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        미국 대학운동부 행정실의 성차별과 급진적 여권주의의 실효성

        임승엽 ( Seung Yup Lim ),구기용 ( Gi Yong Koo ),( Michael Diacin ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2012 체육과학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to, based on an assumption of standpoint theory, explore fixed social ideologies that limit women`s employment and occupational career through the opinion and experiences of female administrators in college athletic departments in the U.S. In addition, this study attempted to investigate socio-cultural meanings and effects of the separated athletic departments that are a type of men-women-separated social sphere, which is supported by radical feminists, Women administrators working for separated (by men a nd women) athletic department at Division I colleges were selected as population using purposeful sampling, and a total of 12 women with 2 to 17-year job career were selected as research participants. A pilot study was conducted to create interview guide, and validity of the guide draft was tested by sociologists in an expert meeting. The 12 research participants have taken a 40 to 60 minute interview and all interviews were open-ended and semi-structured. The interviews were recorded upon interviewees` agreement, and were analyzed using Hatch`s (2002) deductive analysis method. Result shows that occupational discrimination of women in college athletic departments was caused by 1) Good Old-boys Network (including Culture of similarity, homo-social environment, etc.) and 2) Traditional gender ideologies. Continuously, practical effectiveness of radical feminism was proven in 1) Enhancement of women`s employment and promotion, arid 2) Improvement of job atmosphere. In sum, although women`s occupational opportunities are still limited due to the social ideologies and men`s oppression in the society, as radical feminists have insisted, employment arid promotion rate of women were enhanced in the separated social spheres; women`s athletic department. In addition, more family-like atmosphere and warmer environment were made in the work places, Therefore, in Korean society where separated athletic departments are rarely seen in the colleges, it is recommended for Korean people to consider construction of separated social spheres, as radical feminists inisisted, to claim Korean women`s right and enhancement of their social activities. 이 연구는 관점이론의 가정을 근거로 미국 대학 운동부 여성 행정직원들의 사고와 경험을 통해 그들의 사회진출 및 활동을 제한하는 사회적 고정관념을 탐색하고, 급진적 여권론이 주장하는 분리주의 즉 남·여 분리된 사회적 영역으로서의 운동부 행정실의 사회·문화적 의미와 효과를 논의하는데 목적이 있었다. 이를 위해 비확률표집법 중 하나인 유목적 표집법을 활용하여 미국 NCAA 소속 Division I에 소속된 학교 중 행정실이 남-녀 분리되어 있는 대학교의 운동부 행정실에 근무하는 여자 직원을 모집단으로 설정한 후 최종적으로 2-17년 경력을 보유한 12명의 연구 참가자를 선정하였다. 면담문항의 개발을 위해 예비조사를 실시하였으며, 사회학 자로 구성된 전문가 회의를 통해 타당도를 검증하였다. 12명의 연구 참가자들은 40-60분 간 개방적이고 반구조적인 면담에 참가하였으며, 녹음된 면담내용은 Hatch (2OO2)의 아홉 단계 귀납적 분석방법에 의해 분석되었다. 연구결과, 대학 운동부 내 여성 고용차별에 대해 1) Good old- boys Network(유사성 문화, 동성 선호적 사회풍토 등 포함), 2) 전통적 성 역할 등이 주요 원인으로 드러났다. 이어 급진적 여권주의의 실효성을 탐색 한 결과 1) 여성의 고용 및 승진기회 향상, 2) 업무분위기의 개선 등에 있어서 실효성이 입증되고 있었다. 결론적으로, 미국 스포츠 내 여성의 사회진출은 다양한 사회적 고정관념과 남정에 의해 제한되고 있지만, 급진적 여권주의에서 주장한 바와 같이, 남녀 분리된 업무 환경에서는 여성의 고용률과 승진률 향상에 긍정적 효과를 보였으며, 동시에 직장 내에서 보다 가족적인 분위기와 환경이 조성되어 있다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 최근까지 여자 운동부 행정실의 보편화가 논의조차 되고 있지 않은 상황에서, 한국 여성의 사회적 권리를 찾고, 그들에게 보다 많은 사회적 진출을 독려하기 위해서 급진적 여권주의에서 주장하는 것처럼 분리된 사회적 영역의 구축을 고려해 볼 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 여자축구의 엘리티즘에 대한 미디어의 성공 이데올로기적 프레이밍과 내재적 현실 탐색

