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        조대호의 극단 예술협회 후원활동과 희곡 연구 -3·1운동 직후 직업극단의 후원층 조직과 ‘신극’운동에 대한 시론-

        백두산 ( Baek Doosan ) 한국드라마학회 2021 드라마연구 Vol.- No.64

        본고는 1920년대 초반 귀족 조대호의 예술협회 후원활동과 창작희곡에 내재된 식민지 사회에 대한 상상력의 분석을 중심으로, 3·1운동 직후 국내 직업연극인 중심의 신극운동의 방향과 의미를 탐색하는 논문이다. 친일관료 조중응의 장자로 27세에 자작 작위를 받았던 조대호는 영친왕 이은의 일본 유학에 동행한 식민지 조선의 대표적 청년귀족으로, ‘신극운동 제일성’을 표방하며 계명구락부의 유지지식인 후원층에 힘입어 결성된 예술협회 활동의 최대 후원자이자 극작가였다. 본문에서는 민족개량적 입장에 가까웠던 예술협회 후원층의 특수성을 분석하면서, 조대호의 희곡 <무한자본>(1921.4)과 <노리□>(1921.7)를 중심으로 창작희곡에 나타난 대속자이자 중간자로서의 지식인상 구현과 노동문제, 여성해방 모티프의 활용, 극작술의 변화와 의미를 분석하였다. 두 작품에서는 1920년대 초반의 노동문제, 여성문제에 대한 관심과 함께 다이쇼 데모크라시의 계몽적 지식인관의 수용의 측면을 발견할 수 있으며, 아울러 ‘일본’을 거세한 상태로 식민지 ‘민족’ ‘사회’를 상상하며 식민지 조선의 노동자층과 청년사회의 도덕개량이라는 측면에서 계몽적 관점의 ‘신극’ 운동에 접근하였던 1920년대 직업연극인으로 이루어진 ‘신극’ 운동의 특수성과 한계를 발견할 수 있다. This paper explored the directions and significance of the New Drama movement, which arose from professional theaters in Korea after the March 1st Movement, by focusing on the aristocrat Cho Dae-ho’s sponsorship of the Art Association and the imaginative quality of the colonial society found in plays from the early 1920s. As the eldest son of the pro-Japanese bureaucrat Cho Jung-eung, Cho Dae-ho was given the title of a viscount at the age of 27. Cho was one of the most prominent young aristocrats in colonial Joseon, as he accompanied King Yeongchin Lee Un when he went to study abroad in Japan. He was also a playwright and the biggest supporter of the Art Association, which was a strong advocate of the “New Drama Movement” that was established with support from the literati at the Gyemyeong gurakbu. This study identified the distinct characteristics of the sponsorship of the Art Association, which leaned towards national reformism. This study further analyzed Cho Dae-ho’s plays Muhanjabon (Infinite Capital) (April 1921) and Norigae (Trinket) (July 1921) by focusing on the intellectual characters, who appear as the middlemen who atone for others, and the motifs of women’s liberation and murders committed on behalf of the victims, which served as metaphors for extreme actions to reform the colonial society. The two works reflect the interest in labor issues and gender issues in the 1920s, as well as the enlightening views of the intellectuals during the Taisho democracy. The works further display the uniqueness and limitations of the professional playwrights in the 1920s who approached the “New Drama” movement from the perspective of enlightenment, that is, as a way to improve the morality of the working class and the youth society in colonial Joseon by imagining a colonial “nation” and “society” with a castrated “Japan.”

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 경성 북촌 조선인 극장가의 조직과 종족공간적 구성

