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      • 두성령 이암의 영모화 : 견도(犬圖)와 응도(鷹圖)를 중심으로

        이원복 한국고고미술연구소 2011 고고학지 Vol.17 No.-

        Lee Am (1507-1566) was a celebrated royal descent literati painter of Joseon in the 16th century. His paintings became better known to the Korean public, in recent years, following the unveiling of a series of his surviving works, located in Japan. The extant paintings of Lee Am include Blossoms, Birds, and Puppies in the collection of the Samsung Museum of Art Leeum, which was designated by the Korean government as Treasure No. 1392. In this paper, I establish that this painting and his Blossoms, Birds, and Puppies in the collection of the Joseon Museum of Art in North Korea are not works in duo, as has been assumed thus far, but two of several panels of a folding screen. With his works surviving in Japan becoming unveiled to the public one-by-one, we now understand the style of Lee Am's paintings better, and his style appears to have had a lasting influence on Japanese paintings, as a matter of fact, more than it did on Korean paintings. Within the Chinese-influenced cultural sphere of Asia, Korean paintings distinctly stand out from the rest of painting traditions. The works of Lee Am convey a massive feeling which is unique to early Joseon paintings. Meanwhile, there is a mood in his paintings that is characteristically optimistic and good-natured, yet desolate at times. Lee Am's paintings, even when they are decorative paintings in the taste of the royal palace, still remain natural and unaffected with a nonchalant note about them. They display the combination of great observation skills and execution skills, and their subjects are accurately depicted into fine details. Further more importantly, his paintings have an unmistakable warmth pervading them. Lee Am's paintings influenced, for example, the paintings of dogs by Japan's leading artists of the 17th century to the 18th century, of the likes of Tawaraya Sotatsu, Yosa Buson and Ito Jakuchu. Influencing art scenes beyond the borders of his native land, Lee Am indeed was an international artist of undoubted caliber. In the genre of yeongmo (animal paintings), Lee Am drew on international trends of the Five Dynasties period of China to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, but forged his own style from these various sources of inspiration. While being great examples of animal paintings with 16th-century royal palace flavor, Lee Am's works set themselves apart from others by his contemporaries through a signature relaxed quality in composition and spatial arrangement. Lee Am indeed was a towering genius on Joseon's art scene of the 17th century with a unique stylistic stamp. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to determine how precisely Lee Am's paintings influenced his contemporary Joseon artists and later generations of artists based on the meager body of works surviving today. That being said, one finds echoes of Lee Am's childlike, nonchalant sunniness and humor in mid-Joseon paintings of slightly different subjects, like horses and oxen by Kim Si and Lee Gyeong-yun, and members of their families. Lee Am's works, therefore, are likely to have influenced later generations of painters, even if indirectly, by serving as a larger aesthetic backdrop, for instance, to such works as paintings of hawks by the late Joseon court painter Jeong Hong-rae. Only nine works have been identified within the Korean peninsula, including three in the collection of the Joseon Museum of Art in Pyeongyang, North Korea, three in the collection of the National Museum of Korea, of which two are attributed to him, and three others in the collection of the Samsung Museum of Art Leeum and private collections. However, compared to other painters of his time, this is actually not a small number. In addition, in recent years, a handful of other paintings of his have been unveiled in Japan and in the US, which indeed correspond to the titles of Lee Am's works mentioned in historical writings. Thanks to this, we now understand Lee Am better as a painter, both in terms of style and artistic bent and taste. As for subjects, his favorites were dogs and cats, hawks and geese. He treated these subjects at times using outlines, at other times without outlines. In his expressive techniques, he coupled the liberal and rough brushstrokes of literati paintings with a soft tone. Some of his works are in ink and light color, producing a limpid and serene effect, while others are highly realistic and provide minute details of the subject treated. These elements are at times found together side-by-side in one work, forming a subtle harmony. While there is undeniably a degree of decorative quality in his paintings, his subjects seem never stilted and are always full of life. The warmth and humor characterizing Lee Am's paintings, meanwhile, are also shared characteristics of Korean paintings as a whole, which set apart the latter from paintings of neighboring countries, and part of the national aesthetic temperament of Korean people. 이암(1507-1566)은 16세기 조선화단에서 종실(宗室)출신 문인화가로 영모에 명성이 높았다. 국내보다는 일본에 전해진 유작들이 공개됨으로 본격적인 조명이 가능해졌다. 그의 유작 중 일찍부터 잘 알려진 현 북한 조선미술박물관 소장〈화조묘구(花鳥猫狗)〉 쌍폭과 보물 제1392호로 지정된 삼성미술관 리움 소장 〈화조구자(花鳥狗子)〉는 함께 그려진 일괄품이 본 논문을 통해 확인되었다. 국내 전해진 유작은 북한까지 포함해 10점으로 한 두 예를 빼곤 일본에 전해진 것을 20세기 일본에서 구입한 것이다. 국외는 전칭작을 포함해 미국에 1점과 일본의 8점으로, 모두 9점의 존재가 확인된다. 그는 동물 그림을 지칭하는 영모화의 영역에 있어 오대(五代) 이후 송·원에 이르는 국제적인 흐름을 적극, 능동적으로 취사선택해 자기 나름의 골격을 형성했다. 16세기 궁정취향의 동물 그림을 잘 보여준다. 짜임새나 화면 구성 측면에서 느슨한 면 등 그들과 구별되는 자신의 그림 세계를 선명하게 구축하여 17세기 조선화단에서 우뚝 솟은 준봉이 아닐 수 없다. 그가 즐겨 그린 소재로는 개와 고양이·매·기러기 등이다. 표현 기법에선 몰골(沒骨)과 구륵(鉤勒)의 혼용, 문인화가로서의 활달·분방함과 거침, 공필(工筆)에 필적하는 극사실주의의 섬세함의 공존, 수묵담채가 주는 담백한 분위기, 이들 요인들이 함께 빚은 절묘한 조화도 읽을 수 있다. 장식적인 면이 없지 않으나 소재를 앞에 놓고 사생을 통해 획득한 생동감과 생명력이 감지된다. 그림 전체 분위기가 주는 따뜻함과 익살은 타국과 구별되는 우리 민족 나름대로 형성된, 우리 옛 그림에 내재된 공통적인 미의식의 구현이기도 하다. 그의 화풍이 조선화단에서 동시대나 후배들에게 구체적으로 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지는 살피기 어려운 실정이다. 하지만 그림 소재는 다르나 조선 중기화단에서 전개된 김시(1524-1593)며 이경윤(1545-1611) 집안의 말과 소 그림에서 역시 동화적이며 익살과 통하는 크게 다르지 않는 미적 정서를 감지하게 된다. 조선후기 화원 정홍래(1720-1791 이후)의 매 그림의 정형성립에 선구적인 면모를 보인다. 무엇보다도 중시될 사항은 이암의 일본 그림에 끼친 영향이다. 일본 린파(淋派)의 양식을 창시한 다와라야 소타쓰(俵屋宗達, 17세기), 린파의 대가인 오가타 코린(尾形光琳, 1658-1716)의 부친 오가타 소켄(尾形光琳, 1621-1687)은 그의 그림을 모방했다. 18세기로 접어들어 요사 부손(与謝蕪村, 1716-1783), 이토 자쿠추(伊藤若沖, 1716-1800) 등 일본의 일급화가들의 그림에서 이암의 영향을 읽을 수 있다. 특히 표현기법에서 다와라야 소타쓰의 수묵화에 보이는 타라시코미 기법은 〈화조구자〉에 서 보이듯 이암이 선구의 위치를 점한다.

