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        <滿江紅>, <映山紅>의 실상과 의의

        심은경 한국고전연구학회 2003 한국고전연구 Vol.9 No.-

        본고는 장편 한문소설 「옥수기」의 작가로 널리 알려진 심능숙(1782-1840)의 산문세계를 조명하였다. 이는 심능숙의 문집 『후오지가 19세기 초반 산문사의 전개양상을 구체적으로 보여주고 있음을 주목한 것이다. 이에 본고는 심능숙의 산문세계를 그의 문화적 취향과 관련하여 살펴보았다. 시사, 시회의 아취를 담은 소품문, 우정을 담은 소품문, 원예취향을 담은 소품문의 세계를 차례로 살펴보았다. 이러한 과정을 통해 19세기 초반 심능숙에 이르러 작가의 의식과 산문창작의 성격이 어떻게 달라졌는가를 논의하였다. 심능숙의 산문에는 집단이나 현실에 대한 책임감이나 우환의식을 찾아 볼 수 없다. 그는 지배계층으로서 사회에 대한 책임과 역할을 자임하지 않았다. 한마디로 음풍농월이라 부를 수 있는 세계, 즉 개인적인 취향과 문화적 기호에 충실한 소품문을 창작하였다. 이러한 심능숙의 산문에는 바로 이문자오(以文自娛)의 창작논리와 창작실천이 자리잡고 있다. 이는 문학이 사회적 목적을 위한 수단으로 사용되지 않음을 의미한다. 그것이 비록 경제적 토대를 갖춘 도시적 문화, 개인적 문화에서 비롯된 것이기에 일정한 한계를 가질 수밖에 없지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 산문의 영역에서 문학의 자율성과 오락성을 추구하고 개아성를 개척했다는 점에서 매우 중요한 변화라 하겠다. The purpose of this study is considering a meaning of the existence and the truth Lee, Jong-Rin(이종린)'s <Manganghong> and <Yeongsanhong>. These are the works which was not able to receive a lot of interests in the existing researchers. Also, a result of study is not enough yet. While I recognize and accept achievements of the existing study about <Manganghong>, I consider the beginning of study with the different of assumption of the existing study. <Manganghong> was considered as a particular literary work of a flowering banner(개화기), and existing researchers insisted that this wark has any veins in the history ofliterature. This insist orginates the Chinese character HutGok(한문희곡) tradition and a flowering banner's performance culture background. Because the <Yeongsanhong> was known as the translation of<Manganghong>. It was not able to receive an aggressive interest of researchers more, <Yeongsanhong> was recognized only with Korean translation, so the researchers did not take notice the essence and inner character of the work. I attempt approach on <YeongSanHong> seriously, am going to look for the existence meaning of <YeongSanHong> except the meaning that get in relation with <Manganghong>. I trid to reveal the intention of a writer to adapt <Yeongsanhong> for the performance was included in the process <Manganghong> was adapted for <Yeongsanhong>. Also, <Yeongsanhong> has a close relation to ChangGeuk(창극) that had developed from Pansori(판소리) and the 1910′s performance situation. Specially, this has a meaning as materials that can consider a performance cultural atmospheres and a situation including a performance space of 1910's. As a result, these two works are considered meaningful works generated in a Chinese character HuiGok tradition of a flowering banner and background of performance culture of 1910's.

      • KCI등재

        아로마 오일을 이용한 발 반사요법이 헤어 미용사의 스트레스 완화에 미치는 영향

        심은경,김광옥,이순례,장윤선 한국피부과학연구원 2016 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 Vol.14 No.4

