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        A Study on Consolidation Analysis Solution in Deep Soft Ground Improved by Plastic Board Drain Method

        박중섭,김병홍,천병식 한국지반환경공학회 2007 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.8 No.2

        It is very important to determine the consolidation rate of ground, depending on the progress of time in applying this vertical drain method. Various consolidation analysis solutions capable of forecasting the consolidation rate are being proposed at the moment. However, the degree of consolidation measured from site, has a considerable different from the degree of consolidation which was obtained by the analysis of vertical drain consolidation. This study aims at assessing the applicability and verfication of each consolidation analysis solution by comparing and analyzing the degree of consolidation measured in the field and the degree of consolidation based on the theoretical equation for the analysis of the consolidation of Hansbo, Onoue, Zeng and Xie used as the consolidation analysis solution before the beginning of construction, on the basis of monitored field results and site investigation data as to the deep soft ground in Busan area applied by PBD method.

      • 개에서 17-ODYA가 신혈류량 자동 조절에 미치는 영향

        양훈모,민영기,박중섭 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.1

        17-ODYA is a potent inhibitor of the formation of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids and dihydroeicosatetraenoic acids by renal cortical microsomes. This study characterized the effects of intrarenal infusion of 17-ODYA on renal blood flow (RBF) and autoregulation of RBF. Seven dogs were prepared for the measurements of RBF, mean systemic and renal perfusion pressure. The renal perfusion pressure was able to be adjusted to desired levels by an inflatable supra-aortic occluder. Intrarenal infusion of 17-ODYA produced a diuresis and a natriuresis but no change in RBF. 17-ODYA had no effect on autoregulation of RBF: Both the plateau and steep portrions. of the autoregulatory curves were identical to control. Thesholds for lower limit of autoregulation were 72±4 and 72±5 mmHg during control and 17-ODYA and not significantly different from each other. These results suggest that endogenous cytochrome P-450 metabolites of AA do not influence RBF autoregulatory capacity in dogs.

