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      • 북한무용의 창작경향과 기초동작 훈련에 관한 연구

        李海源 전북대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this research, I have tried to not so much correlate Juche idea and revolutionary ideas linked to North Korean political idea with arts as understand the actual condition of North Korean dance and its creative activity. This study focused on how works spread out based on the Kim Jung il's The Theory of Dance Creation as well as a way of training dancers who are the hero or heroin on the stage and a guide principle. While divided into many genres after the partition of the Korean peninsula, South Korean dance, attaching importance to an individual's creative thinking, is showing a diverse form of all the elements including the motion of dance getting rid of even a form which is put on the stage out of fixed formula, it is the fact that the North Korean dance has been choosing its color according to the nation's trend of thought and purpose. However, it is also true that there are many things we have to understand and learn from the fruits of the effort of the world of North Korean dance. It can be said that although the notation of dance introduced in this study has a trait as a way of recording dance itself which has a system of combined words and an external purpose to present a developed picture of North Korean dance and its political purpose, it may well be paid attention in the point that as a device to record all the motions of dance having a function to spread dance and as an educational tool, it is applied in many fields that have movement as a principle. The North Korean creative dance is sorted into a solo, pair, triple, quadruple, quintuple dance, and group dancing in which more than 6 people participate according to the number of persons who appear on a stage and these are named dance properties generically. In addition to that, it is often divided into modern, traditional, legend dance, and singing and dancing, musical dance epic, a suite (combined performance of dance and music), and an opera following the form and subject and also sports, hymn, and drama dance are sometimes referred as one of the kinds of dance. Like this, the fact that the dance of North Korea, defined obviously by its characteristic, is accepted as a kind of composite art is remark- able. Despite the critical point of view about the North Korean dance, it might well be revaluated considering its contribution to the history of art. The North Korean dance can be explained in four ages; after the Independence Day to 1950s when Choi Seung hee acted, the dance of revolutionary arts from 1960s to 1980s, the age of change in which traditional dance mainly prevailed, and the dance of 1960s. Each work that was created in every age has a proper characteristic of its own age and also it can be said that all the works have great historical significance themselves. Though the dance of South and North Korea have been developed in a different way, they still have many common factors of our national dance, which can be summarized as follows. ① Both the kinds of Korean dance center on the motion of arms organically combined with the movement of legs', the movement of legs is masculine and tough and the arms' motion is womanish and sophisticated showing the emotion of our nation. ② Our dance is not intense but lyrical enough to get through the people's inside appealing to their thought and when expressing a severe emotional phase, it exhibits the feeling indirectly rather than shows it immediately. ③ Though the motion seems very soft and indirect, it has a power to shake the audiences' emotion having obvious strong and weak flows spontaneously in it. ④ While divided into many genres after the partition of the Korean peninsula, South Korean dance, attaching importance to an individual's creative thinking, is showing a diverse form of all the elements including the motion of dance getting rid of even a form which is put on the stage out of fixed formula, it is the fact that the North Korean dance has been choosing its color according to the nation's trend of thought and purpose. However, entering 1970s when Juche idea was established, the renaissance of dance art for the settlement of an idea occurred. Although there was made many works such as revolutionary operas, and dances including the most famous dance works of North Korea and also the traditional dance was developed then, it was inclined to pursue a modern aesthetic sense and the traits of hierarchical society in the process. Regardless of the finality of the socialistic system, the development of the North Korean dance in both the quantity and quality which had started with the revival of dance in 1970s continued to 1980s. The historical event of 1980s in which the notation of dance which was invented first in 1970s was developed more completely and systematically can be considered as a fruit. Furthermore, there are many things which can be highly valued in the North Korean dance. It is true that the high technique and the unification created in a group dance that do not accepts mistakes with dazzling change of motion enough to overwhelm the audience has reached to the level equivalent to the countries all around the world. Besides, studying the Theory of the Creation of Dance and the Theory of Dance Art, we can see that the theoretical foundation and the instructing tools of North Korea is more systematical in its training process as well as the way of notation. This indicates that the instruction of the theory and practical skills is well-organized and also the guidance for professional dancers is almost completely unified. Considering the present condition of the differentiation of dance art, it is a question that North and South Korean have to solve to restore the homogeneity. For the future of North and South Korea, we should not spare efforts to recover the identification of culture. Put simply, we can find many things needed in cultivating our culture and even the culture of unified Korea in the culture of North Korea we have been devaluating as uniformed culture or the culture of idolatry.

