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      • KCI등재

        쥐 눈과 인간 치아의 정밀한 단층정보 분석을 위한 OCT 3-D 영상 재구성

        전지혜,나지훈,양윤기,이병하,이창수,Jeon, Ji-Hye,Na, Ji-Hoon,Yang, Yoon-Gi,Lee, Byeong-Ha,Lee, Chang-Su 한국정보처리학회 2007 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.14 No.6

        광 간섭 단층 촬영(optical coherence tomography : OCT)은 생체 미세 조직의 단면을 약 $1{\mu}m$ 해상도의 영상으로 획득하기 위한 고해상도 영상 기법으로 영상 진단 의학에 주로 응용된다. 본 논문에서는 OCT 시스템의 원리를 알아보고 이론을 바탕으로 시스템을 직접 구현한다. 또한 안광학과 치과학 영역에서의 응용을 실험적으로 알아보기 위하여 쥐 눈과 인간의 대구치 표본을 이용하여 실험하였다. 구현한 시스템을 이용하여 두 가지 표본 실험을 통해 2-D 영상 데이터를 획득한다. 획득한 2-D 영상을 MATLAB과 OPEN-GL을 이용하여 생체 조직 정보 획득에 용이한 3-D OCT 영상을 구축하고 분석한다. 3-D 영상 구축에 OPEN-GL을 이용함으로써 MATLAB에 비해 처리 시간을 약 10배 단축하였다. Optical coherence tomography(OCT) is a high resolution imaging system which can image the cross section of microscopic organs in a living tissue with about $1{\mu}m$ resolution. In this paper, we implement OCT system and acquire 2-D images of rat eye and human molar samples especially in the field of opthalmology and dentistry. In terms of 2-D images, we reconstruct 3-D OCT images which give us another inner structural information of target objects. OPEN-GL reduces the 3-D processing time 10 times less than MATLAB.

      • KCI등재

        금속 광미 처리를 위한 포틀랜드 시멘트와 MSG(micro silica grouting) 시멘트 고형화 실증 실험 연구

        전지혜,김인수,이민희,장윤영,Jeon, Ji-Hye,Kim, In-Su,Lee, Min-Hee,Jang, Yun-Young 대한자원환경지질학회 2006 자원환경지질 Vol.39 No.6

