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      • 李淸照의 前後期詞 比較硏究

        이천우 水原大學校 大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1919

        李淸照는 北宋 末에서 南宋 初라는 격동의 혼란기를 살았던 宋詞의 대표적인 작가 중의 한 사람이며, 그 작품들은 '易安體'라는 독특한 風格을 형성했을 정도로 中國詞史에 있어서도 매우 중요한 지위를 차지하고 있다. 또한 宋代 詞人들 가운데 유일하게 완정한 詞集을 남긴 여성 작가라는 점에서 그녀는 생존 당시부터 현재까지 문단의 주목을 받아왔다. 唐·五代부터 시작된 詞는 北宋 時期를 거치면 크게 성행했고, 北宋 時期의 詞壇은 그 風格에 따라 크게 婉約詞와 豪放詞로 兩分되는데, 婉約詞란 晩唐·五代로부터 비롯한 花間詞의 여성적이고 섬세한 風格을 지닌 詞를 말한다. 北宋時期 柳永, 秦觀, 周邦彦으로 계승되어 발전했으며, 李淸照는 섬세한 정감과 예리한 관찰력, 음률에 대한 뛰어난 소양으로 詞를 창작하는 婉約詞의 대표적 작가로서 周邦彦과 함께 婉約詞의 宗主로 인정받았다. 또한 五代時期에 활약한 李煜과 함께 詞의 남녀황제로 비유되기도 한다. 그러나 詩나 詞를 비롯한 문학이란 작가의 경험과 정서의 반영이라는 점을 고려한다면, 그녀의 詞를 '婉約'으로만 평가하는 것은 그녀의 詞를 한가지 측면으로만 보는 愚를 범하기 쉽다. '靖康의 變' 이후 남방으로 이주해야만 했던 대혼란 시기를 경험했던 李淸照의 삶이 詞 創作에도 일정 정도 영향을 미쳤을 것이라는 것은 어렵지 않게 짐작할 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본고는 李淸照의 삶에 획기적인 변화를 가져온 '靖康의 變'을 기준으로 前期詞와 後期詞로 나누어 그녀의 詞에 보이는 內容과 詞風의 변화를 고찰하고자 한다. '靖康의 變'이 일어나기 전, 즉 전기에 창작된 詞들이 대개 북방에서 지어졌고 규중의 한가로운 정감과 우수를 나타내며 비교적 부유한 부인의 귀족적인 서정성을 표현한 婉約詞였다면, 국가와 사회의 혼란기를 겪은 後期의 詞는 남방에서 지어졌고 대부분 사회 현실을 간파하고 나라를 걱정하는 심정까지도 노래하고 있었다. 후기의 詞에는 전기에서 보기 힘든 憂國의 정서와 丈夫의 氣質 및 豪放한 風格이 반영되어 있다. 본고의 第 1 章에서는 먼저 '靖康의 變'을 기준으로 하여 前期詞와 後期詞로 兩分하고, 第 2 章에서는 前期詞의 내용을 生活의 즐거움, 自然風光, 花草와 樹木, 閑暇로운 閨怨으로 구분해서 분석했다. 李淸照는 생활이 유복했기 때문에 부자집 아가씨, 젊은 귀족부인으로서 누릴 수 있는 여유로운 생활의 정취와 春景이나 秋景 및 黃昏에서 새벽녘까지의 자연 현상에서 느낄 수 있는 정감을 골고루 읊고 있다. 또한 자신의 감정을 화초와 수목에 의인화하여 개인의 심리나 감정 등을 토로해 내었다. 閨房에서 한가로이 세월을 보내며 떠나간 님과 계절의 변화에 느끼는 애상을 표현하기도 했다. 그러나 이별의 감정이 표현된 詞에는 현재의 연인끼리 서로 떨어져 있는 중이라 하더라도 곧 다시 만나리라는 믿음을 가지고 있기 때문인지 그리움이 절박하거나 비통하지 않는 것이 그 특징이다. 第 3 章에서는 後期詞의 내용을 死別의 고통, 故鄕에 대한 그리움, 國家에 대한 근심을 담은 詞를 분류했다. 南渡 以前, 李淸照의 삶이 평안하고 안정되었다면 南渡 以後의 趙明誠의 죽음은 남편을 하늘처럼 의지하던 李淸照에게 마치 하늘이 무너지는 듯한 충격을 주었다. 따라서 前期의 詞에 담긴 애수가 절실함이 아닌 한가로운 憂愁였다면, '靖康의 變' 以後에 창작된 詞들에는 애간장이 끊어질 듯한 고통과 그리움이 많이 나타난다. 특히 그전까지는 볼 수 없었던 좋았던 지난 시절과 고향에 대한 그리움을 노래하고 있는 詞들이 많았다. 혼미한 시대를 살았던 지식인으로서 李淸照 역시 퇴폐해진 사회와 부패가 횡행하는 현실에 눈을 감을 수 없었던 것으로 보인다. 당시 사회현실에 대해 느끼는 悲憤의 감정이 자연스럽게 文學 創作에 반영되어졌던 것이다. 그녀의 後期詞에는 격정을 직접 드러내고 있지는 않지만 농후한 우국의 감정이 반영되었다는 사실에서 詞의 內容과 風格도 시대와 개인의 경험에 따라 변화하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 第 4 章에서는 바로 이런 내용의 변화에 따라 작품의 분위기와 風格이 변화함을 前·後期詞의 비교를 통해 고찰하였다. 題材面에 있어서는 작은 규방의 생활을 묘사하는데서 현재 처해 있는 어려운 사회의 현실을 묘사하는 것으로 제재가 확대되었다. 또한 주제의식 방면에 있어서도 前期의 詞가 그다지 절실하지 않은 感傷 위주였다면 後期의 詞에는 亡國의 恨 속에서 국가와 국민을 걱정하는 憂國의 感情까지도 노래하고 있다. 이러한 제재와 주제 의식의 변화는 前·後期詞의 詞風에도 영향을 미쳐서 前期의 詞가 唐·五代에서 이어지는 北宋代 婉約詞風을 계승하고 있다면, 後期의 詞는 깊은 슬픔속에서 나라를 걱정하고 고향을 그리워하는 豪放한 風格이 보인다. 또한 그녀의 前期詞기 明朗·淸新하게 淡淡한 閨怨을 노래했다면 後期의 詞에서는 훨씬 깊은 슬픔을 드러내는 凄苦·沈哀의 深遠한 愁心을 노래했다고 하겠다. 바로 이러한 이유로 李淸照 詞의 風格을 婉約만으로 단순히 규정하기보다는 그녀의 詞 작품이 다양한 삶의 경험과 정서를 반영하고 있는 것으로 평가하고자 한다. 그리고 본고는 이상의 고찰을 통해서 그녀의 詞가 婉約에서 豪放으로 변해 가는 北宋末 南宋初의 과도기적인 風格을 보여주고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Li Qingzhao(李淸照) is the one of the Song ci(詞)'s representative writers during the confused times, from the end of North-Song period to the early of South-Song period. Her writings made an unique character, 'Lian' style (易安體)and she had a very important role in Chinese ci history. Beside, among the Song period's ci-writers, she has been attracted the public attentions in that she is the only female writer who left a complete collection of ci. Ci, which was from the beginning of Tang and Five-dynasties period, had been greatly developed in North-Song period. The ci of North-Song period is divided into two parts according to the characteristics: the subtle and concise school(婉約詞) and the powerful and free school of ci(豪放詞). The former is a kind of 'Huajian-ci(花間詞)' which has feminine and delicate style. This had developed succeedingly Liu Yong(柳永), Qin Guan(秦觀) and Zhou Bangyan(周邦彦) during the North-Song period. Li Qingzhao had worked with a delicate feeling, keen observation and extraordinary gift of the tone. She was considered as a suzerain of the subtle and concise school of ci with Zhou Bangyan. And she is compared to the queen and king with Li Yu(李煜), who took an active part in Five-dynasties period. Considering the literature such as 'shi(詩)' or 'ci' is the reflection of writer's experience and feeling, however, it is likely