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      • KCI등재

        경골어류 유문수의 장내분비세포에 대한 면역세포화학적 연구

        조기진,박숙미,조운복 부산대학교 사범대학 1999 교사교육연구 Vol.37 No.-

        경골어류인 볼불낙, 넙치, 도다리, 전어, 숭어 및 은밀복 유문수 점막에 출현하는 장내분비 세포 중 somatostatin, serotonin, gastrin, PP, CCK-8 및 glucagon 세포를 면역 세포 화학적 방법으로 염색한 후 광학 현미경하에서 장내분비 세포들의 분포, 출현빈도, 모양 및 세포형을 비교 관찰하였다. Somatostatin 세포는 모든 종에서 관찰되지 않았다. Serotonin 세포는 넙치에만. Glucagon 세포는 도다리에서만 관찰되었고, 그 외 장 내분비세포들의 종류와 출현도 어종에 따라 차이가 있었고 도다리에서 가장 풍부하였다. 도다리는 somatosatin 및 serotonin 세포를 제외한 4종류의 세포들이, 숭어는 gastrin, PP 및 CCK-8 세포 3 종류만이, 불복낙은 gastrin 및 PP 2종류만이, 넙치는 serotonin 및 gastrin 세포 2종류만이 각각 관찰되었으며, 전어는 gastrin 세포 1종류만이 관찰되었다. 은밀복은 모든 장내분비세포가 관찰되지 않았다. Serotonin 세포는 넙치에서만. glucagon 세포는 도다리에서만 중등도로 각각 관찰되었으며 gastrin과 PP 세포는 도다리에서 중등도, 그 외 종에서 소수 관찰되었고, CCK-8 세포는 도다리와 숭어에서만 소수 관찰되었다. Serotonin 세포는 넙치에서 폐쇄형이었고 glucagon 세포는 도다리에서 개구형이었다. Gastrin 세포는 넙치, 도다리, 및 전어에서 폐쇄형이었으나 불볼낙은 개구형이었고 숭어는 두 형이 섞여있었고 개구형이 더 많았다. PP와 CCK-8 세포는 불볼낙과 도다리는 폐쇄형이었으나 숭어는 폐쇄형과 개방형이 섞여있었다. To investigate the immunocytochemical properties of the somatostatin, serotonin, PP, CCK-8, and glucagon cells in the pyloric caeca, six marine bony fishes were used; Sebastes tbompsoni, Paralicbtbys oblivaceus, Pleuronicbtbys cornutus, Clupanodon punctatus, Mugil cepbalus, and Lagocepbalus wbeeleri. For the demonstration of five enteroendocrine cell types, the peroxidase-antiperoxidase(PAP) method with each antisera was used. The frequency of endocrine cells per unit area(㎟)of each mucosa was counted, and the shape and distribution pattern of the cells were observed. The somatostatin cells were not found in all species. The serotonin cells were detected in Paralicbtbys oblivaceus, and the glucagon cells in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus exclusively. The distribution and frequency of other endocrine cells were various in the species investigated and were observed more often in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus. In the pyloric caeca, all of endocrine cells examined except the somatostatin and serotonin cells were detected in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus, the gastrin, PP, and CCK-8 cells in Mugil cepbalus, the gastrin and PP cells in Sebastes tbompsoni, the serotonin and gastrin cells in Paralicbtbys oblivaceus, the gastrin cell in Clupanodon punctatus, None of these endocrine cells was detected in Lagocepbalus wbeeleri. The moderate distribution was detected with the serotonin cells in Paralicbtbys oblivaceus and the glucagon cells in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus. The gastrin and PP cells were moderate in number in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus, whereas a few of these cells were observed in other species investigated. A few CCK-8 cells was detected only in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus and Mugil cepbalus. While the shape of serotonin cell of Paralicbtbys oblivaceus was closed types, the open type of glucagon cell was observed in Pleuronicbtbys cornutus. The shape of gastrin cells was closed type in Paralicbtbys oblivaceus, Pleuronicbtbys cornutus, Clupanodon punctatus, and the open type in Sebastes tbompsoni. The both types of gastrin were mixed with dominant of open shape in Mugil cepbalus. The shape of PP and CCK-8 cells was closed type in Sebastes tbompsoni and Pleuronicbtbys cornutus. The both types of these cells were mixed in Mugil cepbalus.