      • 부하의 전쟁범죄에 대한 지휘관의 형사책임 : ICC규정 국내이행법률안에 대한 소견

        박중섭(Joong-Sup Park) 大韓赤十字社 人道法硏究所 2007 人道法論叢 Vol.- No.27

        국제조약을 통한 부하의 전쟁범죄에 대한 지휘관의 형사책임 인정은 군 지휘관으로 하여금 부하에 대한 지휘 통제권을 강화하고, 전쟁법 교육과 훈련 의무의 이행을 보다 촉진시키는 기능을 할 것이다. 이 논문에서는 지휘관의 부하범죄에 대한 형사책임 이론의 발전 연혁을 살펴보고, 지휘관 책임을 법제화한 로마규정의 내용을 검토한 다음, 위 로마규정의 국내이행 법률안에서의 군 지휘관 책임 관련 조항을 분석 검토하여 보았다. 현재 국회에 제출된 국내이행 법률안은 지금까지 발전되어 온 군 지휘관 책임 중 가장 넓게 형사책임을 인정하는 견해, 즉 군 지휘관의 과실의 경우(negligence, should have known)에까지 형사책임을 부과하는 입장을 취하고 있어서 심사과정에서 재검토가 요구된다고 사료된다. 특히 군 지휘관의 형사책임의 요건에 있어서 고의의 경우에는 문제가 없는 것으로 보이나, 과실로 부하의 집단살해죄등의 범죄행위를 알지 못하고 그 범죄발생을 제지하지 못한 경우에 문제가 된다. 군 지휘관의 형사책임이 성립되기 위한 정신적 요건에 대하여 Yamashita 판결에서는 미국법원에서 “알았어야 했을 때”(should have known)라는 용어를 사용함으로써 군 지휘관의 과실을 기준으로 하여 형사책임 인정을 쉽게 하였으나, 제네바협약 제1추가의정서에서는 “그렇게 결론지을 수 있을 만한 정보를 갖고 있었을 경우”(had information which should have enabled them to conclude)라고 조금 더 좁게 규정하여 형사책임의 인정을 좀더 어렵게 하였다. 또한 ICTY와 ICTR 규정에서는 “알 이유가 있었을 때”(had reason to know)라는 용어를 사용하고 있으며, ICTY Blaskic 항소심판결에서는 위 규정에 대하여 “지휘관이 부하가 저지른 범죄행위가 고지될 수 있는 정보를 그 지휘관 자신이 얻을 수 있었을 때에만”(only if information was available to him) 인정되는 것으로 보다 좁게 해석하면서, Blaskic 1심판결이 과실이론에 근거하여 지휘관 책임을 인정한 것은 잘못된 것이므로 수정되어야 한다라고 판시하였다. 이와 같은 군 지휘관 책임의 인정 연혁에 비추어 볼 때, 로마규정이 정하고 있는 부하의 전쟁범죄 행위에 대하여 “알았어야 했을 때”(should have known)의 해석을 군 지휘관이 부하의 범죄행위에 대하여 “과실로 알지 못한 때”의 모든 경우로 넓게 해석해서는 안된다고 본다. 따라서 형사책임을 부과할 정도의 중대한 과실로 부하의 범죄행위를 막지 못한 경우에 대하여만 군 지휘관의 책임을 인정하는 ‘보다 제한적 지휘책임론’이 형사책임 개인주의, 자기책임의 원칙에 맞다고 생각한다. 국내이행 법률안에서의 군 지휘관 책임 조항 중 직무태만죄에 대하여는 기존의 군형법상의 지휘관의 직무유기죄와 근무태만죄와의 구성요건상의 관계 및 법률 체계를 보다 명확히 할 필요가 있다고 본다. 또한 법률안 제5조 지휘관의 부하 범죄방지 조치 불이행 책임조항에 관하여는 군형법상의 부하범죄 불진정죄와의 관계에 있어서 중복되거나 형평이 맞지 않는 부분에 대하여는 재조정이 필요하다고 사료된다. 그리고 지휘관의 부하범죄에 대한 불고지죄에 대하여도 동 조항의 필요성 여부, 고지 대상범죄의 축소, 법정형의 조정 등에 관하여 재검토해 봐야 할 것이다. This article briefly reviews the history and development relating to the doctrine on the commander responsibility for the crimes of the commander's subordinates, the contents of the Rome Statute which has codified such responsibility, and then the provision relating to such responsibility within the draft bill for domestically implementing the Rome Statute. The acknowledgement of a commander's criminal responsibility for the war crimes committed by the commander's subordinates through international treaties is to strengthen military commanders' commanding authority over their subordinates and promote their implementation of laws of armed conflict training programs. The bill, which was submitted to the Korean National Assembly, for domestically implementing the Rome Statute incorporates a view that recognizes the broadest responsibility for commanders relating to their subordinates' war crimes, namely the commanders are held criminally responsible even if they negligently had no knowledge of such crimes. Such provisions would need a close review during the relevant legislative process. There seems to be no issue for the imposition of responsibility on intentional cases, but as for cases where commanders negligently had no knowledge of the war crimes of their subordinates such imposition of responsibility may be problematic. In relation to the mens rea element for such military commander's criminal responsibility, the U.S. military committee in its Yamashita case has broadly interpreted such responsibility using the term of "should have known", thereby imposing the negligence standard upon such cases. In comparison, the Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions provides for more restrictive interpretation using the term of "had information which should have enabled them to conclude", thereby making it more difficult to accuse military commanders for their subordinates' war crimes. As for ICTY and ICTR, their regulations use the term of "had reason to know". However, ICTY's Appeal Judgment on the Blaskic case has restricted commanders' responsibility only to cases where "information was available to" them. The Appeal Judgment overturned the Trial Judgment, which held against the accused commander based on the negligence standard. As above, considering the development of the doctrine on the commander's responsibility for the war crimes of his or her subordinates, the interpretation of term "should have known" within the Rome Statute relating to the subordinates' war crimes should not be so broad as to incorporate the cases where the commander negligently had no knowledge of such war crimes. Therefore, more restrictive liability on commanders for their subordinates' war crimes, i.e., imposing responsibility on commanders for their gross negligence relating thereto, seems to be more in line with the principle of individual criminal responsibility.

