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      • 小兒腎症候群에 關한 臨床的 觀察

        金幸美,李昌浩,具滋薰,安斗洪 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        著者는 지난 3年間 慶北醫大 附屬病院小兒科에 入院하였던 特發性腎症候群 患兒 38名을 對象으로 臨床症狀, steroid療法에의 反應度, 豫後에 영항을 미치는 要因, 再發樣狀等을 觀祭하였으며 steroid 療法에 不良한 反應을 보인 17名에서는 經皮的腎生檢을 시행하였다. 또한 9名에서는 methylprednisolone의 "pulse" therapy, 5名에서는 cytoxan을 使用하여 아래와 같은 結果를 얻었다. 發病年齡은 3~7歲가 16名(42%)으로 가장 많았고 男兒 28各, 女兒 10名으로 男女比 約 3:1로 男兒가 많았다. 初發 및 再發時의 臨床症狀은 심한 全身浮腫이 71.1%, 腹水 및 胸腔渗出液이 65.8%, 胃腸障碍가 47.4%에서 觀察되었으며, 初期 steroid療法으로 完全寬解를 보인 경우는 14名(37.8%), 部分的寬解 17名(46%), 不良한 反應을 보인 경우는 6名(16.2%)였으며 20名(57.1%)에서 2週以內에 利尿의 招來 및 蛋白尿 消失을 보였다. 腎炎所見은 全例에 있어서 血尿 21.6%, 高血壓 10.8%. 및 窒素血症 24.3%로서 steroid 療法에 不良한 反應을 보인 患兒들에게서 높은 頻度를 나타내었으며, 1年以上 追跡觀察된 21各中 9名(43%)에서 첫 1年以內에 再發이 있었고 再發例의 約 半數에서 上氣道感染이 동반되었다. 17名에서 施行한 腎組織檢査 所見은 minimal change 8例, membranoproliferative glomeruloneph ritis 및 membranous glomerulopathy 各 3例, focal segmental sclerosis 1例 및 focal proliferative glomerulonephritis 2例로서 男女比는 13:4였다. 이 중 steroid 療法에 反應이 좋지 않았던 9各에 있어서 methylprednisolone의 "pulse" therapy를 시행한 結果 5名에게는 檢査所見의 현저한 好轉 및 再發이 없어지는 등의 成果를 얻었으며, 또한 cytoxan을 使用한 5名中 2名에서 完金寬解가 있었다. 같은 期間 동안 入院하였던 急性絲球體腎炎 患兒 54名中 6名에서 二次性腎症候群이 병발되었으며, 또한 1日 2gm/㎡ 以上의 多重의 蛋白尿는 急性絲球 體腎炎 6名 및 心不全症 2名에서 觀察되었다. A clinical observation was done on 38 children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, who had been admitted to our pediatric department during 2 years and 9 months period, from January 1978 to September 1980. The following results were obtained: At the beginning of illness. 42% were in the age group of 3-7 year, and male to female ratio was approximately 3:1 of male preponderance. During initial attack and subsequnt relapses, pitting edema on extremities was noticed in all cases, followed in frequency by generalized edema in 71%, ascites and/or pleural effusion in 65.8% and GI trouble in 47.4%. Response to initial continuous steroid therapy showed complete remission(group 4) in 37.8%, partial remission (group 2&3) in 46% and no response (group 1) in 16.2%. Within 2 weeks after institution of steroid therapy, both diuresis and disappearance of proteinuria were noted in 57.1%. Nephritic manifestations, eg. hematuria, hypertension & azotemia, were seen in 21.6%, 10.8%, 24.3% respectively, and the majority of children with these manifestation showed poor response to steroid therapy. Nine out of 21 patients in whom follow-up could be done over 1 year, experienced one or more relapses, giving 43% relapse rate during the 1st year, and URI was accompanied in about half of these episodes. Percutaneous renal biopsy done on 17 patients who showed steroid dependency, or no response to poor response toward steroid therapy showed the following results: Minimal change nephrotic syndrome in 8, membranous nephropathy in 3, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in 3, focal segmental sclerosis in 1 and focal proliferative glomerulonephritis in 2. And male to female ratio was 13:4. "Pulse therapy" with bolus dosage of methylprednisolone was tried on 9 patients, resulting in disappearance of relapse, or significant improvement in blood chemistry & urinary finding in 5. And 2 out of 5 patients in whom immunosuppressant therapy with cytoxan was given due to poor response to steroid, experienced complete remission. During the same study period, secondary nephrotic syndrome was observed in 6 out of 54 patients with acute glomerulonephritis, and heavy proteinuria alone, defined as proteinuria over 2gm/㎡ day, was seen in 6 patients with acute glomerulonephrits and 2 patients with congestive heairt failure.