      • KCI등재

        피조개 발의 점액질에 대한 조직화학적 연구

        최병태,조기진,홍말숙,정권순,조운복 釜山大學校 師範大學 1995 교사교육연구 Vol.31 No.-

        피조개 발의 조직학적 구조는 hematoxylin-eosin염색 및 Weigert iron hematoxylin염색을, 점액질 성상을 검색하기 위하여 PAS반응, diastase 침지 후 PAS반응, alcian blue pH 2.5염색, alcian blue pH 1.0염색, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS염색, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS염색, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5염색 및 0.25% toluidine blue염색을 실시하였다. 피조개의 발은 상피, 상피하결합조직 및 근층으로 이루어져 있었으며 상피는 단층섬모원주세포로 되어 있었다. 상피하결합조직 및 근층에 다세포성 점액선인 발선이 발달되어 있었고 도관은 결합조직과 상피세포를 거쳐 개구되어 있었다. 근층은 종주근, 수직근 및 횡근섬유로 구성되어 있었다. 점액질의 조성을 보면 상피세포섬모에는 sialomucin만을, 상피세포는 중성점액질만 함유하고 있었다. 상피세포 및 결합조직내 점액도관에는 산성과 중성점액질의 혼합성인 것과 산성점액질만 함유한 것이 혼재하나 전자가 더 많았다. 산성점액질의 성상으로 보아 대부분이 강 sulfomucin을 가지며 일부는 약 sulfomucin과 sialomucin의 혼합성이었다. 대부분 발선의 점액선포에 대한 점액질 조성은 점액도관과 유사하였으나 일부 상부발선의 점액선포는 중성점액질만을, 하부발선의 점액선포는 sialomucin만을 함유하였다. This study was performed to investigate the histological structure and the histochemical properties of the mucosubstances in the foot of Anadara broughonii. For the histological structure, hematoxylin-eosin and Weigert iron hematoxylin staining were used. The mucosubstances stained with PAS, PAS-diastase, 0.25% toluidine blue, alcian blue pH 2.5, alcian blue pH 1.0, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5 methods. The foot was composed basically of three layers: epithelium, subepithelial connective tissue and muscular layers. The foot was lined by simple ciliated columnar epithelial cell. Foot glands consisted of multicelluear mucous acini were present in the subepithelial connective tissue and muscular layer. The mucous duct of foot glands was distributed from connective tissue to epithelial cells, and open onto the surface of the foot. The foot muscle traveled in three planes as longitudinal, transverse and vertical muscle fiber. About the properties of mucosubstances on the foot, cilia of epithelial cell contained sialomucin only and epithelial cell neutral mucosubstances only. Most of mucous duct within epithelial cells and connective tissue showed a mixture of acidic and neutral mucosubstances, while a few mucous ducts were contained acidic ones only. Among acidic mucosubstances, notable strong sulfomucin were found in most mucous cell of duct, and a mixture of weak sulfomucin and sialomucin appeared in a few cells. The properties of mucosubstances in the food glands were similiar to those of mucous duct. But a few mucous acini contained neutral mucosubstances and sialomucin only in upper and lower portion of foot gland, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        농어목 경골어류 유문수의 장내분비 세포에 대한 면역세포화학적 연구