        임승엽(Seung Yup Lim) 한국스포츠사회학회 2011 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 한국 여자 축구의 압축적 성장과정을 경험적으로 탐색해 보는데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 최근 한국 여자축구의 성공에 대한 미디어의 보도를 성공 이데올로기적 프레이밍의 측면에서 조사 및 분석하였다. 이어 한국 여자축구의 엘리티즘에 대한 경험적 분석을 통해 내재적 현실과 갈등을 조사하였으며, 이를 인권의 측면에서 논의하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 전직 여자 축구선수 다섯 명과 반구조적이고 개방적인 심층면담을 실시하여 성공원인을 형성한 훈련과정에서 발생하는 사회학적 논쟁점들에 대해 논의하였고, 이를 Hatch(2002)의 아홉 단계 귀납적 분석 방법을 이용하여 분석하였다. 위와 같은 연구과정을 통해 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 미디어는 한국 선수들의 강인한 정신력, 체력, 최덕주 감독의 "아버지 리더십," 조기교육, 집중적 훈련, 협회의 지원 등을 한국 여자축구의 성공원인으로 지목하였다. 그러나 미디어의 이러한 분석은 한국 여자축구의 표면적인 성공원인으로서 성공 이데올로기적 프레이밍 즉, 미디어 수용자의 제한적이고 정형화된 이해를 초래한다. 둘째, 한국 여자축구의 압축적 성장은 10배 이상의 훈련량, 체력의 한계를 넘나드는 훈련 강도, 감독·코치의 강압적 훈련 방식 등의 전형적인 한국 스포츠의 엘리티즘이 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 이러한 엘리티즘에 바탕을 둔 성장과정에서 한국 여자 축구 선수들은 폭력, 폭언, 학습권 박탈 등의 인권박탈을 경험하였으며 이는 여러 가지 측면에서 사회적 문제로 간주될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 최덕주 감독의 인간주의적 리더십에 주목하면서 결과위주의 비 인권적이고 강압적인 훈련문화에서 자유롭고 민주적인 훈련문화로의 이동을 통해 스포츠 강국에서 진정한 스포츠 선진국으로 전환할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다. The purpose of the study was to explore the success ideological framing effects of media and immanent reality regarding elitism of Korean women`s soccer. In concrete, this study investigated media contents regarding the success of Korean women`s soccer based on the success ideological framing effects. Continuously, immanent reality and controversies were explored through an empirical analysis regarding elitism of Korean women`s soccer, and continued to discuss based on the aspect of human right. For this, this study conducted semi-structured and open ended in-depth interviews with five former soccer players, regarding social controversies emerged during training process. Hatch(2002)`s nine-step deductive analysis method was utilized for the data analysis, and the findings are as follow. First, media has focused on strong mentality, superior physical capability, father-like leadership of captain Duk-Joo Choi, early involvement in soccer, concentrated training, and support from KSA as the factors of the success of Korean women`s soccer. However, such analysis of media caused the success ideological framing effects as the superficial factors of the success of Korean women`s soccer, resulting in limited and standardized understandings of media consumers. Second, the typical elitism of Korean sports such as 10 times more time on training, training intensity that exceeds physical limits, oppressive and forceful training culture by head coaches has influenced on the compressive development of Korean women`s soccer. However, during the developmental process based on such elitism, Korean women soccer players had to experience deprivation of human rights such as physical/verbal violence and deprivation of right to study; and this can be considered significant social problems in many aspects. In this situation, focusing on father-like leadership of the captain Duk-Joo Choi, this study proposed a possibility of transforming from strong country to developed country in sport by moving from the success ideological oppressive training culture to liberal and democratic training culture.

