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      • Preliminary Study of Articulation Training Supporting System for the Hearing Impaired using Automated Lip Shape

        박한무,정진우 동국대학교 정보융합기술원 2008 International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Sy Vol.9 No.3

        Many hearing-impaired persons cannot say a word, generally, because they have not had a chance to get the learning for saying by the absence of the ability for hearing. But, the ability for hearing is thoroughly different from the ability for saying. I.e., if the hearing impaired wants to say and tries to say repeatedly, he/she can speak well just like non-hearing impaired persons. This process is called as articulation training and needs many expertise for training all the hearing impaired in Korea. In addition, this process requires repetitive and long time training but the number of expertise is absolutely insufficient. In this paper, a system which can assist the articulation training for the hearing impaired was suggested to help the insufficient number of the articulation training supporters.

      • 오프라인 회의 기록 지원시스템을 위한 화자 인식 기법

        박한무,손윤식,정진우 한국지능시스템학회 2007 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        최근 영상 처리 기술이 발달함에 따라 다양한 응용시스템에 영상 처리 기술을 접목하려는 시도가 나타나고 있다. 특히 영상 내의 얼굴을 객체로 다루는 인식 기술의 발전으로 얼굴 정보를 이용한 기술의 응용 분야는 게임 및 카메라 등 다양한 분야에서 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 오프라인 회의 보조 시스템에서 화자를 구분하기 위한 기법을 제시한다. 제안된 기법은 얼굴 객체 정보에서 화자 구별을 위한 특징 값을 제시하고, 이를 이용하여 얻어진 입 주변 엣지(Edge)를 이루는 픽셀들의 분산 값으로 화자 여부를 판단한다.

      • 입 모양 인식 기술의 비교 연구

        박한무(Han-Mu Park),정진우(Jin-Woo Jung) 한국지능시스템학회 2008 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        얼굴 인식은 영상 처리 분야 중 대표적인 분야의 하나로, 지금까지 다양한 용용시스템이 개발됐다. 얼굴 인식 은 눈, 코, 입 같은 얼굴의 특징들을 값으로 변환하고 각 특징 값들의 상관관계를 분석하는 방식으로 이루어지는 데, 이 중에서 입은 형태 변화가 심하기 때문에 얼굴 인식에서는 특징 값으로 잘 이용되지 않는다. 반면, 표정 인식이나 화자 인식과 같은 특정 응용 시스템에서는 중요한 특징의 하나로 사용되고 있다. 입 모양을 인식한다는 것은 입술의 형태와 그 변화를 인식한다는 것을 의미하며, 이에 대한 연구가 많이 이루어지기는 했지만 음성 인식의 보조 수단으로 사용된 것이 대부분이다. 본 논문에서는 현재까지 제안된 입 움직임 인식 기술에 대해서 정리하고, 새로이 적용 가능한 응용 시스템에 대해 고찰해보고자 한다.

      • 청각장애인 조음 훈련 보조 시스템을 위한 입 모양 인식 방법

        박한무(Han-Mu Park),정진우(Jin-Woo Jung) 한국지능시스템학회 2008 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        청각장애인이란 청각에 문제가 생겨 소리를 듣지 못하는 사람을 말한다. 일반적으로 선천적인 청각장애인은 언어 장애를 가지고 있는데, 이는 소리를 통한 언어 습득을 하지 못 했기 때문이다. 이러한 청각장애인을 대상으로 발음 및 발어 훈련을 반복적으로 하면 청각장애인도 말을 할 수 있는데, 이와 같은 언어 훈련 방식을 조음 훈련이라고 한다. 청각장애인의 조음 훈련은 숙련된 지도자가 필요하며, 훈련이 완료되기까지 긴 시간동안의 반복적인 지도가 필요하다. 이 때문에 모든 청각장애인을 대상으로 조음 훈련을 실시하기에는 현실적으로 무리가 있다. 따라서 조음 훈련을 보조해 줄 수 있는 컴퓨터 시스템이 있다면 청각장애인 스스로 조음 훈련을 할 수 있어 비용과 시간을 절약할 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 조음 훈련 중에서 가장 중요한 부분은 현재 자신의 발음이 어떤지를 아는 것으로, 청각장애인 조음 훈련 보조 시스템에서는 영상과 소리를 이용해 사용자가 어떤 발음을 하고 있는지를 인식한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 발음 인식 시스템을 위한 기초 연구로써 영상을 이용해 입 모양을 인식하는 방법에 대해서 연구를 진행하였다.

