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      • KCI등재

        평형 감각 증진을 위한 새로운 훈련 장치의 개발

        이정옥,박용군,노방환,홍철운,김남균,Lee Jung Ok,Park Young Gun,No Pang Hwang,Hong Chul Un,Kim Nam Gyun 대한의용생체공학회 2004 의공학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        본 논문에서는 불안정판(unstable platform)을 이용한 새로운 인체 평형감각 증진용 훈련 시스템을 제안하였다. 본 시스템은 불안정판, 컴퓨터 인터페이스, 다양한 소프트웨어로 구성되어 있다. 불안정판은 기울기 센서와 무선 모듈을 내장한 타원형의 단순한 구조이다. 균형 훈련의 효과를 평가하기 위해 표적으로의 이동시간(moving time to the target)과 표적 내 유지시간(duration time in the target)과 같은 파라미터(parameter)를 측정하였다. 균형 훈련은 2주간 행해졌고, 훈련 프로그램에 따라 피험자를 두 그룹으로 나누었다. 그 결과, sine curve trace (SCT)와 block game의 훈련 프로그램을 이용한 반복적인 훈련을 통해 이동시간은 짧아졌고, 유지시간은 길어졌다 특히, 피험자가 균형을 유지하기 어려웠던 방향에서의 개선이 두드러졌다. 이로써 본 시스템은 훈련 후 피험자의 평형감각을 향상시킬 수 있었고, 효과적인 평형감각 훈련시스템으로써 임상에의 적용 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. We propose a new training system for the improvement of equilibrium sense using unstable platform. This system consists of unstable platform, computer interface and various softwares. The unstable platform was a simple structure of elliptical-type which included tilt sensor and wireless RF module. To evaluate the effort of balance training, we measured the parameters such as the moving time to the target and duration to maintain cursor in the target of screen. Balance training was carried out for two weeks and we classified the subjects into two groups by the training program. As a result, the moving time was reduced and duration time was lengthened through the repeating training of equilibrium sense using training program of sine curve trace(SCT) and Block game. Especially, there was remarkable improvement at direction which was too difficult for the subjects to balance their body. It was showed that this system had an effort on improving equilibrium sense and might be applied to clinical use as an effective balance training system.

      • KCI등재

        공업계 교원 자격연수 프로그램에 대한 연수교사의 만족도

        이정옥,김판욱(Jung Ok Lee),Pan Wook Kim 대한공업교육학회 1993 대한공업교육학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The main objective of this study was to find basic materiasuse as basic materals to develop the secondary schols for the developing of the secondary school teacher`s training program of technical studies. To accomplish this objective the researcher studied the degree of satisfaction with the inservice training program that obtain the first or second class regular teacher`s qualification. Research methods included both the literature research for a theoretical investigation and the survey research for a empirical investigation. The researcher gave the questionnaire to each of 199 teachers of three group`s technical education, electrical engineering and chemical engineering who took part in the inservice training program in 1992 summer vacation. The researcher received 174 responses to the questionnaire. 173 sheets which were responded by teachers were used for the data processing because 1 sheet was discarded as irrelevent to study. The significant level on statistical research was 5 %. Considering research findings according to the research objectives, the researcher could conclude as follows. 1) The curriculum and processing method about teacher`s training program should be required further examination. 2) Concersning the future of the contents of the training courses, it must be both suitable to the students` current educational curriculum and more professional and broader in scope. 3) With the respect to the methodology used to teach the theories related to their area of expertise, it is more desirable to change step by step into both the discussion method and the project method. 4) In Inservice training program must implement a system of elective courses. So, it will be for teachers to sacrifice their specific interests and deep training courses. 5) The evaluation system and process should be reexamined not to test for the teacher`s estimation but to help directly for practical situation. 6) In training period, the field trip must be increased with respect to the number of courses in their specific subject. And to acquire the knowledge based on industrial production experiences, the training center`s authorities must make plans for use the backbone technologists of the company and for teaching the training teachers in the industrial situations.

