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        미발설과 자아 개념

        손영식(Son, Young­Sick) 한국동양철학회 2011 동양철학 Vol.0 No.35

        문석윤 선생의 미발 개념을 비판하면서, 이승환 선생은 미발 공부론을 제시했다. 미발은 의식의 미지향적 국면, 혹은 최소 의식이라 한다. 공부 방법은 예를 들자면, ‘비디오 테잎을 통한 자기 관찰법’같은 성찰이다. 그는 미발이든 이발이든 의식의 일부라고 본다. 그래서 그는 공부론에서 출발한다. 공부는 ‘의식’이 있어야 하기 때문이다. 대신 형이상학을 배제한다. 왜 그러한가? 이승환은 현실에 있는 것에 근거한다. 그것은 지각 경험에 의해서 확인된다. 그래서 ‘미발=최소 의식’이라 한다. 반면 성리학은 형이상학이며, 리기 등의 개념은 요청된 것이다. 미발은 ‘성리(性理)’를 규정하는 말이다. 그는 미발의 의미를 주희와 이황의 문헌에서 훈고학적으로 증명하려 한다. ‘미발=의식’이라 하므로 심리학으로 나간다. 문제는 그의 훈고­고증에 있다. 그는 주희가 ‘틀린 미발 공부’라 한 것을 ‘틀린 미발 개념’으로 간주한다. ‘미발 공부 방법’과 ‘미발 개념’은 다르다. 논리적으로 보아도, ‘미발=무의식’에 가까운 개념이므로 주희와 이황의 제자들이 요명적멸窈冥寂滅한 의식 상태에 빠지려 한 것이다. ‘미발=최소 의식’이라면 그렇게 했겠는가? 주희는 미발을 ‘思慮未萌 知覺不昧’라 규정한다. 사려미맹이란 개인의 사려가 싹트기 이전의 것, 즉 개인성을 떠난 보편타당한 상태이며, 과불급이 없고 치우침(偏倚)이 없는 상태이다. 경험 이전의 ‘선험적’이라는 뜻에 가깝다. 지각불매란 최소 자아(현재의 자아)를 뜻한다. 그 자아는 인식을 하되, 인식 대상이 되지 못 한다. 따라서 지각불매로서 미발은 인식 대상이 아니다. 이승환은 이발 미발을 의식의 상태로 규정한다. 이는 미발과 이발을 리­기의 대립된 대칭성으로 파악하는 성리학과 다르다. 미발이 최소 의식이라면 공부가 불필요하다. 마음 수양이란 가능태를 현실화하는 것이다. 최소 의식은 그냥 주어지는 것(현실태)이다. 비디오 테잎에 한 자기 관찰법은 이발의 성찰이지, 미발 함양은 아니다. 미발 공부법인 계신공구(戒愼恐懼)는 경계하고 두려워하는 대상이 없다. 미발의 자아를 키우는 것(함양)이기 때문이다. 이승환은 개인의 욕망과 영리심이 서양 근대의 자본주의를 가져왔다고 본다. 이는 틀렸다. 만약 이기심만 앞선다면, 자본주의로 나가기보다는 침략으로 나갈 것이다. 보편적 진리와 당위(선험성)를 추구했기 때문에 과학의 발달 ­ 기술 혁명 ­ 자본주의로 나갔을 것이다. Criticizing Prof. Moon, Suk-yoon’s concept of wei-fa (the feeling & thinking are not aroused yet), Prof. Lee Seung-Hwan presented the practicing wei-fa theory. He said wei-fa is a pre-intentional aspect of consciousness or minimal consciousness, such as a video-tape self-observation. He presupposes that either wei-fa or yi-fa(the feeling & thinking are aroused) is a consciousness. So he departs from the practicing wei-fa theory. Because we can practice within a consciousness. He based on the actuality which is confirmed by a perception & experience. He excludes metaphysics such as li, qi etc. But metaphysical concepts are not experienced, but postulated. He tried to prove his wei-fa conception by a scholastic method within Zhuxi’s & Yi Whang’s writings. But it is wrong, because he regards ‘a wrong method of practicing wei-fa’ as ‘a wrong concept of wei-fa’ which were mentioned by Zhuxi & Yi Whang. And let’s think logically, ‘wei-fa is the unconscious (quietness)’, so the students of Zhuxi tried to get into the state of quietness without any promptings of consciousness. If wei-fa is a minimal consciousness, did they do such thing? Zhuxi defined wei-fa as ‘thinking is not aroused’ & ‘perception is not dark’. The former means ‘a state that personal thinking, i.e., individuality is not rising.’ It is similar to ‘pre-experience, transcendental, universal validity’. The latter means one's minimal self, or present self which can perceive all other things, but cannot recognize itself. So Zhuxi recommended his pupils not to perceive wei-fa self, but to nourish it. Zhuxi made a symmetrical theory of li & qi. But Prof Lee consider both wei-fa & yi-fa are consciousness. so they can not be symmetrical. Minimal consciousness is always given, so it’s not an object of practice. A video-tape self-observation is a yi-fa self-examination, not a wei-fa nourishing. Prof Lee assumes that seeking profit mind & desire brought the modern capitalism. It is wrong. If men are persuading only a profit, they will plunder, rather than produce capitalistically. I think essence of western modernity is the transcendentalism which push up the modern science & the Industrial Revolution.

