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      • KCI등재

        시스템 사고를 통한 생태관광자원의 지속가능한 관리방안 연구 -서울시 밤섬을 중심으로-

        최윤의,유수진,함은경,송기환,전진형 한국관광학회 2014 관광학연구 Vol.38 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between biological resources and harmful elements to the environment using system thinking, and to suggest a sustainable management plan regarding harmful elements to the environment. In the results of this study, four causal loop diagrams were developed, and a mutuality among variables was found. From this, applicable major variables for a management plan were elicited. Consequently, a synthesized causal loop diagram was able to be constructed, and elements for a management plan about harmful elements to the environment in Bamseom could be elicited. Results from this study contribute to a sustainable management plan sought by system thinking about harmful elements to the environment through tourism activity in Bamseom. This will, in turn, aid in maintenance of the ecosystem of Ramsar Wetland and enable sustainable tourism activity.

      • KCI등재

        브랜드이미지와 포장색채의 상관성

        최윤의 한국패키지디자인학회 1998 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Today Production technique has been active a rapid growth, it made extension and multyplicity of goods. For that reason a notion of consumer is the King' was sprout. Consumer sovereignty period made for consumers to chose and companys to compete in good faith. Moreover, if a large quantity productive capacity should sure to be sold. That means the makers has to develope in given condition to circulate condition. Saleing is not important then making people to buy there goods, for that purchase mental state investigation is indepensable and buyer to draw in that article commerce planing and saleing contrivance was needed. To build a distinguish brand to others, they spend so much time and investment of money for the brandname. However, thesedays there are too mant brands increases for consumer to remember, that consumer wants to find exacts wright items for themselves. A product with good quality and good image show most of the image from brandname. To positioning the brand to other consumer, they should make people to watch and hear about then as if could be part of there life like this the out looking such as packaging in different colors and to show most it the specific character is normal may to show image at the product. The present time to show the products good image is not only the way, it's that how different and show distinguish discriminate from other product. All the different kinds of goods in the market, it's not so easy to construct a good image at the item. In this essay, from marketing stretegy to make image of the brand to recognition at value and role, to investigate the color stralegy and design of package to establish competitive power of brandimage. Now, let's analysis with succeed company in newbrand image.

      • KCI등재

        도시광장 설계요소 및 공간이용 만족도 분석 - 광화문광장과 금빛공원광장을 중심으로 -

        최윤의,전진형,이정아,Choi, Yun Eui,Chon, Jinhyung,Lee, Jung A 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.6

        도시광장은 지역사회 모임이나 시장, 공연, 정치집회 및 기타 이벤트 등 다양한 활동이 행해지는 곳으로, 도시 내에서 다양한 유형으로 나타난다. 그럼에도 불구하고 대부분의 도시광장은 광장 유형별로 다르게 나타나는 방문객의 이용행태 및 이용만족에 대한 고려가 미비한 채 획일적으로 계획되어왔다. 본 연구에서는 서울에 위치한 일반광장 중 중심대광장을 대표하는 광화문광장과 근린광장을 대표하는 금빛공원광장을 중심으로 방문객 만족도에 영향을 미치는 설계요인과 세부 요소를 분석하여 도시광장 유형별 설계 시 중점적으로 고려해야 하는 방안을 제안하였다. 각 광장에서 수집한 설문조사 결과는 요인분석, 회귀분석, 퍼지이론 등을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 도시광장 설계요소 만족요인은 어메니티, 이용성, 공간특성, 문화성, 쾌적성요인으로 구분되었다. 둘째, 광화문광장의 공간이용 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인은 어메니티요인, 쾌적성요인, 공간특성요인 순으로 나타났으며, 금빛공원광장의 공간이용 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 쾌적성요인, 어메니티요인, 이용성요인, 공간특성요인 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 도시광장의 설계요소에 대한 만족요인별 만족순위를 퍼지이론을 통해 비교한 결과, 광화문광장은 어메니티요인 중 광장의 청결도에 대한 만족도가 가장 높게 나타났다. 금빛공원광장은 쾌적성요인 중 광장의 수목에 대한 만족도가 가장 높게 나타났다. 이와 같이 본 연구에서는 중심대광장과 근린광장의 이용객 만족도에 영향을 미치는 설계요소를 비교하였다. 연구의 결과는 이용객 만족을 고려한 도시광장 설계 및 계획에 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. The city square is an important public open space for people. Being used for various activities, such as community gatherings, open markets, concerts, political rallies, and other events, many types of city squares are represented in a city. Nevertheless, most city squares are planned uniformly, lacking consideration for visitor behavior and use satisfaction. The study investigated the design factors and subcomponents influencing user satisfaction with different types of city squares. This study focused on the general city square in Seoul, including the grand public place (i.e. Gwanghwamun Square) and the neighborhood park (i.e. Geumbit Square). The data were analyzed using factor analysis, linear regression and fuzzy theory. The results of the study are as follows: first, five design factors of satisfaction with city squares are identified (Amenity, Usability, Spatial components, Culture, and Comfortableness). Second, Amenity, Comfortableness, and spatial components significantly affect user satisfaction with Gwanghwamun in that order. On the other hand, in Geumbit Square, Comfortableness, Amenity, Usability and Spatial components affect user satisfaction in a significant way, in that order. Third, cleanliness, a subcomponent of amenity, was ranked highest using the fuzzy theory function for satisfaction with Gwanghwamun Square. Otherwise, the prevalence of plants was ranked the highest on the Geumbit Square survey. The study compared design factors influencing satisfaction in the public grand place and the neighborhood park. The results have implications for designing and planning city squares to the satisfaction of their visitors.

