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        김정은 시대 북한사회 변화 실태 및 북한주민 의식조사

        강동완(Kang Dong Wan),박정란(Park Jung Ran) 북한학회 2014 북한학보 Vol.39 No.2

        김정은 정권의 체제안정성 평가는 정치적 권력관계와 함께 북한주민들의 충성도와 사상통제, 사회경제적 변화 요인 등을 통해 살펴볼 수 있다. 최근 북중 접경지역에서 밀수를 통한 상품과 자본 그리고 이른바 한류로 대변되는 외부정보의 유입 등으로 인해 최소한 장마당으로 대변되는 북한 주민들의 행위양식은 많은 변화를 보이고 있다. 김정은 집권 3년은 지배 정당성과 지지를 위해 정치, 경제적 부분보다 단기간에 가시적 성과를 제시할 수 있는 문화와 체육 분야에 집중되었다. 새로운 지도자에 대한 기대감으로 인해 정권안정성과 충성도는 더욱 높아졌을까, 아니면 과거와 다를 바 없는 경제난의 지속으로 인해 현상변경에 대한 요구만 높아졌을까. 본 연구는 북한 당국의 통제범위를 넘어 외부정보에 노출되며 자본주의 행위양식을 축적하고 있는 북한주민의 의식변화와 사회구조가 체제변화에 미칠 영향에 대해 주목한다. 본 연구는 김정은 시대 3년의 사회변화 실태와 현황 그리고 북한주민의 의식변화를 살펴보기 위해 제3국에서 북한 주민 100명을 대상으로 면접조사를 실시하였다. The North Korean regime will claim high stability if the uniform order system flows downwards along its hierarchy with closure maintained through the strict control of outside information. However, it will be no exaggeration that the behavioral patterns of North Korean people at least represented by farmers' markets are already in a transitional period toward capitalism due to the recent influx of external goods, capital and information represented by the so-called Korean Wave through smuggling along the borders between North Korea and China. In its third year, the Kim Jung-eun regime has focused on the areas of culture and sports, which can generate visible results in a short period of time, rather than those of politics and economy for the sake of ruling legitimacy and support. Claiming to advocate North Korea as a powerhouse in the socialist civilization, it has tried to demonstrate the leadership of the new leader and his possibilities for changes through the idea of cultural and sports powerhouse. What would North Korean people think of at the result of those achievements? Would their expectations for the new leader lead to the stability of and loyalty to the regime? Or would they have more demands to change the current state due to the continuance of economic hardship from the past? Keeping the possibility of bottom-up changes, this study focused on the effects of changing perceptions of North Korean people, who were exposed to outside information and accumulating the capitalist behavioral patterns, and the social structure on changes to the regime, which had not detected political resistance force yet. In an effort to examine the patterns of social changes in the third year of Kim Jung-eun regime, the study conducted an interview investigation with North Korean people. The study was based on a direct interview investigation with 100 North Korean people in China from January to May, 2014 in order to examine their consciousness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여성새터민의 자녀 돌봄과일: 실태와지원방안