      • KCI등재
      • 시민참여형 정책 결정과 직접민주제의 비교연구

        이정옥 ( Jung Ok Lee ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 사회과학논총 Vol.17 No.-

        본 연구는 시민참여형 정책 결정 제도와 직접민주제를 비교하려는 목적으로 작성되었다. 복합적인 정책 결정 상황에서 거버넌스와 공론조사가 기존의 하향식 정부운영에 대한 대안으로 채택되었다. 거버넌스 제도는 NGO 및 기업 등 사적 부분까지를 포괄하는 네트워크를 확대하는데 기여하였다. 그러나 기존의 관료제적 통제 문화가 작동하여 민관의 동등한 파트너십이 구성되는 데는 한계가 있다. 공론조사는 신고리 5·6호기 원자력 발전소 공사 재개 여부를 결정하기 위해 활용되었다. 조사결과 사회적 수용성이 있는 결론을 도출했고 그 결과 갈등관리에 기여하였다. 그러나 조사 전문성에 대한 과잉 의존과 숙의 시간 제약의 문제를 남기고 있다. 직접민주제는 발의권과 정책결정권이 있다는 점에서 시민참여형 정책 결정과 구별된다. 시민참여형 정책 결정은 대의제 선출직 권력의 필요에 의해 자문 또는 갈등관리를 위해 책임분산이라는 차원에서 임의적으로 활용되기 때문이다. 직접민주제는 부패방지, 대의제 권력 남용 규제, 유권자의 시민성 확대라는 측면에서 긍정적인 요소를 포함하고 있으나 한국에서는 아직 시행되지 않고 있다. 시민참여형 정책결정 제도가 정착하기 위해서는 시민성을 제고해야 할 것이다. This article has aimed to do comparative analysis between participatory decision making system and direct democracy system. Governance and deliberative survey were adopted as alternative system to top-down government system as innovative answer to complexities of policy decision making process. Governance system has contributed to extend the existing bureaucracy into wider network including diverse NGO actors and private sectors. However the existing culture of bureaucratic control has worked to discourage equal partnership building. Deliberative survey has been designed for the decision making whether to stop or continue the construction of Shin Gori 5·6 nuclear power plant. The result of survey has contributed to make socially acceptable decision making and conflict management. The over dependence of professional survey and relatively short period of deliberation should be challenged. Direct democracy has been differentiated from those two Participatory Policy Decision Making System in initiative right and ultimate decision making power while the other two systems were adopted by the request of the representative power for consultation and burden sharing of conflict management.

      • KCI등재

        신생아의 TPN 요법 시 발생되는 Cholestasis 치료를 위한 Ursodeoxycholic Acid의 약물사용 평가

        이정옥(Jung Ok Lee),송태범(Tae Beom Song),명구(Myung Koo Lee),임성실(Sung Cil Lim) 대한약학회 2010 약학회지 Vol.54 No.4

        Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is necessary to neonates in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for survival and growth because of impossible of enteral feeding. Long-term TPN can be associated with a broad spectrum of hepatobiliary disorder, ranging from mild hepatic dysfunction to severe end-stage liver disease. Cholestasis developed most commonly in neonate, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is widely used in adult with cholestatic and non-cholestatic liver diseases but there have been limited data on the effects in neonate with PNAC. This study was performed retrospectively to review all medical histories of the total 30 neonates with was administrated UDCA for treatment to parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis (PNAC) at Chungbuk National University Hospital NICU from April 2002 to December 2008. UDCA was administrated at bilirubin is over 2 mg/dl. The criterias for drug evaluation were included hepatic biochemical marker such as direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, AST, ALT, ALP and GGT, TPN therapy period, cholestasis development period, UDCA treatment period, UDCA dosage and adverse effect. In the results, Post-UDCA treatment significant was decreased direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, AST and ALP (p<0.05), and was decreased GGT (p>0.05) and slightly was increased ALT (p>0.05). Reffective timect biDCA was appear at mean 10.5±1.3 days, iDCA administration period was mean 64.4±5.9 days, cholestasis period was mean 71.9±6.4 days and UDCA dosage was mean 22.9±0.9 mg/kg/day. Common adverse effects is diarrhea, 5 patients arised mild diarrhea but it possible also related with increased enteral feeding. In conclusion, iDCA can decrease direct bilirubin that major parameter t bcholestasis and oher hepatic biochemical makers. UDCA is effective on PNAC without any serious side effect and cost-effective. Although no greatly shortening cholestasis period, but can protect to develop into severe liver disease and other complication or death. Based on these result, UDCA is recommended for treatment of cholestasis at direct bilirubin is over 2 mg/dl.

