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      • 비만지표와 치주질환과의 관련성

        박경화 한양대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        치주질환은 중대 구강병으로 높은 유병률을 보이고 있고, 비만은 신체에 지방이 과다하게 축적된 상태로 비만 인구 또한 우리나라를 비롯한 전 세계적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 현재까지 비만이 치주질환에 영향을 미친다는 확실한 근거는 발견되지 않았지만, 최근 비만과 치주질환에 관한 많은 연구에서 상호 관련성이 제시되고 있다. 그러나 이들은 일관된 결과를 보이지 않고 있으며, 비만과 치주질환과의 관련성을 파악하는데 객관적인 비만지표를 이용하여 평가한 연구는 부족하다. 이 연구는 2010년 국민건강영양조사 원시자료를 이용하여 우리나라 19세 이상 성인을 대상으로 신체계측과 dual energy X-ray absorptiometry에 의한 비만지표와 치주질환과의 관련성을 확인하고자 하였다. 연구 대상자는 건강설문조사와 검진조사를 한 대상자 중 19세 이상 성인이며 건강면접, 건강행태, 치주조직상태, 비만검사, 신체계측과 혈액 검사를 받은 4,548명을 최종 대상자로 선정하였다. 임산부43명과 당뇨환자 564명은 제외하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 치주질환 유병률은 남자 26.8%, 여자 17.7%였고, 남자는 체질량 지수 23~24.9kg/m2군, 허리둘레 Quartile 4군, 총체지방률과 몸통지방률은 Quartile 2군에서 치주질환 유병률이 높았다. 여자는 체질량 지수 25kg/m2 이상 군, 총체지방률과 몸통지방률은 Quartile 4군에서 치주질환 유병률이 높았다. 2. 체질량지수와 치주질환과의 연관성은 남자에서는 보이지 않았으나 여자에서는 체질량지수가 1% 증가 시 치주질환 교차비가 1.07(1.02-1.12)배였다. 3. 남자는 허리둘레와 치주질환과 관련이 없는 것으로 나타났으나 여자는 허리둘레 Quartile 1군에 비해 Quartile 4군인 경우 치주질환 교차비가 1.65(1.03-2.66)배였다. 4. 남자에서는 몸통지방률과 치주질환이 관련 없는 것으로 나타났으나 여자에서 몸통지방률 Quartile 1군에 비해 Quartile 2군과 Quartile 4군의 경우 치주질환 교차비가 1.47(1.02-2.11), 1.53(1.03-2.27)배였다. 5. 19세 이상 성인 여자에서는 체질량지수가 높아질수록 구강위생용품을 사용하지 않는 경우 Quartile 1군에 비해 Quartile 4군에서 치주질환과의 연관성과 경향성을 보였다(p-trend=0,047). 몸통지방률이 증가할수록 하루 칫솔질 횟수가 3회 미만에서 Quartile 1군에 비해 Quartile 4군에서 치주질환과의 연관성과 경향성을 보였으며(p-trend=0,046), 몸통지방률이 증가할수록 구강관리용품을 사용하지 않는 경우 치주질환과 연관성을 보였다. 결과적으로 여자에서는 비만지표 중 체질량지수, 허리둘레, 몸통지방률이 치주질환과 관련성이 있었고 이러한 결과는 구강위생관리(하루 칫솔질 3회 미만/구강관리용품 사용안함)가 부족한 대상자에서 의미있는 양의 관련성을 보였다. 결론적으로 구강위생관리가 안 되는 경우 치주질환 위험이 높으므로 비만한 경우 구강위생관리 교육 강화가 필요할 수 있다. 이 연구는 국내 대표성 있는 표본조사와 객관성 있는 비만 지표를 활용한 연구로 의미가 있고, 추후 인과성 확인을 위한 추가적 연구가 필요할 것이다.

