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        1970년대 청계피복노동조합 노동자와 지식인의 연대관계형성 및 상호영향

        유경순(YOO Kyeong Soon) 고려사학회 2011 한국사학보 Vol.- No.44

        This paper has examined solidarity relationship between workers and student/intellectuals after Chun Tae-Il had burned himself to death in 1970’s, especially by studying Chuggye Labor Union’s case. It was student activists then that tried to take solidarity action or started to get involved in labor union movement by becoming workers themselves. In particular, many students and intellectuals were in solidarity with Chunggye Labor Union. The relationship between workers and intellectuals looked different as the union was developing. At the initial stage of the union formation. relationship was made by having personal relations and in the middle period of the union, it was made by providing educational activities or consultation. As labor education was forced to shut down and union activities were in decline, the solidarity action was formed from labor related night school surrounding Chuggye Textile Industry Zone. Features of solidarity action changed on all such occasions. but what the all developments have in common is that intellectuals affected a change in workers’ consciousness to make them understand a matter of workplace and society through discussion, education and learning. As a result, those workers, who were affected by intellectuals, actively engaged in union activities and became union leaders. Also it made workers in Chuggye Labor Union feel acceptable on solidarity action with intellectuals unlike other independent labor unions. Acceptancy was demonstrated, after the union was forced to dissolve in 1981, when the union planned street protests by mobilizing student activists for union legitimacy since 1984. On the other hand, intellectuals were able to reach concrete understanding of labor issues by experiencing the workers’ reality. Consequently, those intellectuals played a key role to make a sentiment that student movement should be concerned about labor issues and support workers and that resulted in the source of solidarity action between students and workers. Understanding of labor issues also encouraged student activists to engage in the labor movement by being workers. Those participation in the workplace in 1970s were based on student activists’ collective moving into the workplace in 1980s.

      • KCI등재후보

        특집 1 : 1970년대와 1980년대의 학생운동연구 ; 학생운동가들의 노동운동 참여 양상과 영향 -1970년대를 중심으로

        유경순 ( Kyeong Soon Yoo ) 민주화운동기념사업회 한국민주주의연구소 2013 기억과 전망 Vol.0 No.29

        1960년대 말 학생운동에 변화가 나타났다. 학생운동가들이 노동현장 투신을 시도하거나 이념서클을 형성한 것이었다. 이런 움직임은 전태일 분신사건 이후 더욱 활발해졌다. 그 결과 1970년대 후반기에 학생운동에서는 노동현장론이 등장했고, 직접 노동운동에 참여하는 이들도 있었다. 이들은 사회주의, 반독재운동, 민중주의 등의 의식이 혼재되어 있었다. 그러나 노동현장에 투신한 이들은 장기적인 관점으로 기술습득을 한 뒤 1970년대 후반기에 취업을 했기에 민주노조운동에 영향을 행사하지 못했고, 한국노총과 종교단체의 실무자로 활동한 이들은 개인적으로 민주노조 지원활동을 벌였을 뿐이다. 유일하게 크리스천 아카데미의 활동가들이 노동교육을 매개로 노조간부들의 정치의식화와 새로운 노조운동의 주체형성을 시도하였다. 이러한 1970년대 학생운동세력의 변화는 1980년대 학생운동세력의 노학연대 활동과 집단적인 노동현장 투신의 바탕을 이루었다. In the late 1960s there was a change in the student movement. Student activists actively attempted entering workplace or formed the ideology circles after the events of the Jeontaeil. Their consciousness was mixed with Socialism, Bandokjae movement, and Minjung-ism(or populism). However, they did not exercise the influence on Democratic Trade Union Movement because of the late employment. And as the officials of Korea Confederation of Trade Unions, and of religious groups, they personally supported the democratic trade union activities only. Activists of the Christian Academy solely attempted to form the political education for the trade union leaders, and make the key men of a new trade union movement. In the base of these changes of the student movement of the 1970s, the student movement in the 1980s constituted Nohak(Labor-Student) solidarity and entered the workplace collectively.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 1980년대 학생운동가들의 노학연대활동과 노동현장투신 방식의 변화

        유경순 ( Kyeong Soon Yoo ) 민주화운동기념사업회 한국민주주의연구소 2015 기억과 전망 Vol.0 No.32

        1980년 광주민중항쟁 이후 학생운동은 사회구조의 변혁을 목적으로 급진화됐다. 학생운동은 이념 서클을 확산시켰고, 서클들은 사회과학 학습과 실천을 통해 전위적 성원의 훈련과 배출을 목적으로 삼았다. 이런 서클 활동을 기반으로 1984년 이후 학생운동세력 중에 MT그룹은 민중지향성, 특히 노학연대활동으로 노동자들과 함께 가두시위를 벌였다. 또 노동현실을 경험하는 공장 활동도 주요 훈련 프로그램으로 위치했다. MC그룹은 공단 주위의 노동야학 운동을 통해 노동자들과의 연계성을 확대해 갔다. 이런 활동을 통해 학생운동가들은 사회 변혁을 위해 집단적으로 노동현장투신을 했다. 그 방식은 1970년대와는 달리 기술습득에서 비숙련노동자로 취업하거나, 개인적 이전에서 소그룹을 통한 이전 나아가 정치조직들과 연계한 집단적인 존재이전을 했다. 그 결과 이들은 1980년대 노동운동의 새로운 주체로 등장하여, 정치조직운동을 추동하면서 노동운동의 변혁지향성을 강화하였다. After the Gwangju Democratic Uprising in 1980, the student movement became radical for the purpose of revolutionizing the social framework. The student movement expanded the ideology circles, and they intended to train and produce the vanguards through the study and practice on social science. On the base of these circle activities, since 1984 MT group on Minjung directivity in student movement force had demonstrated with laborers, especially by Nohak solidarity activities. Also the factory activities to undergo the labor reality had become established as the main training program. MC group had spread the contact with the laborers through the labor night school movement around an industrial complex. In these process the student activitists went into the Labor Field collectively for the society revolution. Unlike 1970`s student activitists engaged in an unskilled worker without the acquirement of technics, and entered upon the Labor Field by the small group, not individually, or further collectively with the political organization. In consequence they made a appearance as an new subject of labor movement in 1980`s and so strengthened the change directivity in labor movement together with driving the political organization movement.

