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        머나먼 동쪽을 찾아온 선교사들

        옥현진(Ok Hyun Jin) 한국교회사연구소 2007 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.29

        The society, named in honor of St. Columban, an Irish missionary monk, was founded in 1918 by Fathers Edward Galvin and John Blowick at Maynooth, the celebrated seminary not far from Dublin. The idea for the society began to grow in China where Father Gavin, dedicated to bringing the Christian Gospel to the Chinese. The St. Columban missionary work of the Church is always done in a supernatural spirit of divine optimism Father Harris was the darker life became for Columbans in China Things went from bad to worse in 1929. The Communists were claiming that religion was a foreigner's trick, a device used to enslave men in an imperialistic system Many Catholics abandoned their faith and people were afraid to be seen talking to a priest. Then missionary of the St. Columban get new territory in the Korea In October of 1933 arrived missionary in Korea Of the nine Columbans on the train only Father MacPolin knew very much about the unusual way Catholicism had reached Korea After six months language course arrived in Kwangju. Language is the first thing a strange land is aware of, and food is next. Once of the real problems was to stop seeing his parishioners as ciphers, as foreigners, all with the same unfamiliar look about them They must cease being a stranger in a strange land and try to see life as Koreans see it, to react and feel as feel as they do. They would never be able to bring this off completely because he looked at life through a template formed long ago in Greece and Rome, formed by a Judaeo-Christian culture and an Anglo-Saxon heritage. The Korean template was formed by Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism, with Chinese, japanese, and of recent date, American influences. By early 1939 Columbans was feeling ever-increasing japanese pressure. During the second world war five Columbans were herded into prison. They awakened in the cold, grey December dawn, stiff, aching, and nauseous, and they began to realize how serious their situation was. Of the Columbans who had arrived in Korea on that dreary Sunday morning in October of 1933, seven were arrested by the japanese. The two no longer working in Korea were Father Gerard Marinan, back home in Ireland for medical care, and Father Daniel McMenamin who had died in Kwangju hospital of intestinal tuberculosis four years to the day before Pearl Harbor. Of the remaining seven, Monsignor MacPolin, and Fathers Patrick Monaghan and Harold Henry were detained in Kwangju; Thomas Neligan and Brian Geraghty were under house arrest in ChunChon, the newly established diocese in the northeast. The roughest time of all, because it was of the longest duration, was suffered by Fathers Patrick Dawson and T.D. Ryan in Cheju, an island off the southern coast of Korea. Finally Columbans can see life as Koreans see it to react and feel as feel as they do.

      • KCI등재

        성인 문식성 교육 활성화를 위한 주요 국가의 정책 분석

        옥현진 ( Ok Hyoun-jin ),김종윤 ( Kim Jong-yun ),박재현 ( Park Jae-hyun ) 한국작문학회 2016 작문연구 Vol.0 No.31

        평생학습사회를 맞아 문식성은 초중등학교의 범위를 넘어서 전 연령대 모든 국민들의 관심사가 되고 있다. 최근 국내외에서 실시된 각종 성인 문식성 평가 결과에 따르면 우리나라 성인들의 문식성 수준은 그렇게 만족스럽지 못한 것으로 나타나 대책이 시급함을 알 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 우선 우리나라의 성인 문식성 교육 정책이 어떻게 추진되고 있는지 간략히 살펴본 후 세계 주요 국가들의 성인 문식성 교육 관련 정책을 분석함으로써 향후 우리나라 성인 문식성 교육 정책 수립과 추진에 도움이 될 수 있는 시사점을 찾고자 하였다. 외국의 성인 문식성 교육 정책 분석을 위해서는 연구 논문, 성인교육 관련 각국의 정책 보고서, 정부 문서 등을 참조하였으며, 일부 국가에 대해서는 전문가 자문도 구하였다. 총 6개국(영국, 캐나다 온타리오 주, 일본, 독일, 노르웨이, 핀란드)의 정책 사례를 분석한 후 각국의 정책 방향의 주요 특징을 구체화하였다. 이를 토대로 국내 성인 문식성 교육추진을 위한 정책 제언들을 제시하였다. Literacy and literacy education has become more important beyond elementary and secondary schools as the advent of knowledge-based society. Based on recent research on adult literacy at national and international level that the level of Korean adult`s literacy is insufficient, this study aimed to investigate educational polices on adult literacy among the top-performing countries in adult literacy area, the United Kingdom, Canada(Ontario), Japan, Germany, Norway, and Finland. Research articles, white papers, and government documents were reviewed and educational experts of the countries were interviewed. Based on the results, implications suggestions of educational policies and implementation for Korea are addressed.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 리터러시 태도 평가 도구개발 및 타당화 연구

