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        대표공종의 선정을 통한 약식 기성 산정 방법에 관한 연구 - 자연형 하천공사를 중심으로

        이정윤,우성권,Lee, Jeong-Yoon,Woo, Sung-Kwon 한국건설관리학회 2010 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        내역서를 기반으로 하는 국내 공공공사의 기성 산정 방법은 작업진도의 산출과 무관한 기성고 산정과 많은 양의 서류작성과 복잡한 절차 등의 많은 문제점이 있다. 국가계약법에서 정식과 약식 기성 산정 방법으로 구분되며, 이중에서 약식 기성 산정 방법은 절차와 신청서류를 간소화하여 이와 같은 문제점을 상당 부분 해결 가능하지만 이의 활용이 미비한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 작업분류체계의 수립과 이를 기반으로 선정된 대표공종의 진도율을 이용하여 기성을 산정하는 방법을 제안하였으며, 자연형 하천공사의 실적공사 데이터를 수집하여 이를 적용을 통한 국내 공공공사의 기성 산정 방법과의 비교를 통해, 기성 산정을 위한 관리항목의 감소로 인한 업무 부담의 감소와 빠르고 효과적인 기성 산정을 통한 업무효율의 증가 등 그 효율성을 검증하였다. 이러한 기성 산정 방법론의 도입은 기존 방법의 문제점 해결을 통한 업무효율의 증가뿐만 아니라 향후 공공공사의 사업관리에 있어서 그 효율성이 검증된 공정-공사비 통합관리의 기반을 다지는 데 있어 큰 의미가 있다. In domestic public works, there are several problems in the measurement of payments based on the bill of quantity, which doesn't match with the activity progress rate, heavy paper works and complicated procedures. It can be classified formal and simplified method. By using the simplified method, it can be solved many problems by summarizing the procedure, but is not generally used. This paper proposes a payment method by progress measurement for specified activity based on WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) verifying efficiency which reduced cost account and advanced work on payment compare to method of domestic public works using the data about construction of eco-river. This method will be an important contribution on being a base for cost-schedule integrated management which were verified and also improving efficiency on measuring payment.

      • KCI등재

        HR-WPAN에서 채널 상태에 따른 우회 채널 할당

        이정윤,김성수,김장형,송왕철,Lee Jung-Yun,Kim Sung-Su,Kim Jang-Hyung,Song Wang-Cheol 한국정보통신학회 2006 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.10 No.5

        High-rate WPAN 은 CAT의 Time Slot 할당 스케줄링 방법을 정의 하고 있지 않다. 이에 CAT의 Time Slot 할당 스케줄링 방법 에 관한 많은 연구가 진행 중이다. 하지만 지금까지의 연구들은 Air Interface의 에러 요소의 미적용이나 특정 DEV의 기아 현상 등의 단점 등을 내포하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 채널의 상태에 따른 우회 경로를 제공하여 채널 타임 할당 스케줄링 방법의 단점을 극복하는 알고리즘을 제안한다. Wireless Personal Area Networks(WAPANs) are designed for short-range ad hoc connectivity among portable devices. They have gained much attention in the industry recently. One of them, High-rate WPAN, is designed to support multimedia traffic that requires high data rates. But, High-rate WPAN standards don't specify the time slot assignment scheduling method of CAT(Channel Time Allocation). So, there has been many studies regarding time slot assignment scheduling of CAT. However, present studies involve demerits about not applying various types of errors in air interlace or having a starvation of a specific DEV(data device). In this paper, we propose algorithms about supplying the intermediate channel assignment in order to avoid these demerits. This method will help other methods that use time slot assignment scheduling of CTA.