      • 高等學校 地理敎科書와 地理 附圖에 나타나는 地形 用語 比較

        이해원 공주대학교 교육대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Atlas is one of the most important data in the geographic education but there are the limit of page, the stiffness of the principle of content-structure and the difficulty of remaking by the publishing once a year. So we can find several problems and margins and to use it efficiently in the geographic education we must remake content structure and renew education method. 1) As atlas can't have many geographic facts and phenomena that we need in class, it is not enough to use it as data.. It is necessary to increase page and renew the method of structure. The numbers of total geomophological terms in highschool geographic textbook are fifty eight in relation to regional geography of korea and sixty eight in relation to world geography. More than fifty percents of these terms- these terms can be references in writing textbook based on seventh education process book. 2) The numbers of total geomophological terms in atlas are 30 in relation to regional geography of korea, and 56 in relation to world geography. These numbers are very poor, comparing with textbook-58.68. Especially high apperance-frequency of geomophologi -cal terms is very poor too , 14 in relation to region릴 geography of korea and 22 in relation to world geography. In addition, the textbook and the atlas of the same publishing-house have low recording-proportion of geomophological terms, too so, Atlas as the usage of sub-textbook has poor contents. We can find several problems in efficient teaching. By making up for content-composition, Atlas have the function as sub-textbook and geographic map. 3) The textbook and atlas of the same publishing house provide many geomophological terms over rapped in world geography and regional geography of korea and atlas has poor graphic description ; photograph, picture, and map. So it is necessary that atlas has a plenty of graphic data to help students lith easy understanding and correct knowing.

      • 종추적을 위한 인터넷 물류정보의 능동 모델

        이해원 大田大學校 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This research presents the development of an AMeLI(Active Model of e-Logistics Information for track and trace) for certain highly efficient model and algorithm on e-logistics Track&Trace information. The AMeLI active model is divide into propagation algorithm and subordination algorithm. The propagation algorithm establishes information model as transport relation document of horizontal aspect through CI(Commercial Invoice), BL(Bill of Lading), CBL(Combined Bill of Lading), PL(Packing List), SI(Subcontract Invoice) and DL(Delivery List). The subordination algorithm establishes information model as transport unit relation of vertical aspect through transport modal, container, palette, trolley, transport box from packing list. Track&Trace information is driving between customer locations and stopping at customer sites to make deliveries or pickups, and transport modes, distribute exchanges, depot locations of pickup and delivery. In transport and logistics there is an increasing demand for accurate and up-to-date information exchange across the different carriers and modes of transport. While many carriers have tracking and tracing systems in place, these are typically proprietary solutions by carriers or transport company, which can hardly, if at all, interoperate. At the same time, supply chains are becoming more and more complex, likewise Track&Trace informations are more and more complex structure, involving multiple carriers and multiple transport modes. There are many reasons for information providers to integrate the tracking and tracing information exchanged within the transport management system from across other system, and to filter or modify it. Even closely cooperating carriers may not want to disclose all information about the way they operate, and the quantity and quality of information can be used to provide different service levels to customers. Thus, this paper describes how to construct the different parties movement inventory information and how to organize the associated inventory information and how to compose the hierchical inventory information. Future research topic needs to work on algorithm and save structure and system construction way that establish extension model of these mechanism can be applied in international transport part as well as domestic transport.