      • KCI등재

        체육 및 스포츠 관련법 제정과 로비활동

        임승엽(Lim, Seung-Yup),한상호(Han, Sang-Ho) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of the paper was not only to properly understand the concept of the term ‘lobby’ but also to change its negative images into a positive one. In this purpose, this study reviewed the concept of lobby and lobby activities, and explored cases of lobby activities of business companies and interest groups. Furthermore, this study discussed whether lobby activity is a social evil or a necessary condition, by reviewing cases of lobby activities in sport-related law-making process. As a result, it was found that, if a political activity for social public interests is accomplished within the legal limit pursuing social benefits, it is considered not a social evil but a social necessary condition being a kind of lobby activity.

      • KCI등재

        한국 스포츠 윤리성의 정책 패러다임 모색: 태권도를 중심으로

        임승엽 ( Lim Seung-yup ),임태성 ( Lim Tae-sung ) 대한무도학회 2017 대한무도학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 최근 강조되고 있는 스포츠 현장의 윤리적 변화에 발맞추어, 정부의 스포츠윤리성 확립을 위한 정책추진 과정을 살펴보고 이를 바탕으로 향후 태권도 경기의 스포츠윤리성 확립을 위한 정책 패러다임을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 연구결과 정부의 스포츠 윤리성 회복을 위한 정책의 경우 1) `스포츠공정성 확보를 위한 제도개선 방안` 발표, 2) `스포츠비전 2018`의 추진, 3) `스포츠공정위원회` 출범, 4) `스포츠 4대 악 신고센터` 및 `스포츠 4대 악 합동 수사반` 발족, 5) 대한체육회, 심판위원회 규정 제정 및 상임 심판제 운영, 6) `태권도 심판제도 종합대책` 마련, 7) 대한체육회 선수위원회 규정 개정, 8) 국민체육진흥법 시행령 개정 `2급 스포츠지도사 시험에 스포츠 윤리` 신설 등의 노력을 기울였다. 이어 태권도계의 윤리성 회복을 위한 정책 패러다임을 모색한 결과 첫째, 비윤리적 행위자에 대한 처벌 강화 및 원칙주의의 확립, 둘째, 심판 처우개선 및 윤리교육 강화, 셋째, 국기원 및 대한태권도협회 내 경기윤리부서 신설 및 상임 윤리위원회 설치, 넷째, 스포츠 윤리에 대한 사회 전반적 인식 전화 유도 등을 제시하고자 한다. Responding the current changes in ethicality within Korean sports, this study was to seek a policy paradigm of Korean sports ethicality, by exploring the policies Korean government has produced during the last couple of years. As results, we found that Korean government has established and operated the following policies 1) establishment of system improvement alternative to secure sport fairness, 2) promotion of Sport Vision 2018, 3) establishment of Sport Fairness Committee, 4) establishment of `Four major violations in sport report center`, 5) making referee committee regulation and maintaining full-time referee system by KOC, 6) preparation for comprehensive alternatives of referee system of Taekwondo, 7) revision of KOC athletes` committee regulations, and 8) adding sport ethic course in sport instructors training program. Continuously, we suggested the following paradigms as to increase ethicality of Korean sports: 1) reinforcement of the punishment for sport ethic violators and adherence on the principle of no-reciprocity, 2) improvement of treatment for referee and reinforcement of ethic education, 3) establishing ethicality department and ethicality standing committee at Kukkiwon and Korea Taekwondo association, 4) leading social recognition changes toward sport ethics. Eventually, we concluded that practice will is the key of the changes to make our sport world ethical.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 성희롱의 사각지대