        Purpose: This study aims to verify the effects of foot reflexology using aromatherapy oil on the reduction of stress levels in hairdressers and figure out its effects in stabilizing anxiety caused by stress. Methods: To figure out the efficiency of foot reflexology using jojoba oil and aromatherapy oil (both 2 and 6 different types) in the reduction of stress, physical & psychological stress survey was conducted, and heart rate variability (HRV) was measured. Results: In terms of physical and psychological stress, there was a significant reduction in aromatherapy oil (both 2 and 6 different types) groups (p<.001). In HRV, HF rose as the number of massages given increased in aromatherapy oil (both 2 and 6 different types) groups without statistical significance. It appears that the effects would increase if both the number of massages given and the length of period are increased. Conclusion: The study results show that foot reflexology using aromatherapy oil is effective in stabilizing physical and psychological stresses, and HRV. 목적: 본 연구는 헤어 미용사들의 스트레스 해소와 관련하여 아로마 오일을 이용한 발 반사요법의 효과를 확인하고, 스트레스로 인한불안 심리 안정화에 아로마 오일 발 반사요법의 효과를 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 방법: 발 반사요법의 매개체인 호호바 오일, 2종 아로마 오일, 6종 아로마 오일을 이용한 발 반사요법 시술 후 스트레스 완화의 효율성을 파악하기 위해 신체적·심리적 스트레스 조사와 심박변이도 측정을 실시하였다. 결과: 2종 아로마 발 반사요법군과 6종 아로마 발 반사요법군에서 신체적·심리적스트레스 감소 효과가 있었다(p<.001). 심박변이도에서 HF는 2종 아로마 발 반사요법군과 6종 아로마 발 반사요법군에서 마사지 횟수에 따라 증가하는 것으로 나타났으나 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았다. 기간과 횟수를 늘리면 효과가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 결론: 아로마를 이용한 발 반사요법이 신체적·심리적 스트레스 완화효과와 부교감신경계의 활성도에 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <伍子胥列傳>의 역행적 서사구조를 통해서 본 怨恨의 重意的 層位 - <越王句踐世家>ㆍ<楚世家>ㆍ<吳太伯世家>와의 비교를 겸하여 -

        심은경,김원중,김연지 중국인문학회 2020 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.74

        如上所述,本文通过司马迁的≪史记≫ <伍子胥列传>中看到的各种对立结构,考察了伍子胥的怨恨心态的变化。对此进行分析,使用了互见法来比较<越王勾践世家>、<楚世家>和<吴太伯世家>等作品中对伍子胥的叙述方式与<伍子胥列传>。通过可以看出伍子胥的怨恨心态的逆向叙事,我们发现了关于复仇的双重意的下列特征。第一,在<伍子胥列传>中,司马迁将伍子胥写得立体,以戏剧性地展开怨恨和报仇的心理状况,从而创造了一种逆向的叙事结构,高潮迭起,妙趣横生。这一点在人物白公勝中也有体现,司马迁专注于告知主人公伍子胥的愤懑,同时对他相似的人物进行了对立的安排,从而形成了相同的叙事结构。主要目的在于叙述有怨恨的人的生平,并考虑到同理心的扩展和客观距离。这种叙述方式缩略在‘怨毒之人甚矣哉’一节中。第二,司马迁将‘费无忌和太子建’、‘费无忌和司马奋扬’、‘伍子胥和申包胥’、‘伍尙和伍子胥’、‘昭王和吴兵’、‘昭王和郧公’、‘郧公和弟弟怀’等不同人物安排在对立和矛盾的场合,既表现了相互间的友好关系,又表现了复合式的叙事结构。在对话体叙述方式中,使用多种复线、比喻和引用等司马迁特有的文艺手法,揭示了人物之间的关系,从而能够集中于个人恩怨,也可以观察各种情况。除伍子胥外,还表现出各种角色,这也是司马迁自己要克服仇恨心理的过程。第三,司马迁在谈到怨恨和复仇时,解释了伍子胥产生怨恨的原因是在于忠臣的谏言被拒接,或者由于奸臣的诬陷而处于不正当的处境。这种忠臣的谏言事例在<屈原贾生列传>等列传中全面地体现,尤其是在<伍子胥列传>中,集中地表现谏言是产生怨恨的原因,同时也能够显示出忠臣的真实面貌。第四,并非只表现伍子胥的怨恨,而谈到阖闾和夫差两代王朝时期发挥的政治远见和军事才能,以及伍子胥的直言和信念。这是担忧被后世给予很低的评价的结果,因此,司马迁试图展现出人物伍子胥身上的人情味和他的卓越的能力。从心理治疗的角度来看,我们可以说,这显示了将充满怨恨的不稳定的心理状态转化为能够发挥自身力量的一种怨恨的积极方面。第五、怨恨一般具有世袭的特点,司马迁着眼于复仇具有极端后果的事实,通过他的写作手法表达了人类被压抑的心理状态,同时集中叙述其进展情况、脉络以及极端后果。怨恨和报仇心理是人类最自然的天性,但是在秩序内通过宽容、理性和礼仪等教育来避免情绪的爆发,反而在<伍子胥列传>中表现出的激进情绪并不常见的事例,心情忧愤的司马迁与读者达成共识,因此他们从中能够得到宣泄。第六,司马迁的这种复合式叙述结构更加戏剧化地表现了内心充满怨恨的心理,同时通过列出相似的案例并增加了怨恨,从而将喷发所含的意义一般化。此外,由于司马迁关注周围的人物,使我们根据情况来能够了解他们与心理有怨恨的人的关系。由此看来,司马迁通过同时维持着人物伍子胥和有关的历史事实,或者果断省略等通过详细的叙事结构重新塑造了新的人物,即,接受自己的命运,坚持完成任务,最后壮烈牺牲的伍子胥。司马迁一贯秉持着强调忠心、节义和崇高本身价值的大义,从不放过从<伯夷列传>中提出的人类之正确的榜样。总之,伍子胥的愤怒、怨恨和报仇、力量的发挥和挫折等,司马迁对他一生的看法是,具有对立性、两面性、友好性、批判性和复合性。司马迁通过强化怨恨这一主题,使读者了解并认同作品 ...