      • 쟝-미셀 바스키아의 회화에 나타난 상징적 이미지에 관한 연구

        이해원 동아대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 1980년대 뉴욕의 낙서화가 쟝-미셀 바스키아(Jean-Michel basquiat, 1960~1988)의 작품들을 중심으로 그 작품속에 나타난 상징적 표현들에 관한 연구를 주제로 하였다. 먼저 바스키아가 등장한 시기인 1980년대의 시대적 상황이 미술사조에 어떠한 영향을 주었는가를 알아보고 뉴욕의 낙서화의 배경을 알아본다. 1980년대 들어서 기존의 세계가 냉전에서 화합으로 바뀌어 가는 과도기적성향을 가지며 그에 따라 가치관의 붕괴와 사회적, 제도적 불확실성에 대한 불안함이 팽배해진 시기이다. 이런 시대적 상황에 따른 영향은 미술사적으로도 모더니즘의 지나친 형식과 질서에 대한 비판이 대두되어 모더니즘(Modernism)을 벗어나고자 하는, 포스트 모더니즘(Post-Modernism)이 나타나기 시작했다. 포스트 모더니즘은 1970년대의 추상표현주의, 미니멀리즘, 개념미술, 팝아트등을 비판하며 나타났으며 이를 발전시킨 미국의 뉴 페인팅(New Painting), 독일의 신표현주의(Neo Expressionism), 이탈리아의 트랜스 아방가르드(Trans Avant-Garde), 프랑스의 자유구상(Fisuration-Libre)등으로 나타난다. 미국의 뉴 페인팅 중의 하나인 낙서화(Graffiti)는 1960년대 말부터 시작되었으며, 뉴욕의 지하철과 역이나 도시 길거리의 벽에 무작위로 그려졌던 반항적 양상의 대중미술이다. 낙서화는 주로 대중속에서 표현을 한것만큼 그 주제들은 대중적인 내용이 많았으며, 사회적 갈등, 문화적 이슈등을 다룬 내용들과 표현의 다양함, 개성적 연출등으로 널리 유행하였다. 재료에 있어서는 빠르고 쉬운 소재들, 즉 분필이나 스프레이등이 주종을 이루었고 그림이기 보단 시적표현과 낙서적 성향을 강하게 띤 단어들이 쓰여졌다. 이러한 배경은 바스키아의 반항적 표현의 자유로움을 발전시켜 보다 구체적이고, 서술적이며, 개인적인 작품들로 나타났으며 사회성과 문화적 사상들이 더해진 그외 작품들은 1980년대의 뉴욕을 대표하는 아웃사이더로서의 흑인화가인 것이다. 바스키아는 9년이라는 짧은 작품세계를 통해 많은 양의 작품들과 대단히 중요하고도 독창적인 많은 작품들을 남겼다. 그의 작품세계에서 나타나는 표현들은 어린아이와 같은 유희적이고 소박한 형상들과 의도적으로 철자나 틀린 문장들 때로는 해골, 내장, 뼈, 치아등 죽음의 상징들이 그려져 있으므로 소외된 문화와 그에 대한 허무주의를 드러내고 있다. 바스키아는 1980년대 뉴욕에서부터 주목받기 시작한 화가로서 백인이 아닌 흑인이란 인종적 열등감을 갖고 있었기 때문에 인종차별에 관한 사회적, 문화적 이슈와 미국의 80년대의 가정에서의 문제점인 이혼과 소년들의 가출, 마약, 죽음등에 관한 내용들을 낙서라는 매개를 통해 자신만의 상징적 표현들로 나타내었다. 바스키아의 노골적인 글귀나 형태를 지니는 그림들은 피카소(Pablo Picasso)의 심취로 인한 영향이며 또한 가장 팝적인 요소를 갖고 있다는 평을 받은 앤디워홀(Andy Wahol, 1928~1987)과의 작업을 통하여 더욱 대중속에 자리잡을 수 있었다. 그는 또한 자유로움에 대한 열정으로 거리를 헤매이던 다른 포스트 모더니스트들을 거리에서 화랑으로 이끌어 올렸으며 소재와 표현에의 자유를 맘껏 표현하려 했었던 작가 이기도 하였다. 본 논문에서 이러한 바스키아의 작업적 성격과 그의 작업속의 심볼, 상징적 표현, 작품의 중심적 이미지와 지배적인 언어사용에 있어서의 특징들을 재조명해보고자 하는 것이 중심적 취지이다. This thesis is subject to study about the works of Jean-Micerl Basquiat, who was bron in 1960, December 22. First of all, what kind of influences were there by the issues of America in the 1980's. In the time of 1980's, there were chltural movement to accordance from cold time which was against to among the nations after the World War 2. Due to the fact of social changes, excessive formality and orders of Modernism brought Post Modernism. It was appearing as New painting in America, Neo Express ionism in German, Trans-Avant-Garde in Italy, and Liberalism in France. It was occurred by criticizing and Abstract expressionism in Modernism. Graffiti, one of the New painting style in America. was started in the late of 1960's among the people who painted on the walls of stations or buildings in the cities. The subjects of the Graffiti were about the issues from the social problems and cultural issues. The artists were represented to the mass of people and mass psychology when they paint. It was refl ected by the artists about the issues by their personal thoughts and tastes. Tools for graffiti were chalks and sprays because they were easy to draw and dries quickly. Basquiat came to leave much quantity to the extent that others may not do during their lifetime and very important and original many works through the work world for the short period which is 9 years. In the expressions to appear in his work world, the palyful and simple forms like child, and spellings or wrong sentences and the symbold of death such as skeleton, intermal organs, bone and teeth etc, are being drawn. So, they are revealing the alienated culture and the nihilism about it. Basquait was one of the greatest artists in America even though he was black. He had faced to the racial discrimination and had to get over with his racial circumstances. He is a hero of the black in America because he knew and tried to reveal the social problems which was grow ing in 1980's like as divorces, AIDS, and abscondence of the youth. The drawing to keep his plain words or from is the influence based on the devotion to Piccasso, and the meeting with Andy Warhol came to have much influence on his work world. Basquiat brought the position of Graffiti from the street to the gallery. He made images from the experiences of his own, the circumstances of social issues which he concerbed. He was not only the hero of the black but also the hero of the underground artists because he revealed and dealt with the racial problems, discriminations to women and races, and socially controversial issues in the 1980's America with his artistically opened mind. This thesis is aimed to consider the value of Basquiat's works in 1980's and what kind of signs and symbols were used to make his magnificent works. specially, it is about the symbolic expressions of his art works which had the main images and repeated languages.