      • 내러티브에 기반한 유아 인성 교육과정 모형 개발

        박경화 경북대학교 대학원 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Development of Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative Park, Kyung-Hwa Department of Education Graduate School, Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea (Supervised by Professor Kang, Hyeon-Suk) (Abstract) Today’s social phenomenon demonstrates crisis of the age without morality and personality due to informatization, globalization, rapid social structure change, confusion of value system and identity, teenager crime and suicide and environmental destruction. And, Korea is ranked in 23rd (10.981 point) in education justice index ranking among 34 OECD countries which is lower than OECD average 11.375 point. Such phenomenon leads to the increased social and education requirements for personality education. Internal and external aspects are considered to reinforce personality education. It means internal factors as school curriculum and external factors of school, society and family environment other than curriculum. Among various factors failing to take responsibility of personality education in school education, problem of curriculum, education method and outdated resources and teachers and evaluation problem are included. As for external factors, home, school and social problems are pointed out that surrounds personality subject. Personality education must be carried out by the interaction with family, school and society. But, family as the very basic unit of society has lack of dialogue between members due to nuclear family and increase of dual career family. So, home fails to carry out basic life habit formation, personality formation and value system formation of infants. As time spent in home for infants is reduced, hours in kindergarten increases. While kindergarten teachers have higher awareness of personality education, the practice of personality education is low and they had poor specific method and solution. Some early childhood education institutions focus on specialty education, learning Korean and math numbers by the wrong requests of parents. Therefore, personality education must be carried out based on narrative on life problems by early education institute, home and society. Student may internalize personality by sharing problems in life and constructing its meaning. In particular, internal thinking and action change means the proper personality education. Therefore, it is required to listen to personal stories to change internal idea and to make personality education curriculum through positive and mutual respect narrative. The contemporary society weighs high on individual needs and demand rather than grand narratives. Instead of group need and requirements, individual’s life story must be focused and individual happiness must be sought in order to create social happiness. So, it is necessary to form proper culture of society by gathering individual’s upright life. In this regard, narrative assumes that everyone has own story seeking meaning, solving problem and enjoying life. . Everyone lives in own various kinds of narrative. Society must recognize that individual has narrative and that meaning needs to be found and mutually understood. Just as society is formed by individuals, a change of mind is required to early childhood education institute that every infant has unique need and demand, characteristics, and home and surrounding situation beyond collective thinking of kindergarten and class. Accordingly, this study aimed to develop narrative based personality education model as a means of problem solving and practical personality education by forming meaning through interlocking between educational institute, home and society, and communication between teachers and infants. This study would like to develop a narrative model, ‘an activity of creating meaning by introducing proper story at proper time’ in order to reinforce personality education in the early education field. For this purpose, the below research topics are set. A. What is awareness of teachers and parents on infant personality education? A-1. What is the current condition of infant personality education and what is the awareness of teachers on infant personality education by narrative? A-2. What is the awareness of parents on infant personality education? A-3. What is different in the awareness of infant personality education between teachers and parents? B. Examine number of personality item in the teacher guidebook for Age 5 Nuri Course. C. Explore qualitative suitability of the model by specialists committee and develop infant personality education curriculum model by integrating awareness survey in A and B and number of personality items. D. Extract teaching and learning plan in the narrative based infant personality education curriculum model and show implication in its application. For the development of Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative, this study intended to use integrated research method. Integrated research method is a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative studies. In this study, questionnaire survey, specialist committee, literature review, theoretical speculation, and interview were used. Tashakkori and Teddlie divided its sub-divided methodologies into graded integrated methodology design, Main – sub paradigm mixed design, sequential integrated method design, parallel/simultaneous integrated method design and multilayer approach method (Yeom Si Chang, Trans. 