      • KCI등재

        홀리스틱 관점에서 열린운동회의 교육적 의미

        근대,한무 한국홀리스틱융합교육학회 2010 홀리스틱융합교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 홀리즘을 배경으로한 홀리스틱 교육관점에서 열린 운동회의 교육적 의미를 살펴보는 데 있다. 연구의 범위는 홀리스틱 교육과정에서 ‘연관’ 과 ‘포괄’에서 살펴보았다. 연구방법은 열린 운동회에 대한 질적연구 방법으로 자료를 수집하고 이를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 홀리스틱교육에서는 사물간의 연관성에 대한 이점을 위해 개인적 분절성을 극복하는 환경을 제공하는 일에 관심을 갖는다. 이러한 관점에 볼 때 열린운동회는 학생과 학부모 간의 관계를 이어주는 의미 있는 프로그램임을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 홀리스틱교육은 한 가지 관점에서 접근하기 보다는 문제나 삶의 전체적 상황에서 접근하려고 한다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때 열린운동회 프로그램은 과거와 현재를 이어 주는 교육의 장이 될 뿐만 아니라 이를 통합시켜 민족문화 계승 발전에 기여할 수 있는 교육 문화 행사임을 발견할 수 있었다. 셋째, 홀리스틱교육에서는 인간이 지닌 본성을 바람직하게 교육하기 위한 수단으로 학습자의 능동적 참여와 호기심 유발 등을 위한 영성적인 발달에 관심을 갖는다. 이러한 한 관점에서 열린운동회의 프로그램은 선택적 자발적인 면을 신장시키는 의미 있는 교육프로그램이다. 넷째, 인간의 본성을 말할 때 타인과 분리하여 자기를 바라본 소아(ego)와 타인과의 관계 속에서 생명체의 관계를 깊이 의식하는 초월적 아자, 즉 대아(higher self)가 있다. 홀리스틱교육에서는 대아를 중시한다. 이러한 관점에서 열린운동회의 프로그램은 대아적인 삶을 체험케 하는 장이 될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper purports to make clear the holistic educational implications, that the open field day in itself has. For this purpose the so called qualitative method will be employed in this study. We can formulate the results of this study by bringing forth in the following: 1. The open field day can be regarded as the holistic educational field, in which the school children and their parents can participate and communicate with one another. 2. The open field day plays the role of connecting the life styles of the parents generation with those of the children generation, especially because the open field day program consists of korean traditional plays and games. 3. The educators who have experienced the open field day have characterized it as contributing to human-centered education and as fostering the voluntary activities of the participants.

