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      • 家庭资本与学历层次如何对个人就业产生影响

        唐雪(Xu Tang),黄蓉(Rong Huang),张琪仁(Qiren Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.2

        家庭资本与学历层次都是影响个人就业的两个重要因素。本研究采用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2017 的调查数据,利用 SPSS26.0 作为主要研究工具,探索以客观因素为代表和家庭资本和以主观因素为代表的学历层次对个体就业产生的影响,以及,家庭资本与学历层次之间是否也存在相关,从而叠加影响个人就业。研究发现,家庭资本和学历层次都对个人就业有显著的正向影响,家庭资本与学历层次之间也呈正相关。家庭资本、学历层次和个人就业两两之间均具有紧密联系。个人可以利用家庭资本的优势,或通过自身努力获得更高学历以弥补家庭资本的劣势,从而获得更好的就业机会。 Both family capital and education level are important factors that affect individuals’ employment. This study used survey data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) 2017 and conducted descriptive, correlation, and regression analyses on the data using SPSS 26.0 as the main research tool. It was found that both family capital and education level had a significant positive effect on individual employment, and there was also a positive correlation between family capital and education level. There is a strong connection between both family capital, education level and individual employment. Individuals can make use of the advantage of family capital or make up for the disadvantage of family capital by acquiring higher education through their own efforts, so as to obtain better employment opportunities.

      • 双碳背景下绿色金融对农业碳排放的影响研究

        王星雨(Xingyu Wang),王翔宇(Xiangyu Wang),王晗(Han Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        经济全球化及“双碳”政策深入推进下,我国更加注重生态文明建设,逐渐加大农业绿色发展力度,已经初步获得良好的发展成效。不过农业发展中,在生态环境治理方面,仍面临较大挑战,应借助更多的方式,更好地实现农业绿色发展目标。对于绿色金融而言,其属于一种金融工具以及政策手段,能够有效提升农业生产效率,并且在农业碳排放控制上发挥着重要作用。基于此,本文简要探讨了绿色金融与农业碳排放相关内容,对绿色金融和农业碳排放现状予以分析,阐述绿色金融对农业碳排放的影响,并针对性地提出了双碳背景下绿色金融降低农业碳减排的相关政策建议,以期为农业碳减排目标的实现提供助力。 Under the deepening of economic globalization and the “dual-carbon”policy, China has paid more attention to the construction of an ecological civilization and has gradually increased its efforts in the green development of agriculture, which has initially gained good development results. However, in agricultural development, in the ecological environment management, still face greater challenges, should use more ways to better achieve the goal of green development of agriculture. For green finance, it belongs to a financial tool and policy instruments, can effectively enhance the efficiency of agricultural production, and play an important role in the control of agricultural carbon emissions. Based on this, this paper briefly discusses the green finance and agricultural carbon emission related content, analyzes the status quo of green finance and agricultural carbon emission, explains the impact of green finance on agricultural carbon emission, and puts forward the relevant policy recommendations of green finance to reduce agricultural carbon emission in the context of dual-carbon, with a view to providing assistance for the realization of the goal of agricultural carbon emission reduction.

      • 彝族民居及其蕴含的精神文化内容研究

        李娜(Na Li),李艳霞(Yanxia Li) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        Yi people is the most populous and widely distributed ethnic minority in southwest China. In the long historical development process, Yi people has invented and created various folk houses with distinctive characteristics. Yi folk houses are important material and cultural symbols in Yi culture. They embody the ethical thoughts of blood, respectability, nature worship, ancestor worship, totem worship and other beliefs and customs, the spiritual and cultural content it contains is an important component of the traditional spiritual home of the Yi ethnic group. 彝族是我国西南地区人口最多、分布最广的少数民族,在漫长的历史发展过程中发明创造了特色鲜明的各式民居。彝族民居是彝族文化中重要的物质文化符号,沉淀着彝族的血缘、尊卑等伦理思想以及自然崇拜、祖先崇拜、图腾崇拜等信仰习俗,其蕴含的精神文化内容是彝族传统精神家园的重要组成部分。

      • Gender Difference in the Impact of Body Size on Income: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) Data

        郭梦星(Mengxing Guo),魏嵬(Wei Wei),杨馥西(Fuxi Yang),王孟夏(Mengxia Wang),张云翔(Yunxiang Zhang),于晨晨(Chenchen Yu) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        肥胖的增长已经达到流行病的程度,成为中国最严重的公共卫生问题之一,人们对肥胖的偏见也在增加。但就中国而言,BMI 和收入之间的关系还没有得到研究。本文揭示了收入与身体质量指数BMI (Body Mass index)之间存在显著的正相关,以及男女之间的差异。这项研究一定程度上弥补了相关前研究的缺憾,并提供了性别之间BMI 关系的分析和定量数据。研究还考察了工作地点、婚姻状况、工作经验、工作类型和BMI 稳定性等变量如何影响和降低BMI-收入关系的显著性。 The growth of obesity has reached epidemic levels, becoming one of China’s most severe public health issues, while prejudice against obesity is also on the rise. However, the association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and income remains underexplored in China. This study unveils a positive correlation between income and BMI, highlighting gender disparities. It contributes to existing literature by providing analytical and quantitative insights into the BMI-income relationship by gender. Moreover, it examines how variables such as workplace location, marital status, work experience, job type, and BMI stability affect and diminish the significance of the BMI-income relationship in China.