      • 동결견(凍結肩) 환자의 동서협진 치료의 임상효과 비교연구 : 견관절 가동운동범위(ROM) 변화를 중심으로

        남동우,김행범,양동훈,임사비나,김건식,이두익,이재동,최도영,이윤호 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2006 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2006 No.-

        Objectives : To establish an effective collaborate medicine treatment of acupuncture and western medicine for treating frozen shoulder patients. Methods : 59 voluntary patients were randomly assigned to Eastern treatment group(E group, n=22), Western treatment group(W group, n=17) and East-West treatment group(EW group, n=20). The E group received acupuncture treatment on LI15, TE14, GB21 and Master Dong's acupuncture points, Shin-gwan and Gyun-joong, twice a week for 4 weeks. The W group received suprascapular nerve block, subacromial injection and trigger point injection, twice a week for 4 weeks. The EW group received acupuncture and injection treatment including nerve block. All groups were instructed to practice self exercise during their daily lives. Evaluations were made before treatment and after treatment based on the change in shoulder Range of Motion(ROM) and the patient's satisfaction concerning the treatment was measured by Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). The obtained data were analyzed and compared. Results : The patient's satisfaction scores were E group 5.67, W group 7.73 and EW group 7.67. The E group and the EW group showed significant improvement in abbduction, adduction and flexion(p<0.05). The W group showed significant improvement in adduction(p<0.05). Abduction significantly improved(p<0.05) in the EW group compared to E group and W group. Flexion also showed improvement in the EW group, but the difference among the 3 groups was statistically insignificant. The three group's difference of change in extension and adduction was insignificant(p>0.05). Conclusion : Acupuncture and nerve block alone significantly improved ROM in frozen shoulder patients. Also collaborate treatment of acupuncture and nerve block significantly improved ROM in frozen shoulder patients. But the difference of the three treatments were significant only for improving abduction(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재후보