        폐금속광산 주변에 산재한 광미를 고화제를 이용하여 영구 매립하는 고형화 처리 공정의 타당성을 평가하기 위하여, 경상북도에 위치한 지시, 대량, 어전 금속 폐광산 주변 광미를 대상으로 3 종류의 시멘트 고화제를 이용하여 고화체를 양생하고, 고화체의 압축강도 및 중금속 용출을 측정하여 고화체의 고형화 효율을 규명하였다. 포틀랜드 시멘트와 MSG(micro silica grouting) 계열 시멘트를 고화제로 사용하여 광미와 1:1(w.t.) 혼합하여 양생한 고화체의 압축강도 실험 결과 양생 기간이 14일 인 모든 고화체의 일축압축강도는$1{\sim}2kgf/mm^2$를 나타내어, 현행 폐기물관리법(20 조 관련)에서 규정하고 있는 차단형 매립시설의 내부막의 압축강도 기준인 $0.21kgf/mm^2$ 보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 광미와 혼합하여 성형한 고화체와 순수한 광미를 대상으로 토양공정시험법에서 제시한 약산 추출법으로 중금속 용출을 실시하여 광미와 광미로 성형한 고화체의 중금속 용출 농도 차이를 비교하였다. 고화제와 광미를 1:1(w.t.)로 혼합하여 성형한 고화체의 경우 As와 Pb의 용출농도가 약 $3{\sim}5$배 감소하는 것으로 나타나 약산 추출법에 의한 중금속용출은 고화체 성형 시 뚜렷한 감소 효과가 있었다. 다양한 pH를 갖는 수용액을 이용하여, 광미와 고화제를 혼합하여 양생한 고화체의 시간에 따른 수용액으로의 중금속 용출 농도를 측정하였다. 수용액의 pH가 1과 13인 강산/강염기 용액에서 일부 중금속의 용출 농도가 지하수 생활응수 기준치를 초과하였으나, pH가 $3{\sim}11$인 경우에는 중금속 용출이 급격히 감소하여 모두 지하수 생활용수 기준치 이하를 나타내었다. pH가 1과 13인 수용액의 경우에도 고화체와 반응하는 시간이 증가할수록 고화체의 완충(buffering) 효과에 의해 수용액의 pH가 변화하여 $9{\sim}10$을 나타내었다. 이러한 결과는, 현장에서 pH가 1과 13인 수계와 광미로 형성된 고화체가 접촉한다 하여도, 고화체의 완충 효과에 의해 시간이 지남에 따라 접촉수의 pH가 변하여 고화체로부터 지속적인 다량의 중금속 용출이 제한될 수 있음을 의미한다. Batch scale experiments to investigate the efficiency of the solidification process for metal mine tailing treatment were performed. Portland and MSG (micro silica pouting) cements were used as solidifier and three kinds of mine tailings (located at Gishi, Daeryang, and Aujeon mine) were mixed with cements to paste solidified matrices. Single axis com-pressible strengths of solidified matrices were measured and their heavy metal extraction ratios were calculated to investigate the solidification efficiency of solidified matrices created in experiments. Solidified matrices ($5cm{\times}5cm{\times}5cm$) were molded from the paste of tailing and cements at various conditions such as different tailing/cement ratio, cement/water ratio, and different cement or tailing types. Compressible strengths of solidified matrices after 7, 14, and 28 day cementation were measured and their strengths ranged from 1 to $2kgf/mm^2$, which were higher than Korean limit of compressible strength for the inside wall of the isolated landfill facility ($0.21kgf/mm^2$). Heavy metal extractions from intact tailings and powdered matrices by using the weak acidic solution were performed. As concentration of extraction solution for the powdered solidified matrix (Portland cement + Gishi tailing at 1:1 w.t. ratio) decreased down to 9.7 mg/L, which was one fifth of As extraction concentration for intact Gishi tailings. Pb extraction concentration of the solidified matrix also decreased to lower than one fourth of intact tailing extraction concentration. Heavy metal extraction batch experiments by using various pH conditions of solution were also performed to investigate the solidification efficiency reducing heavy metal extraction rate from the solidified matrix. With pH 1 and 13 of solution, Zn and Pb concentration of solution were over the groundwater tolerance limit, but at pH $1{\sim}13$ of solution, heavy metal concentrations dramatically decreased and were lower than the groundwater tolerance limit. While the solidified matrix was immerged Into very acidic or basic solution (pH 1 and 13), pH of solution changed to $9{\sim}10$ because of the buffering effect of the matrix. It was suggested that the continuous extraction of heavy metals from the solidified matrix is limited even in the extremely high or low pH of contact water. Results of experiments suggested that the solidification process by using Portland and MSG cements has a great possibility to treat heavy metal contaminated mine tailing.

      • KCI등재후보

        요추부 불안정성을 가진 요통환자의 요추부 안정화 운동과 둔근 강화 운동이 통증, 기능장애 및 심리사회수준에 미치는 효과 비교연구

        전지혜,김선엽,Jeon, Ji-hye,Kim, Suhn-yeop 대한정형도수물리치료학회 2017 대한정형도수물리치료학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Background: Lumbar stabilization exercise and gluteal muscle strengthening exercises are widely used to treat for lower back pain patient. The present study aimed to compare the effects of lumbar stabilization exercise and gluteal muscle strengthening exercises on chronic lower back pain with lumbar spine instability, with regard to pain intensity, disability, and psychosocial factors. Methods: Among 53 patients with chronic lower back pain, those with spine instability were selected using 5 examination tests. The selected 28 patients were randomly assigned to lumbar stabilization exercise group (LSE, n=15) and gluteal strengthening exercise group (GSE, n=13). Each group performed the corresponding exercise for 40 minutes, twice a week for 4 weeks. To analyze and compare the effects, pain intensity, the level of low back disability, and psychosocial factors were assessed before and after intervention. Results: There was significant difference in lower back pain intensity between the two groups before and after intervention. The change in low back disability was significant in the GSE group alone following intervention (p<.05), but no other significant difference was found between the groups. Among psychosocial factors, the changes in the fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ)-physical activity and FABQ-total were significant in the LSE group alone following intervention (p<.05). However, no significant difference were found in these factors between the two groups before and after intervention. Conclusions: LSE and GSE for lower back pain with lumbar spine instability showed no significant difference for pain intensity, physical disability, or psychosocial functioning.