      • 複合乳酸菌 製劑(Feed-Mate 68) 添加가 Broiler에 미치는 效果 : Ⅱ. 臟器重量, 腸內 pH 및 Microflora의 變化 Ⅱ. Change of intenal Organic Weight, Intestinal pH and Microflora

        文勝式,李乙熙,宋瑛敏 진주산업대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        본 시험은 복합유산균제제(Feed-Mate 68)의 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 육용계(Arbor acres)를 7주간 사육하여 도살(ether 마취)한후 내부장기 중량과 pH 및 총세균수, 유산균수 및 coliforms를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 내부장기중량은 첨가구에서 근위, 맹장이 다소 무겁고 소장은 가벼운 경향이었다. 2. 장내의 pH는 첨가수준이 증가될수록 낮아지는 경향이었고 회장, 직장, 맹장 및 공장순으로 높았다. 3. 총세균수는 첨가수준이 높을수록 낮게 나타났고 회장, 맹장, 직장 및 공장순으로 높았다. 4. 유산균수는 첨가수준이 높을수록 높게 나타났고 맹장, 회장, 직장 및 공장순으로 높았다. 5. Coliforms는 첨가수준이 높을수록 낮게 나타났고 맹장, 직장, 회장 및 공장순으로 높았다. 6. 장내 유산균과 pH는 다른 세균에 비해 연관성이 큰것으로 나타났다. In order to investigate the effect of Feed-Mate 68 addition on Brolier, the characteristics of intenal organic weight, intestinal pH, bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and coliforms were researched into. The ressults obtainde were summarized as follows: 1. Gizzard and diverticulum weight of intenal organ tended to be heavy in the treatment but the small intestine, less weight than in the control. 2. The higher the additional level of Fced-Mate 68 was, the less intestina pH was. Intestinal pH was high in the order of ileum, colon, diverticulum and jejunum. 3. The higher the additional level of Feed-Mate 68 was, the less total bacteria was. Total bacteria were many in the order of diverticulum, ileum, colon and jujunum. 4. The higher the additional level of Feed-Mate 68 was, the more lactobacillus was. lactic acid bacteria was many in the order of diverticulum ileum colon and jejunum. 5. The higher the additional level of Feed-Mate 68 was, coliforms was many in the order of diverticulum, colon, ileum and jejunum. 6. The relation of intestinal lactic acid bacteria and pH appearde to be higher than the other bacteria.