        박정란 ( Jung Ran Park ) 한민족문화학회 2009 한민족문화연구 Vol.28 No.-

        여성 새터민들의 입국이 남성에 비해 급증하게 되면서, 이들에 대한 성인지적 관점에서의 지원이 요구되고 있다. 본 글에서 특히 관심을 갖는 부분은 여성 새터민들이 자녀돌봄 문제로 노동시장 진입이 남성에 비해 제약될 수 있다는 점이다. 여성 새터민들은 남성과 달이 탈북 후 제2국에서 장기간 체류하면서 결혼, 출산 과정을 거치게 되는 경우가 많이 나타나고 있으며, 남한 입국 이후 또 다시 자녀를 출산한 경우 이중, 삼중의 자녀 부양과 돌봄에 대한 책임을 안게 되는 것을 볼 수 있다. 또한, 여성 새터민들이 단독 입국 내지는 배우자 없이 자녀와 입국 하는 비율이 최근 들어 늘어나면서, 이들의 경우 부모나 친지 등의 가족 관계를 통해 자녀 양육 문제를 해결할 수 없는 상황이다. 따라서, 신뢰할 만한 공적 자녀 돌봄 지원 서비스가 뒷받침 되지 않을 경우 노동시장 진입이 제약될 수밖에 없는 상황이다. 이상과 같은 상황으로 여성 새터민, 특히 모자가정의 빈곤화 가능성을 간과할 수 없으며, 이는 나아가 새터민 가족 갈등과 해체, 빈곤의 세대 전이로 이어질 수 있다는 점에서 관심을 기울여야 할 부분이다. 본 글은 이러한 문제의식을 토대로 여성 새터민들이 탈북 후 제2국 체류 중 형성된모-자 관계로 인한 돌봄 문제와 남한 입국 이후 자녀 돌봄이 직업훈련과 취업, 직장생활 유지에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는 가를 선행 연구의 통계 자료를토대로 분석하고, 이들의 노동시장 진입을 위한 취업 지원 방안을 제시하고자 한다. With the abrupt increase to the number of female saeteomins entering South Korea compared to their male counterparts, there has been a constant need to provide supports for them from the gender cognitive perspective. In this study, the investigator took interest in their childcare issues as their entry into the labor market could be more limited than their married and give birth to babies during a long stay in a third nation in double or triple when they give birth to more babies in South Korea. In recent years, there has been a gradual increase to the number of saeteomins that enter South Korea alone or with their children without their spouses next to them, which means they cannot resort to their parents or relatives in regard to child rearing issues. If they get no support from reliable public childcare service, their entry into the labor market will inevitably be limited. Such a situation also raises the possibility for the pauperization of single mom families led by female saeteomins and further for conflicts, family breakup, and transference of poverty to the next generation in those families. Therefore, there is an urgent to pay attention to those issues. Based on the recognition of those issues, the study analyzed the statistical data of previous studies on the subject to investigate saeteomiris` childcare issues over their children that were born during their stay in a third nation after escaping from North Korea and and keeping a job in South Korea. Using the results, I also suggested plans.

      • 북한이탈주민 일자리 현황 및 연계 방안 : 일자리생애 사례분석을 중심으로

        박정란 ( Park Jung-ran ),강동완,김흥광 남북하나재단 2010 연구총서 Vol.2010 No.0

        This paper offers a critical analysis of the recent attempts by the private and public sectors to create jobs for North Korean defectors and examines whether having satisfied the present demand of both job seekers and employers has actually realized the original goal of continued job security. In order for efforts at job creation to actually benefit North Korean defectors in mitigating unemployment and securing lasting jobs, we must first consider what kind of jobs should be created. It is important to remember that an increase in the quantity of available jobs does not translate directly into alleviation of unemployment. Accordingly, this paper has sought to identify the requirements within the process of job creation that are most important and to formulate a plan of support. In order to do this, it was necessary to first assess whether previous policies appropriately addressed the factors of unemployment. While unemployment can be attributed to low demand for labor, another important factor in unemployment is a mismatch of employers and employees. This holds true in the case of North Korean defectors, whose unemployment results not only from shortages in the labor market but also from the disparity between the needs of North Korean job seekers and the needs of their potential employers. Moreover, there is a shortage of demand that relates directly to the particular circumstances of North Korean defectors. With the aforementioned assessment of previous job provision plans as a foundation, this paper has proposed a more effective approach to job creation that will ensure improved accessibility and longevity of employment. The case study analyzes the experiences of North Korean defectors in terms of the extent of their stay in transit countries and the process of education, training and employment they underwent after arriving in South Korea. At the time of their interviews, the majority of the North Korean defectors who participated in this case study expressed a relatively high level of satisfaction with the jobs that they had secured only after a period of trial and error. We can thus regard said participants, who are more satisfied with their present jobs than their previous ones, as successful cases. A synthesis of this paper’s findings can be roughly divided into a consideration of two questions: first, what kinds of jobs should be created, and second, how these jobs should be created and provided. In more concrete terms, this paper has been organized as follows: 1) an evaluation of the present conditions of job provision for North Korean defectors, 2) an analysis of the life-cycle of North Korean employment: factors of unemployment, the problems with continuation and interruption of employment in transition from transit countries to South Korea, defectors’ perceptions regarding the suitability of previous jobs, the demand for employment support; 3) the appropriate requirements for job creation based on the case-study results; 4) a proposal for improved employment support and job provision for North Korean defectors: capacity-building and skills training, measures for addressing job requirements, employment support, job access and job longevity. We expect the results of this study to not only facilitate the process of resettlement for North Korean defectors but also serve as a useful resource for helping defectors in considering future career options. As a repository for the voices and stories of defectors who have already experienced South Korean society, these findings can enable present and future North Korean defectors to successfully secure employment and find job opportunities on their own.