      • KCI등재

        지능형 영상 분석 소프트웨어를 탑재한 종합 감시 시스템 현장 구축에 관한 사례 연구

        전지혜,안태기,박광영,박구만,Jeon, Ji-Hye,Ahn, Tae-Ki,Park, Kwang-Young,Park, Goo-Man 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2011 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        본 논문에서는 안전한 국내 도시철도 환경을 구축하고자 영상 분석 소프트웨어 및 센서로 구성된 지능형 종합 감시 시스템 구축 방안을 제안하였다. 본 논문에서는 감시 시스템 뿐만아니라 구성요소 중에서 비디오분석 기능이 있는 카메라의 설치 방안을 중심으로 제안하였다. 카메라의 설치 방안 중, 첫째는 영상 분석 소프트웨어를 탑재한 카메라를 설치하여 센서와 종합사령실을 연계하였고, 둘째는 기존의 일반 카메라에 영상 분석 박스를 추가 설치하여 센서와 종합사령실을 연계하는 방법을 제안하였다. 제안한 영상 분석 알고리즘은 자동으로 영상을 분석하여 위험 요소에 대해 신속한 대응할 수 있어서 관리자의 집중력 저하로 인한 위험 요소를 감소시킨다. 유동인구가 많은 도시철도 환경에서 본 시스템을 설치하고 및 시험 운용하였으며, 제안한 종합감시시스템 및 카메라의 우수한 성능뿐만 아니라 연계성능을 입증하였다. The security issue in urban transit system has been widely considered as the common matters. The safe urban transit system is highly demanded because of the vast number of daily passengers, and providing safety is one of the most challenging projects. We introduced a test model for integrated security system for urban transit system and built it at a subway station to demonstrate its performance. This system consists of cameras, sensor network and central monitoring software. We described the smart camera functionality in more detail. The proposed smart camera includes the moving objects recognition module, video analytics, video encoder and server module that transmits video and audio information. We demonstrated the system's excellent performance.

      • KCI등재

        새만금호 수질예측 모의를 위한 EFDC 모형의 평가

        전지혜 ( Ji Hye Jeon ),정세웅 ( Se Woong Chung ),박형석 ( Hyung Seok Park ),장정렬 ( Jeong Ryeol Jang ) 한국물환경학회 2011 한국물환경학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        The objective of this study was to construct and assess the applicability of the EFDC model for Saemangeum Reservoir as a 3D hydrodynamic and water quality modeling tool that is necessary for the effective management of water quality and establishment of conservation measures. The model grids for both reservoir system only and reservoir-ocean system were created using the most recent survey data to compare the effects of different downstream boundary conditions. The model was applied for the simulations of temperature, salinity, water quality variables including chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), phosphorus and nitrogen species and algal biomass, and validated using the field data obtained in 2008. Although the model reasonably represented the temporal and spatial variations of the state variables in the reservoir with limited boundary forcing data, the salinity level was underestimated in the middle and upstream of the reservoir when the flow data were used at downstream boundaries; Sinsi and Garyuk Gates. In turn, the error caused to increase the bias of water quality simulations, and inaccurate simulation of density flow regime of river inflow during flood events. It is likely because of the loss of momentum of sea water intrusion at downstream boundaries. In contrast to flow boundary conditions, the mixing between sea water and freshwater was well reproduced when open water boundary condition was applied. Thus, it is required to improve the downstream boundary conditions that can accommodate the real operations of the sluice gates.

