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        유아기 자녀를 둔 다자녀가정 아버지의 양육경험 연구

        조현이(Cho Hyunee),정보미(Jeong Bomi),고선(Ko Sun),조성웅(Cho sungwoong) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.12

        목적 본 연구는 저출산 문제가 심각하게 대두되는 시대적 상황에서 저출산 위기의 해답이 될 수 있는 다자녀가정 아버지의 양육경험에 대해 알아보고 사회⋅문화적 함의를 탐색하는데 그 목적이 있다. 방법 이를 위하여 유아기 자녀를 둔 다자녀가정 아버지 10명을 연구참여자로 선정하여 개인 심층면담을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 수집된 자료는 지속적 비교분석을 원형으로하는 개방코딩을 실시하였다. 결과 연구결과 유아기 자녀를 둔 다자녀가정 아버지의 양육경험은 첫째 어쩌다 다자녀가정의 아버지가 되어 의무감을 느끼는 아버지의 속마음, 둘째 작은 사회를 경험하며 성장하는 아이들과 행복감의 원천이 되는 다자녀가정의 장점, 셋째 돌봄과 경제적 어려움에 대한 염려 및 나누기 힘든 관심과 사랑 등 양육의 어려움, 넷째 사회적 개선방향으로 다자녀가정을 바라보는 시선과 실질적 도움이 되는 정책마련으로 나누어볼 수 있다. 결론 이본 연구는 유아기 자녀를 둔 다자녀가정 아버지의 양육경험과 인식을 통해 저출산 문제해결의 방안을 모색해보고 다자녀 가정의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 정책을 제안했다는 데 그 의미가 있다 Objectives The purpose of this study is to explore the social and cultural implications of fathers from multi-child families, who can be the answer to the low birthrate crisis in an era when the low birthrate problem is seriously emerging. Methods To this end, 10 fathers from multi-child families with early childhood children were selected as participants in the study and conducted in-depth interview. Results Studies have shown that the parenting experience of a multi-child family with early childhood children. First, how the father feels duty to become the father of a multi-child family. Second, the advantages of a multi-child family, which is a source of happiness with children growing up while experiencing a small society. Third, concerns about care and economic difficulties, difficulties in raising children, such as attention and love, which are difficult to share. Fourth, it can be divided into the perspective of multi-child families in the direction of social improvement and the preparation of policies that are actually helpful. Conclusions This study is meaningful in that it sought ways to solve the low birthrate problem through the parenting experience and awareness of fathers of multi-child families with infant children and proposed policies to improve the quality of life of multi-child families.

      • KCI등재

        Physics analysis with Leibniz’s differential operators dn

        Kim U-Rae,Cho Sungwoong,Lee Jungil 한국물리학회 2023 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.83 No.7

        We introduce a systematic approach to represent Leibniz’s nth-order diferential operator dn as the ratio of an infnite product of infnitesimal diference operators to an infnitesimal parameter. Because every diference operator can be expressed as a diference of two shift operators that translate the argument of a function by fnite amounts, Leibniz’s diferential operator dn is eventually expressed as the infnite product of infnitesimal binomial operators consisting of the shift operators. We apply this strategy to demonstrate the derivation of the translation or time-evolution operators in quantum mechanics. This flls the logical gap in most textbooks on quantum mechanics that usually omit explicit derivations. Our approach could be employed in general physics or classical mechanics classes with which one can solve the equation of motion without prior knowledge of diferential equations.

      • KCI등재

        위험한 놀이와 안전한 놀이에 대한 유아의 인식 탐구

        고선(Ko, Sun),조성웅(Cho, Sungwoong) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.17