      • 돌봄노동의 사회화와 감정노동

        이정옥 ( Jung Ok Lee ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 사회과학논총 Vol.11 No.-

        본 논문은 남성 직장, 여성 가족이라는 전형씩인 생별분업 체계에 근거를 두고 있는 핵가족 구조가 노동시장의 유연화와 사회의 개인화 추세에 의해 어떤 변화를 보이고 있는 지를 맑혀내고자 하는 짓을 목적ξ로 하고 있다. 특히 개인화 추세에 따라 가족 내 여성들이 전담하고 있던 서비스노동이 사회화하고 있는 양상을 밝혀내었다. 돌봄 노 동이 사회화되고 있지만 여전히 여성직으로 성 정형화되어 있으며 돌봄 노동이 수반되는 감정노동이 가시화되지 않고 당연시 되고 있는 것을 밝혀내었다. 돌봄 노동은 전형 적인 여성직으로 성 정형화됨으로써 여성들의 진심행위와 표면행위가 괴리로 인정되기 보다는 자연발생적인 순수감정으로 여겨지는 경우가 않다. 그 결과 여성들의 감정노동의 차원이 정당하게 평가되지 않고 있다. 여성을 감정노동의 피해자모 보는 입장에서 한 걸음 너 나아가 여성들이 관료제화되고 감정이 절제되고 억압된 작업장에 공동체적 강성을 복원하는 주체가 될수 있다는 사례 연구가 확인되고 있다. 작업장 내의 상호주관적인 차원에서 제한된 감정표현을 허용함으로써 자연스러운 작업느낌을 만들어 내고 그것은 작업장 내의 다양성을 허용하 고 유연성을 복원함으로써 새로운 공동체를 만들 수 있다는 주장이 그것이다. 여성들로 이루어진 소기업 작업장에 대한 사례 연구에서 이러한 새로운 가능성이 타진되고 있다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 돌봄 노동을 사회화 할 때 여성직 화하고 있는 돌봄 노 동에 대한 처우 개선 등이 요청되며 여성이기 때문에 당연시되고 있는 감정노동의 차 원에 대한 보상이 이루어 져야 한다. 더 나아가서 장기적으로는 성정형화를 가급적 해제하는 방향으로의 정책을 유도하고 감정 억제적인 작업장을 여성의 배려와 보살핌 감성용 적극적으로 수용하여 감정노동이 아닌 자연스러운 작업느낌이 발현되는 공동체적 작업장을 만드는 대안까지 모색되어야 위험의 개인화에 대한 대안을 마련할 출구가 열린다고 볼 수 있다. This article aims to analyse the process of socialization of caring work through the transformation of nuclear family system based on the sexual division of labour between private and public sector/ work and family/ paid work and unpaid domestic service. The neo-liberal order which has been accompanied by flexibilization of labour market has brought the institutionalization of individualization. Through the institutionalization of individualization, men and women unbounded by the previous framework of sexual division of labor can be more elective and fluid in marriage, love and parenting. However the institutionalization of individualization contains the partaking of the risks by each individual without sharing with the family. The individualization has meant the individualization of risk takings. Through the individualization, house work which was defined as private can.ng service for love and devotion was calculated as paid labor. Especially the caring service work was socialized into the service work without due recognition of the emotional labor which was defined by Hochschild as the gap between the disciplined standardized expression and the real feelings, because of the sex stereotyping of the care service work. One approach is to emphasize the undervalued part of emotional labor and sex stereotyping of caring service work. The other recent case works on the women``s small business reveal that feminist intervention into the bureaucratic organization can create bounded emotionality with spontaneous work feelings, heterogeneity of values, and community constructions. This shows the new possibility of exit from the individualized risk taking society.

      • 세계화 시대에 아시아 시민사회의 역할

        이정옥 ( Jung Ok Lee ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2007 사회과학논총 Vol.6 No.-

        This Paper has reviewed Asian Civil Society in Global context with special focus on women`s movement. The contextual analysis has highlighted the specific positionality of Asia as the object of the globalization not as initiators since 1492. The passive adaptational resistance against globalization has resulted in the coextence of the different chronological remnants such as colonial, cold war and post cold war framework. This complexities have made the diverse social movements in each sector in each society more antagonistic rather than cooperative. Democratization movements, Environmental movements, labour movements, and human rights movements have different contextual background in each society which need deepened contextual translation to communicate and cooperate to build viable solidarity. In spite of this complexities, economic globalization has been accelerated with political globalization based on global standardization of human right regime. While the discourse on Asian value has expressed the suspicion on global standardization of human right, women`s movement in Asia has showed the possibility of reconciliation between collective right and individual right. Especially in North east Asia where the rise of nationalism became more and more sharpened, the women`s movement for peace and inclusive citizenship has proved that the possibility could be the realities.