        옥현진 ( Hyoun Jin Ok ),조병영 ( Byeong Young Cho ),김종윤 ( Jong Yun Kim ),김지연 ( Ji Youn Kim ),김희동 ( Hee Dong Kim ),고진아 ( Gi Na Koh ),오은하 ( Eun Ha Oh ),서수현 ( Soo Hyun Seo ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2016 국어교육 Vol.0 No.152

        Substantial progress has been made to describe the cognitive and social processes involved in digital literacy practices. However, few studies have examined non-cognitive factors that may significantly affect students` engagement in digital literacy practices. This article describes a research project for developing and validating a self-report instrument to assess children`s digital literacy attitudes as emotional and behavioral tendencies that influence and intervene their engaged (or disengaged) digital literacy practices. Informed by research in digital literacy and motivation for learning, we considered five factors that may account for multiple dimensions of the construct of digital literacy attitudes. These included (a) value (e.g., task, medium), (b) self-efficacy (e.g., ability, success), (c) emotion (e.g., feeling, preference), (d) participation (e.g., engagement, interaction), and (e) self-regulation (e.g., control, reflection). The digital literacy attitude assessment instrument was created, built upon the five-factor model, and multiple sets of items were revised and updated through pre-validation procedures including cognitive interviews and expert surveys. Finally, with the data collected from 1,609 third- and sixth-grade students in Korea, the result of confirmatory factor analyses indicated substantial internal consistency among 33 items in the final version of instrument designed to assess these five factors. Based upon the results, we discuss critical issues in conceptualizing and assessing children`s attitudes toward digital literacy practices and how the study`s results contribute to research and practice at a crucial time in schools where cognitive-only curricular and assessments are pervasive.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 리터러시 표현 영역의 인지적 특성 탐색

        옥현진 ( Ok Hyoun-jin ),김지연 ( Kim Ji-yeon ),유상희 ( Ryu Sang-hee ),김희동 ( Kim Hee-dong ),서수현 ( Seo Soo-hyun ) 한국작문학회 2017 작문연구 Vol.0 No.33

        이 연구는 디지털 매체 기반의 의사소통이 날로 증가하고 그 중요성이 커지는 데 비해 그러한 소통에 필요한 능력, 즉 디지털 리터러시에 대한 교 육 계획은 구체적으로 마련되지 않고 있다는 판단에서 비롯되었다. 이에 `디 지털 매체를 기반으로 한 소통 환경에서 원활하게 소통할 수 있는 능력`을 디지털 리터러시로 개념화하고 디지털 리터러시의 인지적 요소, 특히 그중 에서도 디지털 리터러시의 표현 영역에서 핵심적인 인지 요소를 탐색하고자 하였다. 선행 연구에 대한 분석을 토대로 이 연구에서는 디지털 리터러시의 표현 영역에서 중요하게 다루어져야 할 인지적 요소를 크게 세 범주, 즉 상 호텍스트성에 대한 이해와 구현에 관한 인지적 요소, 복합양식 텍스트 구성 에 관한 인지적 요소, 플랫폼 특성 인식 및 플랫폼 선택·활용에 관한 인지적 요소로 범주화하고, 각 범주에 해당하는 세부 내용 요소의 예를 제시해 보았다. 이 연구에서 제시한 세 가지 범주, 그리고 각 범주에 속하는 내용 요 소의 예는 탐색적인 수준이기에 후속 연구를 통해 보완해 나가야 할 것이 나, 향후 보다 정밀하게 내용 요소를 추출해 내기 위한 논의의 출발점으로 서 충분히 기능할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이 연구의 성과는 더 나아가 디지털 리터러시와 관련된 국어과 교육과정 내용 요소를 추출하고 디지털 리터러시에 대한 평가 방안을 구체화하는 데에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. As digital media-based communication has become more frequent and important, this study aimed to explore the main characteristics of the cognitive domain in the expression area of digital literacy. Based on an extensive review on digital literacy, the cognitive domain of the expression area in digital literacy has been categorized into three parts: the elements for the understanding of and representation of intertextuality, the elements for the construction of multimodal texts, and the elements for the understanding of platform and selection and use of platform. Incomplete examples of each part have been also proposed for the purpose to attract academic interest in this topic. The results of this study will be able to function as a thoughtful insight for the development of digital literacy curriculum and digital literacy assessment framework.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 문식성 교육을 위한 학습자 프로파일 구성 요소 탐색