        조운복,조기진 부산대학교 사범대학 1999 교사교육연구 Vol.37 No.-

        농어목 쑤기미, 쥐노래미, 노래미, 종대우럭, 방어, 감성돔, 참돔, 돌돔, 뱅어돔, 볼낙, 등가시치, 풀망둑, 농어 및 능성어 유문수 점막에 출현하는 장내분비세포 중 somatostatin, serotonin, gastrin, PP, CCK-8 및 glucagon 세포들을 면역세포화학적 방법으로 염색한 후 광학현미경하에서 이들 세포의 분포, 출현빈도, 모양 및 분비형태를 비교 관찰하였다. 방어, 등가시치 및 풀망둑은 모든 장내분비세포가 관찰되지 않았고 장내분비세포들 중 somatostatin 및 glucagon 세포는 모든 종에서 관찰되지 않았으며 그 외 장내분비세포들의 출현은 어종에 따라 차이가 있었고 능성어에서 가장 풍부하였다. 능성어는 serotonin, gastrin, PP, 및 CCK-8을 분비하는 4 종류 세포들이, 종대우럭, 감성돔, 참돔은 gastrin, PP, 및 CCK-8을 분비하는 3 종류의 세포들이, 그리고 쥐노래미, 돌돔 및 벵어돔은 gastrin 및 PP을, 쑤기미와 노래미는 gastrin과 CCK-8을, 농어는 PP와 CCK-8을 분비하는 2 종류의 세포가 각각 관찰되었다. Gastrin 세포는 쥐노래미, 능성어 및 종대우럭은 중등도 출현하였으며 그 외 종에서는 소수 출현하였다. PP 세포는 농어에서 다수, 능성어에서 중등도, 벵어돔에서 극소수 그 외종에서는 소수 관찰되었다. CCK-8 세포는 능성어에서 중등도, 그 외종에서는 소수 출현하였으며, serotonin 세포는 능성어에서만 극소수 관찰되었다. 장내분비세포는 어종에 따라 유문수에 개방형 장내분비세포와 폐쇄형 내분비세포가 나타났으며, gastrin 세포는 종대우럭, 볼낙 및 능성어는 폐쇄형만 존재하고 기외종에서는 두 형이 공존하나 쥐노래미와 감성돔은 폐쇄형이 더 많고 노래미, 참돔 및 벵어돔은 개구형이 더 많았으며 쑤기미과 돌돔은 두 형이 비슷하게 섞여 있었다. PP세포는 농어, 능성어, 벵어돔, 종대우럭 및 돌돔은 폐쇄형이었으며 쥐노래미는 개구형이었으나 참돔과 감성돔은 개구형과 폐쇄형이 섞여 있었고 참돔에서는 개구형이, 감성돔에서는 폐쇄형이 각각 더 많았다. CCK-8 세포는 능성어, 농어 및 종대우럭은 폐쇄형이었고, 참돔은 개구형이었으나 그 외 종에서는 개구형과 폐쇄형이 섞여 있었으며 노래미에 개구형이 더 많았고, 쑤기미와 감성돔은 두 형이 비슷하였다. serotonin 세포는 능성어에서 개구형과 폐쇄형이 섞여 있었다. The immunocytochemical properties of the somatostatin, gastrin, PP, CCK-8, and glucagon cells in the pyloric caeca, fourteen species of percida were used; Inimicus japonicus, Hexagrammos otakii, Agrammus agrammus, Epinepbelus latifasciatus, Lateloabrax japonicus, Epinepbelus septemfasciatus, Seriola quinqueradiata, Sparus swinbonis, Pagrosomus major, oplegnathus fasciatus, Girella punctata, Sebastes inermis, Zoarces gillii and Acantbogobius basta. For the demostration of six enteroendocrine cell types of the pyloric caecum, the peroxidase-anti peroxidase(PAP) method with each antisera was used. The frequency of entroendocrine cells per unit area(㎟)of the pyloric caecal mucosa was counted, and the shape and distribution pattern of the cells were observed. None of the enteroendocrine cells were detected in the pyloric caec of the three species; Seriola quinqueradiata, Zoarces gillii, and Acantbogobius basta. Especially, two enteroendocrine cell type such as somatostatin and glucagon cells were not detected in all species. In the distribution pattern and the frequency of the remaining three enteroendoctine cells were differed depending on the species, but the frequency of these cells were abundantly in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus. In the pyloric caeca, Epinepbelus septemfasciatus, four endocrine cell types, such as serotonin, gastrin, PP, and CCK-8, Epinepbelus latifasiatus, Sparus swinbonis and Pagrosomus major, three endocrine cell types, such as gastrin, PP, and CCK-8, Hexagrammos otakii, oplegnatbus fasciatus, and Girella punctata, two endocrine cell types, such as gastrin and CCK-8, inimicus japonicus and Agrammus agrammus, two cell types, such as gastrin and CCK-8, Lateloabrax japonicus, two endocrine cell types, such as PP and CCK-8 were observed, respectively. The gastrin cells of all species investigated were distributed a moderate number in Hexagrammos otaki, Lateloabrax japonicus and Epinepbelus latifasiatus, while these cells were occurred a small number in the remaining species. The PP cells of all species inverstigated were appeared a large number in Lateloabrax japonicus, a moderate number in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus, a few number in Girella punctata, and a small number in the remaining species, respectively. The CCK-8 cells of cell species investigated were distributed a moderate number in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus, while were occurred a small number in the remaining species. The serotonin cells were showed a few number in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus only. The enteroendocrine cells of the pyloric caecum have been recognized two main types, such as open and closed types depending on the species. The gastrin cells of Epinepbelus latifasiatus. Sebastes inermis and Epinepbelus septemfasciatus were observed only closed type, but these cells of the remaining species were detected in both types. Especially, the closed type of these cells were prominent in Agrammus agrammus, Pagrosomus major, and Girella punctata. The shape of PP cells was appeared open type in Hexagrammos otakii, but these cells were detected closed type in the remaining species except Pagrosomus major and Sparus swinbonis. The shape of CCK-8 cells were closed type in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus, Latesoabrax japonicus and Epinepbelus lactifasiatus, and open type in Pagrosomus major, but these cells of the remaining species were detected in both types. Especially, the open type of these cells were dominant in Agrammus agrammus, the two types cells of Inimicus japonicus and Sparus swinbonis were similarly detected. The two types of serotonin cells were mixed in Epinepbelus septemfasciatus,