      • 수계 분산 음향화학적 혼합공정을 통한 BaTiO3 분말의 고상 합성 연구

        이해원 부경대학교 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Because of its excellent ferroelectric properties, low loss characteristics, chemical and mechanical stabilities, and compatibility to base-metal electrodes, BaTiO3-based oxide compounds have been the most important ceramic materials for multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC). As the miniaturization of the MLCC and the extend of their uses proceed, volume efficiency and reliability of dielectric layer have been increasingly important. To meet the tight limitation to the layer thickness (< 1 μm) and also to guarantee the reliability, the use of well-dispersed, fine and uniform BaTiO3 powders are essential to fabricate the dielectric layer for the MLCC. These powders have been prepared by hydrothermal process, however, intergranular pores induced by inevitable hydroxyl groups in the hydrothermal process can deteriorate the breakdown strength of the dielectric layers, resulting in the degradation of the reliability. Furthermore, its high process cost owing to the use of expensive precursors and the difficulty of eliminating impurities in the hydrothermal process have been regarded major drawbacks in highly competitive MLCC industries. Meanwhile, solid-state reaction using inexpensive BaCO3 and TiO2 raw materials is a traditional process for synthesizing relatively coarse BaTiO3 powders. However, because of its high calcination temperature (~ 1200 ℃), solid-state reaction can provide highly dense BaTiO3 powders and this is desirable in terms of the reliability. Furthermore, it has been reported that submicron-sized BaTiO3 powders can be successfully prepared by the solid-state reaction through the proper pre-treatments of the raw materials, such as high-energy ball-milling, mechanochemical and sonochemical activation. Among them, sonochemical activation, which uses ultrasonic irradiation for the mixing and activation of raw materials, is a time-saving, cost-effective and contamination-free process as compared with other pre-treatment methods. Recently, Jin et al. reported that sonochemical activation of BaCO3 and TiO2 raw materials in ethanol can significantly enhance the solid-sated synthesis of submicron-sized BaTiO3 powders (~ 200 nm) at relatively low temperatures (~ 1000 ℃). It was attributed to mostly the physical effect of the ultrasonic irradiation, i.e., the preferential fragmentation of BaCO3. In terms of the process cost, water is a more desirable mixing medium than ethanol for the sonochemical activation, but it dissolves BaCO3 partially and leads to the leaching on Ba2+ ions. Li et al. reported that the amount of leached Ba2+ ions from BaCO3 in aqueous medium decreases with increasing pH and the dissolution stops when the concentration of H3O+ available is completely consumed. Therefore, understanding the chemical effect, i.e., the pH-dependent Ba2+ leaching is of great interest for the sonochemically activated solid-state synthesis of BaTiO3 powder using aqueous medium. In this work, we report the effect of pH on the sonochemical activation in aqueous medium for the solid-state synthesis of BaTiO3 powders. The raw materials of BaCO3 and TiO2 powders were sonochemically activated under various pH conditions in water with an ultrasonic power of 600 W and then calcined at 900-1200 ℃. For comparison, the raw materials were also sonochemically activated at the same experimental conditions except for that the mixing medium was ethanol. Regardless of the calcination temperature, the highest conversion ratio to BaTiO3 phase was obtained at pH = 5. Furthermore, they always exhibited higher conversion ratios compared to those treated in ethanol. Therefore, it was confirmed that both the physical and chemical effects contributed to the sonochemical activation of raw materials in aqueous medium. Detailed characterizations on the structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the resulting BaTiO3 powders and ceramics were performed and the results will be presented. Key words : MLCCs, BaTiO3, solid-state synthesis, sonochemical mixing.

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