      • KCI등재

        대구 게임산업의 경영위기와 회복력에 대한 분석

        전지혜 ( Ji-hye Jeon ),이철우 ( Chul-woo Lee ) 한국경제지리학회 2021 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 대구 게임산업을 대상으로 그 기업들의 자체 평가에 기초하여 경영위기 특성과 회복력 수준 그리고 그 대안을 분석하였다. 1990년대 말 자생적으로 태동한 대구 게임산업은 정부와 지원기관의 지원 하에 2000년대 후반까지 급격히 성장하였지만, 2010년대 중반부터 모바일게임 시장의 포화상태 및 국내외 치열한 경쟁 상황에 대응하지 못한 기업이 속출하면서 침체기에 접어들게 되었다. 이에 대해 일부 게임업체들은 제품 차별성 추구와 새로운 판로 개척을 위한 도전적 전략을 취함으로써 위기 상황을 오히려 경쟁력을 강화시키는 계기로 만든 반면, 위기 대응에 소극적이었던 기업들은 경영위기를 벗어나지 못했다. 또한 회복력 수준을 분석한 결과, 대구 게임업체들은 충격에 즉각적으로 대응(신속성)하고 타격받은 부분을 대체(대체성)하는 수준은 낮지만 내부적으로 충분한 자원을 동원(자원동원성)할 수 있는 수준은 높았다. 하지만 대구 게임산업이 과거에 비해 더욱 복잡한 다중 공간적 스케일의 환경변화에 직면하고 있기 때문에, 앞으로 회복력은 개별기업 차원의 노력을 넘어서 게임산업 생태계 측면에서 약한 부분을 보완할 수 있는 전략을 통해 강화되어야 할 것이다. This study analyzed the characteristics of the management crisis, the level of resilience, and the alternatives based on the companies’ self-evaluation of the game industry in Daegu. The Daegu game industry, which started spontaneously in the late 1990s, grew rapidly until the late 2000s with the support of the government and supporting organizations. However, from the mid-2010s, it has entered a period of recession due to the number of companies that failed to respond to the saturation of the mobile game market and fierce competition at home and abroad. In response, some game companies turned the crisis into an opportunity to strengthen their competitiveness by pursuing challenging strategies for product differentiation and pioneering new markets. On the other hand, companies that were passive in responding to the crisis have not get out of the management crisis. In addition, in terms of the resilience level of game companies in Daegu, the level of immediate response to shock(rapidity) and replacement of the damaged part(redundancy) was low, but the level of mobilizing sufficient resources internally(resourcefulness) was high. However, as the Daegu game industry is facing more complex multi-spatial-scale environmental changes than in the past, its resilience should be strengthened through strategies that can compensate for weaknesses in terms of the game industry ecosystem beyond individual company-level efforts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        CEFR 초급학습자 단계에 따른 초등학습자 어휘 분석

        전지혜(Ji-hye Jeon) 한국초등영어교육학회 2023 초등영어교육 Vol.29 No.2

        This study developed questionnaire items that can identify elementary learners’ vocabulary comprehension based on CEFR basic user level. This study also analyzed the use of textbooks’ vocabulary definitions based on CEFR basic user level. Vocabulary comprehension analysis was conducted on 141 students in 3rd through 6th grades for 33 vocabularies. As a result, Korean elementary learners’ vocabulary comprehension corresponded to CEFR basic user. Usually, A1 was higher than A2 in each vocabulary’s meaning comprehension. CEFR EVP(English Vocabulary Profile) classifies a single vocabulary’s various meanings to different levels. According to this study, 33 vocabularies have 2-4 meanings in CEFR basic user. In contrast, the Korean textbook wasn’t more varied in meaning usage compared to CEFR basic user’s. Specifically, A1 meanings were used more often than A2’s in textbooks. Since this study analyzed textbooks actually used by learners, there could be a relationship between learners’ vocabulary comprehension and textbook vocabulary meaning use. This study suggested a method of developing items according to CEFR level based on textbooks and curriculum vocabularies. The spectrum of vocabularies in the curriculum can be expanded with studies of learners based on CEFR level. Also, it is necessary to expand the vocabulary definitions in textbooks according to learners’ vocabulary comprehension.

