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        양반마을의 문중의례(門中儀禮)와 종족의식(宗族意識)

        이연숙 ( Yeon Suk Lee ) 한국사회사학회 2007 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.75

        아산시 송악면 외암리는 예안이씨 종족마을로 국가로부터 민속마을로 지정받아 마을 경관이 잘 보존되어 있고 활발한 문중활동과 엄정한 조상숭배의례 주수 그리고 가계 계승의식이 뚜렷하게 나타나는 마을이다. 예전부터 외암리는 인물성동이론(人物性同異論)의 주역 중 하나인 외암(巍巖) 이간(李柬)이 마을로 알려졌고, 근래에는 ``추사 한글 편지``전으로 김정희가 첫 부인과 사별하고 22살에 재혼한 예안 이씨(이간의 현손녀)에게 보내는 애틋한 편지가 공개되어 추사(秋史)의 처가마을로도 이름을 얻게 되었다. 예안이씨 문중은 16세기 후반에 외암리에 입향하여 18세기 중후반에 종족마을을 이룬 온양지역의 대표적인 사족가문이다. 예안이씨 문중조직은 장로연합체제로 의례 중심으로 운영되어오다가 1998년부터 종회장-부회장-유사체제로 재구성하였다. 2005년부터는 출가한 여성에게 종회원의 자격을 주었고 문중재산 평가액의 사승과 개발사업에 의한 처분으로 돈이 생기면서 위선사업을 벌이고 있다. 문중에서 가장 중요하게 여기는 묘제는 1970년대부터 꾸준한 이촌(離村)으로 참례자 수와 제수(祭需)의 양은 줄어들었지만 제일(祭日)이나 절차는 전통방식을 그대로 고수하고 있다. 그리고 산직을 두지 않고 전통제수차림업체에 제수를 주문하는 소종(小宗)까지 생겼을 정도로 문중과 산직(山直)의 관계가 변하고 있다. 한편 예안이씨의 종족의식은 양반자손이라는 자긍심과 문중재산의 존재, 의례의 엄정한 준수로 인하여 아직까지 강하게 남아 있는 편이다. 종족의식은 가계계승의식과 이어져 20세기 후반에도 입후(立後) 관행이 이루어졌고 앞으로 종가의 존속을 위해 또 다른 형태의 양자 탄생을 예고하고 있다. 현재 외암리 예안이씨 문중은 60~70대의 노년층 위주로 문중이 운영되고 있고 젊은 종중원들은 문중보다 민속마을에 더 매력을 가지고 참여하고 있다. 그러나 아마도 지금의 젊은 종중원들도 노년이 되면 문중으로 회귀하여 세대상전이 되면서, 문중조직ㆍ의례가 지속ㆍ변화를 겪으면서 문중이 존속하리라 믿는다. 또한 외암리는 민속마을 지정으로 예산의 지원과 함께 다체로운 문화행사가 열리고 있다. 예안이씨 문중과 민속마을 보존회에서는 짚풀문화제의 한 프로그램으로 2005년에는 제일(祭日)까지 옮겨 관선재 제향을 올렸고, 2006년에는 문정공 사당에서 불천위제사를 지냈다. 이를 통해 문중은 경제적 원조와 전 국민의 관객화를 이끌어내고 있다. 이 점은 문중과 민속마을의 전략적 공조라고 할 수 있을 것이다. A family village of Lee from Yean (Yean Lee) located in Oeam Li Sangak Myon Asan City was designated as a folk village from South Korean government because the Korean traditional village view, traditional ways of family rituals, worship ceremony for the ancestors and ceremony for lineage succession have been well preserved. Oeam Li is known for a village where Oeam, Lee Gan lived, who initiated a theory called Inmulsungdongleeron, which is a study on whether the nature of men and animals are the same or different. Recently, It is known as Chusa, Kim Jeonghee`s second wife`s village. This was revealed in "Chusa Hangul Letter" where he expressed his love. Chusa got remarried to a woman from Lee when he became twenty two years old after he lost his first wife. Yean Lee family was settled down in Oeam Li in the late sixteenth century and in the middle and late eighteenth century they formed a family village as a representative noble family in Onyang area. Yean Lee family was operated as an elder-united system focusing on rituals but from 1998it was reorganized as chairman-vice chairman system. From 2005, they provided women who married the different family with full membership and they started to charity business because the family asset grew from the development business. The grave ritual for the ancestors, which is considered the most important event for this family has still followed the Korean traditional procedure although the participants and the ritual items decreased because people have moved to the city since 1970. Instead of having a person who takes care fo their family graves, some of people order the ritual items to the traditional ritual company. Meanwhile, Yean Lee`s family rituals preserves a traditional way because they have strong pride in their noble family heritage, the family`s asset, and strict ritual rules. The family rituals is followed by lineage succession rituals and even in the late twentieth century, a custom to adapt a son who succeeds to the family was performed and in the future, it will happened. Currently, Yean Lee family in Oeam Li is operated by elderly people at the age of sixties and seventies and the younger generation are more involved in the folk village project. However, when the younger generation becomes older, they will return to the family business and will take care of family organization, and rituals for the family`s preservation. Oeam li hosts various cultural events by government support after it was designated as a folk village. Yean Lee family and the folk village preservation committee performed a ritual ceremony as a part of Jippul cultural festival in 2005 after they changed the ritual date. In 2006 Bulcheonwijesa ritual was performed in Moonjeongong shrine. Through these events, the family achieves economical support from Korean people who come to see them. This happens with the cooperation of the family and a folk village.