      • KCI등재

        한원진의 리발 부정 방식인 구절주의와 관점주의 비판 : 『주자 언론 동이고』에 나오는 4-7 리발- 기발 논증을 중심으로

        손영식 慶北大學校 退溪硏究所 2008 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.42 No.-

        (1) 맹자는 마음에서 대체(大體)와 소체(小體)를 주장한다. 대체는 ‘사덕→사단’으로 나오는 것, 즉 선한 본성이다. 성리학에서는 성즉리라고 하여 본성을 리로 보고, 그 리가 드러난다고 한다. 반면 소체는 몸에서 나오는 감정 욕망이다. 순자는 마음에 식욕과 성욕의 욕망, 혹은 그 욕망을 충족시키는 지각을 인정한다. 욕망과 지각은 하나의 근원을 가진다. 맹자는 이원적이라면, 순자는 일원적이다. 이황의 리발-기발 이론은 전형적으로 맹자 이론이다. 기대승과 이이의 일도설은 순자의 이론과 틀이 같다. (2) 이황은 사덕에서 나온 사단은 선하고, 몸에서 나온 7정은 악으로 흐를 수 있다고 한다. 선과 악이 마음의 근원 차이에서 결정된다. 반면 이이-송시열-한원진 계열의 심기학에서는 마음(氣)은 일원체이며, 그 마음의 과불급에 따른 중절(中節) 여부가 정(情)의 선-악을 결정한다고 한다. 중절이라는 결과에 따라 선악이 결정된다면, 그 근원에는 선악이 없다는 말이며, 외적인 조건에 의해서 선과 악이 정해진다는 말이다. 이는 순자의 성악설과 같은 논리이다. (3) 한원진은 맹자의 ‘사덕 →사단’ 이론에 대한 주희의 주석들에서 달랑 한 구절씩, 세 구절만 따온다. 그리고 {중용} 첫머리에 대한 주희의 주석에서도 한 구절만 빼 온다(구절주의). 이렇게 뽑은 4개의 구절을 가지고, 이황의 리발설을 부정한다. 한원진에 따르면 마음은 ‘기발리승 일도’ 혹은 ‘성심정의 일원체’이다. 그 하나의 것을 주희가 보기에 따라, “4단-리발-기발, 7정-기발-리발, 정-리발-기발”이라 말한다고 한다. 같은 것인데, '관점/맥락에 따라' 리발-기발의 모순되게 말했다는 것이다(관점주의). 그것이 바로 그가 뽑은 4개의 구절이라는 것이다. (4) 한원진이 뽑은 주희의 말 4개는 일관되게 맹자의 '4덕→4단'을 지지하는 것이다. 성선설이고, 리발을 뜻한다. 그런데 한원진은 “성=리, 심=기”라는 이이 심기학의 도식을 그 4구절에 적용하여, 서로 모순된 명제로 만든다. 주희를 그 모순에서 구제하는 방법은 관점주의라는 것이다. 구절주의와 관점주의를 동원해서 한원진은 주희를 모순에 빠뜨리면서, 동시에 주희의 이론과는 완전 반대인 심기학의 일원론을 합리화한다. (5) 한원진의 논증은 조선 후기의 학문의 수준을 보여준다. 모순을 아무렇지도 않게 생각하면서, 구절만 뽑아서 관점에 따라, 맥락에 따라 달리 말할 수 있다고 한다. 그것은 엄밀한 학문의 입장에서는 엄히 부정되어야 할 것들이다. Hahn Wonjin wrote "Investigation of the alike & unlike of Zhuxi's statements", he denied Zhuxi's proposition "The Four Beginnings (of the sense) are the manifestation of principle(li), the Seven Passions are the manifestation of material force(qi)". (1) He picked up four phrases from Zhuxi's statements, cutting off the head and tail. (2) Into four phrases, he put in Yi Yi's formulae-"Mind is material force(qi)", "Nature is principle(li)", "The Principle is universal, material force limits (the principle)". (3) As a result, Zhuxi's four phrases are contradictory. -"The Four Beginnings are the manifestation of principle(li), and of material force(qi) ; while the Seven Passions are the manifestation of material force(qi) and of principle(li)." (4) Hahn resolved the contradiction with 'viewpointism' ; according to the standpoint or viewpoint, Zhuxi made the contradictive statements. (5) Hahn asserted that Zhuxi didn't say that "the Four Beginnings are the manifestation of principle(li), the Seven Passions are the manifestation of material force(qi)", but Zhuxi said contradictorily according to cases or standpoints. (6) Hahn denied Zhuxi's proposition Li-fa(理發). Hahn's arguments are false in every parts ; ① His picking up four phrases are a kind of drawing water to his own mill. Four phrases all mean that "four Beginnings of the sense(四端) spring from Four virtues(四德)", that is, the manifestation of principle(li). ② Yi Yi's formulae belongs to the school of mind-matter(心氣學). The formulae of nature-principle school(性理學) are "Nature is principle(li)", "Feelings are qi", "mind = nature + feelings = li + qi". ③ Zhuxi's four phrases which Hahn picked up are not contradictory. Four all mean that "four Beginnings of the sense(四端) spring from Four virtues(四德)", that is, the manifestation of principle(li). ④ Standpoint, viewpoint, or viewpointism can never justify the contradictions.