        임승엽(Lim, Seung-Yup) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        Assuming that the intensity of sexual harassments toward female golf caddies has surpassed Korean standard of permission, this study attempted to explore practical cases and experiences of sexual harassment of female caddies. To collect data, a total of seven female house caddies with at least 5-year career participated in an in-depth interview and each interview was analyzed using deductive analysis method. As results, first, sexual harassment toward golf caddies has occurred in the forms of physical, verbal, and visual shape. In addition, although the level and frequency are getting low, the influx of screen golfers causes another problem relating with sexual harassment. Second, as a method of reaction, reporting to caddy master and making black list were available, but the caddies were skeptical about the ways. Instead, most of them relied on individual reaction to stop and warn golfers’ sexual harassment. As a same context, passive reaction of golf club owners and managers were highlighted as a problematic behavior, and social attention and interest in sexual harassment occurred to golf caddies are needed. Finally, this study provided several plants to eradicate sexual harassments of golf caddies.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠경영윤리 교육현황과 교과구성 고찰

        임영삼(Young-Sam Lim),임승엽(Seung-Yup Lim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2016 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.10 No.3

        최근 경영학에서 일고 있는 윤리경영의 확산에 부응하여 스포츠경영학 분야에서도 스포츠경영윤리의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이는 2014년 정부의 체육단체 특별감사결과 총 337건의 비위사실이 밝혀지면서 그 필요성이 배가 되었고, 이전부터 제기되어 오던 체육계 부정 · 부패에 대한 척결 노력과도 연관된다. 그러나 스포츠경영윤리교육의 현실을 보면 매우 회의적이다. 스포츠경영학과가 개설된 대학에서는 관련 강좌를 찾아보기 어렵고, 심지어 대학원 과정에서도 스포츠경영윤리는 등한시되고 있는 것이 현실이기 때문이다. 이에 스포츠경영윤리의 본고장 미국에서 20여년 교과연구를 통해 완성도가 높다고 판단되는 테네시주립대학교의 스포츠경영윤리과목의 교과교재구조와 교과내용구성을 탐색하여 이를 제시하였다. 이러한 노력은 각 대학이 학과의 목적과 환경에 맞게 커리큘럼을 개발하여 표준화된 강의 커리큘럼을 만드는 데 이바지할 것으로 기대된다. Recently, there has been a need for ethics in sport management in the field of sport management in response to the expansion of ethical management wave occurred in management field. This need was highlighted when Korean government found 337 illegal managerial cases through special investigation against sport-related organizations in 2014. It also has linked with long-lasting effort tries to eradicate corruption and graft of Korean sports. Although ethics in sport management seems needed, status-quo of educational field has been skeptical. As a matter of fact, there is hardly related academic courses in colleges, and even graduate schools has neglected educating ethics in sport management. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to provide a resource used in creating curriculum. To achieve the goal, this study closely explored curricular structure and teaching material (text) of the course named ‘ethics in sport management’ of the University of Tennessee, which is considered the best fit to the purpose of the study due to it’s more than 20-year teaching history in the field. The result of the study is expected to contribute to those who plans to create curriculum of ethics in sport management reflecting each affiliation’s environment and condition.

      • KCI등재

        기혼여성의 여가활동 참가와 가정생활만족의 관계

        김민석(Min Suck Kim),임승엽(Seung Yup Lim) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2001 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.21 No.-