      • 원통 연삭에서 가공 능률 향상을 위한 연삭 저항의 측정에 관한 연구

        김원일,이진,이윤경,왕덕현,이상복,이관철,문원길 경남대학교 공업기술연구소 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        본 연구에서는 원통 연삭 가공에서 가공 능률 향상을 위한 연삭 저항을 측정하고자 연삭 가공 중에 발생하는 연삭 저항의 추이를 확인하였고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 숫돌과 공작물간의 연삭 강성은 공작 속도의 증가에 따라 지지계의 강성이 높은 경우 증가하였고 절삭 깊이와 연삭 숫돌의 속도에는 연삭 강성이 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 총합 강성은 공작 속도, 절삭 깊이 및 연삭 숫돌의 속도 증가에 따라 지지계의 강성이 높을 수록 증가하였다. 연삭기의 강성 변형과 가공 능률에 영향을 주는 값으로 연삭 강성비는 지지계의 강성이 높을 수록 감소하였다. In this study, the measurement of grinding resistance to improve grinding efficiency in cylindrical grinding was studied and the following conclusions could be obtained. Relation grinding wheel and workpiece, grinding stiffness increases according to increase of work speed for high machine stiffness and decreases depth of cut and grinding wheel speed. Also, resultant stiffness increases high machine stiffness according to increase work speed, depth of cut and grinding wheel speed. The values of the effect stiffness deflection in grinding machine, grinding stiffness ratio decrease according to high machine stiffness.