2001: 78-79). This study adopted a parallel/simultaneous integrated method. Questionnaire survey was carried out to parents to figure out awareness of personality education and personality requirement analysis on early childhood education institute. And, questionnaire survey was carried out to parents on education curriculum, status of personality education and personality education plan. As for literature review, the current Age 5 Nuri Course and personality education details were analyzed. Through specialist consultation and theoretical study, narrative based infant personality education model was developed and class learning plan was prepared based on the model. It was followed by actual classes by 2 kindergarten teachers. Then, student behavior reaction interview, student interview and kindergarten teacher interview were carried out for qualitative analysis. By revising and modifying problems found in the field, final narrative based personality education model was proposed. The reason why this was selected as main topic is because while many recognized significance of current personality education, there was no specific methodology for personality education in the education field. As a means of overcoming such problem, the study focused on developing the Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative According to the procedure of the study, firstly, awareness of personality by parents for personality education method and status of personality education required to early childhood education institutions were examined. While parents recognized significance of personality, they had no methodological means, and recognized education in early childhood education institutions was more effective. As for teacher awareness on narrative based infant education approach, they had higher awareness on the need of narrative based infant education approach. Narrative based early childhood education attracted interests of infants, reflected routine experience, provided mutual cooperation opportunities, and reflected home and local society culture and value that enabled to construct narrative based integrated education curriculum. Teachers in early childhood education understood education curriculum and importance of personality, but they had no training on methodology about personality. They recognized development the of the Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative was suitable for practical plan of personality education in various kindergarten setting. As the research topic of this study, narrative based infant education curriculum model approach sought to solve problems of personality education in the education field. It focused the problems of current kindergarten education curriculum which were activity focused without integrated with field, and items of virtue based personality education. In the kindergarten setting, the education was all about carrying out the activity of teacher guideline given by the state. Due to busy activities, teachers used to take action for action itself with isolated activity on actual life. Infant activities lost objective and infants were indulged in various activities busily. In the midst, infants lost opportunities to make own thinking and reflective speculation. Rather than interaction with friends or teachers, they are only engaged in result oriented activities. Teachers also failed to execute reflective speculation based education curriculum. They simple guided activities to infants based on teacher guide only. Instead of dialoging with infants, they used to talk to infants unilaterally that disabled to make compassion based on mutual operation or to make narrative construction. The researcher’s narrative based personality education had an objective to solve and practice personality problems in infant life and in teaching and learning from the situational context. Meanwhile, regarding model development, narrative based infant personality education curriculum focused roughly two aspects in macro perspective. One is the essence of narrative thinking and the other is an aspect of infant personality education. With these two aspects, firstly, narrative thinking can be constructed in 4 levels. It included teacher activity, kindergarten management philosophy, infant activity and home value