        서수현 ( Soo Hyun Seo ),옥현진 ( Hyoun Jin Ok ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2014 청람어문교육 Vol.52 No.-

        매체 환경과 사회경제 구조가 급변하면서 문식성 교육의 내용과 방식에도 변화가 필요해졌다. 변화의 요구를 반영하여 그동안 학계에서도 문식성 개념과 문식성 교육 내용을 재정립하기 위한 연구를 수행해 왔으나, 상대적으로 그 방법에 대한 연구는 부족했다. 이에 이 연구에서는 문식성교육 방법에 대한 논의의 출발점으로서 문식성 학습자에 대한 인식 변화가 필요하다는 점을 지적하고, 문식성 학습자를 보다 총체적으로 이해하기 위한 수단으로서 문식성 학습자 프로파일이라는 개념을 제안하였다. 디지털 문식성 교육을 전제로 하여 제안한 이 문식성 프로파일은 크게학습자의 학습심리적 요소와 디지털 문식성 학습자에게 영향을 미치는 문싟어 후원자 요소로 구성된다. 디지털 문식성 학습자 프로파일은 문식성 교육을 계획하고 실행하는 데 있어서 필수적으로 참고해야 할 학습자에 관한 일체의 정보를 의미한다. 이 연구에서 제안한 학습자 프로파일이 개별화된 문식성 교육을 실행하고 학습자의 주체성을 신장하는 데 일차적인 자료로 기능할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. As media environments and socioeconomic structure changes rapidly, so does contents and methods of literacy education. Responding to the needs, researchers have suggested how literacy can be reconceptualized and how the contents of literacy education can be reorganized. But few research has focused on how new literacy can be taught. So this study, as a starting point of the question toward how to teach new literacy, suggested the concept of ‘literacy learner profile’ as a set of core information about a literacy learner, which would promote individualized education and help learners grow as active participants in literacy practices. This study tried to suggest an idea about how the profile can be composed and, as a part of it, specify learner’s attitude as a component of the profile. Suggestions for follow-up studies have been made at the end such as studies on the components of the profile, tools for survey, and application of the profile to daily literacy learning.

      • KCI우수등재

        아동의 그림일기에 나타난 글과 그림 간의 의미 구성 방식

        서수현(Soo Hyun Seo),옥현진(Hyoun Jin Ok) 한국아동학회 2013 아동학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Digital technology has advanced rapidly and it is anticipated that multimodal ways of meaning-making will become increasingly important. Consequently, teaching multimodal literacies is becoming a major issue in education. This study focuses on the use of picture diaries as a means of teaching multimodal literacies. Picture diaries are one of the basic and unique multimodal texts used in lower elementary level classes in Korea. A further advantage is that it is a promising text model which can be taught in unplugged ways. In order to explore the educational implications of using such picture diaries, this study sought to analyze the ways in which twenty four 1st graders in an elementary school constructed meaning with written language and pictures in composing picture diaries. 251 picture diaries composed during several months of their 1st grade period were analyzed based on the constant comparative method. The results indicated that the students utilized both written language and pictures in diverse and creative ways to provide their audience with more comprehensive meaning. These results indicate that teachers need to consider their students as active multimodal meaning-makers and provide their students with more opportunities to practice multimodal meaning-making and share their experiences.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 대형 2행정 디절기관용 축압분배기 부착 전자제어식 퀼 시스템 모터구동 실린더 주유기의 주유 불균일률

        배명환(Myung-whan Bae),정화(Hwa Jung),옥현진(Hyun-jin Ok) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2008 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Minimizing the cylinder wear and the consumption rate of cylinder oil in a large two-stroke diesel engine is of great economic importance. A motor-driven cylinder lubricator for Sulzer RT-flex large two-stroke diesel engines developed by authors is in need of mounting a quill system to lubricate cylinder parts for a smooth operation. In order to apply the common-rail lubricating system to the developed cylinder lubricator as the second research stage, the mechanical quill system with a progressively quantitative distributor (M.D.S) is improved in the electronically controlled quill system with an accumulating distributor (E.D.S). In this study, the effects of lubricator motor speed, plunger stroke and cylinder back pressure on oil feed rate and inequality rate are experimentally investigated by applying E.D.S to the developed cylinder lubricator. It is found that, in E.D.S, the inequality rate is decreased a little or hardly unchanged as the cylinder back pressure and plunger stroke is elevated, while the inequality rate increased in M.D.S. It can be also shown that the inequality rate of E.D.S and M.D.S is lowered as the lubricator motor speed is increased.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 리터러시 인지적 영역의 평가 요소 개발