      • KCI등재

        탈북여성 연구: 동향, 쟁점, 과제

        박정란 ( Jung Ran Park ),강동완 ( Dong Wan Kang ) 북한연구학회 2011 北韓硏究學會報 Vol.15 No.2

        2000년대 들어 탈북여성의 남한 입국이 남성 입국자 수를 추월하면서 여성에 초점을 둔 연구 또한 확대되어 갔다. 탈북여성에 대한 연구의 양적 성장과 더불어 내용의 다양성과 영역별 심층 분석 면에서도 성장하는 추세이다. 탈북여성의 입국 배경, 입국과정에서의 인권 침해, 사회적응 과정 등이 점차 성인지적 관점에서 영역별로 세분화되어 다뤄지는 것이다. 탈북여성 연구의 변화 추이 가운데 그 간의 연구성과를 돌아보고 향후 연구과제를 점검해 보는 것은 탈북여성 연구가 질적 성장을 거듭하기 위한 간과할 수 없는 과정이라 할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 탈북여성 연구에서 나타나는 내용상의 주요 특징을 정리하고, 쟁점을 도출한 후 향후 연구과제를 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구 결과 탈북여성 연구의 주요 동향과 특징은 연구영역의 확대, 생애주기별 세분화, 성인지적 관점의 연구 증대, 북한·탈북경로와 남한 입국 이후 삶의 맥락을 파악하고자 한 접근 등으로 구분할 수 있었다. 연구 동향에서 쟁점이 되고 있는 내용은 인권, 경제활동, 가족, 정신·육체적 건강 등으로 구분하여 각 영역별 쟁점을 살펴보았다. 또한 향후 연구과제로 탈북경로의 인과관계 루프(Causal Loop) 분석의 필요성, 탈북여성 인권 의미 확장과 맥락 분석, 성인지적 관점에서의 탈북여성 정착지원 논의 확장, 사회문화적 주체로서의 탈북여성 인지와 연구 필요성 등을 제시하였다. Female North Korean defectors entering South Korea started to outnumber their male counterparts in 2000, which has caused the researches focusing on women in such a situation to expand. The quantitative growth of researches on female North Korean defectors has been accompanied by the increasing diversity of content and in-depth analysis in each area. Such issues as the backgrounds behind their entry into South Korea, violation of their human rights in the process, and their social adaptation processes have been further segmented and addressed from a gender sensitive perspective. Reflecting on the results of the previous studies and reviewing future research tasks in the midst of changes to the study of female North Korean defectors are part of the essential elements in a process of the qualitative growth of the study field. Thus this study set out to sort out major characteristics of researches on female North Korean defectors in terms of content, identify controversial issues, and propose future research tasks. As a result, the major trends and characteristics of researches on female North Korean defectors can be categorized into expansion of research area, segmentation according to life cycles, increase of researches from a gender sensitive perspective, the route to escape North Korea, and approach to the understanding life context in South Korea. The controversial issues in research trends were examined according to human rights, economic activities, family, and mental and physical health. For future research tasks, the study also suggested a need to analyze the causal loop of the route to escape North Korea and the expansion of significance of female North Korean defectors` human rights and the contexts, expand discussions about how to support their settlement from a gender sensitive perspective, and recognize and study them as social and cultural subjects.

      • KCI등재

        65세 이상 노인의 구강건강관리요구도가 구강건강영향지수(OHIP-14)에 미치는 영향

        박정란 ( Jung Ran Park ),김혜진 ( Hye Jin Kim ) 한국치위생학회(구 한국치위생교육학회) 2011 한국치위생학회지 Vol.11 No.6

        Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify the need of oral health education and prevention? for over 65 years elderly. Methods: his study was to identify the need of oral health management and oral health impact profile among elderly over 65 years. 200 elderly participated in the study, lived in KungBuk and KungNam areas, visited Senior welfare center, from 1st September to 30st December 2008. Results: 1. This majority of respondents are female(74.0%), 75-79 years(29.5%), none education(42.5%), living alone(45.5%), income from children(46.0%), and health insurance(65.5%). 2. In the need of oral health management category, the need of dental treatment are professional toothbrushing, gum treatment, treatment for dental caries, treatment for xerostomia. In the need of prevention and education, the majority participants are ``required``. In oral health impact profile category, the majority participants are ``feel no difficulty during speaking( 59.0%)``, and ``feel no difficulty during tasting(47.0%). In the category, the positive answers are more than negative answers. 3. According to general characteristic with the need of oral health management, famle, obviously income, high level of life are significantly different in the need of prevention and education category. Obviously income is significantly different in the need of dental treatment category. According to general characteristic with the oral health impact profile, getting older, high education are significantly different in disadvantage category. In the case of no spouse, anxiety, physical difficulty, mental difficulty and disadvantage are high score in oral health impact profile. In the case of living alone, pain, anxiety, and disadvantage are high score in oral health impact profile. In the case of no income, limitation of function, pain, anxiety, mental difficulty and disadvantage are high score in oral health impact profile. In the case of no health insurance, anxiety, physical difficulty mental difficulty and lack of sociality are high score in oral health impact profile. 4. The oral health impact profile are positive correlation with the need of dental treatment and the need of prevention? education. The effect of oral health impact profile are significantly different with spouse, average of income, the need of prevention ·education. Conclusions: In Conclusion, the need of prevention·education and dental treatment for individual oral health promotion are related with general life condition and life level. Also these are influence of quality of life relate with oral health. These findings are require of development of oral health services program and system from bottom to top. (J Korean Soc Dent Hygiene 2011; 11(6):961-971)