        Uzbekistan 공화국의 농업현황

        곽재균,조은기,김행훈,윤문섭,석순종,김창영 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        1. Uzbekistan은 전통적인 농업국가로서 농업이 경제의 축이며 농촌인구가 60%,농업부문 종사자가 전 산업에서 차지하는 비율이 44%이고 농업생산이 GNP에서 차지하는 비중이 33%로서 비교적 높은 편이다. 2. 이 나라의 농업은 강우량이 적고 건조한 기후조건 때문에 주로 관개에 의존하고 있으며 안공수로와 저수지의 건설로 관개가능 면적은 430만㏊ 이고 충분한 수량만 확보된다면 700만㏊ 까지 경작이 가능하다. 농업생산은 목화, 밀, 벼, 포도, 채소, 멜론재배가 주종을 이루고 있으며 특히 일조시수가 3,000시간으로 매우 길고 일사량도 많아 목화, 고품질의 포도와 멜론 생산이 유명하다. 3. 축산업도 농업에서 중요한 부문으로 주로 유목에 의존하고 있으며 염소, 고기소, 젖소, 면양이 주된 가축이고 양잠업도 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 4. Uzbekistan은 맥류, 목화, 포도, 사과, 양파 등의 원산지 일 뿐만 아니라 박과 작물의 2차원산지로서 유전적 다양성이 풍부하고 특히 멜론은 많은 재래종 품종들이 분화되어 재배되고 있다. 5. Uzbekistan는 1995년 한·우즈벡 농업기술협력 가능성 조사 이후 1996년부터 양국간 유전자원 공동연구가 활발히 추진되고 있다 금후 인근 중앙아시아 각국과의 유전자원 또는 농업관련 공동연구를 수행함에 있어 우즈베키스탄을 전진기지로 활용하는 방안이 적극 모색되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the middle Asia. The area of the Republic makes up 447.4 thousands ㎢ and about 60% of the country is semi-desert or desert with only 4.5 million hectares of the area cropped. The average temperature in July on the plains' territory varies from 26℃ in the North to 30℃ in the South, and the average temperature in January falls to as low as 0℃ in the South and to -8℃ in the North. Precipitation primarily occurs during the winter-spring period. Annual precipitation amounts to 80-200 ㎜ on the plains, 300-400 ㎜ in the foothills area and 600-800 ㎜ on the eastern and south-eastern slopes of the mountain ridges. Natural pastures occupy 50.1% of the total area of Uzbekistan, and 9.7%(4.3 Min. ha) of irrigated lands. Irrigated land is mainly cultivated for cotton, spiked cereals, rice and potato. Cotton plants occupy 36.5% of the cultivated areas and grain crops 39.5%. Given the abundance of solar radiation and heat, the major factor limiting the use of agroclimatic and land resources is a deficit of water. Agriculture in Uzbekistan was and still is the largest sector in Uzbekistan's economy. Agriculture and it's related industries account for approximately 33% of GDP, and 55% of the hard currency revenues of the country is related to Agriculture. Approximately 60% of the population resides in rural areas, and 44% of the work force is engaged in agricultural production. Uzbekistan is the world's fifth largest cotton producer and the second largest exporter. Cotton has been center to the economy because it accounts for about 50% of the country's export earnings. At the same time, however, cotton production has depended on vast amounts of irrigation, and this has had a possibly significant irreversible negative impact on the Aral Sea. The development strategy in the agricultural sector in the country is targeted at ensuring food and environmental security, while increasing the efficiency and export-potential of domestic production. According to the macroeconomic forecast, the agrarian sector will maintain its leading role in the economy (at 25% of GDP). To meet the strategic development goals by 2010, annual growth in agricultural output must be at least 5-6%.

      • KCI등재후보

        재래종 콩 유전자원의 주요 형태적 특성과 변이

        윤문섭,백형진,이정란,김행훈,조양희,안종웅,김창영 한국국제농업개발학회 2003 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.15 No.4

        본 실험은 한국, 중국 및 일본 재래종 콩 유전자 자원의 주요형질 변이를 조사하고 이들 자원간의 지리적 유연관계를 비교하고자 수행하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 경장은 한국(66㎝)이나 일본자원(54.9㎝)보다 중국자원(71㎝)에서 더 컸으며, 또한 변이도 중국자원에서 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 2. 개화일수 및 생육일수는 한국자원(65.5일, 151.4일)이 가장 길었으며 중국(57일, 120일)과 일본자원(59.9일, 122.4일)은 같은 경향을 나타냈다. 또한 한국과 중국자원은 지역에 따른 차이를 나타냈으나 일본자원에서는 확인할 수 없었다. 3. 백립중은 한국(18.8g), 일본(17.2g) 및 중국(14.7g) 순으로 무거웠다. 특히 한국자원은 9~11g과 23~25g에서 정점을 나타냈고, 변이폭도 가장 컸다. 반면 일본과 중국자원은 13~17g사이에서 정점을 나타냈다. 4. 협수는 중국(46.9개)이나 일본자원(36.5개)보다 한국자원(75.5개)에서 가장 많았으며, 변이폭도 한국자원에서 가장 컸다. 내도복성은 일본자원에서 가장 강하였다. 5. 정준판별분석결과 can 1을 경계로 하여 오른쪽 상하에 한국재래종이 주로 분포하였고 왼쪽에는 중국과 일본 재래종이 주로 분포하여 각 나라별로 고유한 영역을 가지고 분리되었다. 전체적 경향이 중국과 일본자원이 한국자원보다 가까운 경향을 나타냈다. This experiment was carried out to compare the characters of 944 Korean soybean landraces, 716 Chinese, and 170 Japanese soybean landraces introduced from USDA soybean germplasm collection. Cannonical discriminant and cluster analyses were conducted by their origins. The population from China was taller in plant height than those from Korea and Japan, also its variation was largest in Chinese population. The population from Korea was langer than those from China and Japan in terms of days to flowering and maturity. Also, Korean and Chinese accessions appeared the difference of those traits according to latitude. One hundred seeds weight was in the order of Korean(18.8g), Japanese(17.2g) and Chinese populations(14.7g), especially Korean population was distinguished into two groups; the group including accessions between 10 and 15g, and the other group including accessions between 20 and 25g. However, others showed the peak in range of 13~17g. The number of pod per plant was more in Korean accession(75.5) with the largest variation than Chinese(46.9) and Japanese accession(36.5). The distribution of Korean, Chinese and Japanese accessions reflected the origin of accessions analyzed by cannonical discriminant analysis. The relationship between their geographical origins showed the population of China and Japan are losely related.

