaching writing is in itself a very difficult task. Two main reasons are at hand. One is the gaps of knowledge, attitude, and needs between the writer and the reader. The second is the qualitative differences in writing processes, that is, the process of generating/organizing content, and the process of transforming the content in words. Teaching writing at college includes at least three heterogeneous conceptual components. These are, as we can see in the words of the ‘college teaching writing’, ‘college’, ‘teaching’, and ‘writing’. The very reason of the difficulty of teaching writing at college is because of the conceptual unmatchness among these three conceptual components. Firstly, the students in the classroom of college writing are college students, mainly freshmen who entered college or university in that year. College freshmen are those who have graduated highschool just before, and are beginning to learn academic contents at college level. But learning at highschool and learning at college are quite different in many aspects; for say, the purpose of learning, the teaching method, the learning materials, and the attitudes of students. These differences are one of the main factors that make the teaching college writing difficult. Moreover the fact that, while writing is necessary more and more as students go up higher grades at four-year college, the students receive only one-year writing class when they are freshman, is another factor. Nextly, college students should be taught and prepared for the job-related writing when they are at college. But they receive writing class almost only when they are at the first year of college, which is far away in time from the job-related works in the society. To say in short, the teaching of college writing at present is unable to meet the practical needs and conditions of writing at college level. Secondly, the writing theory has been changed from the rhetoric-based linear model to cognition-based recursive model. The linear model of writing is text-based, while the recursive model is human(writer)-based. Text-based linear model of writing takes the four procedures of writing as planing, generating, designing, and editing in their order. But writer-based recursive model of writing takes the mental processes in which the four procedures are very recursive in the mental processes of writing. It could be said that the recursive model models the mental processes of writing which can not be modeled. The only thing the recursive model could say is that, the writing processes are so complex and recursive in their nature, they can not be captured in any models. This is the main reason that makes the teaching writing at college level so difficult in reality. Thirdly, even though the processes of writing in cognition is too complex to model it, writing should be taught in the class. This educational condition leads to the development of writing curriculum and programs. Activities in mental ocesses are recursive beyond the time and space boundary. But the educational curriculum and the development of program for teaching writing should be under the conditions of time and space. Teaching college writing should be realized in the lecture, under the guidance of the lecturer, using any textbook/materials, by the students in real classroom. These educational conditions are another factor that makes the teaching of college writing difficult.

      • Study on College English Teaching Mode Multimedia Assisted Based on Computer Platform

        Huang Wenhong 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.11 No.7

        College english teaching mode multimedia assisted based on computer platform is studied in this paper, and the inevitable trend is discussed which to cultivate students’ English language proficiency by computer networks and multimedia tools in the college English teaching reform. It has unparalleled advantages than traditional teaching mode. Then foreign language teaching mode based on B/S architecture and computer networks is paid more attention to introduce, which provides a new way of thinking of college English teaching reform and is also a good reference of the similar institutions in computer-aided teaching.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 수업방법과 교수행동에 나타나는 특징