        김종윤 ( Kim Jong-yun ),서수현 ( Seo Soo-hyun ),김지연 ( Kim Ji-youn ),조병영 ( Cho Byeong-young ),김인숙 ( Kim In-suk ),옥현진 ( Ok Hyoun-jin ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2018 청람어문교육 Vol.0 No.66

        디지털 리터러시 교육의 필요성에 대한 공감대가 확산되고 있지만 교육의 구체적인 계획에 대한 논의가 부족하다는 판단에 따라 이 연구에서는 디지털 리터러시의 인지적 영역에 대한 평가 요소를 제안하여 교육내용 설계와 평가를 위한 하나의 안을 제시하고자 하였다. 평가 요소는 여섯 개의 요소(탐색, 해석과 통합, 평가, 설계, 제작, 공유)로 구성되며, 각 요소별로 다시 2∼4개의 하위요소를 설정하였다. 탐색은 접근하기, 검색하기, 훑어 읽기, 선택하기로, 해석과 통합은 내용 확인하기, 추론하기, 상호텍스트적 연결하기로, 평가는 출처 신뢰성 확인하기, 내용 타당성 비판하기, 정보의 유용성 판단하기로 구분된다. 또 설계는 수사적 맥락 파악하기, 배양하기와 창안하기, 조직하기로, 제작은 배치하기, 형상화하기, 편집하기로, 마지막으로 공유는 전파하기와 반응하기로 구분된다. 이 연구에서 제안한 평가 요소는 리터러시의 이해와 표현의 양면을 모두 포괄하였다는 점, 제작이나 공유와 같이 디지털 리터러시의 속성을 최대한 반영하려고 했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 연구의 마지막 부분에서는 성취기준 개발, 성취기준 위계화 등 관련 후속 연구의 필요성을 제언하였다. This study aimed to propose the assessment factors for cognitive domain of digital literacy, which had 6 components. ‘Explore’ consisted of ‘access’, ‘search’, ‘scan’ and ‘select.’ ‘Interpret and integrate’ consisted of ‘identify text contents’, ‘generate inferences’, and ‘make intertextual connections.’ ‘Evaluate’ consisted of ‘identify source reliability’, ‘examine content validity’, and ‘determine information usefulness.’ ‘Design’ consisted of ‘understand rhetorical contexts’, ‘incubate and invent’, and ‘organize.’ ‘Produce’ consisted of ‘arrange’, ‘materialize text’, and ‘edit.’ ‘Share’ consisted of ‘disseminate’ and ‘respond.’ The study was significant at the point that the assessment factors include bidirectional aspects of literacy and show a noticeable characteristic of digital literacy such as ‘produce’ and ‘share.’ Suggestion was discussed at the end.

      • 플라즈마 EGR 조합시스템 터보 인터쿨러 ECU 컴먼레일 디젤기관의 매연, CO 및 CO₂배출물 특성

        배명환(Myung-whan Bae),구영진(Young-jin Ku),이동윤(Dong-yun Lee),옥현진(Hyun-jin Ok),이봉섭(Bong-sub Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.5_1

        The aim in this study is to develop the combined turbo intercooler EGR system with a non-thermal plasma reactor for reducing exhaust emissions and improving fuel economy in ECU common-rail diesel engines. In this study, the characteristics of soot, CO and CO₂emissions under four kinds of engine loads are experimentally investigated by using a four-cycle, fourcylinder, direct injection type, water-cooled ECU common-rail diesel engine with a combined turbo intercooler plasma exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) system operating at three kinds of engine speeds. The EGR and non-thermal plasma reactor system are used to reduce NOx emissions, and the non-thermal plasma reactor and turbo intercooler system are used to reduce soot and THC emissions. The plasma system is a flat-to-flat type reactor operated by a plasma power supply. The fuel is sprayed by pilot and main injections at the variable injection timing between BTDC 15˚ and ATDC 1˚ according to experimental conditions. It is found that soot emissions with increasing EGR rate are increased, but are decreased as the applied electrical voltage of the nonthermal plasma reactor is elevated at the same engine speed and load. Results also show that CO and CO₂emissions are increased as EGR rate is elevated, and CO emissions are increased, but CO₂emissions are decreased as the applied electrical voltage of the non-thermal plasma reactor is elevated at the same engine speed and load.

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