      • 취업장려금 3년 수급 북한이탈주민의 근속경험 분석

        박정란 ( Park Jung-ran ),강동완,현인애 남북하나재단 2012 연구총서 Vol.2012 No.0

        This study presents an investigation into the continuous service experiences of North Korean defectors who received all promotion subsidies for employment, which are paid to those who have continuous service of three years or longer up to three years. The study examined their employment and job experiences before the three years of promotion subsidies for employment and analyzed their progress during and after the subsidies. Those efforts were intended to identify the opportunity and limitation factors and backgrounds of their job retention, examine positive or negative interactions between those factors and promotion subsidy for employment, and figure out the major characteristics and patterns of their continuous service. The conclusion section proposed ways to support their employment based on the analysis results of their continuous service experiences. The three main areas of research were as follows: first, the study analyzed the factors and backgrounds of continuous service among North Korean defectors that received promotion subsidies for employment for three years. The investigator conducted in-depth interviews and survey with North Korean defectors and the people around them to analyze the environmental, structural, and psychological factors of continuous service and further examine interactions among the factors. The survey was taken with 100 of 262 North Korean defectors that received promotion subsidies for employment for three years(as of July, 2012) and consented to participate in the survey. Second, the study analyzed the significance and limitations of the promotion subsidy and support system for employment. The investigator analyzed the direct and indirect influences of private and public support systems for employment including promotion subsidy for employment on the continuous service of North Korean defectors and investigated those systems' effects on their continuous service through their interaction with other factors as well as their independent effects. Finally, the study identified the patterns of continuous service among those who received promotion subsidies for employment for three years. The investigator classified the analysis of the factors, backgrounds and processes of continuous service according to categories, provided specific cases of continuous service, and suggested plans to contribute to support for employment.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 중국과 베트남에서의 국제 NGO 활동이 북한 개발지원에 주는 함의

        박정란 ( Jung Ran Park ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2009 통일과 평화 Vol.1 No.1

        본 글에서는 중국·베트남에서의 국제 NGO 원조활동 사례 분석을 통해 북한 개발지원에 주는 시사점을 도출하고자 하였으며, 향후 국제 NGO의 역할을 전망하고자 하였다. 우선 베트남·중국 내 국제 NGO의 개발지원 활동을 한계와 성과로 구분하여 평가한바, 한계로는 활동 영역의 제한과 효율성 저하, ``느슨한`` 네트워크 현상으로 인한 NGO활동에 필요한 정보 및 기술 교류·지원과 재정 확보의 어려움이 두드러졌다. 이러한 한계에도 불구하고 성과로 평가될 수 있는 것은 현지 사회단체와의 협력을 통한 시민사회 성장 도모, 내부 행위자의 자발적 참여 가능성 및 능력 확대, 공식·비공식·반공식적 파트너십을 활용한 지속적 개발 가능성 확대, 인간중심 개발로의 건전성확대였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 북한 개발지원에 주는 시사점을 도출하였으며, 향후 국제 NGO의 대북 개발지원 활동에 대한 전망을 제시하였다. This study set out to analyze the cases of international NGOs` aid activities in China and Vietnam, identify their implications for the support for North Korea`s development, and predict the future roles of international NGOs. The international NGOs` activities to support development in Vietnam and China were assessed in terms of limitations and achievements. The limitations include the restricted scope of activities, dropping efficiency of activities, and "loose" networks, which make it hard for NGOs to obtain necessary information, provide support for technology exchange, and raise finance. Despite those limitations, however, they have attained various results including helping their civil societies to grow in cooperation with the local social groups, increasing the possibility of inside agents` voluntary participation and capabilities, promoting the possibility of sustainable development through official, unofficial, and semiofficial partnership, and spreading soundness toward human-oriented development. Those results led to some implications for the support for North Korea`s development and some prospects for future activities of international NGOs to support North Korea`s development.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 정치사회화 및 수령관에 대한 인식변화 연구