      • 産卵鷄에 대한 煙炭灰添加給與 效果에 關한 硏究 : 第Ⅲ報 煙炭灰 및 모래의 飼料價値 比較試驗 3. Comparative Studies on nutritive values of Sand and Briquetts ash

        文勝式,鄭場龍,宋瑛敏 진주산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the additions at the level of 1% Briquette ash (B), sand (S), and formula feed(C). on egg weight, egg production rate, feed conversion and egg quality with a total of 60 pieces Laying hen for 3 treatments during the experimental period of 168 days from May 4, 1983 to Oct. 12, the same year at the brooding laboratory, Dept. of Animal science, Jin Ju Agricultural and Forestry Junior Technical Collage. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The agg production rate at Laying peak period was highest in the B plot and there were significant (P<0.01) difference between the others expect C and B, and at Laying middle period was highest in the B plot and there were significant (P<0.01) difference between the B and S and there were significant(P<0.05) difference between the others plot. 2. Average egg weight at Laying peak and Laying middle period was heavy in the order B(63.50, 65.21), S(63.24, 64.83) and C(62.96, 64.73)(p>0.05) 3. The feed conversion at Laying peak period was B(2.20), S(2.30), C(2.33), and at Laying middle period was B(2.36), C(2.49) and S(2.56). 4. The yolk weight at Laying peak and Laying middle period was heavy in order of C(19.29, 19.21), B(19.17, 19.09) and S(19.15, 19.01), albumen and egg shell weight and thickness was nonsignificant(P>0.05) difference between all the plot.

      • 소나무 秀型木 風媒次代의 遺傳力과 改良效果 推定

        金奎植,柳根玉,韓永昌,朴在仁 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        To maximize genetic gains and to establish an effective and long term breeding strategy for Pinus densiflora through estimation of genetic parameters, such as heritability and expected genetic gains, a progeny test was carried out. The open-pollinated seeds were collected from 49 selected plus trees of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. in the fall of 1984 and outplanted at four localities, Kongju, Wanju, Naju and Kyoungju. Measurements were taken at the 8-year old seedling stage and the obtained results from this test were summarized as follows; Significant differences among families were observed in both height and diameter at root collar. Individual heritability estimated for height and diameter at root collar was 0.126 and 0.082, respectively while family heritability estimated 0.531 and 0.473. Considering 20% of selection intensity with combined selection method, the improved genetic gains for each characters were estimated as 9.5% for height growth and 8.3 percents for diameter at root collar.

      • 石灰石 添加에 따른 二酸化黃 除去率 向上

        김영수,박진식,장성호,장부규,서정민,김장호 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1996 硏究報告 Vol.19 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the performance enhancement of forced oxidation operation on the limestone utilization and SO₂ removal efficiency of the pilot flue gas desulfurization system. The results are as follows : 1. The results of the forced oxidation tests have shown that converting from natural to forced oxidation operation can have a significant effect on both limestone utilization and SO₂ removal efficiency of an FGD system. Conversely, if the limestone utilization is maintained at a constant level, the SO₂ removal efficiency will increase. Conversely, if the pH is held constant, the limestone utilization will increase significantly. 2. This characteristic of a forced oxidation system can translate into lower L/G requirements and, therefore, reduced capital and operating costs for slurry recycle pumps. 3. Forced oxidation operation will provide improved limestone utilization and, therefore. reduced limestone reagent costs.

