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      • KCI등재

        한글본 『동의보감』의 언해 양상과 국어학적 특징

        이래호 ( Rae Ho Lee ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2012 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.22

        본고는 『동의보감』의 언해의 양상과 목적을 살펴보고 이래호(2009)의 국어학적 특징을 보완하는 데 있다. 『동의보감』은 한문본 『東醫寶鑑』의 내경편을 언해한 것으로, 장서각에 유일본으로 소장되어 전하는 한글 필사본이다. 현재 장서각에는 『동의보감』 권1, 3, 5 세 권만이 소장되어 있다. 『동의보감』의 언해 특징으로는 한문본에 없는 협주가 사용되었다는 점에서 독자를 고려했다고 할 수 있지만, 언해문에서 원문의 일부분을 언해하지 않거나 원문의 언해가 잘못된 경우가 있고 언해문에 한자음을 잘못 옮긴 것들이 많이 나타나, 한의학에 지식은 있지만 그리 조예가 깊지 않은 사람이 언해했으며 언해 후 교정 과정이 치밀하지 못했음을 알 수 있다. 『동의보감』은 왕후를 비롯한 왕실 여성을 위해 언해하였을 것으로 생각되지만, 궁극적인 목적은 의학 지식을 습득하려는 데 있다기보다는 19세기 말 조선시대에 유행했던 양생 사상과 관련하여, 왕실 여성이 『동의보감』의 양생 부분을 참고하려고 언해했던 것이 아닌가 한다. 국어학적 특징으로는 19세기 중반 이후에 언해되었을 것을 뒷받침하는 몇 가지 사항과 특징적인 어휘와 특정 지역의 방언을 소개하였다. This thesis aims to study the aspects and aims of translation of Donguibogam and to further supplement Linguistic Characteristics by Lee, Raeho(2009). Donguibogam is a Korean manuscript with its original text written in Chinese characters, then translated into Korean language and is housed at the Jangseogak. Donguibogam was translated in consideration of its readers using inserted notes. However, it is evident that Donguibogam was translated by a writer who has knowledge but no profound knowledge of Korean medicine thereby some parts of the original text, if not translated at all, were incorrectly translated thus contains misprints owing to careless proofreading. The writer supposed that Donguibogam was translated for the royal women of the Joseon dynasty but the ultimate objective of translation of Donguibogam was not in relation to acquisition of medical knowledge but in relation to nurturing life which was popular in the 19th century Joseon dynasty. Furthermore, the writer supposed that this book was translated into Korean for the royal women of the Joseon dynasty as reference to parts of nurturing life. This thesis introduces several linguistic characteristics and specific regional dialects to support that this book was translated in mid or late

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 한글편지의 ‘아니’ 부정문 연구

        이래호(Raeho Lee) 한국중원언어학회 2015 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        The purpose of this study is to examine the trend of ‘ani’ negative sentence appearing in hangeul letters of the Joseon Dynasty. ‘Aniha-’ was replaced with ‘anih-’ or ‘anin-’ from the 16<SUP>th</SUP> century and with ‘anha-’ or ‘anh-’ from the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century. ‘Anh-’ was derived through ‘aniha->anha->anh-.’ Since the use of ‘anha-/anh-’ was found the beginning of 17<SUP>th</SUP> century according to manuscript data and the use of ‘anha-’ and ‘anh-’ is already found in the 18<SUP>th</SUP> century, the restructuring of ‘aniha->anha-’ began in the 17<SUP>th</SUP> century, and ‘anha-’ and ‘anh-’ coexisted in the 18<SUP>th</SUP> centuryafter their restructuring was completed. ‘An’ was analogized from ‘anha-’ at the end of the 18<SUP>th</SUP> century. In hangeul letters, the negative sentence of ‘Xha-’ appeared as ‘ani Xha-’ or ‘Xhadi aniha-’ when ‘X’ is 1-syllable Chinese root and ‘X aniha-’, ‘ani Xha-’, or ‘Xhadi aniha-’ when ‘X’ is 2-syllable or longer Chinese root. In hangeul letters written in the 17<SUP>th</SUP>~19<SUP>th</SUP> centuries, the ratio of long negation has increased in each century, which shows the gradual development of long negation in hangeul letters.