      • 한국전쟁 사망군인 유해발굴의 인도법적 의의

        박중섭(Joong-Sup Park) 大韓赤十字社 人道法硏究所 2006 人道法論叢 Vol.- No.26

        한국전에 참전하였다가 사망한 군인의 유해를 발굴, 감식하여 유족에게 인도하거나 국립묘지에 안장하는 일은 인도법적 측면에서 큰 의미를 가진다. 본 논문은 최근 국방부에서 추진하고 있는 유해발굴감식단 창설과 발굴사업의 확대를 통한 신속한 처리 노력의 현황들을 살펴보고, 제네바 협약 등 기존의 국제 인도법 원칙의 이해와 준수를 위한 관련 당사국들의 협력 필요와 우리의 법규 등을 알아본다. 관련 제네바협약 규정으로 ‘적대행위의 결과로서 사망한 그 국가의 국민이 아닌 자의 유해는 존중되어야 하며(제1추가의정서 제34조)’, ‘그러한 사망자들의 묘지는 존중되고, 그러한 사망자들의 묘지는 존중되고 유지되고 표시되어야 한다(제4협약 제130조)’ 등이 있다. 특히, 한국전 참전 미군 사망자의 유해발굴을 위한 미국의 노력과 성과를 살펴봄으로써 우리나라에 주는 시사점과 교훈을 삼는다. 지난 6년간 우리 육군에서 유해발굴 사업을 추진하여 1,309의 유해를 발굴하였으나, 그 숫자는 아직 전체 미발굴 유해의 1% 수준인 것으로 판단되며, 국방부에서는 2007년 1월부터 국방부 직할기관으로 유해발굴감식단을 창설, 운영할 준비를 하고 있다, 향후 유해발굴 추진의 효율성, 신속성을 기하기 위해 유해발굴 감식단을 설치 운영하려는 국방부의 노력은 국제인도법 차원에서도 큰 의의를 갖는다. 한국전 참전 사망군인의 유해발굴과 송환은 정전협정 제13항 ‘q’목에 따라서 군사정전위원회는 1954. 9. 1. - 10. 30.까지 2개월 동안에 유엔군측 유해 4,091구 (미군 : 1868, 한국군 ; 2, 223), 공산군측 유해 13,528구를 일괄적으로 상호 송환한 바 있다. 미국은 그 이후에도 지속적인 전사자 유해발굴 및 송환 작업을 하였고, 2003년 10월에는 ‘합동 전쟁포로 및 실종자 확인사령부’를 창설하여 전쟁 포로와 실종자에 대한 구조, 발굴 확인업무를 적극 추진하고 있어 인도주의적 측면으로나 보훈적 측면에서 많은 시사점을 제시하고 있다. It has a significant meaning in the viewpoint of international humanitarian law to deliver the remains of soldiers to the bereaved family or bury them in the National Cemetery after exhuming and identifying the remains of military personnel who died in the Korean War. This paper covers the establishment of 'Team for Exhuming the Remains of the Deceased Military Personnel in the Korean War', recently propelled by the Ministry of National Defense, and the efforts for efficient exhuming operation by way of promotion and enlargement. Also, it discusses the principles of the existing International Humanitarian Law such as Geneva Conventions, Korean Law and Regulations, and cooperation among the nations concerned to respect the Laws. Two related articles are written in Geneva Conventions. Article 34 in '1977 Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949' states that 'The remains of persons who have died for reasons related to occupation or in detention resulting from occupation or hostilities and those of persons not nationals of the country in which they have died as a result of hostilities shall be respected' and Article 130 in '1949 Geneva Convention Ⅳ Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War' indicates that 'the grave-sites of all such persons shall be respected, maintained and marked'. In particular, this Paper tries to suggest some insights and ideas to Korea by introducing the United States' efforts and achievements to exhume the remains of the U.S. military personnel who died in the Korean War. For the last six years, ROK Army continued exhuming operations and excavated 1,309 corpses, which is still presumed only about 1% of the total unexcavated. The Ministry of National Defense is almost ready to establish and operate 'Team for Exhuming the Remains of Military Personnel in the Korean War', starting on January 1, 2007. This kind of efforts by the Ministry of National Defense is meaningful enough to attract favorable attention from the perspective of International Humanitarian Law. Exhuming and Repatriation of the remains of the deceased military personnel in the Korean War was conducted in accordance with 'q' of Article 13 in Armistice Agreement. During the period of September 1 to October 30, 1954, Cease-fire Committee mutually expatriated the remnants of the deceased belonged to the UN Forces and the Red Army, respectively 4,091 (U.S : 1,868, Korea : 2,223) and 13,528. The U.S. has continued operation of exhumation and expatriation since then. Additionally, it suggests many ideas in the respects of both International Humanitarian Law and Patriots Affairs by establishing 'The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command(JPAC)' and active promotion of rescue, exhumation and identification for paws and the missing military personnel.