      • KCI등재

        Phylogenic Relationship of Allium Species in Subgenus Rhizirideum by PCR DNA Fingerprint

        Haeng-Hoon Kim,Hee-Wan Kang,Yong-Jin Park,Hyung-Jin Baek,Jae-Kyun Gwag 韓國作物學會 2001 Korean journal of crop science Vol.46 No.4

        Allium is one of the largest genera, which has more than 700 species. PCR by URP (universal rice primer) primers was carried out to get phylogenetic information on 26 species, 62 accessions of subgenus Rhizirideum. The accessions were divided into seven groups at 0.76 similarity level. A. tuberosum (Chinese chives) and A. ramosum represented high similarity of 0.91. A. montanum, A. nutans, A. senescens, A. libani, A. odorum, A. austrosibiricum, and A. narcissiflorium grouped at 0.80 similarity. Some of the wild species, such as A. prostratum, A. polyrhizum, A. odorum, and A. mongolicum, showed different band patterns according to polyploidy, occurrence of B-chromosome, collection site, and origin.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Distance of Allium Section Cepa by DNA Fingerprint

        Haeng-Hoon Kim,Eun-Gi Cho,Hyung-Jin Baek,Chang-Yung Kim,Young-Am Chae 韓國作物學會 2003 Korean journal of crop science Vol.48 No.1

        Identification of compatible parental line is of great importance in introduction of useful characters to onion breeding program, beyond the severe hybridization barrier. Phylogenic analysis of Allium section Cepa was conducted through PCR by URPs, repeated sequences of A. fistulosum, and microsatellite markers. Totally 76 accessions originated from 21 countries were clustered into five groups at a 0.84-similarity level: group I;A. cepa and its wild relatives and A. cepa ssp. ascalonicum, group II; A. cepa ssp. wakegii, A. cepa ssp. proliferum and Samcheung-pa group III; A. fistulosum and A. altaicum, group IV; A. galanthum, group V; Soeckkori-pa. Samcheung-pa and Soekkori-pa, Korean local varieties, shared band type of both Cepa group and Altaicum group, indicating that those are derived from interspecific hybridization between A. fistulosum and A. cepa.