      • KCI등재

        韓國語 複數標識 ‘들’에 對한 考察 - 依存名詞 ‘들’을 中心으로 -

        최윤 한국어문교육연구회 2018 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.46 No.4

        최윤, 2018. 한국어 복수표지 ‘들’에 대한 고찰, 어문연구, 180 : 91~117 한국어 복수표지 ‘들’은 그 문법적․의미적 위치가 명확히 규명되지 않았다. 본 논의의 최종 목표는 복수표지 ‘들’을 일관된 시각으로 조망하여 그 활용과 의미 기능을 명확하게 이해할 수 있는 타당한 기준을 마련하는 데에 있으며 이번 논의에서는 그 첫 번째 시도로서 의존명사로 활용되는 ‘들’의 활용과 의미 기능을 고찰하였다. 논의의 결과, 현재 의존명사로 분류되어 있는 ‘들’은 접사나 보조사가 아닌 의존명사로 분류하는 것이 타당함을 확인하였다. 또한 의존명사 ‘들’이 선행 명사군을 하나의 무리로 묶어 집단성을 강조한다는 사실과 단수의 명사군과 통합의 제약이 있음을 확인하였다. 의존명사 ‘들’의 이러한 특징은 모두 ‘들’의 복수성에 의한 것으로 볼 수 있으며 ‘복수성’이야말로 복수표지 ‘들’을 이해하는 가장 중요한 의미 기능이라는 것을 보였다. 이상의 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 앞으로 접사 ‘들’과 보조사 ‘들’의 의미 기능과 활용 양상을 종합하면 ‘들’의 문법적․의미적 위치를 보다 명확히 파악할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The grammatical and semantic position of Korean plural particle “deul” has not been clearly determined. The purpose of the current study is to examine the plural particle “deul” with a consistent point of view and finally to set reasonable criteria that help understand its usage and semantic function clearly. In this study, as an attempt to achieve its purpose, the usage and semantic function of “deul” that is utilized as a bound noun has been discussed. As a result of discussion, it is found that the particle “deul” that is currently classified as a bound noun needs to be classified as the bound noun that is neither affix nor auxiliary particle. In addition, the present study shed light on the fact that the bound noun “deul” emphasizes its collectiveness by combining preceding nouns as a group and that it contains its limitations in combining with singular nouns. All these characteristics of the bound noun “deul” can be seen to derive from its plurality which is the most significant semantic function to fully understand the plural particle “deul.” If further study explores the usage and semantic function of “deul” as both affix and auxiliary particle and integrate its outcomes with the result of the current study, it would help better understand the grammatical and semantic position of Korean plural marker “deul.”

      • KCI등재

        하천의 물리적 구조에 따른 하천경관의 선호도 및 시각적 이미지 비교 연구

        최윤의,이정아,전진형 한국습지학회 2013 한국습지학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 다양한 생태적 특성이 나타난 하천구간에 대한 경관의 선호도 및 시각적 이미지 형성에 영향을 주는물리적 구조 특성을 실증적으로 밝혀내는 것이다. 하천의 물리적 구조 평가를 위해 LAWA기법을 활용하여 하천의 생태성을 평가하고, SD평가법을 통해 하천경관의 시각적 이미지를 조사하여 연구대상지의 물리적 구조 특성에 따른 시각적이미지 차이를 비교·고찰하였다. 그 결과 생태성이 양호한 구간이 결여된 구간보다 조화롭고 아름다우며 자연적이고 깨끗한 이미지를 형성한다고 밝혀졌으며, 이러한 시각적 이미지에 큰 영향을 주는 물리적 구조는 하천식생 및 횡단형태, 인공구조물의 유무로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 하천복원시 훼손대상지의 생태적 기능과 경관미 향상을 위해 고려해야할하천의 물리적 구조를 예측하고 제안하는데 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        자동차 크랭크샤프트 멀티 연삭시스템의 구조해석에 관한 연구