      • KCI등재

        소아우울에 관련된 요인에 관한 연구 : -가정환경,양육태도,학업성적을 중심으로 하여- -Especially on Home Environment, Rearing Attitude, School Achievement-

        이정호,박중섭,최영민 大韓神經精神醫學會 1995 신경정신의학 Vol.34 No.5

        Objects : Investigations were carried out to study the factors involved in children's depression. Methods : Self-report questionnaire was applied to the sixth elementary school students in Sangae-Dong, Nowen-Gu, Seoul, Korea. The questionnaire was composed of the contents as below ; 1) questionnaire made by authors to study multiple factors that could be involved in children's depression. 2) Children's Depression Inventory. 3) Maternal behavior Research Instrument. Results : 1) Those mothers whose children had the higher children's Depression Inventory scores showed more tendencies of introversion, fostering dependency, negative evaluation on their children and relative malfunctional rearing. 2) children's depression was highly related to lower school achievement. 3) Children who had past history with severe problem were depressive. 4) Girls were more depressive than boys. 5) No meaningful differences in the children's depression were found in relation to the religion, the level of educational and economic state of parents, children's position in the family and family problems such as poverty, disease and marital discord. Conclusion : The factors on children's depression were rearing attitudes of mothers, school achievement, sex and past history with severe problem of children.

      • 세로토닌성 항우울제가 백서의 Schedule-Induced Polydipsia에 미치는 영향

        이기철,이정호,박중섭,최영민,전성일,정홍경,하준명,정재현 대한생물치료정신의학회 1999 생물치료정신의학 Vol.5 No.2

        Object : Schedule-induced polydipsia is considered as an animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder inrats. The authors evaluated the chronic effects of fluoxetine and clomipramine as serotonergic antidepressants and haloperidol as dopaminergic antagonist on the schedule-induced polydipsia in rat.Methods : Spraque-Dawley rats weighing 200-250gm were individually housed, maintained and allowed free access to water for 1 week. And then the rats were placed on a restricted diet. To induce polydipsia, rats were placed in automatic cage where a pellet dispenser automatically dispensed 90mg pellets on a fixed-time 60 seconds(FT 60s) feeding schedule over 150-minute test session for a day. Water was available at all times during the feeding schedule in automatic cage. After 4 weeks of daily exposure to the FT 60s feeding schedule, experimental rats met a predetermined criterion for polydipsic behavior(greater than 3 times of water per session on average). 4 groups of rats were administered fluoxetine(5mg/kg/i.p.), clomipramine(5mg/kg/i.p.), haloperidol(0.1mg/kg/i.p.), vehicle(1cc/kg/i.p.) for 3 weeks. Rats were tested once a week to access schedule induced polydipsic behavior. The chronic effects of experimental drugs on schedule induced polydipsic behavior were analyzed with repeated analysis of variance and Scheffe test as a post-hoc comparison.In order to measure water consumption in non-polydipsic food-deprived rats, a separate group of rats(N=8) were individually housed and given a single bolus(14.5 gm) of food per day which maintained them at their average body weight.Results and Conclusion : The results were as follows ;1) After 4 weeks of daily feeding procedure with fixed time schedule for 60 seconds per day, the experimental group showed significant differences than the control in the amount of water consumption as compared with their baseline water intakes. At the same periods, there were no differences between the experimental group and the control in body weight. 2) The clomipramine treated group and the fluoxetine treated group showed significant decrease in the amount of water intake as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes for 3 weeks of treatment. However, the haloperidol treated group and the vehicle control group showed no changes of amounts of water intake for 3 weeks of treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. 3) At 2 weeks of drug treatment, clmipramine treated group(16.88±6.51ml) and the fluoxetine treated group(22.50±10.35ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol treated group (41.25±7.06ml) or vehicle control group(37.50±12.54ml). And also the clomipramine treated group(13.75±5.18ml) and the fluoxetine treated group(18.75±3.54ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol group(35.00±11.65ml) and the vehicle control(34.38±6.78ml) at 3 weeks of drug treatment. Above findings suggest that the fixed time feeding procedure for schedule-induced polydipsia as an animal model of obsessive compulsive disorder was effective to the evaluation of pharmacological challenge study. The author confirmed that schedule-induced polydipsia was successfully decreased for 3 weeks of administration of clomipramine and fluoxetine but there was no response to haloperidol.

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