      • 水盜作에서 親環境農業 定着을 위한 오리 및 왕우렁이 農法의 可能性 分析

        이종성,김기영,황필성,오주성,정원복,정순재 동아대학교 농업생명과학연구소 2001 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        Concerns on use of excess amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide in current farming system turns both of the producer and consumer of agricultural products to an organic farming which use a less chemicals and more natural manure. Possibility Analysis of Pond-snail and Duck Faming for Environment-friendly Agriculture in paddy field. Depression effect of weed occurrence by pasture of 5kg of the Pond-snail(Ampullarius insularus) per 10a and the 7th day after transplanting. Optimum duck rasing density in rice paddy field was was 25~30 heads per 10a and ducks could be harvested three times in a year starting from 40 days after mature-seedling machine transplanting. The weed control rate of the duck raised paddy field was superior to the conventional agriculture. Yield per 10a of the duck raised and pond-snail(Ampullarius insularus) farming was inferior to conventional agriculture. The earnings of The Duck and Pond-snail farming realize a profit. From these results, it seems that the Organic farming are usefel and pasture of the Duck, Pond-snail(Ampullarius insularus) for depression of the weed occurrence is effective as the environmental perservation farming.

      • 상자형 비틀림 보강재를 갖는 H-Beam의 해석

        李元福 弘益大學校 1981 弘大論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        Thin-walled elastic members with a wide flange or channel-shaped section are effectively and widely used as bending members. But, since they have open sections, they are weak under torque when they are subjected to torsional load. The torsional characterisfics of thin-walled members with open sections may be improved by restraining the warping at the ends of the member. The mathematical behaviors of these kinds of members, subjected to torsional load, were studied to detemine their condition when completely restrained. In practical use, these desirable conditions cannot be absolutely or econoimically met. This thesis dealt with the warping of this walled member with one specific type of end warping restraint, partially restrained, using bostype torsional stiffners, and was compared with unstrained members and completely fixed members. 1. 서 론 2. 비틀림의 기본 이론 3. 예 제 4. 결 론 Thin-walled elastic members with a wide flange or channel-shaped section are effectively and widely used as bending members. But, since they have open sections, they are weak under torque when they are subjected to torsional load. The torsional characterisfics of thin-walled members with open sections may be improved by restraining the warping at the ends of the member. The mathematical behaviors of these kinds of members, subjected to torsional load, were studied to detemine their condition when completely restrained. In practical use, these desirable conditions cannot be absolutely or econoimically met. This thesis dealt with the warping of this walled member with one specific type of end warping restraint, partially restrained, using bostype torsional stiffners, and was compared with unstrained members and completely fixed members.

      • 북한의 대외교역현황

        이원복 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 2001 社會科學硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        북한의 대외경제정책은 국가독점의 원칙, 자금자족경제의 원칙, 호혜평등의 원칙에 입각하며 자립경제 건설 노선 완성을 위한 보조적인 수단으로 간주해 왔다. 북한의 대외무역정책도 자립적 민족경제 건설노선에 바탕을 두고 있어 수출주도형의 경제가 노선에 바탕을 두고 있어 수출주도형의 경제가 아닌 것만큼 무역 의존도는 높지 않다. 따라서 자립적 민족경제 건설노선을 상위개념으로 경제발전에 꼭 필요한 상품을 수입하고 그에 필요한 외화를 얻기 위해 상품을 수출하는 것을 기본으로 하고 있다. 이러한 무역정책은 사회주의권이 붕괴하기 전인 1980년대까지 자체생산이 불가능한 필요상품만을 무역을 통해 해결한다는 소극적 입장에서 사회주의권과는 정경일치, 자본주의권과는 정경분리 원칙을 적용하고 평등호혜의 원칙을 무역정책의 기조로 삼아왔다. 그러나 사회주의권의 붕괴로 대외경제협력의 기반이 상실돼 대외무역액이 급격하게 감소하게 되고 북한의 주요 원조국이었던 러시아와 중국마저 구상무역에서 경화결제로 전환함에 따라 북한은 대외무역의 중요성을 점차 인식해 가고 있다.

      • 유기농 자재의 시용이 토양의 이화학적 성질과 상추, 가지의 생육 및 체내성분에 미치는 영향

        이종성,김기영,황필성,오주성,정원복,정순재 동아대학교 2001 大學院論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of microbial fertilizers on the application of organic farming materials in soil on growth and yields of leaf lettuce, eggplant. Three microbial fertilizers, Aika, Kalen-gold and EMRO-EM were used. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. The effect of soil chemical properties after application organic arming materials, The amounts of pH, EC, P2O5 and O.M. treated all plot were few of change. 2. Change of soil microbial after application organic farming materials, The number of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi in N, P, K treated plot showed the increased tendency, to the contrary, The number of bacteria, actimycetes in Aika, kalen-gold and EMRO-EM treated plot showed the increased, The number of fungi showed the dicreased tendency 3. The application effects of Aika, Kalen-gold and EMRO-EM on the growth, yield and components of leaf lettuce and eggplant in comparison with chemical fertilizers plot was not a difference.

