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      • KCI등재

        VP9 디코더에 대한 행렬 기반의 정수형 역변환 구조

        이태희(Tea-Hee Lee),황태호(Tae-Ho Hwang),김병수(Byung-Soo Kim),김동순(Dong-Sun Kim) 대한전자공학회 2016 전자공학회논문지 Vol.53 No.4

        본 논문에서는 VP9 디코더에 대한 행렬 기반의 정수형 역변환 구조를 제안한다. 제안하는 구조는 DCT(Discreste Cosine Transform), ADST(Asymmetric Discrete Sine Transform) 그리고 WHT(Walsh-Hadamard Transform)에 대한 알고리즘을 공유하며 버터플라이구조보다 하드웨어 리소스를 줄이고 제어하기 쉬운 하드웨어 구조이다. VP9 구글 모델 내 정수형 역변환은 버터플라이구조 기반의 정수형 역변환 구조를 가진다. 일반적인 버터플라이구조와는 달리 구글모델 내 정수형 역변환은 각 단계마다 라운드 쉬프트 연산기를 가지며, 비대칭 구조의 사인 변환을 포함한다. 따라서 제안하는 구조는 모든 역변환 모드에 대해 행렬계수 값을 근사하고, 이 계수 값을 이용하여 행렬연산 방식을 사용한다. 본 논문의 기술을 사용하면 역변환 알고리즘에 대한 모드별 동작 공유 및 버터플라이구조에 비해 곱셈기 수를 2배가량 감소시킬 수 있다. 그래서 하드웨어 리소스를 효율적으로 관리가 가능해진다. In this paper, we propose an efficient integer inverse transform structure for vp9 decoder. The proposed structure is a hardware structure which is easy to control and requires less hardware resources, and shares algorithms for realizing entire DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform), ADST(Asymmetric Discrete Sine Transform) and WHT(Walsh-Hadamard Transform) in vp9. The integer inverse transform for vp9 google model has a fast structure, named butterfly structure. The integer inverse transform for google C model, unlike universal fast structure, takes a constant rounding shift operator on each stage and includes an asymmetrical sine transform structure. Thus, the proposed structure approximates matrix coefficient values for all transform mode and is used to matrix operation method. With the proposed structure, shared operations for all inverse transform algorithm modes can be possible with reduced number of multipliers compared to the butterfly structure, which in turn manages the hardware resources more efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        규남(圭南) 하백원(河百源)가문 소장 『적벽삼유록(赤壁三遊錄)』의 내용과 의의

        이태희(Lee, Tea-Hee) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2018 코기토 Vol.- No.86

        『적벽삼유록(赤壁三遊錄)』은 화순(和順) 야사촌(野沙村)에 거주하는 진양(晉陽) 하씨(河氏) 가문의 인물들이 1682년, 1742년, 1802년 세 번에 걸쳐 그 사우(師友)들과 향리의 사족(士族)들과 함께 동복적벽(同福赤壁)을 유람하고 지은 시문(詩文)을 모은 책이다. 이들은 소동파(蘇東坡)가 1082년 임술년 7월 16일에 황강적벽(黃岡赤壁)에서 뱃놀이하고 「적벽부(赤壁賦)」를 지었던 유명한 고사를 모방하여 임술년 음력 7월 16일마다 모여 시주회(詩酒會)를 열고 기록을 남겼던 것이다. 이 책은 원래의 원고에서 옮겨진 전사본(轉寫本)이며, 권차(卷次)의 구분 없이 1862년의 「숭정오십오년임술적벽동유시(崇禎五十五年壬戌赤壁同遊詩)」과 1742년의 「재임술적벽동유록(再壬戌赤壁同遊錄)」, 1802년의 「삼임술적벽동유록(三壬戌赤壁同遊錄)」의 세 부분으로 나뉘어져 있다. 「적벽동유시」는 불타고 남은 두루마리를 정리한 자료로서, 하성구(河聖龜)를 비롯한 8명의 시 10수가 실려 있다. 「재유록」에는 하영청(河永淸)을 비롯한 63명의 시 81수와 문 3편이 실려 있다. 「삼유록」에는 하백원(河百源)을 비롯한 51명의 시 76수와 문 4편이 실려 있다. 『적벽삼유록』에 남겨진 언급을 통해 이들이 적벽유람으로 지향했던 바를 정리해보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 계지술사(繼志述事)를 통한 가문의 결속력 강화. 둘째, 세교(世交)하던 가문들 및 향촌 사족 가문들과의 유대감 강화. 셋째, 적벽 유람의 의미를 유자(儒者)의 입장에서 재정리함. 넷째, 동복적벽에 대한 자부심 고취. 조선시대에는 많은 사람들이 적벽유람을 하며 소동파의 풍류를 모방하는 것이 하나의 문화적 풍조를 이루었다. 하지만 특정 가문이 중심이 되어 일정 지역의 문화행사로 적벽유람이 자리매김한 경우는 적으며, 소동파의 풍류를 따르되 유학의 관점에서 적벽유람의 의미를 다시 정리한 경우도 흔치 않다. 『적벽삼유록』에 실린 세 차례 적벽유람의 가치는 이 점에 있다. JeokbyeokSamyurok is a collection of poems and writings after Jinyang (晉陽) Ha (河氏)’s family residing in Yasa ri, Yiseo myeon, Hwasun gun, Jeonnam province conducted sightseeing over Dong bok Red Cliffs (同福赤壁) along with their friends and the Literati (士族) in the village in 1682, 1742, and 1802 for three times. They gathered every July 16 Year of Imsul and had a party with a record by imitating the famous ancient stories of Su Dongpo (蘇東坡) who enjoyed boating in the Hwanggang Red Cliffs (黃岡赤壁) on July 16, the year of Imsul, 1082, and wrote Red Cliffs bu (赤壁賦). This book, transcribed from the original manuscript, has no volumes (卷), and is divided into three parts according to the year in which it was created. The first part contains eight 10 poems written by eight poets, including Ha Sung‐gu (河聖龜), in the second part, there are 81 poems and three writings written by 63 authors, including Ha Young-chung (河永淸), and the third part contains 76 poems and four writings written by 51 authors, including Ha Baek‐won (河百源). With the comments left in this book, what they meant with the Red Cliffs sightseeing, and what they were trying to do can be summarized as follows. First, they tried to reinforce the unity of the family by inheriting ancestors’ legacy (遺業) and communicating it to the descendants. Second, they tried to increase the bonds with the families they used to associate with and the Literati families in the village. Third, the meaning of Red Cliffs sightseeing was rearranged as Confucian (儒學的). Fourth, they tried to raise their self-esteem about Dong-bok Red Cliffs, a scenic spot of the region. In Joseon era, many people performed the Red Cliffs sightseeing to imitate the Pungryu of Su Dongpo, which became a cultural tide. However, it was not common for Red Cliffs sightseeing to become a cultural event in some regions being centered about a particular family, and in terms of Confucianism, it is hard to find cases of Red Cliffs sightseeing whose meaning was reordered. The value of Red Cliffs sightseeing for three times that appeared in JeokbyeokSamyurok can be found at this point.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스포메이션 재화 유형별 힐링 시설 특성 연구