      • KCI등재

        A Korean Colonial Intellectual`s View of Western Europe in the Early 1930s

        ( Young Suk Lee ) 한국사회역사학회 2009 담론 201 Vol.12 No.2

        1933년 연희전문학교 경제학 교수 이순탁은 안식년을 맞아 세계일주 여행을 떠났다. 귀국 후에 그는 여행기를 모아 『최근 세계일주기』(1934)를 펴냈는데, 이 책이야말로 한국 최초의 본격적인 세계여행기가 아닌가 싶다. 이순탁 교수는 경도제국대학 경제학부에서 저명한 마르크스주의 학자였던 카와카미 하지메의 지도아래 공부했다. 카와카미도 1910년대에 유럽을 여행했으며, 『조국을 돌아보며』(1915)라는 여행기를 펴냈다. 두 사람 사이에 상당히 비슷한 이력이 있는 셈이다. 카와카미의 책은 서유럽에 대한 마르크스주의 지식인의 견해를 알려주는 중요한 자료다. 그의 시대에 일본은 아시아 국가에서 제국주의 국가로 커다란 변화를 겪었다. 한편, 이순탁의 책은 서유럽에 관한 동아시아 학자의 견해를 보여주면서도 20세기초 제국주의에 대한 식민지 지식인의 태도가 깃들어 있다. 이순탁은 카와카미를 뒤따라 마르크스주의자가 되었다. 이 글은 서유럽과 근대 문명에 대한 두 사람의 견해에 내재한 차이를 밝히는 데 목적을 둔다. 카와카미는 유럽문화와 일본문화의 유형론적 비교에 주안점을 둔 데 비해, 이순탁은 서유럽문화의 특징을 사실 그대로 상세하게 묘사 하는 데 초점을 맞추었다. 두 사람이 처한 시대상황의 차이가 서유럽에 대한 두 사람의 인식에 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있다. Soon-Tak Lee(李順鐸), a Marxist professor of Yonhee Higher College, traveled around the world during his sabbatical year of 1933. After his return to Korea, he published a travel book, Essays on the Recent World Travel(1934), which is considered the first world-travel literature in Korea. He studied at Kyoto Imperial University under the guidance of Hazime Kawakami(河上肇), a famous Marxist scholar. Professor Kawakami had also traveled in Europe in the 1910s, wrote a trave l book titled Looking back Fatherland(1915). This is quite a coincidence between these two scholars` careers. Kawakami`s book is an important source that provides us with a Marxist intellectual`s view of Western Europe. On the other hand, Lee`s book represents an East Asian scholar`s views of Western Europe, and at the same time, includes a colonial intellectual`s attitude towards imperialism in the early twentieth century. The purpose of this paper is to examine some differences inherent in the two scholars` views on Western Europe and modern civilization. While Kawakami tried to reflect the cultural pattern and type of the West and the East comparatively, Lee was interested in understanding European culture itself.