system. Secondly, in terms of infant personality education aspect, it included finding problems in life that needs to change, consulting with colleague teachers on items of virtue, practice personality items of virtue and internalization of personality. In the Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative teachers, kindergarten, infants and home recognize necessity of infant personality, cooperate mutually and talk about infant personality reinforcement plan. When teachers plan activity, they used to set annual plan by figuring out problems of infants that needed to be changed. Infants are encouraged to practice personality items of virtue by narrative thinking. Teacher consultation is made on infant personality education method at the early year and personality is usually told at weekly or daily activities. School newsletter is sent for personality practice method every week so that home and kindergarten linked personality education can be achieved. The Curriculum Model for Children's personality based on Narrative is expected to have below effects. Firstly, class focus model enables teachers to understand and apply individual infant’s narrative in order to increase sympathy between infants and reflective thinking for practical personality education. Secondly, education curriculum and class are interlocked to develop infant’s narrative capacity which changes the culture of early childhood education institution more infant friendly. And personality education with more focus on narrative can be achieved. Thirdly, the narrative based personality education suggested in this study would contribute to improve existing items of virtue based personality education, aimless activity or practice based personality education and formative procedure based on teacher guide effectively. In fact, as narrative is a kind of education philosophy and culture rather than as a means of practice of education, the model in the study could be interpreted, reshaped, reconstructed by teachers to make more valuable realization. At last, narrative is not opposing to virtue education or practical education but it can play a role as a bridge of compromise. And, it may enable parents, who are relatively excluded in the early childhood education field, can interact positively with the early childhood education institutions. The final model starts its class in the level of time by recognizing problematic behaviors in life that needs change in the kindergarten by teachers or students. Understanding causes of abrupt behavior in narrative, space for situation and context, discussion for interaction at individual and social level, listening to fairy tales and situational explanation are included to share stories. Sharing stories intended to lead to practical behavior through self reflective thinking with determination. Based on the above conclusion, some suggestions can be made for the development of the narrative based personality education. Firstly, it needs to improve current personality education method, and various personality education data, and personality education program must be developed. For this purpose, it is necessary to study effective plan through narrative for the personality development data and program development. Secondly, as there is lack of teacher education on personality education practice and application method, sufficient teacher training must be provided. As teacher’s educational instruction behavior is subject to their experience and interpretation, the significance of narrative of teachers needs to be reinforced in teacher training. Thirdly, it needs to create psychological and social environment for teachers to take personality instruction for infants. As the ratio between teachers and infant students in the kindergarten, the ratio must be decreased. Narrative is important for language communication between teachers and infants, and active meaning construction works by infants are important. Therefore, a new approach on the number of infants per a teacher must be reviewed. Fourthly, for effective infant personality education, it is important to establish early childhood education teachers’ experience and practical knowledge for effective teaching. In the early childhood education, if the effort to listen to the voice of field teachers and teachers’ practical knowledge becomes theory, the quality of early childhood education could be improved. In particular, personality education is very different from theoretical knowledge and concept education. Therefore, teachers’ experience and practical experience are very important. Through communications between teachers and information sharing, more effective and systematic personality instruction could be achieved. Fifthly, a system improvement is required to take and share responsibilities between the country, local education office, early childhood education institutions and home for the education