        Recently, popularization of leisure activity participation together with extension of women` s rights bring increase of women`s sport participation. Owing to the nuclear families, house-wives` role is gradually increasing, their stress and family life satisfaction have influence on the each organization that a household and member of house belong to directly and indirectly. Sport for All as one of the leisure activity has an important role to maintain a household amicably, give the chance of using their spare moments to house-wives and get rid of stress to encourage family life satisfaction. From this kind point of view, this research have the purpose to encourage and settle the sport participation of married women as a healthy spare time activity based on the relationship among married women`s leisure activity participation and family life satisfaction. In the concrete, to examine the difference of family life satisfaction between sport participation and non-participation, to examine that there is any relationship directly and indirectly between family life satisfaction regard to the degree of participation frequency, period and intensity. In this research to achieve the research purpose, set up married women who live in Seoul in 1999 presently as a population, and finally analyze 402 married women as a sampling by systematic stratified cluster random sampling and systematic cluster random sampling. Tool for data collection is (Questionnaire for the relationships between leisure activity participation and family life satisfaction among married women), and the result of reliance shows family life satisfaction=. 7568. Method of statistical analysis for data analysis are ANCOVA, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis. Results based on this research method and data analysis are as follows; 1. There is a difference in family life satisfaction in regard to the sport participation of married women. Namely, family financial satisfaction, family mutual satisfaction, housekeeping satisfaction, married couple mutual satisfaction, general life satisfaction of married women who are participate in sport are higher than those of married women who are not participate in sport. 2. The degree of sport participation of married women is related to the family life satisfaction. Namely, the higher the frequency of participation is, the higher family financial satisfaction and general life satisfaction are. The higher the intensity of sport participation is, the higher general life satisfaction is.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 휘트니스형 여가스포츠 참가에 따른 자아탄력성이 우울증에 미치는 영향

        김민석(Min Seock Kim),임승엽(Seung Yup Lim) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2012 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to investigate the influences of the participation in the fitness-type leisure sport activities on self-resilience and depression of college students. For this, a total 258 college students were selected as research participant in Seoul and Kyunggi province and were required to fill out a questionnaire. Afterward, the collected data was analyzed using SPSS. Research findings were as follow. First, degree of participation in the fitness-type leisure sports activities influence on self-resilience of college students. In other words, intensity and period of participation in the fitness-type leisure sports activities significantly influence on self-confidence, interaction efficiency, and optimistic attitude of college students. Second, period of participation in the fitness-type leisure sports activities negatively influence on depression of college students. In other words, the longer participating in the fitness-type leisure sports activities, the less depression of college students occurred. Third, degree of participation in the fitness-type leisure sports activities has cause-and-effect relationship with depression of college students through a intermediate variable, self-resilience.