      • Pseudomonas sp. TPP 63을 이용한 PVA 폐수의 생물학적처리에 관한 연구

        김영식,조상원,오광중,임주원 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 1994 環境硏究報 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is increasing the microbiological treatment efficiency of PVA wastewater using selected bacteria. The bacteria which showed high decomposition rate of PVA was separated as TPP 63 bacteria decomposing PVA of 91.3% when the bacteria have cultured at 0.5% PVA minimum culture medium for 5 days. This bacteria was identified as Pseudomonas putida. It showed a maximum decomposition rate of PVA at culture temperature of 37℃ and pH 7.5-7.8. In case 0.2% PVA wastewater was treated with this culture of 3500 mg/L MLSS, the efficiency was improved with increasing HRT. At HRT of 5 days and 0.4% PVA concentration, the treatment efficiency was dropped down more seriously when the culture medium was not supplied.

      • KCI등재

        응급센터내에서의 Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

        김영식,황성오,이부수,안무업,임경수,강성준 대한응급의학회 1993 대한응급의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Do-not-resuscitate(DNR) decision in certain patients is a important part of patient management. The use of DNR order has been widely recognized in hospitalized patients, but there has been little discussion of the use of DNR order in emergency department. DNR decision in emergency department is difficult because there is no previous contact between physician and patient. To identify the medical reasons of the DNR decision and the process of the DNR in the emergency department, 293 DNR patients in emergency department during 1 year and 36 physicians having experienced DNR decision were studied. Reasons for DNR are irreversible states from brain damage or acute illness(63%), chronic irreversible illness(15%), prolonged cardiac arrest over 30 minutes(16%), physical injuries including decapitation(1%) and family's hope(5%). Almost DNR(72%) were decided by physicians. 72% of DNR decision were not documented. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was attempted before DNR decision in 38% of the patients and 17% of CPR attempts were unnecessary. Almost physician(88%) replied that physician should discuss resuscitation with family and process of DNR decision should be documented.

      • 수행평가방법 중 서술형 평가를 적용한 학습이 학력신장에 미치는 영향 : 고등학교 공통수학을 중심으로

        노영순,류춘식 한국학교수학회 2001 韓國學校數學會論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        This research is about how the adapted learning of descriptive assessment problems influence on the extension of the ability of the students. As a result, adapted learning of descriptive assessment problems totally led to positive effect, and according to the analyses of behavioral objectives divided into knowledge, comprehension and problem solving, they had more effect on the ability of students' problem solving. Learning attitude of the students were changed into self-centered learning attitude and interest on the subject of mathematics were highly increased since the research had started. If we adapt this research to the learning of mathematics after we develop various problems that can develop creativity, I'm sure that it will be a effective way for both extension of the ability and problem solving ability of the students.

      • 産卵鷄에 대한 煙炭灰添加給與 效果에 關한 硏究 : 第2報 煉炭灰粒子度 크기가 産卵形質 및 卵殼質에 미치는 영향 2.Effects of particle size of Briquette ash on egg production and egg shell quality

        朴成眞,文勝式,宋瑛敏 진주산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of particle Size of grit Briqutte ash (C), 20­30 mash (T_1), 30­40 mash (T_2) and 40­50 mash (T_3) of Briqutte ash (1%) in the formula feed on egg production rate egg weight feed conversion and egg quality with total of 30 pieces Laying hen(Babcock B 380) for 4 treatments during the experimantal period of 168 days from May 4, 1983 to october 12. the same year at brooding laboratory. Dept. of Animal Science. Jin Ju Agricultural and Forestry Junior Technical collage. The reasults obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The egg production rate at Laying peak and Laying middle period was highest in the C plot and there were significant(p<0.01) difference between the C and T_3, and There were significant(p<0.05) difference between the othes expect C and T_1, T_2 and T_3. 2. Average egg weght at Laying peak and Laying middle period was heavy in the order of C (63.50, 65.21), T_1 (63.25, 64.99), T_2 (62.92, 64.92) and T_3 (62.87, 64.73) (p>0.05) 3. Feed conversion at Laying peak and Laying middle period was C (2.20, 2.36), T_1 (2.25, 2.41), T_2 (2.30, 2.47) and T_3 (2.31, 2.50). 4. The yolk weight at Laying peak and Laying middle period was heavy in the order of T_3 (18.74, 19.22), T_2 (18.51, 19.21), T_1 (18.49, 19.19) and C(18.45, 19.01)(p>0.05).

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