        길양숙 한국교원교육학회 2011 한국교원교육연구 Vol.28 No.4

        이 연구는 한 거점국립대학의 수업진단 프로그램에 참여한 60명의 교수의 수업영상을 자료로 대학교실에서 사용하는 수업방법과 교수행동의 특징을 분석한 것이다. 연구문제는 세 가지였다: (1) 대학에서 관찰되는 수업방법은 무엇인가? (2) 직접교수법(설명식수업)의 도입, 전개, 정리 단계에 나타나는 교수행동과 장단점은 무엇인가? (3) 대학의 수업방법과 교수행동을 특징짓는 주제는 무엇인가? 수업의 분석은 중등의 수업방법과 교수행동 분석틀을 수정하여 사용하였고, 관찰되는 수업방법과 교수행동의 빈도와 비율, 특징을 구하였다. 연구의 결과, 첫째, 가장 일반적인 수업방법은 전체의 80%이상에게서 사용된 직접교수법이었다. 협동학습, 발견학습, 문답법은 드물게 사용되었다. 둘째, 직접교수법을 적용할 때 포함할 효율적인 교수행동은 절반 이하의 수업에서 관찰되었다. 이는 외국의 보통수준의 교사에 미치지 못하는 비율이지만, 우리나라 중등수업의 실태와는 대동소이한 결과이다. 개선할 교수행동도 여럿 발견되었다. 셋째, 대학의 수업도 중등의 수업처럼 교사중심, 내용중심, 진도중심의 양상을 보인다. 비효율적인 교수행동과 수업방법이 관찰되는 이유는 대학수업의 이런 특징에 기인하는 것으로 분석된다. This study was intended to analyze the teaching methods and behaviors used by the college professors. Data was collected from the 60 volunteers who participated in teaching clinic. Professors videotaped their classroom teaching for an hour. From the data, three research questions were explored: (1) What are the teaching methods used by the college professors? (2) What are the effective and ineffective teaching behaviors observed in set induction, development, and closing? (3) What are themes that explain teaching methods and behaviors of the college professors? Data was analyzed using the modified classification system developed for the secondary teaching. Frequencies and percentages were calculated. Characteristics observed were also described. Results were as follows: Firstly, more than 80% of the professors used direct instruction. Cooperative learning, discovery learning, and socratic dialogue were rarely used. Secondly, effective teaching behaviors were observed in less than half of the classrooms. Many ineffective teaching behaviors were observed. The results were about the same as the secondary teaching research. That is, college teaching was also teacher centered, content and speed oriented(not learning oriented). This implies the same learning problems for college students and professors. This study provided empirical data to the common prediction.

      • KCI등재후보

        교육대학 가창교수법 수업모형개발 소고

        김상은 한국음악교육공학회 2009 음악교육공학 Vol.- No.9

        This study purposes a development of vocal teaching method model for teacher candidates in teacher's college. The development's standard is the revised national curriculum in 2007, Korea. According to the existing study on vocal teaching method model, a target is students in elementary·middle·high school and the researcher used teaching method in 20century. Accordingly, this study explores vocal pedagogy model for teacher candidates in teacher's college and suggests it. At first, preliminary inspection about the number of students and lecture time. Secondly, establishment of lecture purpose. This is below : 1. unification of theory and activity in music, 2. study on methods of teaching music as life, 3. indication of initiative music lessons through the integrated subjects. Thirdly, learner's level analysis with survey. Fourth, design the lesson contents. It is separated two parts, vocal contents and teaching method in music. Lastly, feedback about the lecture. The lecture progresses 1 hour per a week, 15weeks, 1 semester. The number of participants are 50 people. Contexts is consisted of approach, method, technique. As results of final research to students, some of them think that this method is fresh because they can approach both way, another hope to learn practical singing method or teaching method on vocal domain. Others think that it is very short time and term to study integrated vocal pedagogy. Consequently, it is needed to complement the teaching contents in this vocal pedagogy model. This study purposes a development of vocal teaching method model for teacher candidates in teacher's college. The development's standard is the revised national curriculum in 2007, Korea. According to the existing study on vocal teaching method model, a target is students in elementary·middle·high school and the researcher used teaching method in 20century. Accordingly, this study explores vocal pedagogy model for teacher candidates in teacher's college and suggests it. At first, preliminary inspection about the number of students and lecture time. Secondly, establishment of lecture purpose. This is below : 1. unification of theory and activity in music, 2. study on methods of teaching music as life, 3. indication of initiative music lessons through the integrated subjects. Thirdly, learner's level analysis with survey. Fourth, design the lesson contents. It is separated two parts, vocal contents and teaching method in music. Lastly, feedback about the lecture. The lecture progresses 1 hour per a week, 15weeks, 1 semester. The number of participants are 50 people. Contexts is consisted of approach, method, technique. As results of final research to students, some of them think that this method is fresh because they can approach both way, another hope to learn practical singing method or teaching method on vocal domain. Others think that it is very short time and term to study integrated vocal pedagogy. Consequently, it is needed to complement the teaching contents in this vocal pedagogy model.