      • KCI등재후보

        동향과 전망 : 한국 개념사 연구의 향방과 시좌 -학술지 『개념과 소통』의 모색을 중심으로

        이행훈 ( Haeng Hoon Lee ) 한림과학원 2014 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.13

        한국 개념사 연구는 개념사의 이론적 공리를 적용하면서 발견되는 적용 불가 능한 문제들의 해법을 모색하는 동시에 우리의 근대 경험 속에 응축된 개념 을 연구하며, 여기에서 추출한 가설들을 다시 개념사 이론에 비추어 검증함 으로써 연구 방법론 모델을 구축해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 선행 연구는 대체로 근대적 개념의 수용과 그 영향에 초점을 두었다. 여기에 서 간과된 동아시아의 문화적 특성과 전통적 관념에 주목하여 축소되고 왜곡 된 ‘경험공간’과 ‘전통 요소’에 대한 분석이 요구된다. 한국의 근대는 비동시적 인 것들의 동시대적 존재가 커지는 한편, 전통적인 가치와 관념들에 대한 가 지치기를 통해 비동시적인 것들의 동시대적 수렴이 진행되었기 때문이다. 개념의 기원으로 재귀하다 보면 서양을 보편화하고 스스로를 주변화는 인식 틀에 고착하기 쉽고, 개념의 역동적 수행성 규명을 어렵게 한다. 따라서 중국 과 일본을 경유한 개념 수용 과정의 특성과 개념의 통시적 의미 변화를 추적 하는 가운데 공시적 활용에 주목해야 한다. 공시적 활용은 통시적 접근에서 분절되기 쉬운 텍스트 내외부의 개념 사용 주체를 부각할 수 있기 때문이다. 근대를 특징짓는 다양한 사회적 체계들의 발생은 개념 운동을 특정 개념 하 나만의 연구보다 그와 상호작용하는 연관 개념과 함께 분석할 것을 요구한다. 상위·하위·병렬 개념들 속에서 개념의 논의되는 담론의 층위를 고찰하 고, 대립·보완 개념들과 함께 그 의미의 연결망을 구축하면 개념의 역사의미 론이 보다 선명하게 드러날 수 있다. 중화권에서 진행되고 있는 관념사 연구는 어휘통계학적 연구 방법뿐만 아니 라 중국 근대사회 변동의 근저에 지속되고 있는 정신적 가치와 서양에서 흡 수한 근대적 가치를 근대의 새로운 전통으로 인식한다는 점에서 시사적이다. 그러나 우리가 진정으로 주목해야 할 지점은 ‘디지털 인문학’이라는 수사 이 면에 감추어진 역사 해석과 관련된 그들의 실천적 지향이다. This study of the conceptual history of Korea examines the concepts into which our experience of the modern has been condensed, and seeks solutions to some problems which are not easily reconciled with the theoretical axioms of conceptual history. Moreover, a recursive research methodology is utilized, in which the hypotheses thus obtained are reviewed, once again, through the theories of conceptual history. Conceptual history research as practiced so far has focused mainly on the acceptance of modern concepts and the effects resulting therefrom. There has been a general failure to take account of Asian cultural characteristics and traditional conceptions, which makes it necessary to integrate the ‘space of experience’ and ‘traditional elements’ which have been previously been neglected or distorted. Korean modernity shows how the contemporary was expanded to incorporate the non-contemporary through the ramification of traditional values and concepts. In looking back to trace the origin of concepts, it is easy for Koreans to universalize the West and become fixated on a perceptual viewpoint which marginalizes local identity, thus making it difficult to investigate the dynamic performance of concepts. For this reason, while we are tracking down the specific character of our conceptual accommodations by way of China and Japan, and the corresponding diachronic semantic changes in the concepts, it would be better to pay more attention to the synchronic aspects. The synchronic approach can shed useful light upon conceptual usage inside and outside texts, which avoids the fragmentation typical of the diachronic approach. In order to understand the way in which a variety of social systems have arisen in modern times we need to analyze an array of interrelated concepts reacting with each other, rather than focusing on single isolated concepts. By examining layers of discourse with higher, lower, and parallel concepts being discussed in an interconnected fashion, the historical semantics of concepts will develop more clarity, allowing the construction of a network of meaning which incorporates both contradictory and complementary concepts. Conceptual history as pursued in China can provide some interesting indications: it embraces lexicostatistics, and also identifies a new vision of a modern China in which spiritual values endure despite the modern social transformation of China and the modern values imported from the West. We should not, however, ignore the practical aims which underlie the Chinese rhetoric of ‘digital humanities’.

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