      • KCI등재

        젠더관계에서 본 1970년대 민주노조의 유형별 특성

        유경순 ( Yoo Kyeong Soon ) 민주화운동기념사업회 2017 기억과 전망 Vol.0 No.36

        1970년대 노동자들은 민주노조운동을 통해 노동자 정체성을 형성해갔지만 전통적인 성역할 의식을 변화시킨 것은 아니었다. 민주노조운동을 젠더관계로 살펴보면 여러 양상들이 나타난다. 민주노조들을 노동과정의 성별 구성, 성별 지도력, 노조 내부의 성별 관계 등을 통해서 세 유형으로 나눠서 보면, 첫째 유형인 남성 주도적 지도력을 중심으로 한 청계피복노조 안에 성별 위계화가 나타났다. 10여 년 남성 지부장들이 노조활동을 주도하면서 여성 조합원들의 성차별적 요구가 간과 되었다. 이에 저항하여 여성 간부들이 두 차례나 여성 지부장을 선출하려 시도했다. 둘째 유형인 남녀 공동 지도력을 형성한 원풍모방에서는 성차별 해소를 위한 단체협약을 만들어냈지만, 노조교육 등의 체계에 일상화시켜내지 못해 이를 실제화하는 데는 한계를 보였다. 셋째 유형인 여성 주도적인 지도력을 형성한 콘트롤데이타노조에서는 여성 의제를 실천했다. 그 이유는 콘트롤데이타 노조가 100% 여성노동자들로 구성되어 성별갈등이 없었고, 활동이 안정적으로 지속된 점, 또 여성지도부가 여성 조합원들과의 일상적 소통을 바탕으로 여성 의제를 찾아 교육과 선전을 통해 성의식 변화를 위해 노력했기 때문이다. 이처럼 1970년대 민주노조운동은 성평등하지 않았고, 그 때문에 일부 여성 노동자들은 성차별에 저항했고, 일부 민주노조들은 여성 의제를 실천하였다. In 1970s the labors of the conservative sexual morality had built the Labor Identity under Democratic Labor Union Movement, not changed their sexual consciousness. If we inspect the Democratic Labor Union Movement on the point of Gender Relations, the various aspects will come out. Investigating the Democratic Labor Unions through the leadership by distinction of sex, the relations of distinction of sex in Union, and the stability and durability of Labor Union activities, the following results was yielded. First, like Dongil textile company labor union in the center of man leadership, the antagonism of companydominated union VS democratic labor union aroused on the conflict of men labors VS women labors. Moreover, in the democratic labor union appeared the gender hierarchy and so like Chunggye Labor Union the men heads of the local branch led the union activities in the 10 years and then opposing at that point, women staffs attempted to elect woman head of the local branch twice. Second, the partnership of the men and women leaders in WonPung spinning and weaving practiced the several sexual discriminations. Third, the distinction between the democratic labor union leaded by the women remained. Only Control data labor union and Samsumg Pharmaceutical labor union put woman agenda in practice. For the reasons, there were no sexual troubles because of the 100% women labors in that two labor union, that activities remained stable, and because the leaders made efforts for the change of the sexual consciousness through the education & propaganda about woman agenda on the base of the daily interaction with the union members, it was possible. As you see, Democratic Labor Union Movement in 1970s was not neutral on sexual agenda. By that means some woman labors resisted the sexual discrimination, and some democratic labor unions practiced the woman agenda.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 창의성, 지능, 학업성취와의 관계

        유경순 木浦大學校 敎育硏究所 2001 교육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 인간에게 보편적인 창의성을 부각시키려는 의도하에 이루어진 것으로 그 목적에 상응하는 행위로서 학업성취도에 대한 창의성의 설명력을 알아보고자 하였다. 또한 창의성이 지능과 상호작용을 이루면서 학업성취도와 관련이 있을 것이라고 예측하였다. 본 연구는 중다회귀분석으로 학업성취에 대한 지능과 창의성의 설명력을 알아보았다. 본 연구결과에 의하면 지능이 창의성의 유연성, 정교성 변인에 뒤이은 낮은 단계의 모형에 속함으로서 대인관계나 공간은 비교적 창의성의 변인들보다 낮은 설명력을 갖는다. 본 연구의 결과분석에 따라서 창의성이 지능과 함께 학업성취도를 설명할 수 있다는 것은 창의성 변인이 학업성취를 예측할 수 있는 것으로, 창의성에 대한 보편적 접근과 연구가 이루어질 것으로 기대한다. This research was made to propose universal character of creativity. And it was examined to show the relationship between creativity. intelligence and academic achievement. 150 4th grade children were asked to take a creativity test and an adapted MIDAS. In order to analyze the collected data, a stepwise regression analysis method was used. Flexibility and elaboration of creativity were given a higher variable than intelligence in lower step model. The result showed that interpersonal and spatial intelligence relationships had a lower degree than creativity variables. It showed that creativity had a higher effect on academic achievement than intelligence. These patterns suggest that creativity is related to academic achievement.

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