        백두산 ( Baek Doosan ) 한국연극학회 2017 한국연극학 Vol.1 No.63

        1907-1910년대 중반 연흥사, 장안사, 단성사가 운영되었던 탑골공원 근처 북촌 조선인 극장가의 형성과 조선인 극장가의 공간적·문화적 특수성을 살피는 논의이다. 일제의 재정정리 정책으로 한성의 극장업이 자유경쟁체제로 재편되고 관제개편으로 조선인 관료들이 대량 해고되자관료·상업자본가들은 극장영업에 관심을 기울였다. 초창기 민간극장들이 들어선 탑골공원 일대는 조선인 대상의 일용품 시장을 배후지에 두었으며, 음악 감상과 유흥을 위한 공간으로 전용되고 있었다. 이같은 공간적토양 아래서 1907년부터 탑골공원 일대의 극장가는 저녁 무렵 전통음악 이용한 취군과 관람객으로 붐비는 유흥공간으로 구성되었다. 일제강점 이후 조선인 극장가를 둘러싼 일본식 하족(下足)관습, 극장의 위생, 임검순사 단속에 대한 기록에서는 종족적 차이에 대한 인식, 차별 및 폭력의 흔적을 읽을 수 있다. 한편으로 취주나 조선음악 연주는 일제의 금지에도 일본식 극장관습과 혼효되어 유지되었다. 1910년대 북촌 조선인극장가는 종족적 문화를 향유하는 조선인 관객층이 무단통치의 폭력적 상황과 종족적 차별을 일상적으로 체험하였던 `불안`의 공간이었으며, 이는 식민지기 관객성을 주조하는 문화적 특징으로 고착화되었다. This paper investigates the formation of the Bukchon public theater near Tapgol Park where the Yeongheungsa, Jangansa and Dansongsa operated from 1907 until the mid-1910s, and discusses the spatial and cultural characteristics of public theatre district in Bukchon. The theater industry had turned into market competition due to the financial policies of Japan during the colonial period, and many Korean officials lost posts as part of the public administration re-organization program. In midst of this, Gyeongseong`s political and commercial bureaucrats started to take interest in commercial theaters targeting the middle class. The area around Tapgol Park was part of the city tram route and the main market area for Koreans, as well as a leisurely place where musical events were held, and from 1907 onwards had developed into a theater district which became identified as a place of nightlife where performers and spectators crowded during the evening. After the colonial period, it is evident from documents of Japanese theatrical system, theater sanitation and law enforcement of the theatre that there were perceptions of ethnical differences, discrimination and violence. On the other hand, despite being banned by authorities, musical performances of Joseon continued to exist in a mixed form with Japanese theatrical traditions. During the 1910s, Bukchon`s theater was a place of fear as Koreans routinely experienced violence and racial discrimination, which became one of the main characteristic of spectatorship during the colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        전력을 고려한 RGB 색 공간 분할 기법 및 이를 활용한 AMOLED 디스플레이의 소모 전력 모델 생성 그리고 평가

        백두산 ( Dusan Baek ),최유림 ( Yoo-rim Choi ),이병정 ( Byungjeong Lee ),이정원 ( Jung-won Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2018 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 Vol.7 No.9

        모바일 AMOLED 디스플레이의 소모 전력을 소프트웨어 수준에서 참조하기 위해서는 소모 전력에 대한 모델이 필요하다. 하지만, 전력 모델을 얻기 위한 기존 연구들은 전력 측정 활동을 위한 실험 환경 및 장비가 필수적으로 요구되었다. 또한, 모델링을 위해 사용된 RGB 값의 조합이 무분별하고, 매우 적어 RGB 값들 간의 상호 영향을 모델에 반영하기 어려웠다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 RGB 색 공간분할 기법 및 < RGB 값, 소모 전력 >으로 구성된 맵핑 테이블 제공 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 분할 기법을 통해 색과 함께 전력을 고려하며 RGB 조합들을 샘플링하고, 제안된 맵핑 테이블 제공 방법에 따라 샘플링된 RGB 조합들로 구성된 맵핑 테이블을 생성한다. 실험을 통해 색 차원과 전력 차원에서의 분할 기법에 따른 샘플들의 특징을 분석하였고, 이를 바탕으로 AMOLED 디스플레이에 대한 맵핑 테이블을 생성하였다. 더불어, 맵핑 테이블을 활용하여 각기 다른 4개의 전력 모델을 평가함으로써 맵핑 테이블의 재사용 가능성을 확인하였다. 이러한 맵핑 테이블은 연구자들에게 제공되어 전력 측정 활동 없이도 전력 모델을 생성하는데 활용될 수 있다. The power model is needed to handle the power consumption of mobile AMOLED display at the software level. However, the existing studies to generate the power model have required the experimental environment and equipment for the power measurement activity. In addition, the combination of RGB values used for modeling was imprudent and small, so it was difficult to reflect the mutual influence between the RGB values into the model. To solve these problems, we propose an RGB color space partitioning method, which is used to prudently sample the combinations of the RGB values based on the color or the power. We also propose a process for generating a mapping table composed of < RGB values, power consumption >. We analyzed the characteristics of the samples generated according to the proposed partitioning methods, taking into account the color and the power, and generated the mapping table for the AMOLED display. Furthermore, we confirmed the reusability of the mapping table by utilizing one mapping table multiple times in evaluating different power models. These mapping tables are provided to researchers and can be used to generate and evaluate power models without power measurement activities.