      • KCI등재

        대학 글쓰기 교재의 분석 및 평가 준거 연구

        정희모(Jung Hee-Mo) 국어국문학회 2008 국어국문학 Vol.- No.148

        The propose of this study is to establish criteria for anaylysis and assessment for college writing textbooks. Writing is a general education required course in many colleges. Accordingly lot of colleges made college writing text books. Although there are writing textbooks, but there are not any tools of assesment to test them. This study will suggest the model of assesment for college wring textbooks. In addition it will contribute to improve the quality of textbooks. In this study. the first classification of assessment model has 'formation' and 'content' dimension. The formation dimension is divided into the physical area and publication area of textbooks. Physical area of textbook includes illustration, editing, and format etc. The publication area has the fame of publishing company, the cost of books, professionalism of authors. The contents dimension have teaching lists area, unit composition and arrangement area and teaching-learning area. The most important is contents dimension as the Criteria for Analysis and Assessment for College Writing Textbooks. In teaching lists area, it establishes teaching units to need in college writing and evaluates whether college writing textbooks reflect main units. The major units is 'writing process', 'a sentence and paragraph', 'a statement form', 'reading and writing', 'writing genre'. Secondly, unit composition and arrangement area evaluate whether major units and minor units are composed effectively or not in college writing text books. The method of unit arrangement depends on the character of the unit. Finally, teaching-learning area has three basic principles. The one is the principle of transition of responsibility. The second is the principle of social interaction. The third is the principle of self-composition. This study established criteria for analysis and assessment according to three basic principles in teaching-learning area. In this study, Criteria for Analysis and Assessment for College Writing Textbooks is made of collecting teaching lists area, unit composition and arrangement area and teaching-learning area.

      • KCI등재

        대학 일본어교육 전문화를 위한 팀티칭 ― 전공기초 “일본어입문” 실천 사례를 중심으로 ―

        신은진 한국일어교육학회 2023 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.65

        본연구는 4년제 대학교 일어일문학과에서 실시한 전공기초 수업 협동교수학습(팀티칭) 실천 사례이다. 일본어 전공 학습자의 팀티칭 수업만족도를 통해 향후 개선점과 과제를 알아보고, 일본어 교수학습 전문화의 의미를알아보고자 하였다. 한국인 교수자 2명과 일본어 원어민 교수자 1명이 [어휘]-[문법]-[활동] 순으로 나누어 팀티칭으로 운영한‘일본어입문’ 에 관한 전공학습자 만족도는 1학기 응답자 41명 중「만족」이상이 35명(85.3%)이었고 2학기는 응답자 28명 중「만족」이상이 27명(96.4%)이었다. 팀티칭 교수자별 수업시간 배분 및 교수 순서에 관하여도 동일하게 높은 만족도를 나타냈다. 팀티칭수업에 의한 전공일본어 향상도는 1학기는 70%이상, 2학기는 60%이상이「향상되었다」고 답했고, 각 기능별로도 편중없이 높은「향상」을 보였으나, 두 학기 모두 가장 향상된 것은「한자」 였다. 각 교수자별 만족도는 [어휘]<[문법]<[활동]으로 나타났으나 이는 학습자가 대답한 분야별 난이도 [한자]>[문법]>[읽기(말하기)]와 일치한다. 본 실천 결과로 교수자별로 전문성을 가진 팀티칭 수업은 교수자 부담을 증대시키나 전공학습자의 교수학습만족도 및 성취도를 높여준다는 것을 알았다. 본 실천 담당 교수자들은 팀티칭을 수업을 내성하고 교수자간 상호 재고하여 수업 설계 및 운영을 개선해나갈 수 있는 좋은 방법으로 긍정적으로 평가하고 있다. This study represents a practical case of cooperative teaching (team teaching) implemented in the Department of Japanese Language and Literature at a four-year university. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of Japanese language major students with team teaching classes, identify areas for improvement and challenges, and explore the significance of specializing in Japanese language teaching. Two Korean professors and one native Japanese professor collaborated in team teaching for the introductory course ‘Introduction to Japanese,’ dividing the curriculum into ‘Vocabulary’, ‘Grammar’ and ‘Activities’. During the first semester, among 41 respondents, 35 students (85.3%) reported satisfaction or above, and in the second semester, out of 28 respondents, 27 students (96.4%) reported satisfaction or above among the learners in the major course. Satisfaction levels with the allocation of teaching hours and the sequence of teaching by each team teaching instructor were consistently high. Additionally, the students reported notable improvements in their proficiency in Japanese language due to team teaching, with over 70% in the first semester and over 60% in the second semester stating that it had ‘improved.’ Improvement was observed across various language skills, with ‘Chinese characters’ being the area that showed the most significant improvement in both semesters. For each instructor, ‘Activities’ had the highest level of satisfaction, followed by ‘Grammar’, and then ‘Vocabulary.’ But this is consistent with the level of difficulty in each field answered by the learners in the order of ‘Chinese characters’, followed by ‘Grammar’, and then by ‘Reading (speaking).’ The result shows that team teaching conducted by instructors with specialized expertise increased the workload for instructors but also significantly raised the satisfaction and achievement levels of students in the major course. The instructors joined this study viewed team teaching as a positive method for enhancing course design and operations through mutual reflection among instructors.