        최윤서(Yun-Seo Choi),이원석(Won-Suk Lee),황인환(In-Hwan Hwang),박휘근(Hwi-Keun Park),조현택(Hyun-Taek Jo),이영식(Young-Sik Lee),김기정(Ki-Jung Kim),송순태(Soon-Tae Song),이종찬(Jong-Chan Lee) 한국기계가공학회 2012 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        A Crankshaft multi grinding machine is developed for manufacturing of high precision crankshaft. The grinding head part of the developed machine should be moved precisely during grinding of work materials. In this paper, structural and modal analysis for the crankshaft multi grinding machine is carried out to check the design criteria of the machine. The analysis is carried out by FEM simulation using the commercial software. The machine is modeled by placing proper shell and solid finite elements. The results of structural and modal analysis confirmed that the structural characteristics of grinding machine and the structural safety are considered secure.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        부위마취하 경동맥내막절제술에서 뇌허혈을 감지하는 뇌파와 체성감각유발전위 검사의 효율성

        최윤,이동명,임정길,이정락 대한마취과학회 1999 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.37 No.6

        Background : Carotid endarterectomy has been proven to be beneficial for the prevention of strokes in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with significant carotid stenosis. Even if there is no consensus as to the most appropriate monitoring method for detecting cerebral ischemia during carotid endarterectomy, electroencephalography (EEG) and/or somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) has been extensively used to evaluate cerebral functions. We estimated the efficacy of EEG and SSEP for detecting cerebral ischemia during carotid endarterectomy in conscious patients. Methods : One or both of 16-channel EEG and SSEP monitoring were performed in 103 patients scheduled for carotid endarterectomy under cervical plexus block. We estimated the sensitivity and specificity of EEG and SSEP for detecting cerebral ischemia expressed by altered consciousness and shunt insertion. Results : During carotid clamp in 74 cases studied, significant EEG changes were noted in 5 of the 16 patients who had cerebral ischemia, however 11 patients had no EEG changes despite cerebral ischemia. During carotid clamp in 84 cases studied, significant SSEP changes were noted in 7 of the 19 patients who had cerebral ischemia, however 12 patients had no SSEP changes despite cerebral ischemia. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting cerebral ischemia were 31% and 86% for EEG and 37% and 95% for SSEP, respectively. Conclusions : We conclude that EEG and SSEP monitoring during carotid endarterectmy under regional anesthesia is not a sensitive method for detecting cerebral ischemia. (Korean J Anesthesiol 1999; 37: 1074∼1083)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        FCA 에 의한 염증모델에서 기계적 이질통에 대한 척수부에서의 NO 의 역할

        최윤,황승준,임중우,김민경,황재현,이정찬 대한마취과학회 2000 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.38 No.6

        Background : The effect of spinal nitric oxide (NO) on mechanical allodynia brought about by Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA)-induced inflammation is not known. From our previous experiment nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inbibitor nitro -L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) given intraplantarly during the induction period decreased a mechanical hyperalgesia occurring because of FCA-induced inflammation. Therefore, we investigated the spinal effect of NO on mechanical allodynia after the development of allodynia pmduced by FCA-induced inflammation in rats. Methods : Male Sprague Dawley rats were prepared with lumbar intrathecal catheter implantation. Inflammation was induced in the rats by injecting 0.1 ml of FCA under halothane anesthesia. Behavioral tests were done 1, 3, 6, 24, and 48 hours after injection of FCA. In the other group, inlrathecal L-NAME (10 μg) was given prior to FCA injection to examine the effect of pretreatment. On postinjection day 2, either L-NAME (10 μg) or methylene blue (10 and 30 μg) wadministered intrathecally after the baseline measurement. The withdrawal response on mechanical allodynia was assessed by applying von Frey filarnents to th right lesioned hindpaw and contralateral paw (as control) at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. Sodium niiraprusside was administered intrathecally to determine the reversal effect of increased threshold in the L-NAME group. Results : Injection of FCA produced a significant mechanical allodynia over time. Pretreatment with L-NAME did not prevcnt such a mechanical allodynia. Intrathecal L-NAME, but not methylene blue, reduced the mechanical allodynia, which was reversed by sodium nitroprusside. Conclusions: Spinal NO is likely invloved in the mechanism of the development and maintenance of mechanical allodynia in a state of FCA-induced inflammation. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2000; 38: 1068 ~ 1074)

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