      • KCI등재

        국내 육성 감자의 재분화와 형질전환 효율에 미치는 생장조절제의 조성 및 몇 가지 요소

        이정윤,서효원,조지홍,이신우,윤한대,Yi, Jung-Yoon,Seo, Hyo-Won,Cho, Ji-Hong,Lee, Shin-Woo,Yun, Han-Dae 한국식물생명공학회 2003 식물생명공학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        국내에서 육종된 감자 품종들에 대하여 재분화 및 형질전환효율에 영향을 미치는 여러 요인들을 조사하고 품종별 최적 조건을 규명하고자 하였다. 최근 육종된 5품종 '추백', '남서', '자심', '조풍'과 '조원'의 잎과 줄기 조직을 재료로 사용하여 배지 내 호르몬 조성별 신초형성률을 조사하였다. 신초형성률은 잎 조직의 경우 '조원'이 GA₃0.1 mg/L, Zeatin 2.0mg/L과 NAA 0.01 mg/L가 포함된 M5 배지에서 90%이상으로 가장 높은 반면 다른 공시품종은 20% 미만이었으며 줄기조직을 치상한 경우 '조풍'이 M5 배지에서 70%의 신초형성률을 나타내었으나. 다른 품종은 25% 이하의 신초형성률을 나타내어 품종별, 조직별로 큰 차이를 나타내었다. 감자의 형질전환 시 Agrobacterium 접종과정에서 75 μM의 acetosyringone을 처리한 경우 잎 조직은 '조원'이 87.9%, 줄기 조직은 '조풍'이 68.4%로 높은 형질전환효율을 나타내어 acetosyringone을 처리하지 않은 대조구에 비하여 1.5∼4.0배의 높은 형질전환효율을 나타냈다. The optimal condition of in vitro regeneration and transformation were investigated for newly bred potato varieties in Korea. Leaf and internodal stem tissues of 'Chubak', 'Namsuh', 'Jasim', 'Jopung' and 'Jowon' were used to investigate the influence of growth regulator on regeneration efficiency The effect of phenolic compound acetosyringone on gene transformation efficiency was also investigated. Leaf tissue of 'Jowon' and internodal stem tissues of 'Jopung' were showed high regeneration efficiency on M5 medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L GA₃, 2.0 mg/L Zeatin and 0.01 mg/L NAA. The other three potato cultivars were showed low regeneration efficiency less than 25%. The effect of acetosyringone on Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation with leaf and internodal stem tissues were noticeable. By adding the 75 μM of acetosyringone during the Agrobacterium innoculation, the transformation efficiency was increased up to 1.5∼4.0 fold compare to non-treated control. In case of 'Jowon' the transformation efficiency was 87.9% in leaf tissue and 'Jopung' was 68.4% in internodal stem tissues.

      • KCI등재

        측두하악관절의 골관절염

        이정윤,Lee, Jeong-Yun 대한안면통증구강내과학회 2013 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.38 No.1

        측두하악관절 골관절염은 측두하악장애의 한 형태로 관절조직의 생리적 내성을 초과하는 기능적 부하가 지속적으로 관절에 가해졌을 때 관절연골 및 연골하 골조직의 점진적 파괴와 이차적 염증을 특징으로 하는 질환이다. 관절면에 가해지는 물리적 하중은 관절내에서 기질파괴 단백효소나 염증성 cytokine, 유리기의 활성을 증가시키고, 그에 따라 골조직의 퇴행과 재형성 사이의 균형을 깨뜨려 골조직의 흡수를 야기한다. 최근에는 물리적 하중 이 외에 비만세포에서 유래하는 adipokine이 골흡수를 증가시킨다는 보고들이 있으나 측두하악관절에 적용하기에는 아직 추가적인 연구가 필요하므로 현재로서 골관절염의 치료는 관절의 기능적 부하를 줄이고 환자의 생리적 내성을 증가시키는 방향으로 이루어져야 한다. 임상증상은 충분한 기간 정확한 술식대로 시행한 물리치료, 약물치료, 교합안정 장치치료 등의 보존적 처치와 관절강내 주사요법이나 관절세척술 및 관절경 수술과 같은 추가적인 외과적 처치에 의해 성공적으로 조절될 수 있으나, 임상증상의 개선이 골파괴의 중지와 재형성을 담보하는 것은 아니므로 임상증상의 개선 이 후에도 지속적인 골변화의 추적관찰이 필요하다. 또한, 골변화 활성 자체를 직접적으로 조절할 수 있는 활용 가능한 치료법이 없는 한, 지속적인 동기유발과 행동조절을 통해 관절에 가해지는 기능적 부하를 환자 스스로 조절할 수 있도록 끊임없이 교육하는 것이 골변화를 겪는 측두하악관절로 하여금 보다 이른 시기에 보다 유리한 정형적 안정에 도달하게 함으로써 골관절염을 보다 성공적으로 조절할 수 있는 길이라고 할 수 있다. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a severe form of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), presenting gradual breakdown of articular cartilage and subchondral bone by the functional load sustained to exceed the physiologic tolerance of the joint. In such a joint loaded, offensive bioactive materials such as matrix degrading proteins, cytokines, and free radicals increase in concentration to shift the tissue response in the joint to degeneration from regeneration or remodeling. Recently, it has been issued that obesity can play an offensive role in pathogenesis of OA in a metabolic way. Adipokines released by adipose cells are present at higher concentration in the arthritic joint and joints of obese individuals. However, because of conflicting data reported, further scientific study should be performed to elucidate the practical role of adipokines in pathogenesis of TMJ OA. As far as the clinical signs and symptoms of TMJ OA are not much different from those of other forms of TMD and any definitive treatment modality to control directly the bone resorptive activity is not available yet, the treatment of TMJ OA should be directed to reduce the physical load and enhance the physiologic tolerance of the joint by means of conservative treatment such as physical therapy, medication, and occlusal splint therapy for sufficient period and, if needed after that, supplementary surgical procedure such as intra-articular injection, arthrocenthesis, and arthroscopic surgery that have turned out to be effective to control OA signs and symtpoms. Enthusiastic reassurance and motivation for patients to control behaviors for themselves to reduce unnecessary functional load in daily life is very important for the joint to reach to more favorable orthopedic stability of the TMJ more quickly, guaranteeing more successful management TMJ OA.