      • KCI등재

        건강운동관리사 자격증에 관한 인식 탐색

        강명성(Kang, Myung Sung),임승엽(Lim, Seung Yup) 한국체육교육학회 2021 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        목적: 본 연구는 건강운동관리사 자격제도와 취득에 대한 인식을 조사하여 자격제도의 문제점을 발견하고 개선방안을 제안하는 데 연구의 목적이 있었다. 방법: 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 혼합연구방법으로 질문지법과 면담법을 활용하였다. 먼저 자격증 취득자 및 취득 준비생 334명에 대해 설문조사를 진행하여 최종 328명의 자료에 대해 빈도분석, 기술통계분석, 교차분석을 실시하였다. 면담의 경우 자격증 보유자 여섯 명과의 면담을 진행하였으며, 면담 자료는 질문분석법에 의해 분석되었다. 결과: 연구결과, 자격증 취득의 필요성에 대해 대부분(80.8%)이 동의하고 있으며 자격증 취득의 목적으로 취업(82.6%)이 가장 높게 나타났다. 자격증 취득 후 희망 근무처로는 공공기관(30.5%), 병원(25.4%)이 높았고, 자격증 취득 후 취업현황은 미취업이 55.9%로 나타났다. 자격증 취득의 효용성은 긍정적 평가(64.2%)가 부정적 평가(13.7%)에 비해 높게 나타났다. 한편, 자격증 시험에 대한 인식으로서, 자격증 취득까지의 응시 횟수를 조사한 결과 1회가 60.5%, 2회가 27.5%로 나타나 대부분이 응시 2회 이내에 자격증 취득에 성공하는 것이 확인되었다. 자격시험의 난이도는 보통이다(49.5%)가 높았고, 자격증 시험 빈도에 대해 현행 연 1회가 적당하다는 의견이 다수를 이루었다. 자격시험 과목 중 불필요한 과목으로 스포츠심리학이 선택되었고, 연수교육과 관련하여 현장 활용성의 경우 부정적인 응답(38.4%)이 긍정적인 응답(27.5%)보다 높았으며, 자격증 보수교육의 필요성에는 필요하다(87.1%)가 높게 나타났다. 결론: 건강운동관리사 자격제도 개선을 위해 자격증에 대한 인식개선 방안과 연수프로그램 개선의 필요성을 제안하였다. 이와 같은 노력을 통해 건강운동관리사 자격증 및 취득에 대한 인식과 관심, 중요성 등을 확인하고, 이를 바탕으로 건강운동관리사 자격에 관한 제도적 보완의 근거자료로 활용되기를 기대한다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the perception on the health exercise manager certificate in attempt to provide improvement plans. Methods: To collect data, a survey and interview were conducted by adopting a combined research method. The survey was conducted on 328 certificate holders and students preparing for acquisition of the certificate. After data collection, frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, and crossover analysis were conducted. In the interviews, six certificate holders were invited to open-ended and semi-constructed interview. The interview data was analyzed using question analysis method. Results: As a result, most of the research subjects (80.8%) agreed on the necessity of obtaining the certificate, and employment (82.6%) was the highest as the goal of obtaining the certificate. Public institutions (30.5%) and hospitals (25.4%) were the preferred work places after obtaining the certificate. However, 55.9% of the research subjects were unemployed. In regards to the effectiveness of the certificate, positive evaluation (64.2%) was higher than negative evaluation (13.7%). On the other hand, as a perception of the certification exam, as a result of examining the number of exams until certification acquisition, 60.5% of the first and 27.5% of the second showed that most of them succeeded in acquiring the certification within the second try. The difficulty of the qualification test was moderate (49.5%), and the prevailing opinion was that once a year is appropriate as an evaluation frequency of the qualification test. Sports psychology was selected as an unnecessary subject among the subjects of the qualification test, and negative responses were higher than positive responses on the usability of the training program. Lastly, the necessity of continuing after-course education for certificate holders was high (87.1 %). As suggestions for improving the health and exercise manager qualification system, a plan to improve the awareness of qualifications and the necessity of improving the training program were suggested. Conclusion: Through these efforts, the awareness, interest, and importance of the health exercise manager qualification and acquisition are expected to be confirmed, and based on this, it is expected that it will be used as a basis for systemic supplementation regarding the health exercise manager qualification.

      • KCI등재

        미 LPGA 한국선수들의 진출동기 및 성공에 대한 사회문화적 분석

        김기범(Ki Bum Kim),임승엽(Seung Yup Lim),김민석(Min Suk Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        In 2009, there were 47 Korean players participating on the LPGA Tour. Since Se Ri Pak began playing on the Tour, Korean players have been on the top of the world women`s golf with the record of six times Rookie of the Year Award given to Korean players, as well as 92 tournaments ended with Korean winners by the 2009 season. Their influx and success on the LPGA Tour raised continuous curiosity among world golf fans, and the amount of mass media and scholarly articles have dealt with the motives and reasons of the issues. However, most of the discussions seemed they were based not on the scientific investigations, but on writers` groundless guessing. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to socio-culturally and scientifically analyze motives of the influx and success of Korean players on the LPGA Tour, by conducting individual and group interviews with 11 Korean players enrolled in the LPGA in 2007 season, using semi-structured, open-ended interview questions. The findings of the study were as follow: 1) Lack of number of the tournaments and prize money of KLPGA Tour, such as annual average income of 9,000,000 won per one Korean professional women golfer, the dream of the LPGA Tour that Korean players have had since they were young kid, and longing for Se Ri Pak`s success played a significant role in the influx of Korean golfers to the Tour; 2) the great amount of practice that they arrive earliest and leave latest the driving ranges, intensive effort, obvious goal, many-sided and self-sacrificing assistance from Korean players` parents, Koreans` unique strong mentality, and comparative spirit among Korean players turned out to be the reasons with which they were able to be on the top of the world women`s golf.

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