curriculum of the early childhood education institutions. Sixthly, it needs to develop culture to focus on activity of infants and internalization of value from showing-up based excessive activities in the kindergarten education activity. Seventhly, teacher guide and teaching media must focus on infants’ narrative ability, language communication ability and meaning construction ability development. While it is important to attract fun or interests of infants, it is important to develop resources to make infants think meaning and value of their activities and reflect their behaviors. Eighthly, narrative needs to be used more systematically and actively in the infant class. And, it is also necessary to consider preparation of teaching – leaning guide plan in a narrative method or storytelling method.

      • 구조화된 감사저널쓰기가 발달장애자녀 어머니들의 감사, 삶의 만족, 정적정서비율, 심리적 소진 및 우울에 미치는 영향

        박경화 용문상담심리대학원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구의 목적은 구조화된 감사저널 쓰기가 발달장애자녀를 둔 어머니들의 감 사, 삶의 만족, 정적정서비율, 소진 및 우울에 미치는 영향을 살펴보는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 언어, 사회성, 학습, 운동, 자조, 독립적인 생활에서의 장애가 일생동안 지속되는 발달장애를 가진 자녀를 장기간 돌보는 어머니들을 위해 장기적으로 지속 가능하고 자조적(self-help) 시행이 가능한 개입으로, 자원과 강점을 중심으로 긍정 성을 증진시키도록 돕는 감사증진 개입을 시행하였다. Emmons와 McCullough (2003) 이후 국내외에서 수많은 임상적 및 비임상적 연구가 행해져서 어려운 상황 을 겪더라도 감사 수준이 높으면 PTSD 등 부정적 결과를 겪는 비율이 낮을 뿐 아 니라 감사가 탄력성과 PTG의 공통요소라는 보고에 근거해서, 감사증진 개입을 실 시하였다. 감사를 증진시키기 위해 개발된 구조화된 감사저널은 감사일기를 기본 틀로 하 고 감사편지와 지금 여기에 집중 요소를 더하여 만들었다. 경기도 도시지역과 서울 에 거주하는 발달장애자녀를 둔 어머니 28명을 주 1회 집단(실험집단 1), 주 2회 집 단(실험집단 2), 무처치 통제집단으로 할당하고, 실험집단 1과 2는 8주간 감사저널 을 작성하게 하였다. 8주간의 구조화된 감사저널 쓰기는 실험집단 1과 실험집단 2 모두에서 통제집단보다 발달장애자녀를 둔 어머니들의 감사를 유의미하게 증진시켰 고 소진과 우울을 유의미하게 감소시켰다. 삶의 만족에서는 세 집단 간 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 정적정서비율에서는 융성(flourishing)의 범위(2.9 이상)에 속하는 참 여자 수가 증가되었고, 병리적 범위(0.5∼1.0 이하)에 속하는 참여자 수가 감소되었 다. 감사증진에는 주 1회와 2회 간에 효과 차이가 없었고, 소진과 우울 감소에는 주 2회가 더 효과적이었다. v 본 연구에서는 발달장애자녀를 둔 어머니들을 위한 효과적인 개입으로 구조화된 감사저널 쓰기를 제안하였다는 데 의의가 있다. 구조화된 감사저널을 통해 어머니 들의 감사성향이 증진되었고, 소진과 우울이 감소하였다는 것을 밝힘으로써 자신을 위해 심리서비스 받기를 꺼려하는 장애아 어머니들에게 직접적인 효과를 불러일으 킬 수 있는 대안적 개입을 제안하였다는 것은 큰 의의가 있겠다. 또한 감사저널 쓰 기의 적정 빈도 면에서 보면, 주 2회 쓰기가 주 1회 쓰기보다 소진과 우울감소에 더 효과적이었다는 본 연구의 결과는 연구참여자에 특정적인 최적 빈도에 관한 추 후의 연구가 필요함을 밝혔다는 점도 본 논문의 의의로 꼽을 수 있겠다. 본 연구에서는 감사저널 작성 종료 6주후 추후검사를 실시하였는데, 대부분의 국내의 감사일기/일지 쓰기와 감사편지 쓰기 연구에서 추후검사 결과를 보고하지 않은 점에 비추어볼 때, 본 연구에서 개입기간 종료 후 감사저널을 작성하지 않는 조건에서 사후의 변화가 유지되는지 까지 보고했다는 점도 의의가 있다고 할 수 있 겠다. 추후검사 결과, 정적정서비율은 유의하게 증가했지만 사후검사에서 나타났던 감사의 증가, 우울의 감소, 소진총점의 감소 등이 추후검사결과에서 사라진 것을 볼 때, 감사저널의 효과는 저널을 계속해서 써야 유지되는 것이 아닌가 한다.

      • Olivier Messiaen의 작품에 나타난 인도음악적 요소에 관한 고찰 : Catalogue d'oiseaux를 중심으로

        박경화 숙명여자대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In the beginning of the 20th century, there was a great deal of development and change in fields of politics, society, economics, science, art and industrial technique. Influenced by these changes, music moved into new directions, many composers sought to create different kinds of music. Olivier Messiaen(1908-1992) joined the new trend of music and established his own unique techniques being influenced by eastern music. As he described in his book <The Technique of My Musical Language>, his works are made on the basis of other country's various influences, especially Hindu Music. Notably he establised his basic system of rhythm, that is "non-retrogradable rhythm", "added value" and rhythm of "inexact augmentation and dimiution". (R gavardhana). All of these were based on Hindu rhythm. ('R gavardhana', 'Candrakal ', 'Lacksm sa', 'Vijaya', 'Simhavikridita', 'Nihcankalila', 'Gajalila', 'Caccari', 'Pratitala', 'Kankala', 'Garugi'). It might be possible to think that "the modes of limited transposition" might be also influnced by Hindu Music. This theis study the composed of thirteenth pieces <Catalogue d'osieaux>(1956-58), especially, in the third piece "La Merle bleu", was used at the most various way. <Catalogue d'osieaux> used various Hindu rhythms, drone, and "the modes of limited transposition". R gavardhana, Candrakal , Lacksm sa which were used in this music. Messiaen used it very different way. First usage of dependent way, second usage of retrograde, augmentation, diminution and these were connected one way which was linking rhythm pattern. Messiaen attatched R gavardhana, Candrakal , Lacksm sa as one way which was called 'tala I'. Especially, drone was emphasized in the seventh piece. Drone appeared as a harmony, trill and ornament mark. And then drone was effected by repetition of note and harmony. Like this Messiaen used not only Hindu rhythm but drone and 'raga', construction of melody. In fact, all through his works could see the fact that Messaien not only used Hindu rhythm as a it is but also makes Hindu rhythm into his own new music as a way of "non-retrogradable rhythm", "added value" and rhythm of "inexact augmentation and dimiution".