      • KCI등재

        20대 여대생의 발효화장품 구매특성과 소비가치에 관한 연구

        심은경,이현실 대한피부미용학회 2015 대한피부미용학회지 Vol.13 No.6

        In the craze over healing and well-being, fermented materials with excellent safety are favored for manufacturing products that are skin-safe and are excellent in performance. Furthermore, the fermented materials are known as producing less side effects on diverse skins than other materials. This study subjected college girls in their 20 s who have strong demands in pursuing the value of beauty in the rapidly changing cosmetic market, and analyzed their purchasing behaviors and consumption values of fermented cosmetics to provide basic data for the invigoration and development of fermented cosmetic market in the future. The research method was implemented by subjecting college girls in their 20 s, who were residing in South Korea, and using self-administered questionnaires for the period from Aug. 25 to Sep. 15 2013. The study result showed that the consumers pursue the performance and effect in purchasing cosmetics, and that the consumers with no experience of fermented cosmetics had an understanding on the fermented cosmetic as a product that offers excellent performance. However, the consumers who experienced fermented cosmetics refused to repurchase them because the performance and effect fell short of their expectations. To the question ‘have you heard fermented cosmetics?’, many respondents answered ‘no’, thus appeared as they put emphasis on the usefulness and environmental value. As to the information path of the fermented cosmetics, TV and media sources were the highest, and the respondents appeared concerned about the pleasure. Therefore, it is considered necessary to make fermented cosmetics more popularized, to improve consumers’ understanding, and to introduce customized products in order to satisfy consumers’ demands on the usefulness. In addition, it is also necessary to promote frequent events and functions where the advantage of the fermented cosmetic that can satisfy the environmental and hedonic values can be emphasized and experienced, and to launch marketing plans that advertise information of fermented cosmetics via TV or media sources.

      • 산복도로에서 보는 釜山港 景觀의 構圖的 特徵 에 관한 硏究

        심은경,강영조,김승환,남정칠,박승범,이기철,박한우 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2000 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.1

        This study is to clarify the characteristics of the type of view on a prospect from the road view, approach to the purpose of the maintenance plan of the road view. First, in the viewpoint of view is understanding meaning of the road, the method come into contact with a road view. Second, in the view appear an object land is grouping to the road view and presentation to a point in dispute and a settlement. This study have the keynote to different a form of view depend on viewpoint in a point view of prospect of road view, it will be presentation of practice method to the maintenance plan of the road view of the future.

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