to make a mistake evaluating her ci is just subtle and concise. It is not difficult to suppose that Li Qingzhao had to experience great hardships moving into the south china after the Jingkang(靖康)'s disturbance and this experience affected her writings later. Therefore this study is intended to investigate about the contents and characteristics of her ci-writings in two parts on the basis of the Jingkang's disturbance, which changed completely Li Qingzhao's life. Before the Jingkang's disturbance, that is, the ci-writings created in the former term was usually made at the North china, and it expressed women's leisure feeling and melancholy and rich women's noble lyrics. On the other hand, after having a hardships she wrote many writings at the South china in the latter term. Seeing through a social disorder, she did song her heart showing great concern for her country. So the 'ci' in the latter time seems to be patriotic, heroic and vigorous. At the first chapter of this study, I divided her ci-writings into two parts: the former ci and the latter ci, on the basis of the Jingkang's disturbance. The second, I analyzed the former ci's contents into the life's pleasure, nature, plants and trees, and leisure the anguish of grass widow. Li Qingzhao's life was comparatively wealthy, so she enjoyed the leisure time as a rich girl and young noble lady reciting that life and her feeling about the landscapes of the spring and the autumn and the natural phenomenon from the dusk to the dawn. In addition to there, she expressed her feeling by personifying flowers, plants and trees. She also expressed the parted lover and the change of seasons by using several luxurious things spending a time freely at the woman's living room. But in the ci expressed the parting feeling, she doesn't miss like crazy and she isn't seriously sad because she believes that though a lover is far apart, they will meet come together soon. At the third chapter, I classified the latter ci's contents into the pain of being parted by death, the nostalgia for her hometown and the worries about her country. Before moving to the South, Li Qingzhao's life was comfortable and peaceful, but later she was too shocked at her husband, Zhao Mingcheng's death. She depended entirely on him as if he were the sky. His death made her feel much more lonely at the miserable situation than before. So in the writings after the Jingkang's disturbance, deep pain and longing, especially the nostalgia and the past memory were showed. It seems that as an intelligent lived in the confusing times, Li Qingzhao couldn't ignore the reality and society which is corrupted. Naturally, her feelings about the society of those days were reflected in creating literature. I realized that the contents and characteristics of the ci are changed according to social environment and personal experiences. At the fourth chapter, I considered the change of writing mood and characteristics through comparing the former and the latter ci. In the subject matter, it was extended from describing the life of woman's living room to describing the current society. And in the theme, the former ci was sentimental but the latter ci included a sense of patriotism for her country and people. Like these, the change of material and theme affected the characteristics of the former and the latter ci. While the former ci succeeded to the North Song's style, the subtle and concise school of ci, from Tnag and Five-dynasties period. The latter ci shows the vigorous character to worry about her country and miss her hometown with deep sorrow. For these reasons, instead of prescribing Li Qingzhao's ci is just subtle and concise, it would be evaluated for various style and characteristics in her writings to be reflected different experiences and feelings. And this study shows the transitional change of the style in ci-writing from the end of North-Song to the early of South-Song, that is from the subtle and concise school of ci to the powerful and free school of ci. keywords: Li Qingzhao, ci, the subtle and concise school of ci, the powerful and free school of ci, Jingkang's disturbance