      • 키치패션의 조형미 연구

        박경화 弘益大學校 産業美術大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        21세기 사회구조가 다원화되면서 소비자의 의식구조도 개성을 중심으로 자신을 표출하는 형태로 변화하여 자기만족을 지향하는 사고로 전환되었다. 이와 같은 현대 산업사회에서는 대중소비문화가 커다란 계층을 형성하고 있으며 사물을 소비하는 키치적 태도를 통해 가시화된 외적 형식뿐만이 아닌 향수와 과시, 정체성의 확인, 욕망과 소외의 해소를 소비하는 내적인 의미가 깊이 관여하게 되는 것이다. 동시에 수요와 공급, 생산과 소비라는 경제적 문제까지도 유기적으로 통합하는 역할을 하게 되었으며 산업구 조를 형성하는 주요한 전략적 요소로서 다양하게 작용하고 있다. 이러한 키치현상은 문학, 건축, 음악, 디자인, 광고, 영화 등의 광범위한 예술분야로 미적 범주를 확대되어 키치의 영역으로 다뤄지고 있다. 키치는 현시대의 이러한 특성을 잘 반영하는 사회문화현상이며 사물과 인간존재 사이의 관계유형이라는 포괄적 특성으로 이해되는 삶의 한 방식으로서 가장 널리 쓰이는 용어이자 하나의 국제적 공식 용어로 사용되고 있으며 사회가 변해가는 시대성에 따라 의미를 더욱 확고히 하는 절충의 문화이기도 하다. 이러한 문화적인 코드를 반영하는 키치의 커다란 조류의 흐름을 파악함으로써 패션도 그 중 한 부분을 지칭하는 것으로 기존의 문화에서 차별성을 드러내는 범주화된 스타일을 키치패션으로 하였다. 키치적 요소에서 끊임없는 영감을 제공받는 키치패션이 영향력 있게 자리하고 있는 양상을 실증적 시즌별 컬렉션 분석을 통해 키치적 표현과 특성을 확인한 결과 키치패션에서 분석된 조형적 특성과 여기서 도출된 미적 가치의 작용은 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 키치패션은 신체를 무시하는 부적합한 배열로서 착장의 오류를 발생시키고 부적절하게 혼합되어 비대칭한 스타일을 이루었다. 방향, 균형 등의 조합에 있어서도 극도로 강조된 중층적 혼재를 유발하는 부조화의 색채를 사용하였으며 재료나 형태, 크기 등의 결합에 있어서도 차별화를 위한 집합적 표현으로 작용하는 독특한 질감의 이질적 요소들이 강한 소재를 미스매치 시켰다. 다양한 산업재료를 활용한 조악한 형태의 조잡한 문양을 선호하였으며 싸구려 악세사리의 사용으로 산만하고 과잉된 장식이라는 미적 특성을 보였다. 이러한 특성은 내적인 의미와 다양한 소통을 이룸으로서 다음과 같이 상호작용(Interaction)을 갖게 되었다. 비합리적 사고와 감각을 자극하는 방식으로서 낡은 이미지를 추구하는 초월적인 노스텔지아를 지향하는 향수적 태도를 나타냈으며, 노골적인 관능과 미적 부적절성을 갖춘 노출로 대담하게 표현하는 자극적인 선정미를 표현하였다. 또한 불필요한 기능의 누적으로 본연의 기능에 키치적 요소를 부가하여 왜곡하는 통속적인 풍자미를 연출하였으며, 기성세대와 사회의 억압적 요소를 거부하고 해방을 추구하는 충격과 파괴의 작위적 일탈과 저항미를 보였다. 장난스럽고 익살스런 키치적 경향에서는 독특하며 새로운 양식을 전달하는 자기기만의 흥취로운 유머를 표현하는 미적 가치를 지니고 있었다. 오늘날의 패션은 점차 복합성과 다양성이 확대되어 대중문화와 고급문화, 기술과 예술, 형식과 의미에서도 상호작용이 활발해 지고 있으며 이로 인해 키치의 효과와 가치를 원천으로 하는 키치패션이 영향을 미칠 것으로 보인다. 따라서 키치적 표현의 활용을 통해 크리에이티브를 증진시키고 소비자들의 미적 가치를 형성시키는 키치패션을 제시한다면 현시대의 다양한 표현양식의 원천으로 작용할 뿐만 아니라 한층 더 나아가 내적인 가치를 반영한 21세기의 디자인 방향을 제시하는 신호체계로서 작용할 수 있을 것이다. Since social structure of 21 century becomes plural, consciousness structure of consumers has been changed into showing one's own characteristics and turned to look for self-satisfaction. In modern industrial society, mass consumption culture forms a high class and not only external form that is visualized but also culture of internal meaning like consumption of dissolution of desires and isolation, confirmation of identity, showing off and nostalgia is deeply involved through kitsch attitude. At the same time, economical problems like supply and demand, production and consumption is integrated organically, and acts variously as important strategical elements to from industrial structure. This kitsch situation expands its aesthetic range to vast artistic areas like literature, architecture, music, design, advertising, movies, etc. treated a s the range of kitsch. Kitsch is social and culture1 phenomena that reflects these attributes of present age well, the most widely used term a s a way of life to be understood in an inclusive characteristic called relation type between objects and human beings, an official term used all over the world, and compromising culture that concretes the meaning more firmly following ages where society changes. By understanding the flow of large currents of kitsch reflecting these cultural codes, fashion is designated a s a part of it, so categorized style showing differentiation from the existing culture is kitsch-fashion. Kitsch expression and characteristic are confirmed to find an aspect of in fluential position of kitsch-fashion provided with endless inspiration in kitsch elements through positive seasonal collection analysis. The formative characteristic analyzed in kitsch-fashion and the process of the aesthetic value derived from this can be summarized as follows. As Kitsch fashion is incongruous arrangement ignoring, body, it makes asymmetrical style mixing incongruently and generating errors of wear. It also uses disharmonious color inducing extremely emphasized