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        어문규범 갖추기에 쏟은 조선어학회의 노력

        리의도 ( Lee Ui-do ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2013 국제어문 Vol.59 No.-

        조선어사전 편찬은 국어연구학회(1908)로부터 조선어연구회에 이르기까지 조선어학회의 중요한 과업이었다. 초창기부터 나름대로 노력했으나 뚜렷한 성과를 내지 못하다가, 1929년 한글날에 조선민족 각계의 인사로 조선어사전편찬회를 발기하여 사전 편찬 작업을 본격화하였다. 하지만 작업이 원활하게 진행되지 않아 1936년 4월에는 편찬회를 해산하고 모든 일을 조선어학회에서 실행하였다. 그렇게 사업을 진행하는 중에도 여러 위기를 겪었다. 재정적인 어려움은 기본이요, 말로 다할 수 없는 `조선어학회 수난`까지 겪었으며, 민족 분단과 6·25 전쟁의 피해도 있었다. 하지만 끝내 포기하지 않고 작업을 계속하여 1957년에 `민족적 권위`를 가진 대사전을 완간하였다. 조선민족의 머리와 손과 힘으로 이루어 낸 한겨레말 사전, 『(조선말) 큰사전』이었다. 그것은 조선민족 말글살이의 준거가 되었으며, 그 이후 모든 한국어사전의 본보기가 되고 출발점이 되었다. 사전 편찬과 병행하여 「한글맞춤법 통일안」, 「외래어 표기법 통일안」, 「일본어음 표기법」 등을 제정하였다. 그 모두 조선민족의 자유 의지로 이루어 낸 `조선어의 한글 표기법`이며, 『(조선말) 큰사전』 탄생의 초석이 되었다. 특히 「한글맞춤법 통일안」은 조선어의 특성을 제대로 반영하고 조선민족의 지혜를 결집한 것으로, 단기간에 한국어 공동체의 공식 표기법으로 자리 잡았다. 어휘 수집과 표준어 사정(査定), 각종 표기법 제정, 대사전의 편찬과 간행, 그 하나하나가 방대한 사업인데, 조선어학회는 제 한 몸 가누기도 어렵던 질곡 속에서 그런 모든 일을 한꺼번에 성공적으로 해내었다. 그러한 희생과 노력이 있었기에 8·15 광복과 동시에 한겨레는 시행착오 없이 겨레말 교육에 매진할 수 있었던 것이다. 또 하나 중요한 점은 그런 일들을 광범위한 참여 속에서 진행했다는 점이다. 각계각층의 사람들을 여건과 능력에 따라 참여하게 했으며, 자유롭지 못한 여건 속에서도 공론의 과정을 거치는 데에 소홀하지 않았다. 그렇게 함으로써 폭넓은 관심과 공감과 신뢰를 얻게 되었고, 그것은 성공의 밑거름이 되었다. 실로 조선어학회의 어문규범 갖추기는 민족의 총력―지력, 금력, 심력이 조화롭게 융합된 결정체였다. Compilation of Korean language dictionary was a crucial task for each of the Society from `the Gugeo Yeongu Hakhoe`(국어연구학회) to `the Joseoneo Hakhoe`(조선어학회, the Joseon Language Society). But, due to several reasons, it wasn`t achieved. On Hangeul Day in 1929, some famous people from various areas of the Korean race established `the Committee for Compilation of Joseon Language Dictionary`(조선어사전 편찬회) and kicked into high gear to work for it. In April, 1936, it was dispersed and instead the Joseoneo Hakhoe became to plan and execute all the work for it. While they worked for compilation and publication of it, they had to pass through many crises. They were suffered from financial difficulties as well as `the ordeal of the Joseoneo Hakhoe` which can`t be described in words. They were also damaged by the Korean War. But they were never disappointed but continued their work for compilation and publication of it. Finally, they made a dictionary, with pro `racial authority`, which they had been longing for such a long time. It was (Joseonmal) Keunsajeon (조선말 큰사전, the Unabridged Dictionary for Joseon language) that was made by brains, hands and powers of the Korean race. It became a criterion of verbal and written language life for the Korean race. Since then, it has become a model as well as starting point for all of the dictionaries of Korean language. In parallel with compilation of the dictionary, “Hangeul Matchumbeop Tongilan”(한글맞춤법 통일안, the unified draft for Korean language orthography), “the unified draft for loan-word orthography” and “the phonetic transcription for Japanese language” were established. All of them were the Hangeul orthography for Korean language made by free-will of the Korean race and they became the foundation for the birth of (Joseonmal) Keunsajeon. Especially, as not only characteristics of Korean language is properly reflected in “Hangeul Matchumbeop Tongilan” but also wisdom of the Korean race is gathered and united in it, it has been positioned in a short period of time as an official orthography for communities where the Korean language is used. Each of assessment for standard language, establishment of orthography, compilation and publication of unabridged dictionary is so vast to accomplish but the Joseoneo Hakhoe made them successful in such an ordeal period when it wasn`t easy for every body to live their own lives through. Looking ahead the future of the Korean race in deep darkness, they carried out in silence and with prudence to arrange the basis for refined and smooth verbal and written language life. Due to such an insight, efforts and sacrifice, the Korean race could have strived for the language education for the Korean race without any trials-and-errors at the same time when they were independent from Japan. Another important point to mention is that the above was processed with vast participations. The people from all ranks and classes in Seoul and other regions were made to participate depending upon their individual conditions and abilities, and also it wasn`t neglected to go through the process to have public opinions even under the restricted conditions. By doing that, not only social concerns and interests were gathered but also trust and sympathy were gained, which made it successful for the Joseoneo Hakhoe to arrange norms for verbal and written Korean language. Truly, arrangement of norms for both verbal and written Korean language by the Joseoneo Hakhoe is a kind of a crystal total power of the race is blended with harmony; the power of wisdom, the power of wealth and the power of mind.