      • 부동산중개수수료 제도의 문제점과 개선방안

        이청해 忠北大學校 法務大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study is to indicate a problem for closing costs system of licensed real estate agents as experts of real estate brokerage business, to establish healthy transactions in real estate through the system’s improvement plan, and to aim at the development of the real estate brokerage business. It can be said that the real estate brokerage system takes a large portion in the real estate market along with national economy’s growth. Although the real estate brokerage field takes a considerable range of national economy in scale and has close relationships with people’s lives, since the closing costs system has a lot of problems, it a sad reality. Meanwhile, as nation’s economy has developed, the scale of the real estate market has become bigger and more diverse and the cost of transaction also has become higher. So, the transaction has come to need a reliable institutional strategy between transaction parties themselves or between transaction parties and real estate brokers. But, since our country’s real estate brokerage system is still insufficient in many parts, confusion and falling behind of the real estate market have been brought about, and today’s phenomenon is that legal real estate transactions are not made. Accordingly, our government enacted Real Estate Brokerage Act, introduced the licensed real estate agent system, and reorganized the commission system several times to supplement imperfection. Nevertheless, public confidence of the real estate brokerage has not been better. Also, though 30 years have passed since the Real Estate Brokerage Act enforced, our country’s real estate brokerage market still not only falls behind compared with other similar types of businesses, but also amateur brokers are disturbing this market regardless of the enaction of the real estate brokerage system. The real estate brokerage is prescribed in the first section of the second article of 「Real Estate Brokerage Agent’s Task and Real Estate Transactions’ Report Act」like this, “By the prescription of the third article of this Act, real estate brokerage means those kinds of aiding actions regarding gains/losses changes from sales, exchanging, rental, and other rights between transaction parties about the brokerage objects.” 「Real Estate Brokerage Agent’s Task and Real Estate Transactions’ Report Act」, the name itself makes an impression of a hurriedly made law like it burdens the real estate agents with the duty to report the real transaction prices which our government needs, rather than the Act makes real estate agents have status and pride, and in terms of its contents, it stipulates that the real estate agents are described as just dealers not experts. The task range is too narrow for real estate brokerage to be raised as a specialized job. And, as the closing costs system falls behind, it is hard to its corporatizing as well as managing. Also, the brokerage contraction system and the real estate transaction network are not satisfactory, and there are several problems such as mass production of unlicensed brokers, lack of self-regulating rule of Association of Real Estate Brokers, and so on. Especially, the real estate market becomes diverse