      • DSP TMS320F240을 이용한 선형 동기 모터 드라이버 개발

        이재헌,김상우,이석규,이달해 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 2000 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.2

        This paper proposes a DSP240 based controller for brushless linear motor to enhance its performance and reliability. The designed controller is mainly composed of position, speed and current controller, which are carried out by the high-speed digital signal processor(DSP). This system is implemented by using 16-bit DSP(TMS320F240), a high-integrated logic device(EPM7128), and IPM(Intelligent Power Module) for compact and powerful system design. The experimental results show the effective performance of the proposed controller for the brushless linear synchronous motor.

      • 영주지방에 있어서 봉군의 실내월동 시험

        이동률,이종원,이석건,최광수 慶北大學校農業科學技術硏究所 2001 慶北大農學誌 Vol.19 No.-

        The studies was conducted to establish the indoor overwintering methods for productive honeybee colonies in the wintering chamber which provides satisfactory inside temperature ranging 2∼9。C and ventilation for the wintering honeybee colonies in Korea. Mortality of the indoor wintered honeybee colonies was 6.3∼7.1% during the winter season of 1997-1998 and 5∼10% during the winter season 1998∼1999. The decreased rates of colony weights during the wintering season were 10.6∼10.7% in the strong colonies and 10.2∼11.7% in the weak colonies. The increased rates of colony population overwintered in the chamber were 136.1∼142.3% in the strong colonies and 128∼136.5% in the weak colonies.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Multiple Mediating Effects of SNS Channel between Perceived Quality and Revisit Intention in Coffee Concept Shops

        Lee,Jee Eun,Lee,Sang Suk 한국상품학회 2021 商品學硏究 Vol.39 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the perceived quality and revisit intention of the use of SNS, and then verifies the mediating role of the SNS channel between them. To achieve the purpose of this study, a total of 350 questionnaires were distributed at various coffee concept shops in the Korean metropolitan area (Seoul / Gyeonggi), including global / domestic brands. After removing the response with the missing information, the sample was 320 (91.4%). A structural equation model using AMOS 20.0 tested the hypotheses. Hypotheses are tested and confirmed by analyzing Korean coffee concept shops and the results have shown that information sharing and interaction of SNS play an important role in understanding perceived quality and revisit intention. Moreover, this study empirically verifies that when customers recognize the quality of products, including service and experience quality, they use SNS channels to visit the coffee shop again. The result of the study supported that information sharing and interactivity of SNS played critical roles in understanding perceived qualities and revisit intention. We empirically provide evidence that product quality of perceived qualities has direct positive in fluence on SNS channel and revisit intention. In addition, information sharing and interactivity of SNS channel has indirect significant impacts on intent to revisit. The result of research has shown that product quality had crucial impact on SNSs channel than service or experience quality. The study also shows that increasing the quality level of a product has a positive relationship with social media channels, which in turn can have a positive effect on information sharing and interactions. This study empirically examines that when customers perceive a product quality including service and experience quality, it induces them to use SNS channel, which eventually make them to revisit the store.

      • KCI등재

        洛東江 河口海城의 식물플랑크톤 極大城 變動에 관한 數値시뮬레이션 : 1. 식물플랑크톤 극대역 변동 현황 1. The state of variation of phytoplankton maximum region

        이대인,홍석진,이석모,박청길 한국환경과학회 2000 한국환경과학회지 Vol.9 No.5

        The estuary of Nakdong river is very influenced by the freshwater contained nutrients and organic materials. The response results of these influences are eutrophication and red tide outbreak in this region. Concentration of chlorophyll a was 0.78∼62.55㎍/L in February, 1.20∼21.29㎍/L in April, 1.88∼188.35㎍/L in June, and 0.78∼11.21㎍/L in August, respectively. The decrease of chlorophyll a is considered that residence time is shorten by increase of freshwater discharge, and unfavorable growth condition of phytoplankton is created by diffusion of low salinity and increase of turbidity. The phytoplankton maximum region located inner side of this estuary during winter season, whereas it was moved to outer side when mean discharge of the Nakdong river was increased. Therefore, the variation of phytoplankton maximum region was affected by input discharge from the Nakdong river basin.