        양제연 ( Jae Yeon Yang ),이태희 ( Tea Hee Lee ),조민숙 ( Min Sook Cho ) 한국사진지리학회 2013 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study intended to characterized core attraction point of individual healing facilities located in various locations in Korea. The results of study revealed the characteristics of each healing facilities such as healing material oriented services, natural resources, and healing program so on. The potential consumers is likely to regard the characteristics as healing product with a theme of health, expecting the desirable outcomes as they required programs and facilities as well as the factors considered to choose healing product.

      • KCI등재

        힐링 트랜스포메이션 재화로서 산림치유 시설 선택요인 중요도 인식연구

        홍수장 ( Soo Jang Hong ),이태희 ( Tea Hee Lee ) 한국사진지리학회 2013 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study induced the importance factors of forest healing facilities, programs and selection factors as a health themed tourism products based on previous studies in medical tourism service, forest healing, and forest recreation. The important factors selecting the forest healing program, facilities, and products were classified into categories for each based on the result of factor analysis. The results of study revealed the characteristics of potential consumers regarding the forest healing product with a theme of health and predicted the required programs and facilities as well as the factors considered to choose forest healing product.

      • 심장박동기 전임상실험을 위한 초저전력 무선 전송 시스템개발

        박현문(Hyun-moon Park),황태호(Tae-ho Hwang),이태희(Tea-Hee Lee),권진산(Jin-San Kwon) 대한전자공학회 2016 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.11

        A pacemaker is a small device about the size of a matchbox that weighs 10-50g. It consists of a pulse generator which has a battery and a tiny computer circuit, sensor and wireless module, more wires, known as pacing leads, which attach to your heart. Remote wireless module may facilitate the management of implantable pacemaker. This wireless design reduces the pacemaker of pacing to rebalanced by the device and eliminates a major source of device control issue on the patients. Wireless method telemetry has been used in several implantable medical devices to avoid the complications of wired implants. However, this would concurrently drain out the battery of the implant and consequently reduce the lifetime of the pacemaker device. Obviously, in that pacemaker system, reliable wireless communication as well as smart algorithms and system designs, are essential.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        숙지황(熟地黃)이 생쥐의 기아 Stress에 미치는 영향(影響)

        윤종태 ( Jong Tae Yun ),임형호 ( Hyung Ho Lim ),이태희 ( Tea Hee Lee ) 한방재활의학과학회 2003 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Objectives : This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Rehmanniae Preparata on the stress induced by starvation on the change of the corticosterone, the rectal temperature and the contents of monoamines in the hypothalamus of mice. Methods : The four groups of experimental animals were starved for 36 hours after being administrated Rehmanniae Preparata with four different doses. Rehmanniae Preparata was administered 6 times before starting starvation. The corticosterone, rectal temperature and the contents of monoamines were measured after 36.5 hours starvation stress. Results : 1. The plasma corticosterone level was decreased statistically significantly (P<0.05) compared to control group in the group administrated 1.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. The level was increased statistically significantly(P<0.05) compared to control group in the group administrated 3.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. 2. The rectal temperature was increased compared to control group in the groups administrated 0.25 and 1.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. It was decreased compared to control group in the group administrated 0.5g/kg and 3.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. 3. The level of NE in the hypothalamus was increased in both control group and experimental groups, but there was no statistical significance. 4. The level of DA in the hypothalamus was increased compared to control group in the groups administrated 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata.5. The level of DOPAC in the hypothalamus was decreased compared to normal group in the groups administrated 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata.6. The level of 5-HT was increased statistically significantly(P<0.05) compared to control group in the group administrated 3.0g/kg ofRehmanniae Preparata.7. The level of 5-HIAA was decreased compared to control group in the groups administrated 0.5 and 1.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. It was increased compared to control group in the group administrated 0.25 and 3.0g/kg of Rehmanniae Preparata. Conclusion : This study shows that Rehmanniae Preparata is significantly effective on reducing the starvation stress generally, but if the dose of Rehmanniae Preparata is too high, it can increase the stress.

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