        박정란(Park Jung-Ran),강동완(Kang Dong-Wan) 한국정치정보학회 2009 정치정보연구 Vol.12 No.1

        북한체제의 형성·유지 과정에서는 체제순응형의 인간개조를 위해 정치사회화가 주요한 기능을 수행한다고 볼 수 있다. 특히, 청소년기의 지속적이며 반복적인 정치사회화 과정을 통해 수령에 대한 충성심과 복종심을 고양하고 있다. 본 연구는 북한의 수령론을 중심으로 한 정치사회화의 내용을 통시적으로 살펴보고, 북한이탈청소년과의 인터뷰를 통해 정치사회화의 실태 및 수령론에 관한 인식변화를 분석하고자 한다. 특히, 북한에서 고난의 행군기(1995-1997년)로 명명되는 경제위기 상황에서 청소년기를 보냈던 당시 북한 청소년들의 경우, 경제위기 요인이체제순응 및 수령에 대한 충성도 변화에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가에 주목한다. 북한에서 정치의 비중과 혁명을 계승할 세대로서 청소년의 정치사회화 중요성을 고려할 때, 북한 청소년을 대상으로 한 정치사회화 실태 분석은 북한의 현재와 미래의 향방을 가늠하는 의의를 지닌다고 볼 수 있다. In the process of establishing and maintaining the North Korean regime, political socialization plays a major role in making people conform to the regime. Especially through the consistent and repetitive political socialization process in adolescence, people in North Korea enhance their loyalty and obedience toward their leader. This study aimed at conducting a diachronic examination into the content of political socialization based on the great leader theory, and then analyzing changes in adolescent North Korean defectors' perception of the reality of political socialization and the great leader theory through interviews with them. The study, involving people who spent their adolescence in North Korea hit by the economic crisis called the arduous marching period(1995-1997), focused especially on the effect of economic crisis on adolescents' level of conformity to the regimen and loyalty to the leader. Considering the gravity of politics and the importance of politically socializing adolescents in North Korea as a generation that will carry out the revolutionary work left unfinished by the current generation, this study which analyzed the reality of political socialization of adolescents in North Korea is meaningful in that it allows people to gauge the present and future of North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        교사의 발문에 의한 수화동화가 청각장애 아동의 언어표현력에 미치는 영향

        박정란 ( Jung Ran Park ),이진숙 ( Jin Sook Lee ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2007 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 초등 청각장애 아동에게 수화동화 프로그램을 통하여 교사의 발문에 의한 수화동화가 청각장애 아동의 언어표현력에 미치는 영향을 비교하고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 11세~12세의 청각장애 아동으로 실험군 7명과 대조군 7명을 선정하여 프로그램 실시 전 실험군과 대조군에서 일반적 특성과 결과 변수를 분석하고, 수화동화 프로그램을 6주간 실시한후 실험군과 대조군의 문장쓰기와 그림 표현으로 언어표현력을 측정하였다. 수화동화 프로그램 전·후 실험군과 대조군의 그림어휘력, 문장이해력에 대한 평균과 표준편차를 산출하고, 실험전과 후의 차이를 t-test로 분석하였다. 실험 결과, 교사의 발문에 의한 수화동화를 수행한 실험군이 수행하지 않은 대조군보다 문장력(단어수·문장수) 점수와 그림표현력 점수가 높았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 교사의 발문에 의한 수화동화가 청각장애 아동에게 다양한 어휘력 및 자발적인 언어표현들을 유의미한 경험이 되도록 격려하고 인정해주는 교육의 독자적인 중재전략을 위한 연구의 필요성이 개진되었다. This study focused on the Deaf children``s having difficulty of comprehension, ability of vocabulary and ability of writing. So it has purposed to figure out how to improve language development of Deaf children``s with the Sign Language a Teachers`` questions on Fairy Tale to facilitate and to indicate the effective teaching method. The subjects of this study consist of 14 Deaf children‘s 11~12 year old dwelling in S & I city and volunteered for this study from September 25, 2006 to November 6, 2006. They were into the experimental group who had time for teacher``s follow-up service to give a summing-up of the sign language a fairy tale to facilitate, use television and the control group who just use television. Scores were analyzed using SPSS PC+ Win 12.0, analysis of t-test to verify hypotheses. The results were as follows: 1. The writing ability(in using numbers of sentence) in the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group(p=.000). 2. The writing ability(in using numbers of vocabulary)in using numbers of vocabulary in the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group(p=.000). 3. The drawing expression ability in the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group(p=.000). Accordingly, teacher``s follow-up service to give a summing-up of the sign language a fairy tale to facilitate would be helpful for the Deaf children``s in the long term.

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