      • KCI등재

        스파이와 모델 마이너리티를 넘어서 : 『네이티브 스피커』와 『제스처 인생』에 나타난 디아스포라적 주체의 가능성

        이숙희 새한영어영문학회 2009 새한영어영문학 Vol.51 No.2

        Native Speaker and Gesture Life show a significant reflection of the second generation Korean immigrants on their identity as a Korean American after the 90s. Before that, Asian American texts had generally explored Asian American subjectiivity within the scope of national ideology with the result of typical dichotomy of assimilation or dissimilation. Lee's two texts show post-LA Riot Korean Americans' differing perceptions of their subjectivity in the adopted nation by examining the symbolic system of national discourse that con/disjunctions differences into a collective body of nation. Lee's texts, however, do not remain in the level of recognizing national discourse as a symbolic mechanism that produces minority identities. Rather they proceed to explore the possibility of positioning a new Korean American subjectivity: a diasporic one. Diaspora is a very promising space for an ethnic subject to imagine his subjectivity outside of an oppressive national ideology. When a subject enters diaspora, he undergoes two meaningful changes: recognition of his historical diasporic experiences as material presence that can never be simply denied in the molecular process of national ideology and the possibility of a cultural hybridity that may entertain ethnic differences without an assumed or imposed hierarchy.

      • KCI등재후보

        종합검진센터 내원자에서 관상동맥질환 위험요인들의 분포

        이충원,이종영,박종원,윤능기,김영조,이현우,이무식,서석권 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1993 계명의대학술지 Vol.12 No.3

        1991년3월부터 8월사이에 대구시에 소재한 1개의 대학병원의 종합검진센타에 내원해서 종합검진을 받은 남자 422명(69.9%)과 여자 182명(30.1%)을 대상으로 하여 심헐관계질환의 위험요인들의 전체적인 분포를 보았다. 평균 연령은 남자가 43.3(표준편차, 10.3), 여자가 44.4(표준편차, 10.8)였다. 남자에서 연령에 따라 0.05 수준에서 통계적인 유의성을 보인 위험인자는 혈청 총콜레스테롤(TC). 트리글리세라이드(TC), 고밀도 지단백콜레스테롤(HDL), 저밀도 지단백콜레스테롤(LDL), 수축기혈압, 비체중, A형행동양상이었으며 생활습관으로서는 음주, 흡연, 규칙적인 운동, 우유와 커피섭취, 수면 등이었다. 여자에서는 TC, TG, LDL, 수축기와 확장기혈압, 비체중 그리고 커피섭취와 수면 등이었다. 남자에서 총콜레스테롤의 평균은 181.7mg/dl(표준편차, 32.2), 여자는 182.5mg/이(표준편차, 42.2)였다. 대부분의 위험인자들은 구미의 수준에 미치지 못했으나 남자에서 흡연율이 전체적으로 61.8%로 높으 수준이었으며 특히, 20~29세가 72.9%, 30~39세가 75.2%로서 다른 연령군에 비해 상대적으로 높았다. 여자에서는 전체적으로 6.0%에 지나지 않았다. 확장기혈압 90mmHg 이상을 고혈압자로 정의했을 때의 유병률이 여자 전체대상자에서 24.7%로 높았으며 50-59세는 표본수가 적어서 문제가 되었으나 53.1%였다. 어떤 인구집단내에서 총콜레스테롤의 평균이 200mg/dl 미만이면 고혈압과 흡연의 인구집단의 수준에 관계없이 관상동맥질환(coronary heart disease)의 발생은 드문 것으로 보고가 되고 있으므로 당분간 관상동맥질환 발생률의 급속한 절대적인 증가는 힘드리라 사료된다. 그러나 이러한 결과는 본 연구의 대상자들이 대표성을 지니지 못하며 건강검진센터에 자발적으로 내원한 사람들이므로 해석에 주의를 요한다. Authors examined the distributions of the risk factors for the coronary heart disease in the 422 male (69.9%) and 182 female (30.1%) visitors to the health examination center of a university hospital located in Taegu March to August 1991. Mean age of males was 43.3(standard deviation, SD 10.3) and that of females was 44.4(SD 10.8). Total cholesterol(TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL), systolic blood pressure, Quetelet index, and Type A Behavior Pattern, and some of life habit variables(alcohol intake, smoking, regular exercise, milk and coffee intake and sleeping) were statistically significant in age groups of the males(P<0.05). In the females, TC, TG and LDL, systolic and diastolic pressure, Quetelet index, coffee intake and sleeping were statistically significant in age groups (P<0.05). Mean of total cholesterol was 181.7㎎/dl(SD,32.2) in males and that of females was 182.5㎎/dl(SD,42.2). Most of the risk factors levels were lower than the Euro-Americans', while smokers were high with 61.8%, especially 72.9% in 20-29 age group and 75.2% in 30-39 age group in males. In females, smokers were just 6.0%. Hypertensives defined by more than 90mmHg diastolic pressure were 24.7% in females, particularly 53.1% in 50-59 age group, but size of the strata was rather small(N=49). In the light of the report that coronary heart disease is uncommon irrespective of population levels of smoking and hypertension, where average total blood cholesterol level in a population is low(<200mg/dl), it is not likely that the absolute increase of the number of the coronary heart disease will increase markedly in the near future. But cautions should be exercised in interpreting the results of this study due to the lack of representativeness and volunteerism. .