      • 메추라기의 위점막 점액질의 조직화학적 성상에 관한 연구

        박선옥,조기진,조운복 부산대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1999 科學敎育硏究報 Vol.26 No.-

        메추라기 위 점액분비세포의 점액질 성상을 조직화학적으로 밝히기 위하여, periodic acid Schiff(PAS)염색, alcian blue pH2.5 및 pH1.0염색, aldehyde fuchsin pH1.7 및 pH1.0염색, alcian blue pH2.5 -PAS염색, alcian blue pH1.0-PAS염색 및 aldehyde pH1.7-alcian blue pH2.5염색을 시행하여 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 전위 점막상피의 점액질은 체부에서 표면상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질이 혼합된 점액질이었고 관상선상피는 소량 내지 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질의 혼합성이었으나, 사낭 연접부 전위에서 표면 및 관상선상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 소량 또는 상당량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었다. 전위복합선상피의 점액질은 소량 또는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질의 혼합성이었다. 사낭 점막상피의 점액질은 체부에서 표면상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 미량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었고 전자가 대부분이었으나 사낭선은 소량의 중성점액질을 함유하고 있었으며, 전위 연접부 사낭에서 표면 상피는 상당량의 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 소량 또는 상당량의 sulfomucin과 상당량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었으며 사낭선은 미량의 sulfomucin과 소량의 중성점액질의 혼합성이었다. This experiment was performed to study histochemical properties of epithelial mucosubstances in the gastric mucosa of the quail(Coturnix coturnix japonica). The specimens used in this experiment were obtained from the proventriculus and gizzard, of the quail. The removed tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formaline, then were embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 6㎛ . The sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin for histological structure of proventriculus and gizzard, and by periodic acid Schoff(PAS), alcian blue pH 2.5, alcian blue pH 1.0, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.0, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5, for the histochemical differentiation of mucosubstances, respectively. The results were as follows: In the corpus of proventiculus, the mucosubstances of surface epithelial cells were contained large amounts of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin, the mucosubstance of the epithelial cells in the tubular gland were small or large amount of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In proventriculus of proventriculogizzard junction, surface epithelium and tubular gland showed two types of cells with mucosubstances, one large amounts strong sulfomucin and small or large amounts of neutral mucin. In composite gland, the mucosubstances of epithelial cells were recognized as consisting of small or large amounts of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In the corpus of gizzard, there were two kinds of cells consisting of surface epithelium in mucosa: one large amounts of strong sulfomucin, the other large amounts of strong sulfomucin and minimal amounts of neutral mucin. The former were much more than the latter in the number of cells. In tubular gland on the gizzard corpus, the mucosubstances of epithelial cells were recognized as consisting of small amounts of neutral mucin. In the gizzard of proventriculogizzard junction, there were two types of cells in surface epithelium: one cell having large amounts of sulfomucin, other cells having large amounts of sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In gizzard gland of above region, it was contained minimal amounts of sulfomucin and small amounts of neutral mucin.