      • KCI등재후보

        동료평가도구를 활용한 초등게임수업의 분석

        제헌,한무 한국초등체육학회 2009 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this thesis is to prove the analysis using the PAL tools based on the interactions between teacher and student, and among the students. After making a choice of the subjects on this study who are 6th grade students in Kwanju, Kyonggi Do, I have divided the subjects into three groups based on their physical ability. The data used in the study has been modified through the three times of preliminary experiments during the 1st semester in 2008. The peer estimation tool which was developed in 2nd semester in 2008 has been applied to the experimental class consecutive 3 hours. Among the 3 hours of classes, I have recorded the second and third classes to set the purpose as followings: 1. How is the class using the PAL tool going to be proceeded? 2. How are the interactions among the students going to be developed in the class using this tool? 3. How is the aspect of teacher's teaching method going to be reflected in the class? After recording the students on the video, I have also gathered the data through the observing, interviewing, and consulting them. The gathered data have been analyzed using the methods such as: the analysis on the class process, the analysis on the teacher's behavior, the analysis on the contents of the conversation between teachers and students, and the analysis on the content development. The results are as followings. First, in the case of the class process, this class has shown the features that there have been a lot of interactions between students, following the direction of the chief of its group, and also been a lots of students' activities compared to the general classes. The PAL based on the interactions between the students make them intend to get some information, which led to the positive and cooperative class atmosphere with sharing their information to their group members. At the end of the class, they clearly understood the contents of the class, with making the evaluation sheet. And there has been the consideration on the class to set the new purpose in the class. Second, when it comes to teacher's behavior, I have confirmed the interaction between teachers and students. At the first meeting, the teacher has given students some instructions and demonstration on the class. During the class, the teacher check out whether the students do the assignment well, and offered some feedback for the students who didn't follow the direction fully. When the teacher gives the feedback, the teacher has made the students gather to give them a chance to evaluate their peers. In the group activity after the second meeting, the teacher has given them a direction not through the orderly circulation, but through the demand of the students. Third, when it comes to the analysis on the contents of the conversation between teachers and students, there have been positive interactions. The students who has the low level of physical ability have asked the higher level of students the question on the forehand volley. Through these processes, the low level of students have made their correction for themselves. When they have not been able to find the answers, they have asked the teacher some help to solve their problems. The intermediate leveled of students have shown to overcome their problem without teacher's help. This means that there have been a lot of interactions between students, and between teachers and students through sharing their information. Last, when it comes to content development, there are many processes for the explanations and aspects of expansion when using the evaluation tool, compared to the general P.E. class of not being a step of sophisticated level. As the class proceeded, it is found that the application and skilled process are increasing. This means that the class becomes the one that students can recognize the detailed information on their class, and experience the process of developing their skills through understanding the class rather than through the steps of ... The purpose of this thesis is to prove the analysis using the PAL tools based on the interactions between teacher and student, and among the students. After making a choice of the subjects on this study who are 6th grade students in Kwanju, Kyonggi Do, I have divided the subjects into three groups based on their physical ability. The data used in the study has been modified through the three times of preliminary experiments during the 1st semester in 2008. The peer estimation tool which was developed in 2nd semester in 2008 has been applied to the experimental class consecutive 3 hours. Among the 3 hours of classes, I have recorded the second and third classes to set the purpose as followings: 1. How is the class using the PAL tool going to be proceeded? 2. How are the interactions among the students going to be developed in the class using this tool? 3. How is the aspect of teacher's teaching method going to be reflected in the class? After recording the students on the video, I have also gathered the data through the observing, interviewing, and consulting them. The gathered data have been analyzed using the methods such as: the analysis on the class process, the analysis on the teacher's behavior, the analysis on the contents of the conversation between teachers and students, and the analysis on the content development. The results are as followings. First, in the case of the class process, this class has shown the features that there have been a lot of interactions between students, following the direction of the chief of its group, and also been a lots of students' activities compared to the general classes. The PAL based on the interactions between the students make them intend to get some information, which led to the positive and cooperative class atmosphere with sharing their information to their group members. At the end of the class, they clearly understood the contents of the class, with making the evaluation sheet. And there has been the consideration on the class to set the new purpose in the class. Second, when it comes to teacher's behavior, I have confirmed the interaction between teachers and students. At the first meeting, the teacher has given students some instructions and demonstration on the class. During the class, the teacher check out whether the students do the assignment well, and offered some feedback for the students who didn't follow the direction fully. When the teacher gives the feedback, the teacher has made the students gather to give them a chance to evaluate their peers. In the group activity after the second meeting, the teacher has given them a direction not through the orderly circulation, but through the demand of the students. Third, when it comes to the analysis on the contents of the conversation between teachers and students, there have been positive interactions. The students who has the low level of physical ability have asked the higher level of students the question on the forehand volley. Through these processes, the low level of students have made their correction for themselves. When they have not been able to find the answers, they have asked the teacher some help to solve their problems. The intermediate leveled of students have shown to overcome their problem without teacher's help. This means that there have been a lot of interactions between students, and between teachers and students through sharing their information. Last, when it comes to content development, there are many processes for the explanations and aspects of expansion when using the evaluation tool, compared to the general P.E. class of not being a step of sophisticated level. As the class proceeded, it is found that the application and skilled process are increasing. This means that the class becomes the one that students can recognize the detailed information on their class, and experience the process of developing their skills through understanding the class rather than through the steps of explanati...

      • KCI등재

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