according to the change of time. However, the closing costs system is still in the structure of the past. By analyzing the problem of the closing costs which can be said as the core of the real estate brokerage and studying the improvement plan, it is intended to provide the foundation for advancing of the real estate brokerage system. In this study, through theoretical consideration of the closing costs system, concept and legal nature were argued; transition process of the closing costs system was investigated. And, the closing costs were compared with other businesses parts’ commission system related with the real estate. Also, from investigating present condition of closing costs rate’s regulation, thinking about matters to be referred in our laws, the calculating problem in the closing costs system, the maximum regression rate system, setting-up the limited amount of brokerage except houses, commission of goodwill value, and brokerage commission dispute problem were studied. The solution is that improvement through the revision of the Real Estate Brokerage Act, closing costs system’s improvement, brokerage payment’s liberalization and realization strategy, improvement of setting-up the limited amount of brokerage except houses, improvement of brokerage commission dispute’s settlement. And, based on these, this study was conducted. 본 연구의 목적은 부동산중개업전문가인 공인중개사의 부동산중개수수료제도에 대한 문제점을 지적하고 그 개선방안을 통하여 건전한 부동산거래를 확립하고 부동산중개업의 발전을 기하고자 하는데 있다. 국가경제의 성장과 더불어 부동산중개업제도는 부동산시장에서 차지하는 비중이 매우 크다고 할 수 있다. 부동산중개분야가 규모면에서 국민경제에 차지하는 비중이 크고 일반 국민의 삶과 아주 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 부동산중개수수료제도가 많은 문제점이 있어서 안타까운 현실이다. 한편, 국가경제가 발달함에 따라 부동산시장의 규모가 거대화․다양화되어 가고 있으며, 거래금액도 고액화 되어가고 있으므로 부동산거래는 거래당사자 간 또는 거래당사자와 부동산중개업자간에 신뢰할 수 있는 제도적 장치가 필요하게 되었다. 그러나 우리나라의 부동산중개제도는 아직 많은 부분 미흡하여 부동산거래시장의 혼란과 낙후성이 초래되고 있으며, 합법적인 부동산거래가 이루어지지 않고 있는 것이 오늘의 현상이다. 이에 따라 정부는 부동산중개업법을 제정하여 공인중개사제도를 도입하고 부동산중개제도의 운영상 나타난 미비점을 보완하고자 여러 차례에 걸쳐 수수료체계 등을 정비하였지만 아직도 부동산중개업의 공신력은 별로 나아진 것이 없다. 또한 부동산중개업법이 시행된 지 30여년 지났지만 우리나라의 부동산중개서비스시장은 아직도 다른 유사업종에 비교하여 낙후되어 있을 뿐만 아니라 공인중개사제도가 도입은 되어 있음에도 불구하고 비전문가들이 중개시장을 어지럽게 하고 있는 실정이다. 부동산중개란 「공인중개사의 업무 및 부동산 거래신고에 관한 법률」 제2조 제1호에 “이 법 제3조의 규정에 의한 중개대상물에 대하여 거래당사자간의 매매․교환․임대차 그 밖의 권리의 득실변경에 관한 행위를 알선하는 것을 말한다.”라고 규정하고 있다. 「공인중개사의 업무 및 부동산 거래신고에 관한 법률」은 그 명칭부터가 공인중개사로서의 위상 및 자긍심을 갖게 해주는 것보다는 정부가 필요로 하는 실거래가 신고의무를 공인중개사에게 부담시키려고 급조된 법률 같은 느낌을 주고 있고, 그 내용상으로도 전문직업인으로서 공인중개사가 아니라 업자로서 공인중개사로 규정되어 있는 법률이다. 중개업을 전문화된 직업으로 육성하기에는 업무범위가 너무 협소하고, 부동산중개수수료율체계가 낙후되어 있어서 경영압박은 물론 기업화도 어렵게 하고 있다. 또한 중개계약과 관련한 법령의 흠결, 부동산거래정보망의 미비, 무등록중개업자의 양산, 중개업협회의 자율적 규율성의 부족 등 여러 가지 문제점이 있다. 특히, 부동산시장은 시대의 변화에 따라서 다양화되어 가고 있는데 반해 부동산중개수수료제도는 아직도 과거의 틀을 벗어나지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 부동산중개업의 핵심이라 할 수 있는 부동산중개수수료에 대한 문제점을 분석하고 개선방안을 연구하여 부동산중개제도 선진화를 위한 기틀을 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 부동산중개수수료제도의 이론적 고찰을 통하여 그 개념과 법적성질을 살펴보았고 중개수수료제도의 변천과정을 조사하였으며, 부동산 관련한 타 업종의 수수료제도와 부동산중개수수료제도를 비교분석해 보았다. 또한, 외국의 부동산중개수수료율 규제현황을 조사하여 우리 법제에서 참고해야 할 사항을 연구해 보면서 부동산중개수수료제도 중 중개수수료 산정상의 문제, 상한역진요율체계, 주택 이외의 중개수수료 한도액설정, 상가권리금에 대한 중개수수료, 중개수수료분쟁의 문제에 대하여 연구하였다. 이러한 분석의 토대 위에서 공인중개사법의 개정과, 중개수수료 체계의 개선, 중개보수의 자율화와 실현방안, 주택 이외의 중개수수료 한도액 설정의 재검토, 상가권리금에 대한 중개수수료 개선책, 중개수수료 분쟁의 합리적 해결방안 등을 도출하고자 노력하였다.