      • KCI등재

        조피볼락, 용치놀래기, 송곳니베도라치 및 졸복 장관 점액질에 대한 조직화학적 연구

        정길남,조기진,이응희,조운복,Jeong, Cil-Nam 한국생명과학회 2005 생명과학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        경골어류 4종(조피볼락, 용치놀래기, 송곳니베도라치 및 졸복)의 장관 상피 선조연 및 배상세포의 점액질의 조직화학적 성상을 밝히기 위해 PAS 반응, AB pH 1.0 및 pH 2.5, AB pH 2.5-PAS, AF pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 및 HID-AB pH 2.5 염색법을 사용하였다. 장관 선조연의 점액질은 조피볼락의 근위장과 직장은 중성점액질만을, 중간장과 원위장은 중성점액질과 산성점액질의 혼합성이었으나 용치놀래기는 전 장관에서 중성점액질과 산성점액질을 함유하고 있었으며, 송곳니베도라치와 졸복의 전 장관은 중성점액질만을 함유하고 있었다. 중성점액질의 양은 조피볼락과 용치놀래기는 중등량 내지 상당량, 송곳니베도라치와 졸복은 미량 내지 소량이었다. 장 배상세포 점액질의 양과 성상은 어종 및 장 부위에 따라 차이가 있어 송곳니베도라치와 졸복은 중성점액질만을 함유하고 조피볼락과 용치놀래기는 중성 점액질, sulfomucin 및 sialomucin의 혼합성이었다. 중성점액질의 양은 졸복의 원위장 및 직장은 상당량 내지 다량이었고 조피볼락의 전장, 용치놀래기의 근위장, 원위장 및 직장, 졸복의 근위장 및 중간장은 중등량 내지 상당량이었으며 용치놀래기의 중간장은 미량 내지 소량이었다. 조피볼락의 장 배상세포는 미량의 강 sulfomucin, 약 sulfomucin 및 미량 내지 소량의 sialomucin을 함유하고 있었으며 직장을 제외한 용치놀래기의 장 배상세포는 미량 내지 소량의 강 sulfomucin과 sialomucin을 함유하고 있었다. The conventional histochemical staining were used to study mucosubstances properties of intestinal striated border and goblet cells in four teleostean species, i. e., Sebastes schlegeli, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Bryzoichthys lysimus, and Takifugu pardalis. The following methods were used; PAS, AB pH 2.5, AB pH 1.0, AB pH 2.5-PAS, AF pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 and HID-AB pH 2.5 stains. The mucosubstances of striated border in the proximal intestine and rectum of Sebastes schlegeli contained with neutral mucin, middle and distal intestine contained with neutral mucin and acid mucin. The striated border of all the intestines of Halichoeres poecilopterus contained with neutral mucin and acid mucin, and those of Bryzoichthys lysimus and Tnkifugu pardalis contained with neutral mucin only. The amounts of neutral mucin were moderate to considerable in Sebastes schlegeli and Halichoeres poecilopterus, minimal to small in Bryzoichthys lysimus and Tnkifugu pardalis. The amounts and properties in mucosubstances of intestinal goblet cells showed differences in species and regions. The intestinal goblet cells of Bryzoichthys lysimus, and Tnkifugu pardalis contained neutral mucin only while Sehastes schlegeli and Halichoeres poecilopterus contained mixture of neutral mucin, sulfomucin and sialomucin. The amounts of neutral mucin were considerable to large in distal intestine and rectum of Tnkifugu pardalis, while moderate to considerable in all intestines of Sehastes schlegeli, all the intestines except for middle intestine of Bryzoichthys lysimus, and proximal and middle intestine of Tnkifugu pardalis. Also it was minimal to small in middle intestine of Halichoeres poecilopterus. The intestinal goblet cells of Sehastes schlegeli contained mixture of minimal amounts of strong sulfmucin, weak sulfomucin and minimal to small amounts of sialomucin, and those of Halichoeres poecilopterus except for rectum contained mixture of minimal to small amounts of strong sulfomucin and sialomucin.