      • KCI등재

        새만금호 3차원 수리,수질모델(EFDC)의 수치격자 민감도 분석

        전지혜 ( Ji Hye Jeon ),정세웅 ( Se Woong Chung ) 한국물환경학회 2012 한국물환경학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Multi-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality models are widely used to simulate the physical and biogeochemical processes in the surface water systems such as reservoirs and estuaries. Most of the models have adopted the Eulerian grid modeling framework, mainly because it can reasonably simulate physical dynamics and chemical species concentrations throughout the entire model domain. Determining the optimum grid cell size is important when using the Eulerian grid-based three-dimensional water quality models because the characteristics of species are assumed uniform in each of the grid cells and chemical species are represented by concentration (mass per volume). The objective of this study was to examine the effect of grid-size of a three dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model (EFDC) on hydrodynamics and mass transport in the Saemangeum Reservoir. Three grid resolutions, respectively representing coarse (CG), medium (MG), and fine (FG) grid cell sizes, were used for a sensitivity analysis. The simulation results of numerical tracer showed that the grid resolution affects on the flow path, mass transport, and mixing zone of upstream inflow, and results in a bias of temporal and spatial distribution of the tracer. With the CG, in particular, the model overestimates diffusion in the mixing zone, and fails to identify the gradient of concentrations between the inflow and the ambient water.

      • KCI등재

        장애차별경험과 장애인의 우울감의 관계 연구

        전지혜(Ji Hye Jeon) 한국정신건강사회복지학회 2010 정신보건과 사회사업 Vol.35 No.-

        장애인의 차별경험은 사회적 경제적 기회의 박탈이기도 한 동시에 심리적 정신적 건강에도 영향을 미친다. 이에 본 연구는 장애인의 차별경험이 우울감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고 그 사이에 어떠한 매개요인이나 조절요인이 작용하는지 알아보았다. 2008년에 수집된 한국복지패널자료를 이용하였으며, 성인 장애인으로 총 404명의 연구대상자를 분석하였다. 회귀분석을 통한 Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 분석법과 Aiken과 West(1991)의 조절효과분석법이 사용되었다. 결과는 장애인의 차별경험 횟수가 많을수록 장애인의 우울수준은 높게 나타났다. 이 관계에 대해 자아존중감은 부분 매개하는 효과를 나타냈고 사회적 지지 중에서는 비공식적 물질적 지지와 차별경험의 상호작용항이 조절효과를 나타냈다. 연구를 통해, 장애인의 심리적 우울의 원인이 장애로 인한 차별경험에 있다는 것을 증명할 수 있었고, 장애인 심리상담은 자아존중감을 강화하는 방향으로 이루어져야 하며, 장애인에 대한 사회적 지지로서, 물질적 지원은 공적영역에서 국가에 의해 제공되도록 하는 것이 장애인의 우울감 감소를 위해 필요하다고 결론지었다. People with disabilities` experience with discrimination experience leads to the deprivation of the societal and economic opportunities. At the same time, they affect the people with disabilities, psychologically and mental health-wise as well. However, not all the people with disabilities experience same degree of depression. This research was conducted to identify the influence of the people with disabilities` experience with discrimination on the mental health and to identify the set of mediators or moderators that exist, and how these in turn affect the depression level. Data from the Korean Welfare Panel collected in 2008 was used for the research. Total of 404 research subjects, who were adults with disabilities were subjected to the analysis. Baron and Kenny`s(1986) method for analyzing the effect of the mediators through regression analysis and Aiken and West`s (1991) method for analyzing the effect of moderators were used. As for the results, level of people with disabilities` depression was higher as the frequency of people with disabilities` experience with discrimination was higher. Self-esteem concerning this relationship manifested the effect of mediating in parts. Among the social supports, interaction among unofficial financial support and experience of discrimination manifested moderating effect. Through this conclusion, it was possible to prove that the reason that the people with disabilities are psychologically depressed is because of the society`s discrimination against their disability. Likewise, psychological consultation for the people with disabilities needs to take place with the aim of increasing their self-esteem. As for the social support for the people with disabilities, the conclusion reached is that the nation should provide financial support in the public domain, in order to decrease the depression of people with disabilities.

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