      • SM 15C의 절삭조건에 따른 가공정도

        이청 단국대학교 교육대학원 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The present study was concerned with effect which feed, cutting speed, and tool nose of cam radius wo-Id have on precision work, that is surface roughness, while cutting carbon steel with a cutting tool. The experimental formula was designed to find the positive results. Cutting materials used in the experiment were structural carbon steels, and the range of their diameter was between 37 mm and 45m. Before cutting the work, the surface roughness of materials was uniformly 1.5pm, and cemented carbides p20 was used as a tool material . The range of the tool nose of can radius in the tool was from 0.4mm to 0.8mm. 1.2mm and 1.6mm. The study on the measurement of the surface roughness at a cutting speed of 70m/min, ll0m/min, 170m/min, and 230m/min, limited cutting depth as 0.3mm, found the results as follows. 1. When unified the tool nose of can radius, the Less feed speed reduced, and the more cutting speed increased, the more rough the degree of surface roughness was. 2. In case of the same feed and cutting speed, the longer the tool nose of can radius was , the more rough the degree of surface roughness was . 3. The more feed and cutting speed increased, the practical surface roughness approached the theoretic surface roughness nearer.

      • 보육교사의 회복탄력성, 어린이집 내의 대인관계가 역할수행에 미치는 영향

        이청 가톨릭대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This study aims to investigate the relationship and impact of child care teachers' resilience and personal relations within the child care center(head teacher, colleagues, parents) with their role performance. Research subjects were 338 child care teachers working in child care centers, sampled from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Incheon, and a questionnaire was used for data collection. The resilience scale of child care teachers used in this study was the Korean Resilience Quotient Test tool (KRQ-53), for which Resilience Quotient Test (RQT) developed by Reivich and Shatte (2002) was modified to suit Korean culture by Kim Joo-hwan (2011). The scale, for which Leader-Member Exchange (LMX7) of Graen and Uhi-Bien (1995) was modified and complemented for child care center conditions by Kim Yu-jeong, Park Soo-kyeong, Lim Joeng-jin and Ahn Sun-hee (2011), was used as the personal relations scale for child care teachers within the child care center. The scale, for which the tool developed by Lee Hee-kyeong and Kim Sung-soo (2002) was reconfigured, modified and complemented by Kim Eun-hee (2016), was used as the role performance scale of child care teachers. Data collected in this study were analyzed using SPSS 22.0. Frequency and percentage were calculated to determine demographic characteristics of subjects, and the Cronbach’s α was estimated to verify the validity and confidence of scales. The t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed for the analysis of research problems. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the analysis of differences according to the demographic characteristics of child care teachers showed that no difference was observed depending on the child care teacher's level of education and types of working institutions. In contrast, it was shown that the role performance was higher with higher age, certificate in possession and career length. Furthermore, married teachers showed higher role performance than unmarried teachers. Second, it was shown that teacher's role performance had a significant positive correlation with both child care teachers' resilience and personal relations within the child care center. Third, the impact of child care teacher's resilience and personal relations within the child care center(head teacher, colleagues, parents) on the role performance was analyzed, and both were shown to have a significant impact on the entire role performance. For sub factors of each variable, relations with parent, a sub factor of personal relations, had an impact on child care and guidance, sub factors of the teacher's role performance while self-control of resilience, and relations with the head teacher and parents had a significant impact on education and teaching activities, and counselling and emotional support, sub factors of the role performance. Self-control ability and positivity of resilience, and all sub factors of personal relations had a significant impact on research and reflective practice of the role performance. Finally, relations with the head teacher and parents had an impact on the relational role, on which, however, resilience did not have an impact. Taken all together, it can be seen that child care teacher's resilience and personal relations within the child care center(head teacher, colleagues, parents) had an impact on the role performance. Thus, this suggests the importance of child care teacher's resilience and formation of smooth relationships with the head teacher, colleagues and parents that can impact the role performance of child care teachers. 