      • 《流浪地球》中人类命运共同体的文化意蕴

        林雨晗(Yuhan Lin),李雪松(Xuesong Li),李莎(Sha Li),赵旭(Xu Zhao) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        电影《流浪地球》以中国式的叙事方式,创造性地讲述了面对世界末日危机,人类克服万难带着地球家园一起逃亡的动人故事。其中,贯穿全片的“人类命运共同体”理念不仅展现了中国的价值遵循,也为解决世界性难题提供了丰富启示。以《流浪地球》的影像呈现为切入点,分析影片中对于“人类命运共同体”理念的生动阐释:命运同行,大道与共;展现了中国独有的文化精神:家国情怀和集体主义价值信仰。探讨其带来的当代启示,坚持习近平文化思想的科学指引,以共同体愿景共创人类美好未来,以文化创新加强中国国际传播能力。 The movie Wandering Earth creatively tells the touching story of humanity overcoming all difficulties and fleeing together with their homeland on Earth in the face of the apocalyptic crisis, using a Chinese-style narrative. The concept of “a Community of Shared Future for Mankind” that runs through the entire film not only demonstrates China’s value adherence, but also provides rich inspiration for solving global problems. Starting from the visual presentation of Wandering Earth, analyze the vivid interpretation of the concept of “a Community of Shared Future for Mankind” in the film: shared destiny, shared path. It showcases the unique cultural spirit of China: patriotism and collectivist values and beliefs. Explore the contemporary revelations it brings, adhere to the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thought, create a better future for mankind with a community vision, and strengthen China’s international communication capacity with cultural innovation.

      • 美国新冠疫苗推广的实践及启示

        陈晓琪(Xiaoqi Chen) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        重大传染性疾病是我们人类共同的敌人,在全球范围内爆发的新冠疫情是21 世纪最最为严重的突发公共卫生事件之一,给全球公共卫生安全带来巨大挑战,对社会经济造成了深远的影响。在新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球的同时,也波及美国本土所有50 个州。疫苗的研发和推广成为控制疫情的关键,新冠疫苗的推广至关重要,以美国在新冠疫苗推广实践为例,通过对美国在新冠疫苗推广实践的梳理,总结并分析美国在新冠疫苗推广实践过程中的经验和教训。在此基础上,结合目前国际公共卫生的实际情况和具体问题,提出新冠疫苗推广要加强国际合作、经验分享和科研合作,共同应对全球抗疫挑战,是今后更加紧迫的任务,也将有助于构建更强大的全球公共卫生体系,实现社会、经济的可持续发展。 The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic stands as one of the most significant health events of the 21st century, presenting substantial challenges worldwide and profoundly impacting socio-economic dynamics. The development and dissemination of vaccines have emerged as critical strategies for pandemic control. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, it also affected all 50 states within the United States.Utilizing the United States as a case study for COVID-19 vaccine distribution practices, this study undertakes a comprehensive review and analysis of the experiences and insights gained from promoting COVID-19 vaccines within the U.S. context. Expanding on this groundwork and considering the current state of international public health and specific concerns, the paper contends that effective promotion of COVID-19 vaccines requires reinforced international cooperation, exchange of experiences, and fostering collaborative research endeavors. Confronting global pandemic challenges collectively has become an increasingly urgent imperative, offering the potential to bolster a more resilient global public health framework and facilitate sustainable social and economic progress.

      • 以全面从严治党夯实社会革命的政治基础

        王明亮(Mingliang Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        革命性是马克思主义政党的本质属性,但近年来在社会层面与理论界却出现“从革命党向执政党转变”的言论,甚至鼓吹“告别革命”“否定革命”等错误思想。事实上,马克思主义政党不仅要夺取政权的革命胜利,而且要不断进行自我革命,永葆党的政治本色。因此,从政治建设、思想建设、组织建设的角度探究以全面从严治党夯实社会革命的政治基础,为我们党自觉肩负起历史使命提供了根本遵循,对加强党的全面领导和党的建设具有重要意义。 Revolutionary nature is the essential attribute of Marxist political parties, but in recent years, there have been comments on the transition from a revolutionary party to a ruling party in the social and theoretical circles, and even erroneous ideas such as “bidding farewell to revolution” and “negating revolution” have been advocated. In fact, Marxist political parties not only need to seize the revolutionary victory of political power, but also constantly carry out self- revolution and maintain the political nature of the party. Therefore, from the perspectives of political construction, ideological construction, and organizational construction, exploring the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to consolidate the political foundation of social revolution provides fundamental guidance for our Party to consciously shoulder its historical mission, and is of great significance for strengthening the Party’s comprehensive leadership and construction.