      • KCI등재

        한국 언론매체의 말글과 어문 규범

        리의도 ( Ui Do Lee ) 겨레어문학회 2014 겨레어문학 Vol.53 No.-

        이 작업은 현행 어문 규범에 비추어 한국 언론매체의 말글사용실상을 살펴보는것을 목적으로 진행하였다. 분석 대상은 비교적 공공성과 공간적 대표성이 강한 신문과 방송에 나타난, 언론매체 전문 종사자의 말글로 한정하였으며, 시기적으로는 2009~2010년에 생산된 자료에 집중 하였다. 모든 논의는 구체적인 용례를 토대로 진행하였으며, 구체적인 내용은 표기, 낱말, 문장, 발음으로 나누어 기술하였다. 대부분의 논의는 언론매체에 초점이 맞추어졌지만, 언어 규범에 맞추 어진 것도 있다. 언어 규범에서 발견되는 시급한 문제점으로는 사이ㅅ 표기 규정, 이.씨끝 ‘을래야’ 의 처리, 낱말 ‘내정자’의 처리 등이며, 띄 어쓰기나 표준 발음과 관련해서도 중의를 확인해 볼 점이 없지 않음을 확인하였다. 언어 규범과 언론매체의 말글은 매우 밀접한 관계에 있다. 그 둘의 사 이가 어긋나거나 멀어져 있으면 국민은 혼란스럽고 불안한 상태로 빠져 든다. 그러니 언론매체의 말글과 언어 규범이 따로 놀지 않도록 서로 노 력해 나가야 한다. 하지만 서로의 일탈을 뒷받침하거나 옹호해 주는 형 국은 경계해야 할 것이다. 여기서 논의하고 기술한 것이 언론매체 말글의 전체상이라 할수 없다. 더 살펴야 할 부분이 많으며, 좀 더 폭넓게 정밀히 논의해야 할 사항 도 있다. 앞으로 더 합리적이고 유익한 연구가 이어지기를 기대한다. 1. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of language in Korean press media based on the current Korean language standard. The scope of press media was limited to quasi-public national newspapers and broadcasts, and the languages used on such press media by media professionals were analyzed and discussed. The study focused on languages produced and disseminated during 2009~2010. Sources created before 2009 were also reviewed as needed. All discussions were conducted specifically with practical examples. The contents was written in categories of spellings, words, sentences and pronunciation for convenience purposes. As a result, major parts of this study had been distributed to analyze and discuss the language of press media but, it was also focused on the issues of the Korean language standard at times. Urgent issues in the current Korean language standard stressed out in this study are: ‘sai(inter) ㅅ’ rule, use of connective ending ‘eullaeya( 을래야)’ and use of the word ‘naejeongja( 내정자)’. There also can be issues to be considered in word spacing(띄어쓰기) and Korean standard pronunciation rules. 2. Language standards do not exist for the languages of press media, and the languages of press media also do not exist for thelanguage standards. However, those two are very closely connected, and both influence language users`` use of language in great amount. When the two are inconsistent, language users fall into a state of confusion and anxiety. Therefore, the languages of press media and language standards shall provide efforts to stay consistent. However, it is also not advisable for the two to stay consistent unconditionally. The basics of Korean language shall be maintained while attempts to establish and expand the identity of Korean language are accompanied. It is not desirable when the two collude to support or protect each other``s deviations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「우리말 가르치는 길잡이 2007」에 대한 검토