      • KCI등재

        “경셩유록”의 서지와 언어

        이래호(Raeho Lee) 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.12

        본고는 “경셩유록”의 서지 사항을 자세히 살펴보고, “경셩유록”에 나타나는 1910년대 전후의 강릉 방언의 특징 몇 가지를 제시하며, 강릉 김씨와 그의 아들의 표기를 비교하는 데 목적이 있다. “경셩유록”은강릉 김씨가 작성한 “셔유록”과 그의 아들이 작성한 “황셩신문”으로 구성되어 있다. “셔유록”은 1913년9월이 얼마 지나지 않은 시점, “황셩신문”은 1906년 1월 초중순에 작성된 것으로 추정된다. “경셩유록” 의 표기를 통해 당시 강릉 방언에 나타나는 구개음화, ‘애’와 ‘에’의 합류, 관형격조사 ‘어’, ‘이가’ 주격중가 현상, 연결어미 ‘-어더가’, ‘-더가’, ‘-더’와 종결어미 ‘-ㄹ너라’를 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 “셔유록” 과 “황셩신문”에 나타난 표기를 통해 강릉 김씨와 그의 아들의 표기 차이를 살펴보았다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the bibliographic information of “GyeongsyeongYurok” in detail and to present several characteristics of the Gangneung dialect in the 1910s, focusing on a comparison between Gangneung Kim and his son in terms of their writing system. The “Gyeongsyeong-Yurok” consists of “Syeoyurok” written by Gangneung Kim and “Hwangsyeng Sinmun” written by his son. It is estimated that the “Syeoyurok” was written shortly after September 1913, and the “Hwangsyeng Sinmun” was written in early-mid January 1906. Through the notation of the “Gyeongsyeong-Yurok”, we examined the palatalization, the integration of [ɛ] and [e] into [E], the genitive case maker ‘eo(어)’ and subject marker ‘iga(이가)’, the connection ending ‘-eodeoga(-어더가)’, ‘-deoga(-더가)’, ‘-deo(-더)’, and the sentenceterminating ending ‘-rneora(-ㄹ너라)’. Finally, we looked at the difference between the notation of Gangneung Kim and his son through the notation shown in “Syeoyurok” and “Hwangsyeng Sinmun”.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 한글편지에 나타난 청자경어법의 특이례 고찰

        이래호(Lee Rae ho) 한국언어문학회 2014 한국언어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        This study examined the appearance of 'ᄒᆞᄂᆞ이다(hʌnʌida) style' of ' (hʌnʌy) style' that the person of upper rank used to the person of lower rank and the condition and cause for the appearance of such styles using 1,496 hangeul letters from the Joseon Dynasty. The examples of 'ᄒᆞᄂᆞ이다(hʌnaida) style' or '(hʌnʌy) style' used by the person of upper rank to the person of lower rank appear in the letters from parents to children, parents-in-law to daughter-in-law, grandparents (-in-law) to granddaughter or grandson's wife, uncle or aunt to nephew couple, nephew, nephew's wife, elder sister or elder brother (elder cousin) to younger brother or younger sister (younger cousin), mother-in-law to son-in-law, student's teacher to student's wife. While the letter from student's teacher to student's wife is a social relationship, the rest is kinship. The addresser's intention to treat the person of lower rank with respect has an important impact on the addressee-honorifics which contravenes the superior-subordinate relationship. After the kinship between addresser and addressee is confirmed, the intention to respect is determined by the specific situation between the addresser and the addressee. The example of the specific situation is the special relationship between the person of upper rank and the person of lower rank, the family background, public post, and age of the person of lower rank, and social custom. Such factors can act complexly. When the person of upper rank treat the person of lower rank with respect, the level of respect toward the person of lower rank is determined based on the consideration for the person while keeping the dignity as the person of upper rank, and the most suitable level would be '(hʌnʌy) style.' '이다 (hʌnʌida) style' is used when more emphasis is given to the social relationship even when the addresser and the addressee are in kinship.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재에서 제약 중심의 연결어미 기술의 방향과 그 교육에 대한 연구