      • “互联网+”视域下大学英语教学的创新改革与实践

        卢慧娟(Huijuan Lu) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.5

        在“互联网+”背景下积极探索大学英语教学的创新改革与实践,教师应该把握“互联网+”背景的影响,从多角度反思教学活动中存在的问题,从而尝试突破现有困境,构建全新的教学指导体系,引导学生对课程知识的系统探究。本文从“互联网+”背景入手,对大学英语教学创新困境进行了分析,探索了教学改革的思路和方法,从智慧化教学模式、混合式教学模式、项目化教学模式、行动导向教学模式角度对英语教学模式的创新进行了深度解读,致力于全面提高大学英语教学的成效,培养大学生的英语使用能力和交际素养。 In the context of the “Internet+” era, actively exploring innovative reforms and practices in college English teaching is crucial. Teachers should grasp the impact of the “Internet+” background, critically reflect on issues in teaching activities from multiple perspectives, and attempt to overcome existing challenges. This involves constructing a completely new teaching guidance system to stimulate systematic exploration of course knowledge by students. Starting with the “Internet+” background, this paper analyzes the innovative challenges in college English teaching, explores the strategies and methods of teaching reform, and provides in-depth interpretations of innovative teaching models, including intelligent teaching modes, blended learning, project-based learning, and action-oriented teaching. The aim is to comprehensively enhance the effectiveness of college English teaching guidance, fostering the English communicative competence of university students.