      • KCI등재

        우전(雨田) 원세하(元世夏), 조선적무대미술의 여정 -원우전 무대미술 연구 시론

        백두산 ( Doo San Baek ) 한국연극학회 2015 한국연극학 Vol.1 No.56

        This paper aims to evaluate the role of stage designer Won, Woojeon(1895-1970) in forming the Korean Modern drama. For this, the paper pay attention to identify the meaning in Won, Woojeon’s new found stage designs and the data of his existence period, birthplace, and academic background. Won, Seha(元世夏), whose nom de plume was Woojeon(雨田), was born in seoul. He graduated Gyeongsin School(경신학교) and the Study group of Paintings and Calligraphy(서화미술회). His major was Oriental painting, especially the traditional Korean portrait. After graduated the school, he became a member of <BaekJo(백조)>, artist coterie. In this chapter of his life, he took a serious interest of the uniqueness of Joseon, and had a romantically temperament like bohemian. Both of these factors deeply involved his stage designs. Won learned the stage setting and backdrop making method from Kim Unsun (김운선) and Midarai(御手洗), set designers in New-school drama era. And his Oriental painting skills were applied his scenic designs. After the second period of Towolhoe Theater(1924), he led Towolhoe’s scenic designs, innovated the scenic design style. Staged in 1929, <Arirang Gogae> was the best achievement of his scenic design in Towolhoe Theater era. Using the dynamic stage set and backdrop, he designed a ‘long way’ what is emblematic of the national diaspora in the colonized Joseon period. In the Dongyaung Theater era, his stage design of the ‘Joseon’ style such as <Chunhyangjeon> stage gained wide popularity in 1930’s. His stage designs of Changgeuk and Female Gukgeuk emphasized the visual plesure using the landscapes of the Joseon. Geumgangsan, above all, was the sources of these fantastic spectacles.

      • KCI등재

        지하 대형할인매장 화재 시 출구수와 상품배치에 따른 피난특성

        백두산 ( Doo San Baek ),이승철 ( Seung Chul Lee ) 대한설비관리학회 2015 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Structures are becoming more complicated and high-rising and at the same time, structures that are using large scale underground spaces are also increasing in number. In addition, using large discount stores where large quantities of items can be purchased in one place at one time has become a common form of consumption and it seems that underground large discount stores are also going to increase in numbers. However, in a confined underground space used by a large number of non-specific people, with a limited number of exits, great human and property loss is expected in the case of a fire. Therefore, this study used Simulex to check problems that occur when a large number of people move to evacuate in case a fire occurs in an underground large scale discount store and it compared evacuation movements and evacuation times according to how close or dispersed the people are and in cases where evacuation routes are limited and cases where there were additional evacuation routes. As a result, analysis showed that evacuation times were decreased when there were additional evacuation routes and when people were dispersed.

      • 터널출구 형상이 소음전파 특성에 미치는 영향

        백두산(Du-San Baek),양윤상(Yoon-sang Yang),이동훈(Dong-Hoon LEE),박춘근(Chun-Geun Park) 한국철도학회 2014 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.10

        지하철 터널과 고속철도 터널 및 자동차 전용도로에 건설된 터널과 같은 경우는 반폐쇄적인 공간적 특성으로 인하여 음에너지 밀도가 매우 높은 반사음장이 형성되어 강한 세기의 음파가 터널 입구와 출구 방향으로 전파되어 터널 입출구 근방에서 또 다른 소음문제를 야기시킨다. 그러나 지금까지는 터널내부에서의 소음저감을 다룬 연구가 대부분이었으며[1~3], 터널 입구와 출구에서의 소음저감 대책이나 소음전파 특성에 대한 연구결과가 발표된 사례는 거의 없었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 터널 입구와 출구방향으로 방사되는 소음을 저감시키기 위한 일환으로 관 출구를 경사지게 하거나 관 출구에 다양한 크기의 플랜지를 부착하면서 소음전파 특성을 측정하고 음향해석 결과와 비교하였다. In the tunnel of rail way or motorcar road, reflection sound field with high density sound energy has been generated and radiated to entrance, And then it leads to another noise problem around tunnel entrance. But most of researches were conducted about noise reduction at inside of tunnel and the study on the noise reduction countermeasure or noise propagation characteristics at entrance of tunnel has scarcely been performed. Therefore, to reduce the radiated noise from tunnel exit we measured both noise directivity and reflection coefficient and compared those with simulation results by changing the conditions of inclined exit or flange attached to exit.

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