      • KCI등재
      • 李朝時代의 長利

        李碩崙 慶熙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        In this paper, The author is going to survey Chang Ri (長利), a sort of private loan, which was widely conducted throughout Lee Dynasty. In Korea, charging interest on loan was socially accepted without any objection, which was different from the case of Middle Ages in Europe. So the problem about interest in Korea had been concentrated upon the ceiling of the interest rate by Government regulation. Thus Il Bon Il Ri (一本一利) was the major thought of interest throughout Lee Dynasty, which means however long the term may be, the interest can't exceed the principle. Chang Ri was a sort of private loans that the lender lends his money (or rice) in the spring food-short season and collects the principle and its interest after harvest in Autumn. The interest rate of Chang Ri was 50% for about six months-very high interest rate compared with about 16.7% of Whan Kok(還穀) or 20% of Sachang Kok(社倉穀) during the same period. However, as soon as the Sang Pyung Tong Bo(常平通寶), a copper coin, was introduced into the exchange process in the latter term period of Lee Dynasty, the Chang Ri was changed into a loan at exceedingly high interest. As formely, the lender used to lend his money in spring and collect the principle and its 50% interest in money in Autumn. But owing to the change of the price of rice between spring and autumn, debtor was obliged to pay about 275% interest in autumn, calculating its interest in rice. We must say it is anexceedingly high interest rate. On the other hand, with the circulation of Sang pyung Tong Bo, a new type of a usurious loan, Kab Ri(甲利) appeared, which collected 100% interest for about six months. But the lender used to lend and collect Kab-Ri only in money, so the debtor was obliged to pay back money with 500-600% interest, in autumn, calculating its interest in rice. Most of the lenders of Chang-Ri or Kab-Ri were consisted of feudal landlords, ministers of State and Buddhist monks. What was worse, Naesoosa(內需司) which supplied the King's palace with the necessities and consequently had special priviledges, used to lend Chang Ri or Kab Ri and then officers of Naesoosa enjoyed their priviledges mercilessly. On the other hand, most of the debtors of Chang Ri or Kab Ri were generally poor farmers: which means that they couldn't pay back it with such a high interest and in such a case, they were usually deprived of their cultivative lands of wives and children, who were then obliged to become slaves of the lenders. But Yung Jo(1725-1776), who one of was the wisest kings of Lee Dynasty, made a reform in interest rates, and proclaimed a new regulation about interest rates in his reigning era. Its contents were as follows. The private loan was divided into two kinds - in money and in rice. In former case it restricted the interest rate within 10%, and in the latter case it permitted 50% as before. And he always persisted to keep Il Bon Il Ri as often as he had opportunity. Thereafter the interest rate of private loans were altered and limited within 20% indiscriminately. Thus Chang-Ri was once extinguished officially, but it had lasted for a long time unofficially in rural society.

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