        이래호(Raeho Lee) 한국중원언어학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study is to examine the technical aspects of the constraint of conjunctive ending in Korean textbooks and search for the need for the education of constraint-driven conjunctive ending in Korean language education and educational methods. Korean textbooks describe the semantic and phonological constraints, morphological constraints, and predicate constraints of conjunctive ending rather substantially, but hardly describes tense constraints, subject agreement constraints, sentence type constraints, negative sentence constraints, semantic and pragmatic constraints. The education of constraints-driven conjunctive ending is necessary in a way that it makes Korean language learners prevent syntactic and semantic errors and substitution errors while it also makes them realize the reason for such errors. In Korean textbooks, the meanings must be described briefly centering on constraints in a way that it is easy for teachers to teach and easy for students to learn.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 말 20세기 초 밀양 방언 모음의 음운론적 특징

        이래호 ( Lee Raeho ) 영주어문학회 2022 영주어문 Vol.51 No.-

        본고는 19세기 말 20세기 초 경남 밀양 방언을 반영하는 자료들을 소개하고 이를 바탕으로 자료들에 나타나는 언어적 특징들을 통해 당시 밀양의 방언의 모음 음운론적 특징을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 19세기 말 20세기 초의 밀양 지역(또는 주변)에서나 밀양 지역 출신이 작성하여 이 시기 밀양 언어를 반영하였다고 볼 수 있는 자료들은 『수겡옥낭좌전』, 『동몽수독천자문(童蒙須讀千字文)』, 언간 등이 있다. 이들 자료를 통해 19세기 말부터 20세기 초까지의 밀양 방언은 다른 지역의 방언과 마찬가지로 ‘ㅣ’모음 역행동화나 전설모음화가 활발히 일어나고 있었다. 본고에서는 밀양 방언의 모음 음운론적 특징으로, ‘ㅕ>ㅔ’, ‘ㅕ>ㅓ’의 단모음화, ‘ㅓ>ㅕ’, ‘ㅗ>ㅛ’, ‘ㅜ>ㅠ’의 이중모음화, ‘ㅔ>ㅣ’의 고모음화, ‘ㅡ’와 ‘ㅓ’의 합류, ‘ㆎ(ㅐ)’와 ‘ㅔ’의 변별을 제시하였다. The purpose of this paper is to introduce materials that reflect the Miryang dialect of Gyeongsangnam-do in the late 19th century and early 20th century, and to reveal the phonological features of vowel of Miryang’s dialect through the linguistic features that appear in the materials. The materials that reflect the Miryang dialect from the late 19th century to the early 20th century include “Sugeng’oknangjwajeon”, “Dongmongsudokcheonjamun”, and Eon’gan. These data show that Miryang dialects from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, like other regional dialects, were actively engaged in “i” umlaut, phenomena of high-front vowelizing etc. In this paper, the phonological features of the Miryang dialect were presented with the distinction between ‘ㆎ(ㅐ)’ and ‘ㅔ’, the monophthongization of ㅕ>ㅔ and ㅕ>ㅓ, the diphthongization of ‘ㅗ>ㅛ’ and ‘ㅜ>ㅠ’, the high-front vowelizing of ‘ㅔ>ㅣ’ and the non-distinction between ‘ㅡ’ and ‘ㅓ’.