middle class chaos in combination like direction or balance. Strong materials with heterogeneous elements of unique fiber that acts as collective expression to differentiate in combination of materials, shapes or sizes. Coarse marks with crude shape using various industrial materials is preferred, and aesthetic characteristic decorating vaguely and excessively with cheap accessaries is shown. This characteristic has interaction with internal meaning, so it is possible to approach with various communication. Homesick attitude toward transcendent nostalgia pursuing old images by stimulating irrational thoughts and senses appears, and exciting sexual beauty expressing daringly exposure with naked sense and aesthetic impropriety is presented. Also, due to accumulation of unnecessary functions, popular sarcasm contorting by adding kitsch element to natural function is produced. Restraining factors of old generations and society is denied, and resistant beauty and artificial aberration of destruction and shock pursuing liberation is found. Funny and droll kitsch trend has its own aesthetic value expressing interesting humor to deliver new and distinctive form. Today's fashion has expanded complexity and diversity gradually and had vigorous interaction in mass culture and fancy culture, technology and art, formality and meaning, which seems to effect kitsch-fashion based on kitsch effect and value. Therefore, if creativity is increased through use of kitsch expression and kitsch-fashion is suggested to from aesthetic value of consumers, it might not only work a s the source to express various forms of the present age but also be a way to approach a s signal system presenting 21st century's design with reflection of internal value further.

      • 놀이치료자의 전문적 경험, 자기애 및 내담아동의 특성과 치료관계 : 놀이치료자의 지각을 중심으로

        박경화 수원대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        A play therapy is an interpersonal process that well-trained therapists apply the therapeutic power of play in a systematic way in order to offer a helping hand to client children who face psychological problems. The therapeutic relationship between them and children is one of integral factors to encourage the children to get into their own inner world to exert their true self, and psychological treatment cannot be successful without creating that relationship. The therapeutic relationship is under the sustained influence of the personal characteristics of therapists and of client children while psychological treatment is provided, but there haven't been sufficient studies to confirm the link between the characteristics of therapists and the therapeutic relationship. Furthermore, existing studies have produced lots of contradictory results about the therapeutic relationship and the characteristics of client children. Narcissism, which leads to a lack of interpersonal skills and empathy, is one of the characteristics that both clients and therapists have, and that is likely to exert a negative influence on the therapeutic relationship. The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation among the professional experiences and narcissism of play therapists, the characteristics of client children and their therapeutic relationship. The subjects in this study were 186 play therapists who provided play therapy in three sessions or more to client children at child counseling centers, hospitals and college-affiliated counseling centers in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Cheonan. The inventory used to assess the narcissism of the play therapists was Kang Seon-hee and Jeong Nam-woon(2002)'s one that catered to nonclinical groups based on Ahktar and Thompson(1982)'s clinical characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder. To assess their perception of the therapeutic relationship, Bang Eun-ryeong and Choi Myeng-seon(2004)'s validified inventory