      • KCI등재

        전문대학 교수의 교수능력과 수행기준 개발

        김종우,이용환 한국농·산업교육학회 2009 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.41 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop teaching competencies and performance standards of community college faculty. For the purpose, this study carried out literatures reviews and Delphi survey. By analysing and comparing basic teaching competencies generated by different researches including College Academic Council(2004), Chang(2001), NBPTS(2001), PBTE(1987), and RRISD (2005), VTEP(1993), this study drew draft teaching competency areas and performances standards which were used as a basic structure of questionnaires for the first round of Delphi survey. Members of the Delphi panel were selected because they had speciality in teaching competency at a variety of institutions. The panel members consisted of 5 researchers on teaching competency and 10 faculties of community colleges. Two rounds of Delphi surveys validated 9 teaching competencies: program design and development competency; instruction plan and preparation competency; instruction execution competency; instruction evaluation competency; laboratory experience direction and management competency; coordination of cooperative education competency; vocational student organization guidance competency; professional development competency; school-community relations competency. Each teaching competency area has its own performance standards. ⑴Program design and development competency consisted of 8 performance standards, ⑵Instruction plan and preparation competency consisted of 9 performance standards, ⑶Instruction execution competency consisted of 7 performance standards, ⑷Instruction evaluation competency consisted of 6 performance standards, ⑸ Laboratory experience direction and management competency consisted of 7 performance standards, ⑹Coordination of cooperative education competency consisted of 6 performance standards, ⑺ Vocational student organization guidance competency consisted of 4 performance standards, ⑻ Professional development competency consisted of 5 performance standards, ⑼School-community relations competency consisted of 4 performance standards. In addition to the results, this study made some recommendations for future studies. 이 연구의 목적은 고등직업교육기관으로서 전문대학에 재직하는 교수들에게 요구되는 교수능력과 그에 대한 수행기준을 개발하는데 있었다. 이를 위해 먼저 선행연구, 전문가협의회를 통해서 정립된 교수능력의 개념에 기초하여 교수능력 영역, 수행기준을 구명하는 절차가 밟았다. 교수능력은 9개의 영역으로 설정되었으며, 수행기준은 구체적인 교수 상황 속에서 실제로 교수 활동을 실천하는 과정으로서의 행동기준이나 그 행동의 결과로서 나타나야 하는 성취기준을 말한다, 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문헌연구와 전문가협의 및 델파이조사 등의 연구방법을 적용하여 교수능력 영역 및 교수능력별 수행기준을 최종적으로 개발하였다. 선행연구 및 전문가협의를 통하여 구안된 교수능력의 영역, 수행기준(안)에 대한 타당성을 확보하기 위해 2차에 걸쳐 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 델파이 조사를 위한 전문가 집단은 교수들의 교수능력에 관한 연구 경험이 있는 연구자와 전문대학에서의 교육경력이 10년 이상인 교수들 가운데 전공 계열을 고려하여, 현재 혹은 미래의 전문대학에 재직하는 교수들에게 요구되는 교수능력과 수행기준의 타당성을 판단할 수 있는 적합한 전문성을 지닌 전문가들로 총 15명의 해당 분야 전문가들로 구성하였다. 매 라운드별로 각 조사항목에 대한 평균, 표준편차, 긍정률, CVR값, 의견일치도 등을 산출하여 계속 진행해 나갈지를 판단하면서 수행하였다. 교수능력 및 수행기준 체계는 9개의 영역, 56개의 수행기준으로 구성되었다. 교수능력의 영역은 교육과정 설계 및 개발 능력, 수업계획 및 준비 능력, 수업전개 능력, 수업평가 능력, 실험․실습지도 및 실험․실습실 관리 능력, 산학협동교육 지도 능력, 전공동아리 활동지도 능력, 자기개발 능력, 지역사회 연계 능력' 등의 9개 영역으로 최종 구명되었다.

      • Study on the Autonomous Learning of College English Based on Online Learning Platform

        Jun Liu 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.2

        The Internet provides learners with unprecedented opportunities; student can not only share the learning resources, but also overcome the obstacles of time and space. The new teaching model make full use of the advantages of modern information technology, especially the network multimedia technology, so that English teaching has been developed toward the direction as autonomous learning and collaborative learning. In this paper, we make empirical analysis of how online learning platform influence college English teaching, the result shows that more than 90% students agree that online learning plays a positive role in College English teaching, however, external monitoring of autonomous learning is an important factor to guarantee the quality of online teaching. Overall speaking, network teaching is helpful to arouse the enthusiasm of teachers and students, and it is helpful to establish the central position of students in the teaching process.

      • KCI등재

        보건 특화 전문대학의 교수학습지원 웹서비스 분석

        표창우 한국의료정보교육협회 2023 보건의료생명과학논문지 Vol.11 No.2

        This study analyzed the teaching and learning support web services of health-specialized colleges. It was searched for educational innovation and teaching and learning support on the portal site. Web services related to teaching and learning at eight health-specialized colleges were classified into five categories. CTL web service support, teaching support, learning support, CTL introduction, and differentiated web services were analyzed. Teaching and learning support and CTL introduction web services were subdivided and operated, and web services that increased access to teaching and learning support were provided to teachers and students by preparing for national exams. Students at health-specialized colleges must pass the national examination to get a job, and the quality of teaching and learning needs to be improved. Therefore, the excellence of providing teaching and learning programs is required for junior college teachers and students. Based on this study, it is expected to improve the quality of web services for teaching and learning support in specialized health colleges.

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