      • KCI등재

        조피볼락, 용치놀래기, 송곳니베도라치 및 졸복 식도 점액세포의 복합당질에 대한 Lectin 조직화학

        정길남,이응희,조기진,정권순,조운복 한국생명과학회 2004 생명과학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        경골어류인 조피볼락, 용치놀래기, 송곳니베도라치 및 졸복 식도 점액세포의 복합당질 성상을 biotinylated lectin인 DBA, SBA, PNA, BSL-1, RCA-1, sWGA, UEA-1, LCA 및 Con A로 연구하였다. 조피볼락과 용치놀래기는 큰ㆍ중간 및 작은 점액세포가 섞여 있었고, 송곳니베도라치와 졸복은 중간 및 작은 점액세포들이 섞여 있었다. 식도 점액세포들의 lectin 결합양상도 어종에 따라 차이가 있었으며 조피볼락은 DBA, SBA, BSL-1, RCA-1 및 sWGA에, 용치 놀래기는 DBA, SBA, PNA 및 sWGA에, 송곳니베도라치는 SBA 및 sWGA에 각각 반응을 하였으며 졸복은 DBA, LCA 및 Con A를 제외한 모든 lectin에 반응하였다. 조피볼락의 모든 점액세포에는 DBA, SBA 및 sWGA가, 작은 점액세포에는 이 외에 BSL-1이 반응하였다. 용치놀래기의 큰 점액세포에서는 PNA가, 중간 점액세포에는 DBA, SBA 및 sWGA가, 작은 점액세포에는 DBA와 SBA가 반응하였다. 송곳니베도라치의 중간 점액세포에는 sWGA가, 작은 점액세포에는 SBA와 sWGA가 반응하였으며 졸복은 모든 점액세포에 SBA, PNA 및 RCA-1가, 중간 점액세포에는 이 외에 sWGA와 UEA-1이 반응하였다. 특히 조피볼락의 점액세포에서 DBA와 SBA의 양이 많고, 용치놀래기에서는 큰 점액세포에서 PNA 양이, 중간 및 작은 점액세포에서 SBA양이 많았으며, 졸복의 경우 중간 점액세포에서 SBA, PNA, sWGA 및 UEA-1의 양이, 작은 점액세포에서 RCA-1의 양이 많았다. This study attempts to investigate lectin binding patterns of the glycoconjugates of the esophageal mucous cells in four teleostean speceis, i. e., Sebastes schlegeli, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Bryzoichthys lysimus and Takifugu pardalis. To investigate glycoconjugates of esophageal mucous cells, nine biotinylated lectins (DBA, SBA, PNA, BSL-l, RCA-l, sWGA, UEA-l, LCA and ConA) were applied with ABC method. Esophageal mucous cells of Sebastes schlegeli and Halichoeres poecilopterus were mixed with large, medium sized and small mucous cells. But these cells of the other species only were mixed with medium sized and small mucous cells. The lectin binding pattern of esophageal mucous cells depends on the species; Sebastes schlegeli was stained with DBA, SBA, BSL-l, RCA-l and sWGA, Halichoeres poecilopterus with DBA, SBA, PNA and sWGA, Bryzoichthys lysimus with SBA and sWGA, Takifugu pardalis with all lectins except DBA, LCA and Con A, respectively. All the mucous cells of Sebastes schlegeli were stained with DBA, SBA and sWGA, while small mucous cells with BSL-l besides these lectins. In Halichoeres poecilopterus,l the large mucous cells reacted with PNA, medium sized mucous cells with DBA, SBA and sWGA, and small mucous cells with DBA and SBA, respectively. Medium sized mucous cells of Bryzoichthys lysimus were stained with sWGA, and small mucous cells with SBA and sWGA. In Takifugu pardalis, all mucous cells reacted with SBA, PNA and RCA-l, but medium sized mucous cells with sWGA and UEA-l besides these lectins. Especially DBA and SBA lectins showed a strong binding to all mucous cells of Sebastes schlegeli. In Halichoeres poecilopterus, PNA binding were notable in large mucous cells, and SBA binding in medium sized and small cells, respectively. However, SBA, PNA, sWGA and UEA-l lectins of Takifugu pardalis showed a strong binding to medium sized mucous cells, but RCA-l binding which small mucous cells were notable.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐 간에 미치는 Ricin의 독성에 대한 조직학적 및 조직화학적 연구