        목적 본 연구에서는 유아들의 그림을 통해 나타난 위험한 놀이와 안전한 놀이에 대한 유아들의 인식을 탐구하였다. 방법 이를 위하여 경기도 소재 A, B 직장어린이집과 C 사립유치원에 재원 중이 만 4, 5세 유아 106명을 대상으로 면담과 그림자료를 수집하였다. 결과에 활용할 수 있는 위험한 놀이 101명, 안전한 놀이 106명의 그림과 면담내용을 범주화하여 그 내용을 질적으로 분석하였다. 결과 위험한 놀이와 안전한 놀이에 대한 유아들의 인식은 ‘대상’과 ‘행동’ 요인으로 크게 구분되었으며, ‘대상’은 위험하거나 안전한 사물, 동물이나 사람, 장소에서의 놀이로, ‘행동’은 위험하거나 안전한 행동이 포함된 놀이, 일상 행동으로 범주화되었다. 결론 본 연구 결과에 따라 위험한 놀이에 대한 교사와 유아의 인식 전환의 필요성, 동적인 놀이에 대한 유아와 교사의 인식 전환의 필요성, 다양한 실내외 공간에서 놀이 경험 기회 제공의 필요성, 그리고 유아교육기관의 보육실이나 교실 크기에 대한 점검 및 개선의 필요성에 대해 제언하였다. Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore children s perceptions of dangerous play and safe play shown through children s drawings. Methods For this purpose, interviews and picture data were collected from 106 children aged 4 and 5 who were staying at daycare centers A, B and kindergartens C. The pictures and interview contents of 101 people who played risky play and 106 people who played safe play that can be used for the results were categorized and qualitatively analyzed. Results Children s perception of risky play and safe play was largely divided into ‘object’ and ‘action’ factors. ‘Object’ was categorized as play with an object, animal, person, or place, and ‘behavior’ was categorized as play and everyday behavior involving dangerous or safe behavior. Conclusions According to the results of this study, the need to change the perception of teachers and children about dangerous play, the need to provide various physical play opportunities and play opportunities in various spaces, and the need to check and improve the size of the nursery or classroom in early childhood education institutions suggested.

      • KCI등재

        어린이집 원장의 아동학대 의심사건에 대한 경험 탐구

        임해진(Heajin Im),조성웅(Sungwoong Cho) 인지발달중재학회 2022 인지발달중재학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        연구목적: 본 연구의 목적은 아동학대 의심사건 신고에 대한 내용과 원인, 아동학대 의심사건 판정에서 겪은 어려움은 무엇인지에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 어린이집 아동학대 의심사건에 대한 경험이 있는 서울과 경기도 내 민간어린이집 원장 3명을 대상으로 심층면담, 기타 관련 자료 등을 통해 분석하였다. 연구결과: 아동학대 의심사건 신고에 대한 내용과 원인, 아동학대 의심사건 판정에서 겪은 어려움의 2개 주제로 범주화했다. 아동학대 의심사건 동기와 시작점, 보육현장을 고려한 체계적인 행정지원 부재로 인한 어려움, 아동학대 의심사건 관련 부정적 인식으로 인한 어려움, 아동학대 의심사건으로 인한 어려움, 그 이후의 4개 영역 및 10개의 의미범주로 구분되었다. 결론: 아동학대 의심사건은 교사들 간의 갈등, 교사와 원장의 갈등, 학부모와 원장의 갈등 등 다양한 원인이 아동학대 신고로 이어졌다. 이 과정에서 원장은 다양한 어려움을 겪었고 이는 원장에게 부정적 영향을 끼쳤다. 이러한 실제 경험은 현장을 고려한 효과적인 아동학대 자료 및 아동학대 예방 프로그램 개발을 위한 시사점 및 실천적 지식을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 아동학대 관련 정책을 활용하는데 실질적 방안을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Objective: This study aimed to examine the contents and causes of reports of suspected cases of child abuse and the difficulties experienced in determining cases of suspected child abuse. Methods: This analysis was conducted through in-depth interviews and other related data with three heads of private daycare centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do who had experience in suspected cases of child abuse at daycare centers. Results: The results were categorized into two topics: the contents and causes of the report of a suspected child abuse case, and the difficulties experienced in determining the suspected child abuse case. The difficulties due to the lack of systematic administrative support considering the motive and starting point of the suspected child abuse case, to the negative perception related to the suspected child abuse case, and to the suspected child abuse case, were separated into four areas and 10 meaning categories. Conclusions: In the case of suspected child abuse, various causes such as conflict between teachers, conflict between the teacher and principal, and conflict between the parents and principal led to child abuse reports. During this process, the ledger faced various difficulties, which negatively affected the ledger. These practical experiences will provide implications and practical knowledge for developing effective child abuse data and prevention programs considering the field. Additionally, it is expected to suggest practical ways to utilize child abuse-related policies.