본 연구는 보육교사의 회복탄력성, 어린이집 내의 대인관계(원장, 동료교사, 학부모)가 교사의 역할수행에 어떻게 관련되어 있으며, 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 어린이집에 근무하는 보육교사 338명을 대상으로 서울시, 경기도, 인천지역을 중심으로 표집하였으며, 자료 수집은 질문지 방법을 사용하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 보육교사의 회복탄력성 척도는 Reivich와 Shatte(2002)가 연구개발한 회복탄력성 검사(Resilience Quotient Test: RQT) 문항을 한국 문화에 맞게 김주환(2011)이 수정보완한 KRQ-53(Korean Resilience Quotient Test) 도구를 사용하였으며, 보육교사의 어린이집 내의 대인관계 척도는 Graen과 Uhi-Bien(1995)의 리더-멤버교환관계척도(Leader-Member Exchange: LMX7)를 김유정, 박수경, 임정진, 안선희(2011)가 어린이집 상황에 맞게 수정·보완한 척도를 사용하였다. 보육교사의 역할수행 척도는 이희경, 김성수(2000)가 개발한 도구를 김은희(2016)가 재구성하여 수정·보완한 척도를 사용하였다. 본 연구에 수집된 자료는 SPSS 22.0을 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구대상자의 사회인구학적 특성을 파악하기 위해 빈도와 백분율을 구하였고, 척도의 신뢰도를 검증하기 위해 Cronbach’s α 계수를 산출하였다. 연구문제의 분석을 위해서는 t-검증, ANOVA, Pearson의 상관분석, 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보육교사의 사회인구학적 특성에 따른 차이를 살펴본 결과 보육교사의 학력, 근무기관 유형에 따라서는 차이가 나타나지 않았으며 보육교사의 연령, 소지한 자격유형, 근무경력이 높을수록, 역할수행능력이 높게 나타났으며 기혼이 교사가 미혼인 교사보다 역할수행을 더 잘하는 걸로 나타났다. 둘째, 보육교사의 회복탄력성, 어린이집 내의 대인관계, 교사의 역할수행간의 관계를 알아본 결과, 보육교사의 역할수행은 회복탄력성과 어린이집 내의 대인관계 모두 유의한 정적 상관관계가 나타났다. 셋째, 보육교사의 회복탄력성, 어린이집 내의 대인관계(원장, 동료교사, 학부모)가 역할수행에 미치는 영향력을 알아보았다. 보육교사의 회복탄력성과 어린이집 내의 대인관계가 역할수행에 유의미한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 각 변인의 하위요인별로 살펴본 결과, 보육교사 역할수행의 하위요인인 보육 및 생활지도에서는 어린이집 내의 대인관계의 하위요인인 학부모와의 관계가 영향을 미치며, 역할 수행의 하위요인인 교육 및 교수활동과 상담 및 정서적 지원에서는 회복탄력성의 자기조절능력과 대인관계의 하위요인인 원장과의 관계, 학부모와의 관계가 유의한 결과로 나타났다. 역할수행의 연구 및 반성적 실천에서는 회복탄력성의 자기조절능력과 긍정성, 그리고 대인관계의 하위요인 모두와 유의한 영향력을 나타냈다. 마지막으로 관련적 역할에서는 원장과의 관계와 학부모와의 관계에서 영향력이 나타났으며 회복탄력성에서는 유의미한 영향력이 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 보육교사의 회복탄력성과 어린이집 내의 대인관계(원장, 동료교사, 학부모)가 역할수행에 영향을 주는 것을 알 수 있다.

      • HPLC 및 LC-MS/MS를 이용한 산마늘과 박새의 판별법 개발

        이청 조선대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        In the recent past, there is an increasing trend in society to use natural and pollution free food in view to maintain good health. Every year in the spring season, a variety of plants are collected from mountains and agriculture fields to consume as food for good taste and refresh lives. However, food poisoning is continuously reported in relation to intake of spring herbs and the majority of these cases are due to mistakes in selection of wild edible plants due to their similar appearance with toxic plants. The wild edible plant Allium victorialis is often confused with plant Veratrum patulum, due to similarity in physical appearance. V. patulum causes poisoning symptoms such as hypotension, vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain. Thus to avoid any confusion of V. patulum with A. victorialis; an accurate method is very much required at the time of harvesting plants. This study is therefore designed to develop an analytical method for identification of A. victorialis and to prevent its possible adultration due to V. patulum. First the elemental contents were analyzed and applied to identify V. patulum contained in A. victorialis. Then a discriminant method for analyzing selected indicator was carried out, after method validation and blind tests confirmation. Finally, the developed method was applied to the processed foods in the markets to confirm the indicator compound for any adultration. The HPLC-DAD and LC-MS/MS were used as analytical techniques in this study. The HPLC-DAD screening test was performed with the samples solutions in which the polarity index was sequentially extracted using a soxhelt apparatus; to check the indicator component. Peak was confirmed as luteolin-7-O-glucuronide and analyzed using LC-MS/MS for the confirmed peak, and was established as the final indicator component of V. patulum after comparative analysis with the standard. For efficient analysis, this study developed an efficient extraction method too for analytical analysis of luteolin-7-O-glucuronide contained in V. patulum. A methanol reflux extract under the condition of 2 hours was found as optimum extraction method. Proper method validation was carried out to obtain the reliability of the developed method and effectiveness of the obtained results. In order to confirm V. patulum contained in A. victorialis, the luteolin-7-O-glucuronide analysis method was applied to 19 processed foods commonly consumed in South Korea, and were found that there is no contamination of V. patulum and safe from causing aforementioned symptoms of poisoning. From this research, the indicator compound of luteolin-7-O-glucuronide was developed and the analysis method so designed was applied successfully to determine whether there is any mixing of V. patulum with A. victorialis in processed foods from open markets of South Korea. As a result of this research, it will be possible to minimize damage by prompt response to the cause of food poisoning caused by V. patulum in A. victorialis. This will improve the reliability foods especially made of spring herb A. victorialis.