        조운복,최병태,조기진,길영기,김재호,장혜영 한국환경과학회 1997 한국환경과학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The toxicity of purified ricin from Ricinus communis to rats was examined by histological and histochemical methods. Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intraperitoneally with 75㎍/㎏ body weight of ricin and were sacrified at intervals of 6, 24, 48 and 120 hours after injection. The major morphological changes, such as cloudy swelling, hydropic degeneration, necrosis, fatty change, blood congestion, increase of Kupffer cells in number and extension of sinusoids, were obvious in the liver of experimental group. These morphological changes of hepatic cells were mainly observed in both the periportal and midlobular region of hepatic lobule. The extension of sinusoids was obvious in the centrolobular region. And glycogen distribution of hepatic cells tended to decrease in the same region showing morphlogical changes as compared with the control group.

      • KCI등재

        조피볼락, 용치놀래기, 송곳니베도라치 및 졸복 식도 점액세포의 점액질에 대한 조직화학적 연구

        정길남,정권순,조기진,조운복 한국생명과학회 2001 생명과학회지 Vol.11 No.6

        The prelectin histochemical methods had been applied to study mucosubstances properties of esophageal mucous cells in four teleostean species, i, e.. sebastes schlegli, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Bryzoichtys lysimus and Takifugu pardalis. The following methods were used: periodic acid Scheff"s(PAS) reaction, alcian blue(AD) pH 2.5, AB pH 1.0, AB pH 2.5-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin (AF) pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 and high iron diamine (HID)-AD pH 2.5 stainings. The number size and shape of esophasgeal mucous cells studied depend on the fish species. Esophageal mucous cells of Sebastes schlegli and Halichoeres poecilopterus were mixed with large, medium sized and small mucous cells, but these cells of the species were mixed with medium sized and small mucous cells. The large esophageal with moderate to considerable amount of acid mucin. Most of the large mucous cells in these species contained neutral mucin and strongly sulfomucin, whereas a few mucous cells contained neutral mucin, strongly sulfomucin, and sialomucin. Medium sized and small mucous cells of these species contained considerable to large amount of neutral mucin, and small to considerable amount of acid mucin, Most of the medium sized and small mucous cells contained neutral mucin and sialomucin, but a few mucous cells contained neutral mucin and strongly sulfomucin or neutral combined with strongly sulfomucin and sialomucin. Most of the esophageal mucous cells pf Bryzoichthys lysimus contained small amount of neutral mucin, while on the other hand a feww mucous cells contained small amount of neutral mucin and minimal amount of sialomucin. But the esophageal mucous cells of Takifugu pardalis contained considerable amount of neutral mucin only.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐 혀 침샘 점액질에 미치는 paraquat 독성에 대한 녹차의 완화효과