      • KCI등재

        The art of Schwinger and Feynman parametrizations

        Kim U-Rae,Cho Sungwoong,Lee Jungil 한국물리학회 2023 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.82 No.11

        We present a derivation of the Schwinger parametrization and the Feynman parametrization in detail and their elementary applications. Although the parametrizations are essential to computing the loop integral arising in relativistic quantum field theory, their detailed derivations are not presented in usual textbooks. Beginning with an integral representation of the unity, we derive the Schwinger parametrization by performing multiple partial derivatives and utilizing the analyticity of the gamma function. The Feynman parametrization is derived by the partial-fraction decomposition and the change of variables introducing an additional delta function. Through the extensive employment of the analyticity of a complex function, we show the equivalence of those parametrizations. As applications of the parametrizations, we consider the combinatorial factor arising in the Feynman parametrization integral and the multivariate beta function. The combinatorial factor corresponds to an elementary integral embedded in the time-ordered product of the Dyson series in the time-dependent perturbation theory. We believe that the derivation presented here can be a good pedagogical example that students enhance their understanding of complex variables and train the use of the Dirac delta function in coordinate transformation.

      • KCI등재

        Thermal Storage Effect Analysis of Floor Heating Systems Using Latent Heat Storage Sheets

        Beom Yeol Yun,Sungwoong Yang,Hyun Mi Cho,Seunghwan Wi,Sumin Kim 한국정밀공학회 2019 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.6 No.4

        The thermal energy storage (TES) is an energy storage method implemented to reduce the heating energy consumption of buildings by utilizing a high-efficiency heating system and a TES system. Therefore, in this study, a TES system is applied to a high-efficient floor heating system. Various methods are available to utilize the sensible heat and latent heat for TES, and a phase change material (PCM) that can store the latent heat is used in this study. The PCM is used in the form of a heat storage sheet. The physical property analysis results show that the phase change interval of the PCM was 17–32 °C, the latent heat amount was 40.39 J/g, and the specific heat was 1.5 J/(g K). The dynamic heat analysis confirmed the peak temperature rise during heating, and the maximum value at the surface was 1.04 °C. In addition, during cooling, a cooling delay time of up to 5 h was observed due to the heat storage effect of the PCM. Therefore, it is possible to store thermal energy by using a material called PCM, and the saved heat energy can reduce the heating energy requirement of buildings.

      • 고체추진기관용 물분사 소음디퓨저의 설계 및 제작

        이정열(Jeongyeol Lee),이지형(Jehyung Lee),이성웅(Sungwoong Lee),고현(Hyun Ko),조용호(Yongho Cho) 한국추진공학회 2011 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        고체추진기관의 초음속 제트 속에서는 다양한 소음들이 발생된다. 본 연구에서는 로켓 모타의 배기가스에 물을 분사하고, 디퓨져 및 스택을 설치하여 초음속 제트에서 발생되는 소음을 억제할 수 있는 장치를 설계 및 제작하는 기술을 확보하는데 있다. 물분사 소음디퓨저를 연소시험용 로켓 모타에 적용하여 약 20dB의 소음저감효과를 얻었다. In the supersonic jet of a solid rocket motor, various noise is investigated. The purpose of this study is to attain and evaluating a design and manufacturing technique of the SRM noise reduction. In this study, the water is injected into the supersonic jet of the SRM to reduce the noise. Furthermore, the diffuser and stack are installed to suppress the SRM noise. Through the SRM ground tests, the noise is reduced approximately 20dBA with application of the diffuser/stack with water injection.

      • KCI등재

        Relativistic Analogue Hidden in Projectile Motion

        Lim Jae Hoon,Jung Dong-Won,Kim U-Rae,Cho Sungwoong,Lee Jungil 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.77 No.8

        We present a four-vector analogue Uμ≡U0,U)=(|V'|,V) that can be directly constructed from the velocity of a projectile. Here, V and V' are the velocities of a projectile at heights h+H and h, respectively. In the non-relativistic regime, the mathematical structure of this four-vector analogue has an exact correspondence to the relativistic counterpart four-velocity uμ=γ(1,β)c of a massive particle. Based on this observation, we illustrate the design of an introductory laboratory experiment to investigate the Lorentz invariance and its covariant nature by measuring the velocity of a projectile. The experiment may help students to acquire a concrete perspective of Lorentz covariance through their own measurements and analyses of a free-fall motion.

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