      • KCI등재후보

        사무엘 베케트의 부조리극 연구 : 『고도를 기다리며』에 나타난 기독교 테마를 중심으로

        이정옥(LEE Jung-Ok) 한국프랑스문화학회 2008 프랑스문화연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Samuel Beckett présente la situation absurde de l'être humain en donnant une idée douteuse au sujet du Christianisme au théâtre. Le but de cette étude est d'expliquer la vision tragique présentée dans le théâtre de l'absurde de Beckett. C'est à travers le thème chrétien dans En attendant Godot que sera menée l'étude. Dans la première partie, nous analyserons le développment du théâtre : appliquer certains principes, notamment la répétition et la circulation qui sont impossibles dans évolution d'une histoire vers un dénouement. Ainsi renverser l'eschatologie qui a la notion de temps linéaire et orienté. Puis, dans la seconde partie, nous étudierons la métaphore sur la Bible : suggérer l'absurde du Salut par l'histoire des larrons de l'Evangile et Godot. Dans la dernière partie, les signes de la chute : suggérer ce qui ne progresse pas vers la venue de Godot, le retour du Messie et le moment de la fin des temps. Nous les observons également dans l'attribut de Pozzo, les éléments symboliques qui ont perdu la gloire et le divin, la chute de Pozzo et son appel à l'aide rabaisser la dignité divine. Nous faisons ensuite allusion au doute de Salut, voire, la crise du Christianisme. En conclusion, le thème chrétien dans En attendant Godot est utilisé pour le sens douteux au sujet du Christianisme, et présente la situation tragique de l'être humain dans le monde dominé par l'absurde.

      • KCI등재

        대학생이 지각한 어머니의 양육태도가 성인애착에 미치는 영향에서 자기자비의 매개효과

        이정옥(Lee Jeong ok),효정(Lee Hyo Jung) 한국학부모학회 2021 학부모연구 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구는 대학생이 지각한 어머니의 양육태도가 성인애착에 미치는 영향에서 자기자비의 매개효과를 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 전국의 4년제 대학교에 재학 중인 대학생 430명을 대상으로 자기보고식 설문조사를 실시하였고, 연구도구로 양육태도 척도(EMBU-S), 성인애착 척도(ECR-S), 자기자비척도(K-SCS)를 사용하였다. 통계분석은 SPSS 22.0 프로그램을 사용하여, 기술통계, ANOVA, 중다회귀분석을 적용하였다. 분석결과, 어머니의 애정적 양육태도는 성인애착(불안, 회피)에 부적상관을, 자기자비와는 정적상관을 보인 반면에, 거부적, 과보호적 양육태도는 성인애착(불안, 회피)에 정적상관을, 자기자비에 부적상관을 보였다. 어머니의 양육태도를 애정적으로 인식한 경우 높은 자기자비를 형성하였으나, 애착불안, 애착회피의 형성에는 유의한 영향이 없었다. 또한 어머니의 양육태도를 거부적으로 인식할수록 애착불안, 애착회피를 형성하였으나 자기자비에 영향이 없었고, 과보호적으로 인식한 경우는 낮은 자기자비를 보였으며, 애착불안, 애착회피를 형성하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 상담 및 심리치료 장면에서 대인관계 등의 문제를 호소하는 대학생에 대한 이해를 돕고, 치료적 개입을 위한 자기자비 관련 정보의 시사점을 살펴보았다. This study was conducted to investigate the mediating effect of self-compassion on the effect of mother s parenting attitude as perceived by university students on adult attachment. For the research, self-report survey was conducted among 430 university students throughout the country. As research tools, the Parenting Attitude Scale (EMBU-S), the Adult Attachment Scale (ECR-S), and the Self-Compassion Scale (K-SCS) were used as medium. For statistical analysis, using the SPSS 22.0 program, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were applied. As a result of the analysis, the mother s affectionate parenting attitude showed a negative correlation with adult attachment (anxiety, avoidance) and positive correlation with self-compassion. Whereas the negative and overprotective parenting attitude has a positive correlation with adult attachment (anxiety, avoidance) and negative correlations with self-compassion. When the mother s parenting attitude was recognized as affectionate, high self-compassion was formed, but there were no significant effects on the formation of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. In addition, the more the mother s parenting attitude was perceived in a negative way, attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were formed, but there were no effects on self-compassion. When perceived as overprotective, low self-compassion show, and attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were found to form. Based on these results, we examined the implications of self-compassion-related information for therapeutic intervention, helping the understanding of university students who complain of interpersonal problems in the counseling and psychotherapy scenes.

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