      • 农村进城务工妇女的就业困境改善研究

        赵孺娟(Rujuan Zhao),李志浩(Zhihao Li) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.5

        农村进城务工妇女就业困境问题不仅关乎妇女个体的幸福感、获得感和满足感,更关乎她们背后无数家庭的幸福美满。使用问卷调查和深度访谈法,分析昆明市官渡区C 村的农村进城务工妇女的就业困境状况,发现她们面临很多急需解决的困境:容易遭受异性的非法侵害、经济收入低且来源单一、心理压力大且精神空虚、社会融入的整体程度低。她们的困境与她们的婚姻状况、教育程度、社会地位、社会重视程度等有关。为创造社会主义和谐社会,缓解农村进城务工妇女的生存压力,需要通过完善相关法律法规,各政府部门、社会组织、企事业单位、妇联组织、社会行政组织之间应该加强合作,采取部门合作与综合治理措施,缓解流动人口的压力,促进农村进城务工妇女的就业困境改善。 The employment dilemma of urban migrant women is not only related to their individual happiness, sense of achievement, and satisfaction, but also to the happiness and happiness of countless families behind them. Using questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, this study analyzed the employment difficulties faced by rural migrant women in C Village, Guandu District, Kunming City. It was found that migrant women face many urgent challenges that need to be addressed: susceptibility to illegal infringement by the opposite sex, low economic income with a single source, high psychological pressure and mental emptiness, and low overall level of social integration. Their predicament is related to their marital status, education level, social status, and social importance. In order to create a socialist harmonious society and alleviate the survival pressure of migrant women, by improving relevant laws and regulations, various government departments, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, women’s federations, and social administrative organizations should strengthen cooperation, adopt departmental cooperation and comprehensive governance measures, alleviate the pressure on migrant populations, and promote the improvement of employment difficulties for rural migrant women.

      • “大思政”背景下地方特色文化融入英语专业课程思政的设计与实践研究

        贾玉洁(Yujie Jia) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.6

        本文以“大思政”为背景,分析了“大思政”对高校教育体系的改革影响,论述了地方特色文化融入英语专业课程思政的必要性,强调了培养学生综合素质的重要性。在此基础上,深入研究了“大思政”背景下地方文化在英语专业课程思政中的具体融合实践,包括跨学科合作和本土案例分析等方式,注重实践性培养的同时,将地方文化元素有机融入其中,通过选取与当地相关的文学作品、历史事件等作为学习材料,引导学生在语言学习的过程中感知和理解地方文化,对高校英语专业课程思政的实践提供了有益的经验和启示。 This paper analyzes the impact of this policy on the reform of the higher education system. It discusses the necessity of integrating local cultural features into ideological and political education in English major courses, emphasizing the importance of cultivating students’ comprehensive qualities. Building upon this foundation, the research delves into the specific integration practices of local culture into ideological and political education in English major courses under the backdrop of “Comprehensive Ideological and Political Education.” This includes interdisciplinary cooperation and local case analysis. While emphasizing practical training, it seamlessly incorporates elements of local culture. By selecting relevant literary works, historical events, and other materials related to the local context as learning materials, the paper guides students to perceive and understand local culture during the language learning process. This research provides valuable experiences and insights for the practical implementation of ideological and political education in English major courses in higher education.

      • 瑶族民间美术资源在幼儿园环境创设中的应用

        牛志玲(Zhiling Niu),汤春丽(Chunli Tang),韦小静(Xiaojing Wei) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.6

        民间美术是民族文化的一个重要组成部分,具有悠久的历史和丰富的资源。本研究以金秀瑶族自治县A 幼儿园为例着重于探讨瑶族民间美术资源在幼儿园环境创设应用中存在的问题及优化策略。本文首先阐述了金秀瑶族民间美术资源在幼儿园环境设计中的应用现状,并指出了其中存在的问题,进而提出了一系列有效的优化策略。 Folk art is an important component of national culture, with a long history and abundant resources. This study takes Kindergarten A in Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County as an example to focus on exploring the problems and optimization strategies of Yao folk art resources in the application of kindergarten environment creation. This article first elaborates on the current application status of Jinxiu Yao folk art resources in kindergarten environmental design, points out the existing problems, and then proposes a series of effective optimization strategies.

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