      • KCI등재

        근대국어 라체 의문형 어미에 대한 연구-언간 자료를 중심으로-

        이래호(Lee Rae ho) 한국언어문학회 2017 한국언어문학 Vol.102 No.-

        This study intended to examine the change, distribution, expansion, and extinction of the ‘hara’ style interrogative endings of modern Korean based on Korean vernacular letters. ‘nya/nyo’ style and ‘rya/ryo’ style interrogative endings, which were classified as polar(yes-no) question and content question depending on whether they had interrogative word in the middle Korean, were gradually integrated into ‘nya’ and ‘rya’ from the 16th century, and ‘-nya’ and ‘-nyo’ were finally integrated into ‘-nya’ in the beginning of the 17th century and ‘-rya’ and ‘-ryo’, ‘-rya’ in the mid 18th century. ‘-nya’ style interrogative ending has been used without personal distinction from the 17th century as the person restriction gradually disappeared. ‘-n ga/-n go’ and ‘-l ga/-l go’ had been mainly used in indirect questions in the 15th century Korean until 16th century when they were used widely regardless of direct or indirect questions. However, ‘-n da’ was still used exclusively in the sentence led by the second person subject. Meanwhile, ‘-n da’ style interrogative ending began to compete against ‘-nya’ style and ‘-n ga’ style endings in the sentence led by the second person subject. Through this course of competition, ‘-nya’ style and ‘-n ga’ style endings ate into the domain of ‘-n da’ style ending, reducing the distribution of ‘-n da’ style ending. Also, interrogative ending, ‘-n da’, inevitably came into conflict with ‘-n da’ which was used as declarative ending from the 16th century in terms of the form. In this process, ‘-l da’ in ‘-n da’ style disappeared first at the end of the 17th century and ‘-n da’ remained further until it disappeared at the end of 18th century.

      • KCI등재

        언간에 나타난 ‘-고져’와 ‘-과뎌’에 대한 연구

        이래호(Lee, Raeho) 중앙어문학회 2020 語文論集 Vol.84 No.-

        본고의 목적은 언간에 나타나는 ‘-고져’와 ‘-과뎌’의 출현 양상에 대해 살펴보고 중세국어와 근대국어 간본 자료의 그것과 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 살펴 보는 것이다. ‘-고져’는 서술어의 주어가 무엇을 하고 싶어 하는 의도?목적을 뜻하며 ‘-과뎌’는 제삼자가 무엇을 하였으면 하고 서술어의 주어가 바라는 의도?목적을 뜻한다. 언간에서 ‘-고져’는 ‘-고져, -고뎌, -고쟈’로 나타나고, ‘-고라쟈’의 표기도 보인다. ‘-과뎌’는 ‘-과뎌, -과져, -과쟈, -과댜’로 나타난다. 언간에서 ‘-고져’와 ‘-과뎌’는 각각의 기능대로 쓰이는 경우가 많지만 드물게는 상하위문의 주어가 일치하지 않는 문장에서 ‘-고져’가, 주어가 일치하는 문장에서 ‘-과뎌’가 쓰이기도 한다. ‘-고져’와 ‘-과뎌’가 결합하는 서술어는 주로 동작성을 띠는 용언인데, 형용사와 결합하는 ‘-고져’가 드물게 나타나며, ‘-과뎌’가 서술격 조사에 결합하는 예도 보인다. 언간에서는 ‘-고져’의 상위문 동사로 ‘?-’가 가장 많이 쓰였으며, 드물게는 “희망”이나 “사유”의 의미를 나타내는 동사가 쓰이기도 하였다. ‘-과뎌’의 상위문 동사는 대부분 ‘?-’가 나타나며 아주 드물게 ‘식브-’가 쓰이기도 하였다. 언간에서 ‘-고져’와 ‘-과뎌’는 18세기까지 그 통사적 환경을 대부분 유지하면서 사용되다가, 19세기에 ‘-과뎌’의 쓰임이 갑자기 줄어들면서 ‘-과뎌’ 대신 ‘-고져’가 쓰이게 되었다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the appearance of “-gojyeo” and “-gwodyeo” in the Eon"gan and to study how it differs from the medieval and modern language of woodblock-printed books. “-gojyeo” means the intention and purpose of the subject of the predicate. “-gwodyeo” means the intention and purpose desired by the subject of the predicate, which is what a third party wants to do. In Eon"gan, “-gojyeo” also appears in such forms as “-godyeo” and “-gojya,” and, in particular, “-gorajya” form appeared. “-gwadyeo” also appears in such forms as “-gwajyeo,” “-gwajya,” and “-gwadya.” “-gojyeo” and “-gwadyeo” are often used as they are. In rare cases, however, “-gojyeo” is used in sentences that do not match the subjects of matrix and embedded clauses, and “-gwadyeo” is used in sentences in which the subject is matched. Predicate words that combine “-gojyeo” and “-gwodyeo” are mainly active verbs, but in rare cases, they are combined with adjectives or copula “ida.” In Eon"gan, the most frequently used predicate word in matrix phrase in the “-gojyeo” sentences is “ha-“ and the predicate of meaning of intention and thought is rarely used. The most frequently used predicate word in the matrix phrase in the “-gwodyeo” sentences is “ha-,” and “sikbeu-“” is rarely used. In Eon"gan, “-gojyeo” and “-gwadyeo” were used to maintain most of the syntactic constraints until the eighteenth century. In the nineteenth century, the use of “-gwadyeo” suddenly decreased, and “-gojyeo” replaced “-gwadyeo.”