      • Program annotation : N. Bruhns Praeludium und Fuge in e moll, J. S. Bach Praeludium und Fuge in f moll, BWV 534, C. Franck Chorale no. 3 in A minor, J. Alain Deuxieme fantaisie, G. Pierne Trois pieces, op. 29

        이청 연세대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        이 논문은 본인의 석사 졸업연주회의 연주곡목인 N. Bruhns의 Praeludium und Fuge in e moll, J. S. Bach의 Praeludium und Fuge in f moll, BWV534, C. Franck의 Chorale No.3 in A Minor, J. Alain의 Deuxieme Fantaisie, G. Pierne의 Trois Pieces, op.29에 대한 작품해설이다. N. Bruhns(1665-1697)는 D. Buxtehude의 제자로서 J. S. Bach이전의 북독일의 오르가니스트 중에서 가장 중요한 인물 중 한 사람이다. Bruhns의 Praeludium und Fuge in e moll은 북독일의 기법으로 작곡된 작품으로 Buxtehude의 대작에 필적할 만한 곡이다. 이 곡에서는 두 개의 완결된 푸가가 핵심을 이루며 화려하게 움직이는 손 건반은 북 독일학파의 특징을 잘 보여준다. 그리고 자유롭고 즉흥적인 토카타 형식을 체계화하여 일정한 구조를 나타냈으며 피카르디 3화음을 곡의 중간에 자주 사용한 특징들을 볼 수 있다. 바로크 음악의 거장으로 불리는 J. S. Bach(1685-1750)는 독일 음악의 심오한 대위법과 프랑스의 리드믹한 무용곡 형식과 장식음, 그리고 이태리의 아름다운 선율적인 음악과 기악적 작곡기법 등을 조화롭게 융화하여 완성시킨 음악의 대가이다. 그가 Weimar(1708-1717)시기에 작곡한 Praeludium und Fuge in f moll, BWV534는 북독 전주곡의 영향을 보여주는 곡이다. C. Franck(1822-1890)는 19세기 프랑스 낭만 음악사상 가장 중요한 작곡가이다. 그의 오르간 작품들은 다음 세대 오르간 작곡가들에게 하나의 모델이 되었을 뿐만 아니라, French Symphonic Organ School의 태동에 영향을 끼쳤다. 그의 말년에 작곡된 세 개의 Chorale중 세 번째 곡인 A Minor 는 3부분 형식으로 이루어져 있으며 코랄의 주제가 반음계와 조화를 이루어 프랑크의 심오한 종교적인 내면을 잘 표현하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 작품전체에 흐르는 선율과 진행들이 프랑크 특유의 독특한 세계를 잘 표현하고 있다. J. Alain(1911-1940)은 20세기의 다른 작곡가들과 구별되는 독특한 기법으로 음악적 개혁을 추구한, 프랑스의 피아니스트이자 오르가니스트이며 작곡자이다. 그는 C. Franck로부터 시작된 19세기 French Symphonic Organ School의 전통을 계승 발전시킨 많은 오르간 작곡가들과는, 다른 경향을 보여주고 있으며 음색에 있어서 매우 독특함을 보여준다. 그는 1932년에 파리 식민 박람회에 다녀온 뒤로부터 몇 년간 계속 그의 음악에서 동양음악의 영향이 드러나게 되는데 Deuxieme Fantaisie는 이런 동양음악의 영향이 두드러지게 나타나는 작품이다. G. Pierne(1863-1937)는 Franck의 뒤를 이어 St. Clotilde성당의 오르가니스트로 있었고 후에 작곡과 지휘에 전념하기 위하여 오르가니스트를 사임하고 유명한 E. Colonne Concerts의 지휘자로 활약하였다. 그의 오르간작품은 얼마 안 되지만 Trois Pieces, op.29는 전형적인 프랑스 낭만 오르간 형식을 보여주며 피아노 스타일의 주법과 즉흥적인 요소가 많이 나타나는 작품이다. This thesis is a commentary on the works of the writer's graduation performance: N. Bruhns Praeludium und Fuge in e moll, J. S. Bach Praeludium und Fuge in f moll, BWV534, C. Franck Chorale No.3 in A Minor, J. Alain Deuxieme Fantaisie, G. Pierne Trois Pieces, op.29. N. Bruhns(1665-1697), who was a disciple of D. Buxtehude. was one of the most important figures among the organists of Northern Germany before J. S. Bach. His Praeludium in e moll was composed in typical style of free works of North Germany. and it is comparable with Buxtehude's masterpiece. The piece is mainly composed of two complete fugues, and its fast finger movement reflects the style of Northern German School. It has a systematized structure of free and extemporaneous toccata form, and often uses a chord of Picarcy. J. S. Bach(1685-1750), the great Baroque musician, has harmonized the profound counterpoint of German music with the rhythmical dance form and ornaments of France, and the melodic structure, instrumental technigue of the Italian music. Praeludium und Fuge in f moll, BWV534, which is composed in his Weimar period, shows the influence of preludes of North Germany. C. Franck(1822-1890), is one of the most significant French Romantic musicians. His organ works not only became a model for the next organ composers but also influenced on the birth of French Symphonic Organ School. A Minor, the third piece out of the three Chorales composed in his last period, has a form of three parts. And its theme is decorated with chormatic hamonies and his works show the depth of his religious idea. In addition, the melody and process reflects Franck's unique music world. J. Alain(1911-1940), as famous French pianist, organist and composer, tried a musical reform with his distinguished techniques. He is far from many organists who follows French Symphonic Organ School originated from C. Franck; he is especially distinguished in timbre. His music was affected by the oriental music since his visit of Paris Colony Exposition in 1932 and Deuxieme Fantaisie is one of the works under the conspicuous influence. G. Pierne(1863-1937), was once the organist of St. Clotilde Cathedral following Franck but resigned the position to devote himself to the composition and conduct ,and became the conductor of the famous E. Colonne Concerts. Although he composed a few organ works, Trois Pieces is a organ work of the typical form of French Romanticism and has technical skills of piano and extemporaneous factors.

