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      • 밀러의 발성문제의 길잡이를 적용한 합창 지도방안연구

        김용대 국민대학교 교육대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247644

        Singing is the most basic teaching method in music class of the school. In particular, the choir is considered importantly because it is the basis of musical activities, students can improve social skills such as cooperation and consideration, also can acquire the sense of accomplishment and emotional relief from music. The chorus activities can have a positive effect through music education, including understanding the relationship of each voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and developing the cooperative spirit through rhythm, melody, and harmony. However, there are many students which do not have the basic musical knowledge and can not feel the attraction of sound due to vocalization in the current school music class. The reason is that it proceeds only to the learning that simply listens and sings along or unison with the sound source. Therefore, this study aims to research effective teaching methods of choral education by applying Richard Miller’s ‘Solutions for Singer’, which focuses on music education in choral classes. First of all, the theoretical background summarizes and analyzes the Miller’s guide book of vocalization problem, and then examines breathing control, posture, function of larynx and internal larynx, resonance balance, nasal persistence and non-sound voices, and vibrato. After that, the concept and definition of chorus, the purpose and educational values of the chorus will be explained, and the role and purpose of the choral command will be explained. This study is applied the Miller’s guide book of vocalization problem to choral education and analyzed choral breathing, posture, vocalization, resonance, and pronunciation. In addition, the preparation songs, such as ‘Barley Field’, ‘Barley Tree’, ‘Geumgangsan’, and ‘Song of Hometown’, will be analyzed and proposed class instruction so that students can conduct chorus songs more easily and effectively. 음악수업에서 가창은 가장 기본적인 교육 방법이다. 특히 가창영역 중에서 합창은 음악적 활동의 기초가 되며 학생들이 협동, 배려 등의 사회성을 기를 수 있고, 또한 음악이 주는 성취감, 감정해소 등을 습득할 수 있기 때문에 중요하게 인식되고 있다. 합창은 각각의 성부 (소프라노, 알토, 테너, 베이스)의 음정관계를 이해하고 리듬, 선율, 화음을 통한 협동정신을 향상시키는 등 음악교육을 통해 긍정적인 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 그러나 현 우리나라 음악수업에서는 독창이나, 제창 위주의 학습으로 단순히 음원만 듣고 따라 부르기만 하는 수업으로 진행되다보니 대부분의 학생들이 음악적인 기초지식의 부족하게 되고, 발성으로 인한 소리의 아름다움을 느끼지 못하는 경우가 많다. 따라서 이러한 문제점을 파악하여 본 연구에서는 음악교육의 중점을 합창수업에 두고 리차드 밀러의 저서인 ‘발성문제의 길잡이’라는 책을 적용하여 효과적인 합창교육의 지도방안을 연구하고자 한다. 먼저 이론적 배경에서는 밀러의 발성문제의 길잡이 책을 요약하고 분석하여 호흡조절, 자세, 후두와 내부 후두의 기능, 공명균형, 비강지속음과 비비자음, 비브라토 현상에 대해 알아본다. 이후에 합창의 개념과 정의 그리고 합창의 목적과 교육적 가치에 대해 설명하고, 합창지휘의 역할 및 목적에 대해서 알아본다. 그 다음 밀러의 발성문제의 길잡이를 합창교육에 적용하여 합창호흡, 자세, 발성, 공명, 발음에 대해 분석 연구하고 제제곡인 ‘보리밭’, ‘보리수’, ‘금강산’, ‘고향의 노래’를 분석하여 학생들이 합창 노래를 부르기에 좀 더 수월하고 효과적인 수업을 진행할 수 있도록 수업 지도안을 제시하고자 한다.

      • Few Men’s Land: Inquiries into Male Elementary Teachers’ Gender(ed) Assumptions and Practices

        Miller, Edward Joseph Teachers College, Columbia University ProQuest Dis 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Only 9% of elementary school teachers are currently male, despite the fact that men make up roughly half of the United States population. This under-representation of male elementary teachers presents many questions and challenges for schools and society. This study hopes to further educators’ understandings of some of the specific challenges that male elementary school teachers confront in their daily lives as well as of their insights and suggestions to address such. This study posits the importance of these educators’ being able to share their thoughts, perceptions, and questions about their work, including how they have tended to position themselves as male elementary school teachers. Using qualitative research methods, eight male elementary teachers (retired, veteran, experienced, and novices) were interviewed in order to examine their perspectives and assumptions regarding “maleness” as well as the factors that primarily have impacted their decisions to remain teaching at the elementary level. Analyses and interpretations of participants’ responses yielded recommendations for attending to these insights in order to inform teaching recruitment, induction, and varied other policy decisions.