        리의도(Lee, Ui-do) 우리말교육현장학회 2009 우리말교육현장연구 Vol.3 No.2

        전국국어교사모임에서는 나름대로 「우리말 가르치는 길잡이 2007」이라는 교육과정을 짰고, 그에 기초하여 새로운 교제를 편찬하고 있다. 이 글에서는 그 「우리말 가르치는 길잡이 2007」 ‘말본’ 영역의 구체적인 사안을 검토∙비평하였다. ‘내용 체계’와 초등학교의 ‘내용’에 관하여 중점적으로 논의하였는데 내용 체계에는 전체적으로 가다듬어야 할 점이 적지 않음을 확인하고 수정안을 제시하였다. 초등학교의 내용에 관한 것은 음운과 낱자, 음절과 글자, 발음법으로 나누어 각각 문제점이나 유의점을 논의하였으며, 끝으로 낱말과 월을 다룰 때에 유의할 점도 간략하게 지적하였다. The Federation of Teachers of the Korean made the curriculum "A Guide 2007 to Korean Studies" and it is publishing a new textbook based on that curriculum. This paper examines and criticizes the 'grammar' domain of that curriculum. We focus on discussing 'the organization of contents' and 'contents' of the elementary school course. We found many of the organization of contents to be corrected on the whole and suggested the revised. We divided contents to the elementary schools into phonemes and letters, syllables and characters, and pronunciation, raised questions, and discussed point to be noted. Finally, we briefly indicated points needing attention on handling words and sentences.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 말소리와 한글 기호의 상관성

        리의도 ( Ui Do Lee ) 한말연구학회 2012 한말연구 Vol.- No.30

        The Hangeul symbol that indicate the phoneme (and phoneme chain) is called ``낱자/Natja``(letter), and fundamentally, the Hangeul symbol that indicate the syllable is called ``글자/Geulja``(syllable sign). The shape of Natja and Geulja adequately display the nature of each phoneme and syllable of the Korean language, but there are exceptions. However, this fact is not properly reflected even in man­ agement regulations of the Korean nation. As a result, erroneous information related to the Korean language and the Korean alphabet Hangeul is significantly distributed in various parts and outside of Korea. Wrongful information and understanding reduce the effect of teaching and learning the Korean language and Hangeul, and becomes a disability in propagating them internationally. Based on the above perception, the problems in relation to Natja and Geulja, and the Korean phoneme and syllable are discussed in detail and brought to attention. The problem caused by processing diphthongs as one branch of the vowel has been discussed, and the ``consonant, vowel`` and ``consonant letter, vowel letter`` have indi­ vidually been emphasized for strict classification. Furthermore, the problem of the ``chart of basic syllables``(기본 음절표) that has been included in the elementary school textbook for a long time has been pointed out, and the ``chart of syllable signs without the final conso­ nant letter``(민받침글자표), the new ``chart of basic syllables`` founded on the vowel of the Korean language has been proposed. Also, the blind faith on the basis of Hangeul has been pointed out as an important cause of various errors. Related organizations and agencies had better make correction and supplement regulations of the Korean language and Hangeul as soon as possible, and should take actions to educate and distribute them.

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      • KCI등재

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