      • 적극적 스트레스 대처매개 중재가 임상실습 스트레스와 만족도에 미치는 영향

        이정윤,황혜경,Lee, Jeong-Yun,Hwang, Hye-Kyung 한국임상보건과학회 2019 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to determine the mediating effects of aggressive stress response on the association between clinical practice stress and clinical practice satisfaction in ophthalmic optics majors and provide basic data that could help form opticians' professionalism and make clinical practice more effective. Methods: This study was conducted in 236 sophomores and juniors in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province who had finished clinical practice. Hierarchical regression analysis and mediating effect testing were performed to determine the associations among clinical practice stress, clinical practice satisfaction, and aggressive stress response and determine the mediating effects of aggressive stress response on the association between clinical practice stress and clinical practice satisfaction. Results: Clinical practice stress was significantly negatively correlated with clinical practice satisfaction and aggressive stress response (p<0.01), and aggressive stress response was significantly positively correlated with clinical practice satisfaction (p<0.01). The association between clinical practice stress and clinical practice satisfaction was more likely to be explained by the addition of clinical practice stress than by being aggressive stress response controlled, which statistically significantly met the criteria for mediating effects (p<0.001). Conclusions: It is necessary to pay more attention to program development and teaching methods within the department of ophthalmic optics so that ophthalmic optics majors can utilize aggressive stress response to overcome clinical practice stress effectively and improve clinical practice satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        Short-term Effect of Botulinum Toxin Injection on the Surface EMG of Masticatory Muscles and Jaw Function

        이정윤,박희경,정진우,Lee, Jeong-Yun,Park, Hee-Kyung,Chung, Jin-Woo Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine 2006 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.31 No.1

        Botulinum toxin injection has been used in the masticatory muscle area as an effective treatment method of various movement disorders and facial contouring, but its effects on jaw function have not been evaluated. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of botulinum toxin type A injection into the masseter muscle on the EMG activities of masseter and anterior temporal muscles, and the limitation of jaw function. Fourteen healthy subjects were recruited. Five subjects were injected with 80 units of botulinum toxin type A(Dysport, Ipsen, Wrexham, UK) into each side of masseter muscle, and nine subjects were injected with saline into the same site as the botulinum toxin group. The surface EMG activities at maximum voluntary contraction of masseter and anterior temporal muscles were recorded before, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks after injection. Presence of jaw functional limitations in each subject was investigated using Korean version of Jaw Functional Limitation Scale(JFLS) questionnaire. The masseter muscle EMG was gradually decreased in the botulinum toxin group comparing with that of the control group(p<0.001), but the anterior temporal muscle EMG did not show significant changes. There was significant increases in the mastication (p<0.01), and global jaw limitation(p<0.05) subscales of JFLS at 1 week after injection, but no significant changes in the other subscales including opening, and verbal and emotional expression during the recording periods. Our results suggest that botulinum toxin injection into masseter muscle can affect modest limitation in mastication function at 1 week after injection but recovered to the baseline until 3 weeks after injection. The EMG activity of masseter muscle had been gradually decreased until 3 weeks after botulinum toxin injection but the anterior temporal muscle did not show any significant changes.

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