      • Contextual factors that contribute to increased risk of HIV among transgender and MSM sex workers and recommendations for service delivery

        Miller, William Meihack ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Globally, male-to-female transgender women and men who have sex with men (MSM) are at increased risk of HIV infection compared to the general population. Despite effective interventions to prevent HIV infection, the incidence among these populations continues to rise. The purpose of this dissertation was to 1) describe the MSM and transgender women missed through venue-based sampling and illustrate how data on venues frequented by MSM and transgender women can be used to prioritize delivery of HIV prevention services; 2) identify contextual factors that contribute to HIV risk among transgender sex workers in Guatemala City. We recruited 1077 unique MSM and transgender women into two cross-sectional behavioral surveys using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) and time-location sampling (TLS) in Guatemala City. To compare the populations reached through RDS vs. venues, the outcomes included the number of partners, sex work, concurrent partners and sex with women. Additionally, access to HIV testing, free condoms, lubricant and IEC activities was analyzed. Contextual outcomes included discrimination, physical abuse, forced sex, rejection by family, drug and alcohol use and were measured through the behavioral questionnaire. Gender identity and sex work were combined to form the exposure. RDS participants who did not frequent venues were older, had lower level of education, were more likely to identify as bisexual or heterosexual, have concurrent partners and sex with women compared to participants from venues. The overwhelming majority of transgender women had received money for sex in the past year. Transgender sex workers were three times as likely to be discriminated against, seven times as likely to be physically abused and eight times as likely to be forced to have sex compared to MSM who did not sell sex. Binge drinking and illicit drug use were more common among transgender sex workers than among non-sex workers. Transgender women in Guatemala and many other countries are affected by adverse life events that act as underlying determinants of HIV infection. Venues where transgender women and MSM can be reached are low-hanging fruit for HIV prevention programs and services should be offered following global guidance for key populations at increased risk.

      • Exploring How Advocacy Influences Policy Decisions Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect: Perspectives of Political Leaders in Colorado

        Miller Updike, Rebecca Jane University of Denver 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        This exploratory case study examined the perspectives of state-level elected officials regarding what influences policy decisions related to child abuse and neglect issues. By interviewing six former state-level elected officials, the study explored what policy makers believe about their ability to impact child abuse policies, how they define, and ways they have experienced. evidence-based policy, and what they know about risk factors and protective factors with regard to child abuse-related policy. The study design was inspired by the Harvard Family Research Project's (2005) Bellwether Methodology, which bases advocacy strategy on the knowledge base and input from influential policy makers. The findings from this study are intended to provide insights about how advocates, researchers, and other stakeholders can most effectively influence child abuse-related policy decisions.

      • The poetics of automatism: Poetry, media, and the nineteenth-century body

        Miller, Ashley M Indiana University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        From the Romantic fascination with possession to the turn-of-the-century mania for automatic writing, British poetry in the nineteenth century appears to be oddly involuntary, out of control of its producers. Yet what is even more striking is that this involuntariness, this automatism, is deeply embodied. My dissertation investigates the ways in which nineteenth-century readers and writers are not, in fact, intellectual agents of language; instead, poetry is imagined to promote in them involuntary responses that enlist the body as a medium for its reproduction. "The Poetics of Automatism" examines a wide variety of texts---including the poetry and prose of Coleridge, Tennyson, Browning, Kipling, and others; the poetic theory of Wordsworth, Hazlitt, Hallam, and Eliot; and nineteenth-century writings on physiology and psychology---in order to investigate the ways in which poetry was imagined to engage the body's automatic responses to media and mediation.

      • Comparing Poisson, Hurdle, and ZIP model fit under varying degrees of skew and zero-inflation

        Miller, Jeffrey Monroe University of Florida 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Many datasets are characterized as count data with a preponderance of zeros. Such data are often analyzed by ignoring the zero-inflation and assuming a Poisson distribution. The Hurdle model is more sophisticated in that it considers the zeros to be completely separate from the nonzeros. The zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model is similar to the Hurdle model; however, it permits some of the zeros to be analyzed along with the nonzeros. Both models, as well as the Poisson, have negative binomial formulations for use when the Poisson assumption of an equal mean and variance is violated. The choice between the models should be guided by the researcher's beliefs about the source of the zeros. Beyond this substantive concern, the choice should be based on the model providing the closest fit between the observed and predicted values. Unfortunately, the literature presents anomalous findings in terms of model superiority. Datasets with zero-inflation may vary in terms of the proportion of zeros. They may also vary in terms of the distribution for the nonzeros. Our study used a Monte Carlo design to sample 1,000 cases from positively skewed, normal, and negatively skewed distributions with proportions of zeros of .10, .25, .50, .75, and .90. The data were analyzed with each model over 2,000 simulations. The deviance statistic and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) value were used to compare the fit between models. The results suggest that the literature is not entirely anomalous; however, the accuracy of the findings depends on the proportion of zeros and the distribution for the nonzeros. Although the Hurdle model tends to be the superior model, there are situations when others, including the negative binomial Poisson model, are superior. The findings suggest that the researcher should consider the proportion of zeros and the distribution for the nonzeros when selecting a model to accommodate zero-inflated data.

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