      • KCI등재후보

        사회통합 프로그램[KIIP]을 위한 한국어 교재의 구성 체계와 내용 분석

        이래호 ( Rae Ho Lee ) 영주어문학회 2015 영주어문 Vol.29 No.-

        본고의 목적은 사회통합프로그램(KIIP)를 위한 한국어 교재의 목표와 구성 체계를 살펴보고 내용 분석을 통해 교재의 특징과 문제점을 살펴보는 데 있다. <사통 한국어>의 목표는 원활한 의사소통 능력 향상뿐만 아니라 그것을 통해 지역 사회의 한 일원으로서 융화될 수 있도록 하는 데 있다. <사통 한국어 초급>의 특징은 주제와 대화의 실제성, 통합 구성, 한국 문화 내용 제시에 있으며, <사통한국어 중급>의 특징은 의사소통의 원리, 초급과 한국사회이해과정의 연계, 내용면에서 한국사회이해과정과 관련성을 맺고 있다는 데 있다. <사통 한국어>는 이민자가 한국에서 생활하는 데 필요한 다양한 주제와 한국 문화 전반을 다루고 있으며, 문법 항목은 상황이나 주제를 고려하여 나선형으로 배열하여 단계적 학습이 이루어지도록 하였다. 그러나 주제 선정에 있어 세밀한 배려가 부족한 부분이 있고, 대화의 실제성에서 벗어나는 측면이 있다. 필수적인 문법 항목이 제시되지 않은 경우가 있고, 문법과 읽기, 듣기 자료의 연관성이 떨어지기도 하고, 한과에서 제시되는 새 단어도 일정하지 않은 측면도 있다. 이러한 점은 향후 교재개발에서 개선되어야 할 사항이다. This study intended to review the objectives and the organization of Korean textbook for Korea Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP) and analyze its contents to examine the characteristics and problems of the textbook. The objectives of <KIIP Korean> is to enhance communication skill and help the student to assimilate into the local society through the skill. The characteristics of <Satong Korean for Beginner> are the realism of topics and conversations, integrated organization, and suggestion of Korean cultural contents, and those of <KIIP Korean for Intermediate Students> are the principle of communication, the connection with Korean Society Comprehension Course for Beginner, and the relationship with the Korean Society Comprehension Course in terms of the contents. <KIIP Korean> deals with various topics that immigrants need to know when they settle down in Korea and overall Korean culture. However, it lacks delicate considerations in selecting topics and deviates from the realism of conversation. The grammar subjects are laid out in a spiral form considering the situation or the topic to enable step-by-step learning. However, a few essential grammar subjects are missing, the association between grammar, reading, and listening materials is low, and the new words suggested in each lesson showed inconsistency.

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