      • 韓·美간 同盟關係의 特性 變化에 관한 硏究

        이청 水原大學校 行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        ROK-U.S Alliance Organization which is based on 'ROK-U.S Mutual Defense Treaty', concluded in 1953, has contributed definitely not only the stability of Korea peninsula but also northeast Asia during the last half of the century. While the world-wide cold war was progressing, on the strategic assumption that it copes wit11 extension of Communist camp jointly, ROK-U.S Alliance Organization is to cope wit11 military threat of the north by depending on the United States. The U.S also has formed, developed as product of the calculation profits and losses to keep stable balance of the region by blocking the Communist camp and taken charge of an important role. So it can be said the out put of the cold war. By taking the times of reconciliation and collaboration with north Korea in the new national security circumstances, some progressive intellectuals and citizens' campaign demand the reformation of the SOFA which is prescribed inequally, withdrawal and a cut in the U.S armed in Korea cause of recently a holocaust of No-Kun-Ri which inquire into the real state of affairs, Mae-Hyang-Ri range a civil appeal issue and Han-River's toxic chemical discharge occurrence. We can not help worrying that this kind of complication can be negative strongly by spoiling the worth of existence U.S Armed force in Korea and positive things. It is important for both countries, Korea and the U.S, to hold each other in check continuously by working out the point of issue in a transition period intellectually. Especially the alliance between Korea and the U.S is absolutely important to manage the stability of Korea peninsula when we expect the extension of the influence of China. To prevent the posibility of collision of the powerful countries after the unification and to cope with the threat of the powerful countries which may occur, we must seek our own interests contriving even though the decrease of threat from north Korea these days. In the 21st century northeast Asia will accomplish the heart of the matters in the contention for hegemony by U.S. So with the help of the alliance of U.S and ROK, it can be continued autonomy amity and economical growth not to be victims of the hegemony competition. Therefore it must be developed to prepare for the uncertainty future not for the specially fixed threat. The supplement and complement of ROK-U.S Alliance Organization will be needed to accomplish the autonomy amity, economical growth against the competition of U.S, China, and Japan.

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