      • 중방을 간는 전단벽의 동력학적 해석에 관한 Bimoment의 영향

        李元福 弘益大學校 1978 弘大論叢 Vol.10 No.-

        When a slender member is twisted and its longitudinal displacements are restrained then bimoments are to be exist in any section of the member. The importance of torsion in the design of structural member has grown in resent years and the stresses and deformation due to bimoment are frequently critical in design. Static analysis on bimoment have been worked by many reserchers but the effects of bimoment in dynamic malysis are not investigated enough still. In this paper the natural frequencies of example structure btained using the new developed transter matrix involved the effects of vimoment are compared with the results of the exact solution by Heidebrecht. The comparison shows very good agreement. It is also found that the bimoment effect is negligible in dynamic analysis.

      • Autostress 설계법의 시험적 고찰에 관한 연구

        李元福 弘益大學校 1985 弘大論叢 Vol.17 No.2

        Autostress Design (ASD) is a new method for designing continuous steel bridges. It was developed at the U.S. Steel Research Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the American Iron and Steel Institute and it is an extension of Load Factor Design (LFD). Considerable research has been devoted to the development of Autostress Design. This research included linear elastic and nonlinear analysis, tests on full scale components, and tests on a 1/2 scale model bridge. However, since the method represents a departure from existing practise. it was believed that testing of a full scale bridge was needed to verify the method before it would be widely accepted by the practicing profession. The Whitechuck River Bridge in Mt. Baker National Forest near Darrington, Washington was selected as this test bridge. It was designed by the Autostress Method and extensively instrumented during the fabrication and construction process. This is the summary of the final report on the load test and analysis of its results.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애인생활시설의 교육서비스 요구 분석

        이상복,김춘희,유은정,이원령,구원옥 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2004 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.43 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to provide suggestions for the future 2year educational services based on the on-going education services for the persons with disabilities in the facilities. The results of the study were as follows. First, the facilities manly provided the persons with disabilities with the educational programs for improving basic functional skills in their daily living lives. Second, the recording data showed that average 2 out of 10 short-term plans were reached to above 80% of successful performance levels, and the rest of the 8 plans were reached to between 11% and 79% of the unsatisfactory levels.

      • 만능 연삭기에 의한 Aluminium 합금의 초정밀 가공에 관한 연구

        이윤경,이상복,김원일 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1997 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        VTR헤드드럼, 복사기드럼, 레이저프린터용 다면체경 등과 같이 경면을 요하는 제품의 제작시 공구의 날끝현상을 공작물상에 그대로 전사하는 방식의 절삭가공 기술이 급속도로 발전하여 많이 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 초정밀 절삭가공 조건과 원리를 이해하고 가공시에 나타나는 각종 현상들을 규명하여 최적 절삭조건과 기본적인 데이터 수집에 그 목적을 두었다. 실험장비는 고정밀 만능연삭기에 미세절삭이 가능한 부속장비를 설계제작하여 부착하여 사용하였고, 절삭공구는 천연 다이아몬드 공구를, 소재는 Al합금(Al-Cu-Ni-Mg alloy, Al 2,000계열)을 사용하여 절삭속도와 이송, 절삭깊이를 변화시키면서 실험한결과 일반적으로 절삭속도는 빠를수록, 이송이 적을수록, 절삭깊이가 적을수록 미소한차이지만 표면조도가 향상되는 것을 알 수 있었다. This study aims to develop the ultraprecision cutting technology to make the better optical mirror surface through the cutting experiment of Al-Cu-Ni-Mg alloy with diamond tool under the various cutting conditions. The results of experiment with high precision universal grinder, natural diamond tool and non-heat treated Al-Cu-Ni-Mg alloys are as follows. 1. The best ultraprecision cutting conditions are tool nose radius 10mm, cutting speed 1472m/min, feed rate 8.0㎛/rev, depthdf cut 5.0㎛,and the surface roughness is Ra0.020㎛,Rmax 0.13㎛ 2. The theoretical surface roughness is similar to the experimental surface roughness according to tool nose radius, and the best result can be obtained by using straight cutting tool edge. 3. The surface roughness according to feed rate should be under the feed rate 16㎛/rev, and when feed rate 4㎛/rev, the surface roughness is not good because of interference between tool and workpiece. The surface roughness according to cutting depth is improved by the lesser cutting depth. 4. The higher cutting speed improved the surface roughness when the same conditions of cutting machine.

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