        조운복,정길남,조기진 釜山大學校 師範大學 2003 교사교육연구 Vol.42 No.-

        흰쥐의 혀 미각샘 및 점액샘과 그 점액질에 미치는 paraquat 독성과 녹차의 paraquat 독성완화 효과를 대조군, paraquat 투여군, Paraquat-녹차 투여군, 녹차 3주 투여후 paraquat-녹차 투여군으로 나누어 prelectin 조직화학법으로 연구하였다. Paraquat 투여군 미각샘은 대조군에 비해 장액샘꽈리 위축, 장액세포의 과립의 감소 및 소실, 공포변성 등이, 점액샘은 점액샘꽈리의 위축, 확장 또는 융합, 점액세포의 과립의 감소, 공포변성 및 미성숙 샘꽈리 등이 대조군에 비해 많이 관찰되었다. 미각샘 및 점액샘 도관상피의 점액화도 관찰되었다. Paraquat-녹차 투여군과 녹차 3주 투여후 paraquat-녹차 투여군에서는 paraquat 투여군의 미각샘과 점액샘의 형태적 변화가 대조군으로 회복되는 경향을 나타내었으며 후자에서 더 현저하였다. Paraquat 투여군의 미각샘의 중성점액질과 점액샘의 산성 및 중성점액질 양이 대조군에 비해 현저히 감소하였다 Paraquat 투여군의 혀 점액샘에서 sulfomucin을 분비하는 점액세포는 대조군에 비해 현저히 감소하였으나 sialomucin을 분비하는 점액세포는 오히려 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. Paraquat-녹차 투여군과 녹차 3주 투여후 paraquat-녹차 투여군에서 대조군으로 회복되는 경향을 보였으며 후자에서 더 현저하였다. 이상의 결과로 보아 paraquat는 혀 미각샘 및 점액샘과 그 분비물인 점액질에 강한 독성을 나타내며 이 독성에 대해 녹차가 완화효과를 나타냄을 알 수 있고 녹차 3주 투여후 paraquat-녹차 투여군에서 녹차-paraquat 투여군보다 완화효과가 더 크게 나타나는 것으로 보아 paraquat 독성에 대한 완화효과는 녹차를 투여하는 시기와 그 양에 따라 더 효과가 있고 녹차에 paraquat 독성 발현억제 및 예방물질이 있음이 사료되어진다. Paraquat toxicity and the alleviating effects of green tea on the toxicity to the rat lingual mucins were investigated through prelectin histochemical methods. Mucosubstances properties were stained with PAS, AB pH 2.5, AB pH 1.0, AB pH 2.5-PAS, AF pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 and HID-AB pH 2.5 methods. Sprague-Dawley male adult rats(250∼300g) were divided into one control group and three experimental groups, DP group which was administrated by only 0.04% paraquat in the drinking water for one week, GP group which was fed by both 0.04% paraquat and 3% green tea for one week, and GGP group which was applied with both 0.04% paraquat and 3% green tea for one week after 3% green tea in the drinking water was dosed for three weeks. For the morphological changes, the lingual gustatory glands of DP group, compared with the control group, were noted atrophy of serous acini, decrease and disappearance of zymogen granules, and vacuolation in the serous cells. And the lingual mucous glands of DP group showed atrophy of mucous acini, and decrease of mucigen granules. Especially, many enlarged, fused mucous acini, and vacuolated mucous cells were detected. Mucification of duct cells increased very notably in DP group. The groups of feeding green tea showed recovering tendency. The recovery degree of GGP group was greater than that of GP group. And GGP group recovered almost up to the state of the control group. Neutral mucin of the gustatory gland, and acid and neutral mucins of mucous gland decreased very notably in DP group compared with the control group. The decrease of acid mucin was more notable than that of neutral mucin in the mucous gland. And DP group showed that the mucous acini which secrete strong sulfomucin decreased, but the mucous acini which secrete sialomucin increased remarkably. GP and GGP group appeared the recovering tendency to the control group. The recovery of GGP group, comparing the degree, was more remarkable than that of GP group. And GGP group recovered almost up to the state of the control group. Consequently, the above results suggest that paraquat exhibites the toxicity which affects the histological structure and mucosubstances properties in the lingual salivary glands, and also suggest that green tea alleviates this toxicity. The different results of recovering tendency of paraquat toxicity in GP and GGP group indicate that the alleviating effects of green tea on paraquat toxicity to the histological structure and mucosubstances in the lingual salivary glands depend on the dosing time and the amount of green tea. Furthermore, green tea is presumed to have effects to recover from paraquat toxicity, to suppress exhibition of paraquat toxicity and to prevent paraquat toxicity.

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