was utilized, which adapted foreign therapeutic relationship scales(Kronmueller, et. al., 2003; Shirk & Saiz, 1992). The collected data were analyzed with a SPSS program to get statistical data on frequency and percentage, and Cronbach alpha coefficients that indicated internal consistency were calculated to verify the reliability of the data on the narcissism of the play therapists and their perceived therapeutic relationship. To see if their professional experience made any differences to their therapeutic relationship, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe post-hoc analysis were employed, and Pearson correlation coefficients were figured out to look for connections between their narcissism and therapeutic relationship. Besides, multiple regression analysis was carried out to find out the relative influence of their professional experience, narcissism and the characteristics of client children on the therapeutic relationship. The findings of the study about the posed research questions were as follows: First, as for the impact of the professional experience of the play therapists on the therapeutic relationship, the better-educated play therapists found themselves to be in a more therapeutic helping relationship with their client children. And those whose counseling career was longer and who provided more counseling considered themselves to have a more therapeutic helping relationship or more positive emotional relationship with client children. Second, in regard to the influence of the characteristics of client children on the therapeutic relationship, the play therapists whose client children were older thought they were in a more therapeutic helping relationship, and they deemed themselves to have a more positive emotional relationship when client children who were younger. The therapeutic helping relationship got weakest in the initial counseling stages, and the positive emotional relationship got stronger in the later stages. Those who provided counseling in 41 or more sessions found themselves to be in a more therapeutic helping relationship or more positive emotional relationship. Third, regarding correlation between the narcissism of the play therapists and perceived therapeutic relationship, there was a negative correlation between the two. A severer goal instability, more over- sensitiveness/fragility and more timidity/non-confidence was followed by a less perception of the positive emotional relationship. Finally, as to the relative influence of the professional experience and narcissism of the play therapists and the characteristics of client children on the therapeutic relationship, the number of counseling cases, part of their professional experience, and child age, one of child characteristics, had the greatest impact on the therapeutic helping relationship. And the positive emotional relationship was under the influence of the number of counseling case and the timidity/non-confidence factor that were both part of professional experience.

      • 장애 아동.청소년을 위한 협력적 통합치료시 음악치료에 대한 타 영역 치료사들의 인식도 조사

        박경화 한세대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 논문은 장애 아동. 청소년을 대상으로 협력적 통합치료를 할때 타 영역 아동치료사의 음악치료에 대한 인식도 연구로, 결과와 논의는 첫째, 음악치료에 대한 타 영역 치료사들은 매우 긍정적인 인식을 보였지만, 이는 음악매체가 가잔 특성에 대한 긍정적 인식으로 음악치료의 치료적 긍정적 이해로 보기에는 부족한 결과를 나타냈다. 둘째, 음악치료 효과가 긍정적인 보고가 있으나, 음악치료에 대해 보조적인 치료로 인지하고 있는 것으로 나타나 음악치료의 과학적이고 체계적인 근거들의 부족으로 인해, 일차적 치료로서의 음악치료 역할에 대해서 그 인식이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째. 본 연구를 통해 타 학문과의 협력을 통한 통합치료적 접근의 필요를 매우 긍정적으로 인식하고 있음에도 불구하고 타 영역 치료사들의 음악치료와의 협력적 치료에 대해 비교적 낮은 것으로 응답 하였다. 이상으로 볼때, 타 영역치료사들은 음악치료에 대한 막연한 기대와 효과로 '음악'이라는 매체에 대한 기대와 효과의 측면에서 음악치료를 인식한 것으로 보인다. 그러므로 음악치료사는 음악이란 매체에 대한 것이 아닌, 음악치료라는 그 전문 영역에 대한 기대와 인식을 높이기 위해, 더 과학적이고 체계적인 연구를 통해 이론적 근거를 제세하여 줌으로써, 협력적 치료를 위한 음악치료